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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Ha ha, it took me a minute to figure out who 'dela' is :p Silly me!


Then again, you're not 'really' Anita, right?


The idea of the neighborhood Zumba class sounds just perfect. I really hope that works out for you. I started out in a small 'neighborhood' class (well, it was the top floor of a fire house), but it's a great way to start out to learn Zumba. And having a first participant that is eager to get shaped up who can hopefully spread the word around is great advertising.


Speaking of the fire station -the first couple of times I heard 'Veo Veo' during that class I thought the sirens were really going on downstairs. Today was the first time we did that song in the regular gym - it was funny having that memory!

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I'm glad to say that the class/instuctor I tried out on Monday night was fantastic and the class was only $5.00. I'll be doing her class again tonight then trying another place for Saturday morning. I looked around the gym this morning when I went for the feedback forms for the Zumba instructor but they were gone. I am planning on telling the gym owner on Friday morning when I go again about the instructor making up steps as he goes along.


I feel kinda bad because a bunch of us complained when he hadn't changed his music in 6 months and he finally changed it but he changed all of it at once and didn't bother to learn any routines to most of it LOL. I feel like she's going to think all we do is complain about him but honestly when I first started going there his music was fresh and he had routines to all the songs but right now I think he is just lazy. I actually like not going to the same class three times a week just to keep things a little different. I can honestly say I've never done anything that takes off the pounds like Zumba.

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Ha ha, it took me a minute to figure out who 'dela' is :p Silly me!


Then again, you're not 'really' Anita, right?



Can you imagine how much fun I have? Sometimes I tell my DH, "Anita posted again." He's gone from saying, "Who?" to "what did she say?" LOL.


And I have to be so careful when I type; it's not funny!


Sincerely, "Anita's" Mom! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
My goal this week is to Zumba everyday except Sunday. Two down 3 to go.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2


How many different instructors do you go to? This is a week full of substitutes, for me, because so many of my Zumba instructors are heading off to Orlando for the convention. I'll be experiencing some instructors that will be brand new to me... that should be interesting. It will also be interesting to have my instructors return and get a feeling for what they may have learned at the convention... new choreography... maybe new music. We'll see.


I always seem to make at least 5x a week, but sometimes I get the 6th one in. Usually, it's a function of how my body is reacting to the weather, etc. as it has been relatively hot and more humid than usual. Plus, the Olympics! But, wow, I feel like the NBC coverage of the Olympics has been absolutely terrible! As an example... I love beach volleyball. They begin coverage of the first match... break for a string of commercials... come back to the match and they've advanced the score by 6 points!!!... then begin coverage of the second match... break for a HUMAN INTEREST STORY about somethng that is of no interest to someone who wants to watch beach volleyball... left the match at a score of 2-1 and come back with a score of 18-11... GRRRRR.... Hate the way NBC pats themselves on the back about their great job when they are just blowing it for me! So, I'm taping and watching so I can blow through the commercials and the human interest stories especially if they're about Big Ben or William Shakespeare! By doing that, I'm actually timing the coverage... run a 100meter race which takes 10 seconds and blah blah blah for a minute and a half followed by 4 minutes of commercials... yeah, I think they're going to "break even" on their coverage of the Olympics. I hope they don't get the contract again! Wishful thinking.... Smiles all around now that I've had my say about the sports coverage. Anyone else feel the same?


I usually look for a morning class. I can't do Zumba much past 5:30pm to 6:30pm because I get too hyped and have a really hard time sleeping if I do! Too much music going through my head... plus the body is just buzzing. So I love my classes at 9:30am the best! Thursday thru Sunday. Then Monday off. Tuesday and Wednesday at 5:30pm. Makes Thursday morning a bit of a challenge, but doable.

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This week it will be 3 different instructors. My usual is 3 times a week with 2 different instructors but since I'm on vacation this week and we aren't going anywhere I decided to go everyday. I can't normally do mornings because of work and usually do a 5pm or 6pm class on Mon/Wed then a Sat morning. I find it actually makes me sleep much better.


