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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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... here's the deal.


If you look at the silver topping to that neck form, it looks really good with the scarf. That would be my first tip off that the colors aren't FIRE in the blue/red spectrum of that particular scarf. Also, the whiteness of the dress form, itself, would be my second tip off that the scarf would fall into the ICE spectrum instead. In my mind's eye, if I paired gold and cream with that scarf, then the brilliance of the colors would be deadened. Much, as it turns out, pairing white pants with my FIRE tops just made the top feel LESS electric, brilliant, etc. It's a strange phenomenon to me, how that happens.


I so understand about the FIT of the clothes. You are also on a weight loss journey? Forgive me for not remembering that detail. I didn't realize that I would change my shape so much by doing cardio and losing, actually, such a small amount of scale weight. I, too, am absolutely frustrated with my wardrobe. Baggy pants... baggy, baggy pants. And something has happened to the shape of me vs the fit chart measurments! My hips have decreased significantly, but the waist measurment hasn't decreased as much... so in order for my hiney to look good, I end up with a muffin top! I could scream!


So, I know (I think) exactly what emotions you're going through...


Looking forward to pictures. Hey, it's only fair that other people post pictures and, Kim, yes I'm talking to you! LOL. Only because you promised! I think that we should confirm some of the issues that I had with those secondary color choices... reminder: whether we would be better in ICE or EARTH if we can't locate FIRE colors...;)


Still be AOK... we're all just going through some bumps. Anita said she thinks I'm having a mid-life crisis! :eek:

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Scarves like these make internet shopping hard...that looks like a red that I could have SWORN was Fire, but when I got it home, it was ICE...and because it combines the blue and the red, which I think is very typical of ICE clothing...I would guess that it would be ICE and not FIRE...


When I see that blue in FIRE coloring...it is usually paired with yellow...or turquoise...or gold...that FIRE royal blue?


When I see that red in FIRE coloring...it is usually paired with other colors in the red to yellow spectrum...


And I hate to say it, but it is much more typical for a pairing of red and blue to be in the ICE spectrum...because a cool, blue red pairs very well with a cool blue...not to say that warm red and warm blue don't pair well together...BUT...I have honestly never seen the combination together in the FIRE palate...and I have looked for it all over...even in fabric stores...looking and researching different ideas for shopping aides.


Okay, I took pictures last night and have posted them below. For reference, the red shirt is Chico's "Cadmium Red" and my color cards are very color saturated. CJW said in a post once that each set of cards was designed for each person. My hair is dark, so I've thought that may be the reason that my dark brown appears nearly black to me. Also, all three of the scarves posted in the pictures are 60's-70's era.


At first, I thought it was because the material's sheen makes it appear that way, but the red of the red/white/blue scarf at the top of the pictures is actually a brighter orangy-red than the shirt if that's possible. :) I'll concede that the blue is a bit darker than the light clear navy of Old Navy's "Goodnight Nora", but it closely matches my cards.


All colors in the scarf at the bottom appear on my color card, but the bright blue is "spot-on". I think this is my best match, but I need confirmation, please.


The scarf on the right side reads a bit more muted than I'd like, but the lighter brown, orangy-red and yellow on my cards are dead-ringers. I should also mention here that purple IS my favorite color and I have a cashmere sweater that exact color of purple that I will wear forever, if possible. I'm know I'm bargaining with myself here, but the scarf design also reminds me of turkeys and Thanksgiving, so I'll probably wear it during the fall of the year even though the purple isn't actually on my cards.


I do want your opinions, though. As much as I'd hate it, I'll post pictures of me with the scarves draped on me if that would help. Please be honest. I can take it. I just hate the thought that I was beginning to appreciate my new found sense of style since I've never had one. Now, I'm back to square one. Thanks everyone for your help. --Debbie



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I'm probably too tired to truly offer an opinion at this point in the evening, but I'm posting anyway because I know what it's like to be hanging in the conversation of a thread...


What are you looking to do with these scarves? Are you trying for a purchasing tool? Or are you planning on wearing these? And if so, how?


The easiest one for me to comment on is the more muted one. Because the great majority of this scarf is muted...HOW you wear it will really determine how it looks on you. The lack of color in that scarf could really drain your coloring if you were to have it be around your neck and close to your face...BUT if was the kind that would hang lower in your neckline so that your shirt was actually closer to your face? Or tied around a handbag...MAYBE in your hair.


