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Rant and feedback needed.

Cruisin Christi

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In the process she asked me if she was gonna have to spend a fortune to EAT!


Tell her you have planned on taking enough food on board to eat in your room so that you won't have to pay those outrageous prices they charge in the dining room or on the lido deck buffet!!



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You just want to steer them away from the really big mistakes (no identification to get on the ship is a good example of a "big one") and then let it go.


Good advice. I love your power point! You guys will love the Valor!!



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Good advice. I love your power point! You guys will love the Valor!!



Thanks! We booked this cruise last March and time has DRAGGED for me. I had a lot of time to put together the PowerPoint. :)


My husband has finally started getting excited about the trip. He asks me every night how many days until we leave - we're at 50 as of today. I think my daughter is going to come out of her skin, she's so excited (she's 10).

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Well, my problem is that extreme. I'm the do all the research, check prices suggest tours for ports and pre-cruise hotels. My sister has one ear open when I'm talking six months out. She hears everything when I mention price reduction or upgrade :p She's interested but some reason she can't quite focus until after Memorial Day. We've always tried to take the week of 4th of July and her son's birthday (July 6th) to kill two birds. Then she's all ears, now my nephew will be celebrating his 18th this year, he doesn't ask questions until about July 1'st, this will be his 5th of our 6 cruises. I've always liked doing research on what we're gonna do for summer vacation even before we took up cruising. Always new it would happen just had to take the bull by the horns and go with two co-workers for the first time. I was a newbie but I still ended up doing all the research on ports and etc.

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Cruisenub, I love you too!!! Your enthusiasm is so refreshing.


Your s-i-l asked that??? Seriously? You may in trouble. She may trust you to do the planning, but don't get too upset if she complains about it. Just do your own thing and be happy. Don't let her spoil your good time. And if they show up with no passports or b/c, wave by to them from the lido deck. :D


So glad your dad gets excited too. We all need someone to talk cruise talk to. :D


Has your roll call picked up any?



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DH will be taking his 12th cruise next month and just last night learned how to log into "his" cruise on Carnival. I have always printed the excursion list out for him to see if anything strikes his fancy and then try to find an independent tour. When we did Alaska and the southern caribbean the roll call people were great at also picking excursions. He doesn't get all excited and planny like I do but he does retain what I am rambling about.


However it's actually better that you come here to talk to all of us planners and ODC cruise people than try to get SIL or DH involved. What if they get all excited and start planning different excursions or hotels etc etc. This way you get all the excitement AND to make sure the trip is exactly what you want to do. :D:D Deep down I think we are all just control freaks but it works for me.

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I'm like a lot of you, hubby leaves details to me, doesn't get excited cause it's too far away, does all his shopping at the last minute <rolls eyes>

So what I do is spend time on here, and the roll call, if those aren't really active I scour the ports of call to decide the best excursion fits for us, and go to websites to check out the excursions suggested.

I have truely found my favorite excursions on these boards, not one of them is a carnival sponsered one either!!!

Anyway, let them all just hang out and not worry about things, in the mean time plan your excursions and scan for hotel deals and such.

Have FUN, that's one of the best parts, well except being there!!!

Cheers, Carole

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Just yesterday my wife was moving some boxes around in our unfinished basement. Later that day she commented, "Hey I saw a box that said cruise stuff on it". Ok we leave in less than 30 days. I asked her where she put it and did she set it aside? Nope not sure where it is somewhere over there with all those other boxes. You're kidding right? So I had to plow through all of the other boxes to find it. Yes it was in the last place I looked! It always is. It is now upstairs in the spare bedroom.


Could you please get a little excited before we get on the ship!




We have a cruise shelf in the linen closet, and DH knows that there will be He** to pay if he moves anything off of it or anything that's not cruise related on to it!:o


OP...I too am a overplanner and VERY excited!!! Cruise #1 was booked 3-4 months in advance, #2...2 years out, #4...2 years out, #3...3-4 months out(we were planning a land-based trip knowing that #4 had been already booked, but in doing the costs, cruising was MUCH cheaper so we decided to cruise), and #5...2 years out.


