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"kicked out" of the disco for being under age


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The reason they ask for photo ID is because if someone is underage and they have a relative's S&S card then they could use the card to buy drinks & the bar staff would swipe the card and see that the person is old enough to be served. It happened on the Freedom, one 19 yr old was using his dad's card, he showed ID proving he was 18 to get in, but then used his dad's card to get alcohol. Eventually he got challenged about it and he was arguing saying he was his father... and security said "you're 42..?"

That makes sense.


Doesn't bother me if someone asks for my ID. It's just not worth getting upset about. Show it.....done! End of story.

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I just looked at our past sail and sign and the kids didn't show any different than mine. No age on them.

My oldest is 22 and looks like she is 16 (told her she will be happy about that one day, but right now it irriates her. :rolleyes:) Whenever she goes anywhere and orders a drink, they card her, then the manager comes over after she gets her drink and cards her again, I am assuming to make sure the server didn't make any mistakes with her ID. On our last cruise, she just found a bartender that she liked, showed her ID, ordered her beer and had no problems the rest of the cruise. I for one, would be ok if you want to card me. I don't look under 21 buts its fun to pretend for a day :D.



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the security guards on CCL are some sort of ex military from some country that they are desperate to get away from...I have little use for them because of their attitudes.....and btw, we don't cause trouble on a ship....I just don't trust those guards.

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I carry my s&s card at all times on the ship however I don't carry my drivers license or passport (photo id to prove my age). I think this is the case for most folks. Just can't imagine being carded but would definitely be flattered. :) Seems the easiest solution is to do something to the card of those under 18 or 21...like put a hole in the middle if under 21, 2 holes if under 18.

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the security guards on CCL are some sort of ex military from some country that they are desperate to get away from...I have little use for them because of their attitudes.....and btw, we don't cause trouble on a ship....I just don't trust those guards.


They're like Rambo but without the star power or moxy. :p

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Ha ha ha ha too funny! On the Imagination a few days ago, I was walking into the disco one night and one of the security guys at the door stopped me and asked if I was at least 18. I'm 30 and I know I don't look that young!



Oh please let them card me!!! It would make my day and I would probably give them a big hug! :D I'm 43 and it would make my day!

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Like others have said the S&S has to be ran through the ships payment system to proof age. Our past cruises we have seen the security officers checking picture IDs of anyone who looked under 21.


Here is Carnivals policy from the FAQs:


Drinking Alcohol On Board:

The minimum age for the purchase and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the bars, lounges and gift shops is 21 years of age. In the event that Bar/Restaurant/Gift Shop staff are in question that a guest is less than 21 years old, they shall request picture identification, prior to serving the drink or selling the bottle of liquor.



This kind of negates the "all you need is your sign and sail card" atmosphere that they promote. If I have to also carry around my license, it can be bad for the vacation. I know it may sound silly but I lock my license up unless I am in port. I don't want the hassle of carrying it too while on board.

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See that's me, I don't carry my ID on board.


It was flattering at 30, at 39 I am not going back to my room to get an ID LOL I was old enough to be this guy's Mom!


We did not want to stick around anyway but it just struck me as odd.


And that policy you quoted only refers to showing ID to buy alcohol not be in the disco.

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IMHO...when a person that certainly looks over age 21 is asked for ID..especially on a cruise ship...and by the crew (security)...I think a red flag should go up.


Based on what we now know the crew have been known to do (14yo's attacked) and the lack of respect the security garners (i.e.Rambo description)...the first thought in my mind would be that they want to find out the room number...figure out who they are cruising with...and see if there are underage girls in the group..


What I am saying is that it appears to be a clever rouse to find out a little something extra about the pax...



And no..I do not have a vivid imagination....just making some hypotheses...based on the many threads and posts on these boards......and remember I did say..."If the pax certainly looks over the age of 21"

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IMHO...when a person that certainly looks over age 21 is asked for ID..especially on a cruise ship...and by the crew (security)...I think a red flag should go up.


Based on what we now know the crew have been known to do (14yo's attacked) and the lack of respect the security garners (i.e.Rambo description)...the first thought in my mind would be that they want to find out the room number...figure out who they are cruising with...and see if there are underage girls in the group..


What I am saying is that it appears to be a clever rouse to find out a little something extra about the pax...



