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All things EARTH...

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Anita, you've made some excellent points for me to think about. Before I comment on that, I want to tell you what a wonderful transformation you've gone through. I too, love red. I can easily see the difference the right red makes for you.


Now, I know you said your mom didn't like the photoshopping so much. In a way, I'm not sure because I'm distracted that it isn't the right red for you, despite the fact that I think it's a beautiful picture and a beautiful dress.


We definitely associate colors with emotions. Red is festive, strong, confident. The pink dress does become youthful based on the color. It will look and feel different in another color. This is the one I am thinking of for that dress.




That sure is going to change the overall look of the dress, isn't it?


If I go with the dress shown in red, my plan is champagne. Anita, I don't have a choice of fabrics. This is taffeta. The dress shown in black is chiffon. Taffeta is stiff, chiffon flows. Neither one is stretch. Here is champagne in both fabrics.







I think the idea of red dress is a better style, because of the straps. I just think it's more flattering than the black. But I love them both. incidentally, this is the green in the taffeta. I think it's more of an emerald green than a forest green, but taffeta plays with colors, so every now and then I try to tell myself this is the right color for me.




Oh, and that thing with strapless dresses...the back fat thing...it is my WORST feature. However, I have one less roll back there than I used to, lol.

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Margaret, I loved your response about using the Style Statement book as a workbook...and everything else you wrote. I can tell you are a teacher! Insightful and helpful. Thank you.


How sweet! You're very welcome.


So I post this to continue the conversation...


Perhaps ya'll thought the same thing? And didn't really like the sleeves?

What do ya'll think?


After thinking about it for a while I think I agree with Pam. If you google other sleeve styles (like "cap sleeve dress") you can see there are other more youthful options to the spaghetti strap. I also think the short flirty skirt and bright red of your dress need a more youthful option. If it was full length I think it would better support a more classic sleeve like the one you drew, but still might not appeal to a younger woman who has grown up with all the sleeveless gowns that are out there now. (When I got married, it was still considered improper for a bride to have bare shoulders in church or synagogue, and I think that has shaped my thinking ever since!!)



I'm wondering if my views are different now. KWIM?


Three times in the past, I worked my way through the same deep-thinking workbook, and had to buy a new book each time.


Can I ask, when you did it again, had your answers changed much? I think that if I had done this book at 30 I would have had some very different answers from what I would say now.


Does anyone feel comfortable telling what they learned from their Style Statement, or should we wait until Anita has completed her journey? I don't want to preempt her passage, but I am curious what others have learned. Anybody?


Anita, spoiler alert! You can skip this part if you want to!


Things I learned about myself:


1. That other people think I am kind and generous, whereas I always thought I was a bit selfish. Learning this has allowed me to actually feel like a generous person when the occasion arises, which is very warm and fuzzy and hard to describe without sounding like a twit. It was good to get feedback that my desire for connection to other people was actually being realized.

2. There was a lot of duality in my answers: peace/adventure, comfort/variety, practical/luxurious, traditional/unique. Where I feel most uncomfortable is when those dualities are out-of-balance. I think that feeling of being out-of-balance is what lead me to do the book. In particular, I came home one day and looked around, knowing that we were having dinner guests later, and realized that our apartment didn't reflect either me or my husband at all anymore. We had acquired some beautiful things after my father-in-law died, but they just weren't right for us. We have pared down a lot and inexpensively replaced some old worn things, but I am planning a remodel soon that I'm very excited about now.

3. That crazy girl who moved to NYC with a suitcase and $500 is still inside me, and I have to let her out once in a while.

4. That the fulfillment I get from my work can be fostered in other areas of my life as well, especially as it applies to my physical self. I think when I stopped dancing I also changed my relationship to my body from one of stewardship to one of fear and disappointment. So, I am working on that. I'd like to recover that feeling you get when your mind and body work together so well and result in joy.

5. My sense of beauty is broad, but must be truthful and genuine and not limited to physical beauty. Beauty in any form sustains and energizes me.

6. Only I can sustain myself and my reinvention, if I wait around for a bolt from the sky I will be waiting a long time.

7. It was good to think about and clarify my larger relationship with money, both philosophically and practically (not just in a monthly budget way). I don't think women in general do that enough. It motivated me to read some personal finance books, which I think is a positive step.