For the many months prior to any cruise DH pretty much just nods and grins when I tell him what new info I've found on CC, but as we get closer, he perks up and starts to ask questions about the ship, excursions, etc... Since I'm the one who totally gets into the planning for anything we do, I discovered CC pretty quickly after I booked cruise #1 and boy, did I get excited! I created spreadsheets with list after list of things we'd need, things to do, and the things we needed to do pre-cruise, etc... And I tried to engage him to my level...yeah, no luck with that. He was looking forward to the trip, but nowhere near to my level of excitement. Wellll, let me tell you that things have changed! Once he walked up the gangway at the port for our first cruise with me practically bouncing my way onboard with excitement, he was hooked! He LOVES cruising!


As others have said...just provide the critical info regarding all of the documents needed to cruise, website addresses for CC and Carnival, and if you plan any excursions, do so just for you and your DH, and if you want to share that info with them, do so. But don't feel obligated to do it if you don't want. This was your trip that they invited themselves on, so remember that you're not obligated to entertain them.


Prior to our 1st cruise which was to celebrate our 25th anniversary, we went out to dinner with friends who at that point in time had been on 5 cruises. Once they heard the details of our upcoming one the the wife said, "Hey, we should come with you!" DH and I both told them that, yes, they should! Deal was done...they booked, we were looking forward to spending time with them, but still each of us having time alone as a couple. As time drew near, we ran into a few different groups of mutual friends while we were shopping, out to eat, at church, etc... and given my excitement about the cruise, it always came up and I would mention that so & so would be joining us on our cruise and that we were really looking forward to the trip. Well, the day before DH and I flew out (they were flying in the day of the cruise, we went 2 days ahead) I got an email from the wife. Someone that I had told about the 4 of us going on the trip mentioned that I had said that so & so were going on our cruise. She took that to mean that I thought they were intruding on our cruise and she said that if that was the case, they would cancel! OMG!!! That couldn't have been further from the truth, and knowing my forthright personality, she should have known that I would have been honest and told them that we wanted to be alone.:( After pointing out the info in my previous sentence to her, I told her that of course we wanted them to come on the cruise, and that I referred to the cruise as our cruise in the same manner that the hotel was our hotel, the rental car was our rental car, etc... I was so angry and hurt that someone else had rained on my parade and that I had to justify my completely innocent statements to other people that I actually let it affect my excitement for a day or 2. I cried and I ranted and raved.


After writing that novella :o, my point is this...Remember that this cruise is for you and DH and that you need to go and enjoy it for the 2 of you and not feel responsible for anyone else.



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DH will be taking his 12th cruise next month and just last night learned how to log into "his" cruise on Carnival. I have always printed the excursion list out for him to see if anything strikes his fancy and then try to find an independent tour. When we did Alaska and the southern caribbean the roll call people were great at also picking excursions. He doesn't get all excited and planny like I do but he does retain what I am rambling about.


However it's actually better that you come here to talk to all of us planners and ODC cruise people than try to get SIL or DH involved. What if they get all excited and start planning different excursions or hotels etc etc. This way you get all the excitement AND to make sure the trip is exactly what you want to do. :D:D Deep down I think we are all just control freaks but it works for me.



I have been loving this thread...everyone gives their advice and the majority are as excited as I am. I am trying my hardest to bite my tongue and not talk about the cruise to them. It is hard, esp when I come across some really good info I'd like to share. I know that DH will sleep in and I will be spending my mornings alone or with my SIL...She is one of my closest friends, even if she isn't as excited as I am...and even if we didn't 'actually' invite her I am happy they are coming. I know she will want my wealth of info closer to time to cruise. I am gonna make her a folder like mine so when I see her in Aug (or before then if she takes a notion to drive down) I can give it to her for her to examine at her leisure.

