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The most shocking thing....??


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Not sure about shocking but it was funny..


On the Pride this year there was a group of 4 young men (18-24ish) who

paraded through the ship in identical outfits all day everyday.

One day it was "Thurston Howell" outfits, another

day matching bathrobes and another day they wore sailor outfits.

Can't remember other days but they were always in "costume"


Funny,funny,funny !


They seemed to have a great time and were part of a large family group. Probably brothers and cousins.

They happily posed for pictures.

This is probably the nicest response to a thread that I am LMAF at. I would have loved to have seen them:D

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Not sure. Huge people don't think its funny when you take pictures with them at the buffet.


ok - maybe a little funny


One of my friends sent me a t-shirt shortly after my marriage to The Psycho broke up which said "It's Better to Have Loved and Lost than to be Married to a Psycho for the Rest of Your Life". About that same time someone else gave me a t-shirt which said "I'm Tired of Being my Wife's Arm Candy". I was wearing the Arm Candy shirt on one of our group cruises and one of my very dear friends said she wanted to get a picture of the shirt. I posed, but told her not to get my face in the picture. She told me that the shirt wasn't funny unless it included my dissolute decrepit geriatric face in the picture. She meant well, but I know how the Huge Person in the buffet feels. :D :eek: :D

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RCCL cruise 3 years ago with my mom and my brother who were both 1st time cruisers on that trip. We saw the same woman every day of the trip - wearing the same flaming orange tshirt and white shorts. She was at least a size 22 and by the end of the week both articles of clothing were stained with the food she was dropping, drooling and wiping on them.


I think it was the 3rd day that we were sitting by the pool in the late afternoon relaxing before dinner when we heard really loud food noises -nmum, nummmm, nmummmmmm. I look up to see the same woman walking by with an enormous frozen yogurt cone - shoving it in her face - frozen yogurt dripping down her arms, all over her shirt and covering her face to her nose.

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On our last cruise it was Elegant Night. DH and I had a table for 2 that was in the center of our section. There was a large table seated behind us. I could see it but DH back was to them. At this table it seemed to be a young couple traveling with her parents and another party of 3 ladies maybe in their 50's.

We are sitting there eating and all of a sudden I hear some raised voices at this table and then I see a shoe fly across the table and hit the half wall :eek:. Then the younger girl stands up and yells at her mother who was embarrassingly intoxicated, why did you throw your shoe at me? So the young girl exits the MDR, DH following close behind her. The intoxicated mother gets up and leaves, one shoe on and one shoe off- and the man just sits there and looks at these 3 lovely ladies at the table who really do not know what to do at this point.


Here I am trying to give my DH play by play as this is taking place.


After a minute the man leaves too. The 3 ladies carry on with dinner. About 10 minutes later the family came back to eat like nothing ever happened.


DH and I joked that having the table for two wasn't so bad after all. (we prefer a large table to meet new ppl)


The next night NOBODY showed up to eat dinner at that table.

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One our first (and very romantic) cruise together my GF/Sig Other take the Carnival Legend for a weeks cruise out of Maimi. I call her "Goober" or "Doober," well, just because that's her.


Goober is easily evoked into the ships festivities and sure enough she gets chosen to be in the shipboard games. She makes it all the way to the final game where you have to swim the pool and collect fruit. Seemed like half the cruise boat was crowding the pool and at her turn all she had to do was grab a Pineapple to win the game. I was coaching her from the above balcony, "just grab the Pineapple!" but couldn't be heard over the crowds. She proceeded to stuff all manner of fruit into her suit when "POP" out came a juggy. 3 young boys sitting poolside started pointing and yelling, "boob, boob, boob!" The roar was deafening. Although I was clicking pictures I totally missed archiving the error. As well, the daily cruise video showed her playing the games, and it was carefully edited.


One another more recent cruise, Goober and I were cruising (Carnival Glory) with good friends and we decided to rent scooters (as our couple friends where motorcycle riders) while in St. Thomas. We had a general idea of where to go from our scooter rental guy so we took off. About 45 minutes later we pulled to the side of the road to discuss where we were and get our bearings. As we talked a white pickup truck pulls over and asks us if we need any help. At first we were wary but it turns out this guy was a off duty police officer and was just trying to help. Goober was straddling her scooter and conversing to the officer when I pointed to my friends to look at her shoes. She wore two different shoes. We all start laughing hysterically. She gave an incomprehensible explaination about her shoes but nonetheless we laughed till we cried. On the spot, she eternally earned the nickname, "Goober two shoes."

