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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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This is the kind of class...that if you can take one...you will probably find yourself working harder in your Basic Zumba class because you learn how to engage your muscles through more fitness variations of the typical Zumba moves in Toning.



My gym just started a Zumba Toning class on Friday nights. I haven't really been interested in trying it, but the idea that it will improve my regular Zumba has me intrigued now.


Anita: always teaching me something new, thank you :)

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My gym just started a Zumba Toning class on Friday nights. I haven't really been interested in trying it, but the idea that it will improve my regular Zumba has me intrigued now.


Anita: always teaching me something new, thank you :)


I would definitely go at least once. And if you enjoyed it, I would think it would be a good addition on an irregular basis...one of those things that you do to confuse your body and give it a little kick every now and again. The fact is that while Mom has enjoyed weight training and hated cardio...I could say that I was opposite...but Toning isn't a substitute for weight training...however it WILL increase the quality of the muscle that you have.


It's like this...moderate to heavy weight training is designed to have you do an exercise for a calculated number of sets and reps that will result in complete muscle failure by the end of the exercise. That is...if you have an ideal program, you are pushing your muscles to their limits so that you couldn't do one more rep without losing proper form. The goal is to INCREASE your muscles limit so that you can train on more and more weight and/or for more sets/reps. The result is increased strength and possibly increased mass (increased mass is very hard for females).


A toning exercise like Zumba Toning does not seek muscle failure and therefore, while increased strength is an expected result...definitely not to the extent of moderate to heavy weight training. The benefits from doing the light weighted cardio workout include some improved strength and improved tone and definition and a whole host of benefits associated with activated muscles to an extent that they may not normally have been previously used...including the ability to activate more muscle fibers regularly because they have been activated during your workout...better muscle balance (that is not only the left side of your body to the right but also on either side of your joint (for example, biceps/triceps)...improved neuromuscular function...and the typical... improved cardio endurance, an influence on metabolic function, altered lean body/far mass ratio, improved overall muscular endurance, improved joint mobility and range of motion, improved stabiliation, improved coordination and agility, improved cognitive function, improved motor control, increased caloric expenditure, and improved ability to perform pain-free activities.


The deal is that the style of the Toning class...that is, the speed of movement and the control of the movement...is such that safety is a priority. If your instructor is following their training, then the movements will have control and proper form as the priority. This is what can carry over into the Zumba class...because you may be more focused on form in Toning...you will have more time to concentrate on the muscles in the movement. It's the focused movement and the thoughtful engagement of moving muscles that gives a student a benefit in Toning. The thoughtful engagement is what can really carry over. So many times, you just move in Zumba and unless you are actively THINKING about and purposefully contracting the moving muscle, you aren't getting quite the benefit you COULD.


Now, not every song works. It really depends on your instructor. Some instructors are more jumpy than others...and depending on how active their arms are...how much time they allow for movement...you may or may benefit as much with your attempt at thoughtful muscle engagement in their class. You understand that?


I tend to be a lower impact, active arm and grounded movement kind of instructor...so someone taking Toning would benefit greatly in my Basic class...and I will be a great toning instructor because it is very much my style. I'm not the jumpy fast kind of gal...I like controled, purposeful movement.

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I think I'm going to divorce my gym. Out of 8 recumbent bikes only 2 are working now, and one of those only pedals -- no electronics. They haven't had any heat for a week and a half. My membership is up for renewal at the end of the month, and I honestly don't think they'll be around for another year the way things are looking.


I cheated on my gym today with a guest pass at another one that is a little further away. They have 7 Zumba classes a week, plus lots more yoga and a whirlpool. I went to a Cardio Dance class today, and I'm going to try Zumba there tomorrow. BTW they told me the Cardio Dance class was "like Zumba," but it was NOT. Not even close.


I will miss the fabulous Linda, but I think I'm ready to up my game with a better facility.

