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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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This is THE one that everyone voted as a favorite. I would say that this is your BEST of the BEST, Debbie, as it's the only one with agreement AND it's got 50% of the votes as being the FAVorite.


All the other opinions are all over the place. Was this helpful to you?


Let me know when you send me some more photos to post.


Linda, did you get your Chico's order yet?


I think we're just going to Chico's because (a) they identify their colors in such a way that we can find them on the website and in the store and (b) there are several of us who have quick access to the store so we can see the color IRL in an easy way. Plus, they have good sales!

Ok, after going back and seeing Anitas fix and reading everyones comments.. I agree that this is my fav on you Debbie! I do have questions, but I'm trying to work them out in my brain before I post.


Pam- Chico is scheduled for delivery tomorrow...anxiously awaiting that box.. feel like a kid at Christmas!

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I was just able to see a bit of commentary, so I'll offer this:




If I have matched the right shirts together,


Then Photo C2 is Shirt D2

And Photo D3 is Shirt E3.




These are a beautiful blend. Yes, the more blue green one is more blue green...BUT...it is definitely warm...(compare it to Shirt E2 which is cool).


That's all I have time for...

Anita, or anyone else, help me understand...When I look at A1 it appears to me to be a much warmer clearer green than E3..This is where I think I'm having my problem with the warmth and clarity. E3 and E2 appear to me to be in the same blue/green family even though E3 is clearer than E2 and I thought our fire green was more on the yellow side..KWIM I really don't know how to explain this.

BTW Pam, yes I do gravitate more to earth colors. If I were to pick my fav out of this party, (Not that I would wear it), but, it would be D3:eek: Old habits are soooo hard to break!

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Okay, my face has been plastered here long enough. Anyone ready with their aqua party or did someone want to post accessories for their green party? My turn is definitely over. Thanks everyone. --Debbie

Wait a minute! In my eagerness to move on so my pictures didn't keep showing up, I realized that we gave Anita the opportunity to explain her favorites, butdidn't give Anita a chance to explain any misses. I'd still like to hear any other comments you'd like to make, Anita, and your reasoning behind them. --Debbie

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Anita, or anyone else, help me understand...When I look at A1 it appears to me to be a much warmer clearer green than E3..This is where I think I'm having my problem with the warmth and clarity. E3 and E2 appear to me to be in the same blue/green family even though E3 is clearer than E2 and I thought our fire green was more on the yellow side..KWIM I really don't know how to explain this.


BTW Pam, yes I do gravitate more to earth colors. If I were to pick my fav out of this party, (Not that I would wear it), but, it would be D3:eek: Old habits are soooo hard to break!



Here is a picture that illustrates why I think that D3 "works." BTW, I don't think it belongs in the green color party.


You are very correct in your assessment that our FIRE greens are much more on the yellow side.


IF we had taken a picture of Debbie's green color party and IF we had done the same with her that we did with Kim.... I doubt very much that I would have chosen to see her in the Photo D3/Color E3 top. I would have focused more on the true greens...


BUT... given that I do think that the Photo D3/Color E3 top works, I went searching for a way to explain my thinking. And, here's what I came up with:




This is our color card's Emerald Turquoise. And next to it is a cropped area from Debbie's Photo D3/Color E3 top.


To my eye, this absolutely blends. No; it's not an "exact" match. But I would invite Debbie's Photo D3/Color E3 to the Emerald Turquoise color party as a happy party guest. You can argue that the swatch on the left is more Turquoise in the Emerald Turquoise definition... and that the swatch on the right is more Emerald in the Emerald Turquoise definition. But, I believe that they definitely don't fight with each other; that they live happily together.



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Here is a picture that illustrates why I think that D3 "works." BTW, I don't think it belongs in the green color party.


You are very correct in your assessment that our FIRE greens are much more on the yellow side.


IF we had taken a picture of Debbie's green color party and IF we had done the same with her that we did with Kim.... I doubt very much that I would have chosen to see her in the Photo D3/Color E3 top. I would have focused more on the true greens...


