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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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I have not posted on here for months, but just wanted to come back and say how much I love Zumba. I strated going one night a week and then wanted more and found out here how to find another class (thanks!) so I now go two, sometimes three times a week... still looking for the elusive Friday class which suits my schedule. I love Zumba. I go to classes with two different instructors. They each have their own style and I like that. I can't say I prefer one over the other.

So I was reading Princess does Zumba. Has anyone done this on a Princess ship? I've never been on Princess. DH loves Celebrity. We have also sailed Norwegian and Royal Caribbean and like them. For DH it has to have good food. How is the food on Princess? I like the food, shows, pools and if it has Zumba I would much prefer that than going to the gym or walking on the deck!


Here's my opinion, based upon the few Zumba classes that I've seen on board ship(s). And, let me preface this by saying that I haven't seen any specifically on board Princess, but I've heard from other cruisers about the Zumba on Princess.


It isn't Zumba.


It might be called Zumba. But, it isn't Zumba.


If you think you're going to be going to a Zumba DANCE FITNESS class, then you will be extremely disappointed.


The "Zumba" that is offered on board ship(s), is a Zumba experience.. would be the best way that I could describe what happens. Basically, the environment isn't in the gym setting; it's usually in a very public place like a promenade, a theatre, a disco. The instructor will discuss the moves (at quite some length) and it almost becomes the same as describing one of their line dances, kwim? Then, the music starts and you will be led through the choreography to the song. So, you will be moving for around 3 minutes before you stop... converse... laugh.... mingle... listen to the instructor talk and talk and talk. It's really no different than going to one of their dance instruction classes; i.e., salsa, merengue, etc. The people who come to the "class," dress in street clothes; they don't even wear fitness clothing. And... no sweat to speak of...


If they would ever hold it in the GYM, with sign up sheets, etc., then I would be so interested!


Princess food... We went on a Princess cruise a few years ago. We usually sail Royal Caribbean and Celebrity. If your DH loves Celebrity and likes good food, IMO... you should sail with Celebrity. I think that Royal Caribbean's food was better than the food we had on Princess. Again, IMO.

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So I went to another Zumba class here this morning. I can only go so many days without feeling the need to shake my booty and hear some serious Latin tunes...and unfortunately...the Spanish stations that I can find around here are totally LAME...I had a great one in Houston...Go Figure :rolleyes:...and here...it isn't Latin Pop and Latin Hits...it's like Regional Mexican music...maybe everyone understands? The regional music is not very dance inspiring IMO...it just makes me want chips and salsa and a margarita. :p:D


So. The class.


Morning time slots are hard. I know. ESPECIALLY during the week. I don't think my Tues/Thurs class at the rec center ever really took off except during the summer when a few teachers joined...and it was still really really small.


So I was the only student there today.


The place was a studio type room...very nice...there was another person there...the one that works the counter during the day...then the instructor...and me. They closed all the blinds...turned down the lights and turned on these disco type multi-colored spinning light things. It was an interesting club type atmosphere, I guess...the instructor decided to just be on the floor with us...instead of on the stage facing us...and we all faced the mirror.


It wasn't my favorite class.


I don't know if the issues with her iPod were the reason that she didn't have a playlist...or if she would normally select songs in between each song...but that drove me NUTS. And the song choices weren't my favs either...I didn't get that international feel from the class...and she was an ADD instructor...changing moves before the music changed...and having many combinations of moves so that you couldn't ever really just get into one move.


I worked up a sweat. And felt like it was worth my time today. But I don't think I will repeat. And I feel bad because she was a nice lady...a bit younger than me, I think...but I used my first class free today and I don't want to pay $7 for the experience...so I need to think about how to handle this as we did exchange phone numbers. I would like to get together again...but I'm not sure that I really want to take her class again.


I'm missing my own routines...I need to figure out how I can maybe test my memory of my routines and work on some new ones.


I don't think I've shared that I am going to a jam session this weekend. It's a thing for instructors to attend to network with others and learn 5 new choreos. I'm looking forward to it.


Overall I'm feeling pretty good about myself as an instructor. Not that I'm trying to put anyone else down...ya'll know I'm not like that...but honestly, I haven't attended too many other instructors classes...so I haven't know how I might compare...and I think I can hold my own around here. Once I can figure out the how and the where and the when for teaching.

