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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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For me, after a long day at work, Zumba doesn't always feel like a party! I enjoy it once I get going but after talking and dealing with people all day I kinda want to just be in my own head a little bit and enjoy some dancing, KWIM? My Saturday class has a lot more whoopin', I think because it's earlier so we're fresh, and also we don't have to look at ourselves (no mirrors) which is kind of freeing.


In my Thursday class I'm on the older side, and most of those women are very fit, and they take it pretty seriously. Which is fine, the teacher is fun and lighthearted, it's just not as social as my other classes. Each class has its own dynamic and as a teacher you can create the zone but you can't make people be different from how they are.


I train the tutors for our writing center, and the first thing I tell them is to ask the students what their problems are and what they'd like to work on. Anita I'm glad you talked to your students. They are a great resource for you.


I've been choreographing "Treasure" in my head all morning! I think it's a mid-tempo cool down song? Like where a bachata or slow cha cha would go, before the final stretch? IMO the routines I was watching on youtube were trying to do to much and it really should be a calming routine with not so much arms. What do you think?

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Woo hoo ROCK ON


We Zumbaholix are rockin & that we know!

Be-fit & healthiness we strive with a fine flow.

We thrive to life's delightful and vibrant glow.

We inspire others to Z-dance, jam on & grow.


LET'S HOOK UP, rockin' the ZUMBA!

and later chillaxin & sippin' the margarita..

Let's do it aboard the Grand Princess..SF to Hawaii 11/15/13











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@ MJC re: "I've been choreographing "Treasure" in my head all morning! I think it's a mid-tempo cool down song? Like where a bachata or slow cha cha would go, before the final stretch? IMO the routines I was watching on youtube were trying to do to much and it really should be a calming routine with not so much arms. What do you think?"


Yes, I'd definitely use it as a cooldown before my stretching song - I'd add a few little disco-ey moves, like a double diagonal fwd shuffle with hand 'scoop' then walk back with a hand push (don't know if you can visualize this?) Have a Zumbalicious day!

Edited by ZumbaTeacherBirdLover
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Greeting fellow Zumba teachers!


Margaret...I also think Treasure is more of a late class song. I'd have to see what the reaction was to the song. Sometimes, when the ladies really get into a song...it isn't so effective for a pre-stretch song. When I was looking at some of the non-fitness dance choreo to the song, the routines were really active and working it. For me, I think this would be a recovery song toward in the second half of class? I usually have a reward song that comes after an especially challenging song. My current reward song is Big and Chunky. This song might be the next Big and Chunky on my playlist. I'd have to pick some moves that everyone really enjoyed doing. I think this is more of a let loose and enjoy life song like that one for my playlist. I do enjoy the disco vibe...


I think I finally landed on another toning warm up song. I like to do squats, core work at the beginning of class as part of my warm up. You have to have the right song so that doing that isn't a total drag. I really like the beat to the racy song "Can't Believe It" by Flo Rida feat. Pitbull. I'm inspired by this routine, which is a personal edit to the song. I purchased the radio edit which uses the word dance in the edit. This instructor is totally cute too.



I'll have to work this with some new warm up material...but I do like the beat a lot. Makes me smile.

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I'm teaching a lot this week. I haven't taught this much in one week since moving to GA!


I taught Monday morning and this morning. Going to double up on Wednesday at 11am and 5:30pm. I need a cover for my Thursday class, but then I'm teaching again on Friday morning. WOW! Very exciting.


Trying to get back on track with the diet...but struggling a bit. Seeking motivation....

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it sounds like you get to move a lot, good for you.

The motivation to watch what you eat will return to you, just don´t give up.


I´m getting back on my feet, however it takes way more time than I would have liked. My current obstacle is to walk without limping, easier said than done...

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Kasi, after my knee surgery I limped for a long time, and I had to retrain myself to walk normally. Patience, it will come! I looked at my recovery as a trial that was building character, because I am not patient at all. :)


Even months later I would find that when I was tired, I would start limping again. But I didn't need to, it was just a habit that I got into that I had to break.


Sometimes I really fall in love with a Zumba song. My current fave is Vivir Mi Vida by Marc Anthony. It's a great salsa and a joyful song, and I just really love how it makes me feel.

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Greeting fellow Zumba teachers!


