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What constitutes buffet line-cutting?


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There were many times when I was in the buffet line and someone reached in to get something. That never bothered me. The way I figure it I have no place to go any time soon so why make a big deal about it besides with all the crap that has happened to me or may happen getting worked up is just not worth it.



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On the Fantasy back in Aug I was next in line at the grill out on the lido there must have been 50 people in line...this little lady walks up barely able to stand, she couldn't have been less than 97 and asks if I could just put a few fries on her plate...my husband grabbed her tray and filled it with food and walked her to a table...we figure if you're 90 something years old you can get in front of us anytime.


Every once in a while, I'll come across something that makes me feel there's hope for us all. This is one of those times. I'd like to think that in a similar situation I'd have the foresight to do the same thing. Thanks for introducing a bit of humanity to this thread.

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I once had a young adult approach me in line as I was about to get some chili sause. They told me that was all they were after and would it be OK. I said No. I showed them my empty plate and said I waited in line from the back and motioned for them to do the same. They just looked at me and said 'Really?' I said, 'yeah, really.' I laughed and they smiled and said 'yeah, your're right. I'm sorry.' I said 'no problem.' They may have been mad at me, but they perhaps learned to wait in line. The people in line behind me seemed satisfied with the outcome.



I personally don't see anything wrong with someone that's already in line going around someone if they don't want what that person is getting. Nothing any worse that standing behind someone who picks through the whole salad bowl for just the right leaves of lettuce. I don't consider that cutting. That's going around.





I hope we're right, because I pass them all the time!



There is line cutting and line jumping and both are capital offenses. For years we have been trying to get Carnival to install stanchions to reduce or eliminate this barbaric behavior.




As long as there's room to pass slow pokes.



While on the Dream in Nov. I was in line (I don't remember what the area is called but its where you put your stuff in a bowl and they will make it for you, like a hibachi grille type but it was for asian noodles).

It's a Korean tradition to eat noodles on your bday so despite the long line (I waited in total of 25 mins and it was probably longer than usual because it was around the time everyone was getting back from their excursion) I waited in line to get my daughter her bowl of noodles since it was her bday. It was the closest thing to asian noodles I could get for her:D


As I was nearing the vegetable section, this elderly lady stood off to the side in between me and the gentleman in front of me and loudly kept saying how she wasn't going to get a lot in her bowl. She kept repeating herself quite loudly.


I normally wouldn't let it bother me so much but at that time:


1. I was already in line for 19 mins or so at that time

2. If she would have just asked me to cut instead of being passive aggressive and loudly saying she wouldn't take up a lot of time.


Not to look insensitive but I ignored her. The gentleman in front of me let her cut in front of him and then she loudly kept saying how I didn't look too pleased about him letting her cut in front of her as if I couldn't hear her. Then she said something about maybe I couldn't understand her (maybe she thought I didn't speak english??)


Sorry if I seemed to get slightly off topic but this really bothered me for some reason. If you want to cut, just ask if you can. I probably would've let her if she just asked me as I probably couldn't comfortably said "no" to her face. But she looked at me surprised when I spoke perfect english to the chef making the noodles.


Please don't flame me for this post, it wasn't the first time someone has made this assumption about me while cruising.





Your English is fine, but I don't get it. Did she think you were going to take them all or what was her issue? :confused: What assumption?

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Life is too short to worry about silly things. Those who will cut in line don’t care if you get upset and those who care don’t cut. The only people you are affecting by getting upset are you and your group. I say have fun and don’t worry about the small stuff.



:D I could not agree more. You are on vacation don't sweat the small stuff!!

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nothing worse than cold eggs, which always happens while you wait for the person in front of you to decide if he wants grits, and if he should put it in a bowl or on his plate, and whether he wants bacon or sausage.


What seems like minutes is likely only a few seconds but I understand how you feel. Probably every one of us has moved too slowly for someone else at one time or another.

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The problem, really, isn't the people in line. It's the poor design of the buffet. They need to get with the times and drop the linear design and go wtih the action-station concept. I've seen lunchtime hot buffets in bodegas that are more efficient that the Lido buffet on CCL.


