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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Yes Pam, I definatley think you're on to something.

Sometimes we fall in love with an item, or see it on

someone else and they look fabulous in it and wish we

could too, but it doesn't...


So maybe we should all make a promise to ourselves

that if we don't look fabulous in something than as

Pam said, it goes back on the rack


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I remember the Pear and Purple Orchid! The minute that I saw the sweater I knew exactly what you purchased. Those are perfect FIRE colors. I know... I'm seen them IRL.


So, for anyone that is thinking of shopping at Athleta. They have the BEST swimdresses! These are summer dresses, made out of swimsuit fabric, with built-in bras. I was so hoping that they would be FIRE colors because I think they will be perfect for several shore excursions on my Caribbean cruise where I'll be sailing in catamarans, etc.


So I can report that:


Wave Blue

Garden Green


are great FIRE colors for us! Yeah! The Wave Blue is a bright, aqua and the Garden Green is Granny Smith Apple Green. Good, good colors!

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So, for anyone that is thinking of shopping at Athleta. They have the BEST swimdresses! These are summer dresses, made out of swimsuit fabric, with built-in bras. I was so hoping that they would be FIRE colors because I think they will be perfect for several shore excursions on my Caribbean cruise where I'll be sailing in catamarans, etc.


So I can report that:


Wave Blue

Garden Green


are great FIRE colors for us! Yeah! The Wave Blue is a bright, aqua and the Garden Green is Granny Smith Apple Green. Good, good colors!


Always glad to get sure confirmations! Thanks, Pam.

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Does anyone know of a nice pale FIRE off whitish/peachy color of nail polish? Just a hint of FIREY color?


I've been looking around and all of the colors I've seen seem too pink, or too yellow, or not clear enough, or too something...



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Does anyone know of a nice pale FIRE off whitish/peachy color of nail polish? Just a hint of FIREY color?


I've been looking around and all of the colors I've seen seem too pink, or too yellow, or not clear enough, or too something...




I'll answer my own question (I think):eek:


I found this at Ulta when I went shopping last week --it is just what I wanted and I *think* it's a good match, even though on the website it doesn't look nearly as good as IRL:


It's called "goddess" by Ulta.

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Now, I have an eyeliner question. I'm going to bite the bullet and try an expensive eyeliner or two.


Urban Decay has lots of different colors and I'm looking for a FIRE green and a FIRE blue eyeliner. Do you think any of these would be a good match?




Other suggestions welcome too :)

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Member123 love your pictures. You look great! Keep them coming.



Repeat of the purple top from Limited (that I thought was FIRE) where Anita asked if I had another picture in that particular top. I didn't, so I took one for us to look at and discuss.




Just as a control, here are some pictures of an ICE in ICE colors. (yes, they are the same shirts.)


ICE in ICE green: (also in a fabulous ICE environment!)




ICE in ICE blue:



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Can someone fill me in on what this fire color system is? Where can I get the color swatches or info to follow the rules?




Hi Sher,


welcome to the discussion.


You can find out more info on the color system at this website:



Contact Curt and he will walk you through everything you need to do to get "analyzed".


Have you read back on this FIRE thread--lots of good info.


Another thread that is interesting is:



Ask any questions you might have-- there are lots of helpful and knowledgeable people on here :)

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...but I said I'd post pictures. I can't upload my personal pictures and wanted feedback, so here goes.


I ordered this tee in Cadmium Red and am positive this one works because it is such a lovely orangy-red and I've seen this color posted on an earlier page on this thread as being FIRE. (Thanks again!)



Here's the Wild Grape color that I'm not sure about.



It looks like a possible perewinkle but I really just don't know. This perewinkle thing has me stumped. I tried to go back and read Anita's explanation earlier on page 4 or 5, but the pictures didn't come through on my screen. I understand that there IS a Fire Perewinkle, I just don't understand what it looks like.



I think I have several items that may qualify for those items we "might" be able to cheat with! LOL --Debbie


I am finally able to reach a "real" computer instead of my iphone and have taken pictures. Please bear with me as I attempt posting pictures here for the first time. These pictures were taken this morning within moments of each other with the required no make-up (YUCK!). The walls behind me are off-white/light cream. Yes, I'm a dark FIRE and that's my natural haircolor (gray and all!). My neck is always red because of metal located there since surgery several years ago, so don't let that miscue the results, ok? The red is definitely a true red and is FIRE. My question is whether the Coldwater Creek Wild Grape top (listed above) is a FIRE perewinkle or not. Help me out, gals!


Joby/Kim -- sorry I can't help with the eyeliner. I don't wear it since I am sadly lacking in proper application procedure. (Translation-I smear it all over my face when I try to wear the stuff!)


Pam -- if I'm able to post these pictures properly, I'll attempt to do what you have done by giving examples of "close but no cigar" and see if the results are the same. Wasn't someone else supposed to be posting pictures besides just the two of us? Hint--Hint!!



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Hey there, Kentucky/Debbie,


Oh, stop. Don't you dare go back to lurking. It was brave of you to post the pictures, but we were waiting for more! At least, I was waiting for more... more pictures, please... I know that is a familiar commercial ad that I just loved while it was running.


Anyway, it's just so obvious that you look radiant in the FIRE Cadmium Red. I'm very positive about the nature of that color. IMO, not as good in the non-FIRE Wild Grape, which oddly comes across more blue on my screen. I can't tell what color that season falls into; but I don't think that it is US. I am also quite amazed that your natural coloring is so different than mine and yet we look great in the same FIRE colors! I have to admit that I don't truly understand why and how that can be, but trust that CJW has such a keen eye (you did get analyzed/diagnosed by CJW or did you come to us already knowing your season? I have to admit that I can't really remember your background story, if you shared. Chalk it up to being fairly tired today).


