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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Anita, how did your class go today? Did you make any changes since last week?


I'm a little sad because my Saturday teacher is leaving and being replaced by the substitute who I have complained about before. Her class just isn't any fun. But, I don't feel I have a right to complain because in a month it will be ski season and I'll be doing that on Saturday mornings instead. Maybe by the fall there will be someone new.


Class was great!


I didn't change anything from last week. I didn't feel that I should yet...so I didn't. I'll look at the list and change it next week somehow...I haven't yet figured out how. I don't want the change to be too drastic...no need for that...the class only meets once a week.


I've been hearing a lot of complements from the students. That feels good. I haven't been teaching lately so it's good to feel like I still got it. :cool: My favorite complement is hearing how easy I am to follow. That and they are enjoying my music. That's what I work so hard on...so this always helps me to feel good.


I got a lead today from one of the students. She goes to one of the gyms around here and that instructor is 33 weeks pregnant! :eek: And they haven't found an instructor to sub for her during maternity leave. I don't love this instructor's schedule...but I can do anything for a short period of time. And this could be just what I need to help me work out. One class starts at 8 PM!:eek: Which is why I say I don't love the schedule...seriously, who works out at 8 PM? There is a college close by? Maybe a bunch of college students? And other people that may work IN Atlanta and take that long to get home and deal and then have time to workout? IDK...


I called on that lead to see what I need to do to apply for the sub position. My name is being passed along to the proper person. Hopefully, all channels of communication will be working and I will actually hear from this person. I have their name. The man on the phone said that it would be no problem if I have a current license. I just come in and audition. I have no problems with this.


There is another lead going on. This is a possible corporate class for the Brit ladies' husbands' employer. This is a ball rolling. The first order of business is to see if there is a proper room for class at the workplace. I think we were talking about my closest friend in this group going on a tour of the place with me...at an off time so that we could check out the fitness facility there and see if we could make it work.


This is a fun prospect, IMO. We'll see.


Meanwhile...I'll work on my playlist.


Margaret...I think that song is very fun. I've done it twice now. I'm doing it as a Rumba Flamenca. It's very simple choreography. It's my last push in the class. The footwork is so fast...or maybe it just feels fast because of the carpet. Regardless...it's been a great song to add to my repertoire. I'll have to see if there's a way to show you what I do to it.


Sorry to hear about your Saturday instructor. Lack of fun is a really hard thing to overcome. Not trying to be funny. If there's just something about a class that saps all the fun out...then it really is demotivating, not just to go in the first place, but also to get into it while you're there.


Do you mean water ski?

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Being easy to follow is a huge compliment, because to me it's such an important part of whether my workout is successful or not. When I can't follow the teacher, I'm not maximizing my energy output and getting all I can out of the class. And I have years of training in following and learning quickly, so if I can't follow the teacher I really sympathize with my classmates who don't have my background because it must be even harder for them.


It sounds like you have a lot of irons in the fire! That's awesome.

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What a fantastic photo!!


Water skiing is something I have yet to try. I'd like to... But it seems to be one of those activities where you really need to have friends in the know who have all the gear. Maybe we'll meet someone here in GA?


I think being easy to follow is 3-fold...it begins with having a routine that isn't too complicated. I know many instructors that are concerned with a routine being boring...but the beauty of simplicity is the ability to really get into the move and get your sweat on or really activate the muscles you are using. FOCUS is improved with simplicity. Then the instructor needs to be able to do the moves at their base level. Some instructors have real issues with this; they have so much flair that they just can't seem to turn off. And then, of course, how the instructor cues the class. Even a great cue-er can't cue a too difficult song...so that's why the routine is first in importance to me.


And I concentrate on this because people need to be rewarded for making the effort. If they got themselves to class...then the instructor is responsible for making that class time count.


I'm excited because I have finally "diagnosed" a major problem.


Based on the basal temperature test...I have an underactive thyroid.




I have every single symptom that is associated with an underactive thyroid. So it makes total sense. The experts will tell you that there is no nutritional way to deal with this. I think they are wrong. I think it is just very complicated and may take time.


How did I diagnose? The basal temperature test is when you take your temperature when you first wake up in the morning. Move minimally. Keep the thermometer on your bedside table and use it to take your temperature first thing. They say that if your temperature is consistently below 97 degrees, some say 97.6 degrees, then you have an underactive thyroid.


