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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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It's so COLD! Doing Zumba tonight was the first time I felt really warm ALL DAY!


We did an old warm up tonight...but it was new to me...Kelly wanted us to start slow tonight and be sure to really warm up so no one hurt themselves...


Cupid Shuffle by Cupid...totally fun

Kiss Kiss by Holly Valance


Abajo? Ariba? (I'm looking for this one!)


Bon Bon

Que Te Pica


Hips Don't Lie (World Cup 2006)

La Despidida

Iko Iko

Cool Down... (I need to ask about this one...it's a beautiful song sung in Spanish and it sounds like the singer is singer "me monkey"...)


I did ask about the other song that I didn't know from Monday...


Salio el Sol by Don Omar


On the food front...


I was over calories by only 16 for staying on goal with food alone...since I exercised I am definitely under goal...1438 calories


For the first time...I made goal for iron by food alone! :) I was off on calcium AGAIN...and lower than previous days since I went without a latte today. But today I focused on water intake...I decided to skip my latte today so I didn't have to compensate for the caffeine with water...I have definitely made goal on the water...and let me tell you...I've been visiting the bathroom A LOT today!


I'm also slightly under % wise for my fat intake...but within range for carbs and protein...so that's kind of odd to me...


I'm getting to the point where I am thinking that I should be doing SOMETHING on Friday. Having 3 rest days in a row seems too much...I need to contemplate what the best thing to do would be...

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This thread has turned into my own sort of journal...


I'm putting into writing what was successful about yesterday...so that I can repeat and repeat...


Water intake...


I have followed the Fat Flush program by Ann Louise Gittleman. I did that about a year ago. While it is very effective...it's not a lifestyle plan for me...but from it, I have gathered some great information...especially from the 24 hour Detox book...especially about what foods are supportive to the liver (your main fat burning organ)...but also about hydration.


So from that program...I began the day with "lemon tea" which is essentially a cup of hot water with half a lemon squeezed into it. According to Ayurveda practice...drinking citrus water in the morning is supposed to wake up your digestive system...


Also from Fat Flush...I drink a "Long Life Cocktail" which is a disgusting drink...you have to be able to chugg...hold your breath...and chase the drink with another drink before you start breathing again...IF you don't want to totally gag...It's wheat grass powder added to 100% unsweetened cranberry juice that has been diluted to a 1:7 ratio with water.


Follow that with a cup (with are 16 oz in my house) of water with my morning oatmeal...and I have had 34 ounces of water before I leave to take DS to school in the morning.


It's a great way to kick off the day...a get a jump start on water intake...


The other thing that is really working...my kitchen scale...if you don't have one and you are trying to measure your food...or guesstimate measurements for tracking purposes...then your food tracking is much more hassle than it needs to be. The idea of using a scale didn't make sense to me until I saw a European chef measuring out ingredients on a scale...and then the light bulb went off...


So for all you lurkers looking for good ideas...here's how you use a kitchen scale to measure your food in the easiest way possible.


You need a scale that can "tare"...this means that you can put something on the scale...and without removing what is on the scale, you can push a button and reset the scale to zero. I also find it extremely handy to have a scale that does grams as well as pounds and ounces.


Put your dish on the scale...start adding food to the dish...when you have the serving you want...check out the weight on the scale...tare...add more food...tare...repeat until done.


So...for my morning oatmeal...I measure the dry oatmeal...because that's no big deal...1/2 cup in an oversized bowl...add 1 cup water...throw in the microwave for 3 minutes...(the oats are regular rolled oats, not quick oats)...slide the oatmeal into my serving bowl...add cinnamon...tare the scale if it was already turned on...add blueberries (my current fruit of choice)...I do 50 grams of blueberries...tare...add chopped almonds...I do 6 grams of almonds...tare...add Mootopia milk...76 (ish) grams of that.


Done. And I didn't have to measure every little thing. Just pay attention to the scale as I created my dish.


Same with dinner...which was left overs...I ate turkey...mashed sweet potatoes...and left over mixed sauteed greens. I just used the scale to measure each serving I put on my plate...tare the scale between items...and it made it very easy to know what I was eating.


This could be old news to many of you experienced food trackers :o...but this was a revelation to me when I discovered it...and it changed the way that I measured my food...


If you have a scale with some range...mine goes to 11 pounds...then you can do this with all kinds of kitchen equipment...including pots and pans...blenders (think smoothies)...and it just makes the life of a food tracker a whole lot easier.


I post this just to solidify the idea of my kitchen methodology...I need to do this as I prep recipes...so that I can measure the precooked ingredients...rather than trying to guess if the onion was a medium or large onion :rolleyes:...and I have an easier time remembering things when I write them...


Today is a rest day...


And I'm glad for it...


I was pumped during exercise last night...bursting with energy...but today...my body is tired...


So I got on my very wonky scale this morning...not the Wii Fit which has a better scale in it than mine...and it is quite possible that I have dropped about 5-6 pounds between my Zumba marathon and my increased water intake...


Mom says that when you finally give your body the water it has been wanting...it will begin to release retained water...judging from the bathroom frequency yesterday...I'm thinking I dropped some water weight...works for me! We'll see if I maintain this with an official weigh in on the Wii Fit...

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Posting mostly so I can subscribe and follow your inspiration. This is wonderful. My kids got the Kinect for Christmas, and I after seeing how awesome it was, and doing days of research on fitness games for it, I went out and purchased a workout game and the Zumba Fitness game. I have been doing the workout one off and on, but have been too scared to try the Zumba. I have always wanted to do it, but am not much of a dancer, so hense the reason I decided to try it at home first. After reading your thread, I think I might just go try it now.


I have enjoyed reading about your food stories, as I have been trying harder to stay away from the processed food and eating out for my family as well, I am just not much of a food planner, so this will be a complete lifestyle change for me, but one that is needed for us all. I have about 25 pounds to loose before my June cruise, but I want to keep it off, so I need to change some things. Weight was never an issue with me before, until recently, I blame it on age, lol as after 30 everything started going downill for me.


Keep up the good work, and I look forward to following your posts!!!

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Had to pop in and tell you, the Cupid Shuffle is done in country bars all over. It is an easy dance, comparable to the Electric Slide. Everyone can do it after watching or trying for just a little while.


I also have been doing Zumba for over a year, you are right, it is the instructor that keeps you coming back. She also has the hip skirts with the coins available if anyone wants to use one. Love the you tube videos you list and the music. We do alot of the same songs for our routines.

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soon2bmrssbp...I'm so glad you posted! Do that Zumba game and report back! I'm very curious about the game...they have a version for the Wii...so I'm not sure how yours would differ, but it would be interesting to hear what it's like.


Eating at home AND not eating processed food IS a lifestyle...Mom and I were just talking about this earlier today...it's very hard to meal plan when the major of your purchases come from the perimeter of the grocery store...


Try as you might...you may have a list...then you hit the produce section and when you see it all in person...it totally throws a wrench in your plan...it could be that the brocolli is all rather limp looking...the cauliflower is super small for the price...and there it is! Beautiful, dark, HUGE collard green bundles for 77 cents! And you think to yourself...what in the world would I do with collard greens? And you figure that it's all a part of cooking in season and expanding horizons and being healthy...and you bring it home...


Or you are at home...and you realize that you really need to eat something before it goes bad...if it wasn't a part of your plan to use that item...well...the plan is shot again.


And then the kitchen is something else...you are using measuring utensils, bowls, cutting boards, pots, and pans...you might be using appliances that you don't normally use...blenders, food processors, etc...and things just don't fit in the dishwasher like they used to. And then there are all those things that don't go into the dishwasher...and you might get down to just one or two that still need to be cleaned...but you don't WANT to clean them...you are SICK of the kitchen...and you justify NOT cleaning them because after all...you COOKED a homemade meal...and those items keep piling up in the kitchen...


I have a lot of experience with messy kitchens. In fact...I STILL have a messy kitchen! :eek: I just can't quite seem to catch up...and YES...I have washed things, just so I could use them...in the midst of many, many other dishes that need to be washed...:o...and the stacks of dishes build as I make room on the countertop to cook...:p...


