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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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hi all, woohoo. Doing the new dance dress dance. I have a friend who gets 2 new ballgowns made every year by our teacher Elizabeth so she is getting quite a collection. She was planning to sell a couple at the South Pacifics this weekend so I asked if I could try a couple on. Well you could have blown me over with a feather - they both fit me except they are a little long. Julie is quite a bit taller than me but they actually fit. I didn't realise I had lost that much weight. :D I actually tried on my own ballgown as well last night that I made last year. Only worn it twice. It was way too big. I would have needed to take it in at least 6 inches on the sides to fit - it is stretch material but even so, it would have looked weird so I had no choice. I bought a beautiful purple/pink floral gown for $750 - a bargain. It cost her over $2000 to have made with all the stones and she only wore it maybe 6 or 7 times so I am really chuffed. I just have to cut about 2 inches from the bottom. :D Mummsie

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We are getting excited about our Alaska cruise in May - still undecided what sort of clothes to take. I feel the cold a lot but reports have said that May should be around 72F which would be still quite chilly for me but Gary loves the cold so he thinks just t shirts would be fine. He thinks I am being paranoid but I just know if I don't start preparing now I will be in trouble because I won't be able to buy anything suitable if I leave it too much longer. Now moving into summer so all the winter stuff is on sale. Big dillema

Hey mummsie we'll be on the June 2nd down from Whitter to Vancouver on the Diamond. We are layering, light silk long underwear (separate tops and bottoms), long sleeve shirts, sweaters, and a light to medium water repellent jacket/anorak. We'll do some land exploration first out of Anchorage, and then the cruise. The glacier fjord areas can be quite chilling especially with wind or rain. The Tux of course for formal nights dancing.


Tropical, there is respect for Ol Lance and his immense knowledge of dance, liking the old buzzard would be a stretch.

We are watching DWTS. Why are all the men always so short? There ain't no Tommy Tunes in that group.


Abbydancer, thanks for the music info, I really feel that the right song makes the dance in many cases. I really have a hard time relating to a lot of that music.


Smooth, we'll be on the Grand for the 2nd time in Dec.. Even though it's a huge ship, it really doesn't feel that crowded most of the time. The design works well for about 3,000 people.

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thanks Gcurry. I will have to get shopping with the end of winter stuff. Don't have any long underwear :-) I do however have a new dancing dress - bought it off my girlfriend. I didn't realise I had lost THAT much weight. I tried my ballgown on the other night and it was way too big. Too big to take in in fact so I had no choice - not that I am sad. I am just amazed that the dress fitted as Julie is quite slim :-) Just a bit bummed out because I only wore it twice. At least it didn't cost me too much so I suppose I will try and sell it. Won't be around for a few weeks - my daughter gets married end of next week so I am taking a couple of weeks off - next week to do all her running around as she has just started a new job and can't get much time off and the week after to recouperate!!!:D At least I have done everything I had to do. catch you all - Mummsie

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Hi, DH and I took ballroom lessons many years ago and haven't had an opportunity to use them lately. But with a cruise on Holland American coming in November, we decided to refresh our memories. I found this thread and started reading it on Wed morning. I got so excited that I suggested that we start our refresher courses on Wednesday night and DH agreed. So Wed night, we got out our old practice music and gave it a try. He did sooooo good. At first he was like many of the fellas mentioned here - no confidence and no hip montion when we started years ago. I had the natural rythm and passion for dancing. But since it was harder for him to learn and he had to lead (my ballroom instructor would never allow ladies to lead, no way, no how) he actually remembers steps and combinations better than I do. wonderful! Samba is the dance that he did draw a blank on - but lucky us when we took our classes, he video taped them all soooooo next wed we will review tape and then practice.


Today I spent several more hours reading this thread and two things came back to me.


