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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Margaret! That song just screams Zumba to me. :D There is a fantastic movement in that video; I don't know how to describe it except to call it a squat shimmy. It's like a combination of a upper body pump with a simultaneous lowering of the body, engaging the quads. I mean... wow... really a difficult move when you dissect it and very effective for a lot of muscle engagement.


I MUST tell you that my shoulder shimmies very absolutely SUPERB in class the other night! LOL.


I had another 2 week layoff from Zumba. I mean... that respiratory cough was tenacious and just awful. I simply couldn't catch my breath when I started this awful coughing spell. So, I went back to Zumba probably a little bit before I really should have; this time I waited, probably, for a little bit longer than I should have.


But, it was FUN. I was a little surprised that I didn't gasp for breath as much as I thought that I would. But, I have been doing quite a bit of "heavy lifting" around the house, actually, in the sense that I've been doing a LOT of Spring pruning in the landscaping... and by that I mean TREES with big branches. I actually wore my HRM while I was doing some of the work and it really was interesting to see what made my heart rate sore... would you believe sawing (yes) and the most intensive thing?!? sweeping! That was interesting to me; I guess it's all the back and forth movement of the arms and twisting of the upper body. Which, when you think about it, is probably why the rowing motion in upper body training is so effective.


My stress levels are super high, though. I thought about you (Margaret) the other day and sent you a little prayer for some peace and calm in your life. I hope you're doing well with your family, etc.


I can't believe that we are in April of this year! The first 3 months have just flown by! I have to add some calming aspects to my lifestyle. I've determined that I'm missing some flexibility training, stretching, relaxing components to my lifestyle. I need to do some more pampering and calming down. AND, I desperately need a haircut! :eek:


Thoughts to think about.....

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Pam, you are right about that squat shimmy thing, I thought my quads were going to peel off and fall on the floor. :eek: For the verses we were doing this arm waving thing until they wanted to die too, so it was relief, pain, relief, pain, OMG such a good workout. When we were done, I was DONE.


So happy to hear about your fab shimmies! And I hope your lungs are finally truly recovered. The cold and its cough that was going around here this winter was especially tenacious.


Thank you for thinking about me. Our family pow wow was stressful but productive, and of course sent me home with some projects to do. But, I feel very relieved that everyone is on the same path now and we have an idea of how to proceed to put into place what we need to help them.


I actually just got back from 2 days in Chicago since one of my very very best friends has been in ICU for almost two weeks now, battling post op complications and pneumonia. I feel like a gypsy these days, but it was good to be there and talk to the docs, and see that she is finally inching toward improvement. I told her I would send her a picture of Shawn Cassidy to cheer her up, since we spent HOURS mooning over the Hardy Boys when we were young. :)


Two bonuses: I got to see one of Frank Lloyd Wright's most famous houses, and I met a wonderful West African cabbie who introduced me to the music of Sekouba Bambino, a famous singer from Guinea (I was thinking of you, Anita, and your quest for music):


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Thanks for sharing Margaret!


Funny thing is that salsa is something that the instructor I'm going to sub for doesn't really do. She has...but only one or two and not in every class. I think salsa in class is one of the rhythms that really makes you feel like you are in a Zumba class...the dance class not the fitness class...and if you can wiggle your booty all around, you can feel really awesome about yourself. I'm definitely including salsa on my playlist...and I've been looking for a new one because I'm tired of mine and one of mine is one that the other instructor does... and I want to be different. :)

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I'm going to class today. I was already planning on going, but the instructor texted me yesterday asking me to come and lead two more songs. And to lead two different songs to be able to show more of my style and music...


It was very last minute so I needed to choose from the oldies...


Last week's songs were a bit more energetic...and while I would say dance inspired, like most Zumba...not so dancy...


So I could go into two different directions with my song choices...dancy or even MORE fitness-y by doing something like "arms from hell"...


I decided to go the dancy route, doing a cha cha and a cumbia...


...I was inspired by this route after 0:45


We always called this one the "cruise ship song" since Mom said she had never been on cruise without hearing it:


by El Simbolo


Should be a fun morning!

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Another great day in a Zumba class!


The instructor went crazy today. I think I have previously characterized her as a "jumpy" instructor...and she is...but TODAY...OMG...She has been told that she cannot do high impact for 3 months following her surgery tomorrow, so she decided to get all the high impact out of her system TODAY. :eek:


She is one of those instructors that equates Zumba with high impact...I know that I'm not a high impact instructor...I get excited and have fun and so I know that I can GO high impact on certain steps (like the sleepy leg...sometimes, I'm a little too wiggly, bouncy and I know that I kind of "hop" along with my sleepy leg...especially on carpet...:o) and I've been known to throw in jumping jack feet and other similar things, but I'm NOT jumpy...