And this lower temperature is also what contributes to a plethora of other issues associated with the underactive thyroid...including digestive issues...because things just don't work properly if your temperature is too low.


Anyway...my temperature is in the 95 degree range...today it was 95.3.


It's the only day that I've taken my temperature...but I'm feeling pretty confident in deciding that I have an issue...even if it's what they call subclinical...which only means that typical blood tests may fall into the "normal" range.


So I'm not going to bother with blood tests. I'm just going to move on to self treatment through proper nutrition and see how this helps or not.


Considering my family history...my age *sigh*...I will commit to monitoring this to the best of my ability...and implementing what is widely accepted and known at this point through mostly diet and some supplementation...and keeping a journal so that if the situation doesn't improve, I will have a documented history for further medical intervention.


For now though...


Good grief. Wading through the information available shows me several things that I need to deal with...


1. I need to be serious about my water intake.


HOW. I've read "The Plan." Anyone else seen mention of this book on a couple different threads around here? Well, I have skimmed the whole thing and there is a lot of good information in there. This is how I discovered this temperature test, which I confirmed with other sources. With regards to water intake, the author of The Plan recommends that you don't just sip water all day long. In order to consume half your weight in ounces of water, she recommends that you pound 16 ounces at a time at specific intervals. She believes that this helps with the whole bathroom situation...helping you not have to go ALL THE TIME.


2. I need to get serious about taking the Probiotics that Mom gave me.


3. I need to eliminate certain foods from my diet. (so complicated)


4. I need to include certain foods from my diet. (so complicated)


5. I need to exercise daily. Exercise referring to daily physical activity, not necessarily serious cardio.


6. I need to keep warm. I need to dress warmly. Take a warm/hot bath daily. Stop drinking iced water and drink warm liquids.


7. Detox.




It all seems so overwhelming. Which is just another symptom...


I'm going to Whole Foods today to get some supplies. So this morning, I'm making a shopping list.


Step ONE.

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I'm subbing this morning at a Senior Center. They are a low impact Zumba Basic class...not a gold class. I think it's going to be a lot like my Curves class was. I have one challenging song that I'm not sure about on my playlist and I may skip over it, if necessary.


We'll see.


I have to rush there after taking DS to school. I'm looking forward to it though! I just hope I can actually drive straight there and not miss it somehow and have to turn around like every other place I've tried to find in GA.:p

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So class was fun yesterday morning. There were 5 ladies in the class. And it was almost exactly like the Curves class I taught.


I've said it before, I'll say it again, I love how adaptable Zumba is. I just adapt the WAY that I teach so many of my routines for a crowd like this. And the fact is that I got a good workout too! After class, one of the ladies said to me that it was a good workout...she sweat...and it's hard for her to sweat, so if she sweat then it was a good workout. LOL.


Today, I'll probably work on my playlist for Tuesday. I need to change it up. So I have to figure out how.


On the thyroid front...


I've continued the Probiotics.

I've avoided ALL goitrogenic foods except cooked brocolli.

And yesterday I added Norwegian Kelp and B12 complex.


Today I had a rise in my temperature! Mom said the Kelp made her buzzy...she could feel the effect right away, so I did have high hopes for some immediate effect for me. We'll see how it continues because I do still need to continue to raise that temperature.


I'm still researching this situation to see what all I can do. I feel like I've put my personal health and fitness goals on the back burner for a while now...it's time for it to be front and center in my life.

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ACK!! Too much information!!


OMG. I feel overloaded with info right now...so I'm writing this post to try to get some of this info out of my brain...and possibly help anyone else that is reading.


I am now calling my situation a SLUGGISH thyroid.


There's too much here for me to really relay...but for the benefit of anyone lurking...and also for myself to put into words some key points...here we go.


The body is really a whole. I think it's too simplified to look at any ONE system and figure out WHY you are having issues. The body is a symphony of function and any form of care must take into account the entire body.