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Edited by fergusonvt
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2 days to the Zumba Convention!! Woo Hoo!!!

Then off on the Freedom of the seas to rest up from all that Zumba.



We expect a full report! Can't wait to hear all about it!


I have houseguests so I missed Zumba this week. I did play golf twice so I am getting some exercise, but it's not the same at all!


Ferguson, I'm so jealous you're getting to go every day. My usual class is Wed. at 7pm and I sleep like a baby afterwards. My Sat. class is at 9am and I feel energized for the whole day.

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We expect a full report! Can't wait to hear all about it!


I have houseguests so I missed Zumba this week. I did play golf twice so I am getting some exercise, but it's not the same at all!


Ferguson, I'm so jealous you're getting to go every day. My usual class is Wed. at 7pm and I sleep like a baby afterwards. My Sat. class is at 9am and I feel energized for the whole day.


Only for this week although I could anytime if I went to all evening classes. MY Sat. Class is at 9:30am.


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I went to my first Zumba class is what has felt like SO LONG this morning! I enjoyed the class. There were certain things...the class was at a church and we were actually in the sanctuary...SOOOOOO...




Ugh. I HATE Zumba on carpet. Having taught so many classes on carpet though...I know how deal. And I did. I didn't do some of the things that the instructor did...she had better shoes for carpet than I did though...but still...I just avoid certain things.


Anyway...I was able to get a decent workout. I say decent because she didn't have a set playlist today...so it was the hunt and seek between each song...so annoying...but I have a feeling that is not the norm...the instructor just got back from convention, so I think she just didn't have time to prepare what she wanted...why she just didn't do an old playlist is beyond me...but whatever.


I talked with her after class. Told her how much I enjoyed the class, because I really did...and we had a good conversation. ACTUALLY...I'm going to sub for her in less than two weeks for her Monday night class. I have to double check that there isn't any conflict with some sort of back to school night activity...BUT...


I'm so excited because it'll be the first time that I will have taught since the end of June. And I know that I need to teach at least every now and again to keep in teaching shape...that is...to keep my routines in my mind and to have the cuing etc be second nature and not something that you struggle to remember...it's surprising how quickly you can forget...especially newer routines.


So now I'm working on my subbing playlist for real. To qualify for my sub list, the song has to have a predictable musical progression...not have too many musical changes...have each musical section be a decent length...and most definitely have that fun factor.


The biggest debate that I have been going through my mind is what to use for the warm up...do I use something that I have used in the past? Something that some people may be sick of? BUT it'll definitely be familiar? Or do I do something new? Only time will answer this one...The instructor today did "The Time (Dirty Bit)" by the Black Eyed Peas which is very old...and yet...since I've never personally used it...I personally enjoyed how familiar it was...



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I went to my first Zumba class is what has felt like SO LONG this morning! I enjoyed the class. There were certain things...the class was at a church and we were actually in the sanctuary...SOOOOOO...




Ugh. I HATE Zumba on carpet. Having taught so many classes on carpet though...I know how deal. And I did. I didn't do some of the things that the instructor did...she had better shoes for carpet than I did though...but still...I just avoid certain things.


Anyway...I was able to get a decent workout. I say decent because she didn't have a set playlist today...so it was the hunt and seek between each song...so annoying...but I have a feeling that is not the norm...the instructor just got back from convention, so I think she just didn't have time to prepare what she wanted...why she just didn't do an old playlist is beyond me...but whatever.


I talked with her after class. Told her how much I enjoyed the class, because I really did...and we had a good conversation. ACTUALLY...I'm going to sub for her in less than two weeks for her Monday night class. I have to double check that there isn't any conflict with some sort of back to school night activity...BUT...


I'm so excited because it'll be the first time that I will have taught since the end of June. And I know that I need to teach at least every now and again to keep in teaching shape...that is...to keep my routines in my mind and to have the cuing etc be second nature and not something that you struggle to remember...it's surprising how quickly you can forget...especially newer routines.


