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Decline in food quality on RCI fleet


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Wow! a little testy arent we? I find it rather funny how you can sit back and accuse people of being blind followers or a "cheerleader" because they think the food is ok yet get all defensive and go on some long tirade when someone calls you out on it.


We get it.......you dont like the food. I never said I was tired of reading your posts :rolleyes: I just asked you a honest question is all.


Enjoy your X, Princess and HAL cruises



I've never said I don't like ALL the food..I've even listed items, on the MDR menu that we enjoy.


I've stated my opinion just like everyone else does. Pax ask for honest assessments...I give mine just as you give yours. If you and mummy enjoy the food in the MDR I'm happy for you both. :) We've found that the quality in the MDR food has fallen off in the past few years and we certainly are not alone in those thoughts.


And we do enjoy our X, Princess and HAL cruises. Thank you for your good thoughts.:D

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I just returned from a Celebrity cruise a couple weeks ago. I really didn't find the food quality to be any different. The prime rib tasted exactly like RCI's, as did all the other main dishes. But I also find RCI's main dishes very good. I guess I just don't have too discriminating of a palate.


What I like better about Celebrity's menu is the number of items on the alternate menu....the items available every night. They basically took all the favorites and made them available every night.

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I really would love to see RCCL start to get their menu's improved and a little less emphasis on Indian food and more on continental cusine or have more ethic varieties that emphasis where the ships staff come from...there are so many countries represented on the ships. Why can't they consider offering more food from the countries we are visiting on our particular cruises. I do not need to have steak constantly but would love to have more shrimp, crab and scallop meals maybe...more stirfry options and more unique salads too! Really, I agree the desserts need major overhaul! Really RCCL please take some time to make improvements in these areas with your menu and food selection and I would be a betting woman here and say your repeat business from consumers will increase significantly!





Exactly...the menu needs an overhaul...and the pastry chef needs to figure out how to prepare some delicious desserts without using gelatin.:rolleyes:


Menus are fleetwide..I think it comes down to the preparation and the "interpretation" of the Head Chef...there is alot more leeway in cooking than baking....some Chefs "get it" when it comes to being able to construct recipes that give a range of flavors...seems that the Chef on Freedom depends upon the sauces to give flavor to everything...the sauces should compliment the dish..not BE the dish.

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If most pax are like the ones on this thread then RCI knows it can serve just about anything and get away with it. If all people are interested in is eating food that merely fills you up..has marginal flavor..and is topped off with desserts that contain mostly gelatin and air then RCI is fitting the bill.:)


That sure doesn't look like an opinion to me, more like an insult.

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That sure doesn't look like an opinion to me, more like an insult. I had no idea your taste buds were universal.


:D...I'm not sure what you mean by "universal" taste buds...but I certainly can tell the difference between a sauce and a reduction that ends up being far too salty to compliment what it is drizzled over.;)

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oh let me explain, it means just cuz you find something to taste bad does not mean it actually does for everyone. Unless we all share your tastebuds you really shouldn't say something like that. Makes you sound like a.........

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If most pax are like the ones on this thread then RCI knows it can serve just about anything and get away with it. If all people are interested in is eating food that merely fills you up..has marginal flavor..and is topped off with desserts that contain mostly gelatin and air then RCI is fitting the bill.:)


Did it ever occur to you some people just don't agree with you? Do you even consider that a possibility? I will admit I've seen a decline in food quality in the 20+ years I've been cruising, and I've seen this overall decline on all cruise lines, not just RCI. That said, I still find the food really good and I have never left the dining room disappointed. Your statement above is your opinion, but not reality for many people.

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I did not shop for it,

I did not cook it,

I do not clean up after it.

So already it is a win - win situation.

But I have to disagree,

The food on board is wonderful.

If I get something I do not like, I send it back. I get something else.

But that did not happen on RCCL.





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Did it ever occur to you some people just don't agree with you? Do you even consider that a possibility? I will admit I've seen a decline in food quality in the 20+ years I've been cruising, and I've seen this overall decline on all cruise lines, not just RCI. That said, I still find the food really good and I have never left the dining room disappointed. Your statement above is your opinion, but not reality for many people.



I'm sure there are pax who don't agree with me. I'm not certain why you think that would bother me in the least?


And even if my opinion is in the minority, it is still valid for alot of pax. I doubt the lines would have created specialty restaurants, if they didn't have a clue that many pax would be interested in paying more for good meals.;) If they were getting complaints about food quality in the MDR the specialties seem to fit the bill. They generate more revenue and pax who enjoy good food can go and have that dining experience. Those that don't care about the overall quality or are satisfied with what the MDR or WJ offers them will continue to eat whatever comes with their cabin fare.:)

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I guess HAL, Celebrity, Princess, Carnival, Cunard, Costa and all the others have horrible MDR food cuz they have specialty dining options too. Yes, you do make perfect sense, if a ship has specialty restaurants = crap MDR food.