Regardless...the songs went well today in class...the instructor said that I got complements after last week...so I'm pretty sure that the class will be happy enough to continue with their Zumba habit while their regular instructor is recovering.


Meanwhile...I'm very grateful for the opportunity for my own recovery back into my own Zumba habit.


One thing that was good about this class...she did several songs that I remembered that she did...and it will help me to want to do something different...so at least I can check off a couple songs from my list and not do them, because she does. There are a couple that I WILL do anyways...but the ones today were obviously loved by the class and that can be really annoying when you love a routine/song to not be able to do the moves that your muscles are really wanting to do...KWIM?


So I have a bunch of Zumba homework...including moving my music library to a computer that isn't having issues...:p


I have one week to get the class together...So I can eliminate certain songs because I don't want to repeat certain ones and others because I won't do them on carpet...


It's going to be so much fun!


Edited to add...anyone got a recommendation for a favorite Reggaeton song? I need a classic one for this class...but it has to be fun...but I want to expose these ladies to a really fun Reggaeton...let me know if you need an example of what Reggaeton is...

Edited by Anita Latte
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There's just something about this Spring. I don't know what it is, but I'm having some difficulty with my daily routine and that, of course, translates into having some difficulty with my exercise regimen.


Maybe it's that Ive had so many house projects or that I've been doing some extensive Spring cleaning or I'm doing catch up on the landscaping and maintenance issues that we've postponed. Whatever it is, my Zumba classes have gone on the back burner. Multiple times I've made a re-commitment to going to class... and I've just ignored myself.


Last night, I went and I was right back to gulping for air. I haven't been in a few weeks and when I went the last, last time it had been after almost a 3 week break. So, last night was the culmination of being away from Zumba for quite a few weeks. Even though my physical activity has been at a high level, my cardio intensity just hasn't been there and... my body totally rebelled at what I was putting it through. High rate on the heart rate and I just couldn't keep up... I had to stop working my arms and had to do the ultimate just put my hands on my hips and kind of do some sort of movement with my feet... praying that Kisha wouldn't have us do a grapevine move so I could just stay in one place! LOL. I got through it... and now my jaw is set to get back to my regular routines! Zumba is just so good at promoting cardio fitness; isn't it a bit "unfair" that we lose it relatively quickly though?!? :p


I tried to pay attention to reggaeton and we did do a song, but I have to say that I didn't think it was FUN. Of course, it may have had a bit to do with my struggles... but, really, I don't much care for the reggaeton move(s). I do like the hit-the-numbers circle turns... but I don't like the movement where we do a chopping type of move with our upper arm (elbow parallel to the floor and moving our arm across our body) while we travel steps across the floor. There's something about that move that feels so awkward to me. I do like the reggaeton beat, but the WORDS...OMG... sometimes the words are quite...explicit? maybe that's the adjective?!? Anyway, I couldn't be much help in identifying those type of songs... although I know that Kisha is fond of them because we do quite a bit of those....<ahem> moves. Sorry.


Today is a good day for me! I have a hair appointment! I feel happy just thinking about it. Hopefully, I'll get a sassy haircut this time.

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It isn't fair how quickly we can lose the cardio!!


It's very hard to get back on track after losing the habit...I have all kinds of motivation to get back on track right now...


1. The teaching assignment...which helps to put Zumba on the schedule again


2. The hopes of starting a Thursday morning class while doing this teaching assignment.


3. Memorial Day Weekend Travel Plans...I'd really like to be able to wear some of my fav clothing that I have collected...and I need to lose in order to wear these clothes


4. Healthmiles Challenge for May...the company is giving away entries for a drawing for real prices based on how many healthmiles you earn in the month of May. This is a part of the pedometer plan through DH's work. I'd like to earn the max # of entries possible.


5. Beautiful weather...the weather here has FINALLY warmed up. YAY! So it is much easier to just get outside a go for a nice walk or hike...and there are many opportunities around here to do that.


The current challenge is to get over 12K steps for at least 3 days this week. I was successful Tueday thanks to the Zumba class...I was successful yesterday because I was invited to go for a hike with friends on a rails to trails path near one of the lakes around here...I will be successful today because I am joining the ladies hiking group for another hike around the historical battleground site.


I think I might just continue this 3-day streak and plan to go on more and more hikes and walks around here. There is a lot of opportunity for it and I really need to do something more active and helpful for my body...so even though it makes me feel just a little bit guilty to do this while DH is stuck at work...I need to do it.