And I'm running the dishwasher DAILY...it might have run twice a day while my parents were visiting over the holidays...


These are the challenges of eating at home and avoiding processed foods.


I'm in the process of overcoming myself...and I just keep reminding myself that it is a process and it is totally worth it.


If you track your food and calories...it's like my Mom just said yesterday...if all you have left is 350 calories for dinner...well...you want those calories to be pretty darn FABULOUS!...and homemade food is where there is control...


timeormoney...I loved that Cupid Shuffle! When we went to the company picnic one year...the DJ played this song...people did the dance to it...even a lot of kids, mine included, who do it in PE! I didn't know what it was at the time...I just don't get out much..LOL.


Yes...the instructor makes all the difference...that's fantastic that yours has kept your interest for over a year...I pray daily that my instructor can and will keep teaching where I can continue to take her classes. I dread the day that I wouldn't be able to...which is one reason why I am keeping a sort of Zumba journal...it's my just-in-case something happens short term plan until I could figure out a new plan in a worst case scenario. I think Kelly will continue to teach in the area for a long time though...

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Today is the last weekday of our evening activities...


And my comment about this week is...LEFTOVERS reign supreme...


There's nothing quite like being able to come home and just have to heat up food. DS and I had a lunch date...so we ate the last of the turkey alfredo for dinner tonight along with some quickly prepared salads.


I used my own advice...and put my big ole salad bowl on the kitchen scale...recorded each addition...including the dressing...and used the scale to divide my salad into two portions. It proved to add very little effort to what I would have done on a normal night...*thumbs up*...and it made it easy to enter my food selections into my daily log...


Speaking of which...I am over my on-goal calorie allowance by 116 calories...1535 total...which I consider to be outstanding considering the fact that I had ALFREDO pasta for dinner. And I'm full.


After I have enough data...I'm going to do a little mathmatical exercise...I'm going to test the information put forth in the book The Okinawa Diet Plan.


This is an excellent book...and if you haven't read it...I highly recommend it. It'll give you a new perspective on food. Introduce a concept beyond calories alone...and get you thinking about the caloric density of food. For example...imagine the caloric difference between a hamburger and a lettuce based salad that weighs the same weight as the hamburger. For the same weight...you get to eat A LOT more salad than hamburger...the caloric density of the salad could be considered light...while the hamburger is considered dense.


Anyway...the authors of the book contend that most humans eat about 2 pounds of food a day...that there is something about weight that registers with us to a point of satisfaction...and that weight is 2 pounds, give or take...if we eat less than 2 pounds, we feel depraved...if we eat more, we feel stuffed...


Because the book is about the people of Okinawa...they show how the 2 pounds of food that a traditional Okinawan eats is calorically much less than the typical American's 2 pounds of food. The traditional Okinawa diet eats food that is calorically LESS dense...broths, veggies, rice, etc...Americans eat 2 pounds too...but we eat calorically DENSE food...I won't tempt you, you can guess what typical Americans eat...


I'm going to look at my food log history and add up all the grams of food that I have eaten...convert it into pounds...and see if I average 2 pounds of food a day...just because I'm that type of person...I wonder...


But seriously...the ideas from the book have become ingrained in the way that I plan some menus...like tonight's alfredo pasta...must have a HUGE veggie side to counter-balance the calorically dense pasta...I like the raw, lettuce based salad because it requires so much chewing...pasta doesn't really require that much chewing...I've found that a cooked veggie side doesn't help as much...I still eat too fast and then I want more pasta...if I have to chew and chew...then I'm much more likely to be satisfied with my original serving...because I don't eat my meal so fast.


Since there is an interest in food shown here...I'll also share that the turkey chili lasted for 4 meals...2 days of lunches for DH and I. I made Festive Black Bean Chili from my Moosewood Restaurant Cookbook for DH and I to eat at lunch. This makes 6 servings...so we eat/ate this for lunch Wed thru tomorrow.


I have found that the easiest lunches for DH and I are big pot meals...soups and chilis, especially...it's easier to pack...just serve up a portion to take to work...(much easier than something like a sandwich or wrap)...and add whatever else you like...veggies, fruit, etc. I'll continue to share the recipes that work for us...and links if I find them online.

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Today is another day of rest...


I can see how, in the future, Fridays would be a good day to do some sort of activity in my current Sunday, Monday, Wednesday work out schedule...but after my recent marathon of Zumba...I'm still enjoying the rest actually...


It's a research day...undoubtedly you must pick up on the fact that I do A LOT of reading...research...I'm feeding myself information with the hopes that it continues to fuel my motivation to continue on this fitness journey...


Once upon a time ago...I was absolutely HOOKED on HGTV and other home improvement shows...I could tell time by what show was on during the day...flipping between HGTV, Discovery Home, & TLC...and I had a BURNING desire to have a project house...I wanted to paint, redo a kitchen, a bathroom, etc etc...I was feeding myself a constant diet of watching other people do these things...and I wanted to do them too...What you read and watch affects your desires and motivations...with that in mind...I'm feeding myself all about health and fitness...something I've been doing on and off for years...


The latest book I'm reading is Ultimate You: A 4 phase Total Body Makeover for Women Who Want Maximum Results. Mom saw it on the self in her library and recommended it to me.


This book is especially interesting on the heels of a recent book, The Metabolic Plan: Stay Younger Longer. This book introduced me to the idea of the two different types of metabolism there are: anabolic and catabolic. I had no idea...simply put...one is in charge of repair and rebuild...the other is in charge of tear down and remove. When the tear down metabolism out performs the repair and rebuild metabolism...you die. Simply put. You need to do what you can to support the repair and rebuild metabolism...and this book talks all about that. I recommend this book for that specific information...


So the Ultimate You book, following the metabolism book, is an excellent building upon of information. The Ultimate You book focuses on the hormonal activity in your body....Cortisol, Epinephrine (Adrenaline), Insulin, Glucagon, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Growth Hormone, Thyroid. Also the 4 hormones that are responsible for regulating hunger.

I have only skimmed through the book so far...I need to reread and take notes...but one thing hit me SO HARD...I was amazed...


The relationship between cortisol and progesterone.


To sum up...cortisol is responsible for fueling fight or flight in stressful situations...it causes sugar and fat to be released into your blood stream...thank cortisol during every intense workout you do (ZUMBA!)...it helps you do it...but if you are suffering from stress often, especially chronically...and don't do any physical activity to use the sugar and fat cortisol gets into your blood stream...this excess energy source gets stored around your belly area in the form of FAT...lovely.


Now progesterone, among other things, is responsible for a lean female waist while estrogen fills out our hips and thighs. A happy, balanced relationship between progesterone and estrogen gives a woman an hour-glass shape...BUT...progesterone is a parent hormone...which means that it can be converted to other hormones, should there be a need...including cortisol...so a woman suffering from chronic stress gets a double whammy...especially if she doesn't ever work out...


She gets excess belly fat from cortisol AND she maintains her fat waist with reduced progesterone levels which would have used belly fat to create the lean waist...the book says that if you have ever had a menstrual flow that was lighter than usual or you skipped a period entirely, you've experienced the progesterone steal of cortisol. OMG.


I can't even BEGIN to tell you how disporportionate my middle is compared to the rest of my body...and how light my cycles were a while back...it all makes sense now!!


I had to share because I know some of you are in the same boat...

There is more in the book, but I'll share on a different day...because this is SO BIG...at least to me.


What to do? The book outlines ways to manage cortisol...how to effectively use cortisol to get energy from your fat stores at the right time...and how to manage stress at other times so that cortisol doesn't kick in when you don't want it to...there are many typical recommendations for managing stress...but the big take away in the event of feeling stressed...take a brisk walk...do something physical and slightly intense (think fight or flight...your body is prepared to outrun a hungry man-eating animal that wants you for supper)...burn off the sugar and fat liberated by the rise of cortisol so it doesn't get converted into belly fat.