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Ship food in our opinion is like banquet food. We keep it in that perspective and never have a complaint or problem with it. No, it' it's not perfect, but even the food at home isn't perfect.


For those that are very close minded about this, and have said they plan to cruise another line, or, are considering that, huh-ray. That way, I do not have to hear your complaints if I'm unfortunate to be seating with you at the MDR dinner table.

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I guess HAL, Celebrity, Princess, Carnival, Cunard, Costa and all the others have horrible MDR food cuz they have specialty dining options too. Yes, you do make perfect sense, if a ship has specialty restaurants = crap MDR food.



Good point!


Bakincakes, we get it, you don't like the food, but that's still no reason to continue to put the rest of us down who do enjoy the food for what it is. I think it's time for you to get off your high horse.

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Good point!


Bakincakes, we get it, you don't like the food, but that's still no reason to continue to put the rest of us down who do enjoy the food for what it is. I think it's time for you to get off your high horse.



I'm happy that you enjoy the food for what it is.:) and I'm sure RCI is even happier than I am.;)

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I really would love to see RCCL start to get their menu's improved and a little less emphasis on Indian food and more on continental cusine or have more ethic varieties that emphasis where the ships staff come from...there are so many countries represented on the ships. Why can't they consider offering more food from the countries we are visiting on our particular cruises. I do not need to have steak constantly but would love to have more shrimp, crab and scallop meals maybe...more stirfry options and more unique salads too! Really, I agree the desserts need major overhaul! Really RCCL please take some time to make improvements in these areas with your menu and food selection and I would be a betting woman here and say your repeat business from consumers will increase significantly!




Hey Cincinnati Gal, just wanted to stop in a say hello. Nice to see a fellow Cincinnatian on Cruise Critic. My name is David and my wife is Liz, we are from Colerain Township.


Happy Cruising.


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RCI has gotten shameful in the dinning area just a pity... But also consider grocery store food has gone up a about 20% to 30% in the past 6 years..Thanks GW

Anyway we wenty to the Golden Corral....it was actually good... better than RCI buffett!! no joke

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RCI has gotten shameful in the dinning area just a pity... But also consider grocery store food has gone up a about 20% to 30% in the past 6 years..Thanks GW

Anyway we wenty to the Golden Corral....it was actually good... better than RCI buffett!! no joke



I thougt Golden Corral was the bottom of buffetts...then we were on FOS.:o

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If most pax are like the ones on this thread then RCI knows it can serve just about anything and get away with it. If all people are interested in is eating food that merely fills you up..has marginal flavor..and is topped off with desserts that contain mostly gelatin and air then RCI is fitting the bill.:)


I have to agree......might not say "RCI knows it can serve just about anything and get away with it" but from reading these boards and this thread, I can now see how RCL gets away with serving what they serve.


My opinion is the food has declined a LOT in 5 years, but their ships have become so much more innovative with all kinds of bells and whistles. New ships....new designs....ice-rinks....rock-walls.....flow-riders.....staff to operate these things all cost $$$$. Princess seems to have managed to keep their food at a higher level, but as for their ships .....not so much innovation.


I will take an older ship with out all the gimmicks to have what I consider to be edible and for the most part enjoyable meals.

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I thougt Golden Corral was the bottom of buffetts...then we were on FOS.:o


I generally try to stay far away from buffets and would never choose to eat at one on land. I have never been to a Golden Corral, so I can't compare. Buffets are all usually pretty gross. However, I was very pleased with the freshness and selection at the salad bar at lunch on FOS, but didn't try many of the other items (again, it's a buffet, how good could it be to begin with?). The same with breakfast. The cut up melon and pineapple was always fresh and ripe.


My first cruise was 11 years ago, and 8 years ago on RCI. While I have noticed some decline, it's not like it's gone from excellent to barely edible. I'd say more like from pretty good to good. And that's my opinion across all the lines I've been on.


I think we tend to idealize our first cruise and the way things 'used to be'. The first cruise you go in without many expectations, so it's not too hard to exceed those expectations. And then over time, that chocolate dessert that you thought was good on the ship becomes the best thing you ever ate because you ate it while floating in the Carribean. (Just like, for me, the best popcorn on earth can only be found in Disney World). Each subsequent cruise is compared to that first cruise, and many times expectations are set too high. Instead of having an equally good experience as the first, we tend to want each additional cruise to be better than the last. When it isn't, we say the quality has declined. When in reality, it was never how we remembered it to begin with.


