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Just off the Dream-Horrible cigar smell from room next door

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A heated thread about smoking? Go figure...


Does anybody remember the smoke free Paradise? Not such a hit. Just sayin'.

Yep I remember the smoke free Paradise.....it was wonderful not having that awful smoke ! An if there was a smoke free ship I would book it right now !

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All this thread has done for me is drive home that we smokers are going to have to also begin writing to Carnival about our desires. Let us keep our outside smoking areas!

If we stay silent, we will soon not have them.


I couldn't agree more. ;)

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We didn't.:p We miscarried more babies, hospitalized one another with asthma, emphysema, cancer et all and died younger and sicker than we do now.


give it time. One more generation or two and smoking will disappear on cruise ships too. Until then, we all just need to hold our breath and do our best to avoid it.


(memo to me: Starboard on the Dream next year)



Well if you hold your breath until the next generation is up then you will be dead before the smokers are...LOL...:D

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Well if a wiff of smoke is as bad as the do goods says it is there should be nobody over 50 alive. The whineing about somebody smokeing on a balcony is just that, whineing to get there on way. The percentage of time any cruisers spend on a balcony 10% is high, I don't know anybody that we have cruised with dosen't go to breakfest, walk around the ship, go to the lido deck, get off at ports, have lunch, get ready for the evening, go to shows, casino or anything else on a ship. So how can they be on the balcony 24/7 as statements they use because of a smoker. That tells me they are full of you no what and its not common sence. I really can't believe all the people that believe everything people bitch about and the people that jump on the wagon and help and don't have a clue if its true.

Don't look now but there after what you eat next, thats becomming the next rage for the do goods.

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Well it suddenly makes sense that a Carnival big-wig loves to smoke so that is why policy is what it is.


Bottom line: second hand smoke harms innocent bystanders. Smokers want to turn this into a political rights issue where government will continue to take more rights away if we let them and we will all be crying about that but hello YOU ARE NEGATIVELY EFFECTING OTHER PEOPLES HEALTH WITH YOUR HABIT THAT YOU ARE NOT INTELLIEGENT ENOUGH TO REALIZE THAT IT WILL PROBABLY KILL YOU SOMEDAY.


Report me again if it makes you feel better:)


What the heck are you talking about...chill out a minute and stop yelling!

All i said was John likes his cigars....how did u get that i was not Intelliegent, I negatively effect people and i am killing myself????


WOW...no wonder someone already turned you in.


P.S...I don't smoke cigarettes:p

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So how can they be on the balcony 24/7

In a 24 hour day, there are four 20-minute periods when balconies get heavy use by smokers and non-smokers.


Balconies like anything else... have a rush-hour or prime time :cool:


1) In the morning when non-smokers like to eat or sit out on the balcony with a coffee and look at the new port. Before going ashore. :mad: Unfortunately people who are hooked on smoking also roll-out of bed and fire-up the smoke clouds. Funny how a tropical paradise doesn't have that same magical feel when your neighbor's smoke floats on to your balcony. (smokers morning coughing and hacking up a lung... also doesn't help add to the beauty of waking up to a fresh new exotic location, for those of us who are not hooked on the cigs.


2) When everyone gets back on the ship and we pull out of port. Nice time for a glass of wine, and enjoy the sites on the balcony. Smokers and non-smokers both enjoy this same period of high balcony use.


3) Before dinner. The smokers seem to smoke those last few cigs to get enough drugs into their blood to make it through dinner. Unfortunately... non-smokers like to hangout on the balcony and catch the sunset or wait for the wife to get done with her make-up and dressing for dinner.


4) late at night, its great to watch the stars and the moon. The air smells so fresh and it relaxing and peaceful until you neighbor needs that last smoke before turning in for the night.


So if you smoke, you know that you can't control the smoke, odor, or smell. But you are lucky because you have long-ago lost your sense for how bad the smoke smells. Those of us who don't smoke have our trips interrupted by the smoking habit and addiction of other balconies around us (its not just always one smoker, we had 3 smokers with balconies near us on our last cruise). We don't want people to stop smoking, we just want carnival to tell us where the smokers are so we don't have to be trapped next to them for the week, as we both try to enjoy our trips :p



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wow making a fresh batch of popcorn making a mixed drink and cutting the

tip off on of my Habana cigar, that is a Cubian to all the non smokers


I'm looking for a balcony cabin as far forward and low as I can get so my nasty cigar smoke covers the whole side of the ship at one time.


the way the do-gooders go on about smoke it just might be the way to keep ships hidden from pirates, just put a few balconies on the front of the ship it will be enveloped in a thick nasty smoke cloud, nobody would be able to see the ship, of course they could just follow the hacking and weeizin first thing in the morning.