So now I'm working on my subbing playlist for real. To qualify for my sub list, the song has to have a predictable musical progression...not have too many musical changes...have each musical section be a decent length...and most definitely have that fun factor.


The biggest debate that I have been going through my mind is what to use for the warm up...do I use something that I have used in the past? Something that some people may be sick of? BUT it'll definitely be familiar? Or do I do something new? Only time will answer this one...The instructor today did "The Time (Dirty Bit)" by the Black Eyed Peas which is very old...and yet...since I've never personally used it...I personally enjoyed how familiar it was...




I think its fine to use something older occasionally. I personally like it when I take a class and the instructor uses a song I am familiar with even if the routine might be different. I am definitely addicted. I did 6 classes last week on vacation.


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Edited by fergusonvt
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I think its fine to use something older occasionally. I personally like it when I take a class and the instructor uses a song I am familiar with even if the routine might be different. I am definitely addicted. I did 6 classes last week on vacation.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2


I agree with that - that it's fine to have something old and/or familiar. Plus what might be old and familiar for you may be unique for the students.


Anita, that's great that you'll have an opportunity to get your feet wet teaching in a new place!


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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Anita, how exciting for you! Your first class in a new place! Subbing is great, you never know where it will lead....


We had a sub last night. She did a great job, not too many changes, nice selection of music, BUT... the music was SO loud it was actually distorted. It gave me a headache, and literally hurt my ears. As class went on, she kept turning it up even more. I have some hearing damage already from years in the dance studio and riding the subway, so even though I didn't want to I left halfway through class with my ears already ringing.


In this instance, I think it was a crutch, i.e. a fake way of building excitement into the class, because everyone was bummed that our regular teacher was gone, and because the sub showed up 1/2 hour late. But, once we got started everyone was really into it, and wanted to have a good workout. She didn't really need to do that.


So, Zumba fans, how loud is too loud? How do you decide?

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So, Zumba fans, how loud is too loud? How do you decide?


IMO...it's too loud when the volume makes you focus on how loud it is vs. just being able to listen to the music while focusing on the instructor. Similarly, the volume is too low when you start thinking about how hard it is to hear the music.


Funny story...I had a lady that was hard of hearing tell me that the volume was too loud...could I please turn it down?...her point was that if the volume was too loud for her, she couldn't imagine what it was like for someone with normal hearing...so I started the class with a lower volume...


And a student immediately asked me to turn up the volume after the first song...


I caught the woman's gaze in the mirror and gave her a look that said, I tried, sorry...because Zumba is music driven...and I turned up the volume...


Meanwhile...I'm preparing my playlist to sub...and I realize that I have a real opportunity here. I am a clean slate. Never experienced before. I have a chance here to establish myself as a "fill in the blank" instructor...and I only have to determine what that is. I've experimented a bit...and basically, I find myself seeking the almost impossible to achieve...the BALANCE between fitness and dance...between pure fun and a bit of work...between cardio and toning.


In the short term, I'm going to continue to attend this Tuesday morning class. The instructor invited me to teach a couple songs next week...and so we have determined that I will lead "Baila Esta Cumbia" by Kumbia Kings/Selena and "Hola My Friend" which is a Zumba Original (as far as I can tell). I found myself stressing a bit over the idea of just teaching one or two songs as a guest. OMG. You want the songs to be fun...but they can't be too complicated or they won't be fun...and yet, you want them to convey a style...and if something is too easy without any flavor, then it doesn't convey style...do ya'll see how in my head I get over this kind of stuff??!!


I put forth a list of several options and these two were the ones that the instructor zeroed in on...and so I take that as a good sign and I will follow it...because these are good songs...I do Kelly's choreo to the cumbia (my mentor, my inspiration) and my own choreo to "Hola," which is Hula inspired.


Coming soon, you will see my talk with Mom as I post versions of what could be my playlist...I will be posting descriptors for the different songs that she will understand so that she can offer me much needed and valuable feedback with some reminders as to what the different songs are.