One of the journaling exercises in the back says to google your style statement words and see what you find, for me it was this and I almost cried:




Talk about synchronicity! And my googled quote was: "If you reach for a life of excellence, an eclectic and multifaceted approach will naturally evolve."



I apologize if this is TMI, but I'm in a sharing mood today. :)


I think Jennifer Lopez is a very beautiful woman. I think that earthy tones look so good on her, that she would just have an "aha" moment when wearing them and move away from all that black and silver. I think it has a lot to do with not always being able to figure out what it is that makes a particular shirt, dress, lipstick, etc. look so good.


I think it also has to do with falling victim to your stylist. Several times she was wearing a bright fuschia lipstick with an Earth makeup palette, and I know that was just responding to the fashion trend of the moment, but it looked terrible on her.


Anita's mom, a private plane?? Wow, I never thought of something like that. I'm all for the champagne. :D


For me, it would be a personal chef and an indoor lap pool. I would love to jump out of bed, swim laps for exercise, and then have a lovely omelet, fruit, and coffee. What a way to start each day! Heaven!

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Thanks Laurie. :) I hope everyone realizes I'm not trying to show off...but I am pretty excited about how I've closed the gap between my mental self and my physical self...and continue to do so. The book Style Statement has thought provoking questions, and I highlighted ones that I have had to really think about...I can tell that I have been really focused on my Body because the questions that relate to that are very easy for me to answer just about all of them...


and I don't think your response to the one question strange at all. I find that question very hard too...and like you, my first responses are not really related to me...they are related more to what I would do for my DH or DS or family as a whole...but not necessarily addressing anything specific for myself...which just proves to me that I have been a bit disconnected from myself for a while and that this journey is one that I can benefit from greatly...I think the disconnect is natural when you are in the midst of daily motherhood...I know Mom put me first at many times in her life...and so I know I come by this thought naturally...but I think there comes a time when you have to reconnect and figure out how you've grown and matured and changed through the process of motherhood...and as the kids start to become more independent that you go through your own transformation as you prepare for the time that they leave the house and the face of your own personal motherhood changes...


That green is beautiful but I agree that it isn't quite EARTH...


I know I just talked about cleaning on the Zumba thread...but I think Margaret you mentioned it here? What you described is totally where I am right now...it's funny but I really don't think my SIL will really appreciate everything I've done...but I don't really care either. It's good exercise. LOL.

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I have to share my DH's answer to the "if money were no object" question...




he said that he would reserve the Royal Suite on ALL Celebrity and Royal Caribbean ships... FOREVER... so that we could just go at a moment's notice on ANY cruise itinerary that suited our fancy!


Isn't that wonderful?!?




we could get there on our PRIVATE PLANE.


See how totally compatible we are! And, Margaret, I don't have to fret because of course there's going to be a chef on the plane. I mean, how could I get those fancy nibbles without one?!?


And, Laura, Just grab a castle. I think those come with acres and acres of grounds that you could get the staff to plant in whatever greenery you fancy.



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Lots of good posts today!


Anita, I have to mention this. I've always felt that there was something about myself that I didn't like. My hair was long and straight and blah. I had it cut, changed the style many times. Eventually, I learned to love my hair, but I was too fat. I lost weight, very quickly, and a lot. I wasn't satisfied. Why do I have big thighs? Then my thyroid acts up, and a lot is going on with my life. I'm heavy again.


No matter what, it's like I can't be happy with myself. When I started the whole color concept thing, I was searching, just like I have before. One of the things I've come to realize is that I have to be love myself first. So my body isn't perfect. I'm learning to look for positives, and letting all those wonderful blessings I have in life guide me. As silly as it sounds, being happier with myself has taken so much weight off my shoulders. One good thing leads to another, so I'm eating better and exercising more. I'm not just counting my blessings. I'm counting then twice and then three times, and...you get the picture.


So, I've rambled. But what I'm getting at is that I am learing to love myself for what I am. I want to improve on things like my weight and exercise, and I'm doing that now. It's like one thing leads to another. Maybe it's because I'm doing it for the right reasons. I'm doing it because I want to be healthy and look good. My clothing purchases are even so much more thought out than before.


