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Is it ok to share a beverage package?

Mr. Luckytoo

Is it acceptable to share a beverage package?  

399 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it acceptable to share a beverage package?

    • It is never ok, it's theft
    • It's not right but sharing a drink a few times is ok
    • Its ok because I don't drink that much everyday
    • I know it's probably not ok but I'll probably share with my spouse
    • It's ok because Celebrity makes enough money
    • I never reall thought about it

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Seriously.... there's another thread that has beaten this topic to death.


Move on to cruising topics. :(




Since they offer the beverage package on the cruise then isn't this a cruising topic?


I've been reading the responses and after 12 pages I wondered how my fellow CC readers felt - sorry but I'm a numbers guy.

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I'm glad you did this, because it lets those who think it is alright to steal see that they are in the VAST MINORITY....


The majority of us know that morals and character are worth a lot more than the few $$ you are stealing. You pay with your self respect. :rolleyes:


Enough said.;)

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I'm glad you did this, because it lets those who think it is alright to steal see that they are in the VAST MINORITY....


The majority of us know that morals and character are worth a lot more than the few $$ you are stealing. You pay with your self respect. :rolleyes:


Enough said.;)


It's still depressing to see that a third of the respondents think it's OK to steal. Doesn't speak well about society in general. And I thought that Celebrity cruisers in general were better people than the norm. That a third don't immediately think it's not right is a quite disappointing.

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As of the time of this posting, 19% of those who had voted went with this option:


It's not right, but sharing a drink a few times is ok.


It saddens me greatly that so many people could have been trained (by parents, teachers, peers, pastors?) to think so illogically! If human minds are in such shabby condition, there is no hope for civilization to continue.


It is absolutely RIDICULOUS for someone to say, in one breath, that an action is "not right" -- and yet to say, a half a breath later, that the same action "is ok" if done "a few times."


This way of thinking for an adult is totally inexcusable. It is something that one used to find done only by little children and juvenile delinquents! If something is "not right," it is WRONG ... and doing something wrong is NEVER "ok" -- not once, not "a few times," not ever!


Case closed.


Well, wait a minute. On re-reading the choice, I can see that it is ambiguous, and that may have caused SOME people to vote for it. The problem is the word, "sharing." If it means "sharing the package" or "splitting some drinks" with a second person, THAT would be wrong. But if "sharing" means letting a spouse take one sip, to find out if he/she would enjoy ordering a second (fully-paid-for) drink, that would not be improper, because there would be no intent to cheat the cruise line.

Edited by jg51
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Well, wait a minute. On re-reading the choice, I can see that it is ambiguous, and that may have caused SOME people to vote for it. The problem is the word, "sharing." If it means "sharing the package" or "splitting some drinks" with a second person, THAT would be wrong. But if "sharing" means letting a spouse take one sip, to find out if he/she would enjoy ordering a second (fully-paid-for) drink, that would not be improper, because there would be no intent to cheat the cruise line.


And this statement is the EXACT reason why the policing of the policy AND the decision about what constitutes stealing needs to be LEFT UP TO CELEBRITY. You spent a whole post saying that you couldn't believe that ANYONE could interpret the "sharing a few times" option as ANYTHING but stealing, and then decided there was a caveat. Don't you think other people do the same thing? But maybe their caveats are different than yours? That's why Celebrity, the issuer of the package, gets to make the call!

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Last night DD and I went to a fast food place for a light supper. We "dined in" and ordered two subs, one bag of chips, and one regular soda. We shared the chips and the soda. Now the place has a "free refill" policy for soda - but I was OK sharing a soda because we filled the provided cup once. We did not partake of the "free refill". I would consider it "stealing" had DD and I purchased one drink and filled it more than once and shared. In such a case I would say we each should have purchased a drink.


Last cruise, DD and I purchased one virgin pina coloda while we were listening to a guitarist in a public area of the ship. We both sipped on it.


So, if my DD had had a soda card (this is only hypothetical because we are not big soda drinkers and never get drink packages), and she got one coke while we were listening and we had both sipped it -- would that have been wrong? I struggle as to whether that really would have been a different situation?


It is so different on a cruise than anywhere else -- this weekend when we are listining to to live entertainment at the "Tiki Bar" in the small vacation town where my DH is originally from -- we will both end up with our own bottle of root beer. I would not consider going to an establishment to partake of that establishment's entertainment, without purchasing something; but on-board, I'll sit and listen without feeling that I should be purchasing a beverage or something. Am I wrong in feeling that way on board?