And now of course the pictures went away...but my memory of the scarf with the coloring that looks black, but is apparently brown?...remembering your coloring, I bet that scarf looks fabulous on you in any which way. I have a skirt that is similar but muted...in the awful lighting in the store, I had to really search for daylight to figure out that the brown was brown. You seem to be a more dramatic Fire so I think that scarf is a winner.


As to the blue background scarf. Online that seems to really blend well with the red. The background looks like Fire blue to me...I'm not sure about the other colors in the scarf, but the overall look of the scarf SEEMS to work. That would be the one to take a picture of yourself with to determine if it is doing for you what you would hope happens when you wear your colors.


I agree with Mom, Debbie, you should STILL be AOK...even if frustrated...LOL!

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Thank you both ever so much for the kind words, moral support and quick reply.


I'm afraid I have not given complete information trying to be more brief in posting. I guess I have a tendency to do what I accuse DH and DS of doing-- I sometimes start a conversation in the middle thinking that you know what I'm talking about. LOL


I HAVE become frustrated with a closet of clothes that no longer fit and/or flatter for every reason under the sun. Each time I take something out and it doesn't make the cut to keep it on and wear it out of the house, it goes into the bag for tchurch clothes closet. At the rate I'm going, I will able to apply for minimalist status soon! LOL


As much as I hate to have my face plastered here, I'll take pictures of myself and the scarves. It will be my contribution to the "should I wear ICE or EARTH if FiRE is not available" component, ok? Whatever makes the cut gets to reside near my face or use as color control. Whatever doesn't, I will wear around my purse. I very rarely wear a scarf around my neck for the same reason I NEVER wear a turtleneck. I know they say a turtleneck cAn camouflage, but muffin-top pants look GOOD compared to THAT!!!

Oh yeah, my shape has definitely changed over the last few years. The weight loss has done wonders for my self-image, but it is still a challenge to determine how best to flatter what I now have.


I'm on my phone with this rely, so please ignore the typos Thanks for all the help. I truly appreciate it. --deb

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Hint-Hint. Time to ante up, Kim. ;-))



Totally correct, Debbie, et al :o


I shall do it soon. I'll do black and white and see what else I can come up with in the incorrect colors (probably won't be too hard :) )

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Totally correct, Debbie, et al :o


I shall do it soon. I'll do black and white and see what else I can come up with in the incorrect colors (probably won't be too hard :) )



If I may suggest?


The "experiment" was to determine whether we looked better in warm, muted or cool, bright colors. Since I know how much you love your blues, purples... why don't you consider posting pictures where you KNOW that the blue is FIRE and where you think the blue might be ICE... purple... green... etc. Since I think that you are most interested in figuring out how to look for the colors that you love so much. What do you think? Good idea? Helpful?


Did you get DS's film developed yet? Any great Grand Canyon pictures? Any good vacation pictures of you? Would love to see, if you feel like sharing.

Edited by Member123
forgot about IRL vs message board: DS=" " eek
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As much as I hate to have my face plastered here, I'll take pictures of myself and the scarves. It will be my contribution to the "should I wear ICE or EARTH if FiRE is not available" component, ok? Whatever makes the cut gets to reside near my face or use as color control. Whatever doesn't, I will wear around my purse. --deb


I have compiled a Word document with various pictures of little 'ole me and have attached it as a pdf. I noticed something interesting as I was compiling so I have arranged the pictures in order beginning with the largest file size and worked my way to the smallest size. Is there someone reading that has more computer wisdom than I have (nearly ANY one) and can confirm that brighter warmer colors need more memory to store the picture than cool colors? This is an interesting concept to me.


All pictures, except the last black/white/brown picture was taken with NO MAKEUP. YUCK!!! The last one was actually WITH makeup on but in the office with florescent lighting and a cast-off shirt that I leave there and wear when the office is too cool. Looks like I will be taking it home today and exchanging it for a cream-colored sweater instead. DOUBLE YUCK!!!


If you can't open the attachment and enlarge it as needed to make assessments, please tell me how to post this properly, ok? PLEASE comment. Yes/No/Maybe and give me an opinion on what season we are dealing with here if not FIRE. I have my idea of what season I think some of them are, but am still not sure.