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Well hello everyone. I obviously love Zumba as well :D I am a Zumba instructor here in Mobile, Al. I started taking classes at my local YMCA in 2010 and became hooked!! My instructor offered to mentor me and I became certified to teach that same year. So great to see so many people who share my passion! *Live*Love*Zumba*

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I'm so glad you joined us over here! I'm also an instructor. I just relocated from Houston, TX to Atlanta, GA. We are all big Zumba enthusiasts. Welcome. :D


Thanks :D Never been Atlanta, only the airport...what a big headache! LOL. Savannah is wonderful though!

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I just ordered some new Zumba wear...I ordered a smaller size...for the first time...we'll see how it goes.


DH had a potluck at work today. These have really changed over the years...many people buy something prepared by the local grocer...or a party plate from somewhere...etc. There aren't as many homemade dishes brought as there used to be...after having participated as the prepare-r of the potluck dish for many years now...I can tell you that without a doubt the BEST thing to contribute is Deviled Eggs.


1. Eggs are cheap. This is one of the cheapest dishes to make in large quantity.


2. It's usually one of the few protein options. You don't get stuck with left overs.


3. Generally...people like them but never take the time to make them...so it's a treat.


The hardest part is figuring out how to transport them. I usually cover cardboard cut to the size of my fridge in foil and fashion a homemade tray of sorts that DH can just toss and not worry about cleaning or retrieving (I've lost too many things to potlucks, etc.). Anyone have a brilliant deviled egg transportation idea that isn't a specialty tray?


Meanwhile...I started working on some routines...I worked on warm up songs:


Back In Time (MIB III) by Pitbull


and a routine to:



Having trouble figuring out what to do during the verse immediately after the chorus...I think I have the rest though...Mom was going to try to remember what her one instructor that does this song does...but I don't know if she did the song yesterday...


Anyone do this in class? Can you tell me what you do...or what would be fun to do...during the verse...the part right after the chorus and before the oh Oh Oh parts?...


My current project is to put together a great subbing playlist...full of predictable music...meaning that the song follows a pattern that is easy to recognize...this "Sexy" song is predictable to me...Intro...Chorus...Verse...PreChorus...Chorus...Verse...PreChorus...Chorus...Bridge...Special Chorus...Chorus Twice. And every section is like 16 counts long...


I'll post my list...you know I love to hear everyone's opinions...


Meanwhile...my current strategy regarding maintaining my activity level throughout this moving process seems to be standing me in good stead. If I know that I am not going to be out and about...I just wear exercise clothing...and keep the mindset that all my physical activity around the house...all the cleaning...packing...unpacking...arranging...organizing...etc etc qualifies a good physical activity contributing to my daily requirement for exercise. Everyone remember the housekeeper experiment? Where one half were educated as to how their job duties satisfied their daily requirement for exercise and the half that were educated lost weight with no other change to their lifestyle? And the uneducated half did not lose weight?


My current living situation is a bit like living in the midst of a storage unit...but I've managed to cozy up our living space...there are some areas of disorganization though...the things that I needed immediate access too but don't really have a home for yet...I'm going to take care of that today.


I have the Zumba Jam Session on Sunday. I got the list of songs I will be learning. I'm excited!


How is everyone?

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Hi Anita! Agreed, Deviled Eggs are the best! My mom used to make them all the time for pot lucks or picnics when I was little.


I use "Follow the Leader" by Wisin y Yandel ft. JLo in my playlist. I used a version of it off of YouTube from GetYourFitOnWith Tara. My class absolutely lovesss it!!


The hubby and I sail for our cruise in 8 days!! SO EXCITED! :D

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Oh, and have fun at your Jam Session!! :) I bought a ticket to Gina & Tanya's Rock The Stage Tour! I've never seen these girls in person but I sooo adore Gina :) I figured if im not going to the convention that I would treat myself to this instead! yay!

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Hi OP!


I'm not a Zumba person, but I LOVE to freestyle dance and enjoy Latin music as well. I'm still on page one, but you have a really interesting thread here. Thanks for starting it and sharing all of your links and tips.



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Hello! I recently joined a gym and took some of the Zumba classes they offer and omg what fun!!! I'm usually laughing half the time while trying to follow the moves - still learning! But it's so much fun and I really work up a sweat! It's nice to get away and let loose because I feel way more relaxed when I go back home. I have also taken the spinning classes they offer which are great too. Between these two exercises, I hope to drop 20 lbs! :D

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I had a GREAT time at the jam session! The Atlanta ladies are welcoming, non-competitive and eager to have a great time showing off their moves and shakin' their boo-tay! I will say this...and I hope no-one gets the wrong impression as I say this...because everyone should know me well enough by now to know that my comments are purely observation...and shared to be somewhat humorous...and NOT prejudice is any way...


