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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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What did she do to Run the Show? Was it a class routine or a warm up?


You turned me on to Boro Boro already and showed me a video of the closest routine that you did. I do that song. I think of it as the bra fat killer because of the arm motion during the chorus. Is it not on your iPod? Hmm.

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I figured out that the instructor I'm subbing for now? Her first song, warm up routine is similar to what Young used to do. That kind of dynamic stretching and joint movement. I really liked it...it was just a step further than what I currently do. It's one reason why I've been looking for a proper warm up song...because I want to update my warm up routine. My warm ups have been maturing over my teaching time and this is just another step. The issue is finding that right song that has that right beat that is slow enough but in a dynamic song that sounds like the beginning of class and not the end. I can't believe the issue I have finding these songs. It's partly because I have issues with language and subject matter. For instance...I really like the song "Scream" by Usher. It's older, but that's not an issue. Can't do it though...doesn't pass muster for me.

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Woot woot!!


I am PUMPED!! I have finally figured out my new warm up. Warm ups last for a while...at least for me. My ladies would get upset if I wanted to change it back in Texas. I think there can be something sort of comforting in the familiar warm up. IDK...anyway...I finally have updated my first warm up and I am beyond excited about it. I feel like I hit that delicate balance between fun dance class and serious joint lubrication.


Here's my song:


by D'Banj


I know I posted this song before. I dig the beat. It makes me want to move...but it's also somewhat measured...not too slow...just nice and steady with a little single single double action and some perfect slow grapevine action. OMG...I'm so happy!


Now to work on the cardio warm up!

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I have finally settled on #ThatPower for my cardio warm up:



I think I have a thing for Will.I.Am...ever since Big and Chunky and Drop It Low. I just like his voice...and this beat is really easy to work with. I also like the "breaks" that are provided in this song with the varying beat between the two singers parts. I used Good Feeling by Flo Rida in this playlist slot for a long time for the same reason...I like the juxtaposition of the two parts that the two voices have...


I don't have moves yet...just the beginning of moves in my head. I should get it finalized by tomorrow.

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It was a great night! All my hard work on my warm ups really paid off...it was so good. This is a 5-star playlist. Wow. It just hit all the right notes. There's nothing terribly new here, but for the sake of future reference, I'm posting:


1. Oliver Twist by DBANJ (African Pop...JOINT warm up)

2. #thatPOWER by will.i.am (Pop...CARDIO warm up)

3. Plane to PR by Chayanne (Reggaeton...MUSCLE activation/toning)

4. Waka Waka by Shakira (Calypso/Latin Pop)

5. Wepa by Gloria Estefan (Latin Pop)

6. Ella Lo Que Quiere Es Salsa by Victor Manuelle (Salsa)

7. Limbo by Daddy Yankee (Reggaeton/Latin Pop)

8. La Despedida by Daddy Yankee (Merengue)

9. Bailando Por El Mundo (Reggaeton/Mambo/Latin)

10 Dame (Touche Me) cover by Zumba (Cha Cha)

11 Ven a Cumbiar by El Simbolo (Cumbia)

12 Prrrum cover by Zumba (Reggaeton/Squats/Abs)

13 Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias (Bachata...Cool Down 1)

14 Smooth by Santana (Cha Cha...Cool Down 2/Dynamic Stretch)

15 Feeling Good by Michael Buble (Pop...Static Stretch)


Such a great list! Might be a little heavy on the Pop...BUT...it felt like Zumba. Ahhh. Such a good class. It was a big shot in the arm for me...as in a wonderful positive experience...the ladies had a great time...gave me very positive feedback...told the manager how great it was. Very exciting for me.


I talked with the manager afterwards. I'm officially on the payroll now as a Zumba Sub. The gym is undergoing a management change. In the fall, they will be a ladies only gym with child care. At that time, they want to start daytime Zumba classes. Yippee!! I'm in the running for being that instructor.


Oh yeah!!


Totally pumped.

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I have finally settled on #ThatPower for my cardio warm up:




I love this! What an awesome video too, love the visuals even though I can barely stand to watch the Biebs. I wonder where that sculpture is? Very nice.


Sounds like you had an awesome class! I'm glad you like that salsa. I looked up the lyrics because it's one of those songs that just asks you to sing along. I will keep my ear out for any other salsas I think you might like.


