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All things EARTH...

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Anita, wow, so cute! Much more perky and youthful, I can feel your energy coming right out of the photo. I liked your demure look too, but this is a really unique look.


Laurie, how are your nails? Mine have been a mess since the gel, peeling and soft. I've been keeping them very short until I have a full new nail in place. I'm wearing hunter green on my toes to compensate. :) I have to say, the more I see of that green in the stores the less I think it's EARTH, but there are some minor variations so maybe I'll come across one that works. Not ready to make a commitment to anything I've seen. My next pedicure will be Taunting Teal, Sonia Kashuk from Target.


So far I'm down six pounds for the month, which for me is huge because I've been so stuck for so long, and my age is working against me. At this rate and with my cruise in just two months, I figure I'll be down a full size to a 12 by then. Some of my clothes will still fit but be loose, some I will try to alter, and then I'll shop my storage closet where the 10s and 12s have been living. The teal lace formal will probably still fit because it's a stretchy fabric. I may or may not have something else for the second formal, I need to dig out my old dresses and see what I have (not much). I was planning to treat myself with a new gown, but DH was laid off on Monday so there goes the shopping money.


I made a pass through my closet in preparation for fall, and I have to say I'm pretty happy with everything in it. I have a couple older things I didn't wear at all this summer that are going to Goodwill, but that's really it. It's so nice to open the closet and see a bunch of stuff I like now, though after I lose another five or ten pounds I will definitely need some pants for work! Baggy butt on the way (I hope)!

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Anita, I love your hair! Now, I was wearing an inverted bob for a while and like it. However, with my weight being more than it was in the past, I felt like it made my face seem rather full. Looking back now, I was seeing fullness in the face from weight gain, it wasn't my hair.


That being said, I went with a different cut last time and didn't like it. Sometimes though, things just don't go the way you plan. We went on vacation, had a birthday party for my dad, my husband had surgery on his arm, and then my dad got really sick. He passed away two weeks ago.




I miss him dearly, but I know I need to get myself on track. He would want me to do that. I haven't had a haircut since April, and it is time for me to make an appointment. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my hair. I was thinking of trying the same overall length I have now, but with more layers? You've seen the recent pictures...it may be worth a try. I can always do something different next time if it isn't right.


Margaret, I managed to lose a few pounds just before the last time my dad went into the hospital. I'm not positive if my weight is still the same, I haven't checked! I was not eating very much during that time span, but I spent a large amount of time at the hospital, so that isn't as active as I would like to be.


I have three pairs of pants that didn't fit before that I can wear now though. Yay! I would like them to be a bit looser, but they aren't tight. My dad always took very good care of himself, and it gives me incentive to do the same.


One thing I love about fall is the wonderful colors that are right in our pallette! I truly love our colors, and it can be much easier to find them at this time of the year. Overall, I've done well this year. I've been able to find various colors during each season that work well for us earth ladies.

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Dear Laurie, I'm so so sorry to hear your sad news. What a lovely picture of your father, he looks so happy. My thoughts are with you and your family. You are right, he would want you to take care of yourself during this difficult time.

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I am almost not posting this post...but here I go...


So I'm having a bit of an issue with Georgia. We went today to get our driver's licenses...FINALLY...DH has an off Friday today, so we went together and we got it done in less than an hour...which we thought was pretty good.


But I was SO SAD to give up my Texas DL. I have had some sort of connection with every place I've lived...I've ENJOYED saying that I'm living in CA, TX, AZ, CO, KS...but GA? Not loving it. It's the PEACH state...and other than that...what in the world do you think of when you think of GA? Funny thing is DH totally doesn't care...he has no association at all with the place in which we live...but I do...it's bugging me in a weird way. And I'm trying to figure out what that says about me regarding the whole Style Statement book and the trains of thought it takes you on...


I know I'm totally psycho-analyzing myself with this thought but it's really bothering me...it's a long story, but a cop chastised me for having TX plates still on my car...and I'm so reluctant to give up those plates...I LIKED being from TX...and I'm not thrilled at all to get GA plates. What's up with that?


Anyone have any insight as this would related to that Style Statement book?