So, the story behind the story is that Anita has been out here to AZ for a visit and we had a fabulous time. But this time was all about ZUMBA and we did very little shopping. We did squeeze some time in to push through just a few stores: Chico's and Tommy Bahamas. She's having a much easier time finding her EARTH colors than I am finding my FIRE. Yes! She raided my closet and took away some of my "misses." I can locate warm, but I have some difficulty locating bright, intense colors. Anita showed me the difference between muted, intense and bright, intense. I have to admit that she looked fabulous in my Venetian scene top and a coral top that I had (well, I say "had" because it's now in Anita's wardrobe)... LOL


In Chico's, we think that the colors called Purpleberry, Cyan, and Promise are FIRE. We are confused by the color called Lime and think that it must be ICE. The confusion is that it doesn't look good on me, on Anita, or on my ICE DH! It definitely isn't AIR, so what's up with that color?!?


Joby/Kim and I got to meet IRL! We had a wonderful chat together as a start to their Southwestern vacation road trip. I got to meet her DH and DS and, unfortunately, Anita just missed our get-together and I couldn't help with the inevitable question: do you think my DH and DS are Summer/AIR? Wow, I wish I had the eye for being able to tell. What I can tell all you ladies is that DS is a handsome, blue-eyed charmer and DH is very patient with fashion conversation!


So, Kentucky/Debbie, I think that everyone is just busy with summertime happenings. It's just a lull period. Please don't feel abandoned. Kim said that she was going to bravely post pictures in ICE colors, as well. So I think that we'll have plenty to talk about very soon. In the meantime, I'm now home... and I'm here... so we could chat between us until the other ladies arrive back in town and iron out their schedules to come join our fun... :D


Were you trying to get an opinion on the Wild Grape in order to decide whether to keep the top? Anita's eye is much better than mine; I'll get her to come over here and take a look. She's really far behind in her IRL happenings and hasn't been on the message board as much, but I'll get her opinion here for you!


Talk soon.

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Oh, no! What have I done? I posted pictures and killed this thread. It's buried on page two now. Please continue with your conversation, Ladies, and I will lurk quietly in the background again. I am so very sorry.


Debbie...no, No, NO!!! Do NOT go back to lurking...it's just summer and everyone has been coming and going on the threads. I know how you are feeling because the same thing seemed to happen after Mom posted all her pictures. I took a while for the comments to come rolling in.


The red is absolutely lovely on you. I know that red...Mom and I were checking it out in Chico's on our one shopping occasion. I am totally unfamiliar with the other color, which is looking like a periwinkle family color on my screen...not quite blue and not quite purple. It's interesting to try to analyze the two photos to see if the effect of the color is the same...which is what we have to do...because we all know that color is often misrepresented in online photographs.


Here's my thoughts...In the periwinkle shirt:


1. your complexion is evened out on your face...somewhat similar to the red...you mention the redness of your chest area as being a constant...in the red...the difference between your redder and non-red neck/chest areas is not as noticeable...it is much more noticeable in the periwinkle.


2. your eyes DO pop...


3. you ARE the focus of the picture...


4. you don't look out of sorts...the way Mom did in the Ice colors.


5. BUT...you do not SPARKLE like you do in the red...


Which leads me to the conclusion that you should send that periwinkle shirt to myself or any of my EARTH sisters, because I think that shirt could be the elusive EARTH periwinkle. :D


I can imagine my Mom looking just like you in the coral shirt that I just rescued from her closet...the tone (warm) of the shirt is blending in...but the lack of clarity means that the color doesn't reflect as much as it should into your face to give your skin the added color and glow that it needs...because it is something of an INTENSE color, you aren't completely gray like Mom went in that dull, muted print shirt...but it IS muted. Look at that color in person...intense, muted.


At least...that my opinion. :rolleyes:

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Hey there, Kentucky/Debbie,


Oh, stop. Don't you dare go back to lurking. It was brave of you to post the pictures, but we were waiting for more! At least, I was waiting for more... more pictures, please... I know that is a familiar commercial ad that I just loved while it was running.


Anyway, it's just so obvious that you look radiant in the FIRE Cadmium Red. I'm very positive about the nature of that color. IMO, not as good in the non-FIRE Wild Grape, which oddly comes across more blue on my screen. I can't tell what color that season falls into; but I don't think that it is US. I am also quite amazed that your natural coloring is so different than mine and yet we look great in the same FIRE colors! I have to admit that I don't truly understand why and how that can be, but trust that CJW has such a keen eye (you did get analyzed/diagnosed by CJW or did you come to us already knowing your season? I have to admit that I can't really remember your background story, if you shared. Chalk it up to being fairly tired today).


So, the story behind the story is that Anita has been out here to AZ for a visit and we had a fabulous time. But this time was all about ZUMBA and we did very little shopping. We did squeeze some time in to push through just a few stores: Chico's and Tommy Bahamas. She's having a much easier time finding her EARTH colors than I am finding my FIRE. Yes! She raided my closet and took away some of my "misses." I can locate warm, but I have some difficulty locating bright, intense colors. Anita showed me the difference between muted, intense and bright, intense. I have to admit that she looked fabulous in my Venetian scene top and a coral top that I had (well, I say "had" because it's now in Anita's wardrobe)... LOL


In Chico's, we think that the colors called Purpleberry, Cyan, and Promise are FIRE. We are confused by the color called Lime and think that it must be ICE. The confusion is that it doesn't look good on me, on Anita, or on my ICE DH! It definitely isn't AIR, so what's up with that color?!?


Joby/Kim and I got to meet IRL! We had a wonderful chat together as a start to their Southwestern vacation road trip. I got to meet her DH and DS and, unfortunately, Anita just missed our get-together and I couldn't help with the inevitable question: do you think my DH and DS are Summer/AIR? Wow, I wish I had the eye for being able to tell. What I can tell all you ladies is that DS is a handsome, blue-eyed charmer and DH is very patient with fashion conversation!