Margaret...I also think Treasure is more of a late class song. I'd have to see what the reaction was to the song. Sometimes, when the ladies really get into a song...it isn't so effective for a pre-stretch song. When I was looking at some of the non-fitness dance choreo to the song, the routines were really active and working it. For me, I think this would be a recovery song toward in the second half of class? I usually have a reward song that comes after an especially challenging song. My current reward song is Big and Chunky. This song might be the next Big and Chunky on my playlist. I'd have to pick some moves that everyone really enjoyed doing. I think this is more of a let loose and enjoy life song like that one for my playlist. I do enjoy the disco vibe...


I think I finally landed on another toning warm up song. I like to do squats, core work at the beginning of class as part of my warm up. You have to have the right song so that doing that isn't a total drag. I really like the beat to the racy song "Can't Believe It" by Flo Rida feat. Pitbull. I'm inspired by this routine, which is a personal edit to the song. I purchased the radio edit which uses the word dance in the edit. This instructor is totally cute too.



I'll have to work this with some new warm up material...but I do like the beat a lot. Makes me smile.



Love this song and the routine and she is so damn cute!

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So much has been happening! I covered so many classes last week. It wiped me out, honestly. I know I didn't eat right for good energy. It was actually a bit difficult to eat at all...as weird as that sounds. I was almost too tired to eat.


Here's my current situation.


I've decided to leave the 7:30 pm Thursday night class. It's just too late for me. I am too wired. And it is too far away. I need to allow 45 minutes for me to get there. So I leave at 6:45 pm and I don't get home until 9:10 or so. It's just not worth it to me. I had hopes that I would get a day class there...didn't happen. So I'm leaving.


Meanwhile. The Monday Church class instructor that I sub for a lot recommended me for a Curves class. At first, I wasn't too thrilled to think about this. But then I remembered how much I enjoyed my Curves ladies in Texas...and so I decided I should at least learn more because the curves location is across the street from the grocery store that I go to. In other words...it's SO close to home.


And it could be an awesome class! The lay out is slightly different than the other Curves I taught at. The machines are against the walls and the platforms are in the middle in a kind of aisle. Nice. The class is 10-11 on Tuesday mornings. They do the Circuit Zumba for 30 minutes and then straight Zumba for the last 30 minutes. These ladies started with two hot Latino Zumba instructors that got them moving. The current instructor also keeps them moving. They don't need or want Gold. They want ZUMBA. The owner/manager's name is Pam and she said that the ladies like to laugh and have a good time. Yay! So I'm excited.


When I went yesterday, I was hoping to observe the class...but another instrutor was auditioning. And Pam didn't have high hopes for this instructor. She has subbed there before and she treats the class like a Gold class...and Pam says she doesn't have the energy that the ladies are wanting.


I don't know if she showed off different skills yesterday...but I have my audition chance. The other instructor may come back to teach one more class next Tuesday so that I can observe how this is done since I've never done the circuit before. And then I would have my audition the following Tuesday. OR I audition this Tuesday if the other can't come back and I just have to do what I can. We'll see what happens.


And last week, for the morning classes that I covered at a dance studio, the ladies there wanted me to see if I could start a Thursday morning class. So I'm going to pursue that too.


Meanwhile, there is a chance that the Monday Church instructor is ready to move on and take some other work. She is thinking about things. I have to admit that I hope she does move on. But regardless, it's all good. I taught this past Monday and it was just a great class.


That would be such a great schedule. Monday 9:30 am. Circuit/Zumba Tuesday 10 am, and Thursday 9:30 am. I could really work that schedule. I would be so happy! So that's what I am hoping for at this point.


Meanwhile...I'm moving and slowly getting motivated in the kitchen again. I'm not sure what the deal is but food has been a struggle. I'm hoping for what Kasi says...that getting moving will translate into other motivations. :)


Hope everyone is doing well!

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Good morning ladies,


just returned from my doc appointment. All is well.

I can do any activity apart from Kickboxing, as Long as it does not hurt.

So, as we are leaving on ozur transatlantc cruise in 8 days *yeah*, I´ll spent that time to get everything ready and once onboard I´m heading for the Swimming-pool and some gym-time.

I´m not confident enough yet to try out Zumba on a cruise, however I´m looking Forward to be moving around again.


I just strolled through a Supermarket this morning, all by myself, a wonderful Feeling to regain Independence...

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Woohoo! Great news! I'm so happy for you Kasi!


Anita, you've got mail. :) Your new schedule sounds perfect. I had to switch from my Wed 7:00 to a Tues 7:30 and just that extra half hour is much harder to deal with in terms of meals and sleeping.


