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Hi Linda,


I hope things are going better for you and your family.


I'm ready to go whenever you are. I think we're possibly done with blues, shall we move on to aquas?


Debbie might be on her cruise now. hopefully, she'll chime in when she gets back.


Where is everyone else????

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Hi, Kim,


Well... I'm pretty tired. I don't know if the holidays "took the stuffing out of me," as my Texas Grandma used to say... or exactly what...


But, I'm feeling a bit low energy. I think that I'm spending too much time in my head, kwim? I'm doing so much thinking lately! And it hurts! :D


No, I think it just has to do with the changing into a new year and the expectation of change that always brings. Only, it isn't happening this year. I think part of that is a feeling of familiarity because we're not doing anything this year that we haven't done before. Well, except cruising with Anita and family which is something that is exciting and new; but it's not exotic, if you know what I mean? We will have a lot of fun but there's no real pressure of launching forth into the unknown. So, everything is so very comfortable and I don't feel any pressure to do any new research, etc. We're going to Bermuda and a bit more of Central America and Mexico this year; so in keeping with that I am trying to learn some Spanish and do a little bit of Mexican flair in the kitchen.




I saw a picture that a friend took of me during our last cruise and it was kind of crushing, I have to say. :o I've been taking most of my pictures facing the camera, so it was not "pretty" to see myself in a picture that someone took of my behind! I've been doing quite a bit of Zumba and I've lost so many inches! But something has happened to the fat distribution over the body and it's settled into... well... I guess you would call them fat rolls. So this picture shows me with a bit of fat rolling going on, and it made me feel so frustrated! The dress was a swimsuit fabric dress, and I received a ton of compliments while wearing it... but that was because of the color, I know. Swimsuits, ugh!!! And swimsuit fabric is so clingy! UGH!


I have to get over myself.


Then I can continue with the color parties.


Anita and I are on a short countdown clock to the cruise in March! So we have to figure out some last minute details. She mentioned doing an orange color party. I'll have to go back and see what I did because part of me is remembering doing aqua... but I might be dreaming?


Anyway, I'm sure "up" for seeing pictures... don't know about posting any at the moment! But I'm sure I'll change my mind when we all start reactivating the fun and learning of all that activity.


Hope everyone's year is chugging along splendidly and we can find the time to charge back into our closets!

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Now that things are calmer here I will try to find my aguas pictures. I'm pretty sure I took them way back in the fall. How frustrating... Can't even locate the camera right now!:(

Pam, the brain fuzz must be going around. I've been feeling the same way. Guess it is the time of year.. It's been such a dreary fall and winter here. It's snowing to beat the band right now though. 2" and more coming! :eek:

Hope Debbie is having fun!!!

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Linda, I'm so happy that things are settling down for you! I can't believe you are dealing with snow! I'm in the upper 70s with SICK humidity. It's sticky and disgusting around here! Doesn't feel like winter at all.


And here I am on my day off...it's totally overcast and I don't think I could get any good pictures. Maybe I'll try though to try to get the parties started. I need to get serious about my cruise wardrobe! It's getting so close!!!

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I'm glad to see that we're getting some feedback again:D


We have snow too. got a couple inches yesterday and expecting and inch or so today too. We haven't had much snow or even really cold weather this winter. Weather patterns are crazy anymore! I would take some hate and even humidity right now:)


Anita and Pam, I'm looking forward to your cruise and a report on it. You guys will have a ton of fun, I'm sure!!!


Hopefully, our parties will get re-energized soon:)

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I was just checking into our FIRE thread and saw that my post above says that I would love some hate and humidity right now. Oh, dear Lord, can we make that HEAT and humidity:o Obviously, I didn't proof my post before hitting submit. Mental note---do a MUCH better job proofing before submitting!


What color are we going to start with now? Who wants to start?

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I tried taking some pictures yesterday but the sun kept going in and out of the cloud cover and so the pictures weren't telling a good story. The shady picture would look so much worse than the sunny picture. It didn't make for a good comparison, so I stopped. Dealing with the same issue today.


I'm doing orange. I thought Fire was still on aqua...

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Kim-Loved the "hate"!:D (also glad I'm not the only one whose fingers find the wrong keys when typing)

I too could go for some heat and a little humidity..am fighting static cling at work.

Go ahead with your aquas.

I'm still trying to locate my camera. It's here, but can't for the life of me remember where I put it. I know I had it Christmas Day, but didn't use it! Just hope I didn't put it in the Christmas decorations that went to the attic. That place is a never ending hole :eek:

I'm almost positive I have aqua pics to post-once the missing bugger is found!

Got more snow Friday night! Now there's about 6-7" out there, but it's supposed to get up in the 40's tomorrow, so it's all gonna melt this week... I hope! What a wierd winter we're having. Not my fav season!

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Helloooooo Everybody.


I Love you all. Kim-"hate" and humidity? Linda-can't find the camera and think it was put away with the decorations? This could SOOOOO be me. The reason I have been MIA lately is that after the cruise, I was so oozy-relaxed (yep, I spelled that the way I wanted it to be) that I floated around on land for a few days. It was a very relaxing cruise and just what I needed after the holiday extravaganza of it all with my family.


I'm not sure if I'm commiserating or trying to out-do everyone, but I have confession to make. My Christmas decorations were put away upstairs on Sunday. Yep, yesterday. That's the most procrastinating I have done in years. I could tell the long, involved story that gives all the particulars of my excuse, but a wise pastor once told me that one excuse is as good as any other. I'm finally caught up with work and I've sorta caught up at home, so I'm ready to post aquas along with everyone else as soon as the weather cooperates here.


