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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Pam, hearing your story makes me feel so fortunate that in spite of complaining about my schedule I can still put together three good classes per week.


My Monday class turned out to be a disaster since the teacher was a no show twice, and then when I ran into one of the other students she told me she had quit teaching on Mondays! Several weeks ago! And they never told me!


Fortunately they have a new guy on Wednesdays who is both a fabulous teacher and quite easy on the eye. :) I have a new appreciation for bachata.... So, now I'm going W-Th-Su which is not optimal because my knees don't like doing Zumba two days in a row. But, with my cruise only 17 days away I don't have the luxury of slacking off!

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Hey Ladies...


I'm cruising around on the internet...and I found this YouTube Channel:




This is the most awesome Kelly! She was my inspiration...my Zumba instructor...it was just FUN to take her class. I wanted to share here, most especially because Mom was having such troubles with her classes and was talking about gathering some videos...


I'm totally willing to help with the whole video situation, Mom. I'm not sure exactly how we would do that...since we have changed the upstairs room. I'm not sure where we could make some videos. But maybe we can work on that next month after the cruise? Hmmm...I wonder where we could go?


I should add that this is Kelly's Gold class...the littlest young lady with the slender frame is in her late 70s...

Edited by Anita Latte
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Hello to everyone!


I hope all is well with all of you...I am doing better. I had to cancel my class on Tuesday because of an unexpected issue...it's impossible to say why without TMI...nothing life threatening was the issue. I was very disappointed though...it's the first time that I have ever canceled a class for illness.


I spent yesterday revamping my playlist. There's been a change over at Curves in the way that the participants' usage of the machines can be tracked. IDK if this is true of all locations, but at the location where I teach...the adjustment was just made for the ladies to be able to use their tracking cards in each machine during Zumba. Whereas before...the ladies would completely rely on my signal for getting on and off the machines...NOW...the machine tells them when they have completed their time on it...and they know to get back on the machines from the cues in the music.


How this affects me...well...I have to do music editing to insert the "Zumba Zumba" cue that signals the change. I would insert that cue into the music at ABOUT one minute (the intervals are supposed to be a minute). I would pick a convenient point in the music based on the 8-count and movement that was close enough to that one minute mark...and there would be about one minute in between each 6 second cue. And there would be no music during the cue time. I would literally split the song around the cue. And I would try to keep moving in the silence and be able to pick up the beat and the movement when the music started again.




I could go into great detail about the different issues this creates...but suffice it to say...the big issue is a bunch of different silences happening...in the cue time...in between the songs...etc. And I spent a good amount of time last night changing all that. Now my playlist is actually one big long track...with the music immediately fading to about 20% volume for the verbal cue and then fading back to full volume within that original 6 second length for the cue. And I took the liberty of cross fading the songs...overlapping an overly long song introduction with the end of the previous song...so that the music NEVER stops...and thus, MY movement NEVER stops. I am in constant motion and the ladies just get on and off my train, so to speak.


I did it last night after I saved the whole thing and it is FABULOUS!! I'm so excited to do it with the ladies on Tuesday. I didn't add any new material to the circuit portion of the class because I am making this change. It has affected where the breaks are in the songs...IF the ladies have grown accustomed to where the breaks were before...this may take a bit of mindful participation to overcome muscle memory...or lack of it, as the case might be.


I am going to add new to the only Zumba portion of the class. I think I'm going to change my "warm up" song there...which is really more of a transition song...and I'm going to add the new chart topping song "Happy" as a precool down. I think I'll do Kelly's choreo, which you can see from the link in my previous post. I think my Curves ladies will get a kick out the interactive section.


I have several songs that I'd like to get into the playlists from the jam session and from song recent CDs that I got from Zumba. Now that I have worked out a new system for creating my circuit playlist, it should be much easier to make changes.


Meanwhile...here's my current food related goals:


1. Eat at the table. OMG, this is a hard one for my family for some reason...

2. Eat home cookin'.

3. Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables...and what's on sale and seasonal.