Pam, I agree with something I think you said in an earlier post. I also must never, never, never wear Autumn/EARTH colors if at all possible. If all I need to do is have a color control item with me and take a picture of it and a picture of my questionable article, I SHOULD be able to tell VERY quickly that I'm looking at EARTH instead. :eek::eek: I have thought up until now that my biggest mistakes are warm colors; they were just not bright enough to be called FIRE. I may find out with my newest collage that I've been buying ICE rather than FIRE, hmmmmmm?


Kim, I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures, too. Thanks for being such a good sport about the teasing. ;)

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I'm going to talk about this pictures like this:


Top Row = A

Middle Row = B

Bottom Row = C


Left Column = 1

Middle Column = 2

Right Column = 3




A1= FABULOUS!!!! OMG...That's a fantastic scarf! The reds, the blues...you are GLOWING! Your eyes are popping! LOVE IT!


A2= the facial expression on this one makes it more difficult. It's also a little blurry...BUT...the thing that I notice here is, that whereas you look radiant in A1, A2 makes you look blotchy...and the difference in your cheeks and chin redness stands out more in a not as flattering way...these colors look muted to me? With a couple of bright accents...so this is a confused scarf.


A3= WINNER! You aren't smiling like in A1, so it doesn't SEEM as fabulous...but this is another fabulous color combo on you! You need to be careful with how it is wrapped because that muddy brown color isn't the best, but overall this is another yes!


B1=NO! Overall, it is too muted...and you are now muted as well...all your color is gone. Put that scarf in a box, wrap it, write a card "For Anita" and save it for me for our meet and greet! :D


B2=NO! Blotchy is back, but more than that...your HAIR just went paler...it's like the camera couldn't give you the right exposure? If I stare at your eyes, of course, the beautiful blue is complemented by the accent in the scarf, BUT, they don't pop like in A1 and A3. I'm guessing AIR.


B3=NO! You went harsh. You are all soft in your bright colors in A1 and A3, but here, you are hard...does that make sense? Notice again that the exposure on the camera makes your hair pale like in the other photos...I'm guessing ICE.


C1=NO! LOVE that shirt color on you! It's peeking out from the scarf and I want to see more of THAT color near your face! The blurry picture is throwing me here...But still...you are faded, just like the scarf...fold...place in box with B1...;)


C2=Maybe!...This isn't my fav...It isn't horrible...Overall you have nice skin tone here...You look rosy in a healthy way...BUT...since you CAN wear such fabulous colors as in A1 and A3...I think you should, instead of this one.


C3=The saving grace in this photo is that brown background...it is really helping you not look as bad as you could sitting in black chair with a white? shirt? I don't like this shirt...I would recommend finding a better cover up for dealing with fluctuating temperatures.


This is all my opinion...I don't consider myself the end all be all...and we all know how monitors vary and change what we see...so please...what does everyone else think?


And Debbie...very brave posting these pictures...WTG!

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Thanks so much for the quick reply, Anita. This is exactly the type of comments I need to understand better. I composed the attachment at work today, so I'll need to wait until tomorrow to read your comments while I have the pictures in front of me. I just KNEW the first scarf was a winner. I look constantly for my colors. Why, oh why can't I find Fire? Like I said - I will be able to apply for minimalist status soon.


Anita, I'll take good care of your scarves until our "meet & greet"


Anyone else want to offer any opinion or call "dibs" on my other misses? --Debbie

Edited by aoknkentucky
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Debbie. I think there's a reason that they say "a picture is worth a thousand words." So, yes, I have some opinions and some things to say, but I'm running out the door to get to a Zumba class.... so I'll post tomorrow when I can sort out my thoughts.


Just quickly though, Yes! Don't wear EARTH!




And didn't we think that it would be our "second" best color? But, I do have some thoughts.... gotta run... tried to find you a cocktail but I couldn't before time got away from me. But you deserve a cocktail for being... oh... so... brave...

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Thanks for the offer of the cocktail; I'll wait until you're able to send it. I've been trying to limit my carbs lately any way ;-))


Kim, I have a color report--JCPenney has a color called Meridian Blue and I bought a top today on sale AND with a $10 off $25 purchase. It is almost a dead-ringer for the top in some of my pictures that Anita says is definitely FIRE. Woo-hoo-hoo!!! --Debbie

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Do you agree with what Anita posted as the hit and misses?


Before I tell you what I think I see, please let me know what you think of Anita's thoughts. Because I really think that I'm onto something about why you might be feeling confused. Then, I thought... well, maybe Debbie isn't feeling all that confused... and if I post these thoughts... I might confuse her! KWIM? So before I get into that discussion, I feel like it would be better to hear your take on the pictures.


