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Oasis, The Chef's Table with a 3 and 6 year old.


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I've skipped a couple of pages to get here so please forgive me if I've missed a post along the line.


The OP stated that she had a wonderful meal with delightful company. So on what grounds would you be looking for a refund? My 10 year old daughter eats in Michelin Star London restaurants with us. She knows the rules when enjoying fine dining and I would not require or expect the topics of conversation to be in any way changed for her benefit. As has already been said I don't think there is much you would consider polite table conversation with strangers that you wouldn't want her to hear.


She doesn't need talking down to, isn't unhygienic (someone said they wouldn't want to share the table with a family pet), and would be happy to show the correct use of cutlery to those guests incapable of eating without changing knife and fork between hands or holding their forks in a vertical stabbing position whilst cutting meat, (prior to switching hands;) ).


To be fair to other my other diners I would have already explained to the maitre d' that in the event of her behaviour proving unacceptable to other table guests at any point in the meal I would be happy to retire from the event whilst still paying our cover charge. I would not retire purely on the grounds that someone didn't like the look of her sat there. I've suffered through tables with enough ugly people myself in the past. I'm not sure asking for a refund because that bloke's good lady wife is just too damn ugly cuts the mustard in these PC times :)


Royal Caribbean need to have a system in place which allows them to turn away unsuitable diners. Providing the children act as our Brazilian family did I see absolutely no grounds for complaint.


As for not understanding why anyone would bring a child on Oasis of the Seas. God help us. Kids club, Merry go Round, zip wire, rock wall, flow rider, shows, karaoke, ice skating, face painting, art, edible treats, swimming, games, new friends, playing on the beach...........


Keep smiling everyone


Henry :)

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Not true.


The rule exists. Unenforcement does not negate the existence of it.


This website lists plenty of laws that are not enforced ...




The reasons these laws are not enforced vary. But the basic issue is, the laws are not enforced because for one reason or another the law should not even exist.


As for rules, if the company does not want to enforce its own rule, there must be a reason. The bottom line is, if the company refuses to enforce its own rule, then the rule for all practicable purposes does not exist.


It is either that, or someone is having trouble telling a three and six year old from a 21 year old. As I doubt the bartenders have this same issue, the only logical conclusion is that Royal Caribbean chooses not to enforce the rule. Now that this is known, the result is, the rule ceases to exist.

Edited by Cuizer2
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Whether the rule actually "exists" or not isn't really the issue. The event is advertised as an adult only event. If not failing to enforce their own rules it certainly does constitute false advertising.


If you honest believe that this is false advertising, then I suggest you make an issue of it and see what happens.


Good luck.

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The reservation is made in advance and can be cancelled with at least 24 hours notice. There isn't a contract.....no money is paid until you are on the ship. The $75 fee is charged to your SeaPass card ON THE SHIP.


A contract is not formed by the payment of money, and contract is formed when each party agrees to the terms. A promise to pay in the future for a service to be performed in the future is still a contract.

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If you honest believe that this is false advertising, then I suggest you make an issue of it and see what happens.


Good luck.


I haven't participated in this event, I was just stating that if the event was advertised as "adults only" and that ended up not being the case, I would be disappointed. Even if this had been my experience, I would not "make an issue of it". I wouldn't demand my money back or make those there with children aware of my feelings. However, I would make my concerns known to the cruise line. Otherwise, how would anyone know that some people really would prefer all adult dining? Perhaps they can offer the option of a family Chef's Table or an adult only Chef's Table.


I just don't think it is unreasonable to expect an event billed as "adults only" to be just that.

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I haven't participated in this event, I was just stating that if the event was advertised as "adults only" and that ended up not being the case, I would be disappointed. Even if this had been my experience, I would not "make an issue of it". I wouldn't demand my money back or make those there with children aware of my feelings. However, I would make my concerns known to the cruise line. Otherwise, how would anyone know that some people really would prefer all adult dining? Perhaps they can offer the option of a family Chef's Table or an adult only Chef's Table.


I just don't think it is unreasonable to expect an event billed as "adults only" to be just that.