There is really good information that pertains to the topic at hand...ZUMBA!! But I will share that in a later post. It's time for some lunch...


Anyone else relate to the progesterone steal?

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Today was what it was...


Life happens, right? The norm may be home cooking...but sometimes, events will conspire and circumstances will stack up that you just end up eating take out food...And sometimes, it happens TWICE in ONE day! LOL.


I learned some great lessons through today though...


Ended up with Chick-fil-A for lunch...DH and I attended a little awards ceremony for DS at his school in the late morning...we carpooled...and on the way back to his office...we went through the Starbucks drive thru...and then we went through the Chick-fil-A drive thru. Dropped DH off at work with his lunch...went home with my lunch.


The latte had filled me up actually...so I wasn't quite ready for my lunch. After I posted my earlier post...I did a little internet research to determine how bad the lunch I had selected was...the sandwich was okay...the fries, however, were so NOT okay...


The good...


I made the decision to NOT eat the fries today. It wasn't a depravation thing to do either...I saw the caloric content...it wasn't in keeping with my current goals...now the future me can indulge in the once-in-a-while serving of fries...the FUTURE me can...because the FUTURE me will be in maintenance mode...and with proper meal planning, the ocassional fries won't break future me...but PRESENT me doesn't really want those fries...the fries do not help me achieve my goal...


So present me headed into the kitchen to chop up my typical side of assorted raw veggies...today was carrots, celery, green peppers, yellow peppers, and cucumbers. And I ate the sandwich...and I was happy with my decision. I wasn't saying NO to the fries...I was saying LATER.


Ended up with several young boys (DS' friends) hanging out in my house after school today...so I got them all set up with a snack...popcorn, grapes, apples, cheese, and cashews...little bit of Princess Bride with their snack...and boy, I just didn't feel like cooking AT ALL. We'd been eating leftovers for a couple nights already...and it HAD been a long time since we had eaten pizza...a very long time...seriously, almost two months long! I think that's a record in this house!


So I hopped onto the internet to see what the damage would be...knowing that anything with ANY typical meat would be disasterous...I headed to veggie pizzas...not too bad...surprisingly...it IS my son's bday weekend (Monday is the actual bday)...we ended up with a guest for dinner...so pizza it was.


For your reference...the Pacific Veggie Pizza from Dominos is not too bad calorie-wise. I made a HUGE salad to go with the pizza...The calorie information is not available for making alterations to the pizza...I did order it light on cheese...and it came light on cheese which was nice to see. But even accounting for the normal calorie count...


The good news is that I am only over on goal calorie allowance by 92 calories! EVEN after Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, AND Dominos on the SAME day! AND I ROCKED the calcium requirement...141%!


HOWEVER...I went over on fat% (31%) and just SLIGHTLY over on sodium (by 1%). I have been operating at about 50% sodium allowance and about 16/17% fat of overall diet (which is below the goal actually).


So as today fits into the bigger picture of the week...not bad at all. As today stands alone...not TOO bad.


Lessons learned...


Don't eat in the restaurant! It's absolute KEY to be able to supplement restaurant food with fresh veggies...which don't require much time or effort prepare...chop and serve...don't be lazy...just do it!


Know BEFORE you eat...the information is empowering...it will help you avoid temptation (fries) and help you make better choices (pizza toppings).


I'm pretty pumped after today...this was a progressive day for me...such as it was...


I can't remember where the following information comes from...but it's interesting, because it describes the way that I USED to be...


A study was done where the eating habits of overweight people were compared to healthy-weight people. Before lunch...the people in the study were given a chocolate milkshake...during lunch...healthy-weight people ate a smaller than normal lunch...overweight people actually ate a LARGER than normal lunch...AND went on to eat more calories during the rest of the day than they would normally eat.


Healthy-weight people responded to their hunger levels. The milkshake made them feel fuller, so they responded by eating less. Makes sense. Overweight people felt like they had made a mistake by having the milk shake...the day was shot...they had been BAD...and if they were going to be BAD, then they might as well be REALLY bad...and that's what they did...they OVER indulged as a result of the milkshake.


This describes my past relationship with food during a diet phase of life. Because the diet was always removed from "normal eating"...I was not living out a lifestyle change...so if I felt that I had blown the diet for the day...well...I would really blow it...like Fat Tuesday style...with a big startover the next day...usually there would be another break down in a too strict system...another Fat Tuesday...another tomorrow...


But today...I had a sensible portion of a less than ideal food as my main course with my typical home provided side dishes...and the damage wasn't bad at all...


Not something that should be the norm...but it shows me how to incorporate restaurant food into my eating plan without completely sabotaging it. And I'm pretty proud of that. :cool:


Tomorrow...I'll post the interesting thing about Zumba and fat burning...until then....

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Anita, your posts are very inspiring and I hope you keep it up - will keep me going over the next few months :).


I have just started my weight loss journey with 5 stone to lose (hopefully before my cruise in July). I go to Zumba 3 times a week and absolutely love it! It is still quite new here in Scotland so the classes are huge with 90-100 people a time, it's great fun and the instructor is so much fun.


Combining the Zumba with Slimming World will hopefully get the pounds falling off - lost 5lb (just over 2kg) in my first week so good start.


Well done to Deana too, it must feel like such an achievement to have just 10lb to go?!


Lastly, I completely sympathise with the water thing - I have taken to carrying a water bottle everywhere and trying to drink a 500ml bottle every few hours - not easy though! Keep up the good work!

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Thanks Donna! I'm glad that my posts are inspiring! I write to encourage myself and hope that others are benefitting from my lengthy posts! :rolleyes:


Zumba in SCOTLAND! Your class size is similar to what they can get to be in the big fitness facilities here in the states...when my Mom went to try out the Zumba at her gym...there were about 75 people there...and the instructor said that it was a small group that day. :eek: My classes are much smaller...having as few as 8 give or take on cold, rainy, windy nights...and with the resolutioners...having close to 40...which is pretty packed in our smaller room!


I'm curious about your music. Do you recognize the songs we do? Are there Scottish bands that do Zumba-friendly music? Please share.


I think you have a great chance of losing your 50 pounds (is that right?) before July by doing Zumba...and today's post will get your expectations set clearly in that direction...if you ever want to step up your game...I highly recommend adding Pilates to your exercise week. It's very complementary to Zumba...and will even make your Zumba workouts more effective as Pilates will make you more aware of your muscles...make you engage your core even more during Zumba...


And on to the promised information on how Zumba is so great for fat burning...


I'm going to source that book, Ultimate You by Dowdell and Kalanick, for the information. I will be putting into my own words the gist of what I am learning in the book...combined with other knowledge that I have gained along my research road...I do recommend that you read the book yourself...but here goes...


In order to BURN FAT...which is really what we all want...we don't want to just lose weight...losing weight can simply be losing excess, or retained, water...which is good...we don't want that jiggly water weight...but improper weight loss is actually losing muscle...and we definitely don't want that...so a great mindset to get on is not just one of WEIGHT loss, but FAT loss...


Say I want to lose FAT...which will cover the bases for losing inches and also losing weight...without harming your metabolism...


Because it's all about metabolism...simply defined as the chemical processes your body performs to sustain your life. These processes require energy...use of energy is use of calories. The HIGHER your metabolism...that is the MORE processes that your body has to perform to sustain life...the more energy, or the more calories, you use, or burn.


In a simple model, to burn FAT, we want to INCREASE metabolism, such that, our bodies are required to tap into our fat stores in order to have the energy they need to sustain our life...which means that we have to live in such a way that supports our body actually tapping into these fat stores...as everyone says...eat less, move more.


There's actually a lot more to it than this...as I'm sure that intuitively, we all know...there's the quality of the food you eat...the timing of when you eat...how often you eat...etc etc...


And now...we will learn about how the "move more" ALSO has qualities that influence your metabolism...because it's NOT just about moving more...it HOW you move more...


It's time for a new mindset regarding your cardio workout...a NEW expectation of what you are actually doing when you participate in ZUMBA.