I do much better with the kitchen when it's stocked well. I get into trouble when I'm too busy to run to the store for fresh produce and meats. We eat all the healthy stuff first and then we're stuck having to grab the fast and easy stuff with too many calories.


Even miss kitty was crying last week because we ran out of her special low cal food and she had to eat :gasp: supermarket cat food. OMG.

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Yay Kasi! I'm so happy to read the good news! I can only imagine the feeling... I hope you have a lovely vacation and celebrate!


I agree with a well-stocked kitchen. This is an ongoing project of mine. I have been developing a system of kitchen management to help overcome when trips to the store have been delayed. I helped my SIL get her kitchen going...I need to check in on her and see how it's going.


DH and I are about to start the Fast Metabolism Diet eating plan. I don't want to try to sell it to anyone. It makes sense to me. This eating plan has 3 phases that you repeat weekly for 4 weeks. It's a 28 day minimum plan. In each phase, you focus on combining different food groups and minimizing or even denying other food groups. At the end of the week though, you will eat all foods.


There are exclusions throughout that are similar to other plans and geared toward minimizing possible allergen and inflammatory responses to foods. Nothing new here...no wheat. corn. caffeine. alcohol. soy. dairy. Portions are based on how much you want to lose...with the counter-intuitive necessity of eating more if you have more to lose. Because losing fat requires energy and energy comes from food.


The whole program is designed to show you how to manipulate food in such a way that your body ends up using it to full advantage and refiring your metabolism. The author has a background in veterinary science and is very learned in the art of feeding race horses for optimum performance and feeding livestock for optimum cuts of meat. She knows how to manipulate food to provide energy and to encourage or discourage fat storage. She takes this science to apply it to the human body to create a machine with a healthy and highly functioning metabolism.


I like how the effort is toward being healthy and healing your metabolism...and weight loss is just the likely result of this. She claims that you can lose up to 20 pounds in this 28 cycle.


I know I could. I know from experience that I could lose 8 pounds in water alone. So could DH. Regardless...this isn't a difficult program to imagine following. Even with it's rules, it isn't restrictive over time. DH had a knee incident...he had to have an MRI and the good news is that there isn't really anything wrong with his knee...but he needs to do some targeted exercises, no-impact cardio to move the joint, and lose weight to minimize additional wear and tear. So here we go. We are going to give this program a try and see how it goes.


There is some prep involved. And for our schedules to line up nicely with the phases of the plan, it does make sense to start on Monday. So we are going to start Monday.


I'm going to be doing some things for myself that I discovered were so helpful for battling the water retention...parsley tea, dandelion root tea, etc. I think I finally have a renewed mindset and am pursuing this from the healthiest angle yet. And I'm pretty excited and so hopeful that I can get my energy back doing something that doesn't seem to be too difficult.


I'm with you fergusenvt...gotta do something to help ourselves going into what can be a difficult season...not only from a food stand point with the holidays...but also time...and weather...and general fighting that hibernation notion that seems to accompany the cooler months of the year.

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I'm still finding the Super Foods Rx a great inspiration for better eating. I've swapped out lettuce for spinach in my lunches at work, and added berries (which I don't like) to my mid-morning yogurt snack. A bit of honey makes them go down a lot easier! We already eat a lot of turkey, chicken, and fish, but the big sacrifice for me is my weekend sausage or bacon with eggs. I'm also struggling to add walnuts or pecans since nuts are so caloric and I'm still counting calories every day.


Two fun songs in class last night: Celia Cruz's Pa La Paloma, and our stretch to La Isla Bonita, which happens to be the only Madonna song I really like.

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I have a new teaching job! Yay! I got the job at Curves!


The previous instructor did come back last Tuesday so that I could observe. What I observed was a very energetic and enthusiastic group of ladies. They want to be PUSHED. Zumba during the circuit is their cardio portion, so it needs to be high energy and higher intensity. No Zumba intervals. Which is somewhat challenging for me...because I normally do intervals in my Zumba class. But there is a warm up...and a cool down...so the actual portion of higher intensity isn't that long really.


I wasn't really concerned...because I believed that the ladies would enjoy my class...but my music and choreography style is very different from the previous instructor. She was no longer licensed to teach Zumba...and in fact, she didn't really teach Zumba. After talking with Mom, I would say that she did a take on Jazzercise / Aerobics. All her music was top 40 music. Her moves were a bit more complicated... Just a bit different. But she was a wonderful instructor...engaging...high energy...talkative.