BUT... given that I do think that the Photo D3/Color E3 top works, I went searching for a way to explain my thinking. And, here's what I came up with:




This is our color card's Emerald Turquoise. And next to it is a cropped area from Debbie's Photo D3/Color E3 top.


To my eye, this absolutely blends. No; it's not an "exact" match. But I would invite Debbie's Photo D3/Color E3 to the Emerald Turquoise color party as a happy party guest. You can argue that the swatch on the left is more Turquoise in the Emerald Turquoise definition... and that the swatch on the right is more Emerald in the Emerald Turquoise definition. But, I believe that they definitely don't fight with each other; that they live happily together.



Thanks Pam, I guess I was just focusing on one shade of green and not looking at the whole picture. It makes sense now. :)

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Here is a picture that illustrates why I think that D3 "works." BTW, I don't think it belongs in the green color party.


You are very correct in your assessment that our FIRE greens are much more on the yellow side.


IF we had taken a picture of Debbie's green color party and IF we had done the same with her that we did with Kim.... I doubt very much that I would have chosen to see her in the Photo D3/Color E3 top. I would have focused more on the true greens...


BUT... given that I do think that the Photo D3/Color E3 top works, I went searching for a way to explain my thinking. And, here's what I came up with:




This is our color card's Emerald Turquoise. And next to it is a cropped area from Debbie's Photo D3/Color E3 top.


To my eye, this absolutely blends. No; it's not an "exact" match. But I would invite Debbie's Photo D3/Color E3 to the Emerald Turquoise color party as a happy party guest. You can argue that the swatch on the left is more Turquoise in the Emerald Turquoise definition... and that the swatch on the right is more Emerald in the Emerald Turquoise definition. But, I believe that they definitely don't fight with each other; that they live happily together.




Girls, I'm going to have to be the odd woman out on this one. I just don't buy it :confused: The two colors don't clash, I just don't think they have enough in common to be at the same party. Thanks for all of the explanations though :)

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Girls, I'm going to have to be the odd woman out on this one. I just don't buy it :confused: The two colors don't clash, I just don't think they have enough in common to be at the same party. Thanks for all of the explanations though :)


I'm not sure if this will help or muddy the waters further. I've sent a few pictures to Pam by email. If you don't mind, Pam, please post the best of what I send that illustrates this point I'm going to make, ok? This may only confuse the issue even further, but this exactly why I have had such a difficult time, Ladies.


Okay. From the top of my picture to the bottom, I have shown what looks to me to be the progression through the year. Either I have no AIR or the second top is out of sync. After looking at my collage on the floor it could possibly be moved to #4 position and be my only borderline AIR. The texture of that top doesn't photograph well for some reason. It is definitely bright. The rest of Horizontal Line #1 is borderline ICE.


I have placed everyone's favorites in a vertical line on the left side. The tops in Horizontal Line #2 are all true light FIRE. My color card doesn't even come close to being this light. My card's lightest green is the color of Left Vertical Line #2. The top that the majority picked as my best is directly below it.


The vertical line on the right side of the collage is where FIRE fades to EARTH in my opinion. Again every top is bright. But one top is more muddier in color yet it works seamlessly, again IMO.


I have added two tops that I didn't include in my no-makeup photos because I knew where they'd fit by your answers. They help show my point. I'm not sure what my point is. I thought last night that by categorizing, I would be closer to understanding. Now I think I've learned what someone said a while back--a green will look more yellow or blue, more muted or bright depending upon what is used as a control. For me, the one thing everyone agreed is that I look best in the darkest shades of green.


I'll take it......and build from there.


If anyone can explain what I mean, please feel free. I'm not sure if I conveyed what I was thinking or not. --Debbie

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Wait a minute! In my eagerness to move on so my pictures didn't keep showing up, I realized that we gave Anita the opportunity to explain her favorites, butdidn't give Anita a chance to explain any misses. I'd still like to hear any other comments you'd like to make, Anita, and your reasoning behind them. --Debbie



LOL!! ;)


Here's what I could do to try to help us all come to a happy resolution.


