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Brilliance Review - the List Cruise - Dec 5 10 - Better Late than Never


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Dec 25


We had an early flight to Vancouver connecting in Phoenix. I only had about 4 hours sleep after my long day the day before, and was jetlagged, so it was a bleary-eyed morning. We were asked if we’d like to be bumped to another airline flying non-stop to Vancouver in a couple of hours. We would have gotten home earlier. We agreed.:)


Once we got on the plane, though, we didn’t take off. The pilot came on and said that there was a leak in the hydraulic line, and the flight was cancelled!:eek: We couldn’t believe it. It’s Christmas Day, we had moved to this flight to get home earlier, and now it was cancelled. They said that they would work on getting another plane up and going, but a lot of people had the day off. We waited and waited at the gate. Yes, I was getting teary by this point.:( It just never seemed to end, and I was in so much pain. We waited at least another 2 hours, but they did finally get a plane.


We arrived in Vancouver in the mid-afternoon. I have never been so happy to see Vancouver’s mountains in my life! My daughter was there to greet me at the airport, wearing a Santa hat and carrying a bouquet of flowers. And yes, I cried when I saw her!:o


I started getting treatment for my neck on the Dec. 28th. I was an absolute mess, and that’s a direct quote from the doctor! I’m still going to the chiropractor and the physiotherapist twice a week each. The pain is much better, but the nerve is still pinched. I am moving better, the swelling is down, but I still can’t do what I normally could do. We had to buy an elliptical, as I can’t do any workouts that jar my body. I’m a hardcore P90X type, and I have no idea when I’ll be strong enough to do that again. I’m doing what I can do to stay in shape, but I have to be very careful. All the new workouts I got for Christmas are still in their boxes, tantalizing me…:o


I’m the poster child in the office for travel insurance. Don’t leave home without it, and have a carry-on going and coming back, with clean clothes and toiletries. No one can prepare for an extra 8 days away in a carry-on, but have SOMETHING. We bought clothes, but I was washing clothes in the sink every day just so I’d always have clean stuff. Also, bring a couple of credit cards. I’m wondering what would have happened if my card had been maxed out?? That didn’t happen, but I always carry a spare. Also, always tell your credit card company (along with your debit) that you will be out of the country. I let them know from the airport that I was stranded in England for an unknown amount of time. They could have cut off my card. They were expecting me home on the 17th. Just one more thing to think about!


This Saturday, I will be reunited with Bonnie, George, and our District Sales Manager from our dining table on the Brilliance at a work-related dinner/dance. It will be quite the reunion. I am so looking forward to it. I have a feeling I might start to cry when I see them. :rolleyes:


And believe it or not, I think that’s it!

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Having cruised 4 times on the Brilliance it was very disheartening when we saw the news reports about our favorite ship. Not to bug you, but do you recall if

a couple of bartenders (you mentioned you spent a bit of time in them) named Rusty and Eric were still on the ship. On our last Brilliance cruise back in Sept/Oct. 2008 Rusty was still in the Champagne Bar (where he always had been) and Eric had just come back after vacation and was a floater, working in different bars until his permenant position opened up for the following cruise.

It was really great to see those guys and we were surprised that both of them still knew us by names from previous cruises. Rusty even remembered our favorite drinks!



Hi there - I didn't meet them, no. My favourites were Manuel from Peru in the Schooner Bar, and Whitney from the US in the Starquest (for the short period of time that it was actually open - from the Saturday onwards it was closed). Manuel will definitely remember me - he said he'd never forget my last name, which I won't post! :p


I told you you would like the Grand Hyatt.:D


It was a lovely hotel!



That was a wonderful telling of the tale Carol. :) I know now where "dirtgirl" came from.. Thanks for sharing the whole story with us. :D



Patti :)


You're very welcome. :) People always try to put a 'y' in dirtgirl. LOL

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Carol...I mentioned to you about this gel on some other posts and was wondering if you ever tried the Voltaren Gel on your neck? It truly works and I think it would help you alot. It is a legitimate drug gel and not a home remedy.

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With my policy it is trip delay by the strict definition.