I watch you, and I see how wonderful you are doing. It doesn't just show physically, it shows in your emotions and expressions. I think we all help each other a lot here.

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I will probably post 4 replies by the time I'm done tonight, lol.


I thnk Margaret made the comment about certain styles being youthful. I've been hanging on to the word all day. Youthful. I think our clothes say a lot about us. I don't want to wear a prom dress. I don't want a MOB dress. I want a Laurie dress. I want to be ageless and classic, but I want to turn heads.


You know what? It's like we mature and grow continually. I don't mean get old, we learn and we get wiser.


Anita's mom, I love your outlook on life! And your hubby seems very compatible to you. Maybe I will buy a castle!!! Might was well go for the whole enchillada!

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Good evening Ladies!


I just have to share about the sale on Ulta products. Remember I said I was trying out their nail polish in the teal color? WELL...Little did I know, but I tried the SALON level, not the PROFESSIONAL level...and that level was certainly great on my toes...I just took off the polish TODAY and not because it looked bad...but because my nails had grown...


And that polish is on sale right now for $2!!


I restrained myself and only got two colors. I was originally looking because I replaced my teal toes with orange and I didn't have a good coordinating color with the orange...


I got "Not From Concentrate" which is a golden shimmer orange color and

"Oh!" which is similar but more peachy than orange-y. As a reminder, the teal color was "Dance Teal Dawn."




I also decided to pick up some of the Ulta brand Kohl eye liner ($1 reg $7) and some single eye shadows ($2 reg $7), just because all my make up is SO OLD. OH! I ALSO got some lip stick ($2 reg. $8). I'm going to have some fun playing with it one of these days...


I needed more nude lips, so I got "Perfect Nude" which is similar to what I've had before really does match my natural lip color...and "Coral Glow" which is similar but more coral-y. LOL.




New eye shadow:


"Safari" which is a deep bronze with a kind of olive/khaki undertone

"Envy" hello...deep green

"Mimosa" which looks like shimmery orange terracotta tile

"Sun kissed" which is coral/peach

"Copper Bronze" is pretty self explanatory

"Sunburst" and "Stardust" which are peachy/bronze gold and gold.




New eye liner:


"Moss" and "Emerald"




Too too fun. Now I'm off to paint my nails! I'm going for the Not For Concentrate first...I'll try and post pictures again.

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Can I ask, when you did it again, had your answers changed much? I think that if I had done this book at 30 I would have had some very different answers from what I would say now.


Oops. What I meant to say and what I actually said were two different animals, I'm afraid. In the past I have completed a faith-based workbook with questions that made you dig deep for answers that were very personal. I've completed that same workbook, not the Style Statement book, three different times. I remember thinking the third time around that I appreciated having each copy of answers, having three separate workbooks were of no value, to me atleast. When I realized that this was the same type of workbook and I might want to revisit for an update, I knew I wanted to keep the workbook clean. I'm the world's worst when it comes to "cheating". I know I'd read my previous answers and try to talk myself into believing that my answers were still the same. This way I can answer truthfully and check my previous answers after. Like I said earlier, I'm just cheap and didn't want to cough up the money for multiple workbooks.


Anita, I think you were wise to wait to work on your Style Statement. I think my answers might change over time. Heck, I'm not sure, but some may have already changed. At the time I completed the workbook, I was still very unsure of my style. I worked on that book during every spare moment I had until I completed it because I couldn't wait for it to tell me what my style was. Part of the reason I think I should take another look so soon after completing it is because I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin even though it's been less than a year ago.


Laurie, I agree with what you said about not being happy with yourself rather than focusing on the positives. As a young person, my figure....heck, I was pretty positive about my whole self. Life and the people in it have a way of hitting us where it hurts the most sometimes. That's what happened to me several years ago and though I acted like the same person, deep down I wasn't happy. I'm getting there, but I'm still very much a work in progress. I'm not sure if it was any one individual thing that helped or the combination of everything, but I have received tremendous help through the camaraderie of the ladies here and on the FIRE thread, completing the Style Statement book so that I know myself a little better, and realizing that I am the only one that can project my best "me" to the world.