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I think I'm going to divorce my gym. Out of 8 recumbent bikes only 2 are working now, and one of those only pedals -- no electronics. They haven't had any heat for a week and a half. My membership is up for renewal at the end of the month, and I honestly don't think they'll be around for another year the way things are looking.


I cheated on my gym today with a guest pass at another one that is a little further away. They have 7 Zumba classes a week, plus lots more yoga and a whirlpool. I went to a Cardio Dance class today, and I'm going to try Zumba there tomorrow. BTW they told me the Cardio Dance class was "like Zumba," but it was NOT. Not even close.


I will miss the fabulous Linda, but I think I'm ready to up my game with a better facility.


I got really lucky in that my gym is now offering a much cheaper monthly fee for unlimited Zumba and the gym. They are pretty nice and close enough to walk to. They only have a couple bike but have lots of treadmill, stair climbers and elipticles. They also have the concept rowers that give you a great low impact total body workout. With 7 weekly Zumba classes I have a good choice.


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I've had 3 Zumba classes in four days, and another one scheduled for tomorrow. Woot woot! I joined a new gym and during the month overlap with my old one, I could Zumba every day of the week if I wanted to. :) I think I just might! I hope my knees hold up!

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I've had 3 Zumba classes in four days, and another one scheduled for tomorrow. Woot woot! I joined a new gym and during the month overlap with my old one, I could Zumba every day of the week if I wanted to. :) I think I just might! I hope my knees hold up!


During a stay at home vacation this summer I did it 6 out of 7 days. When I do the toning class on Monday I like to take the next night off but will do it tonight, tomorrow and Saturday. I often do it at home in the mornings also. We have hardwood throughout the house which makes it easier to do the DVD or on the Wii.


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Anita, how is your Zumba floor coming along? What an awesome project! Just think of all the choreo you'll be able to do.


I can't work out in my apartment at all, we have wood over concrete -- so hard.


DH installed the floor this past weekend. The 4' x 8' underlayment is side by side with the long edge against the wall. The flooring on top was longer than 4' so DH had to cut half the boards. It's installed so that the center seam is staggered. DH put some brad nails into the some of the end boards and at the seam of the underlayment. It's really secure actually. The edging makes the edge nice...LOL...We made a slight measurement miscalculation so that the ends are mitered like DH wanted...but I assured him I didn't really care. But I wanted to note that he tried. :) Two boxes of flooring didn't quite cover the 64 sq ft, but since I would never really work out so close to the wall...we left that bare of the flooring. You can see the underlayment in the photo.


Today, I found mirrors in WalMart that were similar to the ones I had seen in Ikea. They are 12 inches wide and 4 feet tall. I bought 4 with the hopes of buying more in the future so that the mirror will be as wide as the floor. Meanwhile, it's fine.


The flooring cost $81 in materials. The underlayment was $10 per sheet; bought two. The flooring was $18 a box; bought two. The edging was just under $1 per linear foot and we bought 26 linear feet. The mirrors were $15 each and included the hardware to hang them. So this is about a $145 project. Happy Christmas to me!








It just lays on the carpet. They way DH nailed the boards, we can actually take it apart if we remove or cut the edging and move it. The mirrors are hung with clips so they are easy to move too. You can't see my stereo in the photo of course...but it's off to the side on a bookcase.


This room is like a bonus room over the garage...so it's almost as big as the garage underneath...so this is just one corner of the room.


Meanwhile...I have an interview/audition at a gym on Monday! I'm very excited. Even having one class would be fantastic. I've done a bit on the floor this week and today...and I have lost a lot of cardio stamina since I haven't really worked out since visiting Mom early in November. :eek: The job is either Wed and/or Thurs night classes. Not my fav, but I can have a couple evening classes...I may not have a choice if I really want to teach. I just won't do 4 out of 7 like before. The gym is only 7 miles away...that's 15-20 minutes...so not too bad.


I'll be going over my music until then. Thinking I need to update my warm up songs to something more current...also have some songs that I've never taught before that I will probably practice a bit. It's been a while since I've taught...I'm so excited at the prospect of getting back to it.