So, Kentucky/Debbie, I think that everyone is just busy with summertime happenings. It's just a lull period. Please don't feel abandoned. Kim said that she was going to bravely post pictures in ICE colors, as well. So I think that we'll have plenty to talk about very soon. In the meantime, I'm now home... and I'm here... so we could chat between us until the other ladies arrive back in town and iron out their schedules to come join our fun... :D


Were you trying to get an opinion on the Wild Grape in order to decide whether to keep the top? Anita's eye is much better than mine; I'll get her to come over here and take a look. She's really far behind in her IRL happenings and hasn't been on the message board as much, but I'll get her opinion here for you!


Talk soon.


Thank you -- Thank you!!


I just knew there must be a reasonable explanation. I was beginning to think there had been a secret "FIRE" cruise planned and I just wasn't included. LOL Hey, wait a minute! A FIRE cruise might be a wonderful idea!


Thanks so very much for the input, Member123/Pam. I knew immediately when I put them on the first time that the tomato red colors were just right on me. I am afraid I will buy too many things this color because it is so easy for me to know the difference between it and the other reds. And YES, I was diagnosed by CJW as a FIRE. I had wiggled back and forth by myself as I read the original SEASONS thread from beginning to end. WHOOOee! Was that a doozie to digest or what? I knew I would never figure it out by myself, so I believe it was during the last week before Baby CJW was born that he and I emailed back and forth a few times. I sent three batches of pictures, current and from childhood. Wow, is he ever good! I would have NEVER chosen these wild colors, but the minute I put them on, they just fit. That's why a few posts ago I suggested that the colors we can "cheat" with may be different from one person to the other depending upon our coloring. I am not the typical FIRE, am I? Oh well. People that know me understand that I am anything but typical!


OH, I am so glad that you and Anita were able to visit and thanks for telling me that you got to meet Joby/Kim IRL. That really explains why no one was chatting. I was just feeling so very insecure (which is NOT normal for me) but I guess it was because I felt naked with my pictures out here for all the world to see. Thanks for taking the time to enlighten me. I feel much better now. I hope you had a wonderful time visiting.


Thanks for the confirmation on Chico's colors. I think Promise is a gorgeous color. Now I'll check out the other two. Bright intense I understand, but muted intense? That may be where I'm missing the boat. Can you or Anita explain, please?


I will post more pictures since I have many "misses". The best time for me is in the morning while getting ready for work, but before makeup. However, most mornings do not allow extra time for picture posing in front of the bathroom mirror.


Yes, Wild Grape was posted so I could get an opinion. It was bought at either Chicos or Coldwater Creek and looks periwinkle IRL. I just can't decide what our FIRE perewinkle really is. The posted picture looks a little more blue than IRL. I'll try to post another picture with the CJW color card on my shoulder. Maybe that will help.


Thanks again!!!

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Debbie...no, No, NO!!! Do NOT go back to lurking...it's just summer and everyone has been coming and going on the threads. I know how you are feeling because the same thing seemed to happen after Mom posted all her pictures. I took a while for the comments to come rolling in.


The red is absolutely lovely on you. I know that red...Mom and I were checking it out in Chico's on our one shopping occasion. I am totally unfamiliar with the other color, which is looking like a periwinkle family color on my screen...not quite blue and not quite purple. It's interesting to try to analyze the two photos to see if the effect of the color is the same...which is what we have to do...because we all know that color is often misrepresented in online photographs.


Here's my thoughts...In the periwinkle shirt:


1. your complexion is evened out on your face...somewhat similar to the red...you mention the redness of your chest area as being a constant...in the red...the difference between your redder and non-red neck/chest areas is not as noticeable...it is much more noticeable in the periwinkle.


2. your eyes DO pop...


3. you ARE the focus of the picture...


4. you don't look out of sorts...the way Mom did in the Ice colors.


5. BUT...you do not SPARKLE like you do in the red...


Which leads me to the conclusion that you should send that periwinkle shirt to myself or any of my EARTH sisters, because I think that shirt could be the elusive EARTH periwinkle. :D


I can imagine my Mom looking just like you in the coral shirt that I just rescued from her closet...the tone (warm) of the shirt is blending in...but the lack of clarity means that the color doesn't reflect as much as it should into your face to give your skin the added color and glow that it needs...because it is something of an INTENSE color, you aren't completely gray like Mom went in that dull, muted print shirt...but it IS muted. Look at that color in person...intense, muted.


At least...that my opinion. :rolleyes:


Ok, OK! I'm out of the FIRE closet and lurking no more! I didn't realize how vulnerable posting your pictures makes you until I did it myself. WOW! I never realized how very brave the ladies here are while trying to be as fashionable and color-concious as possible.


I purchased four Chico's tops (clearance with % off, of course!) and received them yesterday. A Cadmium red button-up shirt, a sleeveless ivory top, a Marchella purple tank (to go with the clearance Marchella cashmere sweater purchased earlier), and a patterned top in ivory, cognac and brown. DH said "You look good in all of them. Keep them all!" He never says that! The only questionable top was the browns, but that orangy brown made the decision easy. Once I have a handle on a color, I'm good to go. Until then, I'm collecting quite a few that I could send to you, Anita! So far, I know quite a few, but it's been a LONG journey.


Thanks, Anita for your periwinkle opinion. So, my periwinkle top is intense but muted? Is that the reason I'm not 100% sure about it? It's like Pam said in an earlier post. When it IS right, we immediately know it. When it is partially right and we WANT it to be right, we stand and "bargain" with ourselves trying to "make" it be ok? I feel like we have so few options in most stores. (Maybe that's not a bad thing!) In this instance, the color is definitely periwinkle and is definitely intense. But the hesitation comes in because in the back of my mind I know that it is intense but not quite bright enough?


I've tried to take pictures in the dressing room and look to see if it is a "hit" or a "miss". I can't usually tell if it is or not. To be honest with you, I couldn't tell if my "blue" picture was the same/different than my "red" picture. I just know that the tomato red is a good color for me and I know the tomato red color when I see it. I can't tell any difference in the pictures. I think I'm color deficient.