You have to talk for cueing because the layout of the room is such that some people don't have a great view of the instructor...


But I got a lot of practice talking at that pole dancing place...


So...in the words of Fat Amy...I "crushed it."


And I'm so very excited because the ladies were so very excited. And it was a great workout for me. So that's the one class that I am teaching right now.


The Monday instructor is going strong. She put together a great class last Monday. I'm thinking that she is going to keep that class. Which is fine. The great thing that I noticed when I took her class this week was my energy level. I think the way we have been eating in following this FMD has really helped to restore my energy levels.


And I went to another class yesterday. At the YMCA. One of my friends has a membership there. Another lady and I are contemplating a membership there. So we were able to get a free 7-day pass and we all went together to a morning Zumba class. It was straight up Zumba. I mean to tell you. This instructor did a fantastic job. Simple and fun choreography that kept you moving. I could only participate to a certain level though...


The day before I did something to my right thigh. So painful. Yesterday morning though...I FELT my MUSCLE move and snap back into place. It's like I dislocated a muscle in my thigh? Is that even possible? That's what it seems like. I don't know the reality, except that after it righted itself, all pain was gone. We did a move in the warm up though that let me know that my leg didn't want to move this one way...and so I did some major modifications throughout...


Also...Wednesday and Thursday are supposed to be strength training days...not cardio...on this meal plan. I thought I would just modify and not exert myself too much. Which was a good plan, because these days are not as conducive to having energy...especially the energy needed for Zumba.


I'll give more analysis on the effects of this FMD eating plan when we finish the 28 days. So far, I will just say that I am enjoying the challenge of eating within the guidelines. One thing the program is about is helping you rediscover the enjoyment of food, especially if you have been in a habit of dieting and have begun to think of various foods and food groups as "bad." We've been eating a great variety of food over the past week and a half and both Daniel and I are also losing weight in the process...which is nuts. I entered my calories for day 1 (2050 calories) and day 2 (1750 calories) and I was losing weight...:confused: Right now...eating the FMD way feels like a giant reset button...helping me to get back on track with my thinking about food.

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I finally found the new song that Kisha introduced to class in the last few sessions. She has a really, high energy and FUN routine to the song. There aren't many youtube videos from Zumba for this song, but this instructor is doing some similar moves in a few places. Anyway, this song just makes me HAPPY to move to the lyrics. Who knew it was from Despicable Me 2?


Here it is:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e87fn4o7NXI


Happy by Pharrell Williams

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Just read the news...Step Zumba is coming in 2014.


I used to love step but it got boring...this could be interesting.


Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk 2


Yeah, I saw that. It may or may not catch on. It's got that extra equipment that someone has to have to do it just like the chair Zumba (can't remember how to spell it LOL). Might work for a gym that already has steps.

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I finally bought myself some new shoes, and I love them! On sale at DSW: Ryka Influence, super light weight and a nice cushy heel. Not too sticky, not too slippery.




I'm on a tear to lose 5 more pounds by Christmas. That's a very modest goal, but with Thanksgiving and the extra work at the end of semester I'm trying to be realistic. If I am successful that will put me just into the top of the BMI range for my height. It is my new interim goal. I never thought to have interim goals so I'm hoping this will help me stay focused.

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It didn't work out for my friend to come with me to class last night. We are planning on Thursday. BUT...there were many others that came to class. From only two, and then one, students...to six. And I did the same list I did last night.


It fell kinda flat at the Pole Dance Studio.




I asked the one student that I know was regularly attending the other instructor's class. She was the one student that was there the one time I met the other instructor at the studio. I asked her what she thought about the pace of the class. It was fine. But fine, was, well, flat, I could tell. I explained that I hadn't seen the other instructor's class and I didn't really know what her pace for the class was.


The response was that the other instructor was faster. And had more of that Latin flair.


Which she would, for sure. She's Mexican. And she was born and raised in Mexico. And lives here with some sort of specialty green card.


Latin flair for sure. [Read this flat...no negativity here...just analyzing the situation.]


I wasn't as excited leaving last night's class. In fact, I was rather bummed because I understood that class was okay...but okay doesn't mean good necessarily. And at this point, I'm just hoping that the students will come back because the owner was pretty excited by the turn out.


