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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Hi, ladies: it's been a while! :)


So, I'm getting ready for Bermuda and I'm really having a problem because the weather isn't cooperating! I don't know if it's going to be sunny or very rainy while we're there. And I don't know if New York City is going to be hot or cold! It's so HARD! AND, it's a real problem for pictures because I don't really have outer garments that are even remotely FIRE. So, when I take pictures, it may be very inappropriate to my environment... like raining but I'll be wearing a sleeveless top!... because I refuse to let myself be photographed in black! :eek:


Anyway, in the pursuit of things... I found this top on Chico's, if anyone needs a casual top. It's in our Cadmium Red, and right now it comes in a bunch of sizes, so maybe this is helpful information!




It's $9.99, which is a decent price for Chico's Kim!


Miss you all. What is everyone doing?

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Hello Fire Sisters...

It really has been a while since we've been active on

this thread. Let's see if we can get it going again.


Pam,loved the pictodictionary that you and Anita did for us.

It's always so helpful to see what others are doing.


Which reminds me...

Ages ago Pam posted a picture with all her greens and I personally

was confused about some of them because to me they looked

muted as does my Pear sweater set from Macy's which got

Curt's thumbs up. I don't see it. I'll look back and see if

I can find the green post, but in the meantime Help??


DH and I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary :eek: on

The Amsterdam in August for a two week cruise to Alsaka.

We'll arrive in Seattle a week early to do the Olympic Penninsula

Scenic Drive. National Geographic has it as one of the most

scenic drives in the country so it should be spectacular!!

Of course I'll post pictures of my wardrobe before we go

for advice.


So that's what I'm up to.



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Forgive me... but my memory is failing me! Did you, at one point, think you were a Summer? Did you get analyzed as a Fire? You mentioned getting a Pear sweater from Macy's and I'm familiar with that color (not that long ago) so I guess I'm just not remembering your season correctly... :eek:


Coldwater Creek is a good excuse for me to get out of the house today so I'll take a little trip and see if I can see this dress, in person. I've almost stopped even going into Coldwater Creek because the whole store always seems muted to me, but sometimes there's a little something, something there. I can't tell from the website picture; I would probably place the dress in the muted category from the picture. So, I'll get back to you later this weekend, for sure.


Where are you going to be in the States?

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Yup. That's me. I always thought I was a Summer until

Curt got a hold of me and turned me and my wardrobe around!


As I mentioned , our cruise leaves from Seattle, so we'll be doing

some travelling the week before we sail and then fly

home the same day we disembark. 3 weeks vacation! :D


Thanks for checking out that dress for me Pam!

Any good Fire colors in your favorite store Chicos this season?

Not quite sure what other stores are in the Seattle area.

Have to do more homework on that.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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Hello Ladies,


It has been sooo long since I've posted and I sure am glad to see that everyone is trying to keep our Fire thread alive.


Linda, I think everyone would be glad to see the pictures that you'd like input on--aqua or otherwise. Maybe that's the kick we need to get back in the swing of things.


I understand about the shrinking fire-violet. Lots of my aqua tops are w-aa-y too big for me also. YEAHHHH! (Yes, I'm shouting! I think I'll shout it from the rooftops!)


Laurie, I'll chime in that I'm also glad to have an Earth Sister reading and "talking" here with us. I think most of us read, lurk, and/or talk on the Earth thread. Turn about is fair play, right? I agree with everything Pam said about how much the Seasons thread helped begin my journey of awareness. I don't know that I ever posted a single time, but I poured over each and every post as the ladies discovered their seasons.


My family thinks I'm crazy and my friends can't understand why I make such a big deal about this, but when you are as fashion-challenged as I am, understanding my season is such a freeing experience. I am able to immediately exclude so many items that I know are wrong for me now.


Recently, a friend had a jewelry party. Typical me, I forgot the date and didn't attend, but I needed to place an order. Knowing that I only needed to look at the shiny gold items helped me sooooo much. I didn't even look at the silver, bronze or antique gold items. Took a fraction of the time that, in the past, I'd pour over the book trying to make a decision.