I love the way you explain colors so that even I understand a little better. Thanks so much. Could you explain the difference between an intense muted color and a less intense bright color? Know what I mean? I own several shades of the yellow-green that has been popular this past season or two. I know that each top I own IS FIRE and doesn't have to match exactly. When the color is absolutely FIRE like this green or the tomato red, I have no problem is saying YES or NO to anything I see in the store. But I am hopeless with many of the other colors. I think I've hit on something finally! I think this whole concept of intense muted is what has been messing with my brain.


Thanks for your opinion and thanks for any insight you can give.

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There are many ways to describe color. Adjectives that work for some people and make sense may not work for others...I am going to use words that work for me...I hope this will make sense for everyone.


How to describe color:


1. Temperature...warm v. cool...there is not an absolute here...not all yellows are warm...not all blues are cool...but you may have learned in grade school that red, orange, and yellow are the warm side of the color wheel while green, blue, and violet are the cool side of the color wheel. Well...it's just not that simple...and now we all get to struggle with figuring out if a blue is warm or cool.


2. Clarity...clear v. muted...a clear color could be thought to be a true color...a muted color has an element of muddy-ness to it...as if you were looking at a color through tinted sunglasses...whether it's brownish or grayish...instead of orange, there is rust...instead of emerald green, there is army green...instead of sunshine yellow, there is mustard...instead of a clear violet or red, there is burgundy...some clear v. muted is easy to identify...others...well not so much...because of INTENSITY...


3. INTENSITY...how light or dark is the color?...I could say PASTEL yellow...pastel refers to intensity...you will think of a PALE color...a lighter color...FADED also works here...if I said FADED yellow...you would think of a lighter colored yellow...ICY also indicates a lighter color...if I said ICY blue...likely you are not thinking of a dark, navy blue...or SKY blue...even if the sky can be a wonderful deep color...we usually refer to a lighter blue color when we say SKY blue...


But if I were to compare a SKY blue with a NAVY blue...I would still have to figure out if the light, sky blue was clear or muted...or if the dark, navy blue was clear or muted...because how light or dark a color is doesn't indicate whether or not it is clear or muted.


We have more descriptive words that we use to refer to a DARK color...again...an indication of INTENSITY...if I talk about a JEWEL tone...you think darker...if I said a RICH brown...you probably think about a dark, chocolate colored brown...if I said DEEP violet...you are thinking about a dark color again...because these words all indicate how dark or light a color is...


If I said to you that I bought a WINE colored shirt...likely you are thinking that I bought a shirt that is somewhere between red and violet in color...could call it Burgundy, Merlot (also wines...;))...but regardless...you are likely thinking about an INTENSE color...a DARK color...a color that has a lot of color in it...probably not a faded or pale color.


Now if we start talking about colors that cannot be described as light nor as dark...but are somewhere in between these descriptive words...then we are talking about colors that fall somewhere along a spectrum of intensity that is either very intense (lots of color in that color) or not intense (very little color in that color)...but unfortunately, we do not have any great descriptive adjectives to talk about colors that fall in the mid-range of intensity.


If the color is clear...then a mid-range intense color could be called BRIGHT...if I said BRIGHT green...likely, you will think of a CLEAR color...because bright and clear seem to be used interchangeably...the green may be warm...like a candy, apple or granny smith green...OR cool...like a Kelly green...most likely it is also a mid-range intensity green...it isn't pale...it isn't dark...it is somewhere in-between.


However, if the color is muted...AND mid-range intensity?...what adjective do you use? I can call a color ARMY green...and because we are familiar with that color because of the military...we are probably all thinking of a similar muted green that isn't necessarily dark (like a deep FOREST green) OR pale (like a pale SAGE green)...no...ARMY green falls somewhere on the spectrum of intensity (lightness v. darkness) between Forest and Sage...because we are all familiar with this color of green...we can name it...and understand it.


If I take a red color...a mid-range color...and it happens to be more muted than clear...and described as neither pale nor dark...I MIGHT be able to call that BRICK red and have you understand that I am talking about a mid-range intensity color...think about Sedona...or the Grand Canyon...Brick red?


I could do the same thing with the word SALMON...would you get that I was talking about a muted kind of coral color...neither pale nor dark...but somewhere in the middle in terms of intensity...in terms of light v. dark?


What about PERIWINKLE? What in the world do you name a warm, muted, mid-range intensity color that COULD be called periwinkle?


See...I think that we can look at a pale color and think of it as muted...no problem. To a certain extent, we can do the same thing with dark colors...we can understand that a color that could be called plum, wine, merlot, burgundy, etc etc and COULD be muted or clear. But there are questionable muted colors ...and somehow...they are INTENSE...there is a lot of color there...too much color to be called pale...not enough color to be called deep or dark...and we question...is that clear?...because it is so intense...


We don't have a great word for that kind of color that falls in that mid-range between light and dark while being muted...unless we have a name for that color (army, brick, etc)...it's like the color is too bright to actually be called muted...because we are getting the clarity and the intensity of a color all mixed together because BRIGHT can cover both clarity and intensity on the clear and more intense side of the equation...and there isn't a readily used word for the muted side.


Which leads me to start talking about an INTENSE muted color...and how this can really throw us all for a loop as we are trying to identify if the color is our own color...it's why colors like that periwinkle shirt can be difficult to identify...because it FEELS too bright to call it muted...because we keep thinking about muted as somehow being PALER by comparison to clear...but it isn't...maybe this is from sound?...mute is soundless...loud is the opposite...so we somehow expect a muted color to be more quiet? and a clear color is loud? and that periwinkle isn't exactly what we would call a quiet color? because it is too INTENSE to be called quiet? And so we wonder if it is clear? Even though we wouldn't necessarily call it BRIGHT?


