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E-Cig onboard

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Those inhalers are not electronic cigarettes like you stated they were. They also are not sold in the US or approved by the FDA like you said.


The Nicotrol inhaler is manufactured by Pfeizer, and is available by prescription in the US, according to Pfizer's website. So are you saying that Pfeizer is promoting and selling prescription medication in teh US without FDA approval? BTW, I never said these two products were ecigarettes, only that they shared a similar form factor and have been confused as such. Probably better if you actually read before you react.

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The Nicotrol inhaler is manufactured by Pfeizer, and is available by prescription in the US, according to Pfizer's website. So are you saying that Pfeizer is promoting and selling prescription medication in teh US without FDA approval? BTW, I never said these two products were ecigarettes, only that they shared a similar form factor and have been confused as such. Probably better if you actually read before you react.


"It's a small electronic device that looks more or less like a real cigarette, and delivers a mixture of nicotine, water, and glycerin to the user in a cold vapor form. There are numerous versions available, two of which have FDA approval (one from Nicotrol and one from Nicorette) that are available by prescription. "


I think perhaps you meant to add something but didn't.


BTW, neither the Nicotrol or Nicorette inhalers have a heating element to them. And the issue with the FDA and e-cigs is whether or not they are considered a smoking cessation device. Interesting conundrum.


Started back on my 4081 last night after giving the rest of a pack of Camels to a homeless guy. I would have thrown them out if I hadn't paid $8 for them.

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Does Carnival sell them in the gift shops/stores on board? I am afraid of trying them and then getting tied up in trying to find supplies in Canada? All advice welcome as to where to get set up with what I will need.. including start up cost. Such a newbie I am.. but so willing to try something to avoid feeling like a prostitute while I stand outside for a smoke..

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Sitting here vaping my Fuzzy Navel e-juice on my Joye 510 PT while reading through this thread :) Always interesting to read people's opinions of Electronic Cigarettes since so many people have never seen one and know very little about them. I've been enjoying mine for 4 weeks now. My original reason for purchasing one was to use it as an alternative to smoking sometimes, especially while cruising. I quickly found that I no longer desired to smoke traditional cigarettes any longer and much preferred to vape.:) It can take some time to find the model of e-cig that works best for you and also time to find what you consider the best flavors. We're all a little different as far as those two things go.

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I just read on Johns blog today that because of whiners, they have decided to make e-cigarettes allowed only in smoking areas.

I suggest all you vapors get to writing carnival letters and providing their dumb a--es with proof it is not smoking.


Ya know, if you are scared of something, why not educate yourself instead of being ignorant and voicing an opinion anyway. It's how the world has revolved to be what it is today. Remember segragation? Ignorance is not bliss!!

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I just read on Johns blog today that because of whiners, they have decided to make e-cigarettes allowed only in smoking areas.

I suggest all you vapors get to writing carnival letters and providing their dumb a--es with proof it is not smoking.


Ya know, if you are scared of something, why not educate yourself instead of being ignorant and voicing an opinion anyway. It's how the world has revolved to be what it is today. Remember segragation? Ignorance is not bliss!!


I read it and responded. So have alot of nonsmokers in support of the e-cig.

Hopefully, it will help get the word out there and Carnival not force vapers to the smoking only areas.

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I just read on Johns blog today that because of whiners, they have decided to make e-cigarettes allowed only in smoking areas.

I suggest all you vapors get to writing carnival letters and providing their dumb a--es with proof it is not smoking.


Ya know, if you are scared of something, why not educate yourself instead of being ignorant and voicing an opinion anyway. It's how the world has revolved to be what it is today. Remember segragation? Ignorance is not bliss!!



And there it is!


After reading John's blog, I knew that there would be a CC member you read way to much into it and would post on CC that e-cigerettes were only allowed in smoking areas.


If you actually read what he said, it was that due to the complaint... for the time being... on the Splendor.... the policy was to Vape in the smoking sections until they learned more about e-cigarettes. In no wasy did he say that this was a fleet wide Carnival policy.


this is what was written:


"So for now, we have told the guests that they can smoke them around the ship but only in designated smoking areas. I think we as a company need to educate ourselves more about these things and then set a more standard policy in place….because they are getting more and more popular for sure."


Before you start suggesing that people start writting letters to the "dum -a--'s" at Carnival I suggest that you take your own advise.

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I just read on Johns blog today that because of whiners, they have decided to make e-cigarettes allowed only in smoking areas.

I suggest all you vapors get to writing carnival letters and providing their dumb a--es with proof it is not smoking.