Meanwhile...AGAIN...tomorrow is the first off Friday DH had since DS started school. We are going to go on a hike after we drop DS off...I excited! It's almost like a daytime date! Very exciting!!

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Here's a question...


If I KNOW that the instructor I'm subbing for has a different routine to a song...should I avoid that song?


Specifically, the song is Waka Waka...





No, I've done 4 different routines to that song and they have all been fun. I think you are ok doing it with your own routine.

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No, I've done 4 different routines to that song and they have all been fun. I think you are ok doing it with your own routine.


I agree with that. If a sub is doing a routine I just can't catch on to easily to a song I'm familiar with, I'll mix up what she's doing with what I know...as long as I'm staying in sync. So I'm getting a good workout while still showing her my respect for what she's doing.


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Here's a question...


If I KNOW that the instructor I'm subbing for has a different routine to a song...should I avoid that song?


Specifically, the song is Waka Waka...




So, because you asked, I just had a conversation with the ladies waiting outside my Zumba class this morning. It was interesting! Here's what they said:


When a sub comes in, they usually give just a really brief get-acquainted speech where they say that Zumba is just meant to have you move the way your body wants to move so, if that means that you want to move to a particular song like your instructor does and the choreography may be different, then move like you feel... except make sure that you don't bump into your neighbor! I think this is where the statement "there's no right or wrong, just right and left" comes into play.


I asked them specifically about Waka, Waka (even though we haven't done that song in ages), and they were more enthusiastic about that particular song in the perspective that when a song is a song that is universally LOVED, then it doesn't even matter what the choreography is, as long as it's FUN to do. And, also, that it's interesting to actually get to experience a different choreography to a much loved song because it freshens it up and makes it new all over again.


Anyway, the bottom line is that they expressed that they knew the sub would be different than their regular instructor and they were just grateful that the class wasn't cancelled and they loved to shake it up a bit with a sub... most of the time... so they were unanimous that you should GO FOR IT. And, also, that if you subbed here that they would attend your class, but maybe they were just being uber-friendly with me, at that point?!? :D

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This is not the order of the songs...and this list is too long...but I'm interesting in hearing opinions about the songs:


  1. Back In Time (From "Men In Black III") by Pitbull (warm up)
  2. Follow The Leader by Wisin & Yandel feat. JLo (warm up)
  3. Waka Waka (Esto es Africa) by Shakira (Calypso)
  4. Zoomer by Les Jumo (African)
  5. La Despedida by Daddy Yankee (Merengue...one verse has the footwork out out in in with arms going out out and up up...second verse has simple merengue march with arms at the head at the shoulders at the hip, first on every other beat and them on every beat...it's a Kelly routine.)
  6. Que Buena Tu Ta by Zumba Fitness (Merengue...aka "Arms from Hell.")
  7. Bailando por El Mundo by Juan Magan feat El Cata and Pitbull (Merengue with a lot core working Beto Shuffle and Mambo with a hit hit in the middle...Mom you haven't done this one with me)
  8. Baila Esta Cumbia by Kumbia Kings (Cumbia...this has the grab your hat and more knee up sleepy leg when the men sing)
  9. Ven a Cumbiar by El Simbolo (Cumbia...this is the Cruise Ship Song)
  10. Dame (Touch Me) by Zumba (Cha Cha...I copied a lot but not the beginning of
  11. Take You To Rio by Ester Dean (Tush Push in each direction with the kick back salsa for each leg...box step on the chorus with the shoulder shimmy to switch directions...side salsa/squats)
  12. Boro Boro by Arash (Bhangra/Bollywood...you do this...the chorus works the middle back...arms are back and forth lower and then toward the ceiling...switch sides...snake arms...etc.)
  13. Que Te Pica by Notch (Reggaeton...Kelly's routine)
  14. Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias (Bachata...the 3 repeater side lunges then singles...the 3 repeater knee raises then singles)
  15. Hola My Friend by Zumba Fitness (Pacific Rhythm...Hula inspired choreo)
  16. I Need to Know by Marc Anthony (Cha Cha cool down)
  17. Caminando Por la Calle by Gypsy Kings (stretch)


This list is probably two songs too long...since I should have SOME intro time. This list is currently 62 minutes long. I might be able to cut out a bit more time if I do some editing and cross feed a couple songs...especially the first two?