Argentine tango - We did a South American cruise and pre cruise we stayed in Buenos Aires and went to a touristy Tango show with dinner. We had a good bit of wine with our dinner. Then we enjoyed the Tango show at the end they wanted us all to come up on stage and dance. Several of the young show girls came down to encourage people to come up and to look for partners, I caught the girls eye and pointed at my husband. And with such a lovely young lady asking him to dance how could he refuse. So I have a great memory of seeing him up on the stage doing the tango. He did great because the stage area he had was tiny so he just did a few basics with her, I'm not even sure she could have followed more, as every one has noted social dancing and show danicing is a bit different and both take practice.


Last cruise on HAL, I ended up in the Redevous Lounge early waiting on DH to dress for dinner. I brought a book to read. One of the dance hosts found me reading my book and asked me to dance. I tried to decline but he had my hand and was going to the floor with it. Well it was a fox trot. He did the straight line walking foxtrot then tried a turn or two. then he looked me in the face with surprise and said " You can dance!" so then he took off and I held on. The next dance was a waltz and he just kept on dancing. I think I was lucky in that the rules say he has to dance with lots of ladies so he let me sit down after only two dances. By then DH had arrived and they met and the host encouraged us to dance but poor DH had not warmed up so we had a very hard time for a very short while. But I was terrified the entire time and barely enjoyed dancing, I hadn't danced with anyone but DH since our dance class days maybe 10 years previous. So anytime I hear single ladies worring about dancing on the ship, I always say go with a ship that has hosts and you will have a great time. they really love to dance and are very nice.


sorry to go on so, but you guys infected me with the dance bug again!:p

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I think dancing is like riding a bike!... You can stop for a while, but soon it all comes back to you!


The last studio we danced at there was a fellow who was a dance host on cruises, and yes he really loved it, and loves to dance. Already a good dancer, he worked with an instructor to learn a lot of steps that were easy leads so he could lead and dance with ladies that had minimal dance experience.


So I said no more comps for us for a while... Just could not stand it, so now we are registered to do a comp in November, on my birthday! The comp is local (Mystic, Tropical!) so no travel will be involved. I am looking forward to it. This comp does fun things on the evening the comp is over. They will do a dinner dance/show, with a pirate theme.... I have no idea how to find stuff to wear for this one!

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Mummsie: hope the wedding goes off perfectly... much happiness to the newlyweds!!


Happy cruzer: welcome to our group!! It's nice to know if you don't use it...you don't lose it.. -- I geuss we are really hooked as even though we don't do comps.... we keep taking lessons... and enjoy it as a hobby and time together..

that sounds fun... dancing with the dance host and all..


We are off on Adventure of the SEas on Sunday.. everything done here.. just final packing and the beauty appt this morning... and we are looking forward to checking out some clubs in San Juan tomorrow night...


Janet... do send me the website for that comp.. we have friends in the Mystic area and could definitely make a weekend out of it.. I guess we would be getting our feet wet as spectators... and joining in on some open dancing..


Well, dear Harry was voted off DWTS!! We missed the show on Tuesday ... I liked seeing Harry's progress.. do we really need to see Jerry one more week??

Gene, I agree with the choices in music... what about some real latin tunes.. -- love the judges!! :D :D


Have a great week!!

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happy cruzer,


A warm welcome to this dance thread from us, as well. We just found this recently and love to "talk" about our new passion, dancing!

We've been taking our lessons for two years now and we love the challenge of learning something new together. We wish we had started earlier. It's a perfect fit for our cruise passion and we like to think the great exercise will help us as we grow older.



xxxbonvoyage.gifxxxbonvoyage.gif tropicalsunst, have a great cruise!

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Have a great cruise Tropical.... Dont forget the pictures!!


This comp is a Fred Astire comp. It is a closed comp, that is to compete you must be a student of FA so they do not have a website for the comp. The public however is welcome to be spectators, and many many non students do attend. It is at the Mystic Marriott.


