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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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With those pics side-by-side, I can see why the sweater works as well as it does. I would say that it's not "perfect," but it's very good. The brightness of the blue patches within the texture must be just enough to get the overall effect that is going with your skin tone. That's my opinion.

Don't rush to delete your pics! Someone will be able to be helped by our bravery. Leave them up for a little while; at least until our color parties are done. We may need to refer back to some of them, anyway.

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On the other hand, I'm traumatized by my blue color party! I thought I had some fabulous blues, and I thought that my pictures would come out like Kim's. We would just say... ooohhh...fab... and move on to the next color party. That's not what happened! One of these pics is truly, truly bad. We don't even have to discuss it... EXCEPT... why is it so bad? Is it possible that I also go gray with a cool color as well as a muted color? What's up with my skin in colors other than the really, truly FIRE? You ladies don't have the same thing happen to you! :confused: What the heck! :(


I'll just let the pics speak for themselves. And wait to see what you guys think is going on.





To help with this, I must say: B3 is not muted, at all. It is silk. Anita, that is the top from Cache. OMG. I need a drink! :p

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Hmmmm. B1 is gray, but why is B2 so yellow? :confused: And I thought I had problems...hmmmmmm....could it be just a shade on the cooler side? But it looks bright and clear to me, just not on you...Anita will just have to diagnos this one!

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First of all...


I'm so excited!!! Because it looks like I might have a lovely blue sleeveless sweater in my future!! *happy dance* *happy dance* Blue for Anita! I think that we can all agree the Mom is gray in B1...so it's muted...judging from the way it generally blends in the color party, I'm thinking it's warm so it must be EARTH...YAY!!! :o;)


OMG...B2 is like the best FIRE color EVER!! Ladies...the color that you are seeing in that photo is the actual color of the walls in my parent's house. Seriously, the walls are a lovely GOLD...there is NO WHITE in their house...I think that the blue she is wearing in this photo is SO WARM and SO BRIGHT...the camera is able to very ACCURATELY represent the ACTUAL colors of everything you see in that photo. AWESOME.


What is throwing me is the fact that B3 is the same blue...different fabric...but same blue, same company...having dealt with my shiny jacket in what should have been a great Earth green...what I suspect is happening here is that the SHINE from the fabric is wrecking havoc with the photo...the shine is throwing the camera for a loop...it may be interpreting the shine as white?...this is causing a color correction in the picture taking...I went back and looked at the photo of Mom in this shirt on the cruise...there is a similar effect in that photo. This is going to be a personal call on Mom's part...it would be interesting to see if this is just something that happens in photos because of the shine...and in person, the color does what is SHOULD do...OR if the shine affects the naked eye as well.


For me, I ditched the jacket because the shine never really seemed to "go" with all my muted colors...I would think that shine would go better with clear colors...so this is a personal call.


A1...because B2 is so fabulous...this falls into the BETTER category for me. Best being reserved for incredible fabulousness...


A2...what is happening here is not something that I am sure I can explain. It looks like the same color as A1...I know it is the same manufacturer. The dye lot doesn't seem different...the effect surely is though...kinda like B3...your color is off...but looking at your chest...you aren't gray...there is just something happening with that fabric...nylon...B3 isn't as bad...again, I have to wonder if the effect of the type of fabric is causing something to happen with the camera...and would we see this same effect with the naked eye.


A3...another BETTER...I'd say better than A1 even, because overall it is more golden...so I see the true color of the wall coming through more...


Funny order to talk about all the photos...but there you go.


Let's see...a 3/4 length green print...a blue sleeveless sweater. You gonna ship those to me, or are you bringing them in person? :):D

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OK, first off with my questions--


I've never really considered teal as a FIRE color. It always seems muted and EARTHY to me. It seems to go to the blue side of green and muted. Pam, you seem to have lots of tops in that color--I'm not sure I've ever seen a color like teal that I thought was FIRE. How exactly does teal fit into the FIRE party?


Second question--A4 (teal photo) seems to go to the way blue side but, it doesn't clash with the party but, it looks different (and not just the darkness of the color). What is it that it looks so different?


Pam's B1 (blue party photo) looks like it has a different blueness in this photo sequence but, it seemed to blend in the party picture. Why when it's singled out does it look different? I would think being in the party picture would make it stand out if it didn't go?


B2--all of the colors look so beautiful in this picture-- your hair, skin, eyes and wall color. Can the camera lens pick up THAT much difference than our eye can in these photos?