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Thank you everyone, for your kind words. That picture of my dad is from his 80th birthday party in June. His little smirk was priceless. He used to talk to my husband Brian a lot. He'd get that little smirk, and it was like "uh-oh, brace yourself!" Not that he said anything mean or inappropriate, he was just going to say something you weren't expecting. He was very smart.


Margaret, my nails aren't so much soft as they are brittle. But, that isn't really unusual for me. I have to really make an effort to take care of them, so it seems like they are great at one point, and not so great at another. They grow rapidly so I don't have far to go until they are grown out. I am not very good about taking care of my nails in general. I would like to work on that.


I am getting better organized here at home. I have been slowly hanging certain things in the laundry room, which is next to the mud room...where my sewing machine is! A lot of things I have aren't being worn much, because they need some tweaking. I am trying things on more, and not buying things when they aren't right. With some of the things I have, I bought tops that are big. Many of them I think I can do some basics with and take them in a pinch on the sides or at the shoulders. There is no use in wasting good clothes, especially things in the right color and style. If I don't think it's going to be simple, I will check with a local seamstress that I use from time to time and get some pricing from her.


Anita, some places just don't feel like home. Some do. My sister has lived in Buffalo for many years, but her heart still belongs to the Syracuse area. I have lived in the same area all my life. What makes my current house feel like home is that my husband and I have personalized it so much. The hard thing is, you can't personalize a city or town. Maybe, once you meet a someone that becomes a friend, it will get better.


And I really do love your hair!!! I will have to post some pictures of my hair at different lengths. Maybe you guys can give me some ideas.

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Anita, I think when you get to the end of the book and have your own Style Statement, that may give you insight as to your current feelings about Georgia. It might help you to see which needs, hopes, or feelings aren't being met, and then you just need to search out the connections you need based on what you're missing.


I grew up in Michigan, and while it has its lovely places and the people are hard-working and warm, I always felt I was in the wrong place for me until I moved to NYC. So I can understand your feelings of displacement and your longing for a place where you feel more connected.


I hadn't thought to apply my style statement to the places I have lived, but now that I think about it, it does tell me a lot about why Michigan was not a fulfilling place for me as an adult. If I HAD to go back, I think that knowing my SS would help guide me to build a life that would work better for me this time around, mostly because of the insights I now have about what I need to surround myself with to feel happy, and what inspires me to be my best.


I think Georgia is a subtle state, not a giant archetypal place like CA or AZ or TX where we can conjure images of life there without having seen it. My vision of Georgia is completely influenced by the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I think of lazy, drooping tree-lined streets, cold glasses of iced tea, elegant manners, and the quiet clink of silver on china. I think your Style Statement will help guide your own vision of Georgia, and then you can go look for it.


I know you have your hands full with the move, and getting your Zumba practice established, but I recommend spending some time as a "tourist" in your community. I always see NYC with fresh eyes when I have guests to take around, and I recommend getting lost as a great way to find those character-filled nooks and crannies that really personalize a place for you.

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Margaret, I didn't realize initially that you were living in NYC. That seems very exciting! I think I would have a lot of fun with that, but at the same time, do you ever long for just a quiet, relaxed pace? NYC seems so busy.


I always say I have the best of both worlds where we live, in the sense that I am on a street where the houses are so spread out, you can't see your neighbor from your own home. There is farmland here too. But you know what? I can literally take a less than 5 minute drive to the main street in town where you have your grocery stores and highways. I can get to the big Carousel Mall (now called Destiny USA) in 15 minutes.


This all means that I can live in the middle of no where and be right next to everything. :D:D


Anita, maybe Georgia just needs to grow on you a bit. You haven't been there long enough for it to feel like home, maybe?

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Are you surrounded by people that care about what they look like? How they dress? Doing something with their hair? Wearing makeup? Wearing accessories?


I. Am. Not.


At all.


I have had a very busy two weekends in a row...and the week in the middle. Out of state family came to visit the three households here in GA. There was the welcoming dinner (at my SIL's house). The welcoming breakfast (at my house). The Fantasy Football draft party (at the other SIL's house). The neighborhood Labor Day party (neighbor's house). Then a day with my pregnant SIL and my MIL (shopping and lunch). Then a day with both my SIL's and my MIL (shopping and lunch). Then my MIL's birthday dinner. Then the family baby shower (at SIL's). Then the going away/football day (today at SIL's).


