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Does a Carnival employee monitor slide....

Christine in MO

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We will be on the Elation in November and after booking I realized that my daughter is still a couple of inches too short to go down the slide. She is 5 years old and able to swim so I was wondering if there is a Carnival employee at the top of the slide monitoring and enforcing the height restrictions? DS is 9 years old and well within the height restrictions to go down the slide and if DD is unable to go down the slide and DB is able to go down I foresee a very real problem for me for 5 days on the Elation!!!!! Tnaks for any help on this issue.....oh, also are the pools still salt water? TIA


I took my two granddaughters on the Sensation. Thery were six and eight. No one was monitoring at the bottom. The both went all the way up and the younger one was turned around after going up all those steps because she wasn't tall enough. She was heartbroken.

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I took my two granddaughters on the Sensation. Thery were six and eight. No one was monitoring at the bottom. The both went all the way up and the younger one was turned around after going up all those steps because she wasn't tall enough. She was heartbroken.

There wasn't a sign posted at bottom stating that a certain height was required ???

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LOL to the poster who said that in less than 6" of water everyone would get hurt! Some ships have slides that end in shallow water, not the pool. The waterslide is solitary, though directly next to the smaller pool/hot tub at the front of the ship. No one had a problem with my daughter wearing floaties in the pool and I would recommend floaties or a life vest AND parental supervision to anyone who's child wants to swim but isn't a strong swimmer. I was fine watching the kids come down the waterslide, I think you'd have to really try to hurt yourself, whatever age, coming down into the shallow landing strip -- although I know people can drown in an inch or so of water, it's not usually an active child fully capable of going down and enjoying a water slide. You'd have to be unconscious or immobile.


Here's something, though, as far as swimming goes. In an actual case of drowning the victim will not struggle, like you see on TV. In fact, they put up very little fight. It will look like they're swimming and then they stop moving and kind of float before sinking -- we should all be aware of this for our own children and those of other people. It can happen in front of you WHILE you are watching them. It happened to a boy at my son's birthday party last year -- luckily all the adults (we don't send parents home and watch the kids all by ourselves) were watching the kids and several of us noticed at once what was happening. One of the dad's pulled him out, my husband, a life guard, my MIL, a nurse, and the child's grandmother were all right there. He got the best care possible and the timing was just right -- in other circumstances it could have ended badly. While I'm not concerned about the waterslides that do not end in the pool, I am about the pool and any child left unsupervised... and there are always a few.

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We will be on the Elation in November and after booking I realized that my daughter is still a couple of inches too short to go down the slide. She is 5 years old and able to swim so I was wondering if there is a Carnival employee at the top of the slide monitoring and enforcing the height restrictions? DS is 9 years old and well within the height restrictions to go down the slide and if DD is unable to go down the slide and DB is able to go down I foresee a very real problem for me for 5 days on the Elation!!!!! Tnaks for any help on this issue.....oh, also are the pools still salt water? TIA



I have been on a number of Carnival cruises and spend a lot of time poolside and never have I seen an employee at the top or the bottom of the slides.



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It's for your child's safety so I would hope you wouldn't allow her to go down the slid if she doesn't meet the requirement.


The requirement is for the bottom of the slide. That's why the ones that empty into a pool demands them to be taller.


Not sure how much of a safety issue it actually is in real life if someone can swim......


Hope the OP's daughter "fits".

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It's for your child's safety so I would hope you wouldn't allow her to go down the slid if she doesn't meet the requirement.


That and the parents that decided the rules don't apply to their kids. The "Adults Only" hot tub is just one example. They are always full of kids usually with their parents.

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I have been a member of this board for several years but it still amazes me how inconsiderate & rude people can be on this board over simple question. I'm not saying the rules don't apply to my children I was just curious because she is able to swim so I don't really understand the height restriction. I am her parent and as I have said before I would never allow my child to do something that I think is in anyway dangerous to her. Thanks to everyone who gave helpful answers but to those that choose to tell me how to raise my children thanks but no thanks. Going to put on my flame retardant suit now.....