I've been following the conversation about bachata with interest, because that wasn't on any syllabus back in my ballroom days (when Lambada was the new "forbidden dance" lol). I wasn't really sure what it was when I first saw in it class. It sounded like a rumba to me with some really odd steps. :)

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I love this! What an awesome video too, love the visuals even though I can barely stand to watch the Biebs. I wonder where that sculpture is? Very nice.




The driving beat of this song made it...the words are good too. There's something about doing classic warm up moves (bicep curls with step taps) while will.i.am is almost chanting "I got thatPOWER" that really gets you going! I could tell the ladies were feeling it! :cool:


Sounds like you had an awesome class! I'm glad you like that salsa. I looked up the lyrics because it's one of those songs that just asks you to sing along. I will keep my ear out for any other salsas I think you might like.


Please do! I made some modifications to the routine you posted. I decided the choreo of the chorus was too complicated for subbing. I made it into one alternating move for the whole thing. Typical salsa move...


1. right foot touches forward

2. right foot returns

3. left foot touches forward

4. left foot returns

5. right foot steps out to the side

6. step on left foot in place

7-8. return right foot and tap.


Repeat with left lead. The cool thing about this little change is that it still has the same side out move on the words "salsa" in the chorus. But I just kept doing this same move for the whole chorus. It generally takes a bit for those unfamiliar to realize how this move works. All the alternating can be difficult to compute. It usually takes the first half of the chorus for an unfamiliar student to compute and then get on the "right" foot. Then they can get the feel of the move for the second half of the chorus. For future choruses, they get into the move faster and then can start to add some hips and flare by the end of the song.


I also had to change that alternating step out and back and out and switch move on the slower singing part. I just couldn't FEEL that. So I switched it to a move that Zumba usually labels a salsa kick back, which is when you just go the typical salsa to the back only alternating feet (instead of alternating to the side or to the front with one foot and to the back with the other). And I did it in a single, single, double (repeating the same foot to the back for the double) and then, when the singing returns to the beat I keep the salsa back normal as singles.


I only messed up once. :D I've never lead a song for the first time without messing up. I missed when the chorus that has the musical 8 count in between the lines started. And I forgot that it was the one that had the music in between the lines. LOL. Still loved it. And the ladies obviously liked it too...I could see them groovin to that catchy salsa beat.


And the thing that I really liked about this particular salsa is that it focused more on the side to side action instead of front and back...which is great for subbing. So much easier to see and understand. My cha chas are front and back so this also helps to have movement variety on the joints and muscles.


All in all...I do thank you again...I really love salsa in class. It kind of says ZUMBA to me more than anything else. It's just so fun to dance to...I love it.


Tonight, I'm teaching at the pole dancing studio. One of the ladies that I met through the Brits is going to come to class with me tonight. She recently moved here from Kentucky. Her husband works for that same company the Brits husbands do. She took Zumba in Kentucky and loved my class. She recently broke her pinky toe? And so she thought that she would have a better time trying to get back to Zumba in the small class I have in the evenings. I laughingly told her that if her foot was giving her problems in class she could grab a pole for support! LOL.


I think I'm going to just change things up big time tonight and do the same playlist I did last night. It's more change than I would normally do, BUT since there has only been the one student that did the other songs twice, I want to do it sooner than later. Especially with my friend coming tonight for the first time...I want to build on this playlist now.

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It didn't work out for my friend to come with me to class last night. We are planning on Thursday. BUT...there were many others that came to class. From only two, and then one, students...to six. And I did the same list I did last night.


It fell kinda flat at the Pole Dance Studio.




I asked the one student that I know was regularly attending the other instructor's class. She was the one student that was there the one time I met the other instructor at the studio. I asked her what she thought about the pace of the class. It was fine. But fine, was, well, flat, I could tell. I explained that I hadn't seen the other instructor's class and I didn't really know what her pace for the class was.


The response was that the other instructor was faster. And had more of that Latin flair.


Which she would, for sure. She's Mexican. And she was born and raised in Mexico. And lives here with some sort of specialty green card.


Latin flair for sure. [Read this flat...no negativity here...just analyzing the situation.]


