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Norvo Virus on QM2


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Also my observation on the captain was based on the Cunard senior officers party in which he spoke to no one the entertainment manager made no comments and the captain chatted to a table of ladies all night and ignored everyone else. the lights were turned on and everyone got the message they were not welcome and left.


On 27th November cruise this Captain was 20 minutes late to the Captain's Cocktail Party arranged for gold/platinum and diamond members. When he arrived he never spoke to the assembled guests or even apologised. The welcome was given by the 'entertainments' manager!

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Also my observation on the captain was based on the Cunard senior officers party in which he spoke to no one...and the captain chatted to a table of ladies all night and ignored everyone else. ...


Perhaps he decided (reasonably) to limit his contact so as to reduce the potential for catching the Noro?

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On 27th November cruise this Captain was 20 minutes late to the Captain's Cocktail Party arranged for gold/platinum and diamond members. When he arrived he never spoke to the assembled guests or even apologised. The welcome was given by the 'entertainments' manager!


The captain is onboard not to be social, but to get the vessel, passengers and crew safely from place to place. One mistake due to inattention to duty could result in career-ending consequences plus untold legal and financial libility to his employer. Can you not think of any reasonable reason why he may have been delayed that is related to his official duties?? No need for him to apologize for being delayed to an overcrowded marketing event.

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On 27th November cruise this Captain was 20 minutes late to the Captain's Cocktail Party arranged for gold/platinum and diamond members. When he arrived he never spoke to the assembled guests or even apologised. The welcome was given by the 'entertainments' manager!

It does appear that standards are continually being eroded by time - but possibly more quickly with Cunard of late; not to mention manners, politeness, courtesy, graciousness. . . . . . . . . . .




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You can't catch Noro by talking to people.


Perhaps not, but many of them would likely have been moaning and complaining about the Code Red or other declining standards on QM2.:cool:


I quite understand complaints (directed to the appropriate manager of the pertinent Department) about declining standards in food, service, entertainment, facilities, etc., but the social behaviour of the captain? Really? If I were the captain and there were Noro about, I'd do the same as he. Keep my distance.

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If I were the captain and there were Noro about, I'd do the same as he. Keep my distance.


Well, that would be one approach. Another would be to make yourself visible out and about the ship in order to reassure passengers that there was nothing to fear. Addressing groups of passengers such as World Club members regarding the effectiveness of the measures being taken to control the outbreak and showing confidence in the crew might aslo be beneficial.


But most of all, showing by example that it was still possible to have a good time on board while stressing proper protocols in avoiding contagion and the need to see the ship's doctor immediately if experiencing symptoms.


I do understand what you are saying SeaMatesNYC, and it can't be an easy job being the Captain of QM2. I wish him and all aboard the very best.




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No ship is immune to Noro. In June 2008 the Maasdam was hard hit with noro. The ship underwent a massive sanitation when she returned to Boston because our boarding was delayed by 4 hrs. and we spent most of the week on very tight restrictions. We weren't even allowed to touch the library books and staff had to remove it from the shelf and you could only take the touch the book if you intended to take it. And if Jimsgirl thought the tea in Britannia was bad she would not have liked what they served on Maasdam. We weren't allowed teapots and what they did to tea I can't even describe.


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Apart from the problems with the Noro Virus I must say that the quality of food and service in the Queens Grills Restaurant has dropped dramatically from 2 years ago. In May we were having comparable food and service in the Britannia. No one seems to want to do anything about it so what is the point of complaining.

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It is understandable that Noro virs is common. However we have been on this ship 15 days and the virus is still not contained. Yesterday when I checked into the spa there were people from the uk CDC making reports in which it was clear there were still elements of the virus.


With regard to the captain he obviously does not want to be on this ship. Trust me his interaction with the table of lovely ladies beside me showed no sign of concern for noro virus there was plenty of interaction there. There was as expected no handshaking on entering the officers cocktail party completly reasonable. But honestly don't sent out invitations to Diamond and platinum members seve them a glass of cheap champaigne and say nothing turn the lights out and walk out seriously. His job isn't just to "drive the ship" he does have duties beyond that duties that commodor Warner and captain wells do faboulously. At least Ray the entertainment director could have said something thanks for comming good evening ladies and gentlemen shouldn't be to diffucult for a man that seems so chatty. And ohh yes I forgot that is his job right????