4. Visit the farmer's market on Saturday and get at least one "treat" from the great variety I saw. Last week...it was special, tender lettuces which I made into the most awesome salad...and unusual radishes.

5. Eat a variety of food in general...mix up the proteins, the grains, the sides, etc.

6. Eat at least one 3 well planned 3-course meal on the weekends. I did this last weekend. I told the family that we were going to eat like the French (based on some books that I have read recently) and this was the menu:


Salad course: tender red romaine lettuce, tender butter lettuce, red d'anjou pears, feta cheese, and green onions dressed with a blood orange infused balsamic vinegrette.


Main: Chicken paillards with a red wine pan sauce, roasted garlicy Brussel sprouts, and Near East brand roasted garlic and pecan whole grain blend.


Dessert: Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream.


OMG. It was so good. The trick is to plan it all so that each course isn't too big...otherwise, you lose the whole point of the meal. And the point of the meal is to have many different great flavors brought together and to be able to enjoy each one.


The pumpkin was because I am trying to cook my pantry and freezer...I'm going to actually try to see how bare I can get my cupboards...because they are amazingly full. I haven't planned anything beyond the dessert for this weekend...I know I'm going to make an apple pie. I discovered this area in my grocery store where they bag "old" produce that someone may still want. Each bag is only 99 cents. I saw a small bag of granny smith apples...and I already have an older and bruised apple in the fridge...so I'm going to make a small pie or tart or some such thing that is appropriate for how many apples I have.


I leave for my cruise 3 weeks from tomorrow!! Woot woot!!

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Wow, Anita, I can see why you like Kelly, her classes look like such fun. I like that she throws some tricky moves at her students and has confidence that they can keep up.


I love your food goals, but they are... HARD! Why is it that eating at the table is so challenging? And since there's just the two of us, we eat out a lot, or order in, and I'm lucky if I actually cook dinner 3 or 4 nights per week. As for seasonal, that would mean living on root vegetables for us and I don't see that happening. There is absolutely nothing local in our stores from December to March. The locavore movement here has had some effect in restaurants but in my local supermarket it's all hothouse produce.


We do get good beef. I mean, REALLY good beef. Many of the farms closest to the city have been raising angus for the restaurant market, and it's spilled over into our local markets. At least once per week I'll cook steak or pot roast or short ribs, something marinated and grilled or roasted in the slow cooker. I think I'm the only one of my NY friends who has one, it must be a Midwest thing. Also, because I live in what used to be a predominantly Greek neighborhood, we get awesome fish and seafood. Really fresh and good variety.


I'm also trying to cook through my cupboards because Passover will be here soon, and we have a big kosher seder here for DH's cousins.


My Thursday Zumba teacher used to be an Irish step-dancer, and for St. Patrick's Day she found an Irish song that we can salsa to. I have no idea what it is, but it's really fun!

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  • 2 months later...

I am cat sitting this weekend at my DD's house and have found a great way to exercise both the cat and myself. I put on a Latin music station and am dancing zumba while waving a long cloth belt. Brady is running and leaping right with me. IT's hilarious and great fun doing Zumba with my grand cat. :).


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Darn. My entire post disappeared. Will try again .


I am babysitting my grandcat for a couple of days and have discovered a great way to exercise both the Cat and myself. I put on Latin music and dance while waving a long cotton belt. the cat is leaping and dancing right along with me. Hilarious 2umba Cat!


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Ballroom dancer here who just got talked into going to my first Zumba class last week. Loved it! It will definitely become a permanent part of my workout routine.




I am now home and have tried exercising my own cats to Zumba, but found that they have neither the stamina nor the inclination. As long as I hold him snugly in my arms (not an easy feat with a 25 pound cat) I have discovered that Xerox can maintain the perfect dance frame and do a mean waltz or fox trot.

He also did quite well with the tango – his head snaps were nice and crisp, but he did not like the bouncing of the jive. He probably would have excelled at the quickstep as well, but all hell broke loose when I tripped over the coffee table.