First, I agree with Mom in that the questionable D3 shirt could easily be a part of a blue color party as much as a green color party. BUT...in terms of having a harmonious picture...here is a HAPPY color party:




These colors are all in harmony...the blue one stands out in the sea of green...BUT it is happy...it goes with the red...it goes with yellow...it goes with all the greens...someone was saying that they thought it was muted by comparison...I don't think so...it IS more blue...there's no getting around that BUT...it GOES.


Here's what happens when uninvited guests crash the party:




It makes the invited guests really band together...I hope you can see this. I hope the colors I picked looked like EARTH baby poop green, ICE lime, and AIR mint. Because that was the intention.


By personal preference, I like C2 and D3 the best on Debbie.


The other mentioned colors in the party are also good on Debbie. IMO. I think A4 is the best of the next...The lighter colors are welcome to the party but I just prefer the darker ones...


I have to be honest and say that I'm not finding these photos to be all that wonderful for determining Debbie's best colors...I think the color party photo is way more easy to see. There is something about the uneven light across Debbie's face that is causing me some real problems in seeing things...so I have to rely more on the collage photo of the shirts.


There are some also rans in the color party photo IMO...but I don't know if we want to go there?


I just previewed my post and I see Debbie posted. I'll post before I lose this though...

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Hello ladies,


Good evening to everyone!


On a different day, I will catch up on what has happened here in the past couple of days. Meanwhile...


This has gotten confusing. And that's not the purpose of this thread. None of us are experts...so we need to give ourselves a break. I liked the way that Kim's party went better than Debbie's.


I guess Mom and I didn't have so many clothes? We HAVE been reducing our closets for MONTHS and MONTHS...and literally...we just have fewer clothes altogether I'm thinking, because we have been BRUTAL in the weeding out process...step by step...but I think we have an edge on everyone because neither of us works outside the home (we work but it's different)...and we have more time and each other...and Dad is all into this too, so it's a whole family project that we have had going on...point being...


Kim had quite a few clothes...and we picked out the clothes that we thought were the best candidates from her color party. I think we even had a couple of color party photos? IDK...it feels like forever ago!


We missed that step with Debbie. And I think that we could have done better had we really had a great color party photo to begin with...and then were able to chose from there. It would have helped Debbie establish what is a good cluster of greens to help her in the future.


So I suggest that we do that. Especially if someone has quite a few of the color in question. KWIM? I don't want anyone getting confused...there are nuances to what happens when color hits our faces that can be hard to detect...but if we have good color party photos, and these are easier to take...then we should be able to request different groupings easily enough and make a good determination for someone as to which shirts we really want to see...and if someone has a shirt they question (I did)...then that can for sure be included for that person's benefit...especially if it will be taken in the midst of what we will all hope will be winners.


Does this make sense to everyone?


I don't want us to burn out when we have each only done ONE COLOR!! LOL!!

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We missed that step with Debbie. And I think that we could have done better had we really had a great color party photo to begin with...and then were able to chose from there. It would have helped Debbie establish what is a good cluster of greens to help her in the future.


So I suggest that we do that. Especially if someone has quite a few of the color in question. KWIM? I don't want anyone getting confused...there are nuances to what happens when color hits our faces that can be hard to detect...but if we have good color party photos, and these are easier to take...then we should be able to request different groupings easily enough and make a good determination for someone as to which shirts we really want to see...and if someone has a shirt they question (I did)...then that can for sure be included for that person's benefit...especially if it will be taken in the midst of what we will all hope will be winners.


Does this make sense to everyone?


I don't want us to burn out when we have each only done ONE COLOR!! LOL!!


I agree wholeheartedly. Color party first. I'd like to explore several colors and don't want everyone pooping out on me before I get this learned. When you see my aqua party, you'll understand. Now might not be the time to say it, but I have several aqua tops also.


The good news is that the Internet should be fixed tomorrow afternoon. Hip-hip-hooray!!!


Before we beat this green grass into the dirt and move on, Anita, would you mind telling me if you think any of my greens need to play at someone else's party? If it's too late where you are now, don't feel obligated to reply tonight.

I'd just like to get my clothes up out of the bathroom floor and into the washing machine soon. ;)

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I'm not sure if this will help or muddy the waters further. I've sent a few pictures to Pam by email. If you don't mind, Pam, please post the best of what I send that illustrates this point I'm going to make, ok? This may only confuse the issue even further, but this exactly why I have had such a difficult time, Ladies.


