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Caribbean-Cruising Fashonista


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It's easy for me to maintain my weight this time of year. DH & I have been raking leaves daily...and come because the temperature is mild, we come in all sweaty - and that helps too;).

I have at least 1 indoor project before The Next Cruise - painting part of the basement. The painting will be easy - it's the prep and getting ready that takes so much time! All the work is a nice change from working out.

...and I'll be trying on shorts and swimsuits in the next couple of weeks - will all the work pay off:confused::cool:.

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We are taking off Nov. 24th and the losing weight game has begun. It's coming off slowly. A few more and I will be happy then maintaining!!

Figured out dinner outfits last night but gotta do shoes and jewelry. My guest room has been used a lot, so hard to lay things out. Set aside a lot of other stuff, but haven't made decisions. that cold weather out and back has got me stumped:)


Getting ready for the Frankenstorm today...gotta get to store...probably lots of wind and rain for us!

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plank: Leaving from the northeast in winter has many of us stumped! How to be warm AND dress with a tropical mindset:confused::cool:. Maybe other CCFs can give us their thoughts/suggestions...

Anyone have suggestions? Do you stay inside the ship and dress in Caribbean style? Do you wear your heavy sweaters and socks??

Sandy is the big weather story on the east coast. It could be a biggie. We planned to go to the lake house for more leaf removal...nope, not happenin! Bringing in the porch furniture and hoping to start the packing process...final Outfits Try-On...all accessories ready...suitcase open...:cool:

Fingers crossed that Sandy won't be as strong as predicted...

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plank: Leaving from the northeast in winter has many of us stumped! How to be warm AND dress with a tropical mindset:confused::cool:. Maybe other CCFs can give us their thoughts/suggestions...


Anyone have suggestions? Do you stay inside the ship and dress in Caribbean style? Do you wear your heavy sweaters and socks??



Sandy is the big weather story on the east coast. It could be a biggie. We planned to go to the lake house for more leaf removal...nope, not happenin! Bringing in the porch furniture and hoping to start the packing process...final Outfits Try-On...all accessories ready...suitcase open...:cool:

Fingers crossed that Sandy won't be as strong as predicted...



I cruise out of NY (live in Brooklyn) every January. I wear warm clothes the day of the cruise and will wear the same thing going home (my LOOSEST jeans LOL) After that its caribbean wear! The 1st sea day is warm enough for capris or shorts and maybe a light sweater. OH and of course sandals!

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The wind has lost some of the intensity today, but rain continues...since SuperStorm Sandy didn't do damage or cause a power outage - and it was a good day to wear comfy warm clothes (very un-CCF!), I organized and packed jewelry for The Next Cruise.

Each activity is marked on a Post-It on a little baggie...except for the one stretchy bracelet that gets funky if it's folded - that's what the cut-down tube is holding.

As each item went in the baggie, I checked it off on the spreadsheet (with my Royal Caribbean pen pictured).

The baggies were then transferred to the printed (free with cosmetic purchase) zippered case.



Next chore will be gathering all the cosmetics, toiletries, most of which are kept in the drawer in the next photo.

The "Days of the Week" pill container is what I use when going on a shorter cruise, to hold earrings, small jewelry. It won't be going this time. The clock (at the bottom of the pix) is a Must Have item for us. With the lighted numbers, we always know the time.




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The wind has lost some of the intensity today, but rain continues...since SuperStorm Sandy didn't do damage or cause a power outage - and it was a good day to wear comfy warm clothes (very un-CCF!), I organized and packed jewelry for The Next Cruise.

Each activity is marked on a Post-It on a little baggie...except for the one stretchy bracelet that gets funky if it's folded - that's what the cut-down tube is holding.

As each item went in the baggie, I checked it off on the spreadsheet (with my Royal Caribbean pen pictured).

The baggies were then transferred to the printed (free with cosmetic purchase) zippered case.



Next chore will be gathering all the cosmetics, toiletries, most of which are kept in the drawer in the next photo.

The "Days of the Week" pill container is what I use when going on a shorter cruise, to hold earrings, small jewelry. It won't be going this time. The clock (at the bottom of the pix) is a Must Have item for us. With the lighted numbers, we always know the time.





I just love how you get it all together!