I don't want to be negative, but please keep the humidity, Anita. We normally have extreme humidity from Memorial Day until after Labor Day and I HATE to sweat! We've had extreme and strange weather here this winter. Extremely warm when it should be cold, dense fog (in January!?!) and we had thunderstorm and tornado warnings last night until around midnight. Sunshine, what's that? I haven't seen a bright and clear day in such a long time. Well, not here at home. Cozumel? Yes!


The main reasons I like to cruise in January and February are the sunshine while on the cruise, the lack of it at home during that time, and those two months are the best times for DH to get away from the business. I really need a good dose of sunshine in January. I've not been diagnosed with a sunshine-deficit type illness and I'm not sure if it is truly medical or the mental game of happy planning a get-away and enjoying the trip that makes such a huge difference for me, but I'm usually good until our March 1 move to the campground for camping season. My batteries are definitely recharged. Pam, maybe you just need a relaxing cruise. Even if it isn't a cruise of a lifetime, I just love to be on the water. You'll enjoy time spent with Anita and family, so hurry up, March, right?


I have good news and bad news. I had taken aqua pictures right before we all got caught up in the holidays but I wasn't sure if they were taken in the best light. Remember how I posted so many GREENS? I wanted to retake my aquas when I knew the lighting was the best. I haven't lost the camera and I have the pictures, but I'm pretty sure that none of the tops fit me now. So, I'll need to take pictures of what fits me now, and if I must, I'll post one or two that I think are the best colors and that way I'll know what to be looking for as replacements, ok?


I've gotta run. DD is having ultrasound today and I get to be there. I'll try to post a picture or two from the cruise in a day or two. I think I have one that everyone will agree is a FIRE success. --Debbie

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So good to "see" you! I take it your clothes aren't fitting because you are shrinking? I hope?


I saw your comment on The Vivienne Files. There was another person that wanted similar colors so maybe she'll do a FIRE friendly post? That travel wardrobe has so many great ideas. I do wish that she would do something that seemed less business-y though.


100% chance of rain tomorrow, so even though I have the morning clear, I don't think I could get good pictures. We'll see if there is enough light at all. People are battening down the hatches and acting like it's going to be a big deal. I've heard something about tornado warnings. We'll see.


I want to hear all about the cruise!!

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Hey, Debbie,


I second Anita's request to hear all about the cruise!


Our weather isn't as bad as everyone else's; just chill-y. Which I don't like one bit. I guess I'm the balance in the universe to you not liking to sweat because I don't mind the sweat as much as I mind seeing my breath on a cold, crisp day. I hate for my ears to be cold; for my nose to run cause it's cold; for my fingers to be cold; to feel my toes being cold! Hate it! And I hate that "bundled up" feeling of having on so many clothes that you could compete with the Pillsbury Dough boy. Hate it. So... there you go... balance in the universe. I'll take heat (dare I say even humidity?) over cold any old day of the week... month of the year, etc.


Wardrobe issues! Boy... I'm having wardrobe issues! But for some strange reason, I'm just not in the mood for shopping. Actually, I think that I might be in the mood but the items in the stores just aren't cooperating. If I like an item, it's $$$$$$$. Why do I think I can find something in Nordstroms? Other issues that I'm having.... mainly the FIT. And I'm having a FIT about the FIT, kwim?


Dresses are way too short. Blouses are way too boxy. My waist is bigger so I can't fit into a certain size, but my hips are way smaller so the pants are baggy. What to do? I just keep pulling exercise clothes out of my closet, which is working for me on a daily basis. But my cruise wardrobe? Puleez. What to do?

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Hey, Debbie,


I second Anita's request to hear all about the cruise!

When I realized that DH and I could take a short cruise for approximately the same money we'd spend in eating out during those four days, a cruise from New Orleans to Cozumel became our bargain Christmas present to one another. Since this is the Fashions & Beauty area of the Board, let me say in my most kind and gentle voice that many of the embarking passengers could have benefitted greatly from reading hints and tips posted here. I've never seen so many torn and STAINED jeans, cut-up grungy t-shirts and ballcaps turned around backwards on heads in my whole life. The guys weren't dressed any better. No, that's a small joke, really. It was mostly guys that were dressed that way, but it caused my husband to lean over and whisper, "Wonder how many of these people checked Walmart sacks for luggage?"


Before someone reads this and thinks that I'm unkind, just let me say that I am from Kentucky. I have a 26 year old son that dresses very casually. His idea of dressed up is a collared knit shirt to go with his jeans and Nikes. I understand casual in today's world, I think. This took "come as you are" to a whole new level. I've waited this long to post my thoughts on the cruise partially because I thought I would have a different perspective after being home for a while. Nope. I still believe this was an eye-opener for me about the casual-ness that abounds. I am still astonished.


Since New Orleans is the closest port to us, we decided to take a leisurely trip down to catch the ship. Now, DH had only been on one previous cruise. He didn't care for it. He went this time because he is a wonderful husband who loves a wife that likes to cruise but hadn't cruised in a very long time. He is very generous in that way. HOWEVER, DH loves Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. DH loves fried chicken. Oh, I haven't cooked it in years, but he is a fried chicken aficionado. He will eat fried chicken every chance he gets. As my present to him, I found a supremo DDD fried chicken joint in Memphis, TN and we stopped in at Uncle Lou's Famous Fried Chicken. I was the rock star and he was my slave for the rest of the trip!


I did quite a bit of research here on different threads and determined that we could get a room for $63.00 (lastminutetravel dot com) and stayed in the nicest Hilton hotel. I've rarely stayed where bellhops meet you at the sidewalk and the price was less than the regular load-your-own-stuff-on-the-dolly and wheel-it-in-yourself establishment where we spent the previous night on the way down to Nawlins.