Great - everyone is upset that Royal Caribbean will not enforce its own rules, yet no one is willing to do anything about it. So, the rule will continue to be unenforced and I guess people will continue to whine about it.

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Great - everyone is upset that Royal Caribbean will not enforce its own rules, yet no one is willing to do anything about it. So, the rule will continue to be unenforced and I guess people will continue to whine about it.



I'm not sure why you are quoting me. I am not upset. This didn't happen to me. It doesn't sound as if the OP is upset. If it did happen to me, I would likely make a point of telling the cruise line that I was disappointed. I am certainly not whining. I just think if you are told an event will be adult only it should be.

Edited by debmarie
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LOL.......how can this discussion still be going on?..we all do need a life......;):o:D


We have no information about how this family made their reservation, heck for all we know they could have been a relative of the Captain, they could have been comp., they might have been staying in the most expensive suite.


Exceptions are always made..........and rules are always broken....an people interpret guidelines differently.........it's life.

Edited by land lover
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LOL.......how can this discussion still be going on?..we all do need a life......;):o:D


We have no information about how this family made their reservation, heck for all we know they could have been a relative of the Captain, they could have been comp., they might have been staying in the most expensive suite.


Exceptions are always made..........and rules are always broken....an people interpret guidelines differently.........it's life.



Ahhhh. A voice of reason!!

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LOL.......how can this discussion still be going on?..we all do need a life......;):o:D


We have no information about how this family made their reservation, heck for all we know they could have been a relative of the Captain, they could have been comp., they might have been staying in the most expensive suite.


Exceptions are always made..........and rules are always broken....an people interpret guidelines differently.........it's life.



Yes it is the responsibility of RCI to intrepret and adhere to their own rules.


We are talking about an "upcharge" venue. Pax are told the venue will be a certain atmosphere. Listening to a crying child..or having a child playing with a noisy toy or watching a movie while others are trying to have a nice evening isn't fair to those who booked a special evening and paid more for it.


If RCI has an age limitation they should stick to it, regardless if parents throw tantrums because their kids aren't welcomed.

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Yes it is the responsibility of RCI to intrepret and adhere to their own rules.


We are talking about an "upcharge" venue. Pax are told the venue will be a certain atmosphere. Listening to a crying child..or having a child playing with a noisy toy or watching a movie while others are trying to have a nice evening isn't fair to those who booked a special evening and paid more for it.


If RCI has an age limitation they should stick to it, regardless if parents throw tantrums because their kids aren't welcomed.


Good point. I look at it this way. Would you take your teething, fussy one-yr-old, or squirmy four yr old, to a fine dining restaurant at home? Just because the venue is on a ship does not change the fact that, like the expensive restaurant at home, people go there to have a higher level dining experience than they would at Chuckie Cheese or TGIFridays.

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Good point. I look at it this way. Would you take your teething, fussy one-yr-old, or squirmy four yr old, to a fine dining restaurant at home? Just because the venue is on a ship does not change the fact that, like the expensive restaurant at home, people go there to have a higher level dining experience than they would at Chuckie Cheese or TGIFridays.


Would this fine dining restaurant at home turn away a couple with a child in tow?

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Would this fine dining restaurant at home turn away a couple with a child in tow?



You obviously missed my whole point.


When people go to a fine dining restaurant, they are seeking a nicer, "classier" experience than your typical family establishment.


In what universe is a toddler banging a spoon on their high chair "classy?" Or a four yr old driving a toy car on the table with a repetitive yell of "vroom, vroom?" Or, for heavens sake, what would you think of a 12 yr old playing a DS at the table at an upscale restaurant?


You just would not expect to see that type of behavior at a fine dining, classy, upscale restaurant. Whether it is on land or sea.

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So I am thinking that the Adventure Ocean Club looks like a really fun place. Is it OK if I just go and play with some legos and paint some pictures there next week? Or that teen club - that looks like a fun place to hang out. What's that you say? Those places/activities are restricted to passengers of a certain age and I am not allowed to be there? Well I never!! I am really well behaved, and I promise to share the toys, so why can't you just make an exception for me and let me go?