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My guest room is clear until day before Thanksgiving so I am gonna start getting organized. We leave Sat. after Thanksgiving. Hope I don't see any bargains to take on Black Friday:)

My husband was so impressed when I copied Nancy's baggie idea for jewelry. I was so quick to get dressed and he loved it! I did have a spreadsheet as well, but not as cute as Nancy's:)

You are my CCF Guru!

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The wind has lost some of the intensity today, but rain continues...since SuperStorm Sandy didn't do damage or cause a power outage - and it was a good day to wear comfy warm clothes (very un-CCF!), I organized and packed jewelry for The Next Cruise.

Each activity is marked on a Post-It on a little baggie...except for the one stretchy bracelet that gets funky if it's folded - that's what the cut-down tube is holding.

As each item went in the baggie, I checked it off on the spreadsheet (with my Royal Caribbean pen pictured).

The baggies were then transferred to the printed (free with cosmetic purchase) zippered case.




Next chore will be gathering all the cosmetics, toiletries, most of which are kept in the drawer in the next photo.

The "Days of the Week" pill container is what I use when going on a shorter cruise, to hold earrings, small jewelry. It won't be going this time. The clock (at the bottom of the pix) is a Must Have item for us. With the lighted numbers, we always know the time.






OK, teach me your ways fabulous one! :D

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089095_6_167x167.jpgI found these at Payless by googling silver sandals. Not sure if these would work for you, but they usually have good prices. Most of the department stores have sandals on clearance right now, too. Good luck!


I have these! Bought 'em to wear to a gala but I didn't end up going. The heel height is great. Maybe I'll wear 'em on my next cruise!

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plank: Thank you for the kind words:). Sharing ideas is what CCF is all about!

JetSet2B: I have those silver heels and LOVE them! Stylish and comfortable - that doesn't always happen:rolleyes:.

My way of planning Cruise Outfits is a bit over-the-top, perhaps; but time and space is available to me and each step gives me pleasure.

1. GETTING STARTED: Every cruise-worthy clothing item and accessory goes to the Cruise Room. Tops are arranged on the bed by color and overlapping. Same with shorts.

Capris, skirts, dresses, pants, blouses are hanging in the Cruise closet and the doors are opened.

Shoes are lined up according to color and heel style.

All jewelry is laid out in divided boxes or on "the Cruise jewelry thing" that DS made.


It's much easier to put an outfit together when all the choices are visible.

2. MAKE A DETAILED LIST/SPREADSHEET: Have a list of every activity that needs an outfit. Do one at a time. On the list, make a note of each component. (If you have several pairs of silver earrings, for example, add a more detailed description of the ones you want to take.)

3. Try on EVERY outfit, from the undergarments to accessories. Sometimes I need a bra that is lower cut or maybe a bustier. If I don't have it packed, it would be embarrassing to have part of my underwear showing! (I learned the hard way:eek:.)

While trying on, check for needed repairs, laundering or dry cleaning.

If there's something you need, i.e., shoes, top - buy it now.


3A: What isn't going, gets put back till next time.

4. JEWELRY: As shown in the previously posted photo, I put each outfit's jewelry in a little baggie (buy them at Michael's), and use a Post It note to label. Then each baggie goes in a zippered case, in order by day.

5. COSMETICS, Etc.: I have a Packing List for cosmetics, toiletries, misc. little stuff that DH & I take. Those items go in a make-up bag or more of those zippered cases (I have several that came free with dept store cosmetics purchases.).

That's what I worked on today...and discovered that the Advil and Neosporin are out of date:confused:. Made a note to buy new.

I have duplicates of all cosmetics so they can all be packed in advance. Nothing needs to wait till the last minute.

6. OPEN THE SUITCASES AND START PACKING! On this thread there have been many suggestions for "how to pack". The main concern is to be wrinkle-free and to be able to unpack as quickly as possible onboard.

7. PACK THE CARRY-ON: I have a "Bagalini" - a big sort-of-purse with many zippered compartments. That's where the cruise documents go, + anything we might need before luggage arrives.

Doing all of this, IMHO, enhances the cruise experience. It's all a prelude to the moment of SailAway and another exciting adventure:cool:!

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Indiana 71, thanks for the tips! I have an excel spreadsheet that I primarily use for Paris because you want to look good in Paris. I will try your method for my upcoming cruise in 59 days! Actually, I think this is a great method for just general organization not just for cruising.