I am more comfortable these days with who I am, warts and all. Funny thing--though I am trying to be the best me I can be--I'm not nearly as critical about the negatives lately. I am focusing on the positives in my life and they are many!


http://www.natureandnostalgiapictures.com/ is what my googled style statement revealed. Well, that and a link to Linoleum. I laughed so hard I almost cried!!! Linoleum, yep, that's me! Really though, I can relate to each and every picture on the front page of the website I posted. Many phrases and sentences in my style statement revealed things to me that I wasn't aware of....several ah-ha moments. --Debbie

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My daughter and I were at the mall today. We weren't there to shop, just window shop and talk and lunch, if you know what I mean. We were spending time together.


We are hoping that my daughters can join us on a cruise in 2014, so when we were going by Cache, we checked out the back where a lot of their formal wear is now on clearance. My daughter tried on the cutest dress, but we decided it was too early to pick up anything. For one thing, we are looking at 2014, and secondly, she is 24. Her mind can change in a heartbeat.


That being said, I got to see Anita's dress in person. It really is a great earth red. It's an orange-red color. It's what I would consider a mid tone. It really is beautiful.


They had another dress that was an aqua halter style with some gold trim. It was more a slightly ribbed jersey knit. It seemed like it would qualify as a muted aqua, but I wasn't sure. I don't shop for myself there as I thnk they only go up to a 12, and I'm over that.


I do have to say though, if there is a Cache near you and they are in your size range, check out the clearance dresses. They're 60% off!

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Laurie...sounds like a fun ladies day out! I tried on that aqua dress. I thought it was a good EARTH blue...and seemed similar to the red dress, but the style is just different enough...it didn't look as fabulous on me as I thought it might...

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One thing I am noticing is there are earth colors I can spot right away, and others I can't. I was pretty sure about that aqua, and it surprised me. I can see the muted tone pretty well on light and mid toned colors. I know the more saturated or darker colors that are standard - chocolate brown, rust, olive, gold - but there is that missing group. My daughter and I spent a lot of time talking about color as we looked at things. We enjoyed the process.


I can say that I am seeing more earth colors than I have in a while, even if they are the more obvious ones we associate with the season of autumn. It's a start!

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Cache has really, really hurt my wallet.


So, I put together this outfit that I really loved. I paired an apricot/tangerine top with the muted yellow Golden Haze crop pants from Chico's. And I wore my turquoise sandals and a turquoise necklace. Listen, I LOVED this outfit! Yes, the crop pants were EARTH, muted... but I thought that it worked because it was just a neutral (for me) and was on the bottom.


SO... Cache had a denim yellow crop pant in a color they call Limoncello! These pants just screamed, "Look at me!" so I got them and this is the first time that I have actually got an entire outfit that is FIRE... top to bottom! Wow. I thought that I wouldn't really be able to pull this off... but I LOVE it!


Heads up... I might post pictures of the outfit over on the FIRE thread (because that's where FIRE pictures go, right?!)... There are times when I feel that our threads should just merge... anyway... :D


Did you see the olive dress at Cache? The one with the leather straps? I think that's a beautiful, styling dress and would look amazing on Anita and Laurie's DD!... That dress makes my palms itch! :cool: kwim?!?

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Oh, I didn't see the olive dress! I will have to go online and check it out. Cache really is a classy store. My daughter wore a dress from there on formal night back in 2009, and we still adore that dress. I will have to see if I can find it so I can post it for you. This is my older daughter I'm talking about, and she is a fire.

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I almost feel like we could start a whole new thread somewhere to talk about this book...anyway...


It is the most interesting thing to be living in a temporary living situation where the end is no where in sight. It's like permanent temporary. :eek: Mentally and emotionally, you have to be ready to move whenever the opportunity presents itself...but meanwhile...you have to do what you have to do in order to feel comfortable and able to establish your routines. What is interesting is to see WHAT you have to do in order to feel comfortable and what IS it that you want/need to do for the majority of your days...and HOW do you need your space to be set up to do whatever that is...


Everything about this move and the journey we are on because of it is very enlightening to me as I try to analyze and observe myself and my family. I'm one of these people that constantly try to improve their living space...rearranging furniture...reorganizing...trying to adjust usage of space to satisfy different needs...it's a constant process...I'm thinking that all my analysis of life will come in very handy when we are able to find our own place.