For years and years and years, I have had what I am going to refer to as a traditional view of cardio exercise...you exercise to burn calories...you get on a treadmill or eliptical...go to a class...and the goal was to burn calories...workout to burn calories...workout longer to burn more calories...workout HARDER to burn more calories...OH! watch out!...am I in the FAT BURNING zone?...go too high on that heart rate and I will only burn carbs...I need to work out at a lower intensity heart rate to get into that FAT burning zone...and I need to workout for AT LEAST a certain amount of time in order for my body to WAKE UP and realize that I am exercising...and then it will say to itself...HEY...we need more energy because we are exercising...and if I am in the right target heart rate zone...my body will use it's fat stores to help me finish my work out...and I finish my workout and see clearly on that machine that I have burned 356 calories! Woot woot!


That is the TRADITIONAL thought process of burning fat through exercise...I've been there for YEARS...since HIGH SCHOOL...that's TWENTY years...you with me?


The thing about this traditional thought is that it isn't necessarily WRONG...it's just that it's ridiculously difficult to continue to apply this model to our efficient and adaptable bodies...


Our bodies are amazing people...


And our bodies are built for efficiency...any engineers out there? Efficiency as it relates to our bodies is the ability to do the same work with less energy. LESS energy for the SAME work. Our bodies are the MASTER of doing this.


The first time you do your treadmill work out...your body said WHOA!...what it the world?...and you shocked it...after a warm-up, you sustained a pace of 3.8, or 4.0, or 4.2, or whatever you did...and you got off and you felt like you had a great workout...the heart rate monitor said so too...so you repeat...and you body says...Hmmmm....and you repeat...and your body says...I remember this!...and it figures out a way to meet the physical demand that you put on your body without having to expend as much energy...


And your workouts become less effective...you burn fewer calories...and you wonder why you don't seem to be getting anywhere with your however many mile machine workout at a whatever pace.


It's called efficiency through adaptability.


Your workout was too predictable. Your body recognized the pattern...and it developed its response to your pattern.


Enter ZUMBA.


Zumba doesn't have a pattern. You are dancing. Inherent in Zumba is what some call interval training, but for Zumba, could be better called intermittent training. INTERMITTENT training is IRREGULAR intervals...


You are doing a variation of SAMBA...energetic...fun...shaking your booty...and then you stop and you do are in a wide plie...heel taps...moving the arms...la la la...quads are burning...ahhh...back to SAMBA...whatever your choreography is...the intensity of your EXERCISE changes within the song...with each song...with the varying playlists...the varying order of songs...etc etc etc.


ZUMBA absolutely and completely confuses your body...it can't ever figure out WHAT you are doing...so it can't adapt...it can't become more efficient...


What happens is that your HEART...wonderful muscle that it is...IMPROVES...and adapts to being used in such pounding fashion...and whereas you may not have been able to move your arms as much...because it was just too much in the beginning...now you can...and then you can add that little HOP to the step that you couldn't do before...because your BODY is adapting in the ONLY way that it can...


It becomes better at doing what you are doing...


Your heart becomes stronger...


Your muscles become stronger...


And your body says...we need energy...and it makes a beeline for those fat stores...because not only will that provide energy...BUT getting rid of it will also make you BETTER and more EFFICIENT in what you are doing...because the only way your body can adapt...is to become stronger while having less weight to have to move around in that crazy way you are making it move...


BUT WAIT...there's MORE...


It's not all about the calorie burn during your time of exercising...you don't just get to the end of the workout and say...yay! I burned XXX number of calories...


Because there is always an AFTER burn to a workout...


If you workout, in any form, you have disrupted your body's regular routine...you took it OUT of it's normal operating zone...whatever you did...efficient body that you have...it will now go through a working process to get itself back to its normal state of being...


Let's put this in terms of metabolism...


If you workout, in any form, you have disrupted your body's metabolism...you've disrupted it's normal processes to sustain your life...when you stop...it will WORK...that is, use energy, use calories...to get itself BACK into its normal metabolic routine...


That work to get back to normal is the after burn...


If you disrupt your metabolism...your normal body functions...in a predictable way...then your body will also form a routine to get itself back to normal...once your body perfects this routine...it can take it mere minutes to return to normal...not a whole lot of after burn...


IF you disrupt your metabolism...your body processes...to the point that it is utterly confused...so that craziness ensues within...then your body can not FIGURE OUT a routine to get back to normal...it has to be meticulous in checking out all your systems...doing all kinds of WORK...EVERY TIME...so that it can safely get itself back into its normal state of being...and this after burn can take HOURS...


HOURS people...without you doing a thing...the effect of your ZUMBA routine has just sent your body into a metabolic FIT...and it will continue to need energy to accomplish its work...and its energy of choice WILL BE your fat stores...IF you haven't eat enough food to provide that energy, of course.


So here's the non-traditional thought process to take to your cardio workout...your ZUMBA.


Don't think that you are aiming to burn a bunch of calories through your cardio workout...the AIM is actually to cause metabolic CHAOS...so that you benefit not only during your workout, but also AFTER...for HOURS...


Any similar activity will yield the same results...


My DH plays tennis...


Tennis is the same kind of intermittent activity...serving is slow...catch your breath...bounce the ball...then its run all over the court like crazy for however many shots...and then...time to serve...catch your breath...there's a pattern to the game...but it IRREGULAR...


Ultimate You is prescribing interval training to accomplish metabolic chaos...YAWN...(for me...some may love...)


Zumba is WAY more fun than that...


It works everyone...this explanation accounts for how I have lost so many inches...and how my DH has lost inches...


So don't worry about being in a fat burning zone during Zumba...and if your Zumba instructor just aims to keep you in a high intensity state...let me tell you...your Zumba won't be as effective as an instructor that will mix it up...give those high intensity sections your ALL...and rest like crazy during the lows...


I always aim to be exactly like my instructor...whose body I want my own version of BADLY...because I figure that I need to do what she does in order to look like she does...so I'm trying to have my arms high...engaged...I shake my booty to the max!


I watch Biggest Loser...and so I have a bit of a Jillian attitude going in my head...so long as I don't pass out, puke, or die...I'm good. Hit it. Hit it hard. Get the most I can out of every time I make the effort to exercise...and it's just an amazing BONUS to learn about the after effect...


Hopefully, the information in this post will also motivate you during your Zumba workouts...

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Got my butt outta bed even though my friend bailed on me. She txt me to say she woke up with a headache. Anyway I went to Zumba class today my third this week. All 3 classes have different instructors. I think I liked today's the best. The class was full - head count was 67 ppl. I still dont have the moves and have no idea what the songs are saying but I am sweating my bootie off!

Anita, I listened to all those links of songs and the only one we have used is the Zumbalicious. We did some really fun ones today but I still cant shake my hips and move my feet and arms and breathe all at the same time. Going out to eat tonight to celebrate my DH Birthday so I really needed this today.;)

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Hi Anita and thanks for that very comprehensive run down of the metabolism and zumba - I think it helps if you can understand how things work and why they do/don't work for you. Water helps the metabolic rate too as I understand?


No, there aren't Scottish bands doing Zumba music as far as I'm aware. Our instructor is fantastic and changes tunes regularly but tends to use a mix of current pop music and some old favourites - lady gaga, cheryl cole, paulo nutini that sort of thing. She also uses some of the traditional samba zumba tunes.


I love Jillian too and have just bought the Biggest Loser game for my Wii Fit to keep me busy on the days when Zumba isn't on! We have just started Biggest Loser UK here and the USA version is also on but it is your last season.


I have 70lb to lose but would take 50! :D I am a US size 18/20 at the moment so would like to get down to a 12/14 by the time I go on cruise. I know I'll get there - particularly with support from these forums and my Slimming World group! Look forward to your next update :)

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Due to some physical problems, I had to stop zumba (I had been going to 2 -4 classes/week for a year) around Thanksgiving. I love zumba, but never seemed to lose weight. In the last couple of months without it, though, I have GAINED about 6 pounds. :( I am waiting for my physical therapist to ok it, but I dk how long that will take.

