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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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For the above link, the colors Pear and Purple Orchid are good Fire colors. Coral Dream is fairly muted for a coral and might be better for Earth, but Fire might be able to wear this also. Honey Blossom had more than one dye lot on display...some in that color were clear (Fire) and some were muted (Earth). The names of the colors for Charter Club are the same for many different clothing items...if you see a pattern...it's Earth. And I did notice in other items that the dye lots did seem to vary...so I'm not sure how consistant the colors will be. Could be the luck of the dye lot.


What is frustrating is that there was a beautiful Fire blue called Crystal Water, but I can't find it online. I don't think you can order it at this time. You might want to watch out for it because it was definitely Fire.




Anyway...I hope what I posted so far helps.




Hope you had a nice time last night :)


I had a few minutes and was out by the mall this morning. I went to Macy's and found the 3 colors--Crystal Water, Pear and Purple Orchid.


I loved the Orchid and Crystal Water but, the Pear seemed kind of muted to me :confused:


I also saw the Honey Blossom--it looked bright and clear to me but, it didn't exactly match any of my colors on my card.


I didn't have time to try anything on.


It is soooo helpful when someone finds a color that I can actually look at and compare with my own eyes and in person!


Thanks, Anita for the extra effort :D

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Hope you had a nice time last night :)


I had a few minutes and was out by the mall this morning. I went to Macy's and found the 3 colors--Crystal Water, Pear and Purple Orchid.


I loved the Orchid and Crystal Water but, the Pear seemed kind of muted to me :confused:


I also saw the Honey Blossom--it looked bright and clear to me but, it didn't exactly match any of my colors on my card.


I didn't have time to try anything on.


It is soooo helpful when someone finds a color that I can actually look at and compare with my own eyes and in person!


Thanks, Anita for the extra effort :D

I had a great time last night! Thanks!


Pear does have something of a muted look to it...but then I held it up to me and it was way to bright for me. It is not a pure granny smith apple color, which can become something of a standard by which green can be measured by...Pear is different than that and thus...it has that more muted look...but again, think of the spectrum...varying degrees of muted and clear...I have seen clearer colors than Pear...but the Pear in my store overwelmed me and took all the attention away from my face...did you hold it up to yourself by a window and mirror to see the effect on you? Also...there seemed to be some variations in dye lots...which I tried to point out because I could see the difference clearly in the Honey Blossom color...so you might have looked at a dye lot that came out more muted too...the best test at that point is always how it look on you. I know you said you didn't have time to try on, but sometimes you can analyze the color against your reflection better in a different area of the store.


Remember...you aren't trying to match any of the colors on your card necessarily...you are trying to blend...see if the test color "fights" the colors on the cards...or does the color seem to have equal weight to the eye...if you check out my recent posts on the Earth thread...I did some more color party concepts with my new purchases...you can see the difference between the look of blending v. fighting...and whether or not something sticks out like a sore thumb v. your eye being drawn to it ust because of contrasting/complementary colors.

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Anita, I was looking at your color parties that you did on the Earth

thread. It's such a great way to see if everything "goes".

I still have a problem seeing the difference between muted and

clear. For example the coral sweater that you took away in

the last photo looks like Fire to me. I also would have tried

on the blue sweater that you bought because it looks to me

on the bright side...In one of the earlier posts on this thread I

remember seeing a green that I couldn't understand. I'll go back

and see if I can find it.

Sometimes I think I'm hopeless :(


Enjoy your new purchases!!:D

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OK, here goes a try. It should be 4 tops--


They are: light bright yellow, yolk yellow short sleeve (not my choixce of names), aqua v-neck vest and a cinnamon brown cardigan. The last picture is of 2 blue tops.


Here is Joby's post that I mentioned before.

I can't see that the yellows are Fire...

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I still have a problem seeing the difference between muted and clear. For example the coral sweater that you took away in the last photo looks like Fire to me. I also would have tried

on the blue sweater that you bought because it looks to me

on the bright side...