I'm also sending my resume into another location that is near by. Regardless of whether or not that location is hiring...they have an offer for $35 for unlimited classes. I'm thinking that I will do that and really kick off the New Year right...trying to get back on track with my goals.


Margaret, sounds like you are making the most of your transition to the new gym! Shocking your system with an unusual schedule can really be a boost to your regimen. I SO need to get back into a routine. Plans are in the works. I'm trying to not be too hard on myself as I allow myself to work through everything.

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I just want to talk about this a bit here as I have been wheat/gluten free since somewhere around October 21ish. I wasn't entirely successful in my attempts (because I inadvertently ate some things that had wheat through lack of research and/or misinformation from restaurant staff). However, I do believe that I have been enormously successful since visiting Mom, that is November 5. YES, it is an effort...and the beginning was very difficult because I just didn't know what in the world to eat because wheat really did play more of role in all my food than I realized. The main problem is that you may have to learn a whole new repertoire of meals and until you get that figured out, every meal can feel like an experiment.


In no particular order, here are some things that I have learned:


1. Ancient Grains brand Quinoa pasta is AWESOME. It has the bite/heft that you expect from a wheat pasta. I enjoy rice pasta in Asian dishes...like Pad Thai (which I LOVE!)...and I just can't quite put that together with marinara and meatballs.


2. Non-wheat yeast bread isn't very good for sandwiches. At least the two I have tried. However, it makes EXCELLENT bread crumbs for making turkey breast meatballs for the aforementioned marinara and spaghetti.


3. Gluten-free Pantry brand all purpose flour has been a great all-purpose flour for making gravy and banana bread and coating chicken wings for buffalo-style wings. This is an excellent banana bread recipe:




As per the comments on the site...I added 1/2 cup of Sorghum Flour and substituted pumpkin puree for the applesauce (only because I happened to have canned pumpkin but not applesauce). My whole family is delighted and thinks it tastes great.


4. Gluten-free pie dough is a major PITA to roll out. You have to roll it between two sheets of wax paper. If you don't have a French style rolling pin, you end up using your rolling pin like one. Peel one sheet of paper off, transfer crust to the pie plate crust side down, and then peel the other sheet off. The crust will not likely come off in one piece. It's like forming a pie crust out of silly putty or play dough, you just shmoosh it back together. This is a great pie plate and it also works great for cooking gluten free dough:




5. The pie crust recipe on Pamela's Artisan Flour tasted slightly better than the Gluten Free Pantry Pie Crust Mix, but the GF Pantry crust was definitely easier to roll out, easier, not easy. The GF Pantry recipe required eggs, which I think was the major difference is workability. I'm inspired by the use of both of these to try to make my own flour mix for making a pie crust...and I will definitely use eggs in the dough.


6. Other people are very receptive to the idea of having to live wheat/gluten free and most know at least one person that does. The ladies that organized the company holiday party gave us the menu in advance...and they bought things (chips) that were specifically gluten free for me...and made sure the dips were all gluten free.


7. I took GF brownies to the holiday party as everyone was supposed to bring dessert. No one could tell the brownies were GF. This is the BEST brownie recipe EVER...the first one with almond meal and melted chocolate:




8. Almost everything processed has wheat in it, but almost everything has at least one version that's wheat free.


9. Blue Diamond brand Pecan Nut Thins are AWESOME crackers. The whole family loves them...very good with brie and summer sausage ;):




I haven't tried the almond ones yet...not sure that I would like them if they would remind me too much of almond extract, which I like in baked goods...but crackers?


10. Many restaurant chains have nutrition information available online and specifically allergy information. Very helpful. PF Chang's has a new gluten free section on their menu in the restaurant, which is AWESOME...and many restaurants have labels on their menu items to indicate gluten free...just like ones to indicate vegetarian or vegan.