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I just returned from my second Zumba class today, and yeah, I´m hooked.

It´s fun, it moves my body and I like it.


It´s 6.5 weeks to our cruise and I´m really looking forward to every Zumba class until then.


I tried drinking enough yesterday and I think I made it up to 3 liters. That ought to be ok. Today due to zumba I´m drinking more. Let´s see how my body likes that.

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Sandy...way to GO! It's hard to keep up your motivation when a friend bails...but you did it! I still have very little idea what the songs are saying...LOL...I never took Spanish...and getting the moves right doesn't matter so much as shaking your body...working up a sweat and having a good time...again...GREAT job!


dmm30...I know that you can get there...when I started the week of Sept 12, I was a big size 16 (kinda tight)...I am now a smaller 12 (kinda loose)...consistancy is the absolute key...


Myra...sorry to hear that physical problems are limiting your physical activity...not fun at all...I hope you recover soon and can get moving again.


Kasi...you caught the Zumba bug!! It was so satisfying for me to land on something that I could actually look forward to doing...you have to enjoy your physical activity...it's too hard to maintain the strength of will to keep doing somthing that you don't like to do...if you go consistantly, I bet you will see BIG changes in the next 6.5 weeks! Take your measurements!


Went to Zumba this morning...my Sunday class is at 9:00 AM...I have to refuel from class...eat some brunch...posting more later...

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I found more incentive to track the playlists today...Kelly announced that she has some classes that she will be taking every other weekend in March to complete some Pilates training...so we will be missing some of our Sunday classes then...I will have to either decide to branch out and find another class...or do a routine at home...


Today's playlist...


Say It In a Love Song (Warm Up)

Jump In the Line

Kiss Kiss


Bon Bon

Que Te Pica

Drop It Low

Soy Mexicano

Drummer Boy

Ojos Asi by Shakira **** New to this thread


Baila Esta Cumbia

Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Cool Down)


I expected to have great energy today after 3 days of rest...and I did...I've never quite felt like I was waiting to be able to work out again...and that I was actually anxious to work out again...very strange...in a good way, of course...I guess the exercise habit is getting strong! It takes a while...


I found myself feeling winded though...I was strong...but feeling a bit like I was struggling to keep my breath. Tracking my food...I'm pretty sure it has to do with last night's dinner...


For the first time in a very long while...we were invited to have dinner with friends...so for the first time in a very long while...I was eating food that was neither prepared in my own kitchen NOR prepared by places with available nutrition information...


And I didn't want to be one of those people...those difficult to feed people...because I'M watching my calories...and give the impression that I wasn't grateful to be eating a home cooked meal prepared by someone other than myself...because, frankly, I was THRILLED...


Not that the meal prepared was so bad healthwise...a crockpot roast with oven roasted potatoes and asparagus...dinner rolls...but it was a VERY late meal...after 8:00 PM...and it was a social meal...so we ate for a while...we didn't rise from the table until after 9:00 PM...


And that roast and that bread sits like a lump in my tummy...


Because we didn't eat until so late...we had an afternoon snack...they had gotten freshly prepared sushi rolls from the grocery store and ALSO...they melted chocolate chips in a double boiler...cut bananas in half...and let everyone dip their own half banana in the chocolate...


I have to say...as far as a sweet dessert goes...if you watch your dip...that's not a horrible dessert...even if it was an afternoon snack...


Eating slowly...portion control...I managed to get by with a less than 300 calorie overage to be on goal. But the late eating...the heavy food...not especially wonderful for working out in the morning.


To everyone inspired to drink their water...it was especially interesting to spend over 5 hours in someone else's home...I thank God for filtered water refrigerators...I was able to help myself to as much water as I wanted...and knowing how much water an hour I need to drink to stay on goal...and knowing that I would be working out the following day...I wanted to be hydrated...I drank...


And I drank...


And I drank...


And I SWEAR...I NEVER saw my hosts use the bathroom...but I must have been in there at LEAST every hour, if not every 40-45 minutes! I thought that they must think something was seriously WRONG with me because I was easily using the facilities more than any of the other 7 people present...It was almost embarassing!


But I didn't let that stop me...


I press on toward the goal...


You're going to find yourself in situations where you are the only one doing what you are doing...like I was the only one setting up camp in the toilet...you may be the only one that is moving the way that you are in class...you may be the only one that doesn't have seconds...the only one that can see plate inbetween their portions of food...your friends may bail, and you go alone...you can abstain while your family all eats ice cream...while your husband drinks a glass of wine...


You have to want the goal enough to overcome being something of a loner...even in the midst of the crowd...


Which is why threads like this can be so great...it's a reminder that in all actuality...you are NOT alone...WE are all doing what we can to stay on goal...


Everyone with their Wii Zumba...let us know how it is! I'm thinking about the game for myself...especially knowing what will happen in March...what is the music like? How do they turn it into a game? Are there levels? Do you unlock more routines? I'm very curious...


Keep dancing!

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Hi and thanks for you encouraging words.

I like ZUMBA but it will take a while until I can manage the different moves, my arms are nowhere up to the challenge and while my feet more or less manage to do what everyone else is doing, my arms are always off-beat, doing the wrong move or not moving at all.


However I´m sure it´ll get better with every class I take.


Tomorrow is a long day at work, so I won´t be doing much sports, maybe a pilates dvd, but that´s all. Let´s see how this week´s going.

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Hey ladies and once again thanks for the encouraging words! I think part of the fun of Zumba is the laughter when everyone is facing the front and you are the only one facing the back :D We do the arms only routine to Lady Gaga 'Bad Romance' which is 5mins long. The only way I can get through it is to sing to all my fellow Zumba girls - now there's around 15-20 of us who sing along and it's great!


I completely agree with the eating out thing. I am not a natural cook but have really been trying to experiment with the Slimming World recipes. This week, rather than go to my friends, I invited them round to mine and cooked Thai Red Chicken Curry from scratch and in line with my plan. They didn't have a clue and it seemed to go down well. Eating out in restaurants isn't so bad as you can make sensible choices but it is hard in other people's homes.


I would be interested to know about the Wii version of Zumba too - it's out here in Feb '11. Today I did my first session of the Biggest Loser on the Wii which was fine but I still think I prefer DVD versions to see actual people doing the exercises. I have now ordered the Biggest Loser (Jillians) DVD so lets see how that goes.


Strange that on the same day you find out about your change in classes, we are also told our Zumba instructor is going to New Zealand for 3 weeks and there will be no classes after tomorrow!! No Zumba for 3 weeks - will definitely have to find another class in the meantime I think??


Anyway, keep up the good works folks - 3 days until my next weigh in so will need to be extra good!:)

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Hi and thanks for you encouraging words.

I like ZUMBA but it will take a while until I can manage the different moves, my arms are nowhere up to the challenge and while my feet more or less manage to do what everyone else is doing, my arms are always off-beat, doing the wrong move or not moving at all.


However I´m sure it´ll get better with every class I take.


Tomorrow is a long day at work, so I won´t be doing much sports, maybe a pilates dvd, but that´s all. Let´s see how this week´s going.


Kasi...I think the challenge of Zumba is something that keeps it interesting! It is NOT brainless, mind-numbing cardio machine exercise...you really have to pay attention and concentrate...which can help the time go by...and serves as another measure of improvement to be excited and proud about...beyond focusing on scales or measuring tapes...


Days of rest are just as important as days of exercise...so don't sweat it...it's great you have a DVD to do...but don't stress yourself...that will only get your cortisol hormone up and counter any fat burning activities you are doing!:rolleyes:


Hey ladies and once again thanks for the encouraging words! I think part of the fun of Zumba is the laughter when everyone is facing the front and you are the only one facing the back :D We do the arms only routine to Lady Gaga 'Bad Romance' which is 5mins long. The only way I can get through it is to sing to all my fellow Zumba girls - now there's around 15-20 of us who sing along and it's great!