I agree! Love love Princess and Royal Caribbeans buffet stations......


I wish they would relocate the salad bar and make it a separate entity. I don't eat salad and just want some hot food and the wait for the picky people scrutinizing every leaf of lettuce, every slice of tomato is agonizing at times and if I cut straight to the hot items, the dirty looks and nasty comments will be forthcoming. If the salad eaters would just speed it up, the buffet line would move a lot faster. I have sailed on ships where the salad bar is in a different area from the hot items and it was great.


On the Spirit the salad bar is separate.......

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As a general rule, I have no problems with someone who simply needs to grab a bowl or fork, etc. But food? I'm with pete on this one. Go to the end of the line! Where it really bothers me is the omelet station. Separate line, separate wait. Last year on the Victory, I stood in the omelet line and as I got to the front of the line to place my order, a guy on the other side of the rope dividing the buffett from the omelet line yells across at the cook to make him an omelet with everything. The cook, bless his heart, and with all respect, told the guy that he needed to get in line along with everyone else and he would be happy to make him any kind of omelet he wanted. The guy was a jerk, but the cook handled it very well.

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While I agree that cutting in line is infuriating.... I agree that waiting for somebody to pick through the salad or other items on the buffet warrants me going around them....


one problem I've seen is people piling so much food on their plates and seeing it go to waste. IMO this is sometimes the result of their laziness of not wanting to have to get up and go back through the line again.


While on the Spirit last month, I was standing patiently in the pizza line. This woman in front of me orders her pizza and caesar's salad. While they were making here salad, her friend walks up and requests she grab her a slice of pizza. As they are serving it, I see there is only 1 slice left (I have already given her the evil eye because I cannot belive she is so rude). What did she do but tell them to go ahead and give her the last slice too... *****?


After I waited for my freshly baked pizza (which wasn't more than a couple of minutes), we went to sit down. As it ends up we were sitting close to them.... when they were done, they left and there sat 3 slices of untouched pizza and a ton of other food. All I could think was WOW!!!!!

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I don't have a problem with letting someone grab something they have forgotten, we've all done that. I do have a problem with the person in front of me suddenly letting five members of their family in the line after we've all been standing there for 15 minutes.


me too

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  • 3 years later...
I definitely have no problem going around people. Especially at the grill. If they're waiting for a cheeseburger and all I want is some self-serve fries, then I take my tray and go right around them.



i did this exact thing as the lady getting her burgers took her sweet time and i only wanted fries , she said in a rude way "manners" toward me :o

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i did this exact thing as the lady getting her burgers took her sweet time and i only wanted fries , she said in a rude way "manners" toward me :o

Isn't it funny how an old thread from 3+ years ago is still relevant today? Lol.

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After you have waited in line , and are now up to the food, go ahead jump over the slow pokes and fill in all the spaces and keep moving along. This shortens the wait for everyone!

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Life is too short to worry about silly things. Those who will cut in line don’t care if you get upset and those who care don’t cut. The only people you are affecting by getting upset are you and your group. I say have fun and don’t worry about the small stuff.


Yes Yes Yes!!!!! Pick your battles, that's what I always say. Life (and your cruise vacation for that matter) is way too short to worry about people cutting in line! I feel the same way about "chair hogging" if all the chairs are taken, I go find another chair. Don't sweat it, just have a good time!

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After you have waited in line , and are now up to the food, go ahead jump over the slow pokes and fill in all the spaces and keep moving along. This shortens the wait for everyone!

this is what i thought since i didnt want anything toward the front of it anyway and there was a large open space, but apparently the lady didnt like it as now she was ready and i was in her way for a split second. lol i just said sorry as to not fight with someone on the first day and spoil the time.

Edited by Harooni
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After you have waited in line , and are now up to the food, go ahead jump over the slow pokes and fill in all the spaces and keep moving along. This shortens the wait for everyone!