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I am trying my hardest to bite my tongue and not talk about the cruise to them. It is hard, esp when I come across some really good info I'd like to share.


Yes that is good advice.


When we cruised with another couple in Hawaii a few years ago something happened that I thought was kind of weird. At then end of the day when we were getting back on the boat, they would always get through security first because we had more backpacks and bags to be checked over. After we went through security just a few minutes longer than them, they were always gone. I just thought it was weird that they didn't wait for us. We would have waited for them. Our rooms were on completely different decks and other ends of the ship. After we got to our rooms they would call us and ask what we were going to do. Usually go to dinner together! Not a big deal just different.


Another thing was we agreed to meet for breakfast every port day with all our stuff at a certain time and place. They were always late. 10 or 15 minutes. One day we didn't hurry because we knew they would be late (and a little morning cabin romance for us) and guess what they were on time and really mad at us.


Well as you can see I'm a whiner! Go figure.


Cruisenub hope you feel better!

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Yes that is good advice.


When we cruised with another couple in Hawaii a few years ago something happened that I thought was kind of weird. At then end of the day when we were getting back on the boat, they would always get through security first because we had more backpacks and bags to be checked over. After we went through security just a few minutes longer than them, they were always gone. I just thought it was weird that they didn't wait for us. We would have waited for them. Our rooms were on completely different decks and other ends of the ship. After we got to our rooms they would call us and ask what we were going to do. Usually go to dinner together! Not a big deal just different.


Another thing was we agreed to meet for breakfast every port day with all our stuff at a certain time and place. They were always late. 10 or 15 minutes. One day we didn't hurry because we knew they would be late (and a little morning cabin romance for us) and guess what they were on time and really mad at us.


Well as you can see I'm a whiner! Go figure.


Cruisenub hope you feel better!



I think that was rude for them not to wait and rude for them to be upset...it is your vacation too!


Thanks for the well wishes, you must have read the ole blog.


I feel like death, literally. The only reason I am at this stinking computer is to complete a task for DH(that is going to take at least 2 hours, waaahhhh!). All I wanna do is lay on the couch and watch cartoons with my 3 year old. I'd sleep if I didn't have to take care of her. They say a mom never gets a sick day.

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Yes that is good advice.


When we cruised with another couple in Hawaii a few years ago something happened that I thought was kind of weird. At then end of the day when we were getting back on the boat, they would always get through security first because we had more backpacks and bags to be checked over. After we went through security just a few minutes longer than them, they were always gone. I just thought it was weird that they didn't wait for us. We would have waited for them. Our rooms were on completely different decks and other ends of the ship. After we got to our rooms they would call us and ask what we were going to do. Usually go to dinner together! Not a big deal just different.


Another thing was we agreed to meet for breakfast every port day with all our stuff at a certain time and place. They were always late. 10 or 15 minutes. One day we didn't hurry because we knew they would be late (and a little morning cabin romance for us) and guess what they were on time and really mad at us.


Well as you can see I'm a whiner! Go figure.


Cruisenub hope you feel better!

Maybe they were in a hurry to use the bathroom??


I know if given a choice between using a public bathroom on land and getting back to my cabin to go I would choose waiting for my cabin.


IDK, just a thought, and hopefully it makes you feel a little better. :)


Have a nice day!!


We leave for Miami in 49 days - I'm thinking it's about time to drag out the suitcases, just to make sure that they are in usable condition still.

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OH Wiz, I am here too much as well, but I am with you. I am learning so much everyone in my party should be kissing my feet when it is all said and done.


I got my husband excited for about an hour last night. I found and printed the MDR menu for our cruise. He drooled and oohhed and ahhhed. He was picking out what all he wanted to get, it was great. Short lived, but great.



AAaaahhh...the way to a man's heart! LOL!

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I ran out of time to read all the posts in this thread but I wanted to say - I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE GOING THROUGH!!!


I do this with all my vacations, but I especially did this with our cruise. Someone mentioned overkill and I actually did that with our honeymoon - I managed to blow the trip up to heights it would never reach and so I was disappointed by the end. That being said, it was with great relief that this was not the case with the first cruise.