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the way the do-gooders go on about smoke


My name is Yogimax... and I am a "do-gooder."


I'm proud of it! What's wrong with "doing good?"


What's wrong with seeking the greatest "good" for others?


Why am I a "do-gooder" when it comes to smoking?


For over twenty years I worked with cancer patients and family members who were patients at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital. I held the hands of those dying from a terrible disease and saw the effects on the spouses and children. I came to understand the special horror of lung cancer.


That's why I am a "do-gooder." I've seen enough suffering and don't want to wish it on another human being!

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My name is Yogimax... and I am a "do-gooder."


I'm proud of it! What's wrong with "doing good?"


What's wrong with seeking the greatest "good" for others?


Why am I a "do-gooder" when it comes to smoking?


For over twenty years I worked with cancer patients and family members who were patients at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital. I held the hands of those dying from a terrible disease and saw the effects on the spouses and children. I came to understand the special horror of lung cancer.


That's why I am a "do-gooder." I've seen enough suffering and don't want to wish it on another human being!

I was thinking the same thing! My name is Jo2310 and I am also proud to be a do-gooder. I have the pleasure and honor of watching my best friend's two sons grow up - because she can't, she died of lung cancer at 39....11 years ago. I just want to be healthy and will avoid second hand smoke at all costs. I don't want to take away smoking venues but I want balconies to be non-smoking or at the very least, one side of the ship non-smoking.

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I like do-gooders, we need more of them. People who give their time and resources to make our communities better should be emulated. I could care less if the police officer who responds to my home invasion or the firefighter who puts out my house fire, smokes, is gay or Jewish. Some people choose a vocation that benefits our communities so much, they could never be paid enough. Some people smoke, eat too much, do not exercise or have bad genetics that contribute to a possible shorter life span. This topic is about an annoyance, it annoys some people to smell cigarette smoke. News flash! All of us do something that annoys someone else. Think about what you do that annoys people. What do you do in your spare time to benefit your community? Maybe we should focus less on what annoys us and more on what we can do to help others. Retired people who do not volunteer to help their community offend me.

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My point is people are allowed to smoke on their balcony, the right side of the ship and aft lido deck. Some people smoke, Some don't. Some people drink some don't. Some people gamble some don't.

Me personally I have way to many things to worry about besides what other grown adults do on their vacation and pushing my views on them. If smoke bothers me I will move to a different place where the smoke is not at.


Likewise when some clown dumps too much perfume on I wrinkle my nose and move on to less stinky areas. Not B***H about something I cant control

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In a 24 hour day, there are four 20-minute periods when balconies get heavy use by smokers and non-smokers.


Balconies like anything else... have a rush-hour or prime time :cool:


1) In the morning when non-smokers like to eat or sit out on the balcony with a coffee and look at the new port. Before going ashore. :mad: Unfortunately people who are hooked on smoking also roll-out of bed and fire-up the smoke clouds. Funny how a tropical paradise doesn't have that same magical feel when your neighbor's smoke floats on to your balcony. (smokers morning coughing and hacking up a lung... also doesn't help add to the beauty of waking up to a fresh new exotic location, for those of us who are not hooked on the cigs.


2) When everyone gets back on the ship and we pull out of port. Nice time for a glass of wine, and enjoy the sites on the balcony. Smokers and non-smokers both enjoy this same period of high balcony use.


3) Before dinner. The smokers seem to smoke those last few cigs to get enough drugs into their blood to make it through dinner. Unfortunately... non-smokers like to hangout on the balcony and catch the sunset or wait for the wife to get done with her make-up and dressing for dinner.


4) late at night, its great to watch the stars and the moon. The air smells so fresh and it relaxing and peaceful until you neighbor needs that last smoke before turning in for the night.


So if you smoke, you know that you can't control the smoke, odor, or smell. But you are lucky because you have long-ago lost your sense for how bad the smoke smells. Those of us who don't smoke have our trips interrupted by the smoking habit and addiction of other balconies around us (its not just always one smoker, we had 3 smokers with balconies near us on our last cruise). We don't want people to stop smoking, we just want carnival to tell us where the smokers are so we don't have to be trapped next to them for the week, as we both try to enjoy our trips :p




Seriously, Mark, you are obsessed with this smoking stuff. When you book a cruise on a Mega-ship with 3000 other folks you just can't have everything YOUR way...it doesn't work that way. Book Celebrity, a Spa Cabin or rent a Yacht down in the Carib (British Tortolla has some really nice ones) and then you can dictate how others should live their lives and control what's around you. Until then your obsession is doing you a lot more harm to your health than a whiff of a cigarette on a balcony OUTDOORS on a moving ship! WOW....

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My point is people are allowed to smoke on their balcony, the right side of the ship and aft lido deck. Some people smoke, Some don't. Some people drink some don't. Some people gamble some don't.