Because it was very FUN to be 1 of 3 pale skinned women in the midst of 20 or more brown and black beauties. I have a total "Sandra Dee" (from Grease), girl next door personna going on...but I can hold my own on the dance floor and know how to shake my thang...I've lost a bit of junk in the trunk so I can't quite place in a booty pop contest LOL! And YES, there was some choreo in at least one song that turned into something of a booty pop contest...OMG...so fun...there's nothing like being in a room with so many ladies that are so comfortable with themselves and ready and willing to just move and have a good time...and have the ability to move...and the personality to add their own "flava" to the move...


I got the nickname "Houston" at the jam...I heard...go Houston, go Houston...


But Houston was the land of Latinos...and where I was in Atlanta was darker...so I had a good time listening to and appreciating the different speech patterns, idioms, and even the body language of all the ladies that I got to spend the afternoon with on Sunday.


I learned 5 new songs. I'll share on a different day. I just wanted to say a quick hi to everyone...I have some errands that I should do and shouldn't use the computer to procrastinate!


Welcome Xena and BluMama! There is a bunch of great information buried throughout this thread. Mostly we have created a great thread of support for those pursuing great health and fitness.

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Anita it sounds like you had a really good time this past weekend. I might have to try Zumba one of these days. I had a dance class today and simply insisted on learning more Merengue steps. We also tried the Tango. I didn't think it would suit me but after doing it at a party on Friday and trying it officially today, it was a lot of fun. ITMT I'm going to check out a few Zumba videos on YouTube.

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Anita, what is a jam session? Is that just for instructors?


xenagurl, if you like the latin dances I think you would like Zumba. It is definitely not a ballroom class, but knowing the basics of the latin dances even club style makes Zumba so much easier. Also, you can dance your heart out and not be dependent on having a good partner (a boring Merengue partner is the kiss of death as far as I'm concerned). For me, the Afro-Carribbean rhythyms are the most challenging, but I'm slowly getting better at them.


We've been doing Addicted to You, and I'm dating myself now but we're doing the Hustle in the middle and it's so much fun. I'm having flashbacks to my high school disco days. Time to watch Saturday Night Fever again. :D DH isn't a good dancer, but I lead him through a Hustle at least once any time we have the chance to go dancing. It's all about making the girl look good anyway.;)

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Margaret, A jam session is for instructors, specifically instructors that are members of the Zumba Network. It's one benefit of the monthly dues. It's a 3-hour session where an instructor that has earned the title Zumba Jammer teaches their personal choreography to 5 songs. The max attendance is 30 instructors and the price is set at $30. Not only is it a good opportunity to easily add new routines to your own class, but also it's a great networking opportunity, which is one reason why I wanted to attend...to start to meet other instructors in the area...unfortunately, the jam was about an hour away from me and so most of the instructors were from another part of town...


I received my new Zumbawear and it all fits great! I'm so excited. When I bought my first pair of cargos, I needed an XL and now I'm in Ms!!


I haven't really concentrated on my playlist lately. Dh went traveling for work, so did my SIL...and the cousins went to be with the their Dad a long week...so it's just been DS and I at the house. I've been cleaning like mad...LOL...I never thought I was much of a neat freak...but I do like to be busy and cleaning is one thing that needs to be done...now I have fixed all sorts of things around the house...it's kind of funny.

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Thanks MJC!


I agree if your partner isn't into a Menergue, well you can forget it. It's better to go it on your own!


Dh isn't much of a dancer either, slowly but surely he's getting the hang of Salsa.


Are there different speeds of Zumba classes? From the videos I've been watching they go a bit slower than I move in general when I'm freestyle dancing and I'd be interested in doing something around the same pace as what I do now. i.e. like a really fast Menengue to the song Danza Kumundo...is there anything similar to that?



Ahhh the Hustle! :D



xenagurl, if you like the latin dances I think you would like Zumba. It is definitely not a ballroom class, but knowing the basics of the latin dances even club style makes Zumba so much easier. Also, you can dance your heart out and not be dependent on having a good partner (a boring Merengue partner is the kiss of death as far as I'm concerned). For me, the Afro-Carribbean rhythyms are the most challenging, but I'm slowly getting better at them.