So I have had quite a lot of opportunity to have fun with clothing, accessories, and a some cosmetics.


And I'm the only one.




I'm not sure how I feel about this. Mostly, I don't care. I just wish that this could be a possible shared interest with my in-laws...but it isn't really...and so that's something of a bummer for me. I'm on my own, enjoying my own thing...in the presence of others that don't really care. I'm okay with that...it's just that I would like to find some common ground with my in-laws...and it has become obvious that fashion is definitely not it.


I know Mom went shopping with one of her BFF's and it was so comical and almost painful with the differences in their approaches to shopping...


So I was with 3 female members of my DH's family...and there was nothing in common there.


I realized I have a whole new approach to clothes shopping, etc...and it really isn't a pastime for me any longer to "go shopping." When I go shopping, it's pretty purposeful...and if I have no reason to shop...it's kind of boring to stare at clothing...is this happening to anyone else?


And I can't really offer too much of an opinion on things for my family members because they don't approach it in the same way that I do.


Now the neighborhood party was probably the one time I could have had more fun with a kind of resort casual look...but because we were with family up until right before the event...I didn't really have too much time to play with my clothes for that party...ah well.


I have high hopes for the Women's Group in my neighborhood. I've joined the Club...and there are special interest groups. On Tuesday...I'm going to "Brunch and Bunco"...I'm bringing fruit. And I'll get to have fun with an outfit there. As a homemaker...these social occasions are the opportunities I have to really have fun with how I look. Not too much fun with the family...so I'm looking forward to these lady's events.


There was one day last week. DH was having a slow day at work. He called me and was talking about a nice lunch and some family shopping. I was so happy to know an outfit that I could put on quickly...from head to toe and feel good about wearing...feel all put together with my clothing, shoes, and accessories. I think it's time to play in the closet again.


I visit the Vivienne Files blog only every so often. So I went there tonight...and I really like the current thought...she has a totally neutral wardrobe and is using accessories to provide the accent. The most recent post is an EARTH accent...AMBER...I really like this idea.


OH. And I've been recently turned onto the series "Downton Abbey." I've never heard of it before last weekend at the neighborhood party. I'm really enjoying it! I streamed Season One on Netflix and I'm watching Season Two on Instant Amazon. I'm so inspired by the clothing! I really like the jackets especially. I sewed a gift for the baby shower and I have been bitten by the sewing bug again...I'm thinking about planning some fun projects inspired by this show. Seriously. I'll have to google to find some photos of the clothing I'm loving.

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Your post was interesting. I enjoy shopping, whether it's to buy something or not. I am giving so much more thought to what I buy for myself, but I still enjoy looking. I like to think about an item I see, even if it's not my color or style. I think about who it will look good on and so forth.


My sisters and I shop very differently, so I can't say we shop together often. The day after Thanksgiving, one of my sisters and I go to the local Bon Ton pretty early and grab a few things, but it's nothing major. The main event is when we go to breakfast together afterwards to chat!


I enjoy shopping with my daughters a lot, although it's hard when I want them to buy the right colors and so forth. They often do ask if a color they are looking at is good for them, but not always. My daughter Alyssa is a fellow earth, but she wears quite a bit of black. Interestingly enough, my older daughter is a fire and used to wear a lot of black also. Used to. She has a job that requires her to wear black and only black. After looking sickly over the past 6 weeks at her new job, she now hates black and the way it washes her out!


For a fun bonding session, I shop with my daughters. To buy things I want or need, I go alone. With my family, we'll stick to lunch and the like. I wish I had more "peers" to shop with - people who liked the same stores as me, enjoyed color theory, and so forth.

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I won the Bunco gift today because I had the last Bunco of the day. It was a bottle of wine. The label reads:


"You might Know One... You Might Be One... No matter which, this wine is truly for you. Thriving grapes from Chile’s Casablanca Valley Deliver The Sexy Harmony of Old World Elegance and New World Taste."