Me personally I have way to many things to worry about besides what other grown adults do on their vacation and pushing my views on them. If smoke bothers me I will move to a different place where the smoke is not at.


Likewise when some clown dumps too much perfume on I wrinkle my nose and move on to less stinky areas. Not B***H about something I cant control


You are allowed to ...NOW...times are changing...I hope they change quickly


John H also posted about a foolish addicted woman who was smoking a cig in the cigar bar..while hooked up to her oxygen tank

absurd..and scary


all this pink stuff..pink ribbons and runs and good for these gals

you don't see many purple ribbons..or many survivors


Lung cancer is not pretty and not many success stories


My friend who died of throat and lung cancer had one horrible year to regret all the cigarettes she puffed..and she did regret it...very sad

horrible to see the misery that disease causes..and so preventable

also horrible to see people hooked up to oxygen and /or choking for breath with COPD


and all so preventable


John H said he is going to talk to the "beards" about the dangers of oxygen and smoking on board


scary stuff...I had another friend who would roll outside in his wheel chair and have a smoke on his screen porch ....with his oxygen tank inside


he is also dead....what a tragedy


Who can forget the image of the smoker who smokes thru the hole in their throat??? ((shiver)))



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I'm a non-smoker (read: do-gooder according to some in here, sheesh)! I hate smoke-filled rooms, which is why I avoid those areas (including the casino onboard). But I'm appalled to learn that smoking in the cabins is permitted ! Wouldn't that be a fire hazard? People who smoke often fall asleep with a burning cigarette slipping from their fingers and voilá, fire, smoke, and sometimes loss of life! I would not want to be in a situation where we are far from shore and on a burning ship ! :(


I can see letting peeps smoke in a specialty bar, cigar room or even the casino, because someone would be awake and attentive to any accidents. I would not want a smoker in the cabin next to me and in my previous cruises with HAL and Celebrity it was a non-issue. I never saw anyone light up except at the casino.

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I know this is a bit off topic of this very interesting thread however since there are so many well informed people here I thought I could get an informed answer.


I know that exhaust smoke can not possible be the most healthy thing to breath in so I would like to know what cancer causing things and just how much is put out into the air I am forced to breath on every 7 day cruise that I take.


Thank you in advance for your help

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Seriously, Mark, you are obsessed with this smoking stuff.


There are a few simple questions that smokers ask over-and-over again. I'm just enjoying the debate, and putting up the common answers to those questions. The question was asked.... "people aren't on the balcony 24/7 so whats the problem?"


I simple answered it... I do go to chat groups to chat :D Keep asking questions and I'll keep giving the most basic answers from a non-smokers point of view.

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I know that exhaust smoke can not possible be the most healthy thing to breath


The exhaust smoke comes out of a 50-foot-high stack that is designed and engineered to keep the smoke and passengers separate. Carnival does their best to try and keep the smoke away from us. No one wants to breath dangerous smoke on their vacation :D



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More of your non stop end smoking crusade.


My pleasure, my choice.


I adhere to ANY AND ALL smoking rules imposed by Carnival and right now smoking IS allowed in cabins and balconies. As long as it is, I will enjoy a cigarette or cigar there. When it isn't, I will find somewhere else to enjoy it.


You can bang your non smoking crusade drum as loud as you want with your HEAR ME KNOW BELIEVE ME LATER verbiage, Carnival allows it, you don't like it, deal with it. Write JH all you want, smokers should do the same and bombard his blog with "Let us smoke" messages every single day - remember to put "JOHN PLEASE REPLY" as they seem to be the one's he looks at and replies to.


To the OP, this is still within the acceptable rules as laid out in your cruise contract, you had the unfortunate luck of the draw as a non smoker to have a cabin beside a cigar smoker. Your alternative, now as present cruise rules exist, is to book a cruise on RCCL / Celebrity where cabin smoking is not permitted.


I loved my Carnival (Carnival, Princess, HAL, etc) cruises, but - my next one will be when I can enjoy my balcony without the smell of smoking. I am letting my Money do my talking.

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I loved my Carnival (Carnival, Princess, HAL, etc) cruises, but - my next one will be when I can enjoy my balcony without the smell of smoking. I am letting my Money do my talking.


That sounds great. If you cruise with Carnival, you know there is smoking. Why spend your money somewhere that offends you.


Some of the other posters on this thread should follow your lead.

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The exhaust smoke comes out of a 50-foot-high stack that is designed and engineered to keep the smoke and passengers separate. Carnival does their best to try and keep the smoke away from us. No one wants to breath dangerous smoke on their vacation :D



Alot of people who have had aft balconys have complained about soot on their balcony.But I guess that dosen't bother them.

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