Edited by Onessa
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If you paid a cover charge to get into the on shore music venue, then I don't think purchasing drinks is "necessary." That's what a cover charge is for. A cruise includes the music. Although there is no cover charge per se to listen to it.... that's computed into the cruise fare.

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If you paid a cover charge to get into the on shore music venue, then I don't think purchasing drinks is "necessary." That's what a cover charge is for. A cruise includes the music. Although there is no cover charge per se to listen to it.... that's computed into the cruise fare.


Good point -- hadn't thought of an implied "cover charge" in the cruise fare.


(way Up North -- no one would consider charging a cover charge :D)

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Last night DD and I went to a fast food place for a light supper. We "dined in" and ordered two subs, one bag of chips, and one regular soda. We shared the chips and the soda. Now the place has a "free refill" policy for soda - but I was OK sharing a soda because we filled the provided cup once. We did not partake of the "free refill". I would consider it "stealing" had DD and I purchased one drink and filled it more than once and shared. In such a case I would say we each should have purchased a drink.


Last cruise, DD and I purchased one virgin pina coloda while we were listening to a guitarist in a public area of the ship. We both sipped on it.


So, if my DD had had a soda card (this is only hypothetical because we are not big soda drinkers and never get drink packages), and she got one coke while we were listening and we had both sipped it -- would that have been wrong? I struggle as to whether that really would have been a different situation?


It is so different on a cruise than anywhere else -- this weekend when we are listining to to live entertainment at the "Tiki Bar" in the small vacation town where my DH is originally from -- we will both end up with our own bottle of root beer. I would not consider going to an establishment to partake of that establishment's entertainment, without purchasing something; but on-board, I'll sit and listen without feeling that I should be purchasing a beverage or something. Am I wrong in feeling that way on board?


Reading your response made me laugh. In our local shopping centre, there is a MacDonald's kiosk in the food court. The seniors can spend the whole day there. It is said (I have only heard this), that they order a coffee and an extra cup, so they can share. Then they return for their free refills!


I remember years ago, in another mall restaurant, they charged for a cup of hot water because the local ladies (Seniors) brought their own teabags!


Human nature doesn't change much!


By the way, I am a senior. But NOT THAT SENIOR!!

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I am sure that if enough people abuse it it will be gone. :( Kind of reminds me of the attitude with the whole downloading music thing when people think its OK because the record companies and artists make so much money. It has permanently screwed that industry big time. Thanks to that now we have to pay hundreds of dollars to see anyone live.

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You spent a whole post saying that you couldn't believe that ANYONE could interpret the "sharing a few times" option as ANYTHING but stealing, and then decided there was a caveat. Don't you think other people do the same thing? But maybe their caveats are different than yours?

No, "alsmez." You are mistaken. My "PS" was added when I edited my message -- after having posted it -- because I suddenly realized that there was an ambiguity in the poll option. I was merely pointing out the unreliability of the number (19%), because of the fact that it could refer to at least two different things, one of which was harmless.


Are you seriously arguing that my allowing for a spouse to take one sip (from time to time), to help him/her decide whether or not to order and pay for a second drink, is illegitimate? Are you seriously comparing that harmless (not-intending-to-cheat) action with the out-and-out, intentional thievery being defended by others?


And this statement is the EXACT reason why the policing of the policy AND the decision about what constitutes stealing needs to be LEFT UP TO CELEBRITY. ... Celebrity, the issuer of the package, gets to make the call!

We are not talking about "the policing of the policy." And we cannot cede to anyone to decide "what constitutes stealing," because the definition of "stealing" is an objective fact, not subject to anyone's relativistic whim.


But you are right to say that Celebrity "gets to make the call" -- and they have done so by stating, "Packages may not be shared" at their Internet site. All that is left is for people honestly to interpret the meaning of the word, "shared." We know what it means. Allowing an occasional sip, for a legitimate purpose, is not "sharing."

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I chose not to reply to the poll as I find the question to be rather personal, and frankly none of anyone's business, largely because we would never purchase a package more than just a soda package, as we do not consume any sizable amount of alcohol, virgin cocktails or juices and it is not something I really care to consider doing or not.

I can say that, as with many things, people are not as always as honest as they say they are. Both in terms of cheating the system, and in saying that would never cheat the system. People inherantly like to make themselves out to be righteous , and yet still have that urge to get value for their money. I am not making assumptions about people, but from what I gather from society as a whole. What people say (or how they vote) is really different than what they do in a specific situation.


