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Just off the Dream-Horrible cigar smell from room next door

cruisin again

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Multiply this up-and-down both sides of the ship, as random smokers are placed next to groups of cabins without smokers, and you can see how the "bean counters" at Carnival will eventually get the message.


As long as the current rules are in place would it not be more reasonable for the time being, to book a cruise on a line where this will not be an issue and the chance of having your cruise ruined by a smoker be non existent?? Celebrity comes to mind as the one with non smoking balconies but there may be others as well.

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As long as the current rules are in place would it not be more reasonable for the time being, to book a cruise on a line where this will not be an issue and the chance of having your cruise ruined by a smoker be non existent?? Celebrity comes to mind as the one with non smoking balconies but there may be others as well.


That's a great idea. But if you pick your trips by ports you wish to visit... Celebrity leaves a lot to be desired.


So if you want to be able to have more choices of ports, dates, and so on... just looking at Celebrity is a poor choice.


I tend to be chased off my balcony by the smokers and try to get my balcony time in-between their smoking periods. But I feel like its Carnivals fault for not making one side of the ship smoking and one side not smoking. I don't blame the smokers I blame Carnival.


So every time one of these debates comes up, it gives us a chance to keep sending a message to Carnival- "We enjoy your product, but could you please do something to separate the 75% of us don't smoke from the smokers, when it comes to balcony cabins?"

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Because we pay extra for a balcony.


Early in the morning instead of the fresh sea air and a breakfast on the balcony, we get the hacking noise of smokers rolling out of bed with smokers cough, as they rush to their balconies to have that first smoke in the morning.


Later as the ship pulls out of port in the afternoon, we want to watch from our balcony, but the smokers all light up again.


Next its that period of sunset while the wife is getting dressed for dinner, and I like to go out on the balcony, so do the smokers.


And last, before bed... sitting out on the balcony to watch the moon and the stars... the smokers all light-up one last time before bed.


If Carnival didn't randomly spread smokers and non-smokers through-out the ship's balcony cabins... we wouldn't have any problems.



i don't see why carnival doesn't make one side of the ship smoking and the other non smoking. Then when you make your reserv. you could specify. All the floors on one side not just 1 or 2 decks. that wouldn't be fair. We would actually take a non if they didn't have any smoking left and hubby would just not smoke in it. It wouldn't be our first choice but its better than not getting to go. :)

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I tend to be chased off my balcony by the smokers and try to get my balcony time in between their smoking periods. But I feel like its Carnivals fault for not making one side of the ship smoking and one side not smoking. I don't blame the smokers I blame Carnival.


I agree that segregated smoking cabins would make the most sense.


From our standpoint, it would be nice to enjoy a smoke and drink on the balcony without worrying if we are pi$$ing off the neighbours.

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i don't see why carnival doesn't make one side of the ship smoking and the other non smoking. Then when you make your reserv. you could specify. All the floors on one side not just 1 or 2 decks. that wouldn't be fair. We would actually take a non if they didn't have any smoking left and hubby would just not smoke in it. It wouldn't be our first choice but its better than not getting to go. :)



But then there would be the argument that if the smokers are designated to the port side then it wouldn't be fair that the non-smokers can only reserve a starboard side room...and the saga continues....:(


BTW - I'm a non-smoker and honestly smoking doesn't impede my ability to enjoy my vacation at all and we always book balconies.

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The best solution for Carnival if they would ever make a change in their booking status is for them to ask if you are bothered by cigg or cigar smoke while in the booking stage.


If your answer would be yes then Carnival at that time should offer you a OV cabin at the front of the ship.

That way you could not be bothered by anyone smoking and you could still look out of your porthole window and still see the sights of the open ocean.:p


Don't get your panties in a wad I was just joking around :p


Not all smoker are the same, just as not all nonsmokers are the same.

You have good and bad on both sides.


Don't judge one group because of a few bad apples.


I know I will get BLASTED over this but I don't care cause I'm tuff as leather and I can take it.


But some of these replies on these smoking threads go way over the top, I mean I know that there are people out there that truly do have health issues with any type of smoke and there are those out there that just want to jump on the band wagon and ride along.


I mean really people if you are that bad off that you can't stand even one small wiff of smoke, you need to be living in a plastic bubble somewhere.


Do you ever ride in a car?


Do you ever walk down the street in a busy city?


What about the ports that you visit while cruising, people are smoking everywhere and buses and taxi's are everywhere?