11. There ARE some super tasty gluten free beers...and some that are really awful. Total Wine is a liquor store in our area that allows you to build your own 6-pack and has a huge selection of singles, including gluten free beers and ciders. It's fun to make your own "gluten free flight" and try them out.


12. You CAN get gluten free soy sauce.


13. Most oats are gluten free in their natural state, HOWEVER, most oats are processed on equipment that processes gluten/wheat products and therefore aren't gluten free. There ARE gluten free oats...and they are expensive. Bob's Red Mill makes a creamy buckwheat cereal that is a good hot cereal that you can treat like oats with fruit and nuts and some sort of liquid milk and wasn't too expensive in Whole Foods Market. And I happen to really like the taste of buckwheat in the morning.




In other food related news...


I made crustless quiche muffins for my Brunch and Bunco ladies. They were very good, but I didn't grease the pan enough. They didn't come out pretty...clean up was a PITA. However, making these muffins is a great way to have a fast hot breakfast. They reheat really well. I'm thinking that this would be great to do with left over veggies from dinners? I plan on trying again with more oil on the muffin pan.


Have I mentioned Bone Broth here? I cooked rice the other night in it. Came out great. I'm excited to get more and more Bone Broth into our diet. Research the idea of Bone Broth. It's like a super food. I make mine in the crock pot...start it on high until it is boiling, then turn it down to low. I let it good overnight for 24 hours. The house smells AMAZING when it's cooking.


Thanks for the link Margaret...I'll look at that tomorrow.


In Zumba news...I've been researching potential warm up songs and I'm having a hard time finding anything clean that has a good beat and seems appropriate. All the current songs are explicit, it feels like. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Anita, love your Zumba corner! Have you tried it yet?


We did Contestame el Telefono again this week, one of my favorite songs and I always end up singing it to myself for the rest of the week :).


I've been home with a bad cold watching too much TV, but here is another interesting diet-related interview about metabolic types:




I hope I can get back to Zumba this week before I leave for the holiday. I have JURY DUTY ugh as soon as I get back.

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I have tried my Zumba corner...it was so sad how much stamina I have lost! Cardio is the first to go...*sigh*...I knew that traveling steps would need modification...like doing an 8 count sleepy leg...but typical grapevines and other 4 count traveling steps just fit on the floor...and I can currently adjust so that I can get myself back in front of the mirror for the majority of other movement. I do like a mirror...I like to see what my body is doing...check my form...make faces at myself ;):rolleyes:


Where are you going for the holiday? Mom and Dad are coming here. They arrive Wednesday, I'm so excited!


Yesterday, I sat and listened and watched and played with some warm up music. I am playing with the following:


Algo Me Gusta De Ti by Wisin Y Yandel for a first warm up

Oliver Twist by Dbanj for a toning warm up (not toning class, toning moves like squats and core movement)


I didn't go to the Zumba instructor convention, so I just found this one song...and I LURVE it!! Anyone doing it in their classes?


by DJ Mam


I don't have choreo for it yet, but there's a lot out there. I'm not going to try to update all my choreo for this audition/interview...I'm going to rely on what I know already and if I get the job, teach some of my new routines when classes start after the new year. I think that's a good compromise...have some very familiar songs and some totally new songs...a bit of a challenge but not enough to freak me out with a new class.

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Anita, good luck on your interview today! You're going to rock it! You're always so well prepared.


I love both the songs you posted, they sound fun. Right now I'm liking David Guerra's song Titanium. If I have one complaint about my favorite teacher, it's that she rarely does any pop/club music, which I enjoy dancing to sometimes.


I'm heading to Florida for Christmas week, so no Zumba for a bit, but walking on the beach every day will just have to do. :)

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I got the job!!


I'm very excited! Going to start teaching with the new year. YAY!!! *happy dance* *happy dance* The schedule isn't totally set. The owner is looking to put together an attractive schedule to grab the New Year's Resolutionists. She's looking to hire a couple instructors and people's schedules will determine when we teach. I think I for sure have a Monday morning class. I prefer the daytime since I am available during the day... The owner is wonderful and I'm very much looking forward to working for/with her to build the studio.