This is so very difficult everyone...you have no idea. It's just like doing a first class all over again.

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This is not the order of the songs...and this list is too long...but I'm interesting in hearing opinions about the songs:


  1. Back In Time (From "Men In Black III") by Pitbull (warm up)
  2. Follow The Leader by Wisin & Yandel feat. JLo (warm up)
  3. Waka Waka (Esto es Africa) by Shakira (Calypso)
  4. Zoomer by Les Jumo (African)
  5. La Despedida by Daddy Yankee (Merengue...one verse has the footwork out out in in with arms going out out and up up...second verse has simple merengue march with arms at the head at the shoulders at the hip, first on every other beat and them on every beat...it's a Kelly routine.)
  6. Que Buena Tu Ta by Zumba Fitness (Merengue...aka "Arms from Hell.")
  7. Bailando por El Mundo by Juan Magan feat El Cata and Pitbull (Merengue with a lot core working Beto Shuffle and Mambo with a hit hit in the middle...Mom you haven't done this one with me)
  8. Baila Esta Cumbia by Kumbia Kings (Cumbia...this has the grab your hat and more knee up sleepy leg when the men sing)
  9. Ven a Cumbiar by El Simbolo (Cumbia...this is the Cruise Ship Song)
  10. Dame (Touch Me) by Zumba (Cha Cha...I copied a lot but not the beginning of
  11. Take You To Rio by Ester Dean (Tush Push in each direction with the kick back salsa for each leg...box step on the chorus with the shoulder shimmy to switch directions...side salsa/squats)
  12. Boro Boro by Arash (Bhangra/Bollywood...you do this...the chorus works the middle back...arms are back and forth lower and then toward the ceiling...switch sides...snake arms...etc.)
  13. Que Te Pica by Notch (Reggaeton...Kelly's routine)
  14. Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias (Bachata...the 3 repeater side lunges then singles...the 3 repeater knee raises then singles)
  15. Hola My Friend by Zumba Fitness (Pacific Rhythm...Hula inspired choreo)
  16. I Need to Know by Marc Anthony (Cha Cha cool down)
  17. Caminando Por la Calle by Gypsy Kings (stretch)


This list is probably two songs too long...since I should have SOME intro time. This list is currently 62 minutes long. I might be able to cut out a bit more time if I do some editing and cross feed a couple songs...especially the first two?


This is so very difficult everyone...you have no idea. It's just like doing a first class all over again.


I think this sounds like a great routine! Wish I could do your class.


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I think this sounds like a great routine! Wish I could do your class.


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I would love to take Anita's class too!! I love when she posts her playlists - I end up looking them up, and finding songs I didn't know, but would like or finding the names of the songs that we do.


Although I'm not familiar with 1/2 the songs on the playlist, it looks like a good list.


I find when we have a sub that they often will add the more well-known songs that have fairly standard choreo - Dance,Dance,Dance, Pause, or Waka Waka.


Anita, I DO understand how difficult it is to find the perfect playlist! I used to teach a 6 hr figure drawing class, and I found that music was a perfect background for setting the mood, keeping the energy level up and keeping it interesting (they never knew if I would play a surfing song, Punk rock or the music of Kurt Weill from the 30s.) Same as Zumba, we had warmups cool-downs, specific exercises, etc., so I had to work the timing out, pre-think the mood and the speed I wanted, and not get boring with it.


And that was in the mid-80's...very few CDs out, no music players....I recorded my vinyl albums to cassettes...once it was in that order, there was no 'shuffling' or reorganizing! :eek:

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I used to make mixed tapes all the time! I would spend hours putting together just the right mix and I would be so excited to go for a walk with my new mix and my Walkman. I would our Yellow Lab, Callaway, on the longest walks...I loved it.