In addition to a lower basal body temperature, which indicates thyroid functionality...I failed the pupil dilation exam. If you have decided to take your basal body temperature because I'm talking about it? Then do this simple test too. Stand in a dark room in front of a mirror with a flashlight. While looking into the mirror, shine the flashlight at the sides of your eyes. You don't really need to shine straight on. Your pupils should contract and stay contracted while the light shines. If after 30 seconds, your pupils struggle to stay small and you see them fluctuating in size, then this is an indication of poor levels of aldosterone, just one adrenal hormone. This is supposed to be an indication that your adrenal system is fatigued and having issues.


Suffice it to say that poor adrenal function can affect the functionality of thyroid hormone in your system. This can mean that your thyroid is actually functioning quite well...but the utilization of the hormone in your system is what is being compromised.


The B-12 complex that I started taking is actually one nutritional way to try to support the adrenals, but it would seem that support of adrenal function is also largely affected by lifestyle. Check out the following list for how to support good adrenal health:



  • ying down during your work breaks (preferably at 10 a.m. and again anytime from 3 to 5 p.m.)
  • Sleeping until 9 a.m. as often as possible
  • Laughing
  • Exercising
  • Minimizing stress
  • Taking negative people out of your life
  • Eating regular meals
  • Chewing well
  • Doing something fun each day
  • Combining unrefined carbohydrates with protein and oils
  • Avoiding junk food
  • Eating five to six servings of vegetables each day
  • Taking calcium and magnesium supplements
  • Adding sea salt to your diet
  • Taking 2,000 to 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C each day
  • Supplementing vitamin E with mixed tocopherols
  • Taking B-complex supplements that are high in B6 and pantothenic acid
  • Adding licorice root extract to your dietary supplement regimen



List copied drom: http://www.naturalnews.com/019339_adrenal_fatigue_chronic_stress.html#ixzz2SFNAdXuJ


It's rarely possible to do everything on a list...but there are several basic things on here. On the fashion board, we have discussed the book Style Statement...and one problem that I have with this book is the fact that apparently I don't do anything proactive to NURTURE myself. There's a whole section on things you do to purposefully take care of yourself in so many different aspects of life...and I have come to the conclusion that this lack of focus on my part has finally surfaced, calling attention to itself...my body is saying to me...Pay attention to me! Love me! Take good care of me!


The key for me will be to NOT stress over HOW to not stress. :eek:


Anyway...I have ideas already. The first of which is to call an end to my research on this subject for a bit. I will be happy with knowing what I know at this point, and just trying to implement some simple things and documenting what the results are.

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Things I do to assist my thyroid:


1. limit brassica (broccoli, cabbage, etc.) to a couple times a week

2. avoid soy

3. no fake energy through caffeine or sugar (don't avoid entirely, though)

4. Ioply patch test once a month for monitoring. Paint it on in the morning, it should be gone by the next morning (you can Google this)

5. bovine thyroid supplements from the health food store

6. Adreset adrenal supplement


I had all the symptoms of low thyroid, but my T3 levels are always fine. My problem is a metabolic one. Since I've been seeing my nutritionist I've been able to manage it fairly successfully. I don't really need the Ioply test anymore to know how my thyroid is functioning because I can feel when I'm well and when I'm starting to slide. It is nice to have a backup to confirm my experience, however.


Enough of that for now.


Salad of the week, Orzo with vegetables and feta:


1 lb. orzo

1 lb. fresh asparagus

2 T pine nuts

3 T olive oil

12 cherry peppers, halved (couldn't find, used red peppers cubed)

2 yellow bell peppers, diced

juice and zest of 1/2 lemon (didn't have, used OJ instead)

salt and pepper

2/3 c feta cheese

fresh basil to garnish


Cook the orzo. Toast the pine nuts in a skillet until golden brown. Cut the asparagus into 1 inch lengths and sauté with the peppers for about 2 minutes. Add the orzo and lemon zest and toss. Add salt, pepper, and lemon juice to taste.


Spoon onto plates, sprinkle with crumbled feta and pine nuts. Garnish with basil.


I have to say, this one was fairly easy to make but just didn't taste very exciting to me. I don't know that I would make it again, especially because DH kept saying he likes asparagus alone just fine.


I will admit I'm skipping any salad with zucchini in it, because I loathe zucchini. I'm also not posting anything from the book that is in my usual bag of tricks, like Caesar salad, tricolor salad, caprese salad....