I wasn't as excited leaving last night's class. In fact, I was rather bummed because I understood that class was okay...but okay doesn't mean good necessarily. And at this point, I'm just hoping that the students will come back because the owner was pretty excited by the turn out.


And these past few days have me thinking about the expectations of students for a Zumba class and how the location for the class can play into those expectations. Because I have recently participated in class at 5 very different locations.


1. Church...large, high ceiling sanctuary, natural light, stage, no mirrors, instructor faces the class.

2. Senior Center...large party room, dance floor, natural light, no mirrors, instructor faces class.

3. Independent Fitness Studio...large, well-lit room, no natural light, mirrors, instructor faces mirrors.

4. Gym...large, dimmed light, stage, no mirrors, instructor faces class.

5. Pole Dance Studio...small room, club-like atmosphere, mirrors, instructor faces mirrors.


I was a hit at the Church, the Senior Center, and the Gym. I knew that I didn't fit into that particular Independent Studio...and I'm feeling like I don't really fit with the Pole Dance place either. Long term. I think that I also lead better in a situation where I face the class and make more of a connection with the students. As an instructor, I think that I relate more to the fitness aspect of the officially named Zumba Fitness. Dance inspired for sure. But fitness all the same. I do like to WORK.


And I don't think the Pole Dancing ladies appreciate the work so much. They want more dance.




So I'm going to tweak my playlist AGAIN. Tweak. Not overhaul. But continue to tweak until I feel the energy in the room. And I believe that I'm sensitive enough to understand energy...I don't need the outpouring of emotion...just to feel that spark. And some nights are flat. I understand that.


I said to Mom last night that I was very glad that the Pole Dance Studio assignment had an end. I'm very glad that I have taken the time to explore different places...do some subbing...and contemplate things before getting obligated to anything. Because I'm hoping that once I begin my OWN classes, that they will be a long term thing.


In other news...


I'm on a downward trend in weight and inches again.




It was February when I took the time to take all my measurements. And sadly, I know that I got even bigger afterward...just a bit. And I took all my measurements today...and several of them are much smaller. Some are slightly bigger...slightly. Sigh. My poor thighs. :( But the brightest note in the bunch is a 2 inch reduction in my waist measurement.


So I think that I'm getting my stress and unhappy regulated...


And I'm very excited about that.


Unfortunately...the real sadness is that this measurement had gotten to 4 inches smaller at my lightest. So I still have a ways to go...


But I'm on the path that is headed into the right direction.

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Anita, I love how analytical you are about your work. It's really helpful to hear your thought process. I agree with you 100% about the connection between location and expectation. Because I take such a variety of classes I see it in action all the time. I know that for myself I come with a boatload of expectations and I'm very picky -- if you multiply individual expectations with the size of your class, trying to make everyone happy gets overwhelming pretty quickly. I think if you hone your personal teaching style and do it in the right environment, the "right" students for you will come.


We did Gangnam Style I think two times before it disappeared forever. The latin ladies did NOT like it, and our teacher read that right away. I think the analysis you are doing about your teaching style and how YOU want to be is so important. Otherwise, you will just try to be everything to everybody and I don't think that will ultimately make you the strongest teacher you can be. JMHO. I mean, I understand that marketing yourself is important too, but you need to focus on and capitalize on your strengths and individual gifts as a teacher. And you need to happy in your environment too, not just the students.


Here is another lovely salsa. I cannot find any choreography for it so I think my Tuesday teacher made up his own. I can't find the lyrics in English, but it basically says things like:


give me your sweet touch, and we'll speak of love through our dancing

give me your gentle hand, and tell me you love me while we dance

amor, because now we don't need to speak the words

amor, because now we only speak through our glances


or something like that! My Spanish isn't very good. But I thought you'd like to know there isn't anything nasty in it. I think the second one is the version we use in class, but I love the deeper sound of the first one:







Actually, if you search youtube for Alberto Barros you'll find he has many many nice salsas and cumbias.


"I want to feel your breath..." OMG I want to go out dancing right now!


Forgot to say, the title is Ay Amor Cuando Hablan Las Miradas. In class, we have to sing ay ay ay amor whenever it comes up :)

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Yes, I guess I was awful to the instructor last night.. because I was at the front of the class and after 15 minutes.... I left. Really, shame on me, but... whatever.