I've got my thoughts all sorted out... so we'll see if Anita thinks I'm onto something... LOL... Anita rocks...

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Do you agree with what Anita posted as the hit and misses?


Before I tell you what I think I see, please let me know what you think of Anita's thoughts. Because I really think that I'm onto something about why you might be feeling confused. Then, I thought... well, maybe Debbie isn't feeling all that confused... and if I post these thoughts... I might confuse her! KWIM? So before I get into that discussion, I feel like it would be better to hear your take on the pictures.


I've got my thoughts all sorted out... so we'll see if Anita thinks I'm onto something... LOL... Anita rocks...


Pam, I could cry!


I've spent quite a bit of time this afternoon replying to your post and it has disappeared. I'll get my thoughts back together and be back with you in a few. YUCK!!!

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OMG, Debbie! I totally understand. When that happens to me, I almost can't even speak for a few hours. I've tried to get into the habit of highlighting the text and saving the copy before I hit the Reply button. I do that for such a long time; never have any problems; and then I don't and BAM there it goes into the cyber weeds! Don't cry. We'll talk soon.

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Pam, I'm away from my real computer and back on my phone with this reply. Would you mind giving me your thoughts before my input? I'm the most curious cat and it will be tomorrow some time before I can compose my longer reply again. I guess my short answer it that it seems like I can see what Anita is saying some of the time, but sometimes my cards are a dead-ringer for the wrong colors. I also seem to have trouble telling if something has confusing color combinations or if it is "reading FIRE" even if it's not an exact match. If you can shed any itty-bit of light, I'd be ever so grateful. I don't think I can get any more confused than I am at this point. --Deb

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So, Deb, are you saying that you never, ever just hold up fabric to your face to see how it responds for you?


By that I'm asking, are you always staring at your color card(s) in order to figure out if the fabric is matching the color(s) on there or is making that "happy color party" that Anita talks about?


Because that would make a difference in whether what struck me with your pictures makes any sense to you.


Here is what I see.


In a nutshell, you love blue. Blue in some shade is in every single scarf except for C2 and C3... which we don't really have to talk about C3 right? C3 is what you should do when you want to go home from work because you aren't feeling well, and everyone would agree that you look really tired and need a rest before you come down with a miserable case of whatever ails you. That's an old joke from the old Seasons Thread!


OK, so back to blue. Never mind why you are drawn to the color blue, BUT it does affect your eyes.... in a big way. In C1 it is difficult to figure out if your eyes are picking up the blue from the scarf or from the beautiful blue top that you're wearing. In any event, if you thought that C1 was right for you... it's because of the blue in the scarf that is affecting the eyes.


Your eyes are so pretty. When looking at your pictures, it's easy to focus on your eyes and ignore the rest. Which is what I was going to say to you. If your holding up these scarves and trying to figure out whether they flatter you or whether they are the right color for you... you can't focus on your eyes to make that determination. You have to look at your skin and your hair; that's where the story will be told for you.


I've gotten to the point with my shopping that I'm pretty much not relying on the color cards anymore. CJW had some information on the cards that he printed them on glossy stock because material swatches can confuse your eye with texture. What I simply do now... is... hold up the fabric to my face and see what happens with my skin tone.


Then the ultimate test is (a) to make sure that the color works with gold accents better than with silver accents and (b) the BIGGY is whether it fits into my closet. Not so much that the color looks good with everything that is in there, but whether or not the color can hold its own in the brightness factor with the colors in there.


The last time that I purchased items of clothing, I didn't really care as much about the brightness... because I was mistaken in my thoughts that at least WARM would be enough for me. This is why Anita ended up with some new jackets/tops to put into her closet. WARM isn't enough... it has GOT to be BRIGHT, as well. I saw what happened to my skin tone when I just wore warmth without the brightness factor.


And I think the same is true for you. Even though our overall coloring is so incredibly different... the warmth and brightness makes you look healthy and younger. Warmth without brightness.... sorry... but to my eye it adds years to your face. Brightness without warmth... again... to my eye it throws shadows onto your face in a non-complementary way. Like the difference between A1 and A3 is really remarkable.


Does this make sense to you? Do you think I noticed something that might prove helpful?