Zumba news: my old Saturday teacher was back this weekend, so I got my Zumba high on and had a great class! Yay!

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So glad you had a fun Saturday class!


I'm teaching again tomorrow (Tuesday) and on Thursday (for the senior class again). So I'm excited to have the two classes on my schedule this week.


I tweaked my playlist. I moved the songs all around, dropped two songs, and added three. Funny how that works out...but I had one song with a very long intro and so I edited it a bit and also the new songs are shorter...


Three is a lot for new songs, but these are easy IMO...


Waka Waka (Esto es Africa) The other instructor does it also, but oh well.

Zoomer by Les Jumo

Big and Chunky by Will.I.Am (from the Madagascar 2 soundtrack), which I just love.


So that's my tomorrow. Should be fun. And the song order is all messed up except for the first two warm ups and the last 3 that are my cooling down.

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I like all three of your new songs. I hadn't heard Big and Chunky before, I love it!


I've been listening to Greatist Hits ... So Far by Pink, which I got for my birthday. We do Raise Your Glass in my Sunday class. I like her music, it's a lot of fun. Just got the new Bruno Mars too, can't wait to hear it.


A friend of mine is having a disco party for her 50th birthday in June. How fun is that! I see some really big hair in my future. :D

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I have done the Big and Chunky in a class last year. We only did it one time but it was lots of fun. I had been stuck in my weight loss efforts for the last couple of months. Not gaining and not losing just saying the same. The Saturday before last I cut out eating anything with sugar and white flour. I upped my protein intake with healthier proteins and lost 4 pounds that first week. 4 days into the second week I'm down another 2.5 pounds on top of that. I am getting plenty to eat but have just cut out the bad carbs. I even went out to eat twice that first week and still lost 4 pounds. The extra protein is making me not crave the salty, sweet snacks I shouldn't be eating anyway. The only downfall was that first week my energy level was way low. Between the diet change and my allergies Zumba spanked me hard! This week it seems to be better. DH told me to breath out of my mouth instead. Little does he know when you are doing Zumba you need both your mouth and nose to breath!

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I got such a treat in my Zumba class last night; I had to run up to Kisha and praise her for selecting the "oldies, but goodies." She said, "yeah, I really pulled those songs out of the dusty backroom, didn't I?" LOL.


We danced to: Big & Chunky (:D is there something in the air or in the water or do great Zumba minds think alike?!?), Sexy and I Know It, Pause (:D), Lo Que Paso, Paso...something from Madagascar 3, that Samba song?


It was just FUN. I was so glad I went to Zumba.

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I had another great class this morning with the seniors! It was so great, the director of activities at the senior center asked me about teaching my OWN class there! Woot woot!! She asked what other classes I could teach...I could teach Zumba Toning? She said she would be in contact with me about teaching a class for the summer session which starts in July.


So exciting.


And right now, I'm trying to jump on a long term subbing opportunity. We'll see if I can get that. It'd be twice a week for 8 weeks. I'm going out to the class next Thursday night to meet the owner. People are so weird in how they talk about places. I have the address but not the name of the place...so I look it up and it's a POLE dancing studio! LOL!


Anyone ever try pole dancing? My hairdress took a pole dancing class a couple times. She said that it was quite a workout, really hard with the arms.


So now I need to work on putting together an active senior friendly Zumba Toning class and also working on other material for a possible 8 week long class. I really need a new warm up...so that's what I'm looking for now. There just aren't really great newer warm up songs out there. Always a struggle for me...

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Alrighty then! I have an audition on Monday morning at 10AM!!! Woot Woot!


There is a studio with a grand opening on May 19. This is a new location for this studio and apparently the instructor has already built a following, so this won't be the same situation as before. Hopefully.


I am to show up with 2 songs that are my choice and 1 salsa. Whatever pace I want. So I guess I'll be working on a salsa tonight and tomorrow! I have only two salsas...*gasp* and I have already said that I wanted a new routine. And I did purchase that one salsa to work on, but I haven't worked on it yet. I guess I'll be working on it! HOWEVER...there is another salsa that I like that was released a while back...maybe you recognize:



The good news about this routine is that it is from a ZIN release so I can just learn the Zumba routine and tweak it as needed. Anyone doing this song in class?