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I have been a member of this board for several years but it still amazes me how inconsiderate & rude people can be on this board over simple question. I'm not saying the rules don't apply to my children I was just curious because she is able to swim so I don't really understand the height restriction. I am her parent and as I have said before I would never allow my child to do something that I think is in anyway dangerous to her. Thanks to everyone who gave helpful answers but to those that choose to tell me how to raise my children thanks but no thanks. Going to put on my flame retardant suit now.....



Put on that suit and ignore them. It is always the same ones hiding behind a keyboard. To answer your original questions on our last cruise a carnival employee was at the top AND the bottom of the slide.

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Here's something, though, as far as swimming goes. In an actual case of drowning the victim will not struggle, like you see on TV. In fact, they put up very little fight.


Actually it depends on if the victim is panicking and physically freaking out. I've seen some folks who were like rag dolls, and I've seen other people who have physically beat on lifeguards in their panic. (I spent a summer working at the beach after college.)

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I took my two granddaughters on the Sensation. Thery were six and eight. No one was monitoring at the bottom. The both went all the way up and the younger one was turned around after going up all those steps because she wasn't tall enough. She was heartbroken.


Heartbroken?? why?? couldn't someone (adult) have read the rules before sending her up there??


I am sorry but I don't get the attitude we see on cruise critic regarding rules for kids on board


So many posts about people wanting to the rules bent to get their too young/small kids on slides, into an older age group in Camp Carnival or Circle C or whatever, trying to take them on excursions where it has an age limit and yes even some who want their non potty trained babies to enjoy pools...


I have to wonder....will these same kids try to drive when their older sibling hits 16 ??? will they try to crash their older sibling's senior prom?


JMO>>> it is nice you can take your kids on cruises, maybe let them know that the "ship" and/or "captain" has rules....maybe then they won't be so disappointed


I think a lot of times these unrealistic expectations by the adults lead to the kids being unhappy. Parents need to be realistic with the kids. Also stop expecting "exceptions" for YOUR kid. That could get the worker fired, that could lead to other exceptions, that could lead to some kid getting hurt and Carnival sued.


Kids on a cruise should be having a ball instead of this "disappointed" boo hoo nonsense JMO

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I have been a member of this board for several years but it still amazes me how inconsiderate & rude people can be on this board over simple question. I'm not saying the rules don't apply to my children I was just curious because she is able to swim so I don't really understand the height restriction. I am her parent and as I have said before I would never allow my child to do something that I think is in anyway dangerous to her. Thanks to everyone who gave helpful answers but to those that choose to tell me how to raise my children thanks but no thanks. Going to put on my flame retardant suit now.....


No flames here. I've noticed, even though you may qualify the reason for asking, as you did, some people will ignore that and jump all over you because they apparently have better parenting skills/ morals/ manners/ upbringing...etc. Don't worry about it :) I actually cringed for you reading some of the responses.

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I have been a member of this board for several years but it still amazes me how inconsiderate & rude people can be on this board over simple question. I'm not saying the rules don't apply to my children I was just curious because she is able to swim so I don't really understand the height restriction. I am her parent and as I have said before I would never allow my child to do something that I think is in anyway dangerous to her. Thanks to everyone who gave helpful answers but to those that choose to tell me how to raise my children thanks but no thanks. Going to put on my flame retardant suit now.....


Good for you as that was the point of my post.


I normally read posts until the "Dr. Laura's" of the world save the day. Then I'm outta there. The holier than thou can normally go somewhere I can't define here ;).

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I have been a member of this board for several years but it still amazes me how inconsiderate & rude people can be on this board over simple question. I'm not saying the rules don't apply to my children I was just curious because she is able to swim so I don't really understand the height restriction. I am her parent and as I have said before I would never allow my child to do something that I think is in anyway dangerous to her. Thanks to everyone who gave helpful answers but to those that choose to tell me how to raise my children thanks but no thanks. Going to put on my flame retardant suit now.....



Maybe cause it isn't all about you and your child?


breaking the rule might get a Carnival worker fired or in trouble


or seeing your little girl (good swimmer) might make another parent/ child try it and they might get hurt


if your kid is really cool and responsible at 15 will you figure she can drive a car even if state rules 16 with a learner's permit??


I sometimes wonder why people even try to push these limits and ask these sort of questions :confused::confused::confused::confused:

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Maybe cause it isn't all about you and your child?


breaking the rule might get a Carnival worker fired or in trouble


or seeing your little girl (good swimmer) might make another parent/ child try it and they might get hurt


if your kid is really cool and responsible at 15 will you figure she can drive a car even if state rules 16 with a learner's permit??