I have been trying to figure out the best way to explain the difference between muted and clear ever since I embraced color analysis...these words are talking about the clarity of a color...a muted color is a base color with either gray or brown added to it...the color is no longer true to self so to speak...colorwise...if I say hot pink...you will think of the clear, electric pink kind of color...the kind of color that you associate with bathing suits and exercise clothing...if I say dusty rose...you will think of that muted pinkish kind of color...the kind that you associate with country-styled floral patterned fabric, like a classic quilt...the first pink is clear...and you can imagine that to get to "dusty" you have to add something that makes the color more muddy...like a gray or brown...


So here goes...imagine looking at flowers...tropical flowers...hibiscus flowers in their gorgeous red, yellow, orange colors...most every one that I can imagine, I imagine in a clear color...NOW...look at those SAME flowers through tinted sunglasses...now your perception of those flowers is that the color of them is muted. Muted colors are colors that look like you are looking at them through tinted sunglasses...Keep in mind that tinted sunglasses come in various darknesses...some are barely tinted and some are super deep...just like temperature is relative and on a spectrum...so is muted...there is more muted and less muted.


Now let's clarify the difference between "clear" and "bright" because there is a difference...clear is in reference to clarity...bright is in reference to INTENSITY...it sounds odd to think that there could be a bright, muted color...but if you think about looking at the clear flowers through your sunglasses...the flowers lost their clarity through the tinted lens...but they did not lose their intensity...they are still a bright color...just muted.


We can take these same flowers...let's look at the flowers in the sunlight...these are INTENSE flowers...they are BRIGHT...especially tropical flowers because they have to be able to withstand the sun...now let's imagine these same flowers in the shade...it could be twilight...it could just be under a tree...but in the absense of the sun...the flowers lose a bit of the intensity...the flowers are now LESS bright...BUT the color is still clear...


This concept of intensity was something that took me a while to understand...I worried that colors were too bright for me...not understanding that sometimes a color can actually be bright and muted...


Let's go into this more...I think this is why I have such difficulties with certain fabric types...like evening gowns...think about the sheen of the fabric...it can be distracting to look at shiny fabrics and see the muted color...some are easy...like olive green or rust...but yellow?...shiny yellow can be hard to figure out...It's the same story, but opposite world for sweaters...I have a heard time seeing the clear colors in the dull sheen of yarn...


I think a good analogy is talk about paint...we have to separate the sheen of the paint from the color...just because you have to buy gloss or semi-gloss for the bathroom or kitchen walls doesn't change the clarity of the color that you used...


I remember being surprised by Bonnie's Happy Color Party...I thought that some of these colors were bright...and they are...they are some INTENSE, muted AIR colors...she has matched every single one of these colors in this picture (which is Bonnie's photo):




This is one of my EARTH Happy Color Parties...I remember thinking that it looked like the colors were bright...and I have gained the understanding that some of them are in fact bright, but still muted...




Now you look at Mom's FIRE color party...it is bright AND clear...(this is her photo):




Hopefully you can get a sense for the feeling of the palattes...don't try to look at the individual colors for comparison...look at the overall pictures...I hate to fall back on the terms like this...because I was just trying to separate "clear" and "bright"...BUT...if you look at AIR and EARTH compared to FIRE...the muted palattes are a bit "dull" by comparison...sure the colors are intense, but overall you can imagine that these are colors seen through tinted sunglasses.


Now we can talk about the yellows in Kim's photos...I think that you are being thrown for a loop by those yellows because they aren't very bright...they are way less intense than the typical yellow you are probably looking for...they aren't that super bright sun shiny yellow...they are a clear but calmer color...those yellow shirts are flowers in the shade...kind of like that one yellow dress on the Fire lady that Curt points out in the Awards thread...do you remember?...Terri commented how nice it was to see that less intense yellow...


The real proof is to gain an understanding of what clear v. muted colors do to your skin...I know exactly what happens to my skin when I wear a clear color...it totally overwhelms my skin tone...in fact...it completely alters it...I end up looking very tan...and not in a good way...I lose all variation in skin tone...no pink cheeks with other paler areas (I am pale)...here is my contrast photo...I look at these photos and the two coral/orangey colors look exactly the same to me in the photo...but the effect on my skin tone from one to the other is HUGE...the left one is a more muted pumpkin kind of color...the right one is a super clear coral...