I really hope this all made sense somehow to everyone else...:p:rolleyes:

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Wow, Debbie... if I could only warn you to grab a glass of wine before you start reading Anita's post above... that might be helpful...




Anita, you know I love you. That is some kind of explanation. Methinks I will be re-reading the post... many times.


Debbie, what happened with this whole intense, muted versus bright, intense conversation was because of a print sundress that I had that just didn't quite make it to the FABulous category. But, it seemed that all the colors were right and it should have been perfect! The colors were coral, salmon, brown, and they were very intense... but, what happened with that particular sundress is that Anita put it into her luggage and away it went to her closet! Which didn't make any sense because of her EARTH nature that the sundress should have worked for her. But, in looking at the dress and trying to come up with the reason, Anita realized that the dress was actually intense... but muted... somehow... the colors just weren't bright, clear, intense... but more intense, muted. In other words, the print just didn't stand up to the bright, clear, intense tops that we put around it to see if there was a happy color party and it looked beautiful with Anita's more muted tops... so she coined a new phrase.. "muted intense." IDK. It is a little bit of a difficult concept.


BTW, you are so on spot with the vulnerability of posting pictures and the feeling that you get when your picture is out there... ESPECIALLY if you end up making it too big! LOL. :p Those of us who have done it realize how it makes you check back and check back and get really obsessive, compulsive about wanting to read comments!


Taking pictures in dressing rooms, although it "seems" like it would work just never seems to be the best thing to do. I swear I don't understand what the department store lighting is all about. I've gotten to the point where I literally only try on clothes for "fit" and I make sure that the return policy is a good one because I'll be taking the item home and checking it out thoroughly before a final decision is made. I had the worst time recently just trying to find colors that would be acceptable in ORANGE, what was up with that?!? But, like Anita has told me, orange can be cool... if you mix a cool red with a cool yellow, you won't magically get a warm orange. So just because if seems like a color would be a "given," it just isn't. We have to have a very critical eye.


I have to say that those pictures I posted where I was wearing ICE were a significant learning for me, but the one that blew me away was the EARTH. I will NEVER NOT wear FIRE again! Besides, I promised Anita that I wouldn't.


When Kim gets back she'll have to explain her "play" clothes theory and we'll all have to decide if we're going to try to talk her out of it! Get ready, Kim, because I'm going to try to talk you out of it! Fair warning...

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Wow, Debbie... if I could only warn you to grab a glass of wine before you start reading Anita's post above... that might be helpful...




Anita, you know I love you. That is some kind of explanation. Methinks I will be re-reading the post... many times.




I did the best I could...I think it might make sense after 1-2 glasses of wine...or 1 homemade Mai-Tai... :)


Seriously...you should share that recipe...Curt has a thread for recipes...:cool:

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I did the best I could...I think it might make sense after 1-2 glasses of wine...or 1 homemade Mai-Tai... :)


Seriously...you should share that recipe...Curt has a thread for recipes...:cool:


Anita & Pam --


I'm not a glass of wine kind-of-girl but being from the great Commonwealth of Kentucky, I do enjoy an occasional sip of bourbon and have been known to drink a frozen margarita or two or three in my time. Sure wish I had one or the other while I was digesting this latest lesson! ;)


Anita, I read your explanation late yesterday afternoon.


Pam, I was really glad to read your comment, because I thought it was just my dense head that was having trouble understanding this newest concept.


I read your posts again late last night and the only explanation I have is that it must have soaked in overnight while I slept. I reached in my closet this morning to take another picture of the periwinkle top with CJW's color card on my shoulder. Guess what happened? I immediately knew the color was just as Anita said -- intense yet muted. It IS bright, but ultimately it has that muddled quality deep in the color. Know what I mean?


How did that happen? How did I not see before now? I was even able to see that there are a few more non-FIRE party participants lurking in my closet. I know they aren't the "best" for me, but I may not send them away just yet. I'm having a hard time sending them away so soon when I just invited (paid for) them to join me. I am such a spend-thrift and it makes me sad to think I have wasted my money this way. And yes, we have a clothes closet at church where I could donate them, but I LIKE them. I may try incorporating them with other pieces for a while. Yes, I'm bargaining with myself again. I KNOW. (BIG HEAVY SIGH!!!)


I really believe that I find such a small amount of colors that truly "work" for me that I bargain with myself WAAAAY too much. I must make a genuine effort to only buy what is the right color, what fits and what flatters. I may have NO clothes before long, but atleast what I do have hanging in the closet will be right for me. I'm sure DH will be happier with my clothing purchases if I can get this nailed down and only buy what truly works.

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BTW, you are so on spot with the vulnerability of posting pictures and the feeling that you get when your picture is out there... ESPECIALLY if you end up making it too big! LOL. :p Those of us who have done it realize how it makes you check back and check back and get really obsessive, compulsive about wanting to read comments!


Taking pictures in dressing rooms, although it "seems" like it would work just never seems to be the best thing to do. I swear I don't understand what the department store lighting is all about. I've gotten to the point where I literally only try on clothes for "fit" and I make sure that the return policy is a good one because I'll be taking the item home and checking it out thoroughly before a final decision is made. I had the worst time recently just trying to find colors that would be acceptable in ORANGE, what was up with that?!? But, like Anita has told me, orange can be cool... if you mix a cool red with a cool yellow, you won't magically get a warm orange. So just because if seems like a color would be a "given," it just isn't. We have to have a very critical eye.


I have to say that those pictures I posted where I was wearing ICE were a significant learning for me, but the one that blew me away was the EARTH. I will NEVER NOT wear FIRE again! Besides, I promised Anita that I wouldn't.


When Kim gets back she'll have to explain her "play" clothes theory and we'll all have to decide if we're going to try to talk her out of it! Get ready, Kim, because I'm going to try to talk you out of it! Fair warning...