Now then, we've got our next one booked for September and unfortunately the group we're going with this go around is excited, but not to the same level as I am. Hrumph! :(

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Maybe they were in a hurry to use the bathroom??

I know if given a choice between using a public bathroom on land and getting back to my cabin to go I would choose waiting for my cabin.

IDK, just a thought, and hopefully it makes you feel a little better. :)

Have a nice day!!

We leave for Miami in 49 days - I'm thinking it's about time to drag out the suitcases, just to make sure that they are in usable condition still.


Maybe you are right. At least we will go with that! Not a deal breaker just different. The couple we went with called us the other day and they want to do another cruise with us. Sure they do! Guess who does all the work? All the planing, all the research all the cruise critic? Ok I love it! The problem is we have this cruise planned and leave in 28 days. The next one is in about 300 days with family. So it isn't looking too good for them to go with us anytime soon. Oh well.



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I ran out of time to read all the posts in this thread but I wanted to say - I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE GOING THROUGH!!!


I do this with all my vacations, but I especially did this with our cruise. Someone mentioned overkill and I actually did that with our honeymoon - I managed to blow the trip up to heights it would never reach and so I was disappointed by the end. That being said, it was with great relief that this was not the case with the first cruise.


Now then, we've got our next one booked for September and unfortunately the group we're going with this go around is excited, but not to the same level as I am. Hrumph! :(


Honestly this thread was the best thing I could have ever started. I have managed to put my focus on my thrill and ignore their lack there of. My husband got to file his taxes last night so I can be looking for him to perk up some now that the refund will be hitting the bank soon. If nothing else he will at least let me shop for the cruise.

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Honestly this thread was the best thing I could have ever started. I have managed to put my focus on my thrill and ignore their lack there of. My husband got to file his taxes last night so I can be looking for him to perk up some now that the refund will be hitting the bank soon. If nothing else he will at least let me shop for the cruise.


My wife has been distracted from our cruise because her father had cancer a couple of years ago and a few weeks ago they found some nodules in his lungs. They were going to biopsy but were too close to his heart. They were going too look again at the nodules in less then a month. We were expecting him to have surgery we were just about to cancel the whole cruise. Her Dad and Mom were going with us. Why did I book early saver? Why oh why? Well the Doctors have decided to wait a couple of months to recheck his lungs to see if the nodules have grown any larger. After the cruise I think my wife will drive home with her parents instead of flying home with me. So I need to be more patient with her.



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My wife has been distracted from our cruise because her father had cancer a couple of years ago and a few weeks ago they found some nodules in his lungs. They were going to biopsy but were too close to his heart. They were going too look again at the nodules in less then a month. We were expecting him to have surgery we were just about to cancel the whole cruise. Her Dad and Mom were going with us. Well the Doctors have decided to wait a couple of months to recheck his lungs to see if the nodules have grown any larger. After the cruise I think my wife will drive home with her parents instead of flying home with me. So I need to be more patient with her.




That is some heavy stuff Wiz, I am sorry to hear that. Yes, maybe you should be patient with her, sounds like a rough deal.

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OK, don't hit me.. My sister, who is as anal a planner as i, JUST this morning said she's looking into joining our cruise. I may have a partner in crime soon.


I'll still be here


Congrats! That is how I would feel planning a cruise with my dad. I guess he is where I get it from.

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That is some heavy stuff Wiz, I am sorry to hear that. Yes, maybe you should be patient with her, sounds like a rough deal.


Cruisenub, Yes you are right. I will be more patient with her. she has a lot on her plate right now. It will be nice for both of us to spend this time with her parents.


I know you will enjoy the Ecstasy. We were on her sister ship the Paradise in 2002. She was our first and you will always have a fondness in your heart for your first ship. I always enjoy seeing the look on someone's face the first time they see the ship up close. Wow is it really that big! Enjoy!!



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