It appears that one picture was taken with flash and one without flash. WIthout knowing if your carpet is beige or gray, I can't tell which picture would be the best so I posted both.




Okay. From the top of my picture to the bottom, I have shown what looks to me to be the progression through the year. Either I have no AIR or the second top is out of sync. After looking at my collage on the floor it could possibly be moved to #4 position and be my only borderline AIR. The texture of that top doesn't photograph well for some reason. It is definitely bright. The rest of Horizontal Line #1 is borderline ICE.


I have placed everyone's favorites in a vertical line on the left side. The tops in Horizontal Line #2 are all true light FIRE. My color card doesn't even come close to being this light. My card's lightest green is the color of Left Vertical Line #2. The top that the majority picked as my best is directly below it.


The vertical line on the right side of the collage is where FIRE fades to EARTH in my opinion. Again every top is bright. But one top is more muddier in color yet it works seamlessly, again IMO.


I have added two tops that I didn't include in my no-makeup photos because I knew where they'd fit by your answers. They help show my point. I'm not sure what my point is. I thought last night that by categorizing, I would be closer to understanding. Now I think I've learned what someone said a while back--a green will look more yellow or blue, more muted or bright depending upon what is used as a control. For me, the one thing everyone agreed is that I look best in the darkest shades of green.


I'll take it......and build from there.


If anyone can explain what I mean, please feel free. I'm not sure if I conveyed what I was thinking or not. --Debbie

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Mom...I think that's travertine! And you know how that can be...anywhere from beige through tan to taupe...


I'm guessing the left is with the bathroom light on and the right is with the light off...


Sorry that I didn't let you all in on the secret. The first picture (left?) is taken with lights on and the outside door closed. The second picture (right?) is taken with the same lights on but with the addition of the ouside light open. Makes an enormous difference, doesn't it? Let me k ow your thoughts. --Debbie

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Good morning ladies...


Debbie...here are my thoughts. You haven't found a good place to take pictures in your house yet. I honestly can't tell much about the colors that are in those pictures. I'd be lying if I tried to tell you differently. I can kind of see that the middle light greens are more clear than the other greens...but this looks like a big muted mess to me online.


Now this is not a helpful comment...and I strive to be helpful. I think Debbie's party has become a mess of confusion.


In my party...I discovered why I always end up taking off the one jacket right after I put it on...why I still have never worn it...and I can happily put it in my donation pile...and that two other shirts of mine are off...and was able to nail a couple colors that really do look better on me than others.


Mom really discovered that Earth makes her lose all coloring...so if she ever questions if something is muted...a quick photo is all she needs to determine clarity.


Kim was able to gather some great greens...all her pictures came out sparkling and she can use them as a basis for determining if other colors blend...AND...she was able to see what she looks like when she is wearing her colors...I think the joyful look on her face as she was shopping proves that she is getting it more and more and is able to find her colors in the stores.


Now your party feels like it isn't giving you any benefit and is really not helping, which is the exact opposite of what we want to have happen here.


And I really think that it is tied into the quality of the pictures. I went back and grabbed the photo of you in the Caedmium Red from Chico's and I put it with the green hoodie that you say is an exact match to your color cards.




You sparkle in that red. Eyes popping. Skin vibrant and very smooth looking. Looking especially at the left side of your face...I see rosy apples on your cheeks but you don't have a blotchy look. Mom's red is different in that cruise balcony shot, but the fact is that the effect of the red on your skin is the same and we are able to see that in this photo.


It isn't the best still...because the light source isn't evenly across your features and the right side has shadow...BUT...it is a much better quality photo for looking at you than the green photo. There just isn't enough light on your skin to really be able to see the effect of the color you are wearing. So even though this may be a perfectly matched green...we are not getting to see that sparkling Debbie that is shining in her colors...SO...since a color that should be among the best has a photo that is rather mediocre in its display of the effect of the color...the greens that also are not the best are not showing up as being that bad.