Pam, thanks for the heads-up on the Cadmium Red top at Chicos. I have that one and need to replace it with.....yes.....a smaller size! Yea!!! $9.99 is a great price for that t-shirt. It is a nice weight and I like the longer sleeve length.



Trips of New York to Bermuda, Seattle to Alaska; I have an 8 day trip planned for the western States including Yellowstone. I'm seeing a pattern here. We are all needing a wardrobe that works for warm/hot weather as well as cooler conditions. This is the MOsT serious wardrobe capsule I will attempt since I have also decided that I WiLL NoT pay baggage fees. Yep, I'm doing carry-on only. Well, and a humungous purse as my personal item, of course. I won't need to take along a single item that's dressy, so I think this is possible. What say you, Ladies?


I'm not leaving until some time in August so I've just begun to think about this. Is anyone farther along in the packing process? Can I get some ideas from any of you about what I should or shouldn't take? Kentucky is HoT and HUmiD in July and August. You chew the air here during that time. I've heard that dry air doesn't feel as hot, but I've read the averages for that time period and just can't imagine that 90+ weather isn't dripping weather. We have 94 degrees predicted here for the weekend and I'm already dreading summer.


It's nice to "talk" to you all again. --Debbie

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Ok, so since I'm going to be in the States in August,

I've started surfing the Web for clothes and came across this:



What say you wise ones?


Julie, I hunted all over Coldwater Creek yesterday and, unfortunately, that dress wasn't in the store collection. So, just expressing an opinion, from the website picture and the reviews, I would be hesitant to call this bright, clear print. The gray in the print is especially throwing me off. There are now 3 reviews (I don't remember if there were any reviews when you first posted), and the ladies are indicating that the dress has quite a variation in print placement. I think that prints are really hard to find for FIRE ladies because the designers all seem to do something that throws it off: whether because they think they have to include black or white or some subdued color to tie together and that color ends up around the neckline... whatever... although the dress is pretty, I think you're looking at it through your old lens filter... too muted for me, anyway.


So, I went to the salon yesterday and got my fierce back. Red is so very, very hard to maintain. As I've been coloring, it seems that the color is getting deeper and deeper and a bit darker. The salon stopped using Redken products so it's a Wella product on my hair. Curt only gave me Redken names... so I'm shooting in the dark. Unfortunately, Wella goes by a numbering system more than a name chart, so all I know is that I'm getting a 7/43... in looking it up the only description is Warm Red Gold. And, at one site, I found the name Celtic Red Series... so at least it's speaking to the Irish in me!


I have to pack way more than I want to for the upcoming trip because of the weather. The forecast is for rain in both NYC and in Bermuda, so I don't know what will happen with the wardrobe. I'm just trying to plan for all contingencies... and we know that means extra weight in the suitcase. <sigh> At least I don't have to move the suitcases from points A to B very often.... no train rides, etc.


I'm in the last week countdown which means that I'm doing all those things that have to wait until the last minute. OMG! I've been having so much fun shopping for nail polish colors. I'm going to have fun with that on this cruise and may just take some polish with me. Not only did I get the blue(s), but also a wonderful gold! The girl that I was talking to at Ulta told me that her new fave is a wonderful green, which I'd not even considered green. So I was in Sephora yesterday (looking in the same area as Coldwater Creek), and they had a grand display of nail colors: Sephora by OPI, which I'd never heard of. They have a huge display and have a nail chip in front of each color so you can stick in your index finger and see the color next to your skin. Brilliant! I saw several colors that I would like to play with... next time... I've already purchased my nail colors for this trip. But, wow, what fun... does anyone know if Sephora by OPI is as good as the mother brand?


Anyway, I'm pretty soon off to my next adventure... leaving this Friday. I'll take you guys along with me and definitely do a pictodiary. I just don't want to take a laptop with me and do one of those fabulous LIVE reports, although I've been tempted. There's just so much wonderful time aboard a ship that I know I'd stick my nose onto the computer screen and miss all the action, so I know better than to get involved with that. But aren't those wonderful to read? I love them; I even read some that I know I'll never take that particular cruise or ship! I promise that I'll post when I get back.