DH had visited New Orleans on a business trip but it was pre-Katrina. I had never been there. We spent a great day being tourists. I'm leaving out quite a few details here, but if anyone is planning to cruise from New Orleans, just let me know. I have a few hints and tips that may help. Maybe the biggest tip I have is that there is a Chicos in the Riverwalk Mall adjacent to the Hilton Riverside and nearly next door to the cruise terminal. I bought a coral knit blazer the night before we embarked and wore it the next day. The dress I wore is a v-neck knit cover-up dress from LandsEnd in South Sea Blue . It matched a striped bathing suit that was safe in my purse/carry-on. I say safe because I didn't use the suit. In fact, I never stepped a toe in a pool. The only water I stood in was our room's shower. But I was prepared. I wore three different suits during the cruise. I just never got them wet, or got in the pool, or took off my cover-ups. We were just too relaxed and lazy to make that effort, I guess.


The cruise embarkation and debarkation process was the easiest I have ever experienced. We arrived around 10:30 a.m. at the cruise terminal. There was no line to clear security. There was only one couple in line waiting to receive their sign and sail cards. We didn't experience the first snaking through mazes of tape corridors. Once we received our cards, we were pointed toward our first of many Carnival photographer vaca pictures. We were seated about 10 minutes when a nice man explained by loud speaker that they would be taking a wedding party onboard. Soon the VIPS were allowed to board and we were next. We were onboard and eating on the Lido Deck before noon.


This was the most relaxing cruise I have ever taken. We had one port day in Cozumel. Since DH isn't a sun-bathing type of guy and this was my third time to be in Cozumel, we decided to walk the pier, buy some vanilla to take home to relatives, and go back to the ship to eat lunch in the dining room. I wore a long sundress of various shades of cream and browns. I was proud to take it on the cruise, because not too long ago, this dress was too tight. (insert pat on the back here) Looking at the pictures, I see the need to do something to improve this dress. It isn't tight now, but has no discernable shape. I can't shorten it without taking away a necessary part of the woven color pattern at the bottom of the dress may need to shorten it. If all else fails, it will go away. The pictures of that day are bad and I'm not sure I will post them. We attended a class and learned to make a towel "dog" and we were seated each evening at a table for 6 with lovely dinner companions. This was truly the most economical and relaxing cruise I have taken.


I gained 1.5 pounds during the week we were gone from home. In the past, it was possible for me to gain that much in one day. We ate. We ate a lot. We spent our days walking. Walking to the room, walking to eat, walking lots of stairs. I'm almost certain that the exercise from the casual walking we did helped me maintain my weight while we were gone. We were constantly on the move unless we were eating or sleeping or......did I mention this was the most relaxing cruise ever?


Our weather isn't as bad as everyone else's; just chill-y. Which I don't like one bit. I guess I'm the balance in the universe to you not liking to sweat because I don't mind the sweat as much as I mind seeing my breath on a cold, crisp day. I hate for my ears to be cold; for my nose to run cause it's cold; for my fingers to be cold; to feel my toes being cold! Hate it! And I hate that "bundled up" feeling of having on so many clothes that you could compete with the Pillsbury Dough boy. Hate it. So... there you go... balance in the universe. I'll take heat (dare I say even humidity?) over cold any old day of the week... month of the year, etc.


DH and I took a walk Sunday. The federal campground where we camp is closed from December 1 until March 1. From the locked gate of the campground to this year's campsite is approximately one mile. We parked the car, and walked there to get an idea of how we will set up camp March 1. I am an over-planner and organizer, so I need to measure the layout of the campsite to know where our equipment will sit when we arrive March 1. I wore a jacket, gloves and earmufs and was very comfortable. I would much rather bundle up and shed layers as I get warm than have droplets running down my face and have no more clothes to modestly remove. Like you said -- balance in the universe.


Wardrobe issues! Boy... I'm having wardrobe issues! But for some strange reason, I'm just not in the mood for shopping. Actually, I think that I might be in the mood but the items in the stores just aren't cooperating. If I like an item, it's $$$$$$$. Why do I think I can find something in Nordstroms? Other issues that I'm having.... mainly the FIT. And I'm having a FIT about the FIT, kwim?
I'll just have a FIT with you, Pam. I've needed to order a few replacements lately because everything is getting sloppy and baggy looking on me. That's a good thing, I know, and I'm not complaining, but it is very difficult to find an item worthy of taking space in my closet that is quality, the right color, the right fit and cut, the right size, and isn't $$$$$$$. After reading the book Anita talked about on the other thread (Style Statement), I bought it on Amazon and spent every spare moment doing the workbook until I finished it. It helped. A lot. I discovered that I like skirts. I own several skirts. I feel special when I wear skirts. I didn't wear skirts. I have started wearing my skirts and it has made a huge difference in the way I view myself and my clothes. I also discovered that I am a Natural/Nostalgic. Short answer for this one is that I like natural fabrics and jewelry in natural materials. The nostalgic part of me causes me to be drawn to many retro fashions. I will need to rein-in this part, or my wardrobe can become very costume-like. I never bought cashmere because I felt it was extremely expensive. It is initially a large $$ purchase for me (even on sale this time of the year), but if I wear it several years, the per use per purchase could be less than the t-shirt I bought at the department store. I needed to work through that process and give myself permission to put me first and buy a cashmere (natural fiber) sweater or two. I feel MAHVALOUS when I wear them.