And no..I do not have a vivid imagination....just making some hypotheses...based on the many threads and posts on these boards......and remember I did say..."If the pax certainly looks over the age of 21"


Paranoid much????

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IMHO...when a person that certainly looks over age 21 is asked for ID..especially on a cruise ship...and by the crew (security)...I think a red flag should go up.


Based on what we now know the crew have been known to do (14yo's attacked) and the lack of respect the security garners (i.e.Rambo description)...the first thought in my mind would be that they want to find out the room number...figure out who they are cruising with...and see if there are underage girls in the group..


What I am saying is that it appears to be a clever rouse to find out a little something extra about the pax...



And no..I do not have a vivid imagination....just making some hypotheses...based on the many threads and posts on these boards......and remember I did say..."If the pax certainly looks over the age of 21"


And no offense to everyone posting these "stories" yet you believe them also... to the point that you can make an hypotheses about Carnival and their security.


The 14 yo "attacked" was befriended by the family..... he did not have to sneak around and find out more about them or the young girl.


The Rambo comment was just that.... a comment based on your comment of "the security guards on CCL are some sort of ex military from some country that they are desperate to get away from...I have little use for them because of their attitudes.....and btw, we don't cause trouble on a ship....I just don't trust those guards."


Yet you trust people you dont know and have never met on a public forum to sway your opinion of others enough to make derogatory comments about them.

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If I am out at a sporting event, restaurant, or pub and asked for ID I won't show it. I don't look anywhere close to 21 and in fact have three children that are over 21 (32, 29, 23). I understand they are doing their jobs, but I refuse to play the corporate lawyer game. I don't give them a hard time about it. They always have served me.



At most sporting events the policy is to card everyone . I am 60 plus years old and last week when asked for a photo ID I gave my licence to carry a firearm. The server would not accept it and I offered to show my drivers lic and he just flat out said he would not serve me. Which is his option. Some people are just out on a power trip

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And no offense to everyone posting these "stories" yet you believe them also... to the point that you can make an hypotheses about Carnival and their security.


The 14 yo "attacked" was befriended by the family..... he did not have to sneak around and find out more about them or the young girl.


The Rambo comment was just that.... a comment based on your comment of "the security guards on CCL are some sort of ex military from some country that they are desperate to get away from...I have little use for them because of their attitudes.....and btw, we don't cause trouble on a ship....I just don't trust those guards."


Yet you trust people you dont know and have never met on a public forum to sway your opinion of others enough to make derogatory comments about them.

nope..not at all....but if it doesn't seem odd to you that someone who most defintely looks over 21 is asked for ID......:rolleyes:

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Paranoid much????

nope...just referencing some of the things that have been posted on the boards.


I can't really figure out a good reason why someone who definitely looks over 21 would need to be asked for ID in a bar on a cruise ship by the security guard..when the pax was just sitting and relaxing...but I am sure someone will post many good reasons that I can't think of right now.

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Thats just kind of weird because when my wife and I were the Carnival Elation last year we were both 21 and were never asked for ID or anything at all, I cannot believe they would have made that such a big deal for you guys.

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nope..not at all....but if it doesn't seem odd to you that someone who most defintely looks over 21 is asked for ID......:rolleyes:


No I do not. Case in point if the person is told to card everyone that is that persons job. If that person does not do his (or her) job the way they are told they lose it.




If they do not do their job (continuously) there is a chance someone who should have been checked is not checked and guess who gets in trouble?


Nope if it is 100% check then it is a 100% check.


Did you ever think this was the first time for this person and they were doing above and beyond their job just to make sure?


Did you ever think this person may not have checked as well in the past got in trouble for it and is now checking everyone?


Did you ever think he was just messing around because it was obvious they were over 21?


Nope it appears you just jumped to an extreme conclusion based on.... an odd feeling... Which you didn't experience.


Based probably (even though you made point to state) on first hand experience with "Security". I mean unless you are just basing it on everyone elses experience they had with security to drop judgement...

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I'm not one that gets easily upset but that would really upset me. He was picking on you. If he's so stupid he can't realize a bunch of 27+ year olds are over 18 then he needs a new job. This is a club on a cruise ship...please.


What ship was this?

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I'm not one that gets easily upset but that would really upset me. He was picking on you. If he's so stupid he can't realize a bunch of 27+ year olds are over 18 then he needs a new job. This is a club on a cruise ship...please.