Whatever you did to take the photo of yourself in the red is what you need to do in order for us to see your gorgeous self. THEN we will be able to have a successful close to this party.


The beauty of the photobucket accounts is that I can go in there and delete all these photos and they will all go away. I think you are tired of seeing yourself plastered all over...so as soon as you give the okay, I'm going to get rid of all these Debbie photos that I have created. And I hate to say this...


But you need a do over...


Whether you want to do it now...or later...here's your project...I'm going to pretend that I haven't seen ANY of these photos...except for this one:




Based on this photo, I would want to see you in:











Honestly, this is hard to pick because in their own way, I think every single color on here looks rather muted...BUT...trying to use the color cards as a guide...this would be my opinion.


So, Debbie...as soon as you give the okay...I can make all these photos of you in my posts go away...unless you exclude any...


And we can move on...and come back when you are feeling ready to tackle this project...whatever...these are supposed to be HAPPY color parties...and I'm not sensing the :D right now...


Deep breath...it's all good.


I'm doing laundry today and playing on the computer...


I may feel like taking some pictures today...I'll have to see how my hair looks...I for one...would love to see Mom's new do...let's not lose enthusiasm for the project...don't be frustrated...Debbie, I'm with you...we are going to get there and figure this out...whenever you are ready...now or later. :)

Edited by Anita Latte
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Good morning ladies...


Debbie...here are my thoughts. You haven't found a good place to take pictures in your house yet. I honestly can't tell much about the colors that are in those pictures. I'd be lying if I tried to tell you differently. I can kind of see that the middle light greens are more clear than the other greens...but this looks like a big muted mess to me online.


Now this is not a helpful comment...and I strive to be helpful. I think Debbie's party has become a mess of confusion.


In my party...I discovered why I always end up taking off the one jacket right after I put it on...why I still have never worn it...and I can happily put it in my donation pile...and that two other shirts of mine are off...and was able to nail a couple colors that really do look better on me than others.


Mom really discovered that Earth makes her lose all coloring...so if she ever questions if something is muted...a quick photo is all she needs to determine clarity.


Kim was able to gather some great greens...all her pictures came out sparkling and she can use them as a basis for determining if other colors blend...AND...she was able to see what she looks like when she is wearing her colors...I think the joyful look on her face as she was shopping proves that she is getting it more and more and is able to find her colors in the stores.


Now your party feels like it isn't giving you any benefit and is really not helping, which is the exact opposite of what we want to have happen here.


And I really think that it is tied into the quality of the pictures. I went back and grabbed the photo of you in the Caedmium Red from Chico's and I put it with the green hoodie that you say is an exact match to your color cards.




You sparkle in that red. Eyes popping. Skin vibrant and very smooth looking. Looking especially at the left side of your face...I see rosy apples on your cheeks but you don't have a blotchy look. Mom's red is different in that cruise balcony shot, but the fact is that the effect of the red on your skin is the same and we are able to see that in this photo.


It isn't the best still...because the light source isn't evenly across your features and the right side has shadow...BUT...it is a much better quality photo for looking at you than the green photo. There just isn't enough light on your skin to really be able to see the effect of the color you are wearing. So even though this may be a perfectly matched green...we are not getting to see that sparkling Debbie that is shining in her colors...SO...since a color that should be among the best has a photo that is rather mediocre in its display of the effect of the color...the greens that also are not the best are not showing up as being that bad.


Whatever you did to take the photo of yourself in the red is what you need to do in order for us to see your gorgeous self. THEN we will be able to have a successful close to this party.


The beauty of the photobucket accounts is that I can go in there and delete all these photos and they will all go away. I think you are tired of seeing yourself plastered all over...so as soon as you give the okay, I'm going to get rid of all these Debbie photos that I have created. And I hate to say this...


But you need a do over...


Whether you want to do it now...or later...here's your project...I'm going to pretend that I haven't seen ANY of these photos...except for this one:




Based on this photo, I would want to see you in:











Honestly, this is hard to pick because in their own way, I think every single color on here looks rather muted...BUT...trying to use the color cards as a guide...this would be my opinion.