In the meantime, everyone stay healthy, safe, and happy. Blessings to our military families and may everyone appreciate the sacrifice(s), past and current, that our military has given to keep us safe, strong, and a democracy.

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Pam, thanks so much for running around like that

for me. Kinda bummed about the dress because I thought

it was really pretty.


I still have lots of time though before we leave which means

lots of time to look on line...and for all my Fire sisters to let

me know if you see anything wonderful!! :p


Pam, have a wonderful time! I know you will be it

raining or not!

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OK. So, I'm having a bit of a freak attack. Maybe it's just that I'm not used to the idea of blue nails, but I'm wondering if my blue toenails are really going to go with my wardrobe? I'm having second thoughts!


I just got finished putting my wardrobe packing list together. I'm going to have very, very colorful outfits. OMG. So colorful. Wait. Til. You. See.


But, I'm wondering if blue toenails will put all this color over the top... in a good way... or... in a not-so-good way! I'm almost thinking of going to the fall back position of :eek: coral!?!


I don't know. I haven't put on the polish, yet. In a weird way, I'm thinking of painting my toenails the more conservative color and just playing around with the polish on my fingernails. I think fingernails are easier to change and I'm actually thinking of changing my polish color during the cruise. I've never done that before! Always left with neutral nails and just didn't think about it during the cruise week... but I'm having so much FUN just thinking about the polish colors... but I'm also feeling a little timid.


(It doesn't help that DH is rolling his eyes: :p )




I think I'll go get a glass of wine and mull this over. OMG. If I were talking about cider, I would have made a pun! Get it... mull over?... I think I'm having the cruise ship giddiness setting in on me... realizing that I'm leaving in... 4 sleeps!!!.....

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OK. So, I'm having a bit of a freak attack. Maybe it's just that I'm not used to the idea of blue nails, but I'm wondering if my blue toenails are really going to go with my wardrobe? I'm having second thoughts!


But, I'm wondering if blue toenails will put all this color over the top... in a good way... or... in a not-so-good way! I'm almost thinking of going to the fall back position of :eek: coral!?!


I don't know. I haven't put on the polish, yet. In a weird way, I'm thinking of painting my toenails the more conservative color and just playing around with the polish on my fingernails. I think fingernails are easier to change and I'm actually thinking of changing my polish color during the cruise. I've never done that before! Always left with neutral nails and just didn't think about it during the cruise week... but I'm having so much FUN just thinking about the polish colors... but I'm also feeling a little timid.


(It doesn't help that DH is rolling his eyes: :p )




I think I'll go get a glass of wine and mull this over. OMG. If I were talking about cider, I would have made a pun! Get it... mull over?... I think I'm having the cruise ship giddiness setting in on me... realizing that I'm leaving in... 4 sleeps!!!.....

Yummmmy...mulled cider. I totally *get* your perspective on the blue nails. I'm not ready for that myself! Bet Anita could convince you :) Have a great trip! We leave for the E. Med and Greek Isles in 13 days!

I'm so NOT ready, but I really need this vacation.


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Yummmmy...mulled cider. I totally *get* your perspective on the blue nails. I'm not ready for that myself! Bet Anita could convince you :) Have a great trip! We leave for the E. Med and Greek Isles in 13 days!

I'm so NOT ready, but I really need this vacation.



How did I miss this?!? :eek:


I'm so THRILLED for you! Have you been to the Eastern Med and/or Greek Isles before?


I should have looked at your sig to see if you've sailed Celebrity before; I have been on two of the S-class ships: Solstice & Equinox. They are absolutely beautiful. Tip: Do NOT miss the dance called Stars & Stripes where the officers have a dance-off with some of the passengers. Such a great show. And the Silhouette is such a fabulous ship!