What ship was this?

this is exactly what I am saying!!! Of course he was picking on them...but so many are willing to believe that he was just doing his job...but when someone looks over 21 by many years..and the security asks them for ID...there is more to it......

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No I do not. Case in point if the person is told to card everyone that is that persons job. If that person does not do his (or her) job the way they are told they lose it.




If they do not do their job (continuously) there is a chance someone who should have been checked is not checked and guess who gets in trouble?


Nope if it is 100% check then it is a 100% check.


Did you ever think this was the first time for this person and they were doing above and beyond their job just to make sure?


Did you ever think this person may not have checked as well in the past got in trouble for it and is now checking everyone?


Did you ever think he was just messing around because it was obvious they were over 21?


Nope it appears you just jumped to an extreme conclusion based on.... an odd feeling... Which you didn't experience.


Based probably (even though you made point to state) on first hand experience with "Security". I mean unless you are just basing it on everyone elses experience they had with security to drop judgement...

I am going with that he was just messing around.....I doubt he was just trying to do a good job and go above and beyond....because what you suggest..a 100% ID check.......even if they are what...70... Will only show that the cruiseline or the security guard wants to piss off the pax and has .....shall we say...little respect for them?


Common sense works in cases like this and regardless of trying to defend the security force....they have no reason to proof someone who is obviously over age 21...unless they are looking for someone in particular...want to piss the pax off..want to piss the management off(by getting pax out of the bar so as to not spend money, maybe?)


What can I say......I see more than one side to things....and when something is blatantly stupid...like proofing a 39yo...then my first thoughts are not..."what a good job they do"....but more on the lines of "what the .... is going on?""

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I am going with that he was just messing around.....I doubt he was just trying to do a good job and go above and beyond....because what you suggest..a 100% ID check.......even if they are what...70... Will only show that the cruiseline or the security guard wants to piss off the pax and has .....shall we say...little respect for them?


Common sense works in cases like this and regardless of trying to defend the security force....they have no reason to proof someone who is obviously over age 21...unless they are looking for someone in particular...want to piss the pax off..want to piss the management off(by getting pax out of the bar so as to not spend money, maybe?)


What can I say......I see more than one side to things....and when something is blatantly stupid...like proofing a 39yo...then my first thoughts are not..."what a good job they do"....but more on the lines of "what the .... is going on?""


I see more then one side too. However in reading only the OPs posts it is quite obvious that is was the messing around.


To include the loud music and probably a language barrier only making matters "not as funny".


Questioning what is going on though is a lot different then the statements and innuendos you made.... Coming from a law enforcement background I found them very unsettling considering the circumstance.

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No I do not. Case in point if the person is told to card everyone that is that persons job. If that person does not do his (or her) job the way they are told they lose it.



Common sense works in cases like this and regardless of trying to defend the security force....they have no reason to proof someone who is obviously over age 21....


Just one question: was the security officer Asian, possibly from the Indian subcontinent? If he was, that would explain a lot. In the Far East, people get an order from their boss and follow that. Own common sense is not wanted, if you do not follow the order to the letter, that would mean loss of face for the boss (and loss of job for the employee). It is a cultural difference: Europeans and Americans are mostly "result-driven". They get the order "check if no-one is underage". They only will check people who look like they could be underage, whereas an Asian will be procedure-driven and check everyone, because that was the order in his view.


This does not go for all Asians, as it doesn't go for all Europeans or Americans, and it is absolutely not meant discriminatory, it is just an observation from working with a lot of different nationalities.

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My friend and I were on a cruise with our husbands and a few other couples..I *think* it was the Imagination, 2 Halloweens ago. We were in the club, and the 2 of us left to use the bathroom. When we got back a few minutes later the guy asked us for our ID's before entering. We showed him our s&s cards, but that wasn't good enough. He made us go back to our rooms and get our cards! I was highly annoyed! (We were both 26 at the time).

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I was recently in line at a concert to get the hand stamp that allows you to buy alchohol. They card everyone, so I handed him my id. He stared at it, then looked at me, then stared at in some more, then the people behind me started getting a little restless. I finally said "Yes, I'm 50, can I have the driver's license back?" He sheepishly stamped my hand and let us go. I'm going with the idea that some people have no idea how old anyone is.

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