Ya know, if you are scared of something, why not educate yourself instead of being ignorant and voicing an opinion anyway. It's how the world has revolved to be what it is today. Remember segragation? Ignorance is not bliss!!


What a biased statement...and misleading..


John obviously did NOT know what the e-cigs were...and he made a quick decision to only allow them in smoking areas...

however that is not set in stone


I even posted on there that they should be allowed more places


You could "educate" him without calling him a dumb-a or whatever


really ridiculous..oh and why don't you post the rest of what he said?? that the "beards" etc are really looking at the problem of smoking/non smokers on the ships

John also said the "splendor" experiment of having piano bar and disco NON smoking was a success, they are keeping them non smoking

John even said they found that smokers could go outside or to a smoking bar and have their fix and come back to piano bar/disco


and again....John just saw his first e-cig, the "decision" is not set in stone

why mislead and rile people up??


as for "whiners">??? yes people probably reported it, they probably never saw an e-cig before

maybe the "pink' or the "black" ones or one with a "blue tip" would be a good choice?

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And there it is!


After reading John's blog, I knew that there would be a CC member you read way to much into it and would post on CC that e-cigerettes were only allowed in smoking areas.


If you actually read what he said, it was that due to the complaint... for the time being... on the Splendor.... the policy was to Vape in the smoking sections until they learned more about e-cigarettes. In no wasy did he say that this was a fleet wide Carnival policy.


this is what was written:


"So for now, we have told the guests that they can smoke them around the ship but only in designated smoking areas. I think we as a company need to educate ourselves more about these things and then set a more standard policy in place….because they are getting more and more popular for sure."


Before you start suggesing that people start writting letters to the "dum -a--'s" at Carnival I suggest that you take your own advise.

Rah Rah!! 1st in 10 do it again! Go Carnival go!! :rolleyes:

I did take my own advice. I posted on Johns blog, and have written to Carnival. So thank you. Yes, the dumb a--s-s at carnival need to educate themselves! Because there were people on that ship that are not allowed to use the e-cigarettes because of one whiner!! What part of that red sentence do you not understand??

What a biased statement...and misleading..


John obviously did NOT know what the e-cigs were...and he made a quick decision to only allow them in smoking areas...

however that is not set in stone


I even posted on there that they should be allowed more places


You could "educate" him without calling him a dumb-a or whatever


really ridiculous..oh and why don't you post the rest of what he said?? that the "beards" etc are really looking at the problem of smoking/non smokers on the ships

John also said the "splendor" experiment of having piano bar and disco NON smoking was a success, they are keeping them non smoking

John even said they found that smokers could go outside or to a smoking bar and have their fix and come back to piano bar/disco


and again....John just saw his first e-cig, the "decision" is not set in stone

why mislead and rile people up??


as for "whiners">??? yes people probably reported it, they probably never saw an e-cig before

maybe the "pink' or the "black" ones or one with a "blue tip" would be a good choice?

John knows what an e-cigarette is. He even said in his blog that he has seen his friend big ed, or whatever his name is use one. So yes, he knows what they are.


I didn't mention the non smoking piano bar and disco because this thread is not about smoking real cigarettes, it's about the e-cigarettes.

Why did I want to rile people up? Well because the whiners whine, and poof! You can't use an e-cigarette where you want to and certainly should be able to use it. But ONLY in the smoking areas! So when the beards, as you call them, are going to make a standard for the fleet, they should be hearing from the people it will effect. Not just the whiners.


And yes, I am going to buy my choice of e-cigarettes based on what a non smoker wants me to have so as not to confuse them. How about they mind their own business and keep on drinking their booze! And puking on someone elses balcony.

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I can understand how someone who goes from smoking to e-cigs (how can you be an ex-smoker if still addicted to nicotine?) wouldn't want to be in a smoking section. But asking you to do it away from people...is that really to much to ask? The sense of entitlement in this country is astounding.


Because a "smoker" in the process of getting his nicotine "fix" also takes into his/her lungs many dangerous toxins and carcinogens. Whereas the ecig vaper provides a harmless (at least to this point) vapor that carries the nicotine to the blood system without the toxins and carcinogens in it.

Nicotine, stated by many, only has roughly the same effect as caffeine on the body (I would be interested in what dosages of caffeine equivalent nicotine these many are talking about)

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After 35 yrs of smoking more then a pack a day. With my new E-cigg. I'm smoking 4 or 5 ciggs a day. I just ordered a bunch of juice. I will ween off the nicotine. From 26mg to 18 mg to 12 mg hopefully to zero mg of nicotine. and just flavors. and I could mix and match flavors.