If you would like to go I can purchase tickets for you, or you can probably even go to the studio near you to buy them. We will be dancing open champ level smooth Friday day time and International Standard silver and gold Friday night.(November 10th). Saturday night is not a comp but a dinner dance and show..... They do these events great, usually a live band, dress is formal (lot of full length gowns and tux's). On friday night at the comp not a jean attire, but not formal either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all. well back at work today after 2 glorious weeks doing household stuff. Wedding went off without a hitch and the happy honeymooners are onboard the P&O Ship Pacific Sun somewhere between New Caledonia and Vanuartu today :) Their wedding waltz was fantastic - nice and dreamy with a little bit of tango in the middle to liven things up a bit. The lift at the end even went well - Shannon was a bit worried that Ben wouldn't catch her in time!!! :) We have a comp this coming Saturday. My new dress is ready to go. It took me 4 hours to cut an inch off the bottom of the skirts and do a new rolled hem. I think I worked out it was about 80 or so yards long and because it was a taffeta type material was quite slippery. Will have to get the tanning lotion out though - its got a very low back. Mummsie

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Ya know Mummsie, I need friends like you have!! I just cant even dream about purchasing 2 gowns a year and boy would I love to be able to buy someones throw aways! At 3K a dress, that is 6 months of dance lessons or a cruise, both of which I am not willing to give up.


To boot, I have zero sewing ability... So not to long ago I bought a cheap sewing machine and was so pleased with some easy curtains that I made... I figure in about 10 years I will be ready to make a gown!!


Anyway, congrads on the wedding... Did you not shed a tear or two over the waltz? I have a sister that spent her whole life driving her career and then finally at age 45 she found a partner and married... Nick and I taught her and future hubby a simple waltz and she danced it to Disneys "When you wish upon a star"..... It was so wonderful to see them dance with....yes stars in thier eyes!!!


I am waiting to hear how Tropical loved her cruise... We have a cruise coming up over the X-Mas week... I just cant wait.

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Smooth: I have some photos to send you... probably this weekend... I thought I took more pictures... don't know what happened... but this weekend I will forward them to you..please repost that link...


We had a great time... every night ...many different options to dance...however, most of the time the ballroom option was offered in the lounge with the smallest dance floor. I only saw two other couples dancing ballroom and they were only at the C & A party --we loved the latin band in the Blue Moon lounge... and enjoyed watching the folks from Sj.. dancing the Salsa and Merengue... ...They dance a different style than we learned in class...this is most frustrating to us... we learn the salsa... steps are like a fast Rhumba...where they dance a side together step ... looks simpler and soo sensual... why did I miss growing up learning that stuff??!!:rolleyes:

there were many opportunities to dance between jazz, soul, disco, latin and special "Frank Sinatra" dance and etc.

we met some great folks ..had fun "bar hopping" tho' we laughed as "veterans" we carried the same drink from venue to venue...!!


We were upgraded to a suite at the Caribe Hilton that we got off Priceline. ...our plan to hit the latin nightclubs was cut short as they start at 11pm and we found it was just as good at the hotels lounge!!


I soooo want to go back!!!


now to get back to work on our dancing!! :D

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We ballroom dance also. It's a lot of fun and really one of the highlights of our cruises. We always seem to find a couple or two that enjoy it. Sometimes you have to look around for the best place to ballroom dance. We like the waltz best, but really enjoy the rumba too. Happy dancing

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Hi all, :D WE WON!!!!:D I can't believe it. We got a 1st place in our graded standard event, a 2nd in our graded New Vogue event and amazingly we got a 4th place in the Open New Vogue. Its the best we could have done as the first second and third are regulars who always place. We were stoked. Also my son and partner got their first ever 1st place in their standard event and a 3rd in their New Vogue event. :D Mummsie

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Congratulations Mummsie! That's wonderful for you two and for your son, as well!


Hi sunshine3360. We also like the waltz, as it was the first dance we learned. The rumba has been a challenge, but a nice challenge. Now we are on the cha-cha. It's sure is great exercise!

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Way to go Mummsie, not only are you competing again, but you are winning! I'm sure you are very proud of your son as well.


Loved the California pictures Smooth, I've visited a lot of those same places, and would love to do it again.


Glad you had a good cruise Tropical, I'll bet your part of the country is beautiful now.


Keith/Rita, Sunshine, it's great seeing more cruise dancers on here along with these pros.


