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17 Day Diet on Dr. Phil


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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost done with cycle 2, just 4 more days.


I have lost 5 pounds so far on C2. Total loss of 13 since June 1st.


It is not just the scale number, but the way my clothes fit (too big). I had to make a few more holes in my belt last weekend because I couldn't get it tight enough (don't think that has ever happened before).


Have a great weekend all.

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Congrats on the weight loss! I am just starting cycle 1 for the third time. I have been on two 7 day cruises and a family reunion vacation mixed in during the 1st and 2nd times. These vacations were during the cycle 3 phases. I am still down 14 pounds from my high.


Just wanted to mention that I was drinking the lemon tea every morning and developed an allergic reaction to it at some point about a month ago. It took me a couple days to figure out what was going on.


All of a sudden one day about 60 -90 minutes after drinking it I got a sour stomach and vomited. Then my face developed welts which I am told were hives. My tongue and lips felt prickly. I also became shaky and had to just lay down for a couple hours.


I thought maybe I just had a bug because later that afternoon I felt fine. I did read up and my symptoms sounded like an allergic reaction, but I have never been allergic to anything before.


The next morning I had the lemon tea again and had the same problem. I have not had the tea again and have not had any other issues. I guess the citrus built up too much in my system and was causing me issues.


I know that previously if I drank too much pineapple or orange juice I would get tiny sores in my mouth.


I really do like this diet. It works for me better than anything else. I do write everything down and track my diet as though I am doing weight watchers. I never use all the points that I could if doing ww, especially in cycle 1 and 2.


I also do wii active 2, four days a week and zumba (at home) twice.


Good luck to all! I leave for Italy in September and hope to be to my goal of 110 but will be happy with 115.

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I just started Cycle 1 yesterday and was down 2.5 pounds this morning. So far so good!! I stumbled across this diet accidentally and when I saw that Dr Phil and The Doctors endorsed it, I knew it would be good. I am feeling very encouraged and the fact that I actually started on a Friday speaks wonders!!


I'm also relatively new here -- I just signed up a couple of weeks ago. Looking forward to following along with everyone here.



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  • 2 weeks later...

C3, Day 9 (total of 43 days)



Lost 2 pounds so far on C3. Total loss of 15 since June 1st.


The weight loss has slowed down but I have not been perfect on the plan either. I am just happy I am not gaining.


I think I will stick to a combination of C1-3 for the summer and then see where I stand come fall.

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  • 4 weeks later...
If you have alot of weight to lose how do you go about it? Do you do all the phases and then come back to phase 1 or do you do phase one for a couple of weeks before you go to phase 2?



You do cycle 1 for 17 days, then cycle 2 for 17 days and then cycle 3 for 17 days. If at anytime you are at your goal weight you will go to cycle 4 which is the maintenance phase.

If. after completing cycle 3 you are not at your goal then go back to cycle 1, then 2 and then 3. Continue like this or a combination until you are at your goal or sick of it.


After doing 3 cycles of the three I got tired of it as I do with all diets. My weight loss was going slowly at this point, I think because I wasn't following it perfectly so I am doing weight watchers again to change it up.


I do like this diet and will probably do it again especially coming back from a cruise or vacation.

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You do cycle 1 for 17 days, then cycle 2 for 17 days and then cycle 3 for 17 days. If at anytime you are at your goal weight you will go to cycle 4 which is the maintenance phase.

If. after completing cycle 3 you are not at your goal then go back to cycle 1, then 2 and then 3. Continue like this or a combination until you are at your goal or sick of it.


After doing 3 cycles of the three I got tired of it as I do with all diets. My weight loss was going slowly at this point, I think because I wasn't following it perfectly so I am doing weight watchers again to change it up.


I do like this diet and will probably do it again especially coming back from a cruise or vacation.


Thank you for this info. I'm going to try to see how long I can do it without getting tired of it.

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Have been watching what I eat but have not been strictly "on the plan" for over 6 weeks.


I have eaten things I shouldn't so I have to wonder if it has changed my metabolism since I am still loosing weight even when I cheat.


Down 15.5 since June 1st. 1.55 pounds per week. No complaining here. I just wonder how I would have done without cheating.


It is time to get serious now since all my summer company is gone.


Take care all & good luck (it does work if you give it a chance).

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I started on the plan on Monday, and am enjoying it so far. I thought I would stick with basic foods the first week and look at the recipes over the weekend, but today I was confident that I understood the plan and found four recipes to try. I do have one question; does anybody else find the yogurt descriptions confusing? I am just not sure what kind of yogurt I should be eating, and decided to stick with the Yoplait low-fat fruit flavors until I can figure it out. I have not been hungry at all, no "withdrawal" from carbs, and I feel good generally after three days.

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I started on the plan on Monday, and am enjoying it so far. I thought I would stick with basic foods the first week and look at the recipes over the weekend, but today I was confident that I understood the plan and found four recipes to try. I do have one question; does anybody else find the yogurt descriptions confusing? I am just not sure what kind of yogurt I should be eating, and decided to stick with the Yoplait low-fat fruit flavors until I can figure it out. I have not been hungry at all, no "withdrawal" from carbs, and I feel good generally after three days.



