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An answer to the question: E-cigs


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About a month ago, their was a thread on the RCI board all about E-cig's. It made me want to try them out. About a week later their was a thread on the CCL board as well. Any how it's been over a month and I have had about ten real cigg's. The e-cigg's are great. I smoked over a pack a day for 35 yrs. and have gone for 7 day's without a real cigg. Now I will try to ween myself down to 0 mg. of nicotine. May be by my next cruise I won't be vaping or smoking [i hope.]

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have been on several cruises with both X and HAL. vaped my ecig everwhere but the MDr and in elevators. never had a single complaint in 38 days of sailing. vapers, go ahead and enjoy your ecigs. avoid the uptight complainers. they have to have something to do with their time....


Please don't encourage people to break the rules. The current e-cig policy is that you only use them in smoking areas, that's it. The current effect of the "vapor" on those around you isn't yet determined and many people have reported that they DO notice a smell coming from the vapor. So even though it is less annoying than a cigarette, it's possible your fellow cruisers find the "vaping" annoying. Try to respect everyone on board and stick to the rules.

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Please don't encourage people to break the rules. The current e-cig policy is that you only use them in smoking areas, that's it. The current effect of the "vapor" on those around you isn't yet determined and many people have reported that they DO notice a smell coming from the vapor. So even though it is less annoying than a cigarette, it's possible your fellow cruisers find the "vaping" annoying. Try to respect everyone on board and stick to the rules.


Could you please show us where the rules about e-cigs are located. If my memory serves me right, there was no information at all until one of the posters who was anti smoking contacted Celebrity and was given a verbal comment by whomever answered the phone.


People are not breaking any "rules" until there are "rules."

How have you found vaping annoying and how is it disrespectful?

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Not only are they less annoying than cigarettes, they are not annoying at all. You would not even know that I was vaping. There is no offensive odor, no fire risk, no second hand smoke, no smoke at all. It is vapor- kinda like steam. The facts are that 84% of all people who take up vaping quit smoking versus 5% who use the patch. I will not vape in the smoking section because I no longer smoke and I find cigarette smoke stinks. I am a horrible ex-smoker and I can not be around smoke. I am happy to educate anyone who is curious about my e-cig. And most people are curious not angry. I always respect my fellow cruisers and I expect the same in return. Respect our right to vape. Congrats to all of the ex-smokers. No matter what worked or works for you.

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I am a non smoker, I dilike the smell of second hand smoke as much as you do. I will not go to a smoking area to vape. When I did smoke I obeyed the rules. I delt with the rude people that would walk thru the smoking sections waving their hands in frontof their face and giving me a dirty look. Aparently I was offending people even when I was doing nothing wrong.

Probably the worst was when I was told "HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR CANCER".


Non smokers should rejoice we produce NO second hand smoke, NO stink, No problem.


Vape on my friends we have nothing to hide .

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  • 2 weeks later...
At least as far as celebrity is concerned.


Guest resolutions has made the decision that the use of smokeless electronic cigarettes is prohibited only in the pre-approved smoking sections of the ship. The issue is new enough they do not have a written policy yet, but soon will. I spoke with Kandi.


I'm not interested in a fight between raging opinions here, whose grandmother uses them and how much better she smells, etc. Just wanted to share the info that was given to me.


Actually I guess it depends on who you speak with. I just called and was told there's no policy on it yet so it would be up to personnel on the particular ship whether they said anything or not. I used mine on the Century and had no problems (but I'm also pretty good at "stealth vaping"). I haven't had a real cig in over a year and a half and plan to continue using my e-cig in all venues except the dining areas.

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First and foremost, there is not yet an official policy. From what I've been able to gather, e-cigs are not smoking-- I have no personal experience, but it sounds like they may give off a slight odor, likely nothing any more onerous than that of a cologne or perfume. I've not seen any reports of health risks to bystanders, just one post that the effects of secondhand "vapor" are not yet determined, so I assume for now that that's not an issue. I suspect that any possible health issues from secondhand vapor would be less than the overall effects if those individuals were smoking instead, maybe not on Celebrity, but walking down the street next to a nonsmoker who can't avoid them.