There are now more opportunities for Social dancing in SE Texas as our tropic heat cools down somewhat. Upper 80s this week with high winds off the gulf and 5 to 6 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. But, no named storms, so we are fine. We've danced every weekend for the last month, and sometimes twice, with more to come. Lesson's with Ole Lance every Tuesday is teaching us something new along with his usual "positive" comments about how well we are doing with steps we thought we knew. I'll attempt a "Peabody" in Fox Trot, that, should give him a coronary!!


A ships band leader we had met, sent us an email saying his band (The Barnacles) would be cruising on the Grand for the winter season. That is great news, as we'll be on the Grand Princess for a seven day in early December. So far, our Alaska cruise thread is more interested in talking about glaciers and moose then about dancing, go figure.


Howz about DWTS, anybody watching??

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thanks all. I was thrilled about Kieran and Laura winning - its been a long hard road for him. He has had 4 partners in the last 4 years - none of it his fault. All the girls left him to have boyfriends or go to Uni. My daughter and son in law got back from their honeymoon on Sunday. They are already looking at booking their next cruise - we have them hooked on cruising. They had the best time :D. I think we are going to try and do a family cruise out of Singapore in about 18 months or so. Mummsie

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Mummsie!!!! Congrats to you and your son!!! :) :)


Yes, the leaves are gorgeous... my drive to work around the reservoir is breathtaking...especially in the morning with the mist rising off the water!! unfortunately, it means raking and winter ..... but we are putting the final plans on our 5day cruise on Century late January.. I am soo glad we booked the Marriott in Miami last year precruise... hotels are booking and very expensive... didn't know the Super Bowl is in Miami this year.. and I am hoping to hit some nightspots on Saturday night..:)


I am watching DWTS... I was disappointed that Vivica A. Fox was voted off while we were away... I don't vote but she was fun to watch ....


we came back from the cruise and got heavy colds... now recovering and so have not been to dance class in weeks..


Gcurry... hope you weren't hit by all that flooding last week.

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Hi Smilin_Bob. Not sure about the Crown but on the Sapphire they offered some beginner ballroom classes on the sea days. We went to them all and had a ball even if we knew more than the teachers. Its always interesting and we did pick up some different things :) Mummsie

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Yes, the leaves are gorgeous... my drive to work around the reservoir is breathtaking...especially in the morning with the mist rising off the water!! unfortunately, it means raking and winter .....

I envy your beautiful New England falls, but not the winter. It's raining hard again in SE TX, temps in the 70s, our leaves, those that are not pine, should turn in November. Thanks for asking about the flood Tropical, we didn't have any problem. It rains heaver inland then where we are on the coast.


I am watching DWTS... I was disappointed that Vivica A. Fox was voted off while we were away... I don't vote but she was fun to watch ....

We tape the Tues. show (dance class), and watch them both Wed. evening. Jerry is gone, no surprise there, and the rest should be very competitive. Emmett is much better then Jerry Rice ever was, but Mario seems to be the one to beat. We are picking up some interesting variations of steps we already do, and enjoy watching the program, even if it is too much fluff and not enough dancing.

Just for my own education, what is a heel lead?


we came back from the cruise and got heavy colds... now recovering and so have not been to dance class in weeks.

Our Dec. 9th cruise on the Grand is fast approaching, we have a huge Cruise Critic board and everyone is getting excited. One has mentioned heavy snow today in Colorado Springs, so ready or not, here comes winter.

We should really practice more of the maneuver steps, rock turns, Sashe's, and others for the tight dance floors on the ship.

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Hi GCurry, A heel lead is basically when the man goes forward for example in the waltz. The first step is a heel lead - the heel hits the floor before the ball of foot. All standard dances use heel leads - latin its all ball flat except for a few odd steps in paso and samba. (My dancing theory does come in handy sometimes :p). So did Jerry get to do the waltz? I was reading he was hoping to get that far because of his daughter's upcoming wedding. The girl he was dancing with has been a regular on the Australian version. We are half way through series 4. Its amazing when you look back to series one - the difference in dancing standards to what they are doing now - its been a giant evolution :) Mummsie

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