And this could explain why you would think about trying out that blue cardigan...because you are looking at a photo online and it is nearly impossible to tell what colors are like online...all we can see is the contrast...that coral sweater may have seemed like Fire...but the truth is that it is just less muted...I got that sweater from Mom when she cleaned out the Earth from her closet...it just didn't have the clarity to it to give Mom the "wow" factor...and that color is too common to find where it DOES make Mom pop...and it looks great on me...so I got to snag it...so yes, it is more bright and less muted, but muted it is...


Taking several pictures of yourself in different colors that you can definitely identify is the way to gain the understanding of what happens to your skin...something like army or olive green (muted) v. apple green (clear)...mustard yellow (muted) v. sunshine yellow...rust (muted orange) v. coral (clear)...it takes some effort, but if you just take a bunch of pictures of yourself, then you can start to understand...look at the pictures to see what you can and then look in the mirror to try to see it in person...then you will become better at holding up colors to yourself in the stores or seeing yourself in the dressing room and using your own reflection to help you figure out the characteristics of the color you are contemplating.

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First of all I want to thank you Anita for putting so much time and effort

into that last explanation. I want to read it through several more

times...I feel like I understand, but..


I've tried making Happy Color Parties before and thought that I was

On the rght track,but sometimes I just get so confused.

I'll try to get a HCP together tomorrow and post it.


In the mean time I've ordered the "Pear" cardigan and matching shell

from Macy's. I will call on Friday and maybe that way I'll be able

to get a hold of the "Crystal Water".


Thank you again for your patience. You're a love...

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I'm going to call this my Unhappy Color Party as I am just not good at this color thing.



We-eeelll...this is not a happy color party...LOL. There are a couple of questionable colors in here...but this could easily be editted and then you can take some of the colors one by one and see what happens.


There is a pretty good test that I discovered when I was taking the pictures of the shirts that I bought for Mom and myself from Forever 21...before you snap the shot...if you have a preview screen on your camera...hold the picture button down half way...this activates a kind of focusing adjusting kind of process in many cameras...if the preview screen starts acting whacked, as in, the colors keep adjusting...then the party is not harmonious in terms of warm v. cool...this doesn't happen for muted v. clear...I'm guessing that one of these shirts in here could be cool...this photo has that same vibe that the one photo of mine did with the Ice red.


Looking at this photo...to my eye and on my monitor...the coral on the lower left, the orange in the middle bottom, the yellow on the lower right, the coral above the peach, and the aqua are all FIRE...This would be the basis for me of a color party for you...


For the lighter colored shirts...if the upper right are cream colored and the upper left is a peach color (it's so pale I can tell for sure)...then these are also FIRE...these colors are so pale though...it doesn't help quite as much to analyze other colors...so even if these are your Fire colors...take them out of the photo.


That peach in the upper left is shiny so bright in this photo...is that a rayon knit?...because of the shine on that peach it is appearing to be more clear than the peach in the middle column second from the bottom...in this photo that darker peach is looking a bit muted...but from my earlier talk and my continuing understanding, that peach could still be FIRE, but a less intense Fire color...because it doesn't hold it's own against the other colors...even if it is a Fire color, remove it from the picture for analysis...kind of like I did with the one coral sweater in my photos...


I would take a photo of the five shirts that I think are FIRE to verify that they become a Happy party...if they do...


I would take the five shirts and form them into a U shape with three across the bottom and one each on the outside upper row...put all questionable colors in the middle upper row...observe what happens with the camera when you push the button half way...and take a picture with each of the other colors...


Possible Ice v. Fire colors: the royal blue, the red in the top middle, and the hot pink under the red in the middle column.


Possible Earth/Air: the green.


Take all the colors that you think are Fire based on these test photos...and take another photo...


This is what I would do to verify what is happening with your colors.

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Looking at this photo...to my eye and on my monitor...the coral on the lower left, the orange in the middle bottom, the yellow on the lower right, the coral above the peach, and the aqua are all FIRE...This would be the basis for me of a color party for you...


For the lighter colored shirts...if the upper right are cream colored and the upper left is a peach color (it's so pale I can tell for sure)...then these are also FIRE...these colors are so pale though...it doesn't help quite as much to analyze other colors...so even if these are your Fire colors...take them out of the photo.