What do you still need to do to get ready? Are all the big items done and you just need to pay attention to the details... you know what they say... the devil is in the details!...

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All I have to say about blue toenails is that I LOVE mine! love, Love, LOVE mine!!


We were at the pool today and I was hanging out in pool water and just admiring my toes...because they just WORKED with the whole water scene...they make me smile to see them. And blue is not exactly a color that I wear a whole lot...right ladies? And yet, I find that they just totally work with everything that I am wearing...I don't mind them at all. They were a bit odd at first...but they are just too pretty...and did I mention?


I LOVE them!

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Oh my Lord color gal pals, I hope you remember me :rolleyes: I used to post a lot but have been over the top crazy busy and have neglected my posting duties!!!!!!! I have truly missed all of you.


I have missed soooo much it looks like. It has taken me a bit to catch up.


Anita, You're moving??? GA, correct? I wish you were moving up north a little. That would be overwhelming to me to move to another state but as often as you have moved, I suppose it's old hat.


Debbie, Glad to see you back on here. You have been AWOL too I see :) Yellowstone will be fantastic. I want to go too! Tell us all about it when you return, OK?


Jubie, I was in the same boat as you. I was told I was a "summer" and thought that for 30 years. Shows you how much I know about color and what brings out the best of one's skin/hair:o


Pam, Go for the BLUE. I have one from essence called "denim wanted" and also an aqua one from Sally Hansen called "Marine Scene". I like both of them on my toes. It took my conservative chicken mind a little while to work up the nerve to wear them but, they look really cute and are different than the usual corals etc. Just make sure and wear a clear coat under or they stain your nails! I think the Sally Hansen looks really cute with lots of things. I'm kind of like Anita in that when I wear it I just love to look at my toesies.


Have fun on your cruise! Bermuda is on my bucket list. PICTODIARY, PICTODIARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Linda, where are you?? Hope all is well.


Jane and Laura, Always glad to have you in on the conversations.


Anita, you're going to Athleta???? I'm in the market for a new bathing suit too. I just got a new catalog today and it has some new colors in it that I am wondering about. If you have time, do a check list of good FIRE and EARTH colors and maybe even colors that look like they might be good matches for either but are NOT and might trick us into trying them :eek:


Let's try to get back in our posting groove, OK? We should have good lighting for our pictures now with summer coming. I'm game, is anyone else?

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Hi, KIm! Miss you!


So, today is the day of nail polish on the toes. I'm going with everyone's opinion and putting on the "Blue" :D Because of convenience (and a broken dishwasher), I think I'll wait until tomorrow to do the fingernails, which I'm still debating blue or gold. Even though it sounds weird, I think I'll take nail polish with me and see if I feel like changing colors on board.


Kim you would love Bermuda so much. Just watch the time of year to go because this will be our second trip to Bermuda. In a mind-boggling abscence of logic, we scheduled this second trip to Bermuda at the same time of year.... wedding anniversary... as the first, and we're faced with the same dilemmas as the first. How dumb can 2 people be?!? We're heading into rainy weather... ditto... we're returning to NYC area on the weekend of the Puerto Rico Pride Parade!... ditto... so we got faced with high, high hotel rates on our weekend return and packing dilemma with clothes layers, etc.


Our first trip to Bermuda we did a very short 5-day cruise on Explorer. That trip had the most unusual experiences for us! We got invited to the Captain's Table! Still don't know why... but we were eating in Chops for our anniversary dinner and we were asked by the maitre 'd if we had flexible dining plans for the next evening. What? Anyway, engraved invitations delievered to the stateroom. OMG. That was quite an experience.