I completely agree with the eating out thing. I am not a natural cook but have really been trying to experiment with the Slimming World recipes. This week, rather than go to my friends, I invited them round to mine and cooked Thai Red Chicken Curry from scratch and in line with my plan. They didn't have a clue and it seemed to go down well. Eating out in restaurants isn't so bad as you can make sensible choices but it is hard in other people's homes.


I would be interested to know about the Wii version of Zumba too - it's out here in Feb '11. Today I did my first session of the Biggest Loser on the Wii which was fine but I still think I prefer DVD versions to see actual people doing the exercises. I have now ordered the Biggest Loser (Jillians) DVD so lets see how that goes.


Strange that on the same day you find out about your change in classes, we are also told our Zumba instructor is going to New Zealand for 3 weeks and there will be no classes after tomorrow!! No Zumba for 3 weeks - will definitely have to find another class in the meantime I think??


Anyway, keep up the good works folks - 3 days until my next weigh in so will need to be extra good!


The misses in class ARE a good source of entertainment...especially when everyone is supportive in the class...that's awesome that you have singers in the class...I sometimes imagine something of the sort happening during songs like Iko Iko or Jai Ho...but it hasn't...the instructor will sing out a few words during those...and I've contemplated the same...it would help to have that release!


Excellent job with the Thai Chicken! I hadn't heard of Slimming World, but I saw the thread you started and checked it out...was that recipe the "free" one on the home page for a bit? I'm always on the lookout for new recipes...


Hope the DVD works out for you...and that is strange about our instructors...3 weeks is a LONG time to go without an instructor...I would definitely be looking for a class to attend during that time...I've wish that there was a way to tune into a virtual Zumba class...kind of like they do the virtual classrooms for university or virtual meetings for business? That would be AWESOME! There are licensing restrictions placed on certified instructors that would prohibit individual instructors from branching out in such ways though...too bad...


If you have a very hard time finding a class...check out You Tube...you'd be surprised at the number of people that have recorded their classes and posted them...try to find some of the songs that you are familiar with...and add "zumba" to your search there...and you might find a class doing a similar routine...spend a little time and get a play list going and you can recreate your own class...


This is something along the lines of what I am trying to set up for myself for an at home practice...




I just have to announce that this weekend is going to be less than ideal...my son's 10th birthday is today...and we have something of a tradition of having a whole weekend birthday celebration...the birthday person gets to pick out their meals...and since we have been eating home food for so long...DS is all over eating out...and eating other things that have not been in the normal rotation...


Homemade waffles and bacon for brunch...


PeiWei restaurant for early dinner...for our international friends...PeiWei is a kind of Asian diner...a mix of various meals from different Asian countries.


Grocery store New York Style cheesecake dessert...


Ugh...I did the best I could...and I am happy to report that calorie-wise, I was on target...but FAT wise...WAY over...SODIUM?...over...and my fiber, vitamins and minerals?...totally under...TOTALLY under...


And I didn't even eat any cheesecake...while I watched DH and DS throughly enjoy their 430 calorie slices...and then DH having a glass or two of wine...


And this morning?...DONUTS?!?! The good news is that I am NOT a donut fan...so this doesn't phase me a bit...


Here's the deal...as much as I DREADED trying to figure out the damages done with what I KNEW to be a day with not so wonderful food...I did all the work necessary to record my lovely food choices in my daily food log...when I looked up the nutrition data on the PeiWei website...I was like :eek:...because something that I thought wouldn't be so bad was SO HORRIBLE...and I was SHOCKED at the sodium content...ONE serving of Pad Thai had over 2500 mg of sodium!!


And as I was doing this...I just knew...this is why people start to poop out on their food diaries...because they start to make choices that they know are NOT optimal...and they just don't want to see how bad it really was...because they know it wasn't good...why SEE that it wasn't good?...


But I found the recording of choices to be very educational...perhaps it was because of my approach in eating at the restaurant...


It's hard to eat food that is so good and stop when you are actually full...you have to slow down...chew...put down your chopsticks...take a drink of water...have some conversation...wipe your mouth...whatever...anything to slow down the urge to just continue to shove this super tasty food into your mouth as fast as you can because it is just hitting the spot with yummy tasty goodness...


I served myself some modest servings...and really tried to pace myself...saying to myself that I could always have more...IF I wanted it...


The young lady dining with her boyfriend sitting next to me was something of an inspiration...sometimes it can help to observe other people in a restaurant...use it as a little eating break...are you repelled by the behavior you see?...is there someone there you admire?...what do you want people to think of YOURSELF if they are looking around the restaurant?...would they be somewhat sickened by watching what and how YOU are eating?...


The young lady next to me had to be a size 0 if she even made it into junior sizing...she was actually too thin...and I didn't find her all that attractive...but I was able to observe her food...she split lettuce wrap appetizers with her boyfriend...and she had a child's meal...of which, she must have taken about 75% of her food home in a to go box...


I'm not trying to be catty...because I CAN be catty ;):rolleyes:...but here I was trying so hard to have a serving that was appropriate to me...I am NOT a young, bonny thing...I am a mature, curvy woman...I happen to like my curves...so does my DH :p...and I started to reflect on how big my stomach should actually be...


Ever heard of forming your hand into a fist?...and basically...that's the approximate size of your stomach?...as in...eating about a fist's worth of food is ABOUT the kind of serving that you should be eating...that's about what Miss Size 0 ate...so I tried to apply this same rule...and I found that because I was actually trying...I was able to recognize when I was FULL...


Now mind you...this didn't actually mean that I WANTED to stop eating...the food was yummy and my emotional self wanted more...my physical self was actually satisfied...and it wasn't easy to sit there while DH and DS continued to help themselves...and it wasn't easy when I was getting "just a couple" more bites...and DH says, "Go ahead, sweetie, that's yours..."...as in...that's MY half of our split dish...


But you know what?...my 5'7"-ish body should NOT have the same HALF as my DH's 6'1" body...KWIM?


In the end...I still ate one of the biggest meals...meaning the highest calorie content in one sitting...that I have eaten since tracking...and boy could I FEEL it later...I felt STUFFED...and it wasn't so very pleasant...


Tracking this let me understand...it helps me to fine tune the ability to listen to my body...and make me feel emotionally better in the future...when I stop eating while others continue...because it just doesn't feel good physically to have overeaten...


Especially if you are wearing jeans...jeans that fit well...with a non-elastic waistband...and a BELT...which is an excellent reason to wear such clothing when you are trying to change a lifestyle of overeating and underexercising...AVOID all elastic banded waists...you may think they are your friend...but they are NOT...comfort is NOT your friend when you are trying to change...BELTS are your friend...they tell you when you are getting full...they are blunt indictors of food consumption...they never lie...if you haven't already started the habit of wearing normal waistbands AND belts...I urge you to do it...the discomfort initially provided will turn into a major motivation as you notch your belt tighter and tighter...


But to food tracking...


I was pleasantly surprised that the damage done was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be...I was able to listen to myself enough to not eat anymore caloriewise than I had been regularly eating...about 100 over my on-target goal for weightloss through calorie reduction alone...


The nutritional value of what I ate was decidedly different...but what are you going to do? It is a birthday weekend after all...


So I encourage everyone...if you are tracking...KEEP tracking...don't just let it go...lessons are learned through the entire process...perfection rarely yields lessons...don't beat yourself up...this doesn't help your hormone levels...learn...move on...


With birthday activities today...I will not be attending Pilates...because the timing is too early in relation to planned activities...but I WILL be going to ZUMBA! I'll be reporting the playlist later tonight...


Have a great day everyone!

Edited by Anita Latte
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That's pretty much how I feel about this day! LOL.




Ah well...it's all good...


Happy Birthday Son!


There is no playlist to post...because I didn't make it to Zumba class...:(


About the only thing that I can say about today is that I'm glad I wore a belt! LOL.


I'm glad that I could eat slowly...I'm glad that I resisted eating when I wasn't really full...I'm glad that I could eat MINDFULLY...even in a movie theater...with popcorn...which I happen to love btw...


What I find interesting is the sense of ALMOST guilt...and definite regret...and a little sadness...because I missed my classes...I feel this need to make it up! And I take that as a good sign...