We've been doing Addicted to You, and I'm dating myself now but we're doing the Hustle in the middle and it's so much fun. I'm having flashbacks to my high school disco days. Time to watch Saturday Night Fever again. :D DH isn't a good dancer, but I lead him through a Hustle at least once any time we have the chance to go dancing. It's all about making the girl look good anyway.;)

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I meant to say: Danza Kuduro


I'm not sure why I keep trying to rename that song! LOL


Ha ha! That's one of my favorite Zumba songs, and I keep calling it Danza Kakuro!


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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Xena...let's talk about different speeds of Zumba class. What differentiates Zumba from some other license specific exercise classes (for example, Body Pump by Les Mills) is that Zumba classes are entirely instructor choice. There are guidelines only for what constitutes a Zumba class; there is music and choreography provided by Zumba Fitness, but whether or not an instructor uses that music and choreo is an instructor decision. What this means is that every single Zumba class has the potential to be completely unique. This is why throughout this thread, the comment is repeated that Zumba classes are SO instructor dependent.


Who knows how long it will take for a student to find an instructor that creates a class that clicks for that student? Most definitely, there are instructors that are known for being more "fitness-y", "dance-y", "jumpy", "fast", etc etc. Other aspects...not having a preset playlist and taking time to select a song after each song, quality of warm up/cool down/stretch, general music selection, how easy they are to follow, how varied their choreography is, whether or not they include any choreo that could be considered more toning (i.e. an abs song, squats song, "arms from hell"...), how vocal they are (i.e. they "whoop" or some other excited noisemaking and/or encouragement), whether they walk around the room and dance with various students, whether they do the visual kind of encouragement where they pretend to not do a move with as much energy...shake their head or otherwise communicate a negative opinion...and then do the move with great energy, etc etc.


If you belong to a gym franchise...like Mom (Member123 aka Pam) does...then you may have access to literally dozens of instructors within a driving radius...and it can be relatively painless to try out different instructors. If you don't, then finding the independent class that suits you can be more challenging...but you can locate classes in your area that are taught by a ZIN member on zumba.com. Through that website, you can also contact the instructor and ask them whatever you want to try to give you a clue as to whether or not the class is YOUR speed.


I didn't go to class at all last week...and I don't currently have plans to go this week...I have an all day training Sunday, July 29 for Zumba Sentao...which is Zumba WITH a chair...not necessarily sitting in a chair...think FLASHDANCE and you might have an idea of what Sentao is about. I'm not entirely certain as to what it really means myself...but I'll find out soon enough LOL!


This week begins that last push for fitness for DS before school begins. We need to do some things to transition him from summer level activity (which hasn't been super active for him) to PE ready. It's amazing the difference that moving from sea level to about 1000 feet of elevation can make...and from the flatlands of the coastal prairie to the land of hills. We register him for school on Wednesday. I can't believe summer is almost over...feels like the shortest summer EVER.

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I agree that Zumba is very instructor driven. As I've posted on here recently I've been frustrated with the class at my gym which is included in my monthly membership. He wings it for the entire class and with the exception of 1 or 2 songs there isn't a dance "routine" for them and it changes every class kinda like an aerobics class. I like the structure of learning a routine, doing it for a month or two then moving on to new songs. After his class this Sat. morning where he did stretches on one side but didn't repeat them on the other I've come to the conclusion that he doesn't really know what he is doing so am trying another local class tonight at 5pm. There are lots of classes within driving distance and since I love going so much I will have to find a substitute for his Sat. morning class too.


I'll use his class only as a last resort to at least get some exercise if the other local classes that I have been attending are cancelled for some reason.

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Thanks MJC!


I agree if your partner isn't into a Menergue, well you can forget it. It's better to go it on your own!


Dh isn't much of a dancer either, slowly but surely he's getting the hang of Salsa.


Are there different speeds of Zumba classes? From the videos I've been watching they go a bit slower than I move in general when I'm freestyle dancing and I'd be interested in doing something around the same pace as what I do now. i.e. like a really fast Menengue to the song Danza Kumundo...is there anything similar to that?



Ahhh the Hustle! :D


Darn it...I posted a response here and closed it!


As much as I am loving Zumba, I've never been a good couples dancer - I'm a control freak so I don't follow, but I forget too easily, so I can't lead! Truthfully, I really don't know how I made the transition in Zumba from hiding in the back to always trying to be in the front row and showing off my moves! ;)


So, I'm not really aware so much of the specific names of dances...but I think that 'Me Gusto' is a Merengue song...it's become one of our staples with our Thursday teacher. Like the funny Danza Kumundo /Kakuro /Kuduro, it's 'in my head' a lot. A few weeks ago it was in my head but I couldn't think of any of the words so I didn't know what song it was...until after the whole day I realized the notes had turned into the chorus 'Me Gusto Me Gusto'....duh! But I guess the tempo is even a bit slower than Danza Kuduro.