I got my luggage when I got back to Vancouver. The luggage made it back home before I did!:rolleyes:


Given all the rules about matching bags to the flights the owners are on...it is always amazing to see luggage at the airport ahead of pax...just like in your case.


Hope your neck etc...all heal up quickly!

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Thanks for the link. That is tragic!:( Whether she was going to have a hemorrhage anyway, or if she hit her head during the commotion, the courts/doctors will have to determine. Very sad. I can certainly relate to flying around the room, though!!



Carol...I mentioned to you about this gel on some other posts and was wondering if you ever tried the Voltaren Gel on your neck? It truly works and I think it would help you alot. It is a legitimate drug gel and not a home remedy.


I asked about it, and they didn't want me to mix it with the oral meds I was taking, but from what I've heard, it works. It works on muscles as opposed to nerve injuries. Sounds like a good thing to have on hand.:)



Given all the rules about matching bags to the flights the owners are on...it is always amazing to see luggage at the airport ahead of pax...just like in your case.


Hope your neck etc...all heal up quickly!


Thanks! There is improvement - I'm not better but there is definite improvement. :)I'm moving better, my referred pain into my shoulder, back, and arm has eased. I'm going to try to cut physio down to once a week this week, but still keeping the chiropractor at two.


Last night I heard from a few people that BA is denying all claims -saying the flight cancellation was weather related. However, they did compensate those that were affected by the volcano. I haven't heard yet, myself.

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Carol, all I can say , wow, what a story!


I agree about travel insurance, we always buy a policy when leaving the country. Fortunately have never used it, but you can never know when the need surfaces.


Hopefully your adventure with the insurance company and BA isn't quite the adventure as your trip.

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Carol, all I can say , wow, what a story!


I agree about travel insurance, we always buy a policy when leaving the country. Fortunately have never used it, but you can never know when the need surfaces.


Hopefully your adventure with the insurance company and BA isn't quite the adventure as your trip.



Thanks, Kathy. I hope so, too!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Still have not heard from British Airways regarding compensation for being stranded for 8 nights - but not overly hopeful. Receipts have been sent in.


I did want to say a few things about the cruise itself, which may have been lost in the shuffle of what happened. Overall, I had a great time! I loved the ports that we did get to - Rhodes and Malta especially. I met wonderful people who I will share a special bond with forever. My buddy George, whom I was stranded with in England, has a surprise 60th in a few weeks - I am going to give him one of the RCI medals that I have won for various things:o, for his remarkable bravery at Quest.:rolleyes: Never seen a guy parade in a thong and nothing else before - one of the funniest moments of the cruise!


The staff were wonderful, and went above and beyond the call of duty. I loved my bartenders, as usual! :p


The hardest part for me on this cruise was having the gym closed for 4 days of the 12 - yeah, that was tough. I've never had that happen before.


I'm still recovering, and am down to 3 medical visits a week from 4. I hope to be better before my next cruise in April. I still can't lift up a kettle with my right arm, and I used to be able to do pull-ups and one-armed push-ups, so I have a ways to go yet.:( I'm working on it, though. I'm determined to get there again!


Food-wise - I'm not the person to ask - I forget to eat! :o My cabin steward was wonderful, the waiter and head waiter were excellent. The cruise was memorable, to say the least. I'm glad I went, despite it all. And hey, I got to see dead people!! :D

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Absolutely LOVE your attitude about everything Carol!!!!!!


You and I sound so very very much alike, at least in attitude:)


Exercise and late nights, not so much but... I love Moussaka and make it often!! We lived in Greece for more than 3 years and I can cook with the best Greek Cooks:) Can drink anyone under the table with Ouzo, room temp or cold:) (NOT that I do that anymore but have. Hehehe, I'll tell you more in April!!


Jinx or not, I cannot wait to cruise with you in April!! I can say this much, IF you are a jinx then I will have TONS of Fun!! I can deal with a lot and look at life as something to be lived while living it and enjoying, even with the bumps:) And cruising with you sounds like so much fun. I will be attached to your backside except in the Gym/Fitness Center and the bathroom:D



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Absolutely LOVE your attitude about everything Carol!!!!!!