So I checked out zumba.com and I have found a class that I can attend tomorrow...I'm going to give a new instructor a try...*gasp*


I almost feel like I'm cheating on Kelly! How weird is that?


This weekend has been rough business though...I was relying on my classes tonight to be a balance to the irregular eating...I'm off my routine and it doesn't feel right! ACK!!!


I can honestly say that I've never felt this way about any exercise program before...it's pretty amazing!


Because I aim to be educational in my posting...I'm going to share a tidbit of information from a book titled The Weigh Down Diet, which is a Christian-based program for weight loss...if you have read the book...or read the book...and I don't have the details perfectly straight, I apologize...what I share is what has stayed in my memory after reading it about 10 years ago...


The author, someone who struggled with her weight, had a friend that didn't struggle with her weight...so the author decided to shadow her friend and observe the way that her friend ate food...and the author was amazed to find out that thin people have a way of eating that varies greatly from most overweight people...the biggest difference being...


Thin people eat the best bites FIRST.




Fat people (let's get real)...often SAVE the best bites for last...their way of eating is basically a process of ELIMINATION...I like THIS best...so I'm going to save that for last...they clear their plate of all the other stuff...maybe they think they SHOULD eat something, so they get it out of the way...whatever...they work their way around the plate...and then, THEN they eat those bites that they have been waiting for...ending the meal with the best tastes on the plate...and generally...the plate is clean...


But thin people, they eat those best bites FIRST. The process by which they eat their plate of food could best be described as DISECTION...finding the best bites to eat...eating the food that looks the best...digging around and rearranging their food...so that when they reach a point of feeling full...they look at their plate...the best bites are gone...and their plate looks less than appetizing because it has literally been picked over...and they have no issues with leaving behind what is still on their plate...because quite frankly...it doesn't look so good anymore...


The fat person doesn't give themselves a CHANCE to feel full...because they want to save the best for last...If they admitted that they were full...they wouldn't get to eat what they were really wanting to eat in the first place...


While I read about my own eating habits as a fat person...I could picture my youngest SIL as I read the about thin people eating...there's a 15 year difference between myself and my youngest SIL...I've known her since she was 5...she was a HUGELY picky eater...and I could just see her fork working her plate...turning her plate into a mess as she moved the food around and decided what bites she would eat...which I thought was somewhat gross...and annoying...and I never wanted to be like that...


And I STILL don't want to be like that...BUT...I used to eat like a fat person!...And guess what?...It made me fat!...the Wii Fit called me obese 3 pounds ago...I would definitely save the best for last...I don't know why...we all know that food tastes the best when you are hungriest...


I'm trying to change this tendency...I still cannot abide transforming a beautifully prepared plate into something that resembles a disaster zone...but I can relate to the concept...and I am trying to be more MINDFUL when I am eating...which I think is the real key to it all...


Anyone relate?


I'll report how the Zumba class I take tomorrow compares...

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It is a new day...a day to get back into the routine...to leave the festivities of the weekend behind...to let the weekend hiccough BE a hiccough...and not be a catalyst that sends the family spiraling down into old habits...:cool:


I wanted to get a workout in...and I found a class to try on the Zumba website. It was at a dance studio, so I thought it likely that drop ins would be accepted. I tried to call...there was no answer at the studio...and there was no contact info for the instructor...so with some concern as to whether or not there would actually be a class...I headed out to make the 9:30 AM class.


I arrived 5 minutes early...and so far, I was the ONLY attendee...not really a good sign...the instructor followed the Zumba protocol of having the first class be free...YAY!...I had brought some cash just in case...and finally the 2 regular attendees of the class showed up...


And the class started...


And it was SO different from the class that Kelly leads...I was having a hard making adjustments to some of the differences...which makes me incredibly curious as to what style the classes that Donna, Sandy, Kasi and anyone else takes are like...


First, Kelly does NOT face us...she faces the mirror...just like we do...it makes it so much easier to follow along!! I had no idea...until today...when the instructor would face US! :eek: I HATE that...I don't like the face to face action...never have...it feels awkward to me to be staring someone in the face when you are working up a sweat...AND you have to do this mental exercise...and translate what the instructor is doing...fighting the image of their rear end in the mirror...while trying to look at their feet...and then you can't ever look at yourself...so you are trying to feel your way through the moves...UGH!!!


It is WAY easier to be able to move EXACTLY like the instructor...you can match their moves exactly from behind...and then you can look into the mirror and see that your image and their image in moving in sync...it's just WAY better...IMO...


Today's instructor said that they are taught to face the class as much as possible...she only turned around for the more confusing parts...and let me tell you...THAT really would throw me for a loop...having her turn around and face the mirror and then decide to turn around and face us again...I was like "Why, oh WHY?, can't you just STAY turned around?"


Second, today's instructor used nothing but Zumba music...except for the cool down...I recognized two songs...Jump In the Line and Kiss Kiss...but they were Zumba-fied versions of the songs...all the music sounded so similar...this wasn't necessarily BAD...just different...I wondered if listening to that music over and over again...if you would ever feel like the class was getting changed up...or would you feel like you were doing the same thing over and over again?...or do you start to recognize the different songs?


Third, they did the weirdest thing with their hip skirts! The instructor had one...and one of the attendees had one...and they would put them on for some of the songs...and then they would take them off...put them back on for another song...take them off again...WHAT?...it was so weird!...why didn't they just leave them on?...and the instructor didn't have extra...so I didn't have a skirt for my Zumba workout today...:(...and let me tell you...it's WAY more fun to Zumba with the jingly skirt!


Last, the instructor did NOT have hip movement! Many of the moves just ended up feeling like the latest generation of aerobics class to funky, Latiny, tribal-like music...We were more than half-way through a song before I realized that we were doing a Cumbia move!...There was no hip action...it was just step forward, step back, step forward, step back...I was having to work the brain so hard to translate the instructor facing me (it was surprisingly difficult!)...that when I finally figured it out...I was seriously wondering how many other dance moves didn't register with me throughout the workout...


And in the midst of that tiny class...I started shaking my hips and getting into the songs...I moved the way that Kelly taught me to move in her classes...what are we doing?....oh...step together step to the side...switch....step together step to the side....switch...and the light would dawn...and I'd realize that this is the TUSH PUSH...according to Kelly...and my moves were WAY more hippy than the other ladies...


I'm a dancer...in the sense that you ask a Kindergarten class to raise their hands if they are an artist...and everyone raises their hands...because they ALL draw...therefore they are ALL artisits...I like to dance...but I haven't been TAUGHT to dance in any proper kind of way...


In high school, we had a dance program...I may have mentioned this before?...through participating in this kind of alternative Physical Education, I learned a bit about learning routines, following instruction, timing, a few dance words...but I didn't learn Cumbia, Salsa, Reggaeton, Samba, etc.


I've only learned these now because Kelly has a heart to teach...and in between songs...she will describe the moves that we are about to do...and NAME the move...and show us how if you move your body this way or that way...you will engage your core more...or increase your heart rate...or lower your heart rate...or whatever...in between EVERY song...the depth of instruction is dependent on whether or not there are new attendees or if we just haven't done a song in while...the class is grabbing water during this time...there is ALWAYS a bit of instruction...


Today's instructor did nothing of the sort...no preview...no instruction...


And there weren't many pauses inbetween the songs for a quick water break...Zumba is NOT about sustained heart rate...it's about metabolic CHAOS...so shocking your heart pounding body by standing still while you catch your breath and get some water totally fits in with the goals of Zumba...and I've read Beto's book...this IS a part of the plan...


So I have to say here...IF you are new to dance like me...new to the Latin rythms...and you don't have an instructor that has teaching moments...do yourself a favor...spend a little time getting to know the dance moves...it will dramatically increase your enjoyment of Zumba...I can tell you that if Kelly had not taught us so well...I would not have been able to get my heart rate up in class today...and I still did not get as high as I normally do in Zumba...


But I got my workout in...