Pam, you are "spot on" with the comment about getting OCD about wanting to read comments on posted pictures. I checked this thread SEVERAL times. Maybe quite a few of the people viewing this thread aren't lurkers, but are actually posters checking back to see if comments have been sent.;)


I agree with you about taking pictures in dressing rooms. It just doesn't work! Why don't they invest in a little better dressing room lighting when the actual stores are so brightly lit? Do you think they believe we will make the purchase and when the item isn't right, just keep it rather than return it? Just in case I change my mind, I NEVER take tags from a garment until it is time to wear it for the first time and I ALWAYS keep my receipts. (Now, where is the receipt for that periwinkle top? LOL)


Anita, if I'm not being a pest, could you stand for one more explanation? You may have already answered this in the past post and if so, just let me know and I'll keep re-reading it until it hopefully soaks in. I don't want to brag that I know all about muted now, but I'm feeling a little less lost about it. Now, how do I understand that it isn't muted but just a different shade of the bright and clear color? What I mean is that I have several peach/coral/salmon/light orange type tops and I'm not sure if they are FIRE or EARTH. One may even be an AIR! I can post me in them if that will help with the explanation.


While looking in my closet this morning for the periwinkle top, I realized that I have several peachy-colored tops and I'm not sure if they are just different shades of FIRE or if they are the wrong color to be FIRE. One in particular looked like it could have the same "muddled" quality about it that the periwinkle top has and it caused me to question myself again.


Sure hope you don't mind teaching me and any others this may help. I really appreciate the time you are taking and the explanations you work so hard to create to educate us. It is helping SOOOOOO very much!!!!!


Hey, forwarned now, I'll have a little Southern Comfort & Coke ready when I log in next time :D:D:D


Can't wait to hear about Kim's "play" clothes!



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Anita, if I'm not being a pest, could you stand for one more explanation? ...Now, how do I understand that it isn't muted but just a different shade of the bright and clear color? What I mean is that I have several peach/coral/salmon/light orange type tops and I'm not sure if they are FIRE or EARTH. One may even be an AIR! I can post me in them if that will help with the explanation.


Unfortunately, I don't think there is a hard and fast rule for telling whether something is clear or muted...What you are talking about now is, of course, another way of identifying color...HUE...as in...what COLOR is the color? LOL


So...just to simplify some thoughts from the previous post:


How dark or how light a color is...how INTENSE...how much color is there...is an independent characteristic of color...it has no bearing on clarity, temperature, or hue...think about watercolors...the ratio of paint with water makes a big difference on how much color ends up on the paper...how intense the color is...how dark...but the color itself doesn't really change...so you CAN have PALE, CLEAR colors...so don't disregard the lighter colors in your coral/peach collection just because they are lighter...


One thing that you can do to begin the process of determining clarity is to accessorize. Which looks better? Gold or bronze? In the world of home hardware...I would say...does brass look better? Or antique brass? Referring back to the picture of Mom dining in Italy wearing the muted shirt (which is now hanging in MY closet and blending in quite nicely with the other inhabitants there ;)) and she is wearing a gold necklace to try to brighten up the muted shirt. The necklace doesn't really go with the shirt.


Understand that I'm not suggesting that you find something that really works in terms of size, length, or style...in fact...it would probably be easier to use over-sized jewelry for this exercise. Use whatever you have around that works if you don't have jewelry...lamps...picture frames...door knobs...purses...shoes...other random things that you may have around the house...I have a little statue thing that is bronze...you are just trying to see if the color will HOLD UP to a bright, shiny gold...or does it look way better with the muted metal?


Sort your clothing with this technique.


If you can, gather clothing that you KNOW is a winner...that red shirt...any other shirts that Curt used to confirm you being a Fire...you are gathering your color party...use other household members clothing if you need to...try to gather what you can...then you can test the clothes that passed the gold test and see if they work with your color party...I highly recommend taking pictures of your color party...it's amazing how a camera lens can really help us see whether the colors are working together or fighting. Test the questionable clothes one at a time.


I fold the clothing into squares and place them onto some sort of configuration on my bed. I put the test subject in the middle.


If you like...confirm the rejects...this should give you a good idea of what it looks like when the colors don't blend and fight.


Finally...you can take pictures of yourself to confirm as well.


When it is all said and done...you can take a color family picture...I did this with my greens. Here is a post that I about all my EARTH greens.




The idea of a color party is how I take Curt's swatches to the next level...making really BIG swatches...LOL...once you start to feel more comfortable training your eye to recognize whether a color is blending nicely with another color...it can become easier to use the swatches. I did a post on how I used my color swatches to see if a color blended...since there wasn't a perfect match here:




Hopefully this won't confuse the issue more...but here is picture I took of my Earth color wheel in clothing...the colors all looked pretty bright to me at the time...but now...I would just say that they are INTENSE...lol...they aren't pale or dark...nice medium shade colors...but certainly...a LOT of color here...




Then Mom posted hers...MUCH brighter...my eyes can start to hurt when I look at this one too long...LOL!!




Hopefully, in the midst of all this info...you can find something that will be the thing for you to help you in your identification process.


Sure hope you don't mind teaching me and any others this may help. I really appreciate the time you are taking and the explanations you work so hard to create to educate us. It is helping SOOOOOO very much!!!!!


Hey, forwarned now, I'll have a little Southern Comfort & Coke ready when I log in next time :D:D:D




I don't mind a bit...so long as I don't make things more confusing...I LOVE all this color business...it is not an exaggeration to say that finding out that I have EARTH coloring has seriously changed my life...changed my perspective of myself and how I look...increased my confidence...and kick started a whole personal campaign to improve my physical health...anything that I can do to help others get to the same place along the way...I enjoy doing...because it isn't easy...but really...I see over and over again how it's WORTH it.

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One thing that you can do to begin the process of determining clarity is to accessorize. Which looks better? Gold or bronze? In the world of home hardware...I would say...does brass look better? Or antique brass? Referring back to the picture of Mom dining in Italy wearing the muted shirt (which is now hanging in MY closet and blending in quite nicely with the other inhabitants there ;)) and she is wearing a gold necklace to try to brighten up the muted shirt. The necklace doesn't really go with the shirt.