That peach in the upper left is shiny so bright in this photo...is that a rayon knit?...because of the shine on that peach it is appearing to be more clear than the peach in the middle column second from the bottom...in this photo that darker peach is looking a bit muted...but from my earlier talk and my continuing understanding, that peach could still be FIRE, but a less intense Fire color...because it doesn't hold it's own against the other colors...even if it is a Fire color, remove it from the picture for analysis...kind of like I did with the one coral sweater in my photos...


I would take a photo of the five shirts that I think are FIRE to verify that they become a Happy party...if they do...


I would take the five shirts and form them into a U shape with three across the bottom and one each on the outside upper row...put all questionable colors in the middle upper row...observe what happens with the camera when you push the button half way...and take a picture with each of the other colors...


Possible Ice v. Fire colors: the royal blue, the red in the top middle, and the hot pink under the red in the middle column.


Possible Earth/Air: the green.


Take all the colors that you think are Fire based on these test photos...and take another photo...


This is what I would do to verify what is happening with your colors.


OK, Taking this section by section, I agree with you on the 5 colors you listed. I already had taken a picture of 6 shirts, 5 being the ones you mentioned. The hot pink is in the middle. Here is is



The red is definitely cool as I believe the hot pink is. I'm pretty sure the green and cream colors are Earth


Now for the blue and peach. It may be lighting because they are a dead match for my cards





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I"m curious. Obviously, the color season we belong to is our best. Is there a color season that is our worst.

If I understand right

Fire= Warm Bright

Air = Cool muted

Earth = Warm muted

Ice= Cool bright


So If I wear an Ice color it is at least a Bright.

If I wear an Autumn color at least it is Warm

If I wear an Air Color it is neither warm nor bright. I should look the worst in Ice, right?

I definitely feel like I look awful in Ice colors. I can immediately tell the color is all wrong.

Wearing the other 2 color seasons I look OK, but not my best

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As you can tell, I'm not great at attaching pictures so my last post

shows two enlargments of the same picture and only the

thumbnail of the other...oh well.


In any case I tried to do some Happy Color Parties with a bunch

of summer tops which I think are all Fire.


What say all you wise ones??

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OK, Taking this section by section, I agree with you on the 5 colors you listed. I already had taken a picture of 6 shirts, 5 being the ones you mentioned. The hot pink is in the middle. Here is is



The red is definitely cool as I believe the hot pink is. I'm pretty sure the green and cream colors are Earth


Now for the blue and peach. It may be lighting because they are a dead match for my cards






Based on the two pictures I have seen of that hot pink...I agree that it is cool. I figured that the peach was just one of those less intense colors that can appear muted but is really just less intense...this is what I was trying to talk about in my earlier post...this shirt is a perfect example of a less intense, but clear, warm color...the blue is that wonderful blue what looks so great on Fire...in the mix of the first picture I just couldn't say for sure it was...


I"m curious. Obviously, the color season we belong to is our best. Is there a color season that is our worst.

If I understand right

Fire= Warm Bright

Air = Cool muted

Earth = Warm muted

Ice= Cool bright


So If I wear an Ice color it is at least a Bright.

If I wear an Autumn color at least it is Warm

If I wear an Air Color it is neither warm nor bright. I should look the worst in Ice, right?

I definitely feel like I look awful in Ice colors. I can immediately tell the color is all wrong.

Wearing the other 2 color seasons I look OK, but not my best


I'm not sure about which is the worst...and if there is a rule for it...my absolute worst is Ice...which is the complete opposite of my coloring...the color overwhelms me and it is all wrong...second worst for me is Fire...if it is one of those intense Fire colors the color totally overwhelms me...if it is less intense, it isn't rich enough...my second best is actually Air...even when the temperature is off...the muted quality and the saturation of the color is generally the best for my skin.

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HELP! I'm about ready to cave.... and buy... something that is a no-no...


I asked Kim a question IRL, but she didn't answer me with her opinion, so I'm going to ask for some real IRL working opinions from you ladies.


There is a beautiful, fabulous pair of capri pants... in optic white (yes, it's a brilliant white)... with the most beautiful accents of gold. Actually, the pants are a form of cargo capris which are ideal for sea days because they have two leg pockets that would be perfect for slipping in the stateroom key... absolutely perfect...


The accents on these pants are brilliant gold... not subdued at all. The buttons are gold; the zippers are gold; there is a gold accent thread that is a decorative pattern (about 2" wide) on the leg pockets as well as the same gold accent thread in the same decorative pattern on the back pockets. These pants are simply good on many levels... except.. they aren't MY neutral...