My expectation was that I was going to be with Kisha. The reality was that there was a sub. OK. I should have been nicer because I should have supported Anita being a sub, and all, and knowing how important it is to give subs a chance. Well, this particular sub wasn't new to me; I've been in her classes before, and she's not one of my "favs." She must do some things right for some people, though, because she has a standing, well attended class at the gym on a different night.


Oh well. I wear a heart monitor. And after 15 minutes of class, I had burned 110 calories! My highest heart rate hadn't risen over 50 beats from resting! I usually burn in excess of 800 calories in 55 minutes. So, that should give you a clue as to how effortless this particular class was... and, omg, the moves! Irritating moves! Repetitive, irritating moves. I just couldn't take it anymore.


So in spirit of talking about expectations. I think that some of my irritation stemmed from the fact that I expected to have a Kisha Zumba class, with all that energy and pump and excitement and fun. So, when this instructor hit the stage, I actually found myself feeling deflated. Then, a lady in class that is friendly with me, looked at me, and said, "I actually rushed here for this?" Which just described my feelings because she was also disappointed. Then, when the class turned out to be so... very .... irritating, I let my inner self talk get the best of me and decided I really didn't want to be there. So much so that I would rather embarass myself by leaving than just gut it out!


Now, on another note... if I felt like the class was giving me something, I would have stayed. And I could have gotten over my initial stab of disappointment and continued on. In a weird way, the sub instructor exactly met my expectations. When I saw her, I knew the class was going to be disappointing. If I'd known how much, I wouldn't even have stayed for 15 minutes.:(

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Anita, I wish all Zumba instructors put as much effort into their classes as you do. All I want is a class where the instructor changes out 1 or 2 songs monthly with the entire routine cycling over several months and occasionally bringing back older stuff. I think I can find it but just not in my town :(. I think this summer I will have to look farther afoot.


Some of the instructors in my area wonder why their attendance keeps dropping and really have no clue. My son keeps telling me to get certified and teach myself but with a full time job the extra time it would take to not be a lazy instructor wouldn't work for me right now. Keep up the fantastic work because there are ladies like me that appreciate the heck out of instructors like you.



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Margaret...Thanks for mentioning Alberto Barros.


The process of subbing has been very educational for me. It has helped me tremendously. I'm learning more about what my own style is, who finds it appealing, and where I might find my students. It's one reason why I think that this one gym would be so great when they make changes in the fall.


Kathy...Thanks for your encouragement! Your post was a nice read.


When you can find the time, I encourage you to get licensed. Then you'll really understand how little instruction instructors really receive...and then you might understand why so many instructor's struggle. And how you could be successful as an instructor based on what you have said.


The time it takes to be an instructor depends a bit on how your brain works. I find that there are people who just have a knack for movement and remembering routines. I'm one of these people. I don't know exactly how it works for memory...but I have a really great memory for routines, so it generally doesn't take me long to get one. It can take me a while to find routines that I LIKE...yes...and WANT to learn...and even longer to make choreo, if I can't find anything I like.


So if you also have one of those memories...then the worst part is about finding the music and the routines. Zumba does provide music and routines, but like anything, sometimes it appeals and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, the great search occurs...and that's the most time consuming part for me.


Once you get your first playlist figured out...then changing it isn't really a big deal...like you wrote...if you don't overhaul your list with each class. If you have the time...you could start putting together a playlist for your ideal class NOW based on what songs you already know and like. You might end up tweaking it after training...but you could use the personal playlist project to determine how much time it would really take you to put together a class.


I'm teaching tonight. I tweaked my playlist like this:


Rearranged the order of the songs after the first 4.

Replaced English Waka Waka with Spanish Waka Waka (just because)

Replaced the Ven a Cumbiar cumbia with Chiquilla (which I did last Thursday)

Brought back En Sus Marcas, Listos, Fuera...football leg reggaeton (did it last week)

Lost the Bachata when I realized the ab song isn't heart rate intensive and allows for some calming

Replaced Feeling Good with Caminando Por la Calle for stretch.


Which seems like a lot of changes but really isn't. Hopefully it will go over well. And hopefully, my friend really will be able to come tonight.