The feeling onboard is that as passengers we are all just an inconveniance. The only positive thing I can say is that finally they have brought some of the head waiters from the Grills back into kings court and they appear to be organizing staff better. Staff are being instructed to check glasses for lipstick marks prior to serving customers.


My complaint isn't about bad sevice cold food wrong orders (which has happened daily) I can deal with that my complaint is being seved food that is off, milk past the sell by date, cups with lipstick marks and milk jugs with some find of dirty coffee grounds at the bottom things I wouldn't expect from joe's dinner(no offence to Joe). Not to mention the layer of dirt at the bottome of the kids pool on deck 6. And they wonder how disease spreads dirty cups, dirty pool...


This is a rant but I don't plan to waste time writing to Cunard because they must be aware of what is happening unless they are viewing things with a Nelsonian eye.

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Perhaps not, but many of them would likely have been moaning and complaining about the Code Red or other declining standards on QM2.:cool:


I quite understand complaints (directed to the appropriate manager of the pertinent Department) about declining standards in food, service, entertainment, facilities, etc., but the social behaviour of the captain? Really? If I were the captain and there were Noro about, I'd do the same as he. Keep my distance.



I completly understand the captain keeping out of sight. However you can't catch Noro virus from a microphone. Also if he was soooo concerned about catching Noro perhaps he shouldn't dine at his table in the Britannia hosting groups of ladies just a thought.

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Well, that would be one approach. Another would be to make yourself visible out and about the ship in order to reassure passengers that there was nothing to fear. Addressing groups of passengers such as World Club members regarding the effectiveness of the measures being taken to control the outbreak and showing confidence in the crew might aslo be beneficial.


But most of all, showing by example that it was still possible to have a good time on board while stressing proper protocols in avoiding contagion and the need to see the ship's doctor immediately if experiencing symptoms.


I do understand what you are saying SeaMatesNYC, and it can't be an easy job being the Captain of QM2. I wish him and all aboard the very best.






Very well put Salacia

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I completly understand the captain keeping out of sight. However you can't catch Noro virus from a microphone. Also if he was soooo concerned about catching Noro perhaps he shouldn't dine at his table in the Britannia hosting groups of ladies just a thought.


Maybe they were his sisters ;):D

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I will be experiencing my first cruise in July next year on the QV and being affected by this bug fills me with terror, unfortunately I suffer from an abominable affliction called Ulcerative Colitis, and catching Norovirus would be really serious for me. Having said that I do not let it detract from my anticipation of cruising.

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I am also onboard the QM2, and I am under quarantine restrictions. I have been taking a keen interest in what the media have been told by Cunard as there appears to be great disparities between the truth and the information provided by Cunard. The media have been informed some 29 passengers have caught the virus, however, crew I have spoken too, place an extra 0 to the end of that figure as a more accurate depiction placing the true numbers in the hundreds.

The ship has undergone a 'deep sanitisation" what this means is the normal cleaning crew don some plastic gloves and take twice as long to clean as normal (with little difference as an end result).

The actions taking by Cunard are retroactive rather than proactive. little was done to prevent the illness nor the initial spread! it was not until the situation became critical did Cunard undertake its white wash cleansing routine.

I am upset that a 'respected' company like Cunard has such a hubristic view towards hygiene (it won't happen to us...), I am also very annoyed that the still (despite the red alert) little is being done to prevent further outbreaks! hand wash is not enforced upon the ingress or egress of the vessel and this worries me greatly. Furthermore, the messages we (as passengers) receive from the captain and management team, places the blame firmly with us, and yet, having spoken to several crew members, the virus was already onboard as several crew members were exhibiting symptoms. Cunard should be ashamed!


I'm just readng this now and I agree with you 100 per cent. This si how I feel like we are all disgusting pigs that have brought this vile disease upon the captains ship. My parents are on this cruise with me and when I pass their deck I know of about 15 cabins that have been quarantined the guys with the white suites and masks gives it away. Then on our deck the same thing it seems more the people next to me and then three doors down have been quaranteened the two tables beside me at dinner told me they had been quaranteined thats more than 29 right there I would say about 1/3 getting close to half off passengers have been affected. The crew have been hit just as bad although from talking to crew members it hit them later on and many of them have been Quaranteined. So yes I agree the number is obviously significantly higher.