Dresses are way too short.
Blouses are way too boxy.
Yep, I agree.
My waist is bigger so I can't fit into a certain size, but my hips are way smaller so the pants are baggy. What to do? I just keep pulling exercise clothes out of my closet, which is working for me on a daily basis. But my cruise wardrobe? Puleez. What to do?
AMEN!!! It is ridiculous. Not that my taste in clothes and yours is exactly the same, but I'll gladly tell you what helped me in planning my cruise wardrobe.


I packed everything in a rolling carry-on suitcase and my purse. Now, my purse is pretty big--16x14x6--and it was loaded like a carry-on (makeup, bathing suit and flip-flops in case we wanted to swim before our room was ready, a book to read, our travel documents)--it was PACKED! The only thing I didn't wear that was taken was a dress that was super light wad-in-a-ball material. Considering I bought and took a jacket that I hadn't planned for, I thought I did pretty well. Would I take less next time? Sure. I say that each and every time I cruise. I usually do take less each time. One of the these days, I'll be the person they are always talking about, that first person ever to say, "Wow, I wish I'd taken more stuff".


The second most important thing I did differently from past cruises is that I only packed one "formal" dress and it wasn't formal at all. It was a knee-length, red ponte knit sleeveless dress with a pleated crew neck. I wore it one night with pretty gold dangly earrings and an oh-so-soft pashima. The red of the pashima was a little rusty to be truly FIRE, but the dress wasn't tomato red; more a true red color. The pashima didn't clash and DD had bought it for me especially for the cruise. It was expensive and non-returnable, so I wore it. I wore the red dress again on our last night because it was so comfy. I wore it with a 3/4 length sleeve ivory cashmere sweater. It reminds me of a long collegiate sweater but doesn't have buttons. It is finger-tip length.


The most important thing I did differently from past cruises is that I made a spreadsheet and wore what I had scheduled according to temperatures expected on the weather's extended forecast for the week. I scheduled to wear a sundress on the first night on board and then wore that same sundress as a cover-up over my bathing suit for the next day at sea. Since I wore a nicer dress for the second night, I did wear a top and skirt for the day in port that hadn't been worn. Usually this is the day we come in and need a shower and a change of clothes from all the schlepping around that we've done anyway. That evening....you guessed it, I wore a previous unworn skirt and top. The following day I wore it. I never felt grubby or ill-kempt. I did take one reversible skirt that was made of two extremely light-weight layers. It never wrinkled. It could have been worn multiple times because it would have washed and dried in a flash. I wish I had a couple more skirts like this one.


Wow! This has been a post for the record books. Sorry about hi-jacking the thread but I guess I had a lot to say and a lot of talk to make up for since my last post. Pam, I know you and Anita will have amazing cruise wardrobes. After seeing Pam's pictures from Europe, I'm hesitant to show my pictures. I will. It may take a few more days to get everything in place, but I will. I promise. --Debbie

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A promise of pictures always brings up the excitement level! You know, I had a lot of trepidation posting those European vacation pictures, and I only did it because I know how much I love pictures... so I was doing the equivalent of "paying it forward" because Kim had posted such fun vacation pictures. Debbie, you know how much we all LOVE pictures!!! Can't wait.


I saw what you said on the EARTH thread about feeling like you were seeing the same outfit over and over again because of the outerwear! Isn't that irritating?!? I guess we have to remember when we take out pictodiaries to remove the outerwear... then try not to look like we're freezing while at the same time looking fabulous for the picture... then quick, rewrap ourselves! LOL.


I guess I'm going to have to break down and go search out those Vivienne files (?) so that I know what you and Anita are discussing. I don't really have the NEED for a wardrobe; that's my basic problem. I don't really have a social life when I'm at home; ok, well I have a social life but the issue is that the friends that I go out with are all extremely casual, casual dressers... could care less about wardrobe(s) and so I never feel very inspired to do something when I meet them for drinks or dinner. Most of my life is spent just sitting around the house and planning for my next vacation! I don't really have to look fabulous to do that! Plus, exercise clothes. That's really it; exercise and lounging... that's what I do. Nothing that requires inspirational dressing... especially when it comes to accessories.


Which means that I get super challenged to accessorize when we go on vacation! I don't really know what I want, or how to go about finding what I want. It's just a basic problem that I have... so I guess I will go hunting for those Vivienne files while I wait for Debbie's pictures to arrive...........

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DH loves Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. DH loves fried chicken. Oh, I haven't cooked it in years, but he is a fried chicken aficionado. He will eat fried chicken every chance he gets. As my present to him, I found a supremo DDD fried chicken joint in Memphis, TN and we stopped in at Uncle Lou's Famous Fried Chicken. I was the rock star and he was my slave for the rest of the trip!


I really like Guy...he's fun to watch. He loves him some good food! I would love to go to a place he has reviewed. He did a couple in San Antonio that we were all drooling over.


I wore a long sundress of various shades of cream and browns. I was proud to take it on the cruise, because not too long ago, this dress was too tight. (insert pat on the back here)


YAY!! BIG pats on the back here. *happy dance* *happy dance*


Looking at the pictures, I see the need to do something to improve this dress. It isn't tight now, but has no discernable shape....The pictures of that day are bad and I'm not sure I will post them.


Oh please post the pictures anyway...I'm all into thinking about ideas to alter and rework items of clothing that aren't working any more. It's been very helpful for me to study the ShopYourShape website...and now that others have been looking at it too...maybe together, we can come up with some ideas to improve the dress. IF you like the fabric enough, I guess.


I gained 1.5 pounds during the week we were gone from home. In the past, it was possible for me to gain that much in one day. We ate. We ate a lot. We spent our days walking. Walking to the room, walking to eat, walking lots of stairs. I'm almost certain that the exercise from the casual walking we did helped me maintain my weight while we were gone. We were constantly on the move unless we were eating or sleeping or......did I mention this was the most relaxing cruise ever?