My dog in this hunt is that DW is extremely sensitive to secondhand smoke, and Celebrity's smoking policy is the primary reason we consider ourselves dedicated X cruisers. Unless it could be determined that vaping does indeed constitute some sort of health risk to bystanders, and if it were our decision to make, we would fully support anyone who wants to use an e-cig, anywhere, anytime. However, if it should turn out that vaping does have health risks for bystanders, we would not support vaping in any of the nonsmoking areas.


The only drawback I see to e-cigs is that they're too easily confused with the real thing. If Celebrity does indeed enact a rule stating that vaping can only be done in approved smoking areas, it would be to avoid confusion regarding if someone is smoking or vaping. The problem for them is having staff constantly being called to tell a passenger that smoking is not allowed in that area, only to find out they're vaping. If that's how they see it, it's their ship, their rules, and we all can choose to do business with them or not. I would hope that this is not a large enough concern that they see fit to have to enforce such a rule, but maybe it is. What stinks (literally) is that someone who's trying to or has recently quit smoking is relegated to the smoky areas to indulge in an e-cig.


I think there should be a distinction between private areas and public areas. There's (apparently) no harm in vaping in the cabin, and could not result in a false alarm. Anywhere else, though, and others could easily mistake vaping for smoking. I would say the balcony would be acceptable, but only if out of sight of anyone by the rail. If I were vaping and the only way someone could see me is by poking their head around the partition, they're close enough that I could quickly assure them that I'm vaping, not smoking. If I'm by the rail, someone a few doors down or a couple of decks up could mistake it for a real cigarette, then Guest Services has to deal with it. But it would be too difficult to fine-tune the policy to say, "Vaping is permitted on the veranda, but not if it's within the view of others." So, unfortunately, the balcony is out. Getting a massage? No problem, no one's around but spa staff.


But until that time that Celebrity enacts such a rule, I say people should be allowed to vape wherever they want. Just be prepared for a knock at the door from Guest Services investigating a smoking complaint.

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whether its kids, jeans, sharing beverage package, hogging chairs - everyone has an opinion...nature of the forum.


I don't care for smoking simply due to the 2nd hand smoke and the smell. Period. I don't smoke, never have and don't want myself or my kids exposed to that.


If these "e-cigs" don't give off smoke - then vape away!! Smokers by the simple definition that they smoke, don't offend me and I don't pass judgement whatsoever. If something has been invented to allow people to smoke, enjoy themselves and NOT effect people around them with harmful 2nd hand smoke....I don't see the issue?? You can ecig all day long as far as I'm concerned....


I think the issue here is that it's a new thing, relatively unknown to most and certainly hasn't been addressed by cruise lines.

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I'm fine with people using electronic cigarettes, but I would caution discretion in their use and stick to the smoking areas if you just have to have a nicotine fix outside of your cabin. Cruise lines are in the business of minimizing headaches for themselves, and if they have to go out chasing ghosts all the time for reports of "smoking" where it's just an e-cig, they'll take the path of least resistance and limit you only to areas where smoking is permitted, if they don't outright ban them out of an abundance of caution. Sure, there's nothing in the contract about not using an e-cig in a bar on a ship, but similarly, I'm pretty sure there's nothing about me wandering around with one of "the boys" hanging out of my speedo! :eek: Celebrity doesn't want the problems that would go along with either of those situations.

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The only foreseeable issue I have with e-cigs is whether the vapor or the expelling of the vapor contains nicotine. There's no independent data on this at all.


Otherwise, I see them as a handy tool for those wishing to no longer "smoke" and to possibly trend down from nicotine use. I totally support them insofar as that.

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I'm fine with people using electronic cigarettes, but I would caution discretion in their use and stick to the smoking areas if you just have to have a nicotine fix outside of your cabin.


There's no smoke, most have a light on the end (mine happens to be blue) and there's absolutely no odor. When I'm done taking a drag on it I just stick it in my pocket. So.....what kind of idiot could see all that and think I was smoking?


Why should I, a non smoker, be relegated to the smoking areas? If someone is chewing nicotine gum and breathes on me would I be exposed to second-hand nicotine???