I'm wondering if picking a warm up song is appropriate? I just don't know. I could do a warm up for one song and then my Limbo by Daddy Yankee routine, which I still LOVE and have so much fun with.


So excited!! Next week looks like


Audition/Interview Monday

Teach Tuesday

Audition/Interview/Attend class for subbing opportunity Thursday!


Looking good!

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We have been doing Baila Mi Son in our classes the last few months. I love that song! I have a good friend who owns her own studio. She teaches Zumba, Zumba Toning, and a bunch of other classes. We also started doing a song by Shaggy, Feel the Rush. Have you done that one yet? She started teaching it for a gold class, and tweaked it up for our regular Zumba class. It's a fun one too!

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Hey LeeLee!


Thanks for posting! I really appreciate it...more than anyone realizes. :) You confirm what I suspected. Baila Mi Son is a FUN song! I resisted it at first because I have another song that has a lot of the same moves. But it's perfect to learn this for my audition/interview. The song is too fun to not include. I'll have to check out the other song you mentioned...


Mom mentioned another really fun song to me tonight. It's called Pop, Drop and Roll by Chonique Sneed. Wow...is it ever popular for hip hop and cheer and other choreography! It's a very fun song, I have to say...and I'm thinking that I'm going to have to learn a routine to it...

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I will check that one out. I'm not good at the names of alot of the songs we do. We just learned a new salsa, and I really like the music, but I don't have a clue of the name. I will find out tomorrow. Have you done Oye? That's one of our favorites. It's by a spanish singer named Mara. There are some videos on Youtube. Our choreography is different, but it's a fun one too!

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Hey LeeLee!


Thanks for posting! I really appreciate it...more than anyone realizes. :) You confirm what I suspected. Baila Mi Son is a FUN song! I resisted it at first because I have another song that has a lot of the same moves. But it's perfect to learn this for my audition/interview. The song is too fun to not include. I'll have to check out the other song you mentioned...


Mom mentioned another really fun song to me tonight. It's called Pop, Drop and Roll by Chonique Sneed. Wow...is it ever popular for hip hop and cheer and other choreography! It's a very fun song, I have to say...and I'm thinking that I'm going to have to learn a routine to it...


We have done Pop, drop and roll in our Tues. and Thurs. class. It is a fun song.

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Anita, how did your Monday audition go?


I recently downloaded SoundHound on my phone, so I was experimenting with it yesterday at Old Navy.


Here is a lovely song, I think it would make a nice cool-down. It's called Por Amor a Ti:



and a sweet mid-tempo song with sweet lyrics, Mi Nina Bonita:




Just trying to share the Latin music love. :)



I had a stern talking-to with myself last week after my birthday dinner calorie extravaganza. So, I've been packing my lunch to work, and being very precise with my calorie counting. This week, down a pound! Back on track, and feeling good! My short-term goal is to lose 5 pounds before my friend's 50th birthday disco party on June 15th.

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Hey Margaret! Thanks for asking about my audition. It went great. I'm onboard as a teacher. The schedule is currently being created, so I don't know when I'll be teaching, and I don't know how often...there's a grand opening event on Sunday...all the instructors are going to teach 3 songs...*sigh* I hate having to choose songs!!...anyway...we are supposed to come camera ready...we are having our photos taken, etc. etc.


I'm having a busy week. I had the audition Monday.


I taught on Tuesday at the church for the instructor recovering from surgery.


I taught this morning at the Senior Center AGAIN (that's 3 weeks in a row subbing there...). I'm a guest teacher tonight at a class that I may cover for 8 weeks during the summer. I'm supposed to do the warm up and a couple songs following that. I've been trying to not stress over this but I know my typical warm up would be too long for this situation...and I've been listening and listening AGAIN to warm up music...Feel This Moment by Pitbull and Christina Aguilera is really popular right now...so is Can't Hold Us by Macklemore. *sigh* I think they are okay... So I'm just going to alter my moves to the second song I normally do and do this tonight:


Follow the Leader by JLo and Wisin Y Yandel (warm up)

Bailando Por El Mundo by Juan Magan feat. Pitbull (core intensive)

Limbo by Daddy Yankee (Reggaeton/Latin Pop) My current FAV!!