I need to get ready to meet the ladies...I think I'll work on my iTunes library while I do laundry this afternoon.:eek:

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Isn't it great that spring is finally here? This weekend I'm painting my toes! Next week I might even wear SANDALS. :D


I was looking for this great salsa from my Wednesday class (unsuccessfully) and I found this one. If I were a teacher, I would use it because it is so happy:



You can Google the English lyrics. It's a perfect song for springtime.


I am opposite of Anita, my cardio is doing fine but my regular gym time has been compromised by work these last two weeks, and I can feel my knees getting weaker. Time to hit the weights. I haven't lost any weight this month either which makes me mad. Lack of planning and grabbing what's convenient make for poor food choices, thus too many calories.


This weekend I'm going to try a new salad from my book, so I'll let you know on Monday what I happens.


Goal for today: weights and a bike ride (unless it's raining, then I'll do Wii Lets Dance).

Tomorrow: Zumba!

Sunday: hiking in New Jersey :)

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I like that salsa! At least at first hearing, I do. I have to listen more to see if I could work with it for my class. One of the things I like most about it, at this point, is the fact that it is shorter than 4 minutes! LOL. Most salsas are SO LONG...which isn't necessarily bad...but longer songs make class feel longer, I find...my teacher tried to keep most of her songs around 3:30 or just under because that helped time pass...I never realized how right she was until I made the mistake of including way too many long songs on a playlist once...


Speaking of playlists...I've been trying out the playlist for my first class in FOREVER this coming Tuesday...


I put together a playlist with a lot of fun, energetic songs...I finally got my iTunes library transferred to a working computer...I charged and synced my new iPod from doing the recall...and I went for a walk to visualize and try out the flow of the playlist.


OMG. It was horrible.


After time, all these songs began to sound alike and they weren't special anymore...and there was no BREAK...it all seemed like going going going...in a bad way...


So I walked home...updated the list and hit the pavement again...


And I like what I have so far:


The Wisin Y Yandel Warm Up mash of Algo Me Gusta De Ti and Follow the Leader

Bailando Por El Mundo by Juan Magan feat El Cata and Pitbull

Limbo by Daddy Yankee

Baila Esta Cumbia by Kumbia Kings feat Selena

La Despedida by Daddy Yankee

Wepa by Gloria Estefan

Que Buena Tu Ta (aka Arms from Hell) by Zumba

En Sus Marcas, Listos, Fuera by Zumba Cover of a Daddy Yankee song

Dame (Touch Me) by Zumba Cover of a JLo song


I'm ending the class with

Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias

Smooth by Santana (edited by myself to suit me ;))

Feeling Good by Michael Buble


At least, I THINK I'm ending the class this way. I love the first part of the list...the build up to the En Sus Marcas song, which is the hard core Reggaeton that I have decided to use in class is just really good...it builds but breaks a bit...and then we hit it hard on that song...and then the following Cha Cha gives you the feeling of a break in the style of music, but it is still fast footwork at the beginning, which you need after all the football legs of the reggaeton!


iTunes says the list is 49 minutes long...but I can lose a bit of time with some editing of the ending of Baila Esta Cumbia...


I was thinking that I would do the cruise ship song, "Ven A Cumbiar", which I did as a guest last Tuesday...but I need to find a salsa...which I don't currently have on the list...and those can be long...anyway...I need choreo for the reggaeton...and a salsa.


That's not too much to do, I think...I can always grab an old salsa...I just know that this instructor does one of the songs that I do...and I want one that feels more salsa-y than the other one I have...


Anyway...all comments welcome, of course. The list is pretty good for hitting different moves and muscle groups, etc. I called Mom earlier to ask her about the way she feels about this reggaeton...and she did confirm that it's the kind of song that you kinda love to hate...not that you hate it really...it has a redeeming quality to it...it's only 3:27 long...and when you get to the end...you feel like you really accomplished something...which I think is the perfect song for the "peak" of the class.


So that's what I'm doing this weekend! Sounds like you have good plans Margaret! We had rain today too...but it cleared out after lunch...

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So I stumbled on this thread and I'm hooked after page one ;). And you have 64 pages??? I skipped to this last one to see how long you kept it up and I'm delighted its so recent! I look forward to reading about your journey!


I don't even know the whole story of how you got from getting into shape for your 40th to now it looks like your teaching a class? Incredible! I can't wait to get to know you;).


~newest fan

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Hi Trout! Welcome to the thread! I know, right...63 pages!!