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Some of our instructor's, after introducing a new song, will always ask "Should we keep it?" Eventually we end up with only songs that earn a loud chorus of "yes". Quite a few get weeded out. We love to vote. :)


Anita, you will eventually end up with a devoted following because you watch and listen for response. The best teachers learn to judge the crowd- and are prepared to be flexible.

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Happy Saturday!


Thursday's class went very well. The playlist rocked right along and the class time passed quickly. Two of the ladies came back. The one that I think of as a regular and her friend. I think these may be the two that were regularly coming before... And my friend came to class. Her only comment was that the flashing lights were starting to get to her by the end of class...making her feel not so good.


So I talked with them a bit, explaining my mindset in that this is THEIR class...not mine. How I'm open to feedback. And so I learned what the deal really is.


They are used to more vocal hype in a class and that really raises the energy level for them.


The deal with this is two-fold for me.


1. I'm just not vocal. I've worked hard on the whole non-verbal cueing...it's one of my favorite things about Zumba and I'm really good at it. BUT...in the dim room, non-verbal cueing just isn't enough...so it will be good for me to work on some verbal skills for cueing at the very least.


2. I agree that some verbal chatter can be very motivating and raise the energy in class. And I have done this...I'm talking encouragement here. The kind that makes you work harder during ab work or squats, or football legs...or whatever.


But I have seen videos of the instructor that taught this class before the instructor that I am covering for took over. THAT instructor is like a chatter box...she babbles and she just doesn't shut up. I think it's annoying, personally, and at times, she sounds a bit like a drill Sargent. It's just noise...almost constant noise. With no apparent rhyme or reason for the vast majority of her running mouth. I will never aspire to be like this.


The current instructor however...her verbal style is more approachable...more party inducing. More appropriate to me. She'll do things like sing along with the songs...like what you talk about Margaret. She'll add appropriate interjections...like during a grapevine ending in arms lifting out to the side...when you reach with your arms, you yell HEY! Grapevine HEY! When I taught this group...one rather verbal lady added something like this during one song...it's the kind of body pump move when you bring one foot forward and then you kind of cha cha in the middle and then bring the other foot forward while doing a little body pump. Back and forth. One the body pump, the woman added a kind of ooo-ooo. Or something.


Anyway...I believe that having my own voice work in class is an important skill to develop. So I'm going to be working on this during these classes. And funny enough, I warned these ladies that it might be weird at first as I get used to it...and to not think too badly of me as I work on this skill. Especially if it feels awkward at first. These are really nice ladies. So it's going to be interesting.


This is all good. Verbal cueing skill is a requirement for a Group Ex certification. And it is a good "breath test" during the class, which is a recommended practice for Group Ex instruction.


Oh. And I am able to fit back into some of my cargos again! Yay! I wore a pair that I have never actually worn before. I got them shortly after moving to Georgia...they are bright, neon yellow...and they are the first thing that I have worn to this black light class that has glowed like crazy. I LOVED wearing them. I have two other pairs of cargos with white backgrounds...I'm hoping I can wear them soon. The rise is shorter in them, Zumba clothing is really inconsistent...and that's my biggest issue. Not enough bum room yet...:o

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Just got my latest ZIN CD. This is the first song on it. I have to say...the more I hear it...the more I like it.



I get the lines "Let music take me very far away-a" and "Now. Dale. Mas. Mas. Mas!" stuck in my head.


I haven't watched my DVD yet, so I don't know if the video represents one of the choreos that are on it.


What do you think?

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Got a call today from the gym that I taught at last Monday night. I had sent a follow up email to the manager that I talked with after that class. I wanted to be able to detail my previous teaching experience and further introduce myself and express my great interest in the daytime classes they wanted to start in the fall. Anyway...it turns out that the instructor that is currently teaching the Thursday night class can no longer teach that class...and so they need an instructor to take over that class. Did I want to teach that Thursday night class?


You bet I do.


Well. I don't really. I mean, I do. But it's more like I want to teach it only to stay in touch with the gym so that I can get the daytime class.


This means that I am doubling up on Thursday night. I'll be teaching from 6 to 7. And then I'll be hightailing it up the road to teach a class that starts at 7:30! Oh my!


The deal is that I only have to do this doubling 5 times. I continue to cover the Pole Dancing classes for another 6 weeks time...BUT...there will be no classes the week of July 4. So technically, only 5 times that I have to double up...and then after that...I'll be down to just one evening class...and hopefully adding the daytime class(es) whenever the "fall" officially begins for the gym management takeover.