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Thank you for making me laugh during what has been a really difficult week. :D




You are welcome. I think that is about the highest compliment anyone can ever pay me- to let me know that I have brightened someone's day.


No zumba class yesterday due to a public holiday. These classes have become such an important part of my life that I go into withdrawal when I miss even one. Maybe they could be declared essential services and not allowed to take days off.

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I love that visual of Zumba cat! Being a crazy cat lady myself, I'm going to have to try it, especially if I wear my jingle skirt. They run after my gym bag when that skirt is jingling.


One of the local Zumba instructors just started offering a Zumba Step class. I'm hoping to try it out next week.


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I love that visual of Zumba cat! Being a crazy cat lady myself, I'm going to have to try it, especially if I wear my jingle skirt. They run after my gym bag when that skirt is jingling.



How old are your cats? My 11 year old will chase a bathrobe tie enthusiastically for about a minute. The 13 year old will slap the tie once or twice, then sit back and enjoy watching me act like an idiot. Zumba Cat is a hyperactive 5 year old.


Has anyone tried water zumba? It is nice, but more exercise than dancing, which is what I love best. We don't offer it yet at our club but I have gone many times with a friend as a guest at her club.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just typed an introduction, and then my laptop lost it's connection to the internet and didn't post. Talk about furious!!

I'm 25 and am starting yet ANOTHER weight loss attempt. I love Zumba and enjoy it when I am on track and doing as I should.

Has anyone seen the new DVD's with the Zumba Rizer? It's a STEP -- like step aerobics -- ZUMBA STYLE! I purchased the set on Amazon and I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am to get the set and get started. The new set of DVD's is called the Zumba Incredible Results system.

My family and I are cruising in five months and I would like to lose as much as possible before then. I tend to set really unrealistic goals (always with a deadline) and then I get discouraged when things don't go according to plan. So I am going to avoid that this go around, and just work my BUTT off and go with the flow and see how it goes. No expectations = no disappointments.

Has anyone else seen or tried the new DVD's? I would love to hear about your experiences. I own the Total Body Transformation set, and also Exhilarate. Total Body Transformation in my favorite. I was not a fan of Exhilarate.

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Diva, have you thought about using one of the fitness apps, like Lose It or My Fitness Pal? I've found it really helpful for setting weekly goals and keeping track of my food and exercise. I've lost 35 pounds just by being made more aware of my food choices and how much exercise I'm actually getting. A cruise is a great motivator, isn't it? I wish I had another one on the books to help me stay focused.


Has anyone noticed a bit of Insanity creeping into their Zumba classes? One of my teachers has started doing jumping jacks and drop push-ups in some songs, and since I can't do either one I'm a bit miffed. :( I really like Zumba for the dancing, and the more latin dancing the better for me. Anything that smacks of junior high calisthenics has me running the other way.


I would like to give a shout-out to all the great Zumba teachers out there. For reasons both good and bad I've been away from home most weekends lately, and getting online and finding a Saturday Zumba class has been a lifeline for me. The teachers have been great, and the classes have been fun and full of variety. Being able to keep up with my classes has helped me to keep on track with my weight and fitness goals in spite of all the disruption in my life right now.


When I do Wii fit at home, my cat acts like it's a game she wants to play but just can't quite figure out how. So cute.

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Diva, have you thought about using one of the fitness apps, like Lose It or My Fitness Pal? I've found it really helpful for setting weekly goals and keeping track of my food and exercise. I've lost 35 pounds just by being made more aware of my food choices and how much exercise I'm actually getting. A cruise is a great motivator, isn't it? I wish I had another one on the books to help me stay focused.


Has anyone noticed a bit of Insanity creeping into their Zumba classes? One of my teachers has started doing jumping jacks and drop push-ups in some songs, and since I can't do either one I'm a bit miffed. :( I really like Zumba for the dancing, and the more latin dancing the better for me. Anything that smacks of junior high calisthenics has me running the other way.