And these past few days have me thinking about the expectations of students for a Zumba class and how the location for the class can play into those expectations. Because I have recently participated in class at 5 very different locations.


1. Church...large, high ceiling sanctuary, natural light, stage, no mirrors, instructor faces the class.

2. Senior Center...large party room, dance floor, natural light, no mirrors, instructor faces class.

3. Independent Fitness Studio...large, well-lit room, no natural light, mirrors, instructor faces mirrors.

4. Gym...large, dimmed light, stage, no mirrors, instructor faces class.

5. Pole Dance Studio...small room, club-like atmosphere, mirrors, instructor faces mirrors.


I was a hit at the Church, the Senior Center, and the Gym. I knew that I didn't fit into that particular Independent Studio...and I'm feeling like I don't really fit with the Pole Dance place either. Long term. I think that I also lead better in a situation where I face the class and make more of a connection with the students. As an instructor, I think that I relate more to the fitness aspect of the officially named Zumba Fitness. Dance inspired for sure. But fitness all the same. I do like to WORK.


And I don't think the Pole Dancing ladies appreciate the work so much. They want more dance.




So I'm going to tweak my playlist AGAIN. Tweak. Not overhaul. But continue to tweak until I feel the energy in the room. And I believe that I'm sensitive enough to understand energy...I don't need the outpouring of emotion...just to feel that spark. And some nights are flat. I understand that.


I said to Mom last night that I was very glad that the Pole Dance Studio assignment had an end. I'm very glad that I have taken the time to explore different places...do some subbing...and contemplate things before getting obligated to anything. Because I'm hoping that once I begin my OWN classes, that they will be a long term thing.


In other news...


I'm on a downward trend in weight and inches again.




It was February when I took the time to take all my measurements. And sadly, I know that I got even bigger afterward...just a bit. And I took all my measurements today...and several of them are much smaller. Some are slightly bigger...slightly. Sigh. My poor thighs. :( But the brightest note in the bunch is a 2 inch reduction in my waist measurement.


So I think that I'm getting my stress and unhappy regulated...


And I'm very excited about that.


Unfortunately...the real sadness is that this measurement had gotten to 4 inches smaller at my lightest. So I still have a ways to go...


But I'm on the path that is headed into the right direction.



How did you come up with the conclusion that the instructor was only here on some type of Specialty Green Card?

also, How did you come across with the conclusion that the pole dancing ladies didn't appreciate the work? and was only interested in the Dance?

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Happy Saturday!


Thursday's class went very well. The playlist rocked right along and the class time passed quickly. Two of the ladies came back. The one that I think of as a regular and her friend. I think these may be the two that were regularly coming before... And my friend came to class. Her only comment was that the flashing lights were starting to get to her by the end of class...making her feel not so good.


So I talked with them a bit, explaining my mindset in that this is THEIR class...not mine. How I'm open to feedback. And so I learned what the deal really is.


They are used to more vocal hype in a class and that really raises the energy level for them.


The deal with this is two-fold for me.


1. I'm just not vocal. I've worked hard on the whole non-verbal cueing...it's one of my favorite things about Zumba and I'm really good at it. BUT...in the dim room, non-verbal cueing just isn't enough...so it will be good for me to work on some verbal skills for cueing at the very least.


2. I agree that some verbal chatter can be very motivating and raise the energy in class. And I have done this...I'm talking encouragement here. The kind that makes you work harder during ab work or squats, or football legs...or whatever.


But I have seen videos of the instructor that taught this class before the instructor that I am covering for took over. THAT instructor is like a chatter box...she babbles and she just doesn't shut up. I think it's annoying, personally, and at times, she sounds a bit like a drill Sargent. It's just noise...almost constant noise. With no apparent rhyme or reason for the vast majority of her running mouth. I will never aspire to be like this.


The current instructor however...her verbal style is more approachable...more party inducing. More appropriate to me. She'll do things like sing along with the songs...like what you talk about Margaret. She'll add appropriate interjections...like during a grapevine ending in arms lifting out to the side...when you reach with your arms, you yell HEY! Grapevine HEY! When I taught this group...one rather verbal lady added something like this during one song...it's the kind of body pump move when you bring one foot forward and then you kind of cha cha in the middle and then bring the other foot forward while doing a little body pump. Back and forth. One the body pump, the woman added a kind of ooo-ooo. Or something.


