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Formal nights-the truth how I saw it


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[quote name='trailercruiser']It's actually an insult nowadays to wear a tux, it shows disrespect for your fellow cruisers. Casual is in and HAL accepts it, that is a fact. To all the nose in the air crowd I guess HAL isn't for you anymore.;)[/quote]

Bless your heart!
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[quote name='Cruising-along']And I agree with you as always. HAL wouldn't have the Lido (casual dress) open on formal nights if formal is [I]required of everyone. [/I]I really wish some posters would "get it" and stop harping that HAL isn't for you if you don't love formal nights. There's much more to HAL than a dress code!

We have found that it depends on the itinerary, location and length of our vacation (like adding land travel to a European cruise) whether we bring formal wear or not. [U]Sometimes we do and sometimes we don't[/U]. But we [B]always [/B]dress appropriately in the MDR.

Good to see you again Twinkletoes![/QUOTE]

LOL It seems we really do agree on everything! I do find it annoying when people tell me to go elsewhere (if I don't want to do formal). HAL is quite accommodating to all of us, so why not take advantage of what appeals to each of us? Like you, we always dress appropriately in MDR. It's just nice to have all these options.

We loved the casual dress in the Lido and will do that again when we sail. We've traveled with our kids and participated in the formal evenings, but when on our own, we prefer the Lido. At least HAL has decent options for all of us.

It's nice seeing you again! I've been off doing other things, but we're headed to Cayman so I came here to check out that board and popped in to see what was going on here.

Happy cruising! :)
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[quote name='trailercruiser']It's actually an insult nowadays to wear a tux, it shows disrespect for your fellow cruisers. Casual is in and HAL accepts it, that is a fact. To all the nose in the air crowd I guess HAL isn't for you anymore.;)[/quote]

OK - I'm biting. Is this for real? It's an "insult" and "shows disrespect" to other pax to wear a tux? Everyone who dresses up is "nose in the air"?

My first cruise on HAL is coming up and after reading through much of this thread - and now this statement from trailercruiser... I'm getting stressed out. My DH and I were looking forward to dressing up and having fun. I don't care if everyone doesn't dress up - I doubt I'll even notice. But to think that others will view us as snobby, insulting and disrespectful because we are dressed up... :(

Please, others with experience, tell me this was a joke or at least is not the norm.
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[quote name='Homala']OK - I'm biting. Is this for real? It's an "insult" and "shows disrespect" to other pax to wear a tux? Everyone who dresses up is "nose in the air"?

My first cruise on HAL is coming up and after reading through much of this thread - and now this statement from trailercruiser... I'm getting stressed out. My DH and I were looking forward to dressing up and having fun. I don't care if everyone doesn't dress up - I doubt I'll even notice. But to think that others will view us as snobby, insulting and disrespectful because we are dressed up... :(

Please, others with experience, tell me this was a joke or at least is not the norm.[/quote]
You will be fine , it's called sarcasm. There are suggestions as to dress codes but NO RULEs, other than shorts or tshirts . We do not have our dinner ruined in the MDR because someone is wearing slacks and a nice shirt and not a tux. Our best tablemates have been what some on here would call "breaking the rules", slacks ,a golf shirt and dress shoes. Remember they are suggestions not rules. Have a great time on your cruise!!!;)
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[quote name='Homala']OK - I'm biting. Is this for real? It's an "insult" and "shows disrespect" to other pax to wear a tux? Everyone who dresses up is "nose in the air"?

My first cruise on HAL is coming up and after reading through much of this thread - and now this statement from trailercruiser... I'm getting stressed out. My DH and I were looking forward to dressing up and having fun. I don't care if everyone doesn't dress up - I doubt I'll even notice. But to think that others will view us as snobby, insulting and disrespectful because we are dressed up... :(

Please, others with experience, tell me this was a joke or at least is not the norm.[/quote]
hook. line. sinker.

He was poking fun at the people who are so offended that someone dare wear khaki pants into the MDR that it ruins their dinner - nay, their whole week.

The beauty of people who don't like to dress up is that they are not judgmental at all. You could wear an evening gown and a tux to dinner every night and get nothing but compliments from the casual crowd.