AND, for the first time EVER, we went to the MDR on embarkation day and visited our table assignment. We got erroneous information about our potential tablemates and asked to move tables (because we thought that we were the only non-family people at a large table for 10.. and they were celebrating a wedding...). I can't do this story justice in a short post, so I'll just tell you that (1) we visited the table on the first night, (2) they weren't a large family celebrating a wedding. They were a family of 4, and 2 other couples! from New Jersey!, (3) the ship moved us the next day and put someone else in our place AND (4) they gave us a table RIGHT NEXT TO THE ORIGINAL TABLE. It was a 4-top and we were the only ones there and the original tablemates hassled us throughout the entire meal. :o


Anyway, back to Kim liking Bermuda. There is a very long nature trail that you can't possibly do in one day (26 miles), a lot of history, and a lot of natural beauty. Definitely keep Bermuda on your bucket list, for sure.


I will definitely do a pictodiary. I think that my outfits for this trip are the most colorful, yet. We'll see how the pictures turn out! I'll do my best to post a fashion report.


If you gals get started on posting color pictures while I'm gone that would be wonderful to read on my return. I think one of the reasons that I lost a bit of steam on the posting was because of my weight loss and shrinking out of my clothes. I'm really being much, much pickier about the purchases of clothes. When I first got my colors done, I would see what I thought was MY COLOR and BUY IT... whether I needed whatever it was or NOT.. because it was MY COLOR... so I ended up with a lot of tops and no bottoms and no real outfits. Obviously, no accessories. So, my effort has been more finely tuned to an overall wardrobe effort instead, which means that I don't have quite the selection for pictures that I used to have. Thoughts? Anyone else (Debbie?) experiencing this same type of dilemma?


Cyberlove to all you ladies. We're headed to Bermuda in 2 days!

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Hi Pam,


Bermuda will absolutely stay on the "list". Dining at the Captain's Table is really fun. We got to do it on my Mom's last cruise. It was a 2 week cruise through the Panama Canal a few months before she died. It was an amazing cruise and the memories are priceless!


How about a picture of your nails and toesies too?


I think our FIRE bottoms are hard to find in colors other than "sand", "camel", etc. they all seem to look the same. I have some in a warmish khaki, a few in warm browns (for winter) and that seems like that's it. I do have a really cute pair of shorts I found on clearance last fall, they're aqua and have a cute warm sandy belt with a gold buckle.


We're off to New Orleans for a VERY quick trip to drop DS off. He's doing an internship there for the summer. Both of our kids graduated from college in May too. Plus, DH and I went to Cozumel to dive for a week in May celebrating our 35th anniversary. I finally got our airfare to Africa (quite an ordeal) too. My boss was off work and I had to cover full time and life has just been hectic. That was quite a rambling paragraph!


Have a super fun time in Bermuda, lots of pictures and return safe and sound, Pam. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

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OK, Kim, we would love to see pictures of New Orleans with you in it!


I just have to say... everyone....


having Blue Toes is fabulous fun! The polish color is "On the Beach" by Deborah Lippmann and it is.... so perfect! LOL.


One more day for the fingernails because of the handwashing of dishes. Here's the deal: I'm totally planning dinner tomorrow night based upon the lowest number of dishes (and pans) that will be generated by the preparation of the meal! I wonder if Food Network has ever decided to give a program to a Star who would prepare a meal based upon the number of dirty utensils? :p ha!

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Gotta be honest and say that blue tootsies don't do it

for me even though I've tried several times. What can I

say? I'm boring!!

Did you try the right blue? I tried blue toes before and I only liked them when I wore a very specific pair of shoes. And it turns out that the blue that I had picked was not in my color palette. I think having the right blue makes all the difference in the world...of course, this would also depend on your clothing too...and whether or not the blue complemented your clothes...which was also my issue because I wasn't dressing within a consistent color temperature/clarity when I last tried blue toes.


But I understand...it just doesn't work for some people. This is what the checkout lady at Target said when she rang up my blue and my green polishes. LOL.


I've had gold fingers for the past week or so...and with all the work I've been doing around the house...they are in sad shape. I need to redo them...and I'm thinking about doing them in GREEN!! I shock myself. LOL. It's only paint and easy enough to remove.

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How do I reply with the quote in the blue backround???