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I will be experiencing my first cruise in July next year on the QV and being affected by this bug fills me with terror, unfortunately I suffer from an abominable affliction called Ulcerative Colitis, and catching Norovirus would be really serious for me. Having said that I do not let it detract from my anticipation of cruising.



Don't worry if you are on the Victoria you will be fine. This is a QM2 problem as far as I can see the ship is crowded to capacity for christmas so lots of people have 3 and 4 passengers packed in inside cabins so closer quarters more people. Also 60 per cent of the staff are new and are probbaly just learning sanitary procedures and trainning themselves. They are having to work extra hard with no trainning. Victoria and Elizabeth will be grand. In fact in order to restore some faith in Cunard I'm off to book a trip on the Elizabeth for ths spring right now.

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Also 60 per cent of the staff are new and are probbaly just learning sanitary procedures and trainning themselves. They are having to work extra hard with no trainning.


If the post below is accurate (from the current thread "More Cuts.."), and it certainly reads as if informed by "inside" information, it would be well south of 60% new staff in the hotel department of the QM2.


If you "guess"timate that QM2 has roughly 1.5 times the hotel department of QE, then the new staff percentage on the QM2 (assuming again that the 150 moveovers is correct and represents 40% of QE's new hotel department) should range from 25-30%. Seems a reasonable level.



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It seems to me that you are being unduly harsh with the Captain. Most captains do not particularly enjoy the social duties that come with the job, but they do their best to put on a happy face for the passengers. So long as they are required to interact socially, it is undoubtedly more pleasant to spend time with a group of "lovely ladies" than with complaining passengers. I just wonder if your assessment of Captain Wright would be different if he had spent all of his time at the party chatting with you?


It is understandable that Noro virs is common. However we have been on this ship 15 days and the virus is still not contained. Yesterday when I checked into the spa there were people from the uk CDC making reports in which it was clear there were still elements of the virus.


With regard to the captain he obviously does not want to be on this ship. Trust me his interaction with the table of lovely ladies beside me showed no sign of concern for noro virus there was plenty of interaction there. There was as expected no handshaking on entering the officers cocktail party completly reasonable. But honestly don't sent out invitations to Diamond and platinum members seve them a glass of cheap champaigne and say nothing turn the lights out and walk out seriously. His job isn't just to "drive the ship" he does have duties beyond that duties that commodor Warner and captain wells do faboulously. At least Ray the entertainment director could have said something thanks for comming good evening ladies and gentlemen shouldn't be to diffucult for a man that seems so chatty. And ohh yes I forgot that is his job right????

The feeling onboard is that as passengers we are all just an inconveniance. The only positive thing I can say is that finally they have brought some of the head waiters from the Grills back into kings court and they appear to be organizing staff better. Staff are being instructed to check glasses for lipstick marks prior to serving customers.


My complaint isn't about bad sevice cold food wrong orders (which has happened daily) I can deal with that my complaint is being seved food that is off, milk past the sell by date, cups with lipstick marks and milk jugs with some find of dirty coffee grounds at the bottom things I wouldn't expect from joe's dinner(no offence to Joe). Not to mention the layer of dirt at the bottome of the kids pool on deck 6. And they wonder how disease spreads dirty cups, dirty pool...


This is a rant but I don't plan to waste time writing to Cunard because they must be aware of what is happening unless they are viewing things with a Nelsonian eye.

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At the cruise critic meeting onboard someone asked what percentage of staff was taken from QM2. The officer who I believe to be the head purser told us 60 per cent. That could obviously mean 60 per cent new staff on QE from QM2 and not 60 from QM2 it seems vague.


Also the captain was pleasant enough to me on entering the queens room and in the British tradition of keep calm and carry on I don't find it fitting to complain to the captain directly. He can talk to who he wants and perhaps it was his sister and his wife I don't know. I'm not complaining that he didn't talk to me I'm complaining that nobody spoke at all to anyone and the only people seen talking to the captain was one table of ladies it just doesn't seem right. I like to hear the story of the lady that has sailed on all 6 ships and how many days people have been on board I like the Cunard ra ra ra, so yes I was disapointed.