Edited by JetSet2B
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JetSet2B: I wish everyone had the "you want to look good in Paris" attitude...no matter where we are! All females would be fashionistas and all males would be GQ models...Meanwhile, we CCFs will do our part to keep looking good a priority:).

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Sorry, the pic of your shoes doesn't display for me.


I haven't been here much lately. Have been 'entertaining' my 81 year old parents for a week as they had no power in NJ thanks to Sandy (cannot begin to tell you the mess Sandy made for the NY Suburbs....even though they are far from the shore). Drove to NJ from Boston last week to get them and drove them back today.


Anyway...my husband mentioned the other day that it would really be a lot easier for our short December cruise (4 nights) if we all just took a carry on. Even makes it less expensive when renting a car. I simply looked at him and said "Not happening". He says, "Really? You can't make that work?" My response, "Asking me to pare down my clothing for a fun vacation is like asking you to go out fishing without lures. Totally ruins the fun!" His response, a knowing look. I can now take whatever suitcase I would like :)

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Lovestx: I LOVE your analogy RE fishing:). Every CCF could use your very sensible approach! Mine would be, "That's like going to the movies without popcorn." or "That's like umpiring a baseball game without protective equipment."

And most of us could cite at least one time when DH suggested/asked us to limit the luggage:eek:.

ANYONE Else care to contribute a rebuttal?

luvscruising2007: Couldn't see the photo, either. I haven't had dyeable shoes in years, but how practical! Please try again to post the picture.

We had planned to be at our lake house this weekend and attend the annual Fine Dining evening at the club...but no can do:(. DH is under contract to announce IUP football and there's a state championship Saturday. It's going to be televised (PA only) and will start later and end later.

WHAT's a CCF To DO??? Pour a glass of wine...Listen to Caribbean music...and finally start packing:cool::eek:.

When I stop to think about the folks in NY and NJ who are still without power, some without a home - my little disappointment is nothing!

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I have a pair just like them and love them!!! In fact they are already in my suitcase for my cruise in Dec. I have them in silver and gold and I have both pairs packed. They are so comfortable and have just the right sized heel for this 61 year old grandma!!!!



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luvscruising2007: Your shoes are made for a young-at-heart CCF! I'm happy to see you were able to post the photo.

I thought I was the only one with Little-Toe-Peeking-Through syndrome:eek:. Strappy sandals are always questionable. The upside is, these aren't shoes that you will have on for a day long hike!

LTPT syndrome wasn't an issue when pantyhose was de rigueur...but being able to show off our fancy pedicures is a nice compensation:).

Just a Suggestion: If these shoes make you happy, order them in gold and bronze!

Today I am writing Christmas cards - :confused: you say...Looking at the calendar, there aren't many free days before The Next Cruise, and I certainly can't wait till afterwards!

Ah, but tomorrow - Packing begins!!

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Hey Nancy, I am hoping for a good pic on our "after Thanksgiving" cruise for Christmas cards:) Gotta come back and get on the ball.

I actually bought some black patent leather wedges today...no toes showing on these. I have a very short, cute purple dress and I needed some off black stockings and shiny shoes so my legs weren't sticking out too much! I am excited to wear it even at 60:) Will try to get a final pic tmw.

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plank: Catalogs and magazines are showing more colored pantyhose/tights with dresses and skirts. Some are textured, some not. I really like the trend:). Shoes (heels particularly) fit better with a little fabric between feet and leather. And I think it's totally appropriate for middle-aged CCFs.

...I'm going to try on my 2 formal night dresses (both black with a print) with black pantyhose that have been in the drawer for a couple years - maybe I'll join you in this trend!

Looking forward to seeing some photos. Your outfit will be fun and very appropriate:cool:.

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plank: Catalogs and magazines are showing more colored pantyhose/tights with dresses and skirts. Some are textured, some not. I really like the trend:). Shoes (heels particularly) fit better with a little fabric between feet and leather. And I think it's totally appropriate for middle-aged CCFs.

...I'm going to try on my 2 formal night dresses (both black with a print) with black pantyhose that have been in the drawer for a couple years - maybe I'll join you in this trend!

Looking forward to seeing some photos. Your outfit will be fun and very appropriate:cool:.


I have a black dress I plan to wear to Portofino's. And I have been debating whether to wear sheer black or nude panty hose. I might take both and look around on formal night to see what others are wearing.

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