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Happy Saturday!


Thursday's class went very well. The playlist rocked right along and the class time passed quickly. Two of the ladies came back. The one that I think of as a regular and her friend. I think these may be the two that were regularly coming before... And my friend came to class. Her only comment was that the flashing lights were starting to get to her by the end of class...making her feel not so good.


So I talked with them a bit, explaining my mindset in that this is THEIR class...not mine. How I'm open to feedback. And so I learned what the deal really is.


They are used to more vocal hype in a class and that really raises the energy level for them.


The deal with this is two-fold for me.


1. I'm just not vocal. I've worked hard on the whole non-verbal cueing...it's one of my favorite things about Zumba and I'm really good at it. BUT...in the dim room, non-verbal cueing just isn't enough...so it will be good for me to work on some verbal skills for cueing at the very least.


2. I agree that some verbal chatter can be very motivating and raise the energy in class. And I have done this...I'm talking encouragement here. The kind that makes you work harder during ab work or squats, or football legs...or whatever.


But I have seen videos of the instructor that taught this class before the instructor that I am covering for took over. THAT instructor is like a chatter box...she babbles and she just doesn't shut up. I think it's annoying, personally, and at times, she sounds a bit like a drill Sargent. It's just noise...almost constant noise. With no apparent rhyme or reason for the vast majority of her running mouth. I will never aspire to be like this.


The current instructor however...her verbal style is more approachable...more party inducing. More appropriate to me. She'll do things like sing along with the songs...like what you talk about Margaret. She'll add appropriate interjections...like during a grapevine ending in arms lifting out to the side...when you reach with your arms, you yell HEY! Grapevine HEY! When I taught this group...one rather verbal lady added something like this during one song...it's the kind of body pump move when you bring one foot forward and then you kind of cha cha in the middle and then bring the other foot forward while doing a little body pump. Back and forth. One the body pump, the woman added a kind of ooo-ooo. Or something.


Anyway...I believe that having my own voice work in class is an important skill to develop. So I'm going to be working on this during these classes. And funny enough, I warned these ladies that it might be weird at first as I get used to it...and to not think too badly of me as I work on this skill. Especially if it feels awkward at first. These are really nice ladies. So it's going to be interesting.


This is all good. Verbal cueing skill is a requirement for a Group Ex certification. And it is a good "breath test" during the class, which is a recommended practice for Group Ex instruction.


Oh. And I am able to fit back into some of my cargos again! Yay! I wore a pair that I have never actually worn before. I got them shortly after moving to Georgia...they are bright, neon yellow...and they are the first thing that I have worn to this black light class that has glowed like crazy. I LOVED wearing them. I have two other pairs of cargos with white backgrounds...I'm hoping I can wear them soon. The rise is shorter in them, Zumba clothing is really inconsistent...and that's my biggest issue. Not enough bum room yet...:o



I so hear you about vocal instructors. I don't mind some yelling now and then but that is the very reason I did not like our Sat. morning instructor. All she did is yell in a very shrill voice and you couldn't understand anything she was saying. For the rest of the day I couldn't get her voice out of my head. :( She gave up the Sat. and took over on Thursday nights but I think the gym ended up firing her because no one liked her style of teaching. She was a really sweet person but I just couldn't stand going to her class. I went last night and we had our regular Tuesday night instructor who is great. I'm going to two different places tonight and doing a Gold class from 4:30 to 5:15 then a regular Zumba from 6 to 7. I have golf lessons on Monday night but when those are done I will probably go Monday and Wed. and give up the gym membership because they can't seem to find or keep good instructors.

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Wow, Kisha kicked butt and took no prisoners last night. In fact, about 45 minutes into the class.. when another song came on... she actually exclaimed "what was I thinking?" and held her stomach... which is beautifully toned and awesome... BUT, wow, I had been holding my stomach way, way before that!