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Thanks, Anita. You DO rock! Thanks for taking the time to explain what you see in the photos in depth so that I can go over and over it until it soaks in. The lesson is there bi will just study until I can apply it.


Pam, thanks for your views as well (and the compliments). My mother's favorite color is blue and I've never considered it a favorite, but I seem to be collecting quite a lot of it lately. My eyes are what I've been told is a true hazel which means that my eyes are chameleon. They have a little gold around the iris, but are usually a pretty green color.

When I wear gray, they actually become gray. I guess when I wear the right color of blue, they appear blue, right?


Actually, my favorite color has always been purple, but I'm having some trouble finding our color of that too. (Go figure!). My house has just a little red in every room and red is my second favorite color. I do agree that the blue in question looks mah-valous though, and I receive lots of "atta girl"s when I wear it. Maybe that has something to do with why I'm drawn to it. (If it ain't broke, don't fix it.)


I definitely know warm and muted now and can distinguish it in an instant, I think. Air is my next easiest to recognize, I think. So, by elimination, my biggest challenge must be determining ICE and FIRE.


I have made a happy Color party on my bed with my known FIRE colors and can tell if a new item in question fits or not. Sometimes. I think. I appreciate what you both have said and if I study what Anita has said about my hair and the focus issues in the pictures along with what Pam has said, I may figure this out. I'm not there yet, and I'm not sure why I don't see it, I just miss some of the nuances you both see. But, I'm not giving up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:o I'm finally getting around to posting my promised pictures. I have been sooo busy (at work with the students back), at home and also just can't back into the swing of things since we got back from vacation a MONTH ago.


I had my DS take pictures of me today against a cream colored wall. I only have on a little mascara and some eyebrow pencil, no other makeup :eek: I took a variety of greens that I have--some are in the "good clothes" pile and some are in the "play clothes" pile. I went from darkest to lightest greens. I think I quite possibly have ICE, FIRE and EARTH greens in these pictures.


Which do you like, which are poor choices, what suggestions/thoughts do you have?


Well, I can't get the pictures to upload for some reason. It's a new camera we got on vacation as our old one crapped out. I'll have to wait for DS to get home. Maybe he can coach me through this.

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I'm going to talk about this pictures like this:


Top Row = A

Middle Row = B

Bottom Row = C


Left Column = 1

Middle Column = 2

Right Column = 3




A1= FABULOUS!!!! OMG...That's a fantastic scarf! The reds, the blues...you are GLOWING! Your eyes are popping! LOVE IT!


A2= the facial expression on this one makes it more difficult. It's also a little blurry...BUT...the thing that I notice here is, that whereas you look radiant in A1, A2 makes you look blotchy...and the difference in your cheeks and chin redness stands out more in a not as flattering way...these colors look muted to me? With a couple of bright accents...so this is a confused scarf.


A3= WINNER! You aren't smiling like in A1, so it doesn't SEEM as fabulous...but this is another fabulous color combo on you! You need to be careful with how it is wrapped because that muddy brown color isn't the best, but overall this is another yes!


B1=NO! Overall, it is too muted...and you are now muted as well...all your color is gone. Put that scarf in a box, wrap it, write a card "For Anita" and save it for me for our meet and greet! :D


B2=NO! Blotchy is back, but more than that...your HAIR just went paler...it's like the camera couldn't give you the right exposure? If I stare at your eyes, of course, the beautiful blue is complemented by the accent in the scarf, BUT, they don't pop like in A1 and A3. I'm guessing AIR.


B3=NO! You went harsh. You are all soft in your bright colors in A1 and A3, but here, you are hard...does that make sense? Notice again that the exposure on the camera makes your hair pale like in the other photos...I'm guessing ICE.


C1=NO! LOVE that shirt color on you! It's peeking out from the scarf and I want to see more of THAT color near your face! The blurry picture is throwing me here...But still...you are faded, just like the scarf...fold...place in box with B1...;)


C2=Maybe!...This isn't my fav...It isn't horrible...Overall you have nice skin tone here...You look rosy in a healthy way...BUT...since you CAN wear such fabulous colors as in A1 and A3...I think you should, instead of this one.


C3=The saving grace in this photo is that brown background...it is really helping you not look as bad as you could sitting in black chair with a white? shirt? I don't like this shirt...I would recommend finding a better cover up for dealing with fluctuating temperatures.


This is all my opinion...I don't consider myself the end all be all...and we all know how monitors vary and change what we see...so please...what does everyone else think?