I would like to give a shout-out to all the great Zumba teachers out there. For reasons both good and bad I've been away from home most weekends lately, and getting online and finding a Saturday Zumba class has been a lifeline for me. The teachers have been great, and the classes have been fun and full of variety. Being able to keep up with my classes has helped me to keep on track with my weight and fitness goals in spite of all the disruption in my life right now.


When I do Wii fit at home, my cat acts like it's a game she wants to play but just can't quite figure out how. So cute.


Wow, congrats on your weight loss!!

I have used MyFitnessPal previously, but I found it too tedious to stick with. It's great for if you're eating out and the item is already it the catalog for you. But if I am preparing my own meals at home, it's too much trouble to try to calculate nutritional values and entering everything from a custom recipe.

I've only been on ONE actual Zumba class. I did not like it near as much as my Zumba DVD's. I'm sure there are better instructors out there, but I was turned off to the whole idea of the class by this one instructor. I prefer exercising privately anyway.

My package with the Incredible Results Zumba system arrived today. I watched some of it, and I was intrigued. It's very fast paced!! Luckily, there is not right or wrong way to do things, as long as you're moving!! :)

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  • 2 months later...

I've done two different routines to this in the last week, it's really fun:




I'm trying to pick a salsa to choreograph for my Saturday class, and these are the ones in the running so far:


Mal amigo (bad friend), in which a man sings to his treacherous friend who stole his girl


Pensamiento y palabra (thought and word), which is a sad song about love fading away but it is a wonderful salsa


Como se lo explico al Corazon (how to do you explain to the heart), my favorite of this group but again the lyrics are about breaking up

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The first, Bailando by Enrique Iglesias, is one of currently favourite zumba songs. I always sing along, putting special enthusiasm into the words "Ya no Puedo Mas" (I can't do it anymore) Those words seem so appropriate for a song usually played near the end of the class. LOL

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Now I'm thinking of using this song, "Azucar" (sugar):




Thumbs up to Azucar, too.


As our next cruise will be going all around the island of Cuba and we will be spending an extra week and a half in Havana, I am especially appreciative of good Cuban music. :D

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Wow! Thanks for sharing such valuable information!


I bought the Zumba Fitness DVD set so that I can do it when the mood strikes me. It is such fun, but unlike going to a class, you have to be self-motivated and THAT is a problem. I have no excuses, so maybe reading your posts will give me that push to pop in a DVD and do the routine on a daily bais. I have to admit that I feel better and more energetic when I do it!


We cruise again in 20 days, so I have no time for miracles, but I am going to try to stay on target until then. Wouldn't it be nice if you could take a Zumba class on the ship? The idea of burning 1000 calories in an hour workout would be helpful in the land of endless buffets and dessert at every meal!


I am really interested in the facial exercises. I'll look at the links you posted.....They are worth a try, right?


Keep up the good work; it sounds like you are on the right track!




I know this is an old post--but some ships do have Zumba. Princess has great Zumba classes on sea days, sometimes inside, sometimes out. The biggest problem is crowding, as it is free and very popular.


I think Celebrity has some too; we'll see in Dec. I love Zumba, but would have to drive 20 miles, at an inconvenient time of day, for a class. I have looked at but never bought DVD Zumba sets. I have a more-than-adequate bunch of exercise DVDs now, but really use them only in winter. I keep buying more!

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Wow. I feel like this thread has been resurrected! It has been so long since there has been conversation here!


I love the Bailando song...I have hopes of bringing it into my playlist.


For those that don't know...I had to move this summer. In a major twist of events, a conversation with my landlord back in April revealed that he may need to move back into his house and that he might not be able to renew our lease...for financial reasons. Sigh. The good news, the fantabulous news, is that we did move...up the street...into an amazing house that is quickly becoming our home...and I am very excited at the prospect of living in this house for the next 5 years...that is...through DS' schooling and high school graduation.


Anyway...I have been seriously neglecting new choreo and new songs! But Bailando is on my short list for replacement songs. Currently, I am still doing Cuando Me Enamoro and I think Bailando would be an excellent replacement...