So, Debbie...as soon as you give the okay...I can make all these photos of you in my posts go away...unless you exclude any...


And we can move on...and come back when you are feeling ready to tackle this project...whatever...these are supposed to be HAPPY color parties...and I'm not sensing the :D right now...


Deep breath...it's all good.


I'm doing laundry today and playing on the computer...


I may feel like taking some pictures today...I'll have to see how my hair looks...I for one...would love to see Mom's new do...let's not lose enthusiasm for the project...don't be frustrated...Debbie, I'm with you...we are going to get there and figure this out...whenever you are ready...now or later. :)


Yes, please, Anita! Make it go away! I hate the trouble everyone has gone to for me has all been for nothing. But I do want to give everyone the best products I can produce to work with. I tried three times, with flourescent and candescent lights in the room, at the campground (they were so dark that I never posted them) and the last batch that had the outside light source that hindered rather than helped. I have one other option I just realized this morning while waiting for the internet guy to get here. I have another place in the house that may work for pictures. I will post one picture and get an opinion before I send them all again. 125 year old houses with LOTS of shade don't make for great pictures. Everyone will agree that we've learned that!!


Did I say the internet guy? Yippee!!!! I have access in my house once again. I've been without access to my laptop since July 2010. I know, as unbelievable as it sounds, DH and I both had phones with every capability known to man, so I didn't really need it until this recent turn of events.


I have errands and DS birthday supper tonight, so I will be back when I can. Probably will be Monday before I can take pictures. If someone wants to move on to aqua and post, please do so and I will be ready to be next in line. --Debbie

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But, it may take a little while for all the cached copies to be removed. Anita will do her removal as well.



Anita is moving on to her Earth Blues. BUT, in looking at my closet... blue is one of the colors that I seem to have a lot of... so I'm wondering, what does everyone think would be the best to do here? In my closet, I could divide my blues into distinct color groups: aqua, blue, teal. Do we want to do that? Or, weed out the blues the way Anita suggests in her color party collage prep photos? I have 6 blue, 5 aqua, 3 teal. Additionally, 1 print that would fall into the teal color, I think. What methodology should we use for this?


I will probably be one of the last posters for the blue(s) color party because we're going on a short road trip to San Diego. I'll be gone from Monday until Thursday of next week. So I will probably have a bunch of catching up to do when I get back! I just wanted to kind of put my blue dilemma out there for everyone's thoughts as to how to proceed.

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Yes, please, Anita! Make it go away!


I deleted all your photos from my photobucket. I also deleted the photos of Kim that she took outside, the first round that had too much glare, that I had posted differently so they would be bigger. Just to clean things up and get rid of all the old bad photos. ;)


If you still see them, it is because they have been cached in your computer...once the cache is cleared, the photos will go away.


Debbie...please just take pictures of the ones that I mentioned. I don't think you need all of those that you did before. Let's just start with the eight I mentioned from the color party. We really want to find that photo of you that shows off your sparkling self in your FIRE colors, a good comparative photo...KWIM?


Debbie...do you have any adjustable flash settings? My camera doesn't, but Mom's does...I would experiment with those if you have them. But do try the other option that you thought of. I hope we can get this figured out!


I just saw Mom's post about all ya'll's blues...I would have to recommend that everyone break down there own blues in the way that makes the most sense for comparison purposes. Everyone may have a slightly unique division depending on their clothing.

Edited by Anita Latte
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Just checking in for a quick moment. Will be busy rest of evening and tomorrow am, so will try to get back to y'all then.

CHICOs has arrived...:DI was like a kid in a candy store as I grabbed all the things out of the box and lovingly placed them on the bed.. I think I have a problem though with one item in particular.. The antique ivory jacket has silver threads through it!!! What is up with this?? Silver in the last two things I ordered were not mentioned in the discription... Oh well, it will go back just as soon as I try on everything else.

Will post MY GREEN picture tomorrow and see what you think. :)

Will also get my aqua/blue/turq party ready for you. Not that I have that many that I think will come to this party. So Joby are you or Pam first?

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I deleted all your photos from my photobucket. I also deleted the photos of Kim that she took outside, the first round that had too much glare, that I had posted differently so they would be bigger. Just to clean things up and get rid of all the old bad photos.