... and WHY is that exactly?


I am supposed to accent with brilliant gold. Gold accents are so traditional with white; think nautical; think pearl strands with gold accent beads. Why isn't the white considered a "good" neutral for a FIRE?


I know, without argument, that I should NEVER place this white near my face. Please, you don't have to give me an opinion on that. But, as an outfit... wouldn't these pants be spectacular with the new FIRE blue sweater with the brilliant gold accent buttons that I just purchased?


Help me out here. Would this be a good purchase? Should I cave or should I slave to the color palette cards? What do you think?


I'm being so serious... I'm about ready to go get them... did I mention that they're also on SALE TODAY? :eek:

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HELP! I'm about ready to cave.... and buy... something that is a no-no...


I asked Kim a question IRL, but she didn't answer me with her opinion, so I'm going to ask for some real IRL working opinions from you ladies.


There is a beautiful, fabulous pair of capri pants... in optic white (yes, it's a brilliant white)... with the most beautiful accents of gold. Actually, the pants are a form of cargo capris which are ideal for sea days because they have two leg pockets that would be perfect for slipping in the stateroom key... absolutely perfect...


The accents on these pants are brilliant gold... not subdued at all. The buttons are gold; the zippers are gold; there is a gold accent thread that is a decorative pattern (about 2" wide) on the leg pockets as well as the same gold accent thread in the same decorative pattern on the back pockets. These pants are simply good on many levels... except.. they aren't MY neutral...


... and WHY is that exactly?


I am supposed to accent with brilliant gold. Gold accents are so traditional with white; think nautical; think pearl strands with gold accent beads. Why isn't the white considered a "good" neutral for a FIRE?


I know, without argument, that I should NEVER place this white near my face. Please, you don't have to give me an opinion on that. But, as an outfit... wouldn't these pants be spectacular with the new FIRE blue sweater with the brilliant gold accent buttons that I just purchased?


Help me out here. Would this be a good purchase? Should I cave or should I slave to the color palette cards? What do you think?


I'm being so serious... I'm about ready to go get them... did I mention that they're also on SALE TODAY? :eek:

If I were you, I'd get them. Just keep the tags attached until you are able to try them with the rest of your wardrobe to see if they "really" work or you are just deluding yourself.

Guess a bit of my rebellious nature is showing today :p


Seriously, sometimes gold buttons will obviously see to "clash" with the fabric they are on, and other times they seem to "go". If the fire blue w. gold top doesn't look "odd" with the bottoms, and they are otherwise so perfect for cruising, I'd chance it.

(Sorry Curt :eek:)

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HELP! I'm about ready to cave.... and buy... something that is a no-no...


I asked Kim a question IRL, but she didn't answer me with her opinion, so I'm going to ask for some real IRL working opinions from you ladies.


There is a beautiful, fabulous pair of capri pants... in optic white (yes, it's a brilliant white)... with the most beautiful accents of gold. Actually, the pants are a form of cargo capris which are ideal for sea days because they have two leg pockets that would be perfect for slipping in the stateroom key... absolutely perfect...


The accents on these pants are brilliant gold... not subdued at all. The buttons are gold; the zippers are gold; there is a gold accent thread that is a decorative pattern (about 2" wide) on the leg pockets as well as the same gold accent thread in the same decorative pattern on the back pockets. These pants are simply good on many levels... except.. they aren't MY neutral...


... and WHY is that exactly?


I am supposed to accent with brilliant gold. Gold accents are so traditional with white; think nautical; think pearl strands with gold accent beads. Why isn't the white considered a "good" neutral for a FIRE?


I know, without argument, that I should NEVER place this white near my face. Please, you don't have to give me an opinion on that. But, as an outfit... wouldn't these pants be spectacular with the new FIRE blue sweater with the brilliant gold accent buttons that I just purchased?


Help me out here. Would this be a good purchase? Should I cave or should I slave to the color palette cards? What do you think?


I'm being so serious... I'm about ready to go get them... did I mention that they're also on SALE TODAY? :eek:


Hi Pam,


Sorry I forgot to answer your white capri question:o


My thoughts may not be worth much but here goes---


I'm not a fan of white anything. Next to my skin no matter where it is, it makes me look like the walking dead :eek: My skin is so pale and white just sucks the life out of me.