Anita, I wish that I could explain some of these moves that Kisha incorporated last night. She had a bunch of songs that were massively beat driven, like really more the sound of drums than I could hear the words. EXCEPT, there was one song that she made a point of going to the sound system and turning the volume OFF during the singing of one phrase... which made me spontaneously laugh out loud (for real) because I could imagine the word that was coming, knowing how to rhyme and all... A few weeks ago I had told Kisha that I had Mom's ears... that even though I couldn't understand the lyrics to most songs when it came to the "bad" words, my ears went on instant alert. I think she remembered that comment!


Anyway, back to the new moves... it was intense... intense abdominal work last night. It's almost like every. single. song had some. kind. of. abdominal. tension associated with it. By the end of the class, my abdominal muscle was screaming. But, this morning, nothing really sore...


And the music was different, but fantastic. I think it was because the choreo was just so appropriate to the music, kwim? It's like I don't think that I would sit around and sing those songs, or listen to them in my car... but for the class, totally cool.


OR, I just love Kisha and so I'll let her get away with anything! Maybe there's a small element of truth to that.


I have GOT to find some additional Zumba classes. This schedule is just murder; it feels like "weekend warrior" time... not enough classes during the week and two class times that are way too close together. Need to work on this.


But, an excellent class last night! Yeah!

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I think tone of voice is a biggie. I was looking at videos of different instructors...one that is the one instructor that teaches a lot in this area and used to teach at the pole dancing place...the other just an instructor that I think is really fun to watch; here she is:



Lauren Fitz does what I call the HUP HUP. It's a bit buggin'...but it isn't as much as what the old instructor does...at least it's purposeful and sounds totally natural to me. And she has some vocals...I've been watching some videos to just get some clues as to what, if anything, instructors say to cue the different moves.


And I did it last night. And wow...the ladies could follow so much better. I forgot a couple times...or rather...I thought, MAYBE they would have picked up on the choreo by that time in the song? Yeah no. I think you get used to something and that's what you need unless you make more of a conscious effort. I asked after class if how it went and the one lady said it was much easier to follow. I agree. I wasn't trying to woop it up...just offer more verbal cues...which isn't hard considering that I didn't verbal cue at all before.


I did a dry run to drive to the other location. I have just enough time to make it to the gym following the studio.


AND...I got an email from the owner/manager of the one place that I decided I shouldn't teach at full time, but only sub? You may recall that I went to the 2-hour event and experienced all the different instructors? Well...she was wondering if I could sub for any of 4 different mornings next week. Thursday was one morning! LOL. I thought 3-up on a day would be a bit much... But I did say okay to Monday and Wednesday morning.


So next week...I have Monday and Wednesday at 10 AM, Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00, and a follow-up on Thursday at 7:30. Oh my!


Meanwhile...going to have the first double-up tomorrow night.


Here's a topic...for those that take evening classes. When do you eat?


Last night...I had a very large lunch. And then at 4:30ish, I had a smoothie. That worked out very well...and I was feeling like I had energy enough for a second class. Then I ate a light dinner when I got home after class.


But I'm curious as to what others do.

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Anyone else watch Heroes? We watched all the episodes on Netflix...recently. Hiro was one of my favorite characters. What is funny is that I recently, as in the past few days, started watching So You Think You Can Dance...and there was an Asian contestant that didn't speak English very well...but he got his ticket to Vegas and he came running out of the audition and into the camera and yelled:




So I'm pretty sure he was Japanese...


And I love this saying!


Yatta! means I did it!


I'm home now from doing my almost back to back classes. It went very well. My friend came back to class tonight...combined with the two friends and the other more regular person...and that little room felt like a party. It was nice.


And I made it to the other class. Unfortunately, the instructor that used to teach the class still teaches the Wednesday class and she announced that she would no longer be teaching Thursdays permanently. But she neglected to share that there was a new permanent replacement. I guess there has been a parade of subs...and last Thursday, they even watched a video. There were only 5 students there.


But the students recognized me and were very excited before and after class. I'm hoping the word will get out that and that the ladies will put the class on their schedule. There were 6 students...and we rocked and had a great time. The place is being remodeled significantly and the air conditioning wasn't working so well...during one song, the students and I were started to fail in a way...but fortunately, the playlist saved us...I had a good ending to the class...the songs and routines were such that we could keep moving and feel good about our workout.


It was an awesome night. I won't deny that I will be absolutely thrilled to be done at the pole dancing studio and not have to teach the double classes. BUT...this has been an order of events to lead to where I'm at and hopefully the destination will be teaching at least 2 daytime classes during the week, beginning in the fall.