Baila Esta Cumbia by Kumbia Kings (Cumbia, lower interval)


And I just have to hope that since so many people say they like my music...that this class will be favorable to it also...the thing I DO know is that choreo is easy...and fun IMO...and everyone should be able to follow along easily enough...and I think that'll be key.


Then I volunteered to cover a whole new set of classes on Saturday morning. And one of those classes is a Toning class...which I am licensed for but have never taught...YET. So I'm teaching a Basic class at 9AM and then Toning at 10AM. OMG.


So...since I've never taught Toning...let alone practiced toning...I've been listening to all my music trying to figure out how to adjust the choreo to songs that I know so well into Toning friendly choreo. Most instructors that teach multiple forms of Zumba do this. They have just slight variations of their songs for the different classes...and so I'm thinking that I can do that for Saturday. The really great news is that this is a relatively new class...and the Toning is newer and there should only be 3-5 students...so it's a PERFECT first class scenario really.


And come to find out that this studio that I'm subbing at is also looking for instructors...and it's closer...or rather...easier to drive to than the other one...which has me thinking...


And then I think I mentioned that the Senior Center likes me so much they wanted me to teach another class?


So I'm feeling a bit discombobulated because there is almost too much going on...and while I am excited about teaching my own class...I'm kind of digging being the sub. Less pressure in a way.


And come to find out that DH's old boss in TX's job is available and posted.




And he is perfectly qualified for it. It has been a blessing for him to come to GA because he was able to get into a position to be able to take all this PM training that is a necessary qualification for the job. Training he couldn't get in TX...though it was "on the agenda" for him...


So...while this is not a sure thing...and may not happen...it still has me like this :confused: because, truth be told...I would LOVE to move back to TX...I mean, don't get me wrong...I'm not itching to pack up all my stuff and deal with the logistics of it all again. I mean, I've moved for 2 of the last 3 summers. It'd be nice to stay put...


But TEXAS!!! It's calling my name...it's saying...come home!!!:rolleyes:


So I'm trying hard to focus on the here and now...


Which also has to involve some doctor's visits because physically, I'm all out of whack. You'd think that my efforts here would be paying off, but no, I've gained INCHES since I started teaching...




So I'm on an emotional roller coaster right now...hopefully...the idea of TX could be laid to rest one way or the other sooner than later...meanwhile...trying to live life with a business as usual attitude is taking a toll because I just don't feel wonderful. Ah well. Life goes on.


Congrats on getting back on track! I know all about how any celebrations can temporarily derail efforts...but it's great that you were able to keep the derailment as just a tangent and return to a different normal.

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So the good news is that I'm not freaking out about the fact that I am basically putting together my first toning class TODAY for a class that is TOMORROW. :eek:


I have tried to alter songs that I already have but there is a major issue with this endeavor...my songs are too short for toning. I like class to feel like it is flying by...so I like to pick songs that are around 3:30, give or take. Toning really needs songs that are 4+ minutes. You need the time to be able to do controlled movement with a decent number of reps and the ability to work more than one side (if that's the type of movement that you are doing, i.e. knee lifts, side lunges, etc.)


So the most excellent thing has happened! I do have some songs/choreo that will work for the format already...and THEN...I have songs that I love that were just too repetitive AND too long...IMO...to keep on my Zumba class playlist for any length of time. I have unearthed these forgotten treasures, songs which I know very well...the memory is still there...and I am making choreo for toning! The most awesome thing about Toning...it's pretty easy to choreo if you have a decent song! (I guess that could be true of all songs...:o)


Anyway...here's my first Toning class playlist:


1. Plane to PR by Daddy Yankee feat. Will.I.Am (Toning Warm Up)

2. Te Estoy Amando by Zumba (Cumbia/Salsa - Back/Shoulders: Weights)

3. Wepa by Gloria Estefan (Latin Pop - Biceps/Triceps/Shoulders: Weights)

4. Zumbalicious by Zumba (Salsa/Reggaeton - Gluts/Thighs/Hips/Lower Abs:Weights)

5. Que Buena Tu Ta by Zumba (aka Arms from Hell: No Weights)

6. Maria by Zumba (Rumba Flamenca Version of Ricky Martin song - Lunges/?)

7. Soul Bossa Nova (Bossa Funk - Chest/Abs:Weights)

8. No Piensas en Mi by Cosculluela (Squats/Body Rolls:Weights)

9. Hips Don't Lie / Bamboo 2006 Fifa World Cup Mix by Shakira feat Wyclef Jean (Combo of weights and no weights)

10. Hasta Que Salga el Sol by Don Omar (Instructor's Choice: No Weights)

11. Prrrum by Zumba (Reggaeton - Abs/Side Squats: No Weights)

12. Caminando Por la Calle by Gypsy Kings (Rumba Flamenca - Stretch)


Still fine tuning the choreo on Maria...and it's entirely possible that I will make more changes. But this is my basic class. I'm just going to use one of the playlists that I've been using on Tuesday mornings for the Zumba class before hand. I may have to make a few minor changes because only one or two songs could be on this Toning playlist.


Ah. Feels great. It's only 6PM and I pretty much know what I'm doing!


I know this sounds last minute...but it isn't as bad as it seems. There are only two songs on this whole list that I haven't really done before...but this is all very simple...it has to be to be safe.


I feel obligated to say...


WOW...I've looked on YouTube for some inspiration for choreo...and I had to stop looking...it is really, REALLY scary what some instructors are doing. I know a one pound weight seems light...but wow...you can use that small weight to just help you engage your muscles. And when you do this with purpose and concentration for such a long class...well...you feel it. It really HELPS with TONING. I'm not sure what the purpose of flinging your arms around with light weights is. I was scared for the joints of some of the students I saw in some of the videos. :eek:


Update: I've decided to just be a sub at the one studio. I feel good about this decision. I'm going to go to the event on Sunday still. And meet people and have fun. But there's been a weight lifted off me with regards to having such an obligation. IDK...I was telling Mom that I wasn't really thinking it had to do with Texas alone...it's the distance too...no one that I've been teaching lately would travel that far or pay that much ($10) to take a class...so I'm thinking it's not the thing to do at this time.


We'll see what happens...


Meanwhile...I did go to the class last night. What a trip! The place is a pole dancing place...and it is TRICKED out! Full on decorating that screams pole dancing in a club and bubblegum pink/hot pink/black and white...polka dots, high heels art, feathers, chandeliers and frills...neon in the black-light lit darkness. OMG...it was like being in a club. I'm going to have to figure out how to wear clothes that will be really fun to wear in the black light. :D

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I take a Zumba toning class once a week. I really like it. It's alot different from regular Zumba, but I like it alot. I couldn't tell you the names of the songs, but they are longer than the regular Zumba songs. I will ask my friend, who is the instructor. I have been using the smaller toning sticks, but I am thinking of moving up to the heavier purple ones. We always do one regular Zumba song towards the end of the class.

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Well...after all that...what I thought might happen did.


There were 3 people in the morning Zumba class and none of them stayed for Toning and nobody new arrived...so I didn't teach Toning this morning.


Ah well.


I'm happy to have spent the time getting what would pass for a class together. The experience of teaching a class always helps to understand how to deal with and make necessary adjustments with playlists. I did my playlist last night and realized that I needed to adjust it. So I removed the shorter songs...LeeLee...it is true...Toning NEEDS longer songs...and I added another resurrected one that isn't TECHNICALLY toning yet but would have worked in this situation...and also I was able to craft an arm/ab routine to Moves Like Jagger, simply because I know that song so well.


Now, I will take my playlist and give it a go myself and then start to do the fine tuning.


LeeLee, it sounds like you have a good instructor for Toning. Again, some of the videos I saw were scary...it's like the instructor just added weights to a normal Zumba song...which is not what Toning is all about. Toning requires some "dead space" in the routine where you might need to set yourself up into proper alignment to engage the target muscle with the moves. And it depends on the choreo, of course, but you need to pay special attention to transitions in Toning so that you don't just swing the weights around. I mean, I know they are only 1 pound weights...but the whole purpose of the weight is to give you something to help focus your brain so you can more purposefully engage and contract the target muscle(s).


I'm going to watch all of my Toning DVDs...I try to pick out the routines that speak to me. I have more incentive now. LOL. I seem to be that kind of person. I wasn't making the effort on my own. Arms from hell actually isn't well suited to Toning. Too fast, really.