Sorry, not too computer savy.:o


There are four different ways to do this:


1. Select the further right button on the lower right corner of the post that you want to quote; This button looks like a feather over a piece of paper. It is the "Quick reply to this message" button. You will now be able to type a reply in the "Quick Reply" dialog box at the bottom of the page. Before you select the "Post Quick Reply" button, check the box in the "Options" dialog box next to the question "Quote message in reply?" It is important here that you had previously selected the "Quick reply to this message" button in the actual post that you want quoted.


2. Select the furthest left button on the lower right corner of the post that you want to quote; This button say "Quote" and has the same feather and piece of paper graphic. A new page appears which is the advanced post reply page. In the box where you will type your reply you should see html code that is the word QUOTE surrounded by square brackets[ ] and the beginning and end of the text that makes up the post that you want to quote. The first instance of the code is the word alone and this marks the beginning of the quoted text. The second instance of the code is preceded by a backslash (/) before the word quote...and this marks the ending of the quoted text.


3. If you want to quote a post, but post that quoted post on a different thread...like you may have seen me do between the FIRE and EARTH threads...and also for the one thread that is discussing what this is all about fire, earth, air, ice?...you do all the steps above in 2. THEN...you select the entire text, including the html code and COPY it. Then you navigate to the thread that you want to post on with the quote...select the "Post Reply" button on the lower left side under the last post on the page...the advanced post reply page comes up again with an empty reply box. PASTE. It should be the text you previously copied with the quote that you want. You can add your reply and post it.


4. If you want to quote several different posts and reply to each different quote...select the middle button on the lower right corner of each post that you want to quote. There is a limit to how many posts you can quote like this...I think it is 3 or 4. Anyway, that button has quotation marks and an addition symbol; it is the "Multi-quote this message" button. When you select it, it will turn red. Once you have selected all the posts that you want to quote, you can either select the Quote button in the lower right corner of the last post you want to quote in lieu of selecting the Multi-quote button...OR...if you hit that multi-quote button in all the posts you want quoted...select the post reply button in the lower left side under the last post on the page.


The advanced post reply page appears and in the reply box there will be the quoted posts surrounded by the html code that I previously described. This is how you can identify each quote. You can insert a line or two in between these quoted texts so that you can write a reply directly pertaining to each under each one.


5. Finally...IF you want to break up a post into different parts so that you can specifically address different points within someone's post...all you have to do is add the html tags around the text you want to make a quote box around. Remember the tags are the square brackets [ ] around the word quote...the first one is just the word quote and the second one has the backslash "/quote"...you just need to double check that you have a beginning quote and end quote pair around each selection of text you want to look like a quote box. You just add that code as needed to make your own multi-quote box post.


Remember...if you want to be sure that it looks the way you want to...hit the Preview Post button before you actually post. If you are wondering what your quick reply post will look like...hit the Go Advanced button...then hit the Preview button before hitting the Post button.


Let me know if any of this isn't clear. I've described this several times...it takes a bit to get to know all the different features of a forum and the forum is more difficult to get to know because it has such a limited edit time for posts. It makes it hard to experiment. Fortunately, the disboards seem to run the same or similar software, but it has unlimited editing...so I learned all these features playing around over there, where I was active before coming to this forum.

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Did you try the right blue? I tried blue toes before and I only liked them when I wore a very specific pair of shoes. And it turns out that the blue that I had picked was not in my color palette. I think having the right blue makes all the difference in the world...of course, this would also depend on your clothing too...and whether or not the blue complemented your clothes...which was also my issue because I wasn't dressing within a consistent color temperature/clarity when I last tried blue toes..


I think I'll try again with a different blue. I treat a little girl who

loves it when I do my toes blue so she'll be happy even if I

don't love it!

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Hi pals,


I have been looking for a new swim suit and I LOVE Athleta's suits. So, in the hope of finding a good FIRE suit that also would fit well and hold up, I ordered a BUNCH of different suits and sizes from Athleta on Friday. I will post some top only pics, no t sure I want to post close ups of a whole body bathing suit :eek:


We will see if anything works.


Hope everyone is doing well. I miss all of the activitiy we had earlier in the year!

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