It's very easy on chat boards to post an opinion with no knowledge to back it up. I was a smoker for 41 years and was up to 2 1/2 packs a day when I got my first e-cig. Since I've been using them for almost 2 years now I figure I pretty much know what they're all about :)

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So.....what kind of idiot could see all that and think I was smoking?

The kind of idiot that would toss a flipflop onto a pool lounger and return five hours later demanding "his" seat. The kind of idiot that will say, "Why, we ate in the buffet every night. We don't need to tip our waiter!" The kind of idiot that whines up a storm online when they show up at a BORDER CROSSING (which every port is) with only a drivers license and gets denied boarding because she wouldn't be allowed back in the country. The kind of idiot that thinks they can get from Port Everglades to FLL for a 9:00 flight "because the ship docks at 7:00 and the airport is only ten minutes away." There are ALL kinds of creative idiots on cruises. :rolleyes:


It's not a question of what they are or are not smoking, polluting the air, exposing people around them to nicotine or other substances, etc. I had thought I made that pretty clear. It's a question of what e-cigs are to a cruise line, and if people are going to wander around indiscriminately (and indiscreetly) doing something that some people mistake for smoking, if it causes problems for the ship staff having to chase people around to make sure they're not smoking, they're sure to ban e-cigs just the same.


Think about it this way: If I wandered around a park with a syringe (sans needle--no needle makes it safe!), a spoon, a lighter, and a bungee cord to wrap my arm, and proceeded to pretend I was cooking heroin and shooting up, how long do you think it would take for someone to call the police? Do you really think I'd be told, when they come, "You're not breaking the law. You just keep on being awesome!" Nope, they'd tell me to knock it off or they'll find some other way to make me stop. Similarly, if people start bugging ship security because someone "looks" like they're smoking, they'll be inclined to tell you to knock it off because you're making them do work.


My personal feelings really don't matter. I smoked for over twenty years, and quit without any sort of nicotine replacement. E-cigs are little more than the methadone of the smoking world, transferring the addiction from one thing to another, less harmful thing. You're still physically and psychologically addicted to nicotine. You're just not taking in the soup of chemicals that come along with burning stuff to get it into your body. Nicotine is, even by itself, still powerfully addictive and physically harmful.

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It's not a question of what they are or are not smoking, polluting the air, exposing people around them to nicotine or other substances, etc. I had thought I made that pretty clear. It's a question of what e-cigs are to a cruise line, and if people are going to wander around indiscriminately (and indiscreetly) doing something that some people mistake for smoking, if it causes problems for the ship staff having to chase people around to make sure they're not smoking, they're sure to ban e-cigs just the same.



My personal feelings really don't matter. I smoked for over twenty years, and quit without any sort of nicotine replacement. E-cigs are little more than the methadone of the smoking world, transferring the addiction from one thing to another, less harmful thing. You're still physically and psychologically addicted to nicotine. You're just not taking in the soup of chemicals that come along with burning stuff to get it into your body. Nicotine is, even by itself, still powerfully addictive and physically harmful.


The point is that we cruise 6 or 7 times a year and have never had a negative reaction to the e-cigs on the ships. As a matter of fact, quite a few of the crew members are intrigued and what to know where they can purchase them.


If I had a Nicotrol inhaler you wouldn't expect me to go to the smoking sections to use it. And what about the people who have cut down to the zero nicotine liquid in their e-cig?.....should they also be relegated to the smoking sections?


Lastly, my doctor actually sends his smoking patients out to buy an e-cig...he realizes that some people will never give up the "smoking" habit and the e-cig has only the nicotine (a stimulant....not the cancer causing part of smoking!). He believes the e-cig is a great alternative for those who have tried every other method to get off cigarettes. It's not a perfect solution but it IS the best one to come along in a long time.

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I am a non-smoker, but I consider most of the objections to the e-cigs as simply a part of the nanny state syndrome.