So I find if I stop comparing everything to my memory of past cruises, I have a much better time and enjoy myself much more. If I ever find the food to be anything but enjoyable (much more than just edible, as others have implied that's all some of us here care about), I will take my vacation dollars elsewhere.

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I generally try to stay far away from buffets and would never choose to eat at one on land. I have never been to a Golden Corral, so I can't compare. Buffets are all usually pretty gross.


However, I was very pleased with the freshness and selection at the salad bar at lunch on FOS, but didn't try many of the other items (again, it's a buffet, how good could it be to begin with?). The same with breakfast. The cut up melon and pineapple was always fresh and ripe.

Having tried a lot of the other selections, I can attest that my taste buds found the food to be ok at best....something’s were just horrible. But Just an opinion.

My first cruise was 11 years ago, and 8 years ago on RCI. While I have noticed some decline, it's not like it's gone from excellent to barely edible. I'd say more like from pretty good to good. And that's my opinion across all the lines I've been on.

I would never say that mass market cruise food is excellent. But have found the food to be good to even very good at times across Celebrity, Princess, RCI in the past. NCL, not so much.

I think we tend to idealize our first cruise and the way things 'used to be'. The first cruise you go in without many expectations, so it's not too hard to exceed those expectations. And then over time, that chocolate dessert that you thought was good on the ship becomes the best thing you ever ate because you ate it while floating in the Caribbean. (Just like, for me, the best popcorn on earth can only be found in Disney World)........... So I find if I stop comparing everything to my memory of past cruises, I have a much better time and enjoy myself much more. If I ever find the food to be anything but enjoyable (much more than just edible, as others have implied that's all some of us here care about), I will take my vacation dollars elsewhere.

Well, being that my first cruise was 25 years ago, and have cruised many times since then, I do not think I am still holding onto a memory of that first cruise. I think we can all agree that there are more posts describing a decline in the food. I have always found the food on ships to be just banquet style/quality food. being that the bar isn't very high to begin with, it certainly doesn't take much of a decline for the food to be not so "enjoyable".


Furthermore, in talking to several servers, waiters, waitresses and others that work with the food on RCI, they ALL had notice a decline in what they are required to serve their guests. I find that when people save, plan and wait for their vacations they tend to overlook things as to not make themselves feel as though they just wasted a year of planning, $$$ and their vacation time on something that wasn't what they expected. They tend to try and find the good and overlook the bad to make themselves feel better about their total investment in the vacation. Kind of fool themselves into beleiving things are better then they are.

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Not all passengers want "good food". Most are perfectly happy with ordinary middlebrow American food.


Try Celebrity, it's a premium product for a reason.


Yes, and some of our "meat and potato" friends and relatives hate Celebrity because they are intimidated by the "chi chi" food. We on the other hand love the food on Celebrity.


Heck, my FIL thought the food on Carnival and RCI was even too gourmet for his tastes, but then again my MIL never cooked with a condiment besides the holy trinity of ketchup, salt and pepper.

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The food in the MDR is not great and it's not bad. I wouldn't go as far as to say it's good nor will I say it's bad I think it is fair to say that it is ok but, what I will say, is that you won't leave hungry.On my next RCCL cruise I will try Chops or Portifinos for a change.I always manage to get decent deals on all of my cruises even Disney so if the food is less then spectacular then I am fine, plus I am a pretty good cook so missing a great meal at home for an okay meal on a beautiful mega ship that will take me to the lovely beaches of the caribbean is alright by me!

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Compared our May 8 FOS to a land-based vacation for two adults the same week (I used Disneyworld, since it is local and we go there for dinner a lot so I eliminated airfare, and used the EPCOT sit-down restaurants (food, IMO is same quality as cruiseline) as comparison):


7-nights at a value resort (inside cabin): $115/night (weekdays); $125/night (weekends) Tota (room)l: $825


7-nights at a moderate resort (outside/balcony cabin) $230/night (weekdays); $250/night (weekends) Total (room): $1650


7-nights premium resort (GS w/concierge sevice): $11,000


Add $90/day for dinner (no drinks); $30/day for lunch (no drinks); $20/day for breakfast: $140/day for food - $980/week; $500 fortwo 5-day parkhopper passes (so you can actually get to the food/entertainment/etc.)


Value Total = $2305


Moderate Total = $3150


Premium Total = $12,500


May 8 FOS in a D2 balcony: $2500


Food is not why we cruise. Cruising is IMO, simply the best value for a dollar vacation you can get.;)

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