WTG!!! That weight gain is negligible...it almost doesn't count, KWIM? How wonderful.


DH and I took a walk Sunday. The federal campground where we camp is closed from December 1 until March 1. From the locked gate of the campground to this year's campsite is approximately one mile. We parked the car, and walked there to get an idea of how we will set up camp March 1. I am an over-planner and organizer, so I need to measure the layout of the campsite to know where our equipment will sit when we arrive March 1.


I guess I didn't really understand before what your weekend camping was really like. Do you have a trailer or RV or 5th wheel...or a tent? I would love to talk to you more about your camping site. We are still planning on camping in August at Disney and I am all about the luxury camp site.


...everything is getting sloppy and baggy looking on me. That's a good thing, I know, and I'm not complaining, but it is very difficult to find an item worthy of taking space in my closet that is quality, the right color, the right fit and cut, the right size, and isn't $$$$$$$. After reading the book Anita talked about on the other thread (Style Statement), ...I discovered that I like skirts. I own several skirts. I feel special when I wear skirts. ...I also discovered that I am a Natural/Nostalgic....I never bought cashmere because I felt it was extremely expensive. It is initially a large $$ purchase for me (even on sale this time of the year), but if I wear it several years, the per use per purchase could be less than the t-shirt I bought at the department store. I needed to work through that process and give myself permission to put me first and buy a cashmere (natural fiber) sweater or two. I feel MAHVALOUS when I wear them.


I love this learning, progressing, accepting, and purposefulness in a decision making process. When the end result is that you feel so fabulous in something you bought...you will wear them more often...first, the cost per wear is less...but more importantly, I think that you won't feel like your wardrobe is missing something and this will keep you from making more purchases.


I'm not going to quote all your packing tips but I really appreciate it.


Please post pictures!! You know we LOVE pictures!!!

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If I can remember how Anita told me to post pictures, I'm ready to try this. DH is a lovely man, but he can't take pictures worth a flip. Backgrounds mean nothing, framing means nothing, and usually holding the camera stationary means nothing. I have very few pictures that aren't fuzzy as all get-out, but here are the five I found. Sorry a couple of them are so far away, but I actually cropped them in as much as the program would allow.



This picture shows the jacket that I bought at Chicos in New Orleans the night before the cruise. I'm wearing it over the South Sea Blue Cover-up from LandsEnd.



The next picture is the red ponte knit LandsEnd dress. I believe the name is Rich Red. I wore this for my dress-up night. Most comfy dress-up night on a cruise ever!



I tried to show the two best photos that I had to choose from for this sundress. There was so much background that by the time I cropped them, there wasn't much photo left.




Ivory tank under ivory 3/4 sleeve overshirt (back lace panel) in Main Dining Room.



Well, that's it. Not many pictures, really, and I didn't have a picture of every outfit, but I've posted more here than we've taken total on some trips. --Debbie

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I think we FIRE ladies are really the only ones who can pull off the color combination of picture #1... which I LOVE. That picture just says it all: Debbie is very, very happy! Your skin looks absolutely beautiful.. and your eyes are radiant. Such a great combination on you!


You're right: the other pictures are a bit fuzzy so it's more difficult to see the effect that the color(s) are having on your skin, eyes, and hair. What I can tell is that the skin tone is very even on all of these pictures. And you're also right about the maxi dress: I think you need a bit more structure in that dress to change the column look of the straight body type. Am I remembering that you're also a straight body type? Anita has the "eye" for this discussion, but I think that there needs to be something done with the accessory or the waist area of the maxi dress.


Great pictures. Thank you for sharing! The sun is out at my house today, but I look a fright. I need to get my hair done.. and I have some motivation issues. So I don't know when I'll post pictures.... but I have to get going on my thoughts for my cruise wardrobe!


I've been doing quite a bit of thinking about my closet.. and the items that hang within. Anita is at a crossroads in her life where she is losing weight and shrinking out of clothes... so she's motivated to learn what really, really works for her in terms of color, style, and fit. I appreciate all of her research because it also benefits me!


But I think that I'm resisting this idea of a capsule wardrobe. And I think that the reason is a FUN factor... for me. I meant what I said about really having no place to go, on a daily basis, other than running grocery shopping errands or hitting a cooking class. Exercise classes. I really need and want to just wear comfortable clothes that I can be persuaded are OK to go out into the yard and do some pruning, etc. Make a mess in the kitchen. So I don't really know how these types of activities lend themselves to dressing in any particular style...


And then along comes a vacation. And I seem to have two different types of vacation. Caribbean. Warm, lazy, leisurely water, sun, sand... Touristy. All kinds of potential weather, comfortable shoes, walking, walking, walking, beautiful, wonderful restaurants, evening cocktails. The tourist vacation is the most challenging to pack for in terms of items of clothing and versatility and length of time (because we usually try to max out airfare costs).




I know that Anita is having FUN with her capsule wardrobe planning, accessorizing, crazy 8s buying. I'm looking at my closet and thinking that my FUN might lie in another direction. I can understand how capsule buying might assist me with a Tourist Vacation, but I think that I might be more inclined to buy outfits rather than having a capsule wardrobe? Now that I'm at a point where, I too, have shrunk out of a majority of my clothes (especially bottoms), I wonder what you all think about my wardrobe thoughts?

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I think we FIRE ladies are really the only ones who can pull off the color combination of picture #1... which I LOVE. That picture just says it all: Debbie is very, very happy! Your skin looks absolutely beautiful.. and your eyes are radiant. Such a great combination on you!