Meanwhile...I bought myself my favorite pen style so that I can begin WRITING in my book! I have to have the right pen. ;) I'm a "micro" kind of girl...but I haven't actually started writing yet. I was struck by one question this morning...


"I collect or have a lot of..."

Then she questions: What appeals to about these things? What do they represent to you? What is special or meaningful about them?


Since I have done the big purge of stuff with moving...a process that has felt like an ongoing thing for the past however many years...I've drastically reduced almost everything that could have been called a collection or a lot of anything...so what is interesting is to see what has survived the trimming of the fat so to speak...and so far...I have two answers:


1. Cookbooks...it's very hard for me to get rid of cookbooks once I own them. I did finally get rid of a lot of them several years ago...and I had determined that I would not buy any more unless I really, Really, REALLY loved the majority of recipes within...and I DID buy more...and I LOVE them. LOL! In fact, my most recent purchases outside of clothing have been cookbooks.


2. Tubs...tubs, baskets, and other containers that are intended to collect items for the purposes of organization. Mom commented on all my tubs once...they have survived several household reductions and moves...and I already have several that I had to unpack to put into use here in GA.


I'm not a fan of collecting in general, so I don't have what I would call a collection of anything.


Laurie...that's an example of an easier question from the book.


On the fashion front...we went out to dinner on Saturday night. Nothing super special...Macaroni Grill located in a fashionable outdoor shopping area. I decided I didn't want to wear shorts to dinner...it was too hot for capris though...so I wore a skirt. I pulled out a patterned maxi skirt with my coral short sleeved shirt (from Mom) and wore my orange sandals...with my darker orange toes and my lighter fingers...I felt very put together. I should have taken a photo! Ack...but this was the skirt and shirt (the middle shirt)...you probably recognize the shirt from other photos:




I have to say that having the smaller wardrobe sure does make decisions on what to wear easier!

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This has saved a couple of tank tops I liked but had bra strap issues with from the Goodwill pile. It's not quite a racer back so it's perfect for those in-between styles.


Some of the discards from my closet have netted me almost $100 on eBay, woot woot. I chose to list only like-new things from recognized names. I have two black dresses that are looking for homes if you know any ICE ladies who would like a freebie. One is a 3/4 sleeve empire waist size 8 and one is a romantic sleeveless Stevie Nicks-type number size 12. Not necessarily formal but both very cruise-worthy.


Laurie, I SO liked what you said about learning and growing and getting wiser. Those were qualities I listed in my friends in one of the Style Statement sections. There is just something so special about people who are engaged with their lives. Also, your comment about dresses being prom or MOB, and finding a Laurie dress. You pegged that one so well!


Anita, thanks for your makeup post. I tend to fall into a makeup rut (or routine, as I call it on a good day). It is fun to watch your experiments with color.


The questions on collecting were a real ARRRGGHH part for me, I didn't find them easy at all. I am not a collector really but seem to have had collections thrust upon me. Some things I have sold or donated, but some have sentimental family value and since I don't have children I don't really have a place for them to go. I suppose one day I will give them away when there is nobody left whose feelings will be hurt. Everything is an heirloom to my mother, but for me after 9/11 my interest in acquiring stuff became very limited. I don't want any more things I need to dust or clean or store. I would rather spend my time or money on travel and other experiences.


If I look only at what I have collected in the last ten years, it would be books. Books about teaching, language, and the sciences related to those things. I love books!! They are my one totally guilt-free purchase. I don't keep any popular fiction, and since I got my eReader they mostly come from the library anyway.


Debbie, thanks for sharing your SS pictures. Linoleum, LOL! It's so personal to share from your SS experience, so I appreciate it. I am still learning to manage all the feelings it generated. I had no idea I had drifted so far from myself in my 40s. I had made lots of positive outward changes but inside I was still in a struggle to redefine myself. Now I feel like I don't need to redefine myself, I need to amplify myself. Does that make sense?? I don't know. :rolleyes: It's all good!


Finally, long story short, my car had to go to the shop, they moved, there's a TJMAXX next door, before you know it I have three new dresses for my cruise, two short formal and one for dinner in Sydney -- and it's RED! I wore it to dinner on Sunday. I'll take pics and post when I get a chance. My formals are teal and purple, but I still may take my anniversary dress from last year since it's full length and then pick just one of these to bring. All three dresses were under $50, and the purple one is a Ralph Lauren.