What about all that air polution that you are breathing?


Yea that's what I thought! Nuff Said!

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Is that wrong? Or is that Carnival's choice? Carnival is number one in the cruise world!


Plus, it gives the "can't stand smoke" crowd another alternative; go to another line.


I stand behind my previous statement.

But we're also talking about people who are smoking in their rooms and the smoke goes into the next room and/or balcony.l That's why they hsould have smoking and non-smoking floors.

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That's a great idea. But if you pick your trips by ports you wish to visit... Celebrity leaves a lot to be desired.


So if you want to be able to have more choices of ports, dates, and so on... just looking at Celebrity is a poor choice.


I tend to be chased off my balcony by the smokers and try to get my balcony time in-between their smoking periods. But I feel like its Carnivals fault for not making one side of the ship smoking and one side not smoking. I don't blame the smokers I blame Carnival.


So every time one of these debates comes up, it gives us a chance to keep sending a message to Carnival- "We enjoy your product, but could you please do something to separate the 75% of us don't smoke from the smokers, when it comes to balcony cabins?"


Where did you get the 75% dont smoke statistic?

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We haven't cruised Carnival in a while and I am shocked to read this since the last time we cruised with them, smoking was only allowed on the upper decks, casinos, and lounges. I am very sensitive to cigarette smoke and the smell from cigars is even more pungent than cigarettes. Allowing smoking in the cabins and balconies is a major reason why we refuse to ever book a cruise on Princess again. If I get to my cabin and I have to spend time and energy avoiding the smoking going around me, Carnival will also be on my banned list. I love them but I'll have to let them go.


Smoking on the upper decks and lounges is perfectly fine because I can avoid those areas easily without majorly inconveniencing myself. On the Legend, every time we went through the doors on the upper deck, we had to fight through a cloud of smoke but I did not complain. I understand it's an addiction and smokers need an outlet for it. Not to mention, the upper deck is in the open air so the smell dissipates fairly quickly. However, having to stay out of my cabin or leave my cabin, so that others can enjoy a cigarette is just not a solution that I can live with. The smell lingers long after they have stopped smoking. I paid for the cruise just like they did and just like they feel they have a right to smoke, I feel I have a right to enjoy my cruise without being constantly accosted by that smell in the one area of the ship that I cannot avoid, my cabin.

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Mark, this is very off topic and I am sorry, but I love your Souther Carb pics on your Princess cruise. Thats a great way to show your trip. How did you do that?


Thanks, I took a cruise on Princess last year and they were selling the book in the photo shop. I never planned on making a book from our photos, but it came out really good and I had a underwater camera with us so that was neat.


Three of the cruise lines are carrying the book and what's nice is you get 6 or 7 pages pre-loaded with text, and a few professional shots for each island you are going to visit on your itinerary. Here's the link to this topic on the Princess boards... the last page has a few books from people who just returned from their Alaska cruises and they are really well done http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1158706


I don't think they are selling on Carnival yet. But you can go to their web site- PanRaven and make your own book. Many people were impressed with the quality of the books compared to some of the other competitors in this field.

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We just returned from the 9/11 Dream cruise. We really enjoyed our cruise, but from day

one the guest next door smoked a cigar in their room every day. I had a really hard time

with this. Guest Services tried to freshen, but claims they could not tell them not to

smoke in their room.


And they can't. Carnival allows smoking in their cabins. Just one of the things that we have to deal with now and then. Hope the rest of your criuse was good.:)

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Keep in mind, this case (original post) is an isolated one. I don't know anyone who would stay in their cruise cabin and smoke an entire cigar. I wouldn't. I'd be on the balcony, up on deck, or in the cigar bar. The room is just too small and unventelated. The case cited by the OP is not representative of the greater cigar world. But...it is allowed and therefore fair game for that particular smoker to pursue.

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Because one smoker can ruin the day for a dozen non-smokers.


That's why we will see Carnival continue working towards rules that will help the 75% of us who don't smoke, enjoy our vacations without smoke.



non smokers are still no more important than smokers. it's not like one spends more money than the other. i think some of the non smokers can equally try to ruin peoples cruises. notice i said try because i will not let anyone determine my cruise experience. until carnival changes its policy, people should stop complaining.

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It would be nice if CCL (and other cruise lines) would take comments like the OP's into consideration when designing the newest ships. I imagine there might be ways to lessen the odor seepage and improve ventilation....If you're going to allow smoking in the cabins, fine BUT build a ship with better ventilation....AND keep the Cigar Bar a Cigar bar for goodness sake.