I like to think of a sub as the opportunity to shake things up...and expose people to something new...I think to myself that the first time those that end up loving Zumba take a Zumba class...they get hooked...they don't really know the music or the steps and they may not even understand the methodology of the class...how it is a follow the leader kind of class that follows the music...with repeating moves based on the different parts of the song...but they still get to the end of class and generally they've had a great time and feel like they worked out. So I go back to that...and think of my subbing list as geared toward the beginner...fun and easy to follow...AND...I try to not be too repetitive throughout the songs and do moves that will target different muscle groups so that there has been a full body work out by the end of the class. I think it's just a great bonus that when subbing, hopefully, the students have a bit more experience and so when you start leading a Beto Shuffle (single, single, double move)...the class can quickly pick up on what you trying to cue them to do...so if the moves are clear and the cues are big and clear, everyone should be able to get their good work out in, even though they are doing something totally new.


And the fact that they got a good workout at the end makes the class something of an accomplishment for the students...because they can feel good about themselves for being able to do it with a sub, with new routines, and new music.

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Happy Tuesday Everyone!


I went back to the one Zumba class this morning...and I was a guest instructor. I led two songs: Baila Esta Cumbia by the Kumbia Kings and Hola My Friend which is a Zumba Original (I think, because I can't find an different original that Zumba covered...). I had a great time being the guest...it was a reminder of how much I love teaching...I love looking out to the happy, interested faces (the first time someone experiences you as a teacher...if you are doing a good job and they are enjoying it...then it generally shows in some way in their face...later...after the "honeymoon glow" wears off, there are generally less smiles because the enjoyment has matured...can anyone relate to this comment?). When I instruct to a regular group, I can collect more detailed feedback...but when I instruct someone for the first time...if I see that they have the ability to follow allow and are able to do what I am trying to tell them to do...then I feel successful...


It has made me look forward to subbing on Monday night even more...


I was able to talk to a student before class...as well as to the instructor and her Mom. The student seemed to be aged somewhere between Mom and myself...and she was very interested in what I did to lose the weight and inches I've lost. And as most people are...she was pretty amazed at how I really only do Zumba for exercise.


Mom and I were talking...I know that she and I both benefited so much from attending Kelly's class...you can really do a lot of damage to the fat around your middle through Zumba...it takes time...but if you understand certain body mechanics, you can purposefully engage your core in so many different ways through all the different Zumba moves...and I don't think that everyone has the opportunity to really understand this...and I wish they did...because if you continue to do what I think of as core-intensive Zumba...eventually...the fruits of your labors will be evident to all...as Mom is discovering lately.


Unfortunately, I've got a bit of a "vacation bloat" happening...except it's a moving bloat...and a lack of Zumba classes combined with too much continued beer drinking...all this has been on the mend since school started though...so it's all okay...nothing permanent...which is why I'm calling it bloat.


Time for me to really nail down my playlist for subbing...I didn't care for today's playlist AT ALL...the song selections were definitely so very strange...we did "Photograph" by Def Leppard? And this other song from the 80s that totally escapes me right now...it was so not Zumba-like to me...but every instructor picks music that floats their boat...and so long as the students like the boat ride...it's all good. I dealt...but I was glad that I had experienced last week's class first...which just goes to show you why you should probably go to an instructor's class more than once before you make too many judgments about them.

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So, this is really.really.difficult to try to breakdown a playlist for Tuesday night's class. I so wanted to concentrate and remember the choreo for the warm up portion, but wouldn't you know... she completely Shook Things Up! and changed her warm up song(s)! All I can tell you is that we did arm movements on an 8-count, followed by grapevines, followed by arm movements on an 8-count, followed by movement up and knee raises and back and knee raises. Very gentle movements, and the song was Spanish. Unbelievable. I can't catch a single phrase to try to help me locate. Typical Spanish chorus. Trumpets. What?!? :D


Second warm up song. Boyfriend, Justin Bieber.


Third song... off and running. Halle Decale.


I'll work on this as I feel inspired throughout the day.

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