Thanks so much. You are right, I was very, very happy. We were getting in line to leave the sitting area and board the ship.


You're right: the other pictures are a bit fuzzy so it's more difficult to see the effect that the color(s) are having on your skin, eyes, and hair. What I can tell is that the skin tone is very even on all of these pictures. And you're also right about the maxi dress: I think you need a bit more structure in that dress to change the column look of the straight body type. Am I remembering that you're also a straight body type? Anita has the "eye" for this discussion, but I think that there needs to be something done with the accessory or the waist area of the maxi dress.
I have a tendency to pick autumn/EARTH colors or at least FIRE colors that lean in the EARTH direction, but I think everything this trip was ok. I have always been drawn to those colors, Pam, but you and I know that the GRAY LADY appears in our photos every time we choose EARTH colors. The maxi dress may be something that I need to take to the camper for a swimsuit coverup OR it may just need to go away.


The sun is out at my house today, but I look a fright. I need to get my hair done.. and I have some motivation issues. So I don't know when I'll post pictures.... but I have to get going on my thoughts for my cruise wardrobe!
I'm trying to grow into a different hairstyle. It's ok, but not wow, KWIM? The sun was out yesterday and I took a few aqua pictures, but was interrupted with a phone call from DD before I finished. Now I'm wondering if I shouldn't just start over at my next opportunity. Zumba is after work today, so if the sun is still shining tomorrow afternoon, I'll try again. Anyone else ready to post pictures? After the monster coral and blue picture of me, PLEASE, somebody else post something!


I've been doing quite a bit of thinking about my closet.. and the items that hang within. Anita is at a crossroads in her life where she is losing weight and shrinking out of clothes... so she's motivated to learn what really, really works for her in terms of color, style, and fit. I appreciate all of her research because it also benefits me!
I think it's benefitting us all. Thanks, Anita!


But I think that I'm resisting this idea of a capsule wardrobe. And I think that the reason is a FUN factor... for me. I meant what I said about really having no place to go, on a daily basis, other than running grocery shopping errands or hitting a cooking class. Exercise classes. I really need and want to just wear comfortable clothes that I can be persuaded are OK to go out into the yard and do some pruning, etc. Make a mess in the kitchen. So I don't really know how these types of activities lend themselves to dressing in any particular style...
That's exactly the way I feel about my camping clothes. I want to look nice for myself as well as this wonderful husband that I have. He doesn't need to be subjected to seeing me look like a frumpy bag-lady wearing cheapo Ts and shapeless bottoms, but buying nice things doesn't make sense either. I don't want to waste my money by wearing, ruining and throwing things away. I need things that can either withstand the abuse or are almost disposable. AND, I need them to look nice, be FIRE colors AND fit properly for my shape. FORGET IT!!! I understand your frustration, Pam. Like you said earlier, I think I'll have a FIT about the FIT and the color and.... Sheesh.



And then along comes a vacation. And I seem to have two different types of vacation. Caribbean. Warm, lazy, leisurely water, sun, sand... Touristy. All kinds of potential weather, comfortable shoes, walking, walking, walking, beautiful, wonderful restaurants, evening cocktails. The tourist vacation is the most challenging to pack for in terms of items of clothing and versatility and length of time (because we usually try to max out airfare costs).
Kinda like my two separate clothing lives, Pam? I work in an office setting, so I need nice outfits. I don't have to necessarily wear suits and closed toed heels with post earrings every day, but nice sweater and slacks occasionally is about as casual as I can go. So I run the spectrum of "nice" clothes to "I'm outside in 100 degree heat and 98% humidity with no air-conditioning" clothes. Eight pieces of clothes are not going to be enough. Eight pieces for each separate clothing life, maybe? Have you thought about it that way?


I know that Anita is having FUN with her capsule wardrobe planning, accessorizing, crazy 8s buying. I'm looking at my closet and thinking that my FUN might lie in another direction. I can understand how capsule buying might assist me with a Tourist Vacation, but I think that I might be more inclined to buy outfits rather than having a capsule wardrobe? Now that I'm at a point where, I too, have shrunk out of a majority of my clothes (especially bottoms), I wonder what you all think about my wardrobe thoughts?
I've been reading the Vivienne Files for quite a while now and the feeling I've gotten has sorta seeped into my bones. That's the best way I can explain it. It has helped me plan capsules to take when I travel and I expect to use the same idea when I pack the camper closet. If everything mixes and matches, I will get more mileage out of every piece I take. That's why I'm suggesting either a Crazy 8 or a 15-piece capsule wardrobe.


Would it be possible to take the clothes you think will work for a while longer--the ones that you absolutely love--and build on them? The reason I'm saying this is I think I like the packing wardrobes from the last few days and weeks on the Vivienne Files--15 pieces plus a coat of some sort. Pick two base colors--chocolate and cream, navy and camel, whatever you have that's your favorite. IF you have tops that you love and still fit, use these as your accent colors. Voila, instant capsule with minimum purchases. Then all you'd need to do is fill in with accessories or maybe new items in another accent color from this season's favorite color. Since FIRE ladies seem to have such luck at Chicos, maybe a mix and match party from their individual pieces would work? Everyone here knows by now that I have too many clothes, but if I even concentrated on chocolate and cream at the office and navy and camel at the campground/exercise classes or vice-versa, it would solve some of my "oh that top's too dressy for that bottom" or "everything I have to go with that bottom is too casual". OR, use one color combination for summer and the other combination for winter clothes. Lots of possibilities.