There are certain places and activities that are for children only, and a few that are reserved for adults only. How about we all just try and get along in our own age appropriate locations? Just as I would not expect to infringe on a children's play area, I also expect that certain things are for the adults. The vast majority of things to do on the ships are open to all ages. How difficult is it to understand that some things are reserved for certain age groups?


Italics are meant to be sarcasm. Just thought that I should mention that for those that are thick headed!!

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It needs a twist in direction...


This is from the Why Not? blog...


Chef’s table in the Concierge lounge (Oasis and Allure). The Chef’s table is in the upper level of the lounge, and the table is stunning. It features 14 seats, and at the head of the table is a presentation area where the chef can come out and explain how the courses are prepared, or demonstrate how to make something. Our Chef for the evening was our very own Keriann Von Raesfeld. from 150, so we were in for a real treat.


Before sitting down to dinner, the idea is for our guests to have a cocktail party where they can meet and mingle with the other guests at the table. The table also has a very cool chandelier concept that Kelly Gonzalez and I found while walking around downtown Turku one night.


The chef basically prepares the meal, and it is perfectly paired with a different wine for each course. The view of the boardwalk is amazing, and while we were having dinner, there was a demo of the fountain show at the Aquathreatre and the view was breathtaking.


The Chef’s table will be offered once each night of the cruise, and will cost $75.00 per person. The dinner will include a happy hour, the meal, wine pairings with each course, a signed cookbook, and a chef’s apron.


by Lisa Bauer - Senior VP, Hotel Operations


VERY cool chandelier:




The Table:



Edited by Merion_Mom
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LOL.......how can this discussion still be going on?..we all do need a life......;):o:D


We have no information about how this family made their reservation, heck for all we know they could have been a relative of the Captain, they could have been comp., they might have been staying in the most expensive suite.


Exceptions are always made..........and rules are always broken....an people interpret guidelines differently.........it's life.


land lover, I will lay you odds of dollars to doughnuts that it is reason #3. :rolleyes:

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what would you think of a 12 yr old playing a DS at the table at an upscale restaurant?


In our case Em's is only 10 but I'll try to answer none the less :)


I'm not sure you'd actually spot her, certainly not unless your table companions were so dull that you'd taken to analysing all the other guests in the restaurant.


You would see a table of people enjoying their dining experience with a little girl either chatting away or sitting quietly with said Nintendo under the table on her lap. You would need to position yourself to the side of her to spot it though. I presume you are aware that a Nintendo DS is around the same size as a mobile phone and makes no noise with it's volume turned down. Animal crossing requires no jerky movements on the part of the player. You are walking round in an imaginary world. Imagine teacher is another game she enjoys playing which is nice and quiet.


I find threads like this really fascinating. Have none of you ever seen well behaved children?


I also wonder how comfortable many of you are dining out. A meal in a good restaurant should be a relaxed affair, you don't have to sit bolt upright and talk in hushed tones. You need to learn a few ground rules so the staff can go about their job to full effect and my belief is that those ground rules should be learnt at an early age. Some of the skills are unique to dining out, others are basic behavioural building blocks for every day use.


If we ever cruise together let's have a meal with one another in Chops. If at the end of the night you can put your hand on your heart and say you haven't enjoyed yourselves because Em's was sat at the table than I'll pick up the tab. If you have enjoyed yourselves we'll each pick up our respective bills.


Keep smiling


Henry :)

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Or that teen club - that looks like a fun place to hang out. What's that you say? Those places/activities are restricted to passengers of a certain age and I am not allowed to be there?


Sadly for good reason in these modern times.


Henry :(

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You obviously missed my whole point.


When people go to a fine dining restaurant, they are seeking a nicer, "classier" experience than your typical family establishment.


In what universe is a toddler banging a spoon on their high chair "classy?" Or a four yr old driving a toy car on the table with a repetitive yell of "vroom, vroom?" Or, for heavens sake, what would you think of a 12 yr old playing a DS at the table at an upscale restaurant?


You just would not expect to see that type of behavior at a fine dining, classy, upscale restaurant. Whether it is on land or sea.


In my travels I have learned to expect the unexpected. Every time I think I have seen it all, something comes along and tops it.