Here's the label:





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This label isn't bad. It's been a while since I've had a Chardonnay...but this is an nice easy drinking wine. :) If ever you need a funny gift...I recommend this one...because what's in the bottle is decent.


Mom and I had found a different one in the past...along the same lines is this label:




I think it's fun to try these. :o:rolleyes:


In other news...


Everyone might recall that I bought a pair of T-strap sandals in a muted gold. I have to admit...I really wish they were bronze. For most of my clothing...the muted gold feels too light in color to really coordinate as well as I would like. And I find that I wear these sandals only with lighter (light tan, cream, typical chino neutral color) colored bottoms. The gold looks funny to me with my darker colored bottoms.


If only Mom could handle something between her toes...she could have a cute pair of T-strap sandals...:p

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Anita, your mom and I share another common factor besides hypothyroidism...that issues with straps between the toes. I have found a pair or two that I can wear, but most of them give me awful blisters, no matter how hard I try to break them in. Generally speaking, it's a common issue for me.


I often have trouble finding shoes and sandals that go with a multitude of things. Remember those in the picture of me wearing those coppery ankle pants? Well, they broke! It was one of the only pairs of sandals that went with so many things I had. They had a way of being casual but added a bit of niceness to an outfit at the same time. And yes, that little strap between the toes!


I am hoping to find some time very soon to look at some last minute deals on sandals and the like. I cruise in February, and living where I do, there will be no sandals anywhere a month from now.


I am trying to vary my wardrobe a bit, so it all mixes and matches, but there is variety. I really need some basic tops to go under sweaters. You know how those need to fit - they can't be baggy and I tend to shy away from them. I am getting better though!

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Are you surrounded by people that care about what they look like? How they dress? Doing something with their hair? Wearing makeup? Wearing accessories?


I. Am. Not.


At all.




Anita, I had to laugh when I read this, because this is my workplace to a T. I wear the most makeup, have the longest hair, wear the most color, have the highest shoes....


One time I was at dinner with my girlfriends, and I told them about not knowing if I should tone it down to be taken more seriously (this is when I still felt in career transition and not very secure yet in my new role). My friend who is a fashion designer said, you should just wear what you want, what makes you feel good. So, that's what I do.


Sometimes I read on different threads about people who want to dress up on vacation, and people who just want to wear sweats and tshirts, and I say wear what you want. I personally like to dress nice and wear makeup, so that's what I'm gonna do because it makes me happy. I always look professional but I also look "done" as well.


BTW, are you feeling sassy? LOL I loved that wine label. Also -- Downton Abbey, how fabulous is that? You know, to be period-correct they put very very little makeup on the women, and actors with plastic surgery are not allowed to audition. I think the costume designer must really work with color well because their skin looks incredible.


Laurie, you are right that NYC can be overwhelming, which is why we escape to NJ on some weekends to hang with our waterskiing friends. It can be a little stressful - all these people, all the time! - and it's good to get a break now and then. It can be really fun, but the daily grind can be exhausting sometimes. And I dread winter, because we walk so much here and it can be so cold and wet. Not like you, of course, but my dream is to cruise through January and February and come back in time for spring. :)


Now for some fun stuff: our printer died, and we just got the new one, so I'm practicing with the scanner. Here are two cute outfits from my Macy's circular today.


love this little brown dress, and who can resist Corgies?



if I wasn't in losing weight mode I would buy this teal number in a heartbeat


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Margaret, I love that brown dress. The neckline wouldn't work that good for me, but boy...maybe have it altered? I've been working on things a bit clothing wise, and I'm finally starting to have this lightbulb go on in my head about certain things. I love the second dress too, especially the seaming. I'm afraid to find out how much they cost, lol. They look so pretty!


On another note, I finally got around to getting my daughter her fire cards. I told her we are sharing them, in the sense that I need "control cards". Sometimes my eyes just don't readily see clear and muted the way they should.


Wow, what an experience. In many ways, there are very, very subtle differences in certain colors. Then there are colors that are quite a bit apart. I knew about those springy greens, and there is no doubt in my mind that I can easily tell our greens apart. yellow/golds and reds...not so much. The lighting in my house does not always make it easy. We are very much looking forward to taking both sets of cards with us to the mall.