Understand that I'm not suggesting that you find something that really works in terms of size, length, or style...in fact...it would probably be easier to use over-sized jewelry for this exercise. Use whatever you have around that works if you don't have jewelry...lamps...picture frames...door knobs...purses...shoes...other random things that you may have around the house...I have a little statue thing that is bronze...you are just trying to see if the color will HOLD UP to a bright, shiny gold...or does it look way better with the muted metal?


Sort your clothing with this technique.


If you can, gather clothing that you KNOW is a winner...that red shirt...any other shirts that Curt used to confirm you being a Fire...you are gathering your color party...use other household members clothing if you need to...try to gather what you can...then you can test the clothes that passed the gold test and see if they work with your color party...I highly recommend taking pictures of your color party...it's amazing how a camera lens can really help us see whether the colors are working together or fighting. Test the questionable clothes one at a time.


I fold the clothing into squares and place them onto some sort of configuration on my bed. I put the test subject in the middle.


If you like...confirm the rejects...this should give you a good idea of what it looks like when the colors don't blend and fight.


Finally...you can take pictures of yourself to confirm as well.


When it is all said and done...you can take a color family picture...I did this with my greens. Here is a post that I about all my EARTH greens.




The idea of a color party is how I take Curt's swatches to the next level...making really BIG swatches...LOL...once you start to feel more comfortable training your eye to recognize whether a color is blending nicely with another color...it can become easier to use the swatches. I did a post on how I used my color swatches to see if a color blended...since there wasn't a perfect match here:




Hopefully this won't confuse the issue more...but here is picture I took of my Earth color wheel in clothing...the colors all looked pretty bright to me at the time...but now...I would just say that they are INTENSE...lol...they aren't pale or dark...nice medium shade colors...but certainly...a LOT of color here...




Then Mom posted hers...MUCH brighter...my eyes can start to hurt when I look at this one too long...LOL!!




Hopefully, in the midst of all this info...you can find something that will be the thing for you to help you in your identification process.


Thanks, Anita. I had forgotten about making the BIG color swatch squares. I tried that when I first got started and it DOES help. I've tried imagining gold, silver and bronze jewelry with different items, but it hadn't occurred to me to actually find a large piece of the metal in the house and compare. That's a great idea!


I don't mind a bit...so long as I don't make things more confusing...I LOVE all this color business...it is not an exaggeration to say that finding out that I have EARTH coloring has seriously changed my life...changed my perspective of myself and how I look...increased my confidence...and kick started a whole personal campaign to improve my physical health...anything that I can do to help others get to the same place along the way...I enjoy doing...because it isn't easy...but really...I see over and over again how it's WORTH it.


It is amazing to me how much my outlook has changed just because I began to care about my appearance. My physical and my mental health have improved tremendously because I realize that I don't always need to come last. I am SOOO worth the effort to be the best me that I can be, inside and out. All this started because I stumbled upon a thread called SEASONS. A most humble and hearty THANK YOU to you and all the lovely ladies here (and CJW) that helped jumpstart my journey.:)

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In an earlier post you said that the Wild Grape might have come from Chico's. If it DID, then I can tell you with certainty that it is not a FIRE color because I tried that one, myself, IRL at my local store. There's something not quite right about that color.


Also to have a discussion about color(s) and their slight nuances, the story that I have about that concerns my DH and his ICE-y nature. He wanted a Polo shirt, and I can't remember if this story revolves around the green one or the blue one, but that detail isn't important. We went to the store and I found three (call it green) shirts that I knew were his color, bright, cool. Holding them up to him, it literally went like this... the first one, "yep, this is your color." The second one, "wow, this looks better." The third one, "wow, this looks BEST." Now, if I hadn't had the other 2 colors to compare, I would simply have bought the first shirt and my DH would have looked good in it. But, the last color being there and the nature of the color just went up a notch. KWIM? My point is... there is probably someone out there, ICE-y, who would have one of the other colors be the one that went up a notch. I think it would have something to do with the overall picture that gets formed... eye color... hair color... skin nature, not just cool vs warm but the nature of the skin as in freckled, blotchy, etc.


So I think that the fact that some of the colors in your closet look so similar that you begin to think you have a limited choice of colors isn't really the case. There are a lot of color ranges that we end up with, but the overall sense is that it's the same color. I have to tell you that Chico's had a red color a few seasons ago that is so close to the Cadmium Red out now that it could be a twin. It's just ever so slightly subtle in the difference. But, it's an important difference... because Cadmium Red is just that little bit brighter that it becomes a better color selection, for me.


I know exactly what you mean about the change that has come from focusing on your color SEASON. It's pretty amazing because it makes such a DIFFERENCE that you feel inspired to make other changes in your life.


Kim and I were talking about this because we both got mis-analyzed earlier in life. Where, or where, was CJW when we needed him? Somehow, Kim and I both got labeled a SUMMER! Cool, muted... can you imagine? I abandoned the seasons type of dressing because I literally couldn't tell the difference between being dressed in my "Summer Season" and black/white. Anita, remember all those raw silk outfits? Pastel, muted... <ugh>. So, I built a wardrobe around black/white outfits because it was so much easier for travel. Because I didn't look that terrific in my clothes, I really didn't even bother about the fit that much. I admit; it was like being in a downward spiral. Because the fit of my clothes didn't matter that much to me, I ended up not really caring if I had belly fat... and deciding that was just what was going to be my life... menopause... thyroid... black and white clothing... boxy tops... baggy bottoms. Do I sound depressing and whiny? LOL.


I feel so much better now! Yippee skippee. :D:D:D

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In an earlier post you said that the Wild Grape might have come from Chico's. If it DID, then I can tell you with certainty that it is not a FIRE color because I tried that one, myself, IRL at my local store. There's something not quite right about that color.