Kinda "glass half empty" but the real "poll" results will really be determined based on X's success or failure of this endeavor. Once they are no longer making a sizeable profit in alcohol sales I am sure they will change direction. the obvious reasons of the huge cost of these packages as they are a measure profit approach to reaching weekly sales targets for PAX on any particular sailing.

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Are you seriously arguing that my allowing for a spouse to take one sip (from time to time), to help him/her decide whether or not to order and pay for a second drink, is illegitimate?


No, I'm not arguing that. I'm saying we should let Celebrity decide if THEY think it's illegitimate or not.


Are you seriously comparing that harmless (not-intending-to-cheat) action with the out-and-out, intentional thievery being defended by others?


Yes, I am comparing it with that. Why? Because as you said:


And we cannot cede to anyone to decide "what constitutes stealing," because the definition of "stealing" is an objective fact, not subject to anyone's relativistic whim.


The scenario you're describing, innocent and/or without intent as it may be, involves drinking something for which you have not paid. Whether it's a sip or a whole drink, if you think the definition of "stealing" is an objective fact and not subject to relativistic whims, you must admit that a sip is equal to a whole drink. Period. What I think is irrelevant - you're the one who has adamantly posted your black/white views but then stated that you can see the "gray" of a sip. You don't get to have your drink and drink it too. :)

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Does anyone really care and will someone else's opinion impact your behaviour as it pertains to this? I think not.


Iancal - yes I really do care about others opinions. I wanted to see some real numbers because, in my thinking, this is a small reflection of how some view their "rights" in society.


I have my view on this topic, namely that if I purchase a beverage package it is for my consumption only. For example, if I try a drink, like it and say to my wife, 'wow this is good, try this'. If she takes a sip and likes it and says she would like one for herself I would go to the bar and PURCHASE that drink for her. If I were to use my beverage package and get another drink for my wife then in my mind that is stealing. Those are the morals and values I was taught growing up.


I think that discussing a topic like this is good for several reasons:


1. We're having an adult conversation without name-calling/insulting, etc., which is a plus (this wouldn't happen on other cruise boards)


2. It allows people to evaluate what their moral stances are or if they have any moral stances for that matter


3. It provides a brief glimpse into a section of our modern society.


Once again my purpose of this question was NOT to rehash this topic - there is another lengthy thread and I would encourage others to post their thoughts there. I only wanted to get an "idea" of the percentages to see where people stand. I'm not making judgements about anyone, that's not my place; it's Celebrity's policy. I'm simply interested in learning more about how my fellow cruisers view this subject. :)


Finally with regard to you question:

will someone else's opinion impact your behaviour as it pertains to this?


Maybe. Sometimes we do things out of habit, or because our parents did it that way...or just because. Maybe with a proper dialogue and reasoning someone may realize that just because I 'feel' this way doesn't make it right. Maybe a leopard can change it's spots? Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks?


Maybe there's hope for the future? :cool:

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As of the time of this posting, 19% of those who had voted went with this option:


It's not right, but sharing a drink a few times is ok.


It saddens me greatly that so many people could have been trained (by parents, teachers, peers, pastors?) to think so illogically! If human minds are in such shabby condition, there is no hope for civilization to continue.


It is absolutely RIDICULOUS for someone to say, in one breath, that an action is "not right" -- and yet to say, a half a breath later, that the same action "is ok" if done "a few times."


This way of thinking for an adult is totally inexcusable. It is something that one used to find done only by little children and juvenile delinquents! If something is "not right," it is WRONG ... and doing something wrong is NEVER "ok" -- not once, not "a few times," not ever!


Case closed.


Well, wait a minute. On re-reading the choice, I can see that it is ambiguous, and that may have caused SOME people to vote for it. The problem is the word, "sharing." If it means "sharing the package" or "splitting some drinks" with a second person, THAT would be wrong. But if "sharing" means letting a spouse take one sip, to find out if he/she would enjoy ordering a second (fully-paid-for) drink, that would not be improper, because there would be no intent to cheat the cruise line.


So are you telling us all that if you had a drink and your cruising partner asked you for a sip because it is 2PM and hotter than hot, you are going to deny him/her a sip and accuse them of being a juvenile delinquent thief simply because you have an ice cold drink (purchased via the drink package) and they do not (at that particular time)! I think reality and message board topics like this often bipolarise "the real world". I find it hard to believe that you would not offer your partner a drink to ease her/his thirst in the meantime until they have an opportunity to purchase their own.

Edited by maxi1966
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