One of the ladies made a little comment about how I could also teach on Saturdays? I'll have to follow up that idea. Not now. I'm not interested during the summer...but during the school year...and especially if I could share it with someone. I need to find out what's up with that comment.


Meanwhile...I am almost recovered from the damages of the Father's Day weekend. Too much beer. Waffles. Mexican Food. PIE!! OMG. I upticked on the scale and I think I've finally recovered from it. This weekend we are going camping!! Woot woot! Going to hit some of want to do list for the summer this weekend. Gonna try kayaking. The place we are going is AWESOME for it. I'll share after. Camping is active...I mean, you have to take a walk to just use a bathroom! And then follow that with teaching 5 classes next week...following by a weekend trip to Disney (WALKING galore) and I should see some progress if I can keep the food under control.


I'm excited about that.


We leave tomorrow! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Wow, Anita, have you got it goin on or what? I seriously don't know how you can do two classes back to back, I can still barely get through one.


As for eating and night classes, I get home from work around 4:30 and my class is at 7. I usually have a substantial snack around 5:00, fruit and cheese or a pbj or something like that. We do takeout on Zumba nights, so DH handles the food and we eat when I get home, but usually I eat half of what I normally would because it's late and I'm not hungry for a full meal.

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Hey Margaret, have you ever done a Master Class or any special event class? Usually, the classes are longer...90+ minutes. It's not too bad with intervals...and since I'm in charge of the playlist...:rolleyes:


Camping this past weekend was awesome! Kayaking is great fun. The whole family loved it more than canoeing. We had two tandems, so DH had to deal with it solo...we used that extra seat for some gear. This is NOT my photo...but this is a good representation of the place we went kayaking:




We called it the "water forest"...the lake is man made with a dam...where it is wider, there is more open water...but near the shores and toward the dam, there are a lot of trees. If you can, notice the red marker on one tree in the photo. There are actually three lake trails. You kayak along and follow the trail. At one point we were going through a tree tunnel. It was the coolest thing. Almost every campsite backs up to the lake, so you can just paddle straight to your own campsite and go in and out of the water as you will. It was really fantastic. We had to deal with rain and that wasn't the downer it could have been...we dealt...we still had a campfire so all was well.


This morning, I taught class. There was one student. Not a problem. We had a good workout. Daytime classes are really hard to get going...I wasn't expecting many. I'm just glad there was at least one so that I could get a workout in!

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The one student that came to class on Monday morning and I were talking a bit. At the end of class, she told me that she had lived in San Diego and Miami and that she had gone to Zumba classes in both places...and did I know that song? Get Nasty and then she made this stuttering, dj scratching-like sound following the "Get Nasty" lyric.


And I was all like :confused:.


But apparently, I'm not the only instructor to have this reaction...


But I found it! It was released 10 months ago!! OMG. But apparently, she really liked that song and she was having a hard time finding it. I found it in about 2 seconds, but then, I'm getting pretty good at finding Zumba songs. I wonder how she was looking? And if she really looked that hard...


Anyway...It's older, obviously, but anyone ever done this song?



Most of the routines shown are a very, very close, almost exact representation of one of the choreos that Zumba gave to us with the song. Instructors aren't supposed to post that choreo...it's against our agreement with Zumba to do so...but they continue to post proprietary choreo...ah well. It's why I'm not linking to any particular choreo to that song...but odds are that if you see it...then that's the choreo you have done because it seems very popular from my searches.


I'm going to play this song for the Wednesday morning class! I appreciate when people have songs that they love and want in class. So this makes me happy to have this little project. I think the song seems like it could be fun in class but is rather annoying to listen to. Margaret, based on earlier comments, I'm pretty sure your Latin dancing lovin' class would not appreciate this one. LOL!

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This Latin lovin' gal doesn't. :p


;) It's not my fav either...but I feel like trying to reward the one student that came with something special. Not sure this routine will ever make it onto another playlist! but since I don't have a hard time learning routines...I will make the effort to do this one. And I'm pretty sure that she'll forgive me if I totally mess up...maybe I'll make her lead it! LOL. She seems like the kind of student that would remember the whole thing if I could just get her started...:rolleyes:

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