I have a friend that winters in Florida. One of her snowbird friends gave her this advice--when shopping in Chicos, buy everything that's on the manequin--jewelry and all. That way the outfit is complete. It's a really good plan, I guess. I just can't wrap my head around the possibility of going to lunch and the lady seated across the room is wearing the very same thing, right down to the jewelry. Universe balance or different strokes? IDK


I am, however, afraid my clothes are going to be worn out from me taking them in and out of the closet and trying them on over and over. If I don't spend a little time during the evening trying on, making outfits and discarding "the big stuff", I'm late to work in the morning, because I can't make anything work. I still have too many clothes AND I've bought more recently BUT I bought replacements for the sloppy-big items and am trying to make wise purchasing decisions. While clearance prices and %-off coupons are available, I'm buying better quality, better fitting items that will yield lower cost per wear in the long run and my closet will shrink enormously.


I'm not wearing a size small yet like Anita and I'm not sure I ever will, but I've gone from wearing a very snug 16 to......wait for it........I bought size 12 jeans. I also bought size 12 dress slacks. The dress slacks are more snug than I like to wear all day at the office, so I've got enough time to hem and press everything before I put them in the rotation. I'm not so vain that I care what the number says, but it's nice to know I'm down two and almost three sizes really. These pants are a different brand than the 14's I was swimming in, and they're made differently. I do wish everyone would get on the same playing field when it comes to sizes though. Maybe it's the cut of the garment. I was beginning to feel like some of my dress slacks had the Mom-jeans look. There was a lot of space between the waistband and the crotch area. Do you call this the rise? I've forgotten.


Any way, I need to shut up, right now. Everyone will soon be saying, "here she goes again" if they're not already!!! Hey, Kim, where are you? Linda?

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Debbie...Thank you for posting pictures! I second what Mom said...you look fab in that first photo. LOVE your new Chico's jacket. And I love your laughing smile in the cream colored outfit...just such a great facial expression.


I don't know if I can see that sundress enough to really understand what is happening with it. I agree that there needs to be a tighter area on that dress somewhere...I think you are a straight this similar to me...a busty straight...not a rail thin straight...and I know that I look better when that area under the bust is one of the tightest areas...and according to that website...that tightest area should be the darker as well. It may be tight there already, as I try to see on these photos...but the lack of darker coloring is what is missing. Add a belt?


The other thing seems to be that there is a bit too much extra fabric at the hip. If there could be some pleats sewn flat there, that would probably improve the shape too...it looks like there is a waist at waist level and then the skirt poofs out and falls full from there...if whatever is making it a more fitted bodice were to extend down to your hip bone area and THEN go fuller...I think you would like the shape better.


I think you might need to retake your aqua pictures, or just post what you have, if there are several and then do the others on a different day. Just don't take the others and then put them all up together, because the difference in the quality of the light might mistakenly make one series look better or worse than the other.


Funny thing about camping clothes. I think you should seriously watch that Athleta site. Maybe R.E.I. too? It might be worth it to invest in some technical clothing. I know all about the messes of camping...I really do...and if you purchase clothing that is made for backpacking and/or other rigourous activities, the clothing will survive and you could look nice.


The skirt that I bought from Athleta...that All Terrain Skirt would be AWESOME camping. And it is so flattering. What til you see a photo. And you say you like skirts. Cargo would be too Earthy I think, BUT from what I read of Khakina...it might do fine as a khaki-ish kind of color to wear with corals, yellows, and reds. Maybe even that purple shirt. Order a Tall and it'll hit at the right length. When I wear yoga pants...slightly compressed, you know...my hips measure 37" (when I stand up straight and have slight tension in my abs) and my waist can be 32-33"...based on the reviews and what I saw some else write, I ordered a size 12. It fits well. Athleta sizing runs smaller I think. I give you this info so that you can compare and maybe order appropriately for your measurements. Because I think that ordering just a few well made, easily washed, fast drying things for camping would be good for you. :)


And yes, the area between the waistband and the crotch is called the rise.

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Whooohooo Debbie!!! :cool: Fabulous look in your blue and coral!!!!! You look so alive and vibrant!! LOOOOOOVEEE IT! So glad you had a wonderful trip. We missed you!

Congrats on the weight! I put on 3 pounds over Christmas and am trying to get it off. Went to dr last week and she was pleased to see my weight is going down from last visit. (even with the 3 # gain) It's such a struggle and long process isn't it? So easy and fast to pack it on, but getting it off is another story. :(

Good news! The lost camera has been found!!!!! Right where I put it. In a dark corner I never look in! haha... Anyway I looked at the aquas and they aren't good, so I need to retake them. But first I have to dig them back out of storage! Living in a multi-climate location means I have to store warm weather clothes when I bring out all the cold weather rags! Sooo it's off to the bottomless pit of an attic I must travel this week.. Hope I don't get lost up there!

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I don't know if I can see that sundress enough to really understand what is happening with it.
I knew the pictures were bad. The dress has no shape. It is a shift dress. I had thought that I'd try to insert a few strategic darts, but after reading what you have said and the ideas from the "shape" site you told us about, I'm going to try a wide stretch belt. I've always believed that belts made me look bigger around the waist, but the black belt I have is 3-4 inch elastic with very pretty closure detail. If it works, I'll add a brown belt to my shopping list. The only thing on my list now is a chocolate hooded knee-length raincoat with removable liner. I've looked and don't think it exists.


I think you might need to retake your aqua pictures, or just post what you have, if there are several and then do the others on a different day. Just don't take the others and then put them all up together, because the difference in the quality of the light might mistakenly make one series look better or worse than the other.
That's what I thought too. When I realized that my time was running short, I basically just ran through them as fast as I could change from one top to the other. I'll need to take a hard look at the pictures and see what they look like. The sunshine I'd hoped for disappeared before noon today.