I'll never forget years ago when I was wedding dress shopping, I tried on a white dress and the saleswoman gasped and said "oh, honey, I hope you don't have your heart set on wearing a white wedding dress because you look like death warmed over!"


I ended up with a "candlelight" colored dress.


Maybe your coloring will accept the white capri's better than mine would. I have an ICE friend who looks like Snow White--white skin and black hair and she looks beautiful in white.


It's just not for me and my coloring, even in pants.


I'll be curious to know what you decide and pictures PLEASE :)

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HELP! I'm about ready to cave.... and buy... something that is a no-no...


I asked Kim a question IRL, but she didn't answer me with her opinion, so I'm going to ask for some real IRL working opinions from you ladies.


There is a beautiful, fabulous pair of capri pants... in optic white (yes, it's a brilliant white)... with the most beautiful accents of gold. Actually, the pants are a form of cargo capris which are ideal for sea days because they have two leg pockets that would be perfect for slipping in the stateroom key... absolutely perfect...


The accents on these pants are brilliant gold... not subdued at all. The buttons are gold; the zippers are gold; there is a gold accent thread that is a decorative pattern (about 2" wide) on the leg pockets as well as the same gold accent thread in the same decorative pattern on the back pockets. These pants are simply good on many levels... except.. they aren't MY neutral...


... and WHY is that exactly?


I am supposed to accent with brilliant gold. Gold accents are so traditional with white; think nautical; think pearl strands with gold accent beads. Why isn't the white considered a "good" neutral for a FIRE?


I know, without argument, that I should NEVER place this white near my face. Please, you don't have to give me an opinion on that. But, as an outfit... wouldn't these pants be spectacular with the new FIRE blue sweater with the brilliant gold accent buttons that I just purchased?


Help me out here. Would this be a good purchase? Should I cave or should I slave to the color palette cards? What do you think?


I'm being so serious... I'm about ready to go get them... did I mention that they're also on SALE TODAY? :eek:



What about tea staining them to warm them up a bit??

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Thanks, everybody!


JaneStarr, a YES!


Kim, a NO!


Julie, a Maybe!


LOL. Julie, no, there's no point in tea staining this pair. They come in a SAND color, which is already putting that possibility into the picture... which, of course, I bought. The point is that I think that I actually like the look of these pants (white) with my FIRE tops; I think that they are bright, clear, and wonderfully accented.


OK. I'll post pictures. But, not until a few weeks from now because I have a problem with my hair! My appointment yesterday was postponed until the 19th... so I promise that I'll post some pre-cruise pictures before I leave.


My point about the pants was that.... with all those gold accents they really aren't appropriate for WINTER/ICE because they should be looking for silver and the gold would through off their outfit completely, just as the white (in theory) throws off my outfit. So, between the two, I think FIRE has a better possibility of actually making those pants work... because of the brightness of the gold accents. Oh well... the pants are way, way too bright for SUMMER/AIR (imho), so.... we'll see when you all get a chance to evaluate the pictures. (I'll proably get one of those infamous... Close but No Cigar Ratings!... LOL...). Nevertheless, eyes wide open... I'm just going to go for it!....

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Thanks, everybody!


JaneStarr, a YES!


Kim, a NO!


Julie, a Maybe!


LOL. Julie, no, there's no point in tea staining this pair. They come in a SAND color, which is already putting that possibility into the picture... which, of course, I bought. The point is that I think that I actually like the look of these pants (white) with my FIRE tops; I think that they are bright, clear, and wonderfully accented.


OK. I'll post pictures. But, not until a few weeks from now because I have a problem with my hair! My appointment yesterday was postponed until the 19th... so I promise that I'll post some pre-cruise pictures before I leave.


My point about the pants was that.... with all those gold accents they really aren't appropriate for WINTER/ICE because they should be looking for silver and the gold would through off their outfit completely, just as the white (in theory) throws off my outfit. So, between the two, I think FIRE has a better possibility of actually making those pants work... because of the brightness of the gold accents. Oh well... the pants are way, way too bright for SUMMER/AIR (imho), so.... we'll see when you all get a chance to evaluate the pictures. (I'll proably get one of those infamous... Close but No Cigar Ratings!... LOL...). Nevertheless, eyes wide open... I'm just going to go for it!....