We are still after it...I've hit a rough spot since July of last year...:eek: But I'm not giving up...and I'm still after it...and I STILL love my Zumba...feel free to join in on our conversation as you reread...there's a lot of really good info on this thread...and remind us of all the good info...LOL.


Hey Margaret...I was listening to that link AGAIN...because I do really like that song...and I realized that for choreo at least...all the moves that I have learned to do to Rumba Flamenca songs fit this song...I think that Zumba would call it a Rumba Flamenca, which makes total sense with the way that the girls in the video are doing the single and double claps throughout the song...the guys voice reminds me of the lead singer for the Gypsy Kings with his rasp. I really do like it. I'll definitely use it somehow. The moves for Rumba Flamenca involve a lot of sweeping arms and side lunges...the triple step move like a go nowhere salsa step with the clapping...that to the side move where you lift your foot with your knee/foot angled out?


This will be fun...


But I do still want a salsa...so the search continues...


Kisha...Mom's awesome instructor that I have the girl crush on responded to my note asking for choreo...she's traveling, I guess, but she said she'd get it to me!! YAY!!! One less thing to do!

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OK. Think I found my salsa!!


Micaela by Sonora Carruseles


It has the total salsa sound that I'm looking for and it has a decent beat...not too fast. Salsa is hard for some...especially a class that doesn't do it a lot? Like this one? So I'm thinking that this is my salsa.


Here is the song:


Edited by Anita Latte
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I'm so excited!! And I'm posting a lot because, well...I know ya'll understand!:)


I've been messing with my playlist this morning...it's important to me to get it right because I don't want to make any changes for the first 3 weeks, I'm thinking. The class only meets once a week... and I'm bringing what I am sure will be all new routines, except for the guest appearances, of course.


So here it is:


The Wisin Y Yandel Warm Up mash of Algo Me Gusta De Ti and Follow the Leader (Warm Up)

Bailando Por El Mundo by Juan Magan feat El Cata and Pitbull (Merengue/Reggaeton/Core)

Limbo by Daddy Yankee (Latin Pop)

Baila Esta Cumbia by Kumbia Kings feat Selena (Cumbia)

La Despedida by Daddy Yankee (Merengue)

Wepa by Gloria Estefan (Latin Pop)

Que Buena Tu Ta (aka Arms from Hell) by Zumba (Merengue/Arms from Hell)

En Sus Marcas, Listos, Fuera by Zumba Cover of a Daddy Yankee song (Reggaeton)

Dame (Touch Me) by Zumba Cover of a JLo song (Cha Cha)

Ven a Cumbiar by El Simbolo (Cumbia)

Caminando Por la Vida (Thanks Margaret!) by Melendi (Rumba Flamenca)

Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias (Bachata)

Smooth by Santana (Cooling down Cha Cha)

Caminando Por la Calle by Gypsy Kings (Stretch)


I'm very happy!!! I have good ideas for the Rumba Flamenca...it's a great and fun song, you are so right Margaret) and BOY is the footwork FAST! This is good. I just need to listen to it some more to finalize what we are actually going to do.


I keep doing whatever choreo to the hot reggaeton and I think I'm doing what Kisha does! LOL. It works really well, what I am doing...so it will be interesting to compare...


Anyway...I've got over 10K steps from working on this today...


I'm rocking the pedometer these days...


I'm off caffeine...not because I was trying, I was trying to end my sugary drink in the morning...because my latte is more like sweet flavored coffee...and well, I ended up not drinking caffeine because I have more herbal teas than black...it wasn't too bad...only one bad day and it was tolerable without drugs.


And I have only had one beer this week! There was one lonely beer in the fridge because I ended and DH drank his last one the last time we had some...and so I had it on Wednesday, I think. But this is a great improvement over here.


Meanwhile...trying hard to go back to the basics of eating when hungry...stopping when full...and drinking water...


Water being the biggest focus now.


Is everyone drinking their water?


Drink. Your. Water!

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OK. Think I found my salsa!!


Micaela by Sonora Carruseles


It has the total salsa sound that I'm looking for and it has a decent beat...not too fast. Salsa is hard for some...especially a class that doesn't do it a lot? Like this one? So I'm thinking that this is my salsa.


Here is the song:




This is a great song!


This is another good salsa, we use it a lot lately in one of my classes, but you may know it already from ZIN:



Salad of the week:




grilled chicken, cut into bite-size pieces


shredded parmesan

pear, sliced thinly

balsamic vinaigrette


Toss the greens with the vinaigrette. Sprinkle the chicken, cashews, and parmesan cheese on top. Line the plate with pear slices.