Also to have a discussion about color(s) and their slight nuances, the story that I have about that concerns my DH and his ICE-y nature. He wanted a Polo shirt, and I can't remember if this story revolves around the green one or the blue one, but that detail isn't important. We went to the store and I found three (call it green) shirts that I knew were his color, bright, cool. Holding them up to him, it literally went like this... the first one, "yep, this is your color." The second one, "wow, this looks better." The third one, "wow, this looks BEST." Now, if I hadn't had the other 2 colors to compare, I would simply have bought the first shirt and my DH would have looked good in it. But, the last color being there and the nature of the color just went up a notch. KWIM? My point is... there is probably someone out there, ICE-y, who would have one of the other colors be the one that went up a notch. I think it would have something to do with the overall picture that gets formed... eye color... hair color... skin nature, not just cool vs warm but the nature of the skin as in freckled, blotchy, etc.


So I think that the fact that some of the colors in your closet look so similar that you begin to think you have a limited choice of colors isn't really the case. There are a lot of color ranges that we end up with, but the overall sense is that it's the same color. I have to tell you that Chico's had a red color a few seasons ago that is so close to the Cadmium Red out now that it could be a twin. It's just ever so slightly subtle in the difference. But, it's an important difference... because Cadmium Red is just that little bit brighter that it becomes a better color selection, for me.


I know exactly what you mean about the change that has come from focusing on your color SEASON. It's pretty amazing because it makes such a DIFFERENCE that you feel inspired to make other changes in your life.


Kim and I were talking about this because we both got mis-analyzed earlier in life. Where, or where, was CJW when we needed him? Somehow, Kim and I both got labeled a SUMMER! Cool, muted... can you imagine? I abandoned the seasons type of dressing because I literally couldn't tell the difference between being dressed in my "Summer Season" and black/white. Anita, remember all those raw silk outfits? Pastel, muted... <ugh>. So, I built a wardrobe around black/white outfits because it was so much easier for travel. Because I didn't look that terrific in my clothes, I really didn't even bother about the fit that much. I admit; it was like being in a downward spiral. Because the fit of my clothes didn't matter that much to me, I ended up not really caring if I had belly fat... and deciding that was just what was going to be my life... menopause... thyroid... black and white clothing... boxy tops... baggy bottoms. Do I sound depressing and whiny? LOL.


I feel so much better now! Yippee skippee.


Your explanation about DH's shirts helps, Pam. I'm afraid I have been majoring on the minors here some of the time. I will take Anita's advice about making my bed into a large-scale color card with my "good" tops and my "questions". I have a multi-colored skirt that I used in the very beginning to color match. It has almost every color of our FIRE rainbow in one easy elastic-waistband (prairie-type) skirt. BOY is it loud! I am almost frugal about wearing it because I'm afraid I'll ruin it and then what will I use for my control item? But it's so easy to go shopping in it and just buy what matches. I must pull it out of the back of the closet and put it into service again!


Found the receipt on the Wild Grape top and have it ready to go back to Coldwater Creek. Too bad it won't get to stay and party at my house. I LOVE purple of every color and just wanted this to be our periwinkle soooo much, but I must learn to not "bargain" with myself about our colors.


Pam, I do believe we could be twins separated at birth. Our stories sound so similar because I have been guilty of the "downward spiral" you mention too. I am in the process of purging my closet AGAIN and have found several items that are wrong on soooo many levels. When I removed the colors that were wrong, what on God's green earth made me think khaki pants two sizes too big with elastic waistband (that begins 1-2 inches below my armpit) were flattering? I know I've lost 20 pounds or so, but I can't imagine that these pants EVER looked good on me! I'm guilty of thinking if it isn't too tight on me somewhere that I can "make it work". Another mental image that I'm working to change.


Speaking of making other changes in life, my daughter and I began the weight-loss journey a few months ago. The last time I felt that I looked good in pictures was for her wedding and she's been married 11 years. Her excuse was pregnancy, mine was menopause, and we had both gradually slipped into the "comfortable" stage. I owe a lot of my success to the fact that we are able to keep each other accountable and be cheerleaders for each other as we journey. Well, that and this whole "I'm worth it" attitude I now have. :):D:)


And I owe most of it to the kind folks here discussing and posting pictures while I lurked in the background soaking it all in!;)

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I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!! OK, now I truly think I have hi-jacked this thread. But this information is just too good to keep to myself. I think I may have discovered a break-through for myself and some of you might benefit also.


I have been reading blogs recently about the French Chic perspective that embraces the notion that you can live with a very minimalistic wardrobe but they must all be FANTASTIC and coordinating pieces. I love the idea of traveling with a fashionista wardrobe in a single piece of carry-on luggage. I don't have the budget for most of the high-end clothes they mention, but I can translate them to the thrift-store and clearance racks that I visit quite nicely. (Thank you very much!) While reading today, I came upon an idea that is so fantastic that I MUST share it with you all.


I've noticed that the most straightforward way for me to "build" a wardrobe is to start with a signature scarf and work from there. This could be a good strategy for anybody looking for some guidelines and some structure around which to build their clothing choices. The beauty of this approach is that you don't HAVE to actually own the scarf - you can find one that resonates on a deep level with you (colors, design and theme) and use that as the "keynote". Then, any potential garment that isn't in harmony with your signature scarf needs to be seriously reconsidered. [/i]


I have a few scarves in our FIRE colors and have found several on-line today. This lady was working with Hermes scarves and my pocketbook isn't that deep, but I can see how this concept might really work for me. A scarf takes up virtually NO room in my purse. By having 2-3 available at all times and using different color schemes within our FIRE palette, it would include most of our FIRE-yness. I know we have our color cards, but I don't do as well with them in the stores as I should. I think this would be easier somehow. Like having our "Happy Fire Party" available at all times.


Tell me what you think, Ladies. Did I convey this idea in such a way that you understand what I mean. Am I way out in left field, or do you think this could work?

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