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Wow... B2 is AMAZING! Definite keeper. But B1 must go to Anita. Soon. I would never have thought that was earth, but it's definitely not Fire because you are super gray in that. The others are good. But B2 is superb.



Love the blue tank AND the blue sweater. I say keep them both. And I'm so glad you didn't delete your pictures. Your pictures are so helpful to me. And seeing everyone post them is giving me the courage to post some myself soon.



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Was late getting home tonight....Good grief, these are so large! Don't know what I did ..... anyway lighting is not good tonight. Cloud coverage is heavy. Flash and light in room, windows wide open! Both taken within minutes. Ignore my flush, that sweater is hot in 74 degree weather!!!! Anyway the blue in the sweater is extremely close if not a match to the blue tank. Don't know if it comes across though.



I'm deleting all these pics asap!


Linda, I love color of the blue tank on you!


Please don't delete yet. It gives us something to look back on and compare. And, I also hoped that after we all get through our color parties, we could then pick the best of the best for each of us :)

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OK, first off with my questions--


I've never really considered teal as a FIRE color. It always seems muted and EARTHY to me. It seems to go to the blue side of green and muted. Pam, you seem to have lots of tops in that color--I'm not sure I've ever seen a color like teal that I thought was FIRE. How exactly does teal fit into the FIRE party?


Second question--A4 (teal photo) seems to go to the way blue side but, it doesn't clash with the party but, it looks different (and not just the darkness of the color). What is it that it looks so different?


Pam's B1 (blue party photo) looks like it has a different blueness in this photo sequence but, it seemed to blend in the party picture. Why when it's singled out does it look different? I would think being in the party picture would make it stand out if it didn't go?


B2--all of the colors look so beautiful in this picture-- your hair, skin, eyes and wall color. Can the camera lens pick up THAT much difference than our eye can in these photos?


Well, Kim, maybe teal won't fit into the party. I guess we'll know for sure when I take those pics. And, the flip side of the coin is that maybe what I would call "teal," isn't really the same color that you think of as teal. For me, teal is kind of more of a darker turquoise, maybe? There are variations within turquoise. Since I live in the Southwest, I get to see a lot of turquoise stone and, even though turquoise is set in silver mostly, I finally saw a turquoise stone set in gold... and it was stunningly beautiful! I asked the designer why more turquoise isn't set in gold and was told that it's a matter of cost and history. Since Native Americans use turquoise so much in their jewelry designs.. and since they traditionally worked with silver... and since impulse purchases of Native American jewelry is high on the list of tourist souveniers, etc.; then, it becomes a de facto procedure to set the stone in silver. When I asked him why he had set that particular stone in gold, he told me that he thought the warmth of the stone looks so beautiful with the gold, but that it had been for sale for almost 2 years and he didn't think it was going to sell anytime soon. Gold vs Silver...


Well, I got off of the teal topic pretty fast and rambled there a bit. But I think that I could have used another word than teal, was my original point.


The other issue with the Teal & Aqua Color Party is that the procedure that I used to gather those tops was probably faulty... in that I put together my Blue Color Party with tops that I thought were definitely in the blue family; then, the "leftovers" became the Teal & Aqua Party simply because I had 8 tops that fit into the "other than tru blue" category. So I probably should have named it something like Other Blues Party, kwim? So, A4 could have been placed into the Blue Color Party, and it would have been happy there as well, probably. Although after my experience with actually taking the pictures for the Blue Color Party, that top may be making its way to another closet for all I know.


Your other questions about why the EARTH top didn't stand out in the color party is truly a puzzle to me as well! If I look at that top, I would swear that I had a good blend going with the other blues in my closet. After taking the picture, I really tried to analyze why that particular top has a muted quality. I even went so far as to take a second picture because I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, the camera had malfunctioned?!? LOL. Second pic was just as bad. So, why? Well, all I can say about that is that my naked eye can't tell the differences between these tops.


Now, I can (of course) tell the difference between a nylon fabric and a cotton fabric. In fact, the exact same color name, in those different tops, has a variation that I can see. Not enough of a variation that I would say that there was a different color... but enough that you would say... it's in the family but not an exact match. KWIM? It's just a difference in sheen which I think translates into a difference in depth of color, for example.