Amen.. perhaps the crew would not have to be running around monitoring whether or not it's an e-cig or not if the "complainers" would first be observant enought to check whether or not it is in fact a cigarette. After all, the e-cig has No odor... only a vapor. Also it vanishes almost instantly unlike cigarette smoke that lingers in the air. Mine also has a Blue light on the tip and is black rather than white.. I have yet to see a real black cigarette burning with a blue tip. I'm tired of everyone always telling the smokers to "respect" them.. start respecting the smokers too.. Afterall, there are only a couple of areas that actual smoking is allowed, but that's still not enough for you. Enjoy your cruise and don't be so wrapped up in feeling you need to police the ship.. for all the worries about real cigarette smoke, I would think you'd be able to tell the difference. And people who think they have to worry about "secondhand nicotine".. need to gain a little knowledge about the e-cigarette.

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.... At the same time, by keeping them out of the non-smoking public areas, it will cut down the hassles of needing to deal with numerous false "smoking" reports. It also eliminates the nuisance of trying to determine whether the person being reported has an e-cigarette or a real one each time.


In addition, it will reduce the number of people complaining that they saw people smoking in non-smoking areas but Celebrity did nothing about it.

Spot on obervations which I hope Celebrity are seriously considering. Its the wider picture thats the issue, not simply the use of these things at the dinner table.


... And people who think they have to worry about "secondhand nicotine".. need to gain a little knowledge about the e-cigarette.


I'm a non-smoker and I will be the first to complain if I see what I *think* to be someone smoking in a public area. As cigarrets form no part of my life I'm unlikely to be educating myself with peripherals and alternatives I'm afraid.

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To all the e-cig people who, to me, are educating people about an alternative in helping smokers quit, where would one go to learn more about this alternative? I have discussed this with a few friends who are very, very interested but are clueless.


Thanks for any information you can give to educate & help them

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To all the e-cig people who, to me, are educating people about an alternative in helping smokers quit, where would one go to learn more about this alternative? I have discussed this with a few friends who are very, very interested but are clueless.


Thanks for any information you can give to educate & help them


Finally someone who actually wants to know the "facts"

Thank you!!


google ..... Facts About Electronic Cigarettes

The show, the doctors, also had a segment regarding e-cigs

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I can't believe people are starting this again..


As a matter of fact, I have friends who use the e-cig. I have sat next to them. The vapor doesn't "disappear" but does dissipate considerably quicker than smoke.


There is no science to support that there is no nicotine in the vapor.


My only issue would be, for example, that I'm standing somewhere on the ship, and someone approaches me and starts to vape. I should have the ability to ask them to vape elsewhere. Why should I or my baby have to breathe that?

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I can't believe people are starting this again..


As a matter of fact, I have friends who use the e-cig. I have sat next to them. The vapor doesn't "disappear" but does dissipate considerably quicker than smoke.


Why play on words, and well done for sitting next to your friends


There is no science to support that there is no nicotine in the vapor.


Your own words ! There is no science to support.....etc....therefore there is no science to support that there is nicotine in the vapour !


Now that it has been indicated that at present there is no policy within Celebrity regarding these cigarettes, the advice by your own words is only allowed in permitted areas.


I seem to recollect that this topic was initiated by yourself, with another post being the instigation of it. Just because you didnt like the answer in that one you took up the challenge and contacted Celebrity for the answer. The answer which then turned out to be one persons interpretation and one that didnt match another posters query to Celebrity.


This will continue to be an active post until such times as the position is clear from Celebrity



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google ..... Facts About Electronic Cigarettes


As long as we're sticking to facts, and assuming the electronic cigarette solution you're using has nicotine... Nicotine is physically and psychologically addictive. It raises blood pressure, constricts blood vessels (vasoconstrictor), interferes with the system by which the body eliminates mutated, damaged, or otherwise unwanted cells (mucks with apoptosis), and increases birth defects when used early in pregnancy. All of these are directly attributable to nicotine by itself, supported by real scientific research.


Of course, these are probably not the facts that people ordinarily share. Some people either can't or don't want to quit using nicotine. Not using nicotine is the best, but electronic cigarettes are almost assuredly less harmful than smoking, dipping, using snuff, or any of the other ways of getting nicotine into your body.

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