I may not expect to see a lot of the things you describe, but on the flip side I would not be surprised by it either.


So, in what universe is a toddler banging a spoon on their high chair "classy"? In the universe that we all live in - according to some. According to others, not in this universe. In what universe would a four year old driving a toy car on the table while yelling, "vroom, vroom" be classy? In the same universe that we live in according to some. According to others, not in this universe. What would I think of a 12 year old playing a DS at table in an upscale restaurant? I would not think anything. I would give it no more thought than I would seeing a child at a park sitting quietly.

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So I am thinking that the Adventure Ocean Club looks like a really fun place. Is it OK if I just go and play with some legos and paint some pictures there next week? Or that teen club - that looks like a fun place to hang out. What's that you say? Those places/activities are restricted to passengers of a certain age and I am not allowed to be there? Well I never!! I am really well behaved, and I promise to share the toys, so why can't you just make an exception for me and let me go?


There are certain places and activities that are for children only, and a few that are reserved for adults only. How about we all just try and get along in our own age appropriate locations? Just as I would not expect to infringe on a children's play area, I also expect that certain things are for the adults. The vast majority of things to do on the ships are open to all ages. How difficult is it to understand that some things are reserved for certain age groups?


Italics are meant to be sarcasm. Just thought that I should mention that for those that are thick headed!!


Unfortunately for your inner child, age restrictions at Adventure Ocean and the teen club are enforced - by Royal Caribbean (the same organization which doesn't enforce the non-existent age restriction for the Chef's Table). So I would not suggest this activity for anyone over the age of eighteen. However, while asking for a refund from your Chef's Table experience, you might bring it up. Perhaps it might help you out. I don't see where it could hurt.

Edited by Cuizer2
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In our case Em's is only 10 but I'll try to answer none the less :)


I'm not sure you'd actually spot her, certainly not unless your table companions were so dull that you'd taken to analysing all the other guests in the restaurant.


You would see a table of people enjoying their dining experience with a little girl either chatting away or sitting quietly with said Nintendo under the table on her lap. You would need to position yourself to the side of her to spot it though. I presume you are aware that a Nintendo DS is around the same size as a mobile phone and makes no noise with it's volume turned down. Animal crossing requires no jerky movements on the part of the player. You are walking round in an imaginary world. Imagine teacher is another game she enjoys playing which is nice and quiet.


I find threads like this really fascinating. Have none of you ever seen well behaved children?


I also wonder how comfortable many of you are dining out. A meal in a good restaurant should be a relaxed affair, you don't have to sit bolt upright and talk in hushed tones. You need to learn a few ground rules so the staff can go about their job to full effect and my belief is that those ground rules should be learnt at an early age. Some of the skills are unique to dining out, others are basic behavioural building blocks for every day use.


If we ever cruise together let's have a meal with one another in Chops. If at the end of the night you can put your hand on your heart and say you haven't enjoyed yourselves because Em's was sat at the table than I'll pick up the tab. If you have enjoyed yourselves we'll each pick up our respective bills.


Keep smiling


Henry :)



Sounds like you have a wonderful daughter and you are very proud of her..but If I was at your table and engage your daughter in conversation, I would hope she would find me more interesting than her game playing.


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So I am thinking that the Adventure Ocean Club looks like a really fun place. Is it OK if I just go and play with some legos and paint some pictures there next week? Or that teen club - that looks like a fun place to hang out. What's that you say? Those places/activities are restricted to passengers of a certain age and I am not allowed to be there? Well I never!! I am really well behaved, and I promise to share the toys, so why can't you just make an exception for me and let me go?


There are certain places and activities that are for children only, and a few that are reserved for adults only. How about we all just try and get along in our own age appropriate locations? Just as I would not expect to infringe on a children's play area, I also expect that certain things are for the adults. The vast majority of things to do on the ships are open to all ages. How difficult is it to understand that some things are reserved for certain age groups?


Italics are meant to be sarcasm. Just thought that I should mention that for those that are thick headed!!

Agree...I said essentially the same thing several posts ago (the part in italics). You really drove this point home. BRAVO!!!

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