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Again, I'm a non-smoker. I'm also not a smoking "****" either where I think no one should be allowed to smoke anywhere.


Truth be told, dragging out pics of someone's kids, the incessant whining about smoking policies makes me less likely to want to cruise on Carnival because of the generally whining clientele that I see a few here posting.


I do remember the days of hotels allowing smoking in every room. And, I can tell a difference in smoking vs non-smoking rooms. On a balcony on a cruise line?


I dunno....I think it's way over the top stating that someone can't smoke on their balcony. And, I can't remember any cabin I had, interior, balcony, etc that I booked that I thought was offensive because of the previous smokers' habitation of it.


Some people, no matter what, seem to be the kind of people I wouldn't want to cruise with because of their "do everything because of me" attitude.


If I thought I could whine enough, I would give a shot to not wanting disabled people on my cruise as they walk too slow and could possibly trip me up and harm me because I walk more briskly. Or, maybe ban those (or at least crowd them only on certain parts of the ship) to those who have toddlers, as their kids generally carry more germs than anyone else and fill stinky diapers that I don't want to smell.


I could go on and on, but I think most reasonable people are OK with things the way they are.

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non smokers are still no more important than smokers..


I think we are both important groups. I'm just hoping Carnival hears us, and realizes that there is a problem when the two meet on balconies, and since they've made rules for the rest of the ship, could they do something about setting up a block of rooms for those who enjoy smoke :D. Because when the minority of smokers meets the majority of non-smokers on the balconies... it the majority of non-smokers who lose-out on the enjoyment they had hoped for when they bought a balcony cabin for their family. You just can't control a cloud of smoke, not the smokers fault.

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Of the two, smoking in a cabin or smoking on a balcony I believe anyone would rather a smoker smoke on their balcony! The adjacent balcony might get a whiff of smoke but in most cases the ship is moving and the smoke is traveling out to sea. The amount of smoke experienced by the adjacent balcony can't be that much. I've been on my balcony before and the people next door smoked cigarettes. Not much got to me. Again, with the ship moving it's highly unlikely the amount encountered could ruin your cruise! The complaints about the balconies are exagerated.

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the incessant whining about smoking policies


When people use the word "whining" it is a common tactic which adds nothing to these debates.


I come to a chat-site to chat. And when a subject gets into a good debate you have a choice. You can state your points and counter-points or you can toss-out a statement, like- "stop whining"


The only way things get done in this world is when people speak-up. I encourage anyone who has had to leave their balcony because of a smoking issue to let their voice be heard. And I encourage anyone who is a smoker fighting for the rules to stay as they are, to also add their point of view. But I've always thought it was a bully tactic to come on these threads and accuse people who are debating something that is important to them, of just- "whining"

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I think we are both important groups. I'm just hoping Carnival hears us, and realizes that there is a problem when the two meet on balconies, and since they've made rules for the rest of the ship, could they do something about setting up a block of rooms for those who enjoy smoke :D. Because when the minority of smokers meets the majority of non-smokers on the balconies... it the majority of non-smokers who lose-out on the enjoyment they had hoped for when they bought a balcony cabin for their family. You just can't control a cloud of smoke, not the smokers fault.


problem is.... is where is the block of rooms. are they going to be offered prime rooms as others or shoved off in the back or front of the ship. i like the idea of one side being smoking and the other not, but i think carnival will run into problems here becasue there aren't equal smokers and non.

i have never witnessed a cloud of smoking on a moving ship. and even while in port, there is often wind. and i have never known smoke to just hang in the air when outside. chain smokers excluded. thats just plain aweful.

i can sympathize with the non smokers. i am a polite cigar smoker, if i am approached the right way. i don't smoke anywhere other than allowed areas and certainly not around children. i respect that others don't smoke or are irritated by it, but there needs to be a compromise on both parties.

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It all boils down to courtesy. No different from "chair hogs", "line cutters", "loud people on balcony next door at 3am", etc.


But also remember to enjoy your cruise and don't let small issues ruin it. If you expect perfection, you WILL be disappointed!

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It all boils down to courtesy. No different from "chair hogs", "line cutters", "loud people on balcony next door at 3am", etc.


But also remember to enjoy your cruise and don't let small issues ruin it. If you expect perfection, you WILL be disappointed!



exactly. amazing what a little courtesy will do.

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