I only wish it were true the other way around!
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Trailercruiser - thank you! I was hoping you were being sarcastic, but it's hard to tell on these boards. Phew!

It's weird to me how some people get so upset when others don't dress "up to snuff" - I really don't think I'll notice what others are wearing (expect maybe anyone who wears a robe to dinner!) and I know for a fact it won't affect my enjoyment of the cruise. You just really threw me for a loop when you reversed the tables. Well, at least you got me thinking. :)

Happy cruising!
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[quote name='photomikey']hook. line. sinker.

Ha ha!! I know! I'm such a sucker! I am the most gullible person I've ever known. It's hard enough to tell when someone is being sarcastic to my face, but I just really can't figure it out on these posts! Sorry!
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There must be something wrong with me. I never notice if someone is dressed to the nines, or travelling between decks in a HAL bathrobe.:eek: I'm usually so thrilled to be on a ship, and wrapped up in my own joy, I just don't notice or care what anyone else is doing.:o

My last HAL cruise was the Volendam to Alaska. HAL isn't my favorite cruise line, but it's the best for Alaska (IMO). We had no intention of bringing "formal" clothes on this cruise. Instead, for both formal nights we had room service in our Deluxe Verandah Suite and pinned our corsages to our pj's.:D We had a ball, drank champage, ate our surf and surf (lobster and lobster), yummy desserts and talked about our day and the one coming up. Between dinner and dessert, we wrapped up in blankets and sat on our verandah watching for whales. We had the best time!

That's the way I intend to spend formal nights on any ship I'm on that still has them.:cool:
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[quote name='tjcletsgo']There must be something wrong with me. I never notice if someone is dressed to the nines, or travelling between decks in a HAL bathrobe.:eek: I'm usually so thrilled to be on a ship, and wrapped up in my own joy, I just don't notice or care what anyone else is doing.:o


I'm pretty much with you here. When I'm on vacation I'm in a full positive mode and something so trivial will not change that. To each his own.
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[quote name='photomikey']
The beauty of people who don't like to dress up is that they are not judgmental at all. You could wear an evening gown and a tux to dinner every night and get nothing but compliments from the casual crowd.

I only wish it were true the other way around![/QUOTE]

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[quote name='photomikey']

The beauty of people who don't like to dress up is that they are not judgmental at all. You could wear an evening gown and a tux to dinner every night and get nothing but compliments from the casual crowd.

I only wish it were true the other way around![/quote]

Not only are they not judgemental at all, but 'people who don't like to dress up' generally give more money to charities, gave apples to teachers as children, and have fewer cavities than the 'evening gown and tux' crowd. They also [I]always[/I] say 'excuse me' when they pass gas.

Overall, just a better class of folk.
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For me personally a formal night is part of a cruising experience that starts from home when I start looking for a dress:) i also make sure We take one good family picture and spend a wonderful evening gliding in my beautiful dress:)) I also love my So in a suit, no tux, but with a nice tie- such a pleasure after days and days od thirst lol

I am not usre if there is a need for 4 formal nights in two weeks, but 1 is a must and part of cruising experience, I hope it will never goes away since for me it is a special night and a memorable tradition.
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[quote name='bradpole']Another question, what do you do on the non formal nights? Do you hide in your cabin and order room service because the MDR is 'casual' that night?[/quote]

This 'casual' is part of the problem. There are NO casual nights in the MDR at night. The definition is 'Smart casual' which implies an effort to look nice and 'dressed' yet relaxed.Smart casual does not mean just wearing the plain casual stuff you would wear to go to Walmart, the grocery or the garage. This is sloppy casual, a difference.
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If we dress smart casual on formal evenings, or if we change from formal to smart casual, we DO NOT hide in our cabin all evening. We attend the shows, shops, casinos etc. We would NEVER consider hiding in our cabin for the evening.