But if this instructor were the first one I had ever gone to? I would not have fallen in love with Zumba...


I have mentioned my Mom's search for a fun class in her area...she spent a little time on you tube looking at some instructional videos...she said that they helped her because none of the instructors that she has tried have actually taught any of the dance steps...


Check these out...I think they are pretty great little videos for learning how to do the different steps...you just have to ignore the other videos on the channel because apparently, the studio also teaches how to strip and pole dance...:o...unless you are interested in that topic...:rolleyes:















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I seriously have too much time on my hands...


Actually, that's not true...I'm doing laundry as we speak...the only thing that I SHOULD be doing that I am NOT doing is cleaning the kitchen...but frankly, after this past weekend...there isn't that much to deal with...LOL.


So I did a search to find the version of Kiss Kiss that I did in class today...


This version seems to be pretty popular in the Zumba videos...and it seems right...performed by a Turkish artist named Tarkan...



In this version, does anyone recognize this song?


Perhaps if you saw some typical choreography?




In this video, after the initial arm movements...there is some hip shaking action going on...the way that this particular instructor is doing the move...you will engage those muscles that wrap your waist...it's like you are trying to show your rear to the audience while still facing forward...very belly dancing inspired...


THIS guy...is doing the EXACT same move...but notice that he is leaning back?...this will engage your upper core muscles...and the hip movement that he is doing is way more concentrated in the lower abs/hip flexors...



And this guy has turned that hip shaking move into an almost reverse Samba...which...IF you do exactly as the instructor is doing...you will really engage your inner and outer thigh muscles...



Now if we review that first move...the arms only move...this lady has added some side to side action in a wide plie...this actually doesn't increase your heart rate much...but it will engage your quads and other supporting leg related muscles to add this move...and also the upper body movement will engage those side core muscles...



See how the instructor can make so much difference?


And if your instructor isn't pointing these things out to you...then you might never know...but these are the qualities about Zumba that make it such a fabulous workout...you literally can do the same song...similar moves...and get a completely different workout every time you do the song.


I do wonder if anyone recognizes this version of this song...


Laundry calls...

Edited by Anita Latte
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The daily report...a day late...


I'm always thrown for a loop when there is no school on Monday...the whole week is just off-kilter somehow...it's hard to reprogram the brain and think that Tuesday is really Tuesday and NOT Monday...


Last night was a tennis night...


The whole mini-meal idea is working EXCELLENTLY. Yesterday's mini-meal was a strategic affair...it took a bit to figure out how to get a 430 slice of cheesecake into my day...as it turns out...it made the perfect mini-meal!


This is what DS and I ate before tennis practice...being the growing boy that he is...DS also ate leftover movie popcorn...:o...I'm such a great Mom! LOL.


Let me tell you...I was hungry for it and it was just as fabulous as I thought it would be...I savored every bite...ate it as slowly as I could...and within a short while of eating it...I could absolutely tell that I had had as many calories as I had had in that somewhat compact serving of food...so I highly recommend this strategy...


Want a super yummy tasty dessert?...make it a mini-meal...be hungry for it so that it will taste it's absolute best...after a meal, you will have eaten too much...your tastebuds will start to go flat...so eat it alone...it will likely have enough calories...heavy-weight calorie item that dessert usually is (refering to the Okanawa Diet Plan)...the key?...be DELIBERATE...get away from thinking of the dessert as "bad"...food is food...it has carbs, fat, or protein...the goal is to achieve balance...balance over meal, maybe...balance over the day, especially...and balance throughout the week, DEFINITELY...BALANCE...you just have to get a new perspective...


I am not going to eat perfectly for the rest of my life...and I am not going to go through stages of eating "bad"...gain weight...endure a phase of eating "good"...lose weight...get to eat "bad" again...cycle...cycle...cycle...NO...I am learning how to achieve BALANCE...


The balance of such a mini-meal in the evening for our family was a salmon dinner...


If you are looking for a fast meal...pick FISH...Mom and I discovered that salmon takes only 10-12 minutes to cook in a 400 degree oven (we used to always grill it)...that's a fast cooking meal! You have just enough time to steam a veggie (we had brocolli)...and maybe reheat a left-over starch...we had left-over steamed rice from PeiWei...well...the men did...I abstained from the starch...because frankly, I wasn't hungry for it...and dinner is ready in a flash...if you have a programmable oven and can get it starting preheating, you are even further ahead of the game!


I like having a freezer full of protein choices...I wait for sales...I find manager's specials (lower prices because of proximity to sale by/freeze by dates)...having a freezer full of salmon has been the only way to consistantly get salmon into our regular meal rotation...for a fast healthy meal...you can't beat it.


For salmon, Mom discovered this place...if you get on their e-mail list...they will send you specials...the quality can't be beat...and there is nothing like having a bunch of salmon in your freezer to get fish into your regular diet. Just take it out and unwrap it the night before...put on a plate in the fridge covered in plastic wrap...it'll keep for a couple days like that if your plans change...


For the day...I was able to keep to my typical 100 calories over the target intake to lose a pound a week through calorie reduction alone. I was pleased...


I haven't been on the official scale...our Wii Fit...again yet. You may notice that I am not too into weighing myself...


I know people who weigh themselves every day...my Mom is one...but she is also in maintenance mode...and I think that makes a difference...


For me...I find the daily fluctuations of a pound here and there to be very annoying...hormones, water retention, recent diet, constipation, time of day, TOM...UGH...too many factors affect those silly little numbers on that flat thing you step on...when I step on the scale...I want to see BIG changes...I don't care about a pound here and there...there are too many explanations for small fluctuations in weight to get excited about that...


And HELLO?!?...I want to lose 50 of those little numbers...


The deal is that if I continue to do what I am supposed to do...exercise and watch my caloric intake...then my body will respond accordingly...


And I have found that in the past I lose weight suddenly...I don't know if my body finally reaches a point and says, OK, I feel comfortable losing THIS section, or LAYER of fat...but I can step on a scale and get discouraged by no weight change for days on end to suddenly step on it and lose 5 pounds.


So I focus on other things...how my clothes fit...how my body looks...my jawline...my upper back...the emerging bumps on my shoulders...my emerging collar bones...how lose my rings may be...notching my belt tighter...more energy in class...more abilities in class...WHATEVER...


BUT...I do take my measurements...and today was the day for my January measurement taking...I measure once a month...and I am beyond happy to report that I have lost another inch in all places around my torso...I can see the difference in my upper back and around my armpits...etc etc. This means that I have lost over 5 inches each around my bust and hips since starting the week of Sept 12...


I will admit that I did step on my wonky unreliable scale and it registered no change...go figure.


Tonight is Zumba and Pilates...I am so excited to go back to Kelly's class! I'll report the playlist later...

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no ZUMBA for me until Friday...

It´s a shame it´s only offered Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, and the Tuesday class is so late, that I don´t make it.


Today I went swimming in the public pool, 3 blocks down the street.

Yeah, I actually walked there. Then I did my swimming routine, about 1000 m total, and walked back home.

That may seem like not so much, however lately I haven´t been to the pool and the last time I went I was absolutely wasted after I swam 600m.


So maybe my last workouts had some effect at last.

I don´t weigh myself, as that is to frustrating, but I´m sure sport is good for me, so I´ll continue til we leave for egypt in 6 weeks :)


Tomorrow is Yoga right after work and on friday I´ll join the next ZUMBA class.


Please keep on posting your experiences, food and workouts as it is motivating me to go on.

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Well done kasi for the swimming (and walking there!) and thanks Anita for the food advice - needed a bit of inspiration in that area! Have been food shopping today and am going to start eating my favourite thing first then stopping when I feel full - I also eat the best bits last - guess that confirms me as a fully fledged fatty :o but not for long ;)


No more zumba for me for 3 weeks :mad: so have decided to go to the gym which is just along the road - induction is 12pm tomorrow! Only lost 1lb at slimming world tonight, happy to have lost something but disappointed by the amount :(


I have to start exercising again or it's going to be a very long way to goal!


Keep on zumba-ing ladies!

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