I think you should seriously watch that Athleta site. Maybe R.E.I. too?
Thanks for the comment about Khakina and the sizes. I'll take a look at both of these sites. I think what they call knickers is what I'd use the most. Your skirt looks really cute, but I don't think it would work for me. I have steered away from these sites, because I bought two convertible pants several years ago. As I've said before, my legs are short for my longer body. The material of these convertible pants was awesome. The fit--not so much. They had a drawstring. Therefore there was no fit to them. Again, I Do Not Need extra material around my waist. I never got around to hemming the pants, so I zipped off the bottom portion which caused the pants to be high-waters--2-3 inches above my ankles. When I zipped off the next section, I had knee-length shorts. The leg on these things could have put my leg and somebody else's in at the same time. I haven't revisited the hunting/fishing apparrel stores since. It should have occurred to me, but it didn't. Thanks for mentioning Athleta.


Linda, now that the kids are grown and have left home, we have more space than we need at my house. The good news is that I have enough closet space to store those off-season clothes in a spare closet now. But, I remember those days of storage bins. Notice I didn't say I remembered them fondly, right? Sorry that you're going to need to do it, but........pictures, we want pictures, girlfriend!


Kim, hope everything is ok with you. --Debbie

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Glad to hear you had a great time on your cruise. You look great in the coral jacket/blue dress pic! Great combo on you.


I'm still here, just been in a bit of a funk I think. The winter time blues.




Glad you found the long lost camera. Hope things are going better in your life.




I understand your wardrobe dilemma. I'm pretty much a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal. At work I only need to wear decent pants and a top. Rarely ever dress up. I think that's part of what I like about cruises--I love to get dressed up. I get to wear things I would rarely or never wear at home. Maybe a dress to Mass or a suit on Easter....


You guys seem to have so much fun with putting things together--accessories, shoes, different combos, etc. I just don't have that knack. I sometimes have the desire but, usually don't even know where to start. You all seem to have such confidence in your choices--not me. I think that's why I stick to the basics--I can't mess that up too much;)


The shape site that Anita mentioned sounds like a good idea. I do think I'll go and try that out. Anita, you find such interesting sites :) Thanks for passing them along too.


Let's see some pics color gals!

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You guys seem to have so much fun with putting things together--accessories, shoes, different combos, etc. I just don't have that knack. I sometimes have the desire but, usually don't even know where to start. You all seem to have such confidence in your choices--not me. I think that's why I stick to the basics--I can't mess that up too much


LOL Confidence? Not hardly. That's why I'm here talking with you nice ladies. That's also why I have so many clothes hanging in my closet still. Some things are the right colors, come things are almost the right color, and some things...I can't get rid of them until I'm sure. Same thing is true of the sizes. Some things fit, some things almost fit and some things....well, I guess they are the ones I've been talking about donating. Today, my well-intentioned daughter said, "oh Mom, nobody wears patterned tops any more. Everyone just wears solid colors." She didn't mean it snarky, but it made me want to leave the restaurant, rip off my patterned top and go immediately home to my closet and weed out all offenders.


Remember what I said in an earlier post about loving skirts but not wearing skirts? Scarves? I like scarves. I buy scarves. I try scarves with my outfits. If a scarf leaves the house, it is usually tied around the handles of my purse. Same thing with necklaces, except I can't tie them around my purse, so they stay at home--a lot. Here's the dialog -- "That scarf/necklace is too dressy/casual to go with that top." "If it was a long scarf/necklace it would look right with that neckline." "I'll try to sort this out later when I have more time. I've got to go." For me, atleast, I think I need to devote more time to accessories just like we have with our colors.


Hmmm, Pam, is this some of what you meant when you talked about buying complete outfits? Ohhhhh. Light. Tunnel. Big Black Train. Should we include this as we go? Maybe, if we have accessories we think look good with our bestest aquas, we could post them after we have our color confirmation? If we are undecided or want help, we post possibilities and get responses from everybody? I know there are times that if I had even the idea of short choker or long chain/square or long scarf it would help me tremendously. Even if I didn't have the right color, I could post the right style and it would help me know what to look for to complete the outfit.


Good idea or complicating the great idea we already have? What say ye?

Edited by aoknkentucky
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Maybe, if we have accessories we think look good with our bestest aquas, we could post them after we have our color confirmation? If we are undecided or want help, we post possibilities and get responses from everybody? I know there are times that if I had even the idea of short choker or long chain/square or long scarf it would help me tremendously. Even if I didn't have the right color, I could post the right style and it would help me know what to look for to complete the outfit.


Good idea or complicating the great idea we already have? What say ye?


We-eeeeell, I thought this might be all part and parcel with the color parties...I can't actually seem to be able to locate the discussion that marks the beginning of the color parties...BUT...I thought that we were talking about using the color parties to locate our BEST and THEN to be able to have some fun getting everyone's opinions on possible accessories to go with our BEST.


That's why I posted all those photos of my new necklace and bracelets and earrings with my one green shirt (remember I'm laughing?). :cool: Way back when...

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Well, duh! Where have I been? Abducted by aliens? Don't know why I lost this tidbit of info. Gotta ease up on those muscle relaxers, I guess. It's relaxing everything!


I'll be ok. I'll be ok. I'll be ok. (She mutters as she slowly shuffles off in her pink fuzzy bunny slippers............) Sheesh--brain, Debbie. Think.

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Okay. I'm back and trying to redeem myself. Thinking about how to wear scarves and I remembered that I saw a blog about this, but couldn't remember where. I finally found it and wanted to share. If you'll scroll down and look to the right side of the the home page of this blog/site, you will see many, many ways to tie a scarf. Have fun, everybody!



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