Although I am not actually on this plan at the moment I am still eating many of the foods that I ate while on it. As far as the yogurt you want a yogurt with the least amount of sugar grams that you can find. It will most likely not be the one you have chosen, but I am not sure. I have been using Fage 0% fat greek yogurt. I believe it has 6g of sugar. Per serving I have and measure 6oz. To this I add 2 teaspoons of sugar free strawberry preserves. Then I usually add half cup of frozen blue berries, or cut up strawberries or slice an apple and dip it in it. The greek yogurt is more filling.


Good luck! I think this is a great plan. When you get to cycle 2, definitely make the cookies. My husband and I both love them.

Edited by EmmasNana
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Thank you. I finished up my starter supply of Yoplait and switched to the Greek yogurt. It is going to be an acquired taste, though, as I still find it a bit sour. I bought three different brands, sugar-free jam, and blueberries, so I am still experimenting. We had the taco salad and eggplant Parmesan this week - both were really good. I haven't had any withdrawal symptoms, have not been hungry, and already crave the exercise. I feel really good and I am losing. I can't wait for those cookies :D

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Have you purchased any packages of the truvia sweetener? You can put one of the packets in with your yogurt. They are calorie and sugar free. I used to use half a pack, but now I don't use it. You will need it when you make the cookies anyway.


The blueberries are my least favorite fruit that I use in the greek yogurt. The sliced apple or stawberries are my favorite.


We really liked the Crockpot Basil Artichoke chicken one too. I am not sure if that was in the book, but I got it online. Cycle 2 you can put it over rice, but on cycle 1 just use it without rice.


Good luck! I will go back on cycle 1 when I return from Italy. I know I will gain after being there for two weeks.

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Today was Day 17 on my first Cycle 1, and I lost 9 pounds. I feel much more energetic, am sleeping better, and can tell the difference in my clothing. I was not perfect - I had ham instead of chicken or turkey in my salad, my first few yogurts were not the right kind, I had a salad with almonds (okay, it was two salads), and one night I gave in at 11 p.m. and had fruit. I did manage to go away for the weekend and stick to the diet (except for those almonds), and I walked every night, even taking an umbrella in the rain and getting eaten up with bugs after dark. I am not looking forward to Cycle 2 as much as I thought I would - guess it seems easier to just stick with what I am familiar with, but I will do the right thing. I do like the diet and am not obsessed with what I can or can't eat. I've been trying on some clothes that were too small when I bought them to figure out if they will be right for the Allure in 66 days.

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I LOVE this diet! I've done lots of other things, but this seems to be the one for me. I lost a little over 30#'s in about 8 weeks. I didn't do perfectly this summer, so I didn't lose but a pound or 2 since June, but I'm still losing inches and didn't GAIN over the summer, so that's a plus!


I'm going back to phase one and hitting it hard to lose some more before I buy all of my cruise clothes. Ideally, I'd like to lose 40 more before Dec 30, but that may be pushing it. I know the back end of weight loss is a little harder than the front end.


I just like the fact that you actually EAT on this plan, so I feel like even tho I lost a bunch at first, I was still doing it in a healthy way.

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Day 19 today--have lost 7lbs. I probably would have lost more, but I have cheated a few times at parties and work events (with alchohol.) I am very happy with this diet because I feel that it is helping me change my eating habits. I am definitely eating more fruits and veggies, and even fish (which is major for me!) I only have about 7 more lbs to go, so things are going well. I am going on a cruise to Mexican riviera in October...hoping to look good in my shorts and bathing suit ;)!

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I am on day 26 and down 13 pounds. I have a family event out of town this weekend (my father's memorial service), and know I will probably be eating at least a small amount of the wrong things. I dread losing momentum, though, so maybe I will be able to make the decision to turn down the goodies and stick to proteins and veggies.

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vxv0409, if you look up 17daydietblog dot com, you can get the gist of the diet. If you sign up for her newsletter (scroll over to the right of the page it is in a green box) you will get a guide which is just an outline of the diet. I would suggest getting the book if you are interested in trying it because the outline is just that an outline alot of details you should know are in the book.


There is also a great forum on sparkpeople for the 17 day diet.


I am loving it by the way. 20lbs in 22 days. Still have lots to lose but I have found how I am going to do it.



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On the Cabbage Soup Diet you can lose 10Lbs. in 1 Wk, but you have to follow the diet to the Tee.The diet is only meant to be on for a week at a time, then they reccomend you wait 2 to 3 weeks to go back on it.My wife and I have been on and it works.If anyone is interested the Web Site is :



As a final note, this diet is a GOOD KICK start for a healthier diet.

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On the Cabbage Soup Diet you can lose 10Lbs. in 1 Wk, but you have to follow the diet to the Tee.The diet is only meant to be on for a week at a time, then they reccomend you wait 2 to 3 weeks to go back on it.My wife and I have been on and it works.If anyone is interested the Web Site is :



As a final note, this diet is a GOOD KICK start for a healthier diet.