Did I say the internet guy? Yippee!!!! I have access in my house once again. I've been without access to my laptop since July 2010. I know, as unbelievable as it sounds, DH and I both had phones with every capability known to man, so I didn't really need it until this recent turn of events.
Glad you are all hooked up now, Debbie.


CHICOs has arrived...:DI was like a kid in a candy store as I grabbed all the things out of the box and lovingly placed them on the bed
It IS a lot of fun, isn't it?



Anita is moving on to her Earth Blues. BUT, in looking at my closet... blue is one of the colors that I seem to have a lot of... so I'm wondering, what does everyone think would be the best to do here? In my closet, I could divide my blues into distinct color groups: aqua, blue, teal. Do we want to do that? Or, weed out the blues the way Anita suggests in her color party collage prep photos? I have 6 blue, 5 aqua, 3 teal. Additionally, 1 print that would fall into the teal color, I think. What methodology should we use for this?
I'm good for blues/aquas. I have already posted all of my color parties :D I can put my blues here so that we can all compare blues. I have only a few blues, but several aquas. Do you want them together or separate?


I think maybe part of the reason we northern girls have more tops is because we have distinct seasons unlike you lucky southern girls that have only 2 maybe?? ;)



Have a safe trip.

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So I dug through my old pictures and found some childhood pictures to send to CJW for my color analysis and wow, do those pictures make me feel old. LOL. I think I've been seriously wearing the wrong colors for most of my life. My mom was really into the 70's earth colors -- rust, brown, olive green -- and she dressed me in those colors as a kid and I seem to look half dead in most of my pictures. There are some glimmers of hope there, but whatever I seem to be buying just doesn't do much for me. I will say that I wore a white blouse yesterday to work (I rarely wear white... I'm too klutzy to stay clean LOL) and got a lot of compliments on it, but maybe it was just better than my normal stuff so it wasn't good exactly only better than my normal look of death. Hehe. I'm hoping CJW can give me some help here and quickly. My cruise leaves in 29 days and I would like to at least have one outfit that makes me look like I'm happy and not going to keel over at any moment. And I think my hair color is wrong... but I don't know what it should be. But I have an appt at a salon in 2 weeks so maybe they can "fix" me. :)


I love all of your posts. This gives me some hope as I move through this process. :)

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So I dug through my old pictures and found some childhood pictures to send to CJW for my color analysis and wow, do those pictures make me feel old. LOL. I think I've been seriously wearing the wrong colors for most of my life. My mom was really into the 70's earth colors -- rust, brown, olive green -- and she dressed me in those colors as a kid and I seem to look half dead in most of my pictures. There are some glimmers of hope there, but whatever I seem to be buying just doesn't do much for me. I will say that I wore a white blouse yesterday to work (I rarely wear white... I'm too klutzy to stay clean LOL) and got a lot of compliments on it, but maybe it was just better than my normal stuff so it wasn't good exactly only better than my normal look of death. Hehe. I'm hoping CJW can give me some help here and quickly. My cruise leaves in 29 days and I would like to at least have one outfit that makes me look like I'm happy and not going to keel over at any moment. And I think my hair color is wrong... but I don't know what it should be. But I have an appt at a salon in 2 weeks so maybe they can "fix" me. :)


I love all of your posts. This gives me some hope as I move through this process. :)


If you look good in white, maybe you're an ICE. I'll bet you're anxious to hear back from CJW. I'M anxious to hear what season you are :D I know for me, a FIRE, I look like death warmed over (and not even that good) in white!

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If you look good in white, maybe you're an ICE. I'll bet you're anxious to hear back from CJW. I'M anxious to hear what season you are :D I know for me, a FIRE, I look like death warmed over (and not even that good) in white!


Hehe... I don't know if I look "Good" in white, but I obviously looked better than I do in my normal colors. Hehe. Or they were just so shocked to see me in white that they felt they had to say something. LOL.

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Ok here is the chico's green y'all say I need. What do you think?


I just finished cleaning and decidied I'd better try on everything while I had a few minutes. No makeup what so ever!

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