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Do you order at home as you do on a ship


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I order an appetizer and salad, entree, dessert...almost every night. I have kids, so i might try food from their plates since they dont finish it.


However, I would never order all those items at home, cant afford it.

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We always order what we want to eat at each meal. The one thing that is constant for DH, DS and me is that when on Carnival we will hit the MDR for the Molten Cake every night. We may have just gotten a sandwich for dinner because we weren't very hungry or we were tired, or for whatever reason. So there are times when we go to the MDR and order the full meal, from the appetizer to dessert, but then sometimes it is just dessert. There are times that we eat an extra meal because we wanted to, there are times we skipped meals. To be honest we are on vacation and I don't have to cook or clean or think about what everybody in my family is going to eat, so I really don't care what anyone else orders or eats. Yes we talk about the food when we get back, but that is part of why we go on cruises in the first place.

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I don't order appetizers when I go out and rarely order dessert. I don't usually get espresso after dinner in a restaurant because all those costs add up.


I either have soup or salad or appetizer, but not all. Then an entree and a dessert with the espresso. Don't eat more for the most part because servings on the ship are smaller.

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I order more than one of things I know I love. There are dishes on CCL that I have never even seen offered at a local restaurant.

BTW for what it is worth, our waiter on our first cruise told me that the food cooked for passangers, but not consumed in MDR was sent down to the crew cafeteria.

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I asked this on another thread, but never got any answers. Hopefully, I will on this thread. I know some people order multiples of appetizers, entrées and desserts. When you dine out at a restaurant where you are paying per dinner, per appetizer, per entrée etc.--you get the picture, do you order food as you do on a ship? Do you waste as much when you are paying for a meal in itself as opposed to paying for food on a ship?


I have seen people post they or family have order 20+ lobster tails, every entrée and shared it with the table, multiple appetizers etc.


I admit that I order two lobster tails as I am allergic to the shrimp, but normally I don't order things I won't eat. I don't order things "just because I want a taste of something" or "just because I can." I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it, so why would I do it on a ship?


Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l


Our cruise dining habits are very different. We do feel we should be able to eat whatever we want but don't intentionally waste. Some things we do different:

Our kids can order off the adult menu

We order appetizers

We order 2nds if we're still hungry

We order stuff we haven't tried before because we know if we don't like it we can get something we do like.


Sorry if this offends you.:rolleyes:

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Always order multiple items. Depends on the menu that evening. Like any vacation, a cruise for me is time to try new things or have "old favorites". My wife and I have dinner at home most nights, so cruising is a chance to have things we don't make. It is like eating out 7 nights in a row - which is a nice treat for us.


I have never made escargot at home, but always order it on the cruise.


Last time on Inspiration, they had a delicious Asian-style duck app which was incredible. Not something especially easy to make at home.


Almost always get shrimp cocktail plus one other app that sounds good. Maybe a salad. Then see what the entrees look like. Sometimes have just gotten all apps.


If we go out to eat at home, we don't get dessert - but on a cruise it is hard to resist. We always at least share the cheese plate. That is a good ending to the meal.

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I have ordered surf and turf at a restaurant and it comes as one entree whereas onboard a ship, it is two entrees. Normal restaurant servings are much larger than what they are on the ships so there is never a need to order more than one. About the only time we order appetitizers is if we got to Red Lobster which is only about once a year.

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Sure it does. If everyone started being less wasteful, Carnival would notice that they're only using 4000 pork chops a week now vs 5000 and they'll stop buying 5000 pork chops for a sailing. It's the "Everybody else is doing it so, why should I stop" mentality that makes it so that will never happen. There is no issue with people eating more food than normal, but those that order a bunch of entrees when they only want a few bites of each truly disgust me.



You might want to start a campaign to do something about the 500 to 600 foot high "Mount Trashmores" that surround your city before you start in on cruise ship waste.

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  • 2 months later...

On the first night on our first cruise the waiter told us to order something that we would never order in a restaurant (because we had to pay) and if we didn't like it, just tell him and he would bring something else. He said a cruise is the time to be adventurous and break out of your "at home" habits since it costs nothing to switch to something you like. I thought those were words to live by, although I try very hard to not be wasteful.