Edited by ooomwizard
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Many years ago, on one of our first cruises, we took one of the "booze cruises" out of Nassau. You all know these boats, those double deck boats that look barely seaworthy and loaded with rum. Well at the time I was in shape enough to wear a speedo (or thought I was). Once the "cruise" reached the far away island we were all toasted and my DW and I headed off for some more sun and water. Now, what I did not mention was that in addition to the speedo, I also had a thong from the same material. Once we were alone, I changed into the thong to get extra sun. By the time the Booze Cruise sounded the horn for us to head back to the boat, the rum had hit hard and I forgot all about the thong being on and the speedo being up on the beech. Well the BC ride back was fun and a group of British single ladies apparently enjoyed taking pictures of my tanned "arse" with their hands in varying positions. It was something my DW and I still laugh about many years later. For those cruising with us this year, don't worry, this old man doesn't wear the speedos (or thongs) any longer --- too many extra cruise pounds I guess.


If any CC cruisers happen to have these pictures, let me know.... ;)

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...was...a cruise ship passenger complaining quietly (and very politely) to staff about a certain aspect of service.


Just kidding.


We were on the DREAM in December and were at show. We were seated on the balcony level. I went to buy a beer outside the balcony area where a crew member was manning the "beer cart". A cruise passenger was already there ahead of me - loudly berating and screaming at this poor guy because he didn't have any "sodas" that he could buy for his kids. I mean he was REALLY giving it to the staff member...yelling, cursing, spitting, all red in the face. The crew member (calmly I thought) explained that he was selling alcohol only and could not enter the balcony to sell due to safety regulations. This only made the passenger more irate, to the point that I thought he was going to physically assault the poor crew member. Seriously.


At this point I jokingly offered in a good-natured way to throw the passenger over the balcony railing. I was just trying to defuse the situation. The passenger glared at me and stalked off. The crew member (a man from Jamaica) was almost in tears. I ended up chatting with him for 5 or 10 min, reassuring him that he did what he could. I high fived him before I left (high fives are still cool guys) and tipped him 10 bucks cash. I hope he felt better. Sadly, his biggest concern was that the irate IDIOT had a bad experience that would affect his cruise. I wish I had staff that worked for me who were this dedicated.


Anyways...don't mean to be a "downer" but this shocked and saddened me. I will never treat a service person in this manner.



Me either..just not how I was raised. But, I have seen many rude exchanges with staff while onboard cruises. It seems that some people feel that they have paid for the experience and can act in any way they feel is just...I usually just shake my head and walk away.. next time I will step in though- that was nice of you.

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Last year i stopped by a beach on the french side of St Martain and there were a couple of naked old people tanning on the beach with all their family jewels flopping around and my DIL ran up between them and got her picture taken....they were NOT happy!! Why is it that you only see old people naked on these beaches....:rolleyes:


What your DIL did was totally wrong.

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I dont want to cause offence to anyone but why are you Americans so hung up on the naked body!!!!


What the young girl did to those folk sunbathing was just wrong and if they had taken offence at her it would have served her right.


We are all born naked and I am sure none of us have the perfect body, but those folk were enjoying a relaxing time doing their own thing and did not deserve to have it spoilt by someone who finds the naked form amusing.


Rant over, as I said sorry if I offended anyone but I just cannot see why you all get so hung up about stuff like that.





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We were sitting at Carlos and Charlies in Cozumel and this older lady at the next table said to her husband "there sure are a lot of Mexicans working here"


Another time (I forget which port) a very drunk guy was trying to get on the wrong boat, it was funny watching them try and get thru to the guy that he was in the wrong place.:D

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I dont want to cause offence to anyone but why are you Americans so hung up on the naked body!!!!


What the young girl did to those folk sunbathing was just wrong and if they had taken offence at her it would have served her right.