Do you find that "sand" colors sometimes look too gray? I usually don't find that golden look. In fact, it seems that our FIRE off white is harder to find for me overall.


Julie, I too thought about tea-staining but, personally I would be afraid to do that to a new garment. I would be sick if it blotched or something and I couldn't wear it at all.


I do have some white t-shirts that we've gotten over the years on trips that I'm going to try tea-staining. I won't be out too much if it doesn't work as I just wear them to exercise, do yard work, etc.


I'm curious as to why some white looks good with gold while most white you see with silver. Is there a lot of difference in pure whites? As I mentioned, I stay away from whites pretty much all of the time. I did find a good green v-neck shirt with a white piece in the v-neck that I bought anyway. The white sure shows up on my face but the price was right and I wanted something to just wear out in the yard, etc.


I went Goodwill shopping today and found a few things. I'm going to try to take some pictures and see what you all think.


I'll be anxious to see your new pictures, Pam.

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I had given Mom my opinion IRL...my opinion was to get this particular pair of capris...unfortunately, I think it's unrealistic to think that we will always be able to find what we need, when we need it, in the right color and style...so it's important to know how to bend and break the "rules". This particular pair of capris is just a great style for Mom...not only is it very flattering for her, but also the functionality is there for travel...the white does look great with the gold accents...as opposed to needing silver...


AND I'm going to quote Mom's earlier comment to me today...which I think is a very important detail...this "rule-breaker" doesn't require different shoes or accessories than what she already owns or what SHOULD be a part of a FIRE wardrobe...let's say for instance that you wanted to try black instead of white...black could require a whole different set of shoes (black) which is something that FIRE would not normally own because it wouldn't really go with other outfits...Mom thought of this and I think this is another "key" to successful "rule breaking"...


I'm curious as to why some white looks good with gold while most white you see with silver. Is there a lot of difference in pure whites?


Ever shopped for white paint? It's no different really for white fabric...white is not "natural"...undyed fabric is normally a kind of light tan kind of color...think muslin fabric if you know what that is...So when a fabric becomes white, like any other color, white can have undertones that vary depending on the the process...


I went Goodwill shopping today and found a few things. I'm going to try to take some pictures and see what you all think.


Yay! Pictures! I love pictures! :D

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I had given Mom my opinion IRL...my opinion was to get this particular pair of capris...unfortunately, I think it's unrealistic to think that we will always be able to find what we need, when we need it, in the right color and style...so it's important to know how to bend and break the "rules". This particular pair of capris is just a great style for Mom...not only is it very flattering for her, but also the functionality is there for travel...the white does look great with the gold accents...as opposed to needing silver...


I totally understand the need for rule bending! I'm just not sure how to do that and succeed :o


That would be a good conversation to get going here. What, how, why, etc. to bend FIRE "rules". Some real life examples such as theis white pant thingy could be a good starter.


I just don't like white on myself. In fact, I'm more afraid of white than I am of black. Is that weird?


AND I'm going to quote Mom's earlier comment to me today...which I think is a very important detail...this "rule-breaker" doesn't require different shoes or accessories than what she already owns or what SHOULD be a part of a FIRE wardrobe...let's say for instance that you wanted to try black instead of white...black could require a whole different set of shoes (black) which is something that FIRE would not normally own because it wouldn't really go with other outfits...Mom thought of this and I think this is another "key" to successful "rule breaking"...


I also see that idea too. Certainly wouldn't have thought of it on my own though :) You would already have gold accessories and could pair many different colors of shoes too.


Ever shopped for white paint? It's no different really for white fabric...white is not "natural"...undyed fabric is normally a kind of light tan kind of color...think muslin fabric if you know what that is...So when a fabric becomes white, like any other color, white can have undertones that vary depending on the the process...


Dear Lord, I stay away from white in our house too :D But, there is a big difference in off-white paints too. I suppose much the same ideas about undertones as in white paint.


On an off note--my sister and her daughter are headed down your way, Anita. They're going to Houston to see my niece's college, Butler University, play in the Final Four. Wish the Bull Dawgs luck ;)


I'll work on those pictures now.

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