This! As long as you have waited in line, then there's nothing wrong with moving past the people who can't make a decision or who must make food art. No need to wait behind a group waiting on a burger when all you want is a handful of fries. Also, if you've already been through the line and forgot silverware, butter, sour cream, etc...and need to grab one, then that's NOT breaking in line because you aren't going to stand in line.


Sometimes when people break, I say something, and sometimes I don't. Depends on my mood and how dang long I've stood there. If it's been 30 seconds, then whatever. If I've stood at the Mongolian Wok for 20 minutes, then no. Not a chance. Back of the line, buddy!

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This! As long as you have waited in line, then there's nothing wrong with moving past the people who can't make a decision or who must make food art. No need to wait behind a group waiting on a burger when all you want is a handful of fries. Also, if you've already been through the line and forgot silverware, butter, sour cream, etc...and need to grab one, then that's NOT breaking in line because you aren't going to stand in line.


Sometimes when people break, I say something, and sometimes I don't. Depends on my mood and how dang long I've stood there. If it's been 30 seconds, then whatever. If I've stood at the Mongolian Wok for 20 minutes, then no. Not a chance. Back of the line, buddy!

i agree totally , cutting someone in line not cool like the egg station, however skiping over someone waiting or taking their sweet time and you dont want those items they are at then its ok and keeps the line moving, though note some will still consider it cutting, and i was told "manners" :(

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I think there is a difference between someone who has already stood in line (and sadly it can be a lot longer than 2 minutes)..... and someone who just walks up and starts grabbing things.


IF someone has already stood in line and simply forgot something... IMHO that is not breaking in line.


Since Carnival makes "hide the butter" a new activity on every ship...I routinely have to go back and see where I missed it the first time...:o


But of course, I am always the pillar of apologetic please and thank yous when I do....


I agree with you, if you have already gotten your food and realize you forgot a condiment or roll it isn't rude to go back to get it if you ask the person politely if you can just get that item. Some of that stuff is hard to miss and sometimes the condiments are not in the correct places. You have passed them when you get your food.


I had to do that a couple of time and it was the butter both times that I had somehow missed. Both times I asked nicely and the person in line had not problems with me getting that one thing.

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just grabbing one thing doesn't bother me. I would rather them ask (and most do) if they could just squeeze in and grab an item that they forgot. but if it becomes more than one item, I do speak up.

I don't like when an adult is waiting, and up comes their significant other, or their children, then its rude and line cutting.

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Line cutting is just cutting in front of someone without asking. I'm usually pretty could be letting someone I saw in line cut in front of me to grab an item they forgot, or to grab silverware, or condiments or something like that.

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Is it OK when the line jumper takes the last or the best of whatever and YOU get to wait for more?


I LOVE when someone, even a "line cutter" takes the last of something. That way I get my pick of the fresh batch, that no passenger has breathed on, examined, or picked up and put down.

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I LOVE when someone, even a "line cutter" takes the last of something. That way I get my pick of the fresh batch, that no passenger has breathed on, examined, or picked up and put down.


I know this is off topic but... One night we decided to grab a bite on Lido for dinner. The lady in front of us picked up a piece of fish with the tongs, sniffed it and PUT IT BACK!!!!! I lost it a little bit. Gross. Who does that?!?! We don't sniff our *^&*@# food and put it back AT HOME!!! :eek::mad::eek::mad: We left our trays and went to the MDR.

Edited by Kristi Williamson
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I think there is a difference between someone who has already stood in line (and sadly it can be a lot longer than 2 minutes)..... and someone who just walks up and starts grabbing things.


IF someone has already stood in line and simply forgot something... IMHO that is not breaking in line.


Since Carnival makes "hide the butter" a new activity on every ship...I routinely have to go back and see where I missed it the first time...:o


But of course, I am always the pillar of apologetic please and thank yous when I do....


Good answer. As long as the person is polite I have no problem with someone getting an unforgotten or hidden item. The reaching across me and my food is an issue --- Perhaps this why I try to avoid the buffet unless there is no other choice.

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