I sometimes wonder why people even try to push these limits and ask these sort of questions :confused::confused::confused::confused:


Do you have children? I am guessing not based on your attitude. Is there anything wrong with wanting my child to have fun on HER vacation? Nope, I didn't think so. And which is precisley the reason why we have paid for her take swimming lessons since she was 2 years old so she can have fun and do the same things that the other members of her family are doing. And might I add (again) that I will be following the rules of the ship when we are there I was just making an inquiry as to why there is such a rule when an individual is able to swim.


And do you mean to tell me that you have never bent the rules even just a little bit to your advantage? Do you drive? If so, have you ever drove just 2-3 miles per hour over the speed limit? Yeah, thats what I thought. ETA: OOOpps, nevermind I just found the answer myself over on your Liberty April 24 - May1 Review.....sneaking on rum runners with rum & mocha kaluha & sneaking a plastic bottle of vodka through security and leading them to believe that it was your bottle of lotion. And YOU have the nerve to jude & ridicule me becasue I want my 5 year old to go down the slide.....PU-LEASE go get a real life & stay outta mine!!!!!


And yes, as a matter fact I just might let her drive when she is 15 (cool or not) since in the state of Missouri (where I live) they can get their learners permit at 15 1/2. It might be getting a little warm in here just let me adjust the thermostat in this flame retardant suit......ahhhh, much better.

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ahhhh Christine...


you are forgetting that now that you have raised the question it involves ALL children and you will be held responsible if anyone else dares to defy the RULES!!!! :eek::eek::eek:


I'm a little chilly, so I'll join you in the flames.


Personally, I would explain to my daughter that there are rules and you don't think she is tall enough but she is welcome to try. If they let her go down, more power to her, if they don't, she'll understand.


I'm not sure what the height requirement is but it usually seems to be 36 " or 48". I can't imagine that ALL rides and slides everywhere are designed for this height. I thinks it's more of a "lets pick a good round number of 3 or 4' and use that". And what if it is an adult who does not meet the requirement, will the Carnival employee forbid them from going down?


I have had the opposite experience, my kids were both tall for their age and could get on rides that I had to say no, too dangerous, from a very young age.

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ahhhh Christine...


you are forgetting that now that you have raised the question it involves ALL children and you will be held responsible if anyone else dares to defy the RULES!!!! :eek::eek::eek:


I'm a little chilly, so I'll join you in the flames.


Personally, I would explain to my daughter that there are rules and you don't think she is tall enough but she is welcome to try. If they let her go down, more power to her, if they don't, she'll understand.


I'm not sure what the height requirement is but it usually seems to be 36 " or 48". I can't imagine that ALL rides and slides everywhere are designed for this height. And what if it is an adult who does not meet the requirement, will the Carnival employee forbid them from going down?


I have had the opposite experience, my kids were both tall for their age and could get on rides that I had to say no, too dangerous, from a very young age.


I've never hung the proverbial carrot to my DD's face.


Any amusement park, cruise, etc., that had height requirements were just checked out prior. She was not made aware of what she couldn't go on.

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ahhhh Christine...


you are forgetting that now that you have raised the question it involves ALL children and you will be held responsible if anyone else dares to defy the RULES!!!! :eek::eek::eek:


I'm a little chilly, so I'll join you in the flames.


Personally, I would explain to my daughter that there are rules and you don't think she is tall enough but she is welcome to try. If they let her go down, more power to her, if they don't, she'll understand.


I'm not sure what the height requirement is but it usually seems to be 36 " or 48". I can't imagine that ALL rides and slides everywhere are designed for this height. I thinks it's more of a "lets pick a good round number of 3 or 4' and use that". And what if it is an adult who does not meet the requirement, will the Carnival employee forbid them from going down?


I have had the opposite experience, my kids were both tall for their age and could get on rides that I had to say no, too dangerous, from a very young age.


Thanks Christina ~ should we just have a party here in our little air conditioned room? Thanks for your input...I am sure it will all work out in the end. If all else fails no one (in my group) will be going down the slide and we will still have a good time!!!!!

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