Oh. It isn't a gym...it's a studio. Very excited.


Margaret, you should look up classes where you are going! Just go to the zumba website and find a class. Florida is where the Zumba Home office is located. It's where Beto landed and started Zumba. He's from Columbia, but the whole Zumba phenomenon started in Florida. It's fun to experience other classes. You should check it out!


I'm going to a free class tonight. I was invited by the instructor that I subbed for before that teaches the Tuesday morning class and does all the Bhangra... She has invited another instructor that's new to the area to go with her also. The class is being taught by an instructor that represents our district to the Zumba Home Office for communication purposes. There should be a lot of other instructors there...should be good Zumba and good for networking also. I excited to do something social.

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  • 3 weeks later...
First class back from vacation, and we had a sub who did a fun dance to this song (by Fatboy Slim) I had completely forgotten about:




Love that song and love me some Walken. We had a class last Friday morning and I was the only one there. We also had a class on Saturday and one last night so I'm back in the swing.

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Happy New Year to Everyone!


I have to be upfront and just say that the past 6 months have been rough business. I don't need to rehash all my drama...the move...the transition is STILL a work in progress. Georgia does not feel like home...but it is...and reconciling to current circumstances feels like a major challenge.


Again...I don't need to detail my issues...it will suffice to say that I have some...DH and I are hopeful that the New Year...this artificial marker of time will be the catalyst of much needed adjustments.


To begin...I am SO EXCITED to teach my first class on Monday! I was left hanging over the holidays...a lack of communication with the manager/owner...so I have not been able to share the fact that I finally have a set schedule with the few people I know...so I have no idea if there will even be any students at the class. Whatever. I know that building a class takes time...she seems to understand this as well...we'll see what happens.


In putting together my playlist...I find myself gravitating to all the music that I have been doing forever. Honestly, I was sick of some of these songs...SO SICK of some of these songs...but I put them on now...and they are like old friends...a warm fuzzy blanket of comfort that I know I can work and have fun with...I can concentrate on leading a great class and not freak out over needing to remember a bunch of new material...so even though you have seen these songs before...this is my playlist for my first class:


Algo Me Gusta De Ti by Wisin & Yandel feat. Chris Brown and T-Pain (First Warm up)

Follow the Leader by Wisin & Yandel feat. J-Lo (Second Warm up)

Plane to PR (clean) by Daddy Yankee feat Will.I.Am (Toning/Reggaeton)

Waka Waka (Esta es Africa) by Shakira feat. Freshlyground (Calypso/Latin Pop)

La Despedida by Daddy Yankee (Merengue)

Ven a Cumbiar by El Simbolo (Cumbia)

Dame (Touch Me) by Zumba Fitness (orig by J-Lo) (Cha Cha)

Zoomer by Les Jumo (African inspired French)

Take You to Rio by Ester Dean (Pop)

Bailando Por El Mundo by Juan Magan feat El Cata & Pitbull) (Merengue/Reggaeton)

Boro Boro (Radio Edit) by Arash (Bhangra)

Baila Esta Cumbia by Kumbia Kings (Cumbia)

Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias (Bachata)

Hola My Friend by Zumba Fitness (Pacific Rhythm/Cool Down)

Caminando Por la Calle by Gipsy Kings (Rumba Gitano/Stretch)


Some people would call this class that I have designed "Zumba Light"...because there isn't a hardcore reggaeton song...think "En Sus Marcas, Listos, Fuera" also known as "bwetta say boh boh...bwetta say boh boh...bwetta say boh boh...zoh pwe calista pwetta boh!" with MAJOR "football legs" or any sick fast merengues that leave you gasping. There is no high impact, which I don't normally do anyway. My opening toning warm up has some squats...but there isn't a full on squat/lunge song. This is the class that is designed to help anyone that has taken a break over the holidays and/or has never tried Zumba before. It is a fitting class for the new year. It's full of fun, stick in your head music.