At this time...Zumba hasn't done a cover of the song...but it is so popular, I know many instructors are doing it...I have seen many videos on YouTube...my current fav does a very good job of incorporating the Rumba Flamenca moves. My difficulty is having to negotiate on carpet for class and making sure that whatever we do is okay to do on carpet...and I haven't dedicated the time for learning new choreo with all the moving, etc.


burm...I love that you can understand the words to the song! DS is starting to take Spanish...and I have high hopes of following along. I took French...and I know that my French is rusty but still buried in there...and hopeful that Spanish might come easily enough.


Can anyone describe the movement they do to the song? I'm not a great choreographer...so I do enjoy hearing what is fun to do in class...


Meanwhile...since everyone hasn't talked in forever...I'm still teaching at Curves. Tuesday and Saturday. I did take over the Saturday class when the instructor decided to let it go. I also teach a kind of toning class at Curves on Mondays and Wednesdays.


I have to say...I just love the camaraderie that can occur in a Zumba class. I've enjoyed the support of my Zumba ladies as I've gone through some tough times this summer. And the exercise is such a relief to count on...I find that I need that release with the heart pumping action.


Nebr cruiser...Celebrity used to have free Zumba. It used to be a pool side activity. I was leery of that idea...but if you continue to read this thread...you might eventually come upon the reasons for why and how I became a big supporter of this concept. And when we sailed on Connie for Spring Break earlier this year...I LOVED the pool side Zumba. But I can tell you that Zumba classes now fall under the umbrella of Canyon Spa (pretty sure on that name...) which has taken over the spa offerings on Celebrity. I believe there is a $12? cover for the classes? And they are held in the spa/fitness center. I hear that there may be a sign up sheet and it may sell out as the class is limited by the size of the room. It's a real shame because the pool side workout was a good one...I thoroughly enjoyed it. Everything I report is from reading here and my further research...and I haven't delved into this topic in months...so things may have changed again...


I do teach tomorrow morning...or this morning as the case might be. I'm very happy that there was enough interest to warrant the class on the holiday weekend.


Here's hoping everyone has a great holiday!

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I think having zumba poolside is great because there are still so many people who don't know what it is.


The huge crowds zumba classes gather on board ship should just tell them that they need more classes! Those who don't want to participate will still enjoy the lively music.

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I was afraid it had probably become a for-fee class on Celebrity. I know it's probably still a good deal, but I most likely won't be paying.


The Princess classes are so popular that people are dancing on all decks around the pool! Love it. The instructors have been very good, and I don't think they 'dumb it down' given the age of most of the participants, at least it seemed pretty strenuous to me!


Okay, I know I will sound like a tech dummy, but when people are doing exercise classes from You-tube, or my favorite diet and exercise site, Spark People, are you watching on your computer, or somehow on a tv?


I've tried doing videos on my desktop screen, but it's small and I don't have that much space for moving in my office. I assume there is some way to watch things on a tv, but don't know how to do it!


Any advice on how to get computer videos to my tv would be appreciated!

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Nebraska, I use an HDMI cable from my laptop to the TV and then whatever I play on the computer shows up on the tv. I have to adjust the input setting on my tv -- HDMI shows up as an option when the laptop is on.


I once tried to do yoga from youtube on my laptop, but it was just too small to see, especially in certain poses. In the early days before we had Wii and BluRay this was also how we watched Netflix on the tv.


In the last 10 days I've done four different Zumba classes, and each one has done Bailando with different choreo. Most of them choose steps from the music video but I think there are many different options. I liked best the choreo that included the flamenco style steps and bit of salsa. It was the most up-tempo of the four and took advantage of the rhythms in the song in the best way.


I love Zumba on Princess! On our recent P cruises the classes have been in one of the clubs. I can't imagine doing it by the pool. I like to get there early and be on the wood dance floor rather than on the carpet. I have to say that at this point I think the option of Zumba on sea days would be a deciding factor for me on choosing a cruise line.

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