Anyway...I believe that having my own voice work in class is an important skill to develop. So I'm going to be working on this during these classes. And funny enough, I warned these ladies that it might be weird at first as I get used to it...and to not think too badly of me as I work on this skill. Especially if it feels awkward at first. These are really nice ladies. So it's going to be interesting.


This is all good. Verbal cueing skill is a requirement for a Group Ex certification. And it is a good "breath test" during the class, which is a recommended practice for Group Ex instruction.


Oh. And I am able to fit back into some of my cargos again! Yay! I wore a pair that I have never actually worn before. I got them shortly after moving to Georgia...they are bright, neon yellow...and they are the first thing that I have worn to this black light class that has glowed like crazy. I LOVED wearing them. I have two other pairs of cargos with white backgrounds...I'm hoping I can wear them soon. The rise is shorter in them, Zumba clothing is really inconsistent...and that's my biggest issue. Not enough bum room yet...:o


why not just turn the lights on? Instead of having the club lights on?

Plus you would think that before you began to criticize another instructor or post incorrect info about instructors like green cards and such, that you would have a little bit of manors.. considering your so called " Green card " instructor allowed you the opportunity to teach in her spot while on VACATION and you were paid well for it, especially since you got all the negative feed back from the ladies in the class.

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Well, bless your heart! We play nice on this thread, SGR. Please don't give anyone reading such a poor example of Southern maNNERS. Didn't your momma ever tell you the southern rule about if you can't say something nice, you don't say anything at all? Mine did. Please re-read the post in question and try to understand the spirit in which it was meant. OP even mentioned that she meant no negativity. I'm just flabbergasted that you would fly by and spew at the nice ladies here.


I can't think of much else to say, but to repeat--well, bless your heart.


(Ladies truly from the South will know what I mean.)


Edited to add:

Zumba Ladies, I'm sorry to have interrupted your Zumba talk to even give weight to this fly-by. I just realized this is this poster's first few posts. I should have known better. I got suckered! Carry on.

Edited by aoknkentucky
Realized error!
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Debbie! You are such a sweetheart. :) It made me smile, reading your post following the attack.


SGR...It would seem that you also had a lot to say about situations you know nothing about.


How did you come up with the conclusion that the instructor was only here on some type of Specialty Green Card?

also, How did you come across with the conclusion that the pole dancing ladies didn't appreciate the work? and was only interested in the Dance?


I knew the instructor was here on some type of Specialty Green Card because she TOLD ME so. There was a period of 5 years, I believe, where you are not allowed to leave the United States. So for 5 years, she was not able to see her family. Now we are into the second or third years following that 5 year period. Now she takes an 8 week trip back to Mexico during school summer vacation to travel around and see her family there with her children. Since she is gone for so long in the summer, she does her best to never need a cover the rest of the year. This instructor and I have a good working relationship. She and I were teaching at the same gym.


Just call in interpretation...I've been an instructor for a couple of years. If you have read through this thread, then you know that I was teaching many different audiences in Texas before moving to Georgia. And here in Georgia, I have been doing a lot of covers as I get settled into this area and research the scene. I've become rather adept at reading my students and determining what they are and aren't enjoying so much in the class. These ladies, were, IMO, more interested in cardio dance than in the more fitness work aspect of the playlist I used when I made this evaluation.


why not just turn the lights on? Instead of having the club lights on?

Plus you would think that before you began to criticize another instructor or post incorrect info about instructors like green cards and such, that you would have a little bit of manors.. considering your so called " Green card " instructor allowed you the opportunity to teach in her spot while on VACATION and you were paid well for it, especially since you got all the negative feed back from the ladies in the class.


I asked about turning the lights on. I was told in no uncertain terms that the lights were set as they were because it made the students feel less self conscious and they could enjoy the class more.


I never criticized the other instructor. I'm not really sure what you took to be criticism from my post. There are a lot of snarky people here on cruise critic and since you don't know me, you may be reading my posts with that in mind and thinking that I have a different attitude than I do. Debbie, here, she knows me. We've been friends here in the forum for over 3 years. I never write a single thing here that I wouldn't share in conversation with any person that I write about.


My post was focusing on this whole verbal cueing which was very new to me at the time...and so I also shared that aspect of the conversation that I sought to have with the students. So yes, you could call the feedback negative, I guess, because we discussed how I could improve my class for them but this wasn't the only feedback I received. And these ladies continued to come to class for the entire time which speaks louder than any else.


I don't want to have a big debate...but I feel obligated to respond to what you said to share the truth of the situation.

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