Because of my choreo...it's a full body workout...because of my arm work...it's a great cardio workout...and even if you are a total beginner, you will get a good workout...and if you actually have a clue?...you can get a GREAT workout...even without a killer song.


It's what I need personally because I haven't workout out since visiting Mom. And I haven't workout regularly since June. I have gained way too much weight...I can't wear many of my bottoms...including some of my Zumba pants...which is beyond frustrating...but I'm trying hard to just go through the process here. I haven't regained all the weight I lost...but enough that I have to overcome some sadness and frustration with the whole process.


Moving on...


I successfully had a wheat-free holiday season. I'm very proud of that. I'm currently working on creating a weekly menu. We will be pursuing an anti-inflammatory type of diet. DH needs some serious help for his back in this area...so I am trying to put together a plan that will help us actually achieve our goals in the year 2013.


We are not going to cruise this year. So that is not a goal/reward. I generally do better when I have something to look forward to...I believe that my goals will take another 12+ months to achieve...so the cruise that was planned for June/July would have been too soon in terms of a big achieving goal kind of celebration...so I am trying to think of something that would be appropriate and supportive of continuing lifestyle.


Meanwhile...believe it or not...I'm planning for my eleventy-first birthday. The way I figure...I have the year of being 41 (I turn 41 in March) to support the next 70 I plan on living so that I can actually celebrate my eleventy first birthday in style. Ultimately, this year may be one of extremes...extreme discipline...going beyond what would be a "normal lifestyle"...and then learning how and when to deviate from such discipline. There is a school of thought that talks about living a "fasted life"...I am attracted to this idea for this year for some reason...it seems very challenging and I think I like this idea for that very reason...I want to challenge myself, just to see if I can do it. Not that I want to do it forever...but WHAT IF we made certain decisions about how we were going to live in 2013...just to see if we could? That's where we are...


Tomorrow I need to finalize my new warm up routines...the first song on my list is one I have never taught before...I've taught the second one once...and everything else is familiar in varying degrees.


Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!

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It's important to learn something new every day right?


Today I learned that 1 teaspoon of dried oregano has as much antioxidant power as 3 cups of brocolli. :eek: It is one of seven super spices listed here:




The more I research, the more I appreciate a simple non-fat marinade that I found for lamb chops. I have also used it on boneless/skinless chicken breasts. And apparently, it is composed almost entirely of things high in anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The marinade is:


  • 2 lemons (depending on how big and how much juice you can get)
  • 2-3 head of garlic, minced (depending on how big and how much garlic you like)
  • 2 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp dried thyme (you can totally reverse these depending on which one you feel like having more of on any given night.)
  • salt to taste (I usually use around 1/2 tsp give or take depending on how much protein I am marinading...but then I am not shy about iodinized salt as iodine is necessary to help prevent certain thyroid issues that do seem to run in my family and could be prevented with adequate iodine intake)
  • pepper to taste


Because this is an acid marinade...with the citrus...it will actually "cook" the protein if you marinade for too long...so this is more of a dress the meat before you cook it kind of marinade. Make it and you will see...it isn't super runny...and all the herbs/garlic coat the protein. I use the grill. Yes, even in this cold weather (40 degrees)...but then, I just love grilled food and more importantly, the clean up associated with grilled food. :)


Given the information learned regarding these ingredients...it will definitely be at the least a bi-weekly thing. We grilled up 7 chicken half-breasts tonight, which we will use for lunches this week.


Another excellent recipe that is highly nutritious and strangely addictive...and uses two of the listed super spices...as well as garlic and onions...and other known "warming" spices that are supposedly good for metabolism...and also uses the awesome bone broth that I mentioned before as well as lentils, which are something of a super food:




It is important to note that the instructions on this recipe are lame. You DO want to puree about half of the soup and then add it back to the soup. And definitely read the comment that mentions the garnishes. I have this cookbook and this is a GREAT lentil soup.