Camera vs our eye. This kind of shakes me up a bit because it says that I don't have the ability to stand in front of a shop mirror and see that my skin has gone gray. One of the criteria that I've used is to look in a shop mirror and see if my skin tone has evened out; that my skin doesn't look blotchy and I don't appear haggard. When I wear a cool color, it's like I don't need a Halloween mask. If you know what I mean? Cool colors bring out any discoloration around my eyes, any eye puffiness, any slight discoloration of my skin due to any bump, wrinkles, age spots :eek: I certainly don't need to continue with that list! Anyway, cool colors do that to me. ... to my eye... what I see in cool is the uneven skin tone.


So I've been confident when I see my skin tone evening out that I have the right warm color. And, I also thought that seeing my skin tone even out meant that it was also good for me. Now I realize that I can't see the skin color (going gray) change to my skin tone in the store mirror. I guess I'm going to have to use my camera to verify my purchases in the future? It's a PITA proposition, that's for sure. But what else am I going to do?


We'll see what these other blues do/don't do for me, right?

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I think we should all not pay too much attention to the names of colors...especially when we start to get into aqua, turquoise, teal. I don't know that there is a widely accepted definition of any of these. I have always thought of aqua as a very green blue/green, turquoise as a very blue blue/green, and teal as a darker version of aqua.


So my point again...is that we need to kind of gloss over the actual naming of colors to a certain extent...and just see what happens when Mom takes pictures of herself in her OTHER blues color party. LOL.


I for one, am excited to see if my closet might find some more BLUE...;)


Not that I'm HOPING necessarily...


Just curious. :rolleyes:

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The only reason that I'm not editing these pics is to let Anita do her happy dance. Everyone agree that A4, B2 and B3 should be removed from my closet?


Yeah, Debbie should be back tomorrow. Lots of reading and some opinions to express....



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So, I need to run to Zumba. But Anita just called me and was as surprised as I was that the print top photoed so badly in this collage. I had used it as an example of bright vs muted in an earlier post! So, I was going to do a side-by-side of that earlier picture to see what, if anything, we could figure out about it... for learning and comparisons. :confused:


I want to pack appropriately for the Caribbean! This is really something to try and figure out... that's for sure. I appreciate all of your help.

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The only reason that I'm not editing these pics is to let Anita do her happy dance. Everyone agree that A4, B2 and B3 should be removed from my closet?


Yeah, Debbie should be back tomorrow. Lots of reading and some opinions to express....




I tried something different on these pictures. Sometimes when I study the pics too long it doesn't seem as clear as when I just do the sideways glance thingy. Not at all scientific like you guys are doing ;)


Soooo, this is what I did (don't laugh), I positioned the A pics so that I could only see Pam's face and not the tops. I did the same for the B pics. Then I put them in order of how Pam's face looked in each photo form least favorite A to most favorite A and then did the same for the B's. THEN, I looked at the pics again (hiding the tops) and put them in order with A's and B's together.


This is my vote most favorite to least favorite:











No studying, no photography thoughts, just looked at Pam's lovely face and decided what I preferred going from best to least.


All of this coming from a Biology major/science geek :D

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O my gosh. That was so helpful!


Yes, I can see where the pics that aren't as good as others might not be pitch-aways. But, I won't be sad when they're gone; in fact, B3 doesn't fit me well and I definitely won't be altering it. I don't think it's a great top for Anita, either. So I'll just think about letting it go because I definitely have better choices to wear. And if I continue to wear that particular top, I'd need to buy a new bra (well, I need to do that anyway but that's a whole different story!)... anyway, it's just not worth putting money into...


I'm going to take A4 to Anita and see what happens when she wears it. Since she's so blue-challenged... it will just be interesting to see what happens and figure out what makes it not be as good for me...


Again, thank you for helping me see what's going on! I have GOT to start seriously getting my cruise outfits together. Boston is supposed to be in the 50's and the Caribbean is in the high-80's and who knows what Texas is going to do?...


P.S. Looking back at Anita's post... I can definitely see that SALON hair is way better than ZUMBA hair.. and hair color maintenance is way better than hair color fade...

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I really like the idea of looking just at the faces and not the color of the clothes to make the decision. Fabulous. And I agree with the order that Joby had them in.


As for getting cruise clothes together... ack. I seriously need to do that and no idea what the weather will be like for my first Transatlantic cruise. I figure I'll have to take some layering pieces cause I just don't know what to expect.

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Quick reply to everyone to let you know I didn't fall off the face of the earth. Crazy at work today trying to catch up. On my way in to "no Internet land" to check on the camper. So it will be tomorrow afternoon before I can look at pictures. Everyone carry on without me and know that I'd love to be catching up with you all. Soon. Very soon.

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