I am still determined to find a few things in forest green. I had some things quite a few years ago, long before I knew what colors were good for me. Maybe I did know, in some ways. This color has always worked so well for me. Wouldn't a long formal night gown in that color be a dream???

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Margaret, I love that brown dress. The neckline wouldn't work that good for me, but boy...


Wouldn't a long formal night gown in that color be a dream???



One of the things I love about that whole brown outfit is how ageless it is, it would work on anyone. It is classic yet the tailoring and the cute shoes give it an edge that I really like. LIke you, though, I don't like a high neckline like that.


I'll be interested to hear more about your experience with the FIRE cards. I love that palette and have to struggle sometimes in the summer to keep myself from going too bright.


If you ever find that green gown, post pictures! I think that color would be fab on you.


Even though I'm not shopping for my cruise, or at all for that matter, and I already have a teal dress, I couldn't help window shopping by computer a bit. Look at these beautiful teal gowns:





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Margaret, both of those gowns are gorgeous. I especially like the second one.


I was at the mall with my husband today. We didn't really shop, we stopped after dinner to see if we were interested in seeing a movie. Nothing jumped out at us, so we decided to do a bit of looking around and then go home.


They opened an Eddie Bauer store and it is the first time we've had one around here in many years. I did see some nice things in earthy colors. I am planning on heading back next week as they haave some cut sleeveless shirts on sale. I will call one of them mahogany brown. If you have color cards, you will be able to match it up. It's a great reddish brown tone. There was a nice teal one too. There were also printed ones in a slightly different style.


Now, with those fire cards...I would like to take a picture of the cards opened up, side by side. We have some colors that almost seem like they are right in the middle - either of us can wear them. There are some gold shades and mid tone peach shades that are almost the same. On the other hand, she has all these aquas and bright greens that aren't near us. We have olive green and forest green.


Those coral and peach tones are abundant on her cards, just like the aquas and golds. She has this one color that I keep saying "hmmm" about. It may just be that I need to get into different like. I have a very earthy house!

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I have to agree about the brown dress...not my favorite neckline. I found the other dress on the Macy's website...and it looks BLACK in the background:




I agree with Laurie...I love the color of the second teal dress.


Forest green can actually be a bit difficult for EARTH...you have to watch that blue undertone...it feels like forest greens end up being cool.


I've been using some nail repair products. It's difficult to say how effective they are because it's only been a week and also I have been doing things that are really hard on nails...kitchen cleaning...all the wet hands and scrubbing...I feel like the products are working though. I'll review more later.


I picked up a new green nail polish from Rimmel London called "Rags to Riches." It was in my local Target. In the bottle, it looks like a nice golden darker olive kind of color. Perfect for fall. Since I can't use color on my fingers for a bit while I am doing this nail treatment...I'm going to fix my toes from this brighter green to this one. I'll share a photo when I do...I think this color will be really great for the days when you can still wear your sandals (I am still...are you?) OR when you wear a peep toe shoe.

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I have been working with Curt on some things, because I really get confused over what looks good on me and what does not. I can say one thing that I have found can be huge: taking pictures. I can't believe how much more I see if my daughter or husband takes a picture of me in an outfit. It needs to be a picture that captures the whole head to toe look. I see things I just don't see in the mirror.


Another thing is that if you are chesty, those higher up necklines are of no benefit. Whatsoever. One of my daughters is very small in the bustline, and she would look fabulous in that dress.


I'm going to post a picture of my daughter's cards next to mine. The picture did not come out great, which I apologize for. Our cards are on the top, the fire cards on the bottom. IMG_1329.jpg


We are both very much enjoying the process of analyzing the colors. We can't wait to take them to the mall with us.

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I'm still waiting for my friend to give me her giant September Vogue, so in the meantime here are my faves from In Style this month, which I grabbed to entertain myself on a recent flight.


Three pretty evening gowns: the one on the left is a beautiful rose gold.




This cute outfit is something I might have tried in my 20s, I love the orange coat.




I like this twist on the classic camel winter coat. The asymmetric zipper gives it some punch.