We are aiming for more bone broth in our diet. Our thoughts are soup with lunch and dinner while the weather is cold. This is one of the soups. What I like about it...pantry ingredients. Except for the fresh cilantro garnish. Lentils are cheap. Red lentils are harder for me to get here in Georgia. I have to go to this one special grocery store to get them here...and the traffic to get there is awful...but I can buy bulk and it's cheap. Onions are cheap. Bone broth comes with proper menu planning and stocking of the kitchen. So this is a cheap soup. Cheap is good. Maybe I should say inexpensive? And this is full of nutritional bang for the buck, for sure...and doesn't take much time.


I have made the personal commitment to using nutrimirror again...I need to enter this recipe there to see the nutritional breakdown...and I'm not sure how to account for the awesomeness of the homemade bone broth...we'll see how that goes.


Today I took advantage of the fact that DH's company has decided to include spouses in the Virgin Healthmiles program. You wear a pedometer and log your steps/activity minutes and each participant can earn up to $300/year for your family health fund by meeting set milestones. I plan to rock this program with my Zumba schedule. I wonder if anyone else is a participant?


I also filled out my Personal Health Assessment. Anyone else? That's $200 in your fund! AND certified that I'm a non-smoker...another $50?


Anyone else have a program like this?

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Anita, I can't help thinking about you today and hoping that you have an AWESOME class!


Thanks for posting recipes. I tend to get in a rut with cooking. That marinade is similar to one I buy in the store, but of course the store-bought one has many unnecessary ingredients that are not healthy. So, I'm looking forward to trying yours. We eat SO MUCH chicken!


I keep a large bottle of Costco organic no-salt seasoning by my stove, and I use it all the time. DH is borderline hypertensive so I've been cooking with less salt for him. We put it on eggs, salads, potatoes, veggies, you name it.


I just replaced my broken George Foreman grill, so we tried out the new one with lime marinated steak fajitas. Yummy. I missed my grill and had no idea how much I was using it until it was gone. Also, last summer I got a tiny book called 500 Salads as a hostess gift, and I'm going to make a new salad every weekend to try to keep our salad habit from being so boring. Saturday I made a giant Cobb salad, though I left out the bacon and the egg, and it's really hard to get good avocados here right now. Next weekend it will be apple, celery, walnut & parmesan. Yum.


Some of the salads in the book are pretty basic like caesar and caprese. Later in the book I'll get to warm salads, and grain and bean salads.

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We have a health program like that. $500 for non-smoking and another $500 if you got a health assessment. We use my DH's insurance so mine paid me $1000 for opting out of it. We eat a ton of chicken too. I love the Mrs. Dash seasonings. The Caribbean citrus is good as is the Chipolte lime.


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Edited by fergusonvt
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I wish I could say I had an awesome class...BUT...no one showed up today! *shrug* The fact is that I haven't been able to see anyone I know to let them know that I am teaching...and school doesn't start again until tomorrow. I wasn't really expecting there to be many, if any...so I wasn't too disappointed. The cool thing is that the owner/manager of the studio is very realistic and willing to be patient to get things going. I did talk to her about the possibility of teaching more than the one...we'll see...


I'm applying for another position...we'll see what happens with that.




Today was my first latte free day in IDK how long. I have decided that I need to reduce my latte intake. I wouldn't think as much against it if I didn't need the flavor shot...but my latte is more of a sweet coffee flavored drink. I ended up having some green tea today with a special last day of holiday vacation with DS...we went for sushi. That's all the caffeine that I have had today...and it's been okay. Green tea is something that I don't mind...Mom doesn't enjoy it...I think tea has more health benefits...so I'm going to try to pursue tea over lattes. I haven't yet determined how many lattes per time frame seems acceptable...to tell the truth...I've gotten a little tired of it...so I'm just going to wait and see what I think when/if I really REALLY want one.

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