We are all born naked and I am sure none of us have the perfect body, but those folk were enjoying a relaxing time doing their own thing and did not deserve to have it spoilt by someone who finds the naked form amusing.


Rant over, as I said sorry if I offended anyone but I just cannot see why you all get so hung up about stuff like that.







I will go ahead and point out the obvious. Not all Americans are "so hung up on the naked body". I and my family have no problem with nudity. Although I think what the D-I-L did was rude, I also think if I am in a public place nude, someone will look, and someone will possibly take a photo. (If nothing else other than to prove the "great white whale" does exist! :D)

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All these stories are great keep them coming. Even though I'm not as "well off" as some people, and have to save up to go on a cruise. i guess someday one of these stories will be about me or one of my "lower class" family members. lol


Eh, money doesn't buy class. We had to save for it too and it'll be a couple years before we get to do another one. We will take the WHOLE family this time, probably about 20 or so of us. I'm sure we'll have some great stories and probably attract some attention, but we were all raised right and know how to act in public.

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pbmsmile, funny! I actually 'cracked' a smile.

A very similiar question was asked on the Celebrity forum. "What's the grossest...", and believe me, some of the responses were REALLY GROSS. The poster on here who said certain things would only happen on Carnival should really check it out. UNBELIEVABLE!

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On our last cruise it was Elegant Night. DH and I had a table for 2 that was in the center of our section. There was a large table seated behind us. I could see it but DH back was to them. At this table it seemed to be a young couple traveling with her parents and another party of 3 ladies maybe in their 50's.

We are sitting there eating and all of a sudden I hear some raised voices at this table and then I see a shoe fly across the table and hit the half wall :eek:. Then the younger girl stands up and yells at her mother who was embarrassingly intoxicated, why did you throw your shoe at me? So the young girl exits the MDR, DH following close behind her. The intoxicated mother gets up and leaves, one shoe on and one shoe off- and the man just sits there and looks at these 3 lovely ladies at the table who really do not know what to do at this point.


Here I am trying to give my DH play by play as this is taking place.


After a minute the man leaves too. The 3 ladies carry on with dinner. About 10 minutes later the family came back to eat like nothing ever happened.


DH and I joked that having the table for two wasn't so bad after all. (we prefer a large table to meet new ppl)


The next night NOBODY showed up to eat dinner at that table.

Hey...Mom was just baring her sole :p

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An old lady was standing at the railing of the cruise ship holding her hat on tight, so that it would not blow off in the wind. A gentleman approached her and said: "Pardon me, madam. I do not intend to be forward, but did you know that your dress is blowing up in this high wind?" "Yes, I know," said the lady, "I need both hands to hold onto this hat." "But, madam, you must know that your privates are exposed!"said the gentleman in earnest. The woman looked down, then back up at the man and replied, "Sir, anything you see down there is 85 years old. I just bought this hat yesterday!"




HAHAAAA! In the office cracking up- good one!

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I dont want to cause offence to anyone but why are you Americans so hung up on the naked body!!!!



I think it's mostly a matter of conditioning and familial and religious indoctrination.


My former spouse and I spent a week at St. Bart's, which is a very French island, and nudity was pervasive. It was a little shocking and titillating (so to speak :D) the first day or two, but then, once we got used to it, it was no big deal at all. By the end of the week we weren't really paying much attention to it.

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I think it's mostly a matter of conditioning and familial and religious indoctrination.


My former spouse and I spent a week at St. Bart's' date=' which is a very French island, and nudity was pervasive. It was a little shocking and titillating (so to speak :D) the first day or two, but then, once we got used to it, it was no big deal at all. By the end of the week we weren't really paying much attention to it.[/quote']


We did the same thing but it was just topless as we were staying in the French side and the beach was only topless at that time. It was uncomfortable until it wasn't. I did not bring my bathing suit so at some point we decided to sneak away and find a secluded spot. No problem since everyone was topless and an isolated spot would not draw attention if they happened on us. I took everything off but by underpants and dove in.


So here is the thing:


We looked up and there was a herd of people staring down at us. A boat filled with French guys kept drawing nearer and eventually were right beside me staring down. I looked down and realised my undies were now see through...


Seems the French guys were not conditioned for see-through undies at that time.

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