On another note, when we want pictures taken, we seldom do it on formal evenings. We set up an appointment with the photograher for a time on place on the ship and do it when there is considerably more time and it is far less hurried. The photographic team are very pleased to do this. We do this on all cruise lines when we want those happy family snaps taken.
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[quote name='happyglobetrotter']This 'casual' is part of the problem. There are NO casual nights in the MDR at night. The definition is 'Smart casual' which implies an effort to look nice and 'dressed' yet relaxed.Smart casual does not mean just wearing the plain casual stuff you would wear to go to Walmart, the grocery or the garage. This is sloppy casual, a difference.[/quote]

My apologies, i should have stated "non formal nights" in my previous post.
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[quote name='happyglobetrotter']This 'casual' is part of the problem. There are NO casual nights in the MDR at night. The definition is 'Smart casual' which implies an effort to look nice and 'dressed' yet relaxed.Smart casual does not mean just wearing the plain casual stuff you would wear to go to Walmart, the grocery or the garage. This is sloppy casual, a difference.[/quote]

Well then, I guess I dress "dumb casual".........:D
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A few weeks ago, I took a last minute cruise on NLC (ie - on Thursday had not even entertained the idea of a trip and we left on Sunday!). I chose to take the same clothes I would on HAL even though it was "freestyle" and figured better to be over than under dressed.

What was interesting - when given a choice, I actually think on the "formal or whatever" night there were more people dressed in formal attire than the last 2 HAL cruises!

Just an interesting observation.

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[quote name='krewzin']Not only are they not judgemental at all, but 'people who don't like to dress up' generally give more money to charities, gave apples to teachers as children, and have fewer cavities than the 'evening gown and tux' crowd.


Care to share the research/data on this? ;)

It's true but to appease the nay-sayers out there, please cite your source.:rolleyes:
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The current economy and pricing pressures have changed the demographics of people on some cruises. HAL features six day cruises out of Fort Lauderdale and San Diego with inside cabins priced at $75 per night, meals included. That's a Motel Six budget. People attracted to that price level are not likely to have a couple of Dinner Jackets in the back of the closet, or even a suit. Expecting high dress code standards can only lead to disappointment on a short, cheap cruise like that. And I understand HAL has to fill its ships every week to do well, or even survive. That's why we stick to the thirty day itineraries, where more seasoned cruisers have different expectations, and "dressing up" is the normal thing to do. That's not being snobbish. It is only enjoying what we have, and what we worked very hard to get.
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[quote name='Rutland Gate']The current economy and pricing pressures have changed the demographics of people on some cruises. HAL features six day cruises out of Fort Lauderdale and San Diego with inside cabins priced at $75 per night, meals included. That's a Motel Six budget. People attracted to that price level are not likely to have a couple of Dinner Jackets in the back of the closet, or even a suit. Expecting high dress code standards can only lead to disappointment on a short, cheap cruise like that. And I understand HAL has to fill its ships every week to do well, or even survive. That's why we stick to the thirty day itineraries, where more seasoned cruisers have different expectations, and "dressing up" is the normal thing to do. That's not being snobbish. It is only enjoying what we have, and what we worked very hard to get.[/quote]

Excuse me, but this "smart casual/dumb casual" dresser sailed in a Deluxe Verandah Suite........not exactly the "redneck" mentioned above. I've dressed up for scores of company parties over the last 40 years, and I don't want to do it anymore. Sorry.
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[quote name='tjcletsgo']Excuse me, but this "smart casual/dumb casual" dresser sailed in a Deluxe Verandah Suite........not exactly the "redneck" mentioned above. I've dressed up for scores of company parties over the last 40 years, and I don't want to do it anymore. Sorry.[/quote]

I am with you :D
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...for a two week cruise that is. One night with pearls, another with a shawl, the third with bling, and the fourth with a silver wrap. And the same pair of black heeled peep toe sandals for formal and informal nights!

DH brings one suit and does different ties, and looks liuke a million bucks--oh, he is still such a cutie pie!
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[quote name='krewzin']Not only are they not judgemental at all, but 'people who don't like to dress up' generally give more money to charities, gave apples to teachers as children, and have fewer cavities than the 'evening gown and tux' crowd. They also [I]always[/I] say 'excuse me' when they pass gas.

Overall, just a better class of folk.
You are exactly right on this.:)
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