Back to school stuff is in the stores already. How sad is that? It's not even August yet, and all the summer stuff is gone.

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Margaret, there is a whole thread (or two) devoted to maxi dresses. I do love them, but I have learned that fit and style is important for anyone who wears them. If they have a empire waist with gathers, I look dreadful. If the dress is just loose fitting after the bustline, then I'm good. One of my pet peeves is seeing them drag on the ground. As with anything that is too long, get it hemmed, right?


I love the color of this particular dress. I love the style too, but I'd have to try it on to see how that front would work on me. It needs to be a loose dress, but not baggy or I look really awful. I was pleasantly surprised to see on the website that the dress sizes are S, M, L and XL. Misses size run up to 14. I just never saw those larger sizes in our local store, so I assumed they didn't have anything that would fit me.


I'm shaped a bit out of proportion. On the bottom, I'm a 12. On top, it all depends. Most things are fine in an extra large. Many are okay in a large. However, if you give me a button down shirt, I often need a 16 or 18. Here's the weird part: I've tried on the 14/16 woman's size but they are too big. It's strictly the girls, if you know what I mean.


Anita, I love your outfit. For me, having everything in the earth color palette is what makes a difference. I like having a basic bottom and many different tops to dress it up or down with. I really love just giving myself an extra moment or two to make sure I pull myself together.


I'm wearing a purple dress tomorrow and I'm not sure the color is right. I took back the one I posted a picture of a few pages back. I felt it was more of a fire color. It was borderline almost between fire and earth. It was definitely warm though. The one I'm wearing tomorrow is a darker purple, but it seems to capture the warmth. I find it looks different in different lights but I'm going to bite the bullet. The tags are off and I pressed out the few wrinkles it had. Maybe I'll have my daughter take a picture tomorrow? We shall see if I remember, ha.


I admit to not giving much thought to makeup. I wear a light foundation, blush and mascara. When I go out, I do sometimes wear eyeshadow in very neutral, beige tones that you barely can see. I have dark circles and sometimes it seems I am drawing attention to them. I really need to work on that, and refresh my lipstick as I don't have much left of any earthy colors right now.


I am not much of a collector, but I savor pictures immensely. I have a lot of pictures hangng up around the house and a lot of photo albums. My husband's mother was the same, so we have all hers too. Like a closet make into a bookcase full, plus others scattered throughout the house. I don't think I can get rid of a picture. Ever. That probably has some sort of subliminal meaning, I'm sure!


I am learning a lot about myself. That is why I was talking about Laurie dresses. :)


Margaret, I like that bra strap holder, I think you could call it. I have shirts that need that. I found a racer back that fits nice, but it has two issues: the straps show near the neck, because they come in too far, and secondly...you ready? It has padding. I have no idea who thought a 40D or 40DD could need some sort of push up padding. It must have been designed by a guy, lol.


Oh, Anita's mom! My earth daughter would totally rock that dress from Cache.



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Here are the three dresses I bought last week. The first one is the red dress I bought for our anniversary dinner in Sydney. It's kind of bright by day but I wore it to Buddakan on Sunday night and it just glowed. I don't know how it looks on your screen, but it is tomato-ey:






This purple one I'm still trying to decide whether I like, it is very different than anything I've worn before, and I'd obviously need to deal with the tan line:





This teal one is cute but now I think I might save it for New Year's Eve, and wear my blue full length from last year instead. It was only $30! So, I won't cry if it doesn't make the cruise cut:






I would really like some opinions on the purple one, I left the tags on so I can still take it back. If I lose some weight, great, if I don't, it is what it is and I'll look how I'll look. But I really don't want to fall into the fat girl black dress rut.


The more I think about it, the more I want to take my navy dress from last year, just to have at least one full-length formal night.

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Margaret, I'm liking the purple dress a lot. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is try on something we aren't sure about. I think it's youthful with out being "I'm-twenty-and-I'm-going-out" if you know what I mean. I almost tried on a dress today that had similar styling. What stopped me was only some fo the colors were right, and I go with the theory of majorit rules. If there is some black, but 4 or 5 earthy colors, for example, I will consider it as long as the black isn't solid near the face. I just think that dress is so fun and lively.