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I always order one of each (appetizer, salad, entree, dessert) every night. It is not often that your food choices is included in the price of your vacation. I usually have menu items that are familiar to me, but if something out of the ordinary appears on the menu, I will definitely consider it.


The portion sizes are perfect, and I never feel as if I need to order 2 of something - unless we're talking about the lobsters on the Surf & Turf at the First Cruise Elegant night. My husband and I both order one lobster tail, one prime rib, and split a second lobster tail.


No food goes to waste with us!

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i always try something new when i cruise. i have found that i love escargot, lamb and many fish dishes i would never try at home because of the cost. i love to be adventurous in the dinning room or at the lido. and like you were told, i can always order something else if i dont like it. sweet :D

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No one is going to be able to shame me into eating something I don't like the taste of. What's the point of holding my nose and gagging something down just to appease someone else. :o But if you are sitting at my table you are welcome to eat it if you don't want to see it go to "waste".

:D Lol. I'm with you - there's no way I'm going to choke something down if it turns out I don't like it. And on a cruise, I am going to order some things I haven't tried before. I don't set out to order multiple appetizers, desserts, but if I see 2 appetizers on the menu that look wonderful I might order both.


I don't eat like this at home, but at home I try to stick to a lower calorie diet. I'm not working out as much as I do on a cruise, or climbing stairs from morning til night.


I don't think most people on a cruise are looking at what others order and judging them on it. At least I hope not.

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I asked this on another thread, but never got any answers. Hopefully, I will on this thread. I know some people order multiples of appetizers, entrées and desserts. When you dine out at a restaurant where you are paying per dinner, per appetizer, per entrée etc.--you get the picture, do you order food as you do on a ship? Do you waste as much when you are paying for a meal in itself as opposed to paying for food on a ship?


I have seen people post they or family have order 20+ lobster tails, every entrée and shared it with the table, multiple appetizers etc.


I admit that I order two lobster tails as I am allergic to the shrimp, but normally I don't order things I won't eat. I don't order things "just because I want a taste of something" or "just because I can." I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it, so why would I do it on a ship?


Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l



I order a bit more than I usually do, but I eat it. I think the cruise staff is also a bit wasteful. When we were on the Triumph last March, I ordered a steak entree and asked for a small side of ribs, I did not want the WHOLE rib meal. The waiter brought me out a full rib meal with all the trimmings along with the meal I ordered. There was no way I could ever eat that. Also one night I could not decide between the melting cake or apple crisp, I ended up ordering the apple dessert. He showed up with both desserts. I said no thanks, but he left both of them on my table. Several other times I tried to order just a side of something and would get a huge amount.


For the record, before somebody asks....I do not look like a big eater. I am a very average size person. ( I only put this here before somebody asks) I am in NO WAY trying to say larger people should get more food. People can have a weight problem without having an eating problem. My sister has a weight problem and has a very healthy diet. She has other medical issues.

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I order a bit more than I usually do, but I eat it. I think the cruise staff is also a bit wasteful. When we were on the Triumph last March, I ordered a steak entree and asked for a small side of ribs, I did not want the WHOLE rib meal. The waiter brought me out a full rib meal with all the trimmings along with the meal I ordered. There was no way I could ever eat that. Also one night I could not decide between the melting cake or apple crisp, I ended up ordering the apple dessert. He showed up with both desserts. I said no thanks, but he left both of them on my table. Several other times I tried to order just a side of something and would get a huge amount. .


It's easier for the waiters to pick up a fully plated item from the kitchen than it is to get "just a side" of something. That's why they do it that way. To get just one item from an order upsets the flow of the kitchen and service. If you're worried about waste, share it with your table mates.

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I asked this on another thread, but never got any answers. Hopefully, I will on this thread. I know some people order multiples of appetizers, entrées and desserts. When you dine out at a restaurant where you are paying per dinner, per appetizer, per entrée etc.--you get the picture, do you order food as you do on a ship? Do you waste as much when you are paying for a meal in itself as opposed to paying for food on a ship?


I have seen people post they or family have order 20+ lobster tails, every entrée and shared it with the table, multiple appetizers etc.


I admit that I order two lobster tails as I am allergic to the shrimp, but normally I don't order things I won't eat. I don't order things "just because I want a taste of something" or "just because I can." I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it, so why would I do it on a ship?


Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l


I have never ordered and extra meal at dinner on a ship unless it was offered to me becasue the first one was bad or something. I don't understand how someone would get the nerve to order 20 lobsters (I understand thats and exageration).


All this does is put the prices down, don't be shocked with they no longer have the lobster tails for dinner on Carnival as you know it's coming......

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I usually order one of each course and a coffee or cappucino. I am not a member of the clean plate club. I eat some of each course and if there is one item i really love I will eat most of it. But that is how I eat if I go to a fixed menu multi-course meal at home. (like a wine-pairing meal)

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I occasionally order two appetizers, I find them a bit small and I don't order or eat the salads. As for entree's I will sometimes order two, mostly due to my not liking the sides that are with some of them so I am left with a rather small entree so I will combine two to get something I would prefer. Also sometimes I do order the two because it gives me the opportunity to order something I may not normally order. I will not order something in a restaurant that I am paying for because if the meal isn't too my liking then I have paid for something that I don't end up eating.


Most of the time I skip the deserts as again I would prefer something just a bit more simple and most of their deserts are way too sweet for me. I prefer just a nice basic piece of cake, icecream, etc.

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I am the embodiment of the Carnival commercial that talks about how "something happens" when you cross over onto a cruise ship and start trying new things.


We have an inside joke in my house that when I cruise, my name is Lola, not Laura, because I am a different person on a cruise. LOL! I am normally a very picky eater at home, but on a ship, I will try sashimi (raw fish) even though I HATE seafood. I will try just about anything, and even ate iguana and iguana eggs for lunch during our last cruise! :eek:


So yes - I will sometimes order 2 appetizers, or order something I normally would turn my nose up at, because I have the "safety net" of being able to order something different if I don't like it. Also, sometimes two of my faves are featured and I want to sample both (e.g., strawberry bisque and turkey carbonara).


Our wait staff has never had a problem with, and even encouraged my Lola personality. For example, on the Glory last year, I ordered a pasta dish as an entree and it was just...bland. I picked at it, but didn't really eat more than a few bites. Hubby shared some of his entree with me (it was braised short ribs and delish!) Our waiter saw that I wasn't eating my meal and asked if it was not good.


"Not as good as his," I admitted, pointing to my hubby's.


The waiter insisted he bring me another entree, and I declined twice, but then the assistant waiter and I think even the maitre D' got involved (or maybe it was the head waiter...can't remember which), and I said ok. They were happy to accommodate me and checked on me a couple of times after I received my own short ribs to make sure it was to my satisfaction. Indeed it was! :D

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  • 2 years later...

It's pretty close to what I order at home when dining out with one exception. Two out of the seven nights on the last cruise I took I had dessert at dinner. At home I never order dessert. / I'm not a big fan of overeating though -- don't want to feel lethargic or gain the weight, so in general I like to think less is more.

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Usually one of each course but never dessert (too full by then).


The problem comes in when I fix breakfast from my family and myself:) I have him grab a seat while I get our breakfast from the buffet and you should see the side eyes that I get while fixing the plate. I get enough for us to eat family style. I guess they think that all of the food is for me but I don't care, it's none of their business.

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Virga, I'll sit near you, ditto to what you said. I'll not be wasteful of what I've ordered and indeed, I did pay for my meal and service. Thanks to Carnival I have now tried lobster, escargot, pumpkin soup, chocolate melting cake, smoked salmon (lox), prosciutto, bitter and blanc.... I doubt I would have tried these things if in a restaurant setting - Sheesh, a lot of the things I eat on a cruise I wouldn't even know where to find it in a restaurant near me without paying another fortune.

Anyone who turns up their nose at me while ordering a second serving of whatever I want has more issues than I care to handle while on a well deserved, hard earned vacation.


Couldn't agree more with both of you!!!!

I usually try to eat different kinds of food on a cruise than I would usually cook at home or eat in a regular restaurant at home.

As for the servers encouraging you to order more it's true, I had a waiter on a cruise a few years ago tell me there was only a couple tiger shrimp on the meal I ordered so he brought two plates, also before I was aware of being able to order more than one thing in the MDR I jokingly told the server I would have one of everything on the dessert menu when he said okay I was like I was only kidding and he said you ordered it I'm bringing it, he did!!!!...my wife was horrified :D :eek: BTW, I finished all desserts and didn't waste a thing!! :)

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