Anyway...here's the other song I resurrected:



The link is to the routine that we were going to do, if I taught today. It was going to be a song that would not require weights. If anyone has taken a belly dancing class, you know that your ARMS/Shoulders can get a great workout. It's very tiring to maintain that proper positioning and posture. I was going to go after that aspect with the "rest" from the weights as well as hit the core. I'll have to see how I could make adjustments for a proper Toning song. I was going to bend the rules a bit in my class...doing a few more songs without weights than the standard, but considering that this Toning was coming after another Zumba...early on Saturday morning...and considering the quality of the non-weighted songs...and my newbie Toning teaching status...I thought it would be okay for the situation.


Anyway...I'm feeling all the recent surge in Zumba activity. I certainly have missed it.


There was talk about having Zumba at the place where all the British ladies' husbands work. And non-British. Anyway. It strikes me that Zumba may be more difficult in the smaller setting, BUT...we could probably do a TONING class in a much smaller setting. The more controlled movement...and the fact that the cueing HAS to be verbal. You HAVE to explain proper alignment and give warning to changes in movement. You can't gesture with a weight in your hands...and like I told Mom...everyone in class would think it was an exercise and try to do it also. I'm picturing a smaller fitness room facility with some open space...but not a ton. It might work. Something to think about.

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So I went to the 2-hour grand opening event.




I was one of two white ladies in the room. There were over 30 people there...women of all ages and sizes from Grandmas to Granddaughters...some men too. It was something else.


The format was to have each instructor teach several minutes/songs. In addition to Zumba, there was Kickboxing, Body Sculpting, and Teen Hip Hop. What a blast. What a kick in the you know what. I'm glad that I know how to shake my booty because there was a WHOLE lot of booty shaking going on...


These ladies know how to move. But it wasn't the Latin movement...it was da club...and one of the ladies teaches a class that they illegally call "Zumba in da Club"...What a hoot. She can move. And her moves are like club moves...not really fitness...and wow. It's fun. Different. I wouldn't really call it all Zumba...but it was fun and they have definitely built a following.


One thing da Club instructor seemed to do at the end of her songs...when the songs get really repetitive...she does SOMETHING for the beginning and then it's a freestyle fest. The movement leading up to the freestyle is pretty free and traveling to begin with...and then she just takes off all over the room doing her thang...and all these ladies...they just break out into their own thang...and it's a BLAST. The ladies gather around each other...pair up...get down.


I have to say...I didn't quite fit in with the crowd. As a student...yes...as an instructor...NO. I don't think what I would do for Zumba would be as appealing to the general students there. I could teach Zumba Toning. Maybe I'm selling myself short...it's just that from the sampling of music that I heard...I don't think my music would be quite as appealing. There was a lot of music I didn't recognize...and some that I did, I would never play in my class. My personal rule for my class music is that I have to be able to tolerate the idea of DS singing the songs...because he does. He hears it and it's catchy...and it gets stuck in his head and he sings it...English, Spanglish, made up foreign language words...so I don't need him singing some Pitbull lyrics...I know how it is to try to pick out just a few songs to do...so I know that the sampling isn't the full taste...but still.


I did have such a good time though. I just might have to try going there every now and again to a couple of the instructors. Just to shake things up.


Meanwhile...I feel like I've stopped the weight gain and am back on track. Sort of. It's not that I've lost a bunch of weight, but I can feel the difference in the way my tops fit. It's starting the way it normally does for me...I'm firming up and losing the excess on my upper back first. The arms are looking firmer too. Yay.

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Wow, Anita, so much positive news. I'm so excited for you! You're a natural born teacher, so I'm glad you're getting more opportunities to share the Zumba love. :) And props to you for getting on track again. I know how hard it can be.


My favorite teacher changed her Friday class into a Zumba toning class, and lost all her students. So she changed it back. I can only speak for myself and what draws me to Zumba, but I think all my Latin lady classmates want to dance, dance, dance and that's why it didn't take.


I'm happy with the changes in my Saturday class. I told DH that I think aliens came down and took the sub I don't like away, and replaced her with an exact replica who is a good teacher. She's made some excellent changes to the pacing of the class and now I work up a good sweat and get my endorphin rush. Yay!

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