You and I sound so very very much alike, at least in attitude:)


Exercise and late nights, not so much but... I love Moussaka and make it often!! We lived in Greece for more than 3 years and I can cook with the best Greek Cooks:) Can drink anyone under the table with Ouzo, room temp or cold:) (NOT that I do that anymore but have. Hehehe, I'll tell you more in April!!


Jinx or not, I cannot wait to cruise with you in April!! I can say this much, IF you are a jinx then I will have TONS of Fun!! I can deal with a lot and look at life as something to be lived while living it and enjoying, even with the bumps And cruising with you sounds like so much fun. I will be attached to your backside except in the Gym/Fitness Center and the bathroom:D





Thanks, Joanie; looking forward to meeting you, too!:) And no, I wouldn't want you to be attached to my backside in the bathroom! :eek:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Latest update - met up with Bonnie and George tonight - it was George's 60th birthday. I presented him with a RCI medal (I have a bunch of them) for his bravery during Quest - he went all out for the team in his black thong!:eek:


I'm still seeking medical attention for my neck - the doctor says these injuries take 4-6 months to heal. :eek: I'm working on getting strength back in my right arm. Still hoping I'll be able to do one-armed push-ups again one day!


My next cruise is in 4 weeks. I just upped my insurance for it. Hope everyone else takes out a policy... :p

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Glad to hear you are recovering. With apologies, I offered up your experience as the reason for cruise insurance. All those who read your postings agreed insurance is vital. I hope the insurance and BA coughed up money to reimburse you for all the delays and problems.


On a different note, we will be boarding the Rotterdam for a Panama Canal transit the day after you leave on the Oosterdam. Hope you and your friends have a nice cruise, at least you will not have snow to deal with. Your thread seems much livelier than ours, we seem to have a lot of lurkers but few posters.

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Glad to hear you are recovering. With apologies, I offered up your experience as the reason for cruise insurance. All those who read your postings agreed insurance is vital. I hope the insurance and BA coughed up money to reimburse you for all the delays and problems.


On a different note, we will be boarding the Rotterdam for a Panama Canal transit the day after you leave on the Oosterdam. Hope you and your friends have a nice cruise, at least you will not have snow to deal with. Your thread seems much livelier than ours, we seem to have a lot of lurkers but few posters.



Feel free to use my story as a reason for travel insurance! My insurance sales have gone up due to my experiences!;)


And no, at this point I have not received a dime back yet from BA or any insurer, and the medical costs keep mounting.:( It is a slow recovery process, and I had no idea it would be like this, never having had a neck injury before. I have sent in the receipts/paperwork, however.

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Whoohoo! Just phoned my travel insurer to update me on my claim, and money is heading my way from being stranded!:D I will not get back all of my living expenses, though. There is an upper limit, and 8 days of hotel bills/food/internet/phone/transportation far exceeds what the insurer will pay. It is better than nothing, though.


The medical costs that we have endured since coming home are all on us, too. :( Travel insurance ends when you get home.

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I just read your whole review.....what an adventure! I'm glad you're finally going to get some reimbursement, and hope you recover soon! If my wife had had the attitude you appear to have we would still be married!!! ;)

I can't wait to hear about your next cruise!! Enjoy, and good luck!!

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Dirtgirl, this is definitely the best and most interesting review I have ever read.


Now a question on travel and medical insurance - sorry to be so naive but do you have advice on where or who to buy insurance from? Do I buy it when booking my cruise from the cruiseline or depend on my Visa card, or, or,...I'm just not sure what is the best route to go. I'd appreciate any advice you or anyone could give me. I'm from the Toronto area and we normally book directly with RCI. Thank you and thank you for your amazing review!:)

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Whoohoo! Just phoned my travel insurer to update me on my claim, and money is heading my way from being stranded!:D I will not get back all of my living expenses, though. There is an upper limit, and 8 days of hotel bills/food/internet/phone/transportation far exceeds what the insurer will pay. It is better than nothing, though.


The medical costs that we have endured since coming home are all on us, too. :( Travel insurance ends when you get home.



Well, my BOTS experience was far more placid. We listed a degre or so each way a couple of hours each time twice during the cruise....most of the time you never felt the ship moving...of course two nights were in port so I'd hope it is not moving then...