I assume it's a ZIN song since all the You Tube videos I found of it are the same choreography that we do.



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I agree that Zumba is very instructor driven. As I've posted on here recently I've been frustrated with the class at my gym which is included in my monthly membership. He wings it for the entire class and with the exception of 1 or 2 songs there isn't a dance "routine" for them and it changes every class kinda like an aerobics class. I like the structure of learning a routine, doing it for a month or two then moving on to new songs. After his class this Sat. morning where he did stretches on one side but didn't repeat them on the other I've come to the conclusion that he doesn't really know what he is doing so am trying another local class tonight at 5pm. There are lots of classes within driving distance and since I love going so much I will have to find a substitute for his Sat. morning class too.


I'll use his class only as a last resort to at least get some exercise if the other local classes that I have been attending are cancelled for some reason.


That's a real shame about that instructor. It wold be nice if there were SOME sort of supervision or evaluation of Zumba instructors. I've seen some instructors that are careless and do moves that can hurt if you're not listening to your body and modifying for your fitness level.


When I started taking Zumba last year I was paying an extra fee to go to the local firehall besides my local gym because it was SO over-crowded that I felt intimidated and didn't think I'd learn it. But once I got the hang of it I couldn't warrant paying twice as much for the 8 classes a month as my monthly membership with unlimited membership. That coincided with the smaller, closer gym in the franchise building a classroom and offering Zumba Tues/Thurs right after work.


After some changes - including a couple of instructors that sound just like yours (no playlists or consistency), they've settled down on 2 teachers - one for Tuesday (the original fire hall teacher :)), one for Thursday, and they are very different but both excellent! I actually was surprised at the gym management - not known for seeming to care about 'the masses'...they did respond to complaints about one teacher and praises for another.

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Dela, I'm glad you got some good teachers! How fun for you.


Our sub on Saturday didn't do any stretches for the quads or hamstrings. How can you miss such large muscles? IDK. And she's still doing the song where she can't stay on the beat. Hmm.


A big thank-you to Anita for introducing me to Zumba, it is one of the great joys of my week.:D

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Dela...there is an ongoing debate within the Zumba instructor community about whether or not a Group X certification should be required before being able to become a Zumba instructor...mainly because you can watch any number of YouTube videos and see Zumba instructors doing unsafe moves...or moves that could be perfectly safe but aren't because the music is too fast or the instructor doesn't cue it properly...or go to any number of classes and experience it in person. It's really the students that evaluate and supervise...speaking volumes with their attendance or lack thereof. Meanwhile, with Zumba it is "student beware."


I think I may have found a place to begin teaching. We went to the pool today and it was a different pool in the neighborhood (there are two)...and the clubhouse at this pool has a wood floor!. There are some furnishings...but nothing major. The room is pretty darn small, so it wouldn't last if the class became popular...BUT...it could be just right to get a neighborhood class going. I was talking with the mom of one of my niece's friends and my SIL had told her about me...so we had a great conversation about Zumba...and of course, she's so excited for me to start a class...especially if it could be right there. And she's all over the idea of the daytime class when the kids are in school. SO.


I need to research the deal with this clubhouse...and see what kind of deal I may be able to work out for the regular use of the clubhouse. I need to get inside it and really evaluate how many people could comfortably participate...The clubhouse is like the size of a large living room...Mom, it's like a that separate building that is popular for residences in AZ...the word isn't cabana but the real word escapes me...there is a Google Group for this neighborhood, a community website, and a newsletter, so I could definitely get the word out...and this may be just the thing I need to do in order to get my foot in the door toward establishing myself as an instructor again.


The Mom I was talking to has that pear shaped body...and she is definitely overweight...in her words, she is the heaviest she's ever been...but she already has a goal of her DH's Christmas party...and since I have walked this road...I know that my story helps to inspire my students...she was inspired. She thought I was a contemporary of the nanny (who watches my niece and nephew during the day...the nanny is 18.) And she was shocked that I was 40.


To which...I'm like...SWEET...;):D


SO. That's my goal right now. Get more info on the clubhouse...think about Zumba kickoff ideas...and think about a playlist that will hook a bunch of newbies...not only in the music selection but the ease of choreography.




Margaret...our conversation may have been in the catalyst for you trying Zumba out...but I am just so thankful that you were able to find yourself such a rockin instructor so easily...that is the real key.

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