So pretty, so tasty, so easy! We had this on Saturday with what we call "fake mimosas," which for us means diet ginger ale, orange juice, and a maraschino cherry. :)


IMO, a good, fresh, shredded parmesan makes almost any dish a little more heavenly.

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Food presentation makes ALL the difference in the world...your salad DOES sound pretty!


This morning is the morning! YAY! I'm very excited to be teaching this morning. I've been working very hard to go on walks and hikes every day to try to get my stamina back up. I've been listening to my playlist and just trying to keep the beat as I do the hills in the neighborhood or the parks...this place is very, very hilly. OMG. So this is good stuff. It's my idea of cross cardio training...something outside.


I think I put together a fun and relatively simple routine to that song Margaret! Usually, it takes classtime for me to really finalize a routine that I am making up. Choreo does not come naturally to me...and no one else is doing this song that I am aware of...version one will be done today!


I've been up since 6:00 AM, helping DH with lunch. I just didn't feel like dealing with the kitchen last night...so I didn't and had to face it this morning. I did get my breakfast in...and I'm going to treat myself to a latte this morning after taking DS to school early at 8:00 AM. Class starts at 9:30 AM... I'm out of the daily latte habit now...because I felt that I needed to get that sugary drink out of my daily diet...but I believe that now and again is fine. And today is a day that I believe I could use the caffeine boost.


Something of note...Zumba is doing a new campaign for world hunger. My phone is stupid, so I can't participate, but if you have a smart phone or other app compatible device...go to the Zumba website and navigate through to download the appropriate app for your device. Then, I think you "check in" to your class at classtime and the location locator on the app sees that you are at the class location. Then the calories that you burn in class (don't ask me how they know) are donated to Zumba and Zumba is going to make some sort of donation based on total calories donated through June 30, 2013.


Again, I don't have a device. Read all the fine print to see what this app will really do...but do check it out because it seems to be a worthwhile thing to do!

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Food presentation makes ALL the difference in the world...your salad DOES sound pretty!


This morning is the morning! YAY! I'm very excited to be teaching this morning. I've been working very hard to go on walks and hikes every day to try to get my stamina back up. I've been listening to my playlist and just trying to keep the beat as I do the hills in the neighborhood or the parks...this place is very, very hilly. OMG. So this is good stuff. It's my idea of cross cardio training...something outside.


I think I put together a fun and relatively simple routine to that song Margaret! Usually, it takes classtime for me to really finalize a routine that I am making up. Choreo does not come naturally to me...and no one else is doing this song that I am aware of...version one will be done today!


I've been up since 6:00 AM, helping DH with lunch. I just didn't feel like dealing with the kitchen last night...so I didn't and had to face it this morning. I did get my breakfast in...and I'm going to treat myself to a latte this morning after taking DS to school early at 8:00 AM. Class starts at 9:30 AM... I'm out of the daily latte habit now...because I felt that I needed to get that sugary drink out of my daily diet...but I believe that now and again is fine. And today is a day that I believe I could use the caffeine boost.


Something of note...Zumba is doing a new campaign for world hunger. My phone is stupid, so I can't participate, but if you have a smart phone or other app compatible device...go to the Zumba website and navigate through to download the appropriate app for your device. Then, I think you "check in" to your class at classtime and the location locator on the app sees that you are at the class location. Then the calories that you burn in class (don't ask me how they know) are donated to Zumba and Zumba is going to make some sort of donation based on total calories donated through June 30, 2013.


Again, I don't have a device. Read all the fine print to see what this app will really do...but do check it out because it seems to be a worthwhile thing to do!



I think they are donating 750 calories pp per class. My phone is also not a smartphone so I couldn't participate. Glad your class was good! 40 students is a huge class!

Edited by fergusonvt
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Anita, how did your class go today? Did you make any changes since last week?


I'm a little sad because my Saturday teacher is leaving and being replaced by the substitute who I have complained about before. Her class just isn't any fun. But, I don't feel I have a right to complain because in a month it will be ski season and I'll be doing that on Saturday mornings instead. Maybe by the fall there will be someone new.

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Almost forgot... salad of the week. This one is a warm salad!


2 c cooked rice (I used brown rice)

1 can chickpeas

string beans, steamed and cut into 1 inch pieces

cherry or grape tomatoes, halved

small fresh mozzarella balls, cut into quarters

fresh basil leaves

oil and vinegar


Just toss all the ingredients and serve warm. I used a very light hand on the dressing, just enough for some flavor.


This makes a great lunch with garlic bread on the side, or an interesting side dish with dinner.


Having the fresh mozzarella made me long for some fresh, juicy, summer beefsteak tomatoes for caprese salad!

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