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WOW ! The stuff you learn goofing off at work !


I am a non smoker and hate the smell of cigarette smoke. While I understand the effects second hand smoke has on ones heath, I'm also sure that the occasional second hand smoke I encounter won't make me keel over and die - it's the smell ! I thought it was brilliant when Canada made all bars and restaurants non smoking.


But this ECig thing is THE invention of the century ! The smokers (or "vapers") can get their fix and I can avoid the horrible smell. Genius !


I had never heard about these until just now - read through all 7 pages of the thread. Do we have these in Canada ? Some manufacturer needs to advertise these better. It's win/win - there's no down side !


Heck - I don't smoke but now I wanna try it (without the nicotine) - just for the cool flavours !!


As for the minute amount of nicotine that might be expelled - I'm sure there's worse in the world. My BBQ probably emits more harmfull fumes...

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Here's a link with all kinds of info.E-Cigarette Forum


Best place to learn about e-cigs, along with http://casaa.org/


Too bad those who are too closed or narrow minded won't bother to educate themselves. They really should get their heads out of the sand and see what the real world is about.


2weeks today - No Tobacco by using the e-cig!

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Rah Rah!! 1st in 10 do it again! Go Carnival go!! :rolleyes:

I did take my own advice. I posted on Johns blog, and have written to Carnival. So thank you. Yes, the dumb a--s-s at carnival need to educate themselves! Because there were people on that ship that are not allowed to use the e-cigarettes because of one whiner!! What part of that red sentence do you not understand??



I was talking about the advice you gave about educating yourself and not being ignorant. I am basically saying you are getting all ticked off at a policy that does not even exist yet. Once they learn more about them I am sure that they will let them be inhaled everywhere. If not, then start your name calling and letter writing.


My whole point was that you came on here stating that Carnival was making e-cig users use them only in designated smoking areas, when this was only the policy on one ship, due to a complaint on this one sailing.

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I got my NJoy yesterday, with cartridges of Ultra Light Menthol (0.6% nicotine) and no nicotine menthol.


I've been a "vaper" for 24 hours now!



Very cool keep it up. The transition isn't all that bad. I started at 24mg nicotine now I'm down to 8mg.


It has been 8 weeks, 0 days, 19 hours and 44 mins since my last real cigarette.

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Thank you for your helpful comments. I know my cousin has a nicotine allergy..not tobacco smoke, but nicotine, so while she's not a guest on my current planned cruise, I'd hate to bring her and have an issue. (she normally only reacts if it's in the room)


I personally have had congestive heart failure (more an issue with the lungs than the heart). Everyday toxins and smells don't harm me, but if I can avoid any possible trigger, I will.


I guess here is my issue...every article that says that it is only water vapor, is only on forums and websites that sell the c-cig or are owned by those that sell the e-cig. I've just read a study on the amount of nicotine exhaled from a normal cigarette, and it's 50% or more.


I had to ask a friend because I was so curious..I'm not a major science buff myself. It was explained to me this way...a lit cigarette is a vessel. It delivers nicotine by burning tobacco (and other chemicals if you roll your own), transforming it into a gas which can be inhaled. The lungs can only retain so much of that smoke and nicotine, and will exhale a percentage.


An e-cig is a vessel, which delivers nicotine via a liquid cartridge with contains nicotine and other chemicals, which is vaporized into a gas which can be inhaled. The lungs are still the same design, so previous studies on exhaled nicotine should hold true.


I personally think it's a great advance for smokers...scent free, etc. But it irks me that the companies selling it are spreading such false information. I'd hate to be a person who vapes around my children because I was told it was harmless.


Although you correctly state that regular cigarettes are vessels used to produce a gas to be inhaled and that not all of the gasses, including the nicotine content, are completely absorbed by the lungs aveolar spaces, you fail to realize that several thousands of studies have quantified the many toxic byproducts of a regular(analog) cigarette, as well as the EXTENT to which nicotine is absorbed and what percentage remains in ETS(environmental tobacco smoke). Virtually no peer reviewed studies have been conducted by researchers concern what percentage, if any,of nicotine remains in exhaled ecig vapor.


To say that you would rather err on the side of caution is one thing, but to simply accept ANY opinion as scientific fact without evidence, or in this case, even the attempt by clinical researchers or governmental regulatory agencies to gather that evidence only clouds the issue.

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