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I'm just readng this now and I agree with you 100 per cent. This si how I feel like we are all disgusting pigs that have brought this vile disease upon the captains ship. My parents are on this cruise with me and when I pass their deck I know of about 15 cabins that have been quarantined the guys with the white suites and masks gives it away. Then on our deck the same thing it seems more the people next to me and then three doors down have been quaranteened the two tables beside me at dinner told me they had been quaranteined thats more than 29 right there I would say about 1/3 getting close to half off passengers have been affected. The crew have been hit just as bad although from talking to crew members it hit them later on and many of them have been Quaranteined. So yes I agree the number is obviously significantly higher.


Hi Alba. Sorry about the situation there. The ship isn't keeping passengers informed about the number reported ill? That lack of information must lead to a lot of speculation on board.


The CDC USA website has made the following figures public, but the numbers haven't been updated since 28 Dec:

Number of passengers who have reported being ill during the voyage out of total number of passengers onboard: 167 of 2,483 (6.73%)‬‬

Number of ill crew who have reported being ill during the voyage out of total number of crew onboard: 28 of 1,234 (2.27%)‬

copied from http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp/surv/outbreak/2010/december19queenmary.htm


Best wishes to you & all aboard,


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It is understandable that Noro virs is common. However we have been on this ship 15 days and the virus is still not contained. Yesterday when I checked into the spa there were people from the uk CDC making reports in which it was clear there were still elements of the virus.


With regard to the captain he obviously does not want to be on this ship. Trust me his interaction with the table of lovely ladies beside me showed no sign of concern for noro virus there was plenty of interaction there. There was as expected no handshaking on entering the officers cocktail party completly reasonable. But honestly don't sent out invitations to Diamond and platinum members seve them a glass of cheap champaigne and say nothing turn the lights out and walk out seriously. His job isn't just to "drive the ship" he does have duties beyond that duties that commodor Warner and captain wells do faboulously. At least Ray the entertainment director could have said something thanks for comming good evening ladies and gentlemen shouldn't be to diffucult for a man that seems so chatty. And ohh yes I forgot that is his job right????

The feeling onboard is that as passengers we are all just an inconveniance. The only positive thing I can say is that finally they have brought some of the head waiters from the Grills back into kings court and they appear to be organizing staff better. Staff are being instructed to check glasses for lipstick marks prior to serving customers.


My complaint isn't about bad sevice cold food wrong orders (which has happened daily) I can deal with that my complaint is being seved food that is off, milk past the sell by date, cups with lipstick marks and milk jugs with some find of dirty coffee grounds at the bottom things I wouldn't expect from joe's dinner(no offence to Joe). Not to mention the layer of dirt at the bottome of the kids pool on deck 6. And they wonder how disease spreads dirty cups, dirty pool...


This is a rant but I don't plan to waste time writing to Cunard because they must be aware of what is happening unless they are viewing things with a Nelsonian eye.


If this is really the case - especially the dirt and the food that is off etc, then surely it warrants a proper complaint not just a rant and assumption that Cunard knows about this.

It was wonderful in September!

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News from my parents on board today that the virus is dwindling. They are having a wonderful time, love their dining room experience. I've sailed QM2 7 times and never had any of these dramatic experiences people post on these boards. We usually sail Silversea, but choose the QM2 once or twice a year, I've always had a great time...

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News from my parents on board today that the virus is dwindling. They are having a wonderful time, love their dining room experience. I've sailed QM2 7 times and never had any of these dramatic experiences people post on these boards. We usually sail Silversea, but choose the QM2 once or twice a year, I've always had a great time...



Your like me then, very lucky lol, I have been on many time now and always had the perfect voyage,some odd people maybe, but the ship and service always wonderful, we had the virus back in october and still no problem at alpleased your parents are having a great time:)

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News from my parents on board today that the virus is dwindling. They are having a wonderful time, love their dining room experience. I've sailed QM2 7 times and never had any of these dramatic experiences people post on these boards. We usually sail Silversea, but choose the QM2 once or twice a year, I've always had a great time...


Did we sail together last year? Westbound transatlantic?

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