And Debbie...very brave posting these pictures...WTG!




I'll copy off of Anita's ID system--



A2--I say no

A3--I give this one an OK, I think it veers to ICE


B1--I give the scarf a maybe and the shirt a resounding yes




C1--I give the shirt a big yes and the scarf a no

C2--this is an OK but not great




I think you have the most beautiful color of eyes. In the A1 picture you look fantastic, your eyes just glow and your hair looks so nice!


I wish I could get a real handle on the perfect FIRE colors. I just can't see on myself whether it makes my complexion look good or not. I think I can tell more my how it goes (or not) with my hair. And, I rely on the color cards like a crutch--I'm scared to veer off and use my own judgement.


A big atta girl for posting the pictures--it's hard to do, isn't it? I always feel so self absorbed when I post any pictures for color analysis, does anyone else?

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The last time that I purchased items of clothing, I didn't really care as much about the brightness... because I was mistaken in my thoughts that at least WARM would be enough for me. This is why Anita ended up with some new jackets/tops to put into her closet. WARM isn't enough... it has GOT to be BRIGHT, as well. I saw what happened to my skin tone when I just wore warmth without the brightness factor.




Do you have any trouble with choosing things that are bight FIRE but much lighter in color?


When I try to get too much lighter than my color cards, I seem to go off the path completely and go into another season! Do you think it's hard to go lighter or even darker for that matter?


Why is this so hard for me??????

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The pics still won't upload. It keeps saying the upload failed. DS seems to say that it is the fault of the server and not what I am doing. I'm not sure. I'll keep trying. 'Puters are great when they work easily but, when they don't are sooo frustrating!

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I wish I could get a real handle on the perfect FIRE colors. I just can't see on myself whether it makes my complexion look good or not. I think I can tell more my how it goes (or not) with my hair. And, I rely on the color cards like a crutch--I'm scared to veer off and use my own judgement.


A big atta girl for posting the pictures--it's hard to do, isn't it? I always feel so self absorbed when I post any pictures for color analysis, does anyone else?


Yes, Kim, I feel self-absorbed and so very exposed when posting my own pictures. I didn't realize that would happen, did you?


I agree with you that it's hard to see our best colors. I can see everything Anita explains AFTER she says it, but I don't usually see it for myself first. I only know for certain the muted warm colors that are VERY BAD for me. One picture with the phone, no matter what the lighting situation, and it is SOOOO obvious. But, sometimes I don't comprehend when the EARTH color isn't extremely muted. For example, the coral shirt that Anita showed on the EARTH thread was something I might have picked IRL I think.


I have read and re-read Anita's explanation from the SEASONS thread about hue and tint and saturation. It just doesn't compute in my brain somehow. My problem is where the colors begin to change from one season to the other, maybe? Where warm and bright is just beginning to fade to warm and muted? Where does warm and bright change to cool and bright? Warm and very muted, and cool and very muted don't knock at my door saying "take me - take me" but some colors that I think are perfect--well, they just aren't.


I still have lots and lots of "oops" in my closet and am trying very hard not to buy anything that doesn't jump out at me in the store and say "WOW, I'm warm and bright". I may still buy a few wrong items, but I've got a few items that I'm positive are right (my A-1 scarf, for instance) and can make a happy party, so I'll focus on that positive piece of inspiration. Thanks, ladies.


It seems that if I can find the right color, the fit isn't right, they don't have my size, it doesn't flatter my body type....you get the idea. I'm not a perfectionist, but I'm beginning to think clothing doesn't exist for me! Until I get a better "eye" for seeing the nuances, I'll just need to purchase, take home and return what doesn't work.


I'm attempting to make a capsule wardrobe, so hopefully I can make a few good choices and create my 15 pieces that will work together in harmony.

At the rate I'm going, 15 pieces will be easy. It will be the only things that I own hanging in my closet! LOL --Debbie

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Yes, Kim, I feel self-absorbed and so very exposed when posting my own pictures. I didn't realize that would happen, did you?


For example, the coral shirt that Anita showed on the EARTH thread was something I might have picked IRL I think.




You do remember that Anita came for a quick visit, right?


Where do you think she GOT that coral shirt?




And, the Venice scene shirt.... and the coral sundress... and ... well.. whatever...


now that I've spit my coffee at the screen, I'll go back and continue reading your post.... :D:D

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