Wow, that has got to be one of the most unhealthy diets out there. One day says "eat as many bananas as you want and soup, but nothing else." :eek:


I just borrowed the 17day diet book from a friend and took some basic notes. Thinking of starting tomorrow but need to shop!


Here are the notes I took on cycle 1. There is a 2nd and 3rd cycle and lots of recipes too so if you think you can stick to cycle 1, you should get the book. I am going to order it on Amazon so I can give my friend her book back!



CYCLE 1: Accelerate


No carbs, fruits after 5:30pm (drive home ok ;))


Salmon, Sole, Catflight, Tuna in water, flouder

Chicken breast

Turkey breast, ground turkey

2 eggs per day

4 eggwhites per day


Cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, onions, artichokes

Bell peppers, cabbage, carrots

Lettuces, sauteed zucchini, snap peas

Cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, green beans, kale, leeks, mushrooms

Low sugar fruit: 2 servings/day

Apples, berries, oranges, peaches, pears, plums, prunes, red grapes

Yogurt: 2 servings/day

6 ounces, sugar free fruit flavored or greek;

Olive oil: 2 tablespoons/day

Condiments: parmesan and other fat free cheeses, chicken broth, mustard, ginger, soy sauce, Truvia...

Cheeses: lowfat feta or blue cheese, parmesan, cottage cheese, FF sourcream

Dressings: balsamic vinegar, lowfat dressing, sugar free jam (for sweet, smoothies)

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No carbs, fruits after 5:30pm (drive home ok ;))


Carb cut-offs is basically dieting for dummies. When you either entirely exclude certain "bad" foods or have a cut off after which you don't eat them, it forces you to reduce your overall caloric intake.


There is nothing special about eating fruit or any other carb at 5:30 pm, pr 5:31 p.m. or 9 pm. It is all about TOTAL DAILY caloric intake.

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Carb cut-offs is basically dieting for dummies. When you either entirely exclude certain "bad" foods or have a cut off after which you don't eat them, it forces you to reduce your overall caloric intake.


There is nothing special about eating fruit or any other carb at 5:30 pm, pr 5:31 p.m. or 9 pm. It is all about TOTAL DAILY caloric intake.


Very true. I have read that before. However, the book says not to eat after 2pm (I changed it to 5pm because I am starved in the car on the way home from work so I like to eat an apple). I was just summarizing the book above.


As far as low carb being like overall reducing calories, that is simply not true. I have been on a 1200 calorie diet for about 3 months and I have totally plateau'd. I have kept a careful journal of just about every single day and noted that I was eating about 130g of carbs a day. I went to the nutritionist this am and she told me the reason I am no longer losing weight is because not all calories are created equal. She recommended lowering my carbs to 100g and sticking with the 1200 calorie diet. I told her about this book and the 17d diet and she looked at it and said she liked it, along with the South Beach diet, as they are both low carb an healthy protein diets. She said "modern research" shows that 1cal is not the same when it comes to protein, sugars or fats.


I think everyone's metabolism is different (mine is especially bad!) and the way we process sugars is also not always the same from person to person. Therefore I think some may lose from simply cutting out fats or calories but people like me need to cut out the carbs more than anything else.



Edited by kath00
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As far as low carb being like overall reducing calories, that is simply not true.


Well, that's not exactly what I said, but even ketogenic diets are based on caloric reduction. The high protein & fat in those diets satiate you so you feel full longer. If you think that you can eat in a chronic caloric surplus while on a keto /low carb diet and lose fat, you are kidding yourself. The reason people find success with kteo / low carb diets is because these diets allow the individual to be in a chronic caloric deficit. Now, if that type of diet fits your specific traits better than another way of eating, then go ahead and do it, but when people construct good and evil foods, that is bordering on an eating disorder, especially when they actually believe that fruits are unhealthy.


She said "modern research" shows that 1cal is not the same when it comes to protein, sugars or fats.


Well, of course you have to compare apples to apples. if you have no clue about macronutrients and have no idea of the amount of protein, carbs, and fat that make up your caloric plate, then you can unwittingly have different results if one meal plan is inadequate with protein and another contains adequate amounts of protein. Failure to maintain adequate protein can result in weight loss where you may be losing weight from muscle, which is not desirable.



I think everyone's metabolism is different (mine is especially bad!) and the way we process sugars is also not always the same from person to person.


Without sounding like I am attacking you, I'd like to point out that this ^^ is a very typical excuse that people use. The reality is that if you are obese/overweight, simply losing fat will change things drastically.


As for all the talk about glycemic index, that is a waste of time unless you are diabetic. Type 2 diabetes is primarily a metabolic condition characterized by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. In type 2 diabetes, the body either fails to produce adequate insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. So, if you are a sedentary diabetic who eats a hypercaloric, high-carb, low-protein diet, well, then you need to pay attention to GI, but that type of person would be better off, focusing on just eating whole, minimally processed foods, and making sure that they engage in resistance exercise and maintain a caloric deficit.

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