Ship looked great (save for some chipping and painting needed, but that had nothing to do with the list). I don't know that you could tell very easily what had been broken etc...most of the crew didn't really want to talk about it much...I only asked a couple...they were on board but that was about all they would say. They seemed glad to have that behind them.


Your story is a good one for convincing folks to take the cruise insurance.

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Dirtgirl, this is definitely the best and most interesting review I have ever read.


Now a question on travel and medical insurance - sorry to be so naive but do you have advice on where or who to buy insurance from? Do I buy it when booking my cruise from the cruiseline or depend on my Visa card, or, or,...I'm just not sure what is the best route to go. I'd appreciate any advice you or anyone could give me. I'm from the Toronto area and we normally book directly with RCI. Thank you and thank you for your amazing review!:)


You're from Canada and so am I, so that makes it easy.:) First off, RCI insurance is not very comprehensive, and I don't recommend it, especially for Canadian clients. And never, ever, EVER rely upon your credit card insurance, especially if you have an Avion card. They are horrible for coverage.


I recommend you buy through CAA or through RBC in Canada. RBC has unlimited medical, none of this '$10,000 coverage' with the cruise line which will get you a couple of Kleenexs...:rolleyes: I'm licensed to sell travel insurance, and I have to say, nothing has made me understand what insurance covers as much as being in the claims process.:o Man oh man. I would get RBC's Deluxe Package with Rider 1 if you just want to cover a single trip. Rider 1 is an extra $5 - and I wish I had had it. Lesson learned. I have an annual policy covering unlimited medical, cancellation up to $1500 (I can top that up if necessary), interruption, baggage loss/delay, and flight/travel accident. This cost me $203 for the year, and I can take an unlimited number of trips of 10-16 days in a year. I can add Rider 1 onto each trip - which I just did for my upcoming cruise. It increases your subsistence allowance and your baggage delay allowance.


I'm not as familiar with CAA coverage, as I don't sell it. But I know a lot of people do purchase it, so you could look into their coverage as well.


Well, my BOTS experience was far more placid. We listed a degre or so each way a couple of hours each time twice during the cruise....most of the time you never felt the ship moving...of course two nights were in port so I'd hope it is not moving then...


Ship looked great (save for some chipping and painting needed, but that had nothing to do with the list). I don't know that you could tell very easily what had been broken etc...most of the crew didn't really want to talk about it much...I only asked a couple...they were on board but that was about all they would say. They seemed glad to have that behind them.


Your story is a good one for convincing folks to take the cruise insurance.


Thanks, Dave. My favourite bartenders where Manuel from Peru and Whitney from the US.


I just read your whole review.....what an adventure! I'm glad you're finally going to get some reimbursement, and hope you recover soon! If my wife had had the attitude you appear to have we would still be married!!! ;)

I can't wait to hear about your next cruise!! Enjoy, and good luck!!

Thank you!! That made me laugh!!:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my cheques from my travel insurance company from being stranded in England! They didn't cover all of it, but I would have gotten nothing without insurance.:)


I am leaving on my first cruise since this one in 2 weeks. I can't do excursions I would like to do, as I'm still recovering. No horseback riding, ziplining, ATVing, etc -stuff I always do. So, I'm trying to find fun, non-jarring activities! And our itinerary has changed - no Mazatlan. I feel so sorry for the tour operators in Mexico!

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You're making me smile. I too suffered from CC pickpocket freakout last October. DD got a huge kick out of my "safe" purse and my paranoia in Barcelona and at the Trevi Fountain.


Can't wait to hear more about your adventures. We all followed your "ups and downs" closely.



Dear Carol:


I was so fascinated with your story; didn't get to my early morning work LOL;


In terms of pick pockets in Barcelona, we headed the advice seriously when I visited there in 1991; we observed a pick pocket of a young college student who actually chased down the thief, tackled him and retrieved her purse. It turned out that she was a track star from Harvard. Years later, my friend heard a similar story from a friend of a friend it was the same girl.


I am not surprised you won the sexy arms (or is it legs) contest; didn't win it on the Mariner as well. You probably hold the record for that award. Sorry to hear that you are missing Mazatlan on your next cruise that ended up being our favorite port with a tour by Smiley.


Take care

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