That dress, and the teal one, are my favorites. I love to dress up, so lace and sequins - oh my! It is a flattering style as well.


The red I'm not sure about color wise. The style and fabric texture are fabulous. I love the dress on you, so if the color looks warm to you, definitely wear it! I find reds to look unusual on computer monitors. A sheath looks good on most people, but you wear it exceptionally well.


I'm sad that your full lenth dress is navy. :( Maybe some gold at the neckline will warm it up? Do you have a picture?

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You know, Laurie, one of the things I learned from my winter pictodiary was that taking a photo really helps me to see an outfit better. So, taking these three pictures was a very helpful first step.


That red dress just does not want to photograph well. The lace layer looks too pink and the underlayer is not nearly that shiny. And my skin has a pinkish tinge here too. But, this was the best of the bunch. Anita had a better result with her red dress taking pictures outside, but that's just not possible for me here.


Here are two pictures of my blue dress. These were taken indoors in a gold room with artificial light, so it was hard to find one that actually showed the color, most of the photos came out dark. There are three different fabrics so there are subtle shadings of the blue IRL:


For the color:




Full length:




You can see how off the color is in the second one, my husband's hand looks like it belongs to a corpse. :eek: Now that his hair is going silver, I think he's an AIR. Before I would have guessed an EARTH but the red hair was throwing me off.


Don't you just love a man in a tux? Yum. Looking through these pictures makes me think, I can't wait to get all dressed up on our cruise!

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Where is Anita? I need her advice.:) I hope she's doing something fun, or maybe moving into a new home?? Lost in the Style Statement book? Subject of a Cruise Critic intervention?


So, not exactly EARTH related, but I added the Lose It! app to my phone and I've lost two pounds in two weeks. That may not seem like a lot, but I've been so stuck for years with my weight that I'm very happy about it. We went to Appleby's on Saturday and I was SHOCKED at how many calories are in some of their food. Fortunately they have a low-calorie menu so I was ok. I had a small steak, steamed broccoli, and some rice. I was very proud of myself for skipping the spinach dip appetizer, which I love. DH and I saw our very first coyote on the way home. (We were in NJ for the day to waterski.)


My parents are coming soon for a two week stay, so I probably won't have time for any pictures for a while. It's been very hot so I've been rotating through my collection of EARTH tank tops that I posted earlier, but not doing any new shopping. I think I have enough clothes! I'm pretty set for my cruise at this point, I even bought one of those dorky caps with the flap on the back, to protect me from the Australian sun.


Laurie, to give you an update on my nails: the part that had the gel on them is still very brittle as it grows out, and I've been keeping a nude polish on them because the surface is uneven in color and texture and not very attractive. The new nail growing out is very healthy and normal looking, though. I'm keeping them short -- but not super-short -- until they have grown out a bit. I'm still planning on doing the Shellac again for my cruise.

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Hi Margaret! This has been a quiet thread all of the sudden. I've been a bit busy - my dad has been in and out of the hospital and my husband and I celebrated our 5th anniversary this weekend.


I'm glad you updated me about your nails. As it turned out, my daughter and I decided to give them a try last week. We went yesterday to the local Ulta store for the special polish remover. Honestly, I love the nails but didn't like the process of removing the poish, or how my nails look now. Yuck. But, I'd do it again. This stuff wears like iron, and my nails were so strong with it on! It's a great option for a cruise or vacation.


Margaret, did you just paint over the existing color while waiting for your nails to grow out, or did you remove the gel polish first? I'm wondering what is easiest.


I was looking at your navy dress. It's a beautiful dress, and a wonderful style for you. I'm having trouble getting over the color though. I would say that if you love the dress, go ahead and wear it. Besides, it isn't an every day dress, so you want to get your money's worth. I can so see that dress in chocolate brown or evergreen on you!


I'm still loving all three of those other dresses. They are all different colors, styles and fabrics. I have moods and like to match them with my clothing. Do you feel that way? The red one is such a classic sheath styling, the purple one is fun, and the teal is sooo pretty!


I think you may be right, Anita may be in the process of moving.


The lose it app sounds great! I will updating my phone in January, and that sounds like something I might want. I am still losing slowly, but it feels great to be taking good care of myself and eating healthier. I am up to a total of 13 pounds in over a year. You don't really see it at all. I did notice that when I was checking my measurements when looking at dresses, I was a 1/2 inch smaller in the waist. Hey, it's a start!


Here is the outfit I wore for our anniversary. We were spending the afternoon looking in little shops and going to an antique boat show before dinner.


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Margaret and Laurie! I have been so busy. It's all silliness, but this place we have moved to...we need to rent and my SIL has moved to an area that is SO COMPETITIVE on for rentals. They are few and far between...we finally found one that suited us so very well and we were in competition for it...seriously...our rental application packet and another's were going to be presented to the owner so that the owner could decide. And HELLO? the house had been listed for ONE DAY. O.M.G.


I remember the days in CA when Mom was dealing with such a competitive market and the advice given...


And I'm so happy to report that we got this house that we are SO EXCITED to get! Once I can take pictures...everyone will have to get used to a new backdrop for mine!


I admit that I have been trying to balance time spent looking for housing and time spent enjoying the summer with DS...I can't believe that school starts on the 13th...but there you go. We got registered at the school without having an address to our name...I've done some shopping...spent some time analyzing my style (and let me tell you...there's nothing like being in the midst of house hunting (even if it's for a rental) to make you think about what gets you excited about the style of anything))...and going to an all day Zumba training. Whew. I've been busy!


But I've been looking at the photos. First of all...I have to say Margaret...that I can't for the life of me put my finger on what is different between the navy photos and the other set of photos...but I just think that there is some sort of improvement that has happened...could be physical...could be mental...emotional...psychological...IDK...but in the navy dress...I feel like you are a bit more soft in the physique? and just a bit more toned up in the more recent pictures?


I totally thought that navy was black btw. When I look at the photos...I see that the jewelry is not warm...but that navy is giving me the impression of warmth. Your body skin looks great...but your face feels more washed out. When I had on an ICE navy...I was washed out...but I THINK that it's the effect of the jewelry...the icy clear...and maybe even the makeup? Are your lips and eyes more smoky/rosy gray instead of bronze with golden jewelry?


As for the other dresses...I'm trying so very hard to focus on the effect of the color as opposed to the actual color that appears on my screen. When I look at the red and the teal...you kind of stand apart from the background of the photograph. You are so very distinct and there is something about the photo that goes into depth of perception as I see you standing forward and apart from the room around you (which is kind of a weird greenish tan color that doesn't blend so well with either the red or teal)...but the purple...


I'm losing you in the purple. I feel like the purple is the focus of the photo and I'm losing you. When I scroll through the thread (as I'm replying and I can scroll down to see the older posts...)...my eye goes to your face quickly, almost immediately in the red and teal...but in the purple...I'm totally distracted by the purple...and THEN I see you.


So, I have to say that I think your instinct to keep the receipts on that dress are well founded. I'm not positive that color is wonderful. I imagine that you have issues with urban living getting a decent picture...so comparing these photos to each other...the red and the teal are better than the purple. It's entirely possible the purple is okay...but IMO the red and teal are better.


I like the style of the purple...but I'm not sure about the color. And in my experience...if you are having reservations about the dress FOR ANY REASON...return it. It will hang in your closet and go unworn...you will not be able to talk yourself into loving it if there is something about it that is off putting to you...even if you can't put your finger on WHY.


Laurie...I LOVE your outfit. It's smart and fun all at the same time. The bling shoes...the darker toe polish, the lighter nail polish (if any?)...the solid bottom and the incredible pattern top with blue tones and rust tones? OMG...it's an EARTH girls DREAM!!


My SIL watches What Not To Wear. Now I've watched this show in the past...but it's been a long long time...and we don't pay for TV so we don't have the TLC channel...but I've been hanging out and watching the show again. And the big thing that they seem to stress on all the shows that I've been able to watch is to have your clothing FIT...not big...not baggy...but lovely fitted clothing that shows off your curves...the clothing doesn't add weight...it skims the surfaces...gives a waist...and otherwise looks fabulous. Well Ladies, I think both of you, Margaret and Laurie, have hit the jackpot in this department with what you have posted. The silhouettes are so flattering. You both look fabulous. I love the smiles and the confidence shining through...and it is so appropriate because I think you both look smashing, as my family used to say.

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