Love these two outfits (except for the black and silver shoes on the right), this is the kind of casual style I work to achieve but still struggle with.




Laurie, thanks for sharing your color cards. It's interesting to see Earth and Fire side by side. I see that there are so many choices in red-peach-orange-yellow, but so few blues-greens-purples. Are there really so few choices in the "cool" sections of our warm color wheel? You know I love my blues.:)

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Margaret, I love your fashion posts. Keep them coming!


I am really liking that we are saying more gold now. I am surprised that there aren't more gold shoes. I will have to find the picture to post, but when we got the Sunday paper, JC Penney had an ad. On the back page were they nude patent leather and gold shoes. Oh my, they were gorgeous! I wish I could wear heels like that, but my feet just won't let me. I really wish they had them available with a slightly lower, less spiky heel....sigh.


I love Keira Knighley's dress, but I am going to guess she is not warmed toned because it doesn't do much for her. Do you agree?


The casual Friday outfits are really sharp. The only time I can get away with those are casual Fridays where I'm off from work. ;) I do really like to dress nice when I go some place, so those are fun outfits. With lower heels.


Speaking of which...I don't usually feel like I have to have something. I am always capable of passing. However, the animal print shoes are something I've been really wanting.


It's hard wearing a size 8 1/2 or 9 in a wide width. Actually, I buy a size 9 a lot of times because I can't get wide width. Then I put inserts in the back of the heel to keep them on better.

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I love Keira Knighley's dress, but I am going to guess she is not warmed toned because it doesn't do much for her. Do you agree?


I agree. She always wears very subdued makeup and looks fine, but in this dress she just looks like she needs more color. Definitely a sign that it's not right for her. I'd like to see it on someone with red lips, medium to dark hair, and golden skin -- oh wait, that would be me! :) She looks washed out. I like her hair, though. I'd like to see her in the current Oscar de la Renta gown collection, it's full of air pastels.


However, the animal print shoes are something I've been really wanting.


I love leopard print -- it's made for us EARTH ladies. I like how those shoes in the picture just give an extra punch to that jeans outfit. I have a pair of leopard gloves and a scarf that I am always happy to get out when the cool weather comes. They make any outfit look polished, I think. A little goes a long way, though -- I wouldn't wear a leopard coat.




Right up until this week it has still been warm enough to wear sandals, so I still have my pedi. For two weeks I had a dark teal, and then I got tired of it but it still looked good so I put a coat of sparkly teal on top. I think my next one will be that dark green from OPI.


My cruise is just six weeks away. I'm thinking of doing orange or coral on my toes for the trip. I don't know about my hands, since my nails are still very short. I have NO IDEA what I'm going to pack, and it's driving me crazy since I usually have my OCD list going strong by now. I did reserve one Saturday shortly before we leave for emergency shopping, if necessary. I have decided to try to make do with things I have, even if they aren't perfect, rather than invest in new clothes in a size that I will (hopefully) be out of by Christmas. I'm dusting off the sewing machine so I can alter a few things for better fit.


You know, other than another ex-dancer friend who also had a dance company for a time, I am the only person I know in NYC who has a machine and can sew. (I'm sure they exist, I just don't know any.)


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I love leopard print too. The way the shoes pop that outfit reminds me of the recent posts on the Vivienne Files blog. Taking something so neutral and basic and adding the shoes and other accessories to make the outfit into something more fun and special.


My fav of the pages you posted in the camel coat. I don't have a serious coat like that. I wonder if I'll need one here? I'll have to get by and learn and see over this next year.


I went shopping today at one of the many Goodwill stores in this area. I have some household items that I've needed and wanted to look at a resale shop for them...things like a holder for my kitchen counter for my kitchen utensils...the old one had chips and so I didn't move it. Anyway...I spent some time looking through the clothing. There is something very eye opening about shopping in Goodwill...even if you don't want to purchase clothing there...because of the way that the store is organized...it is very easy to see what you are attracted to and what you are definitely NOT attracted to. I spent quite a bit of time and found some great items...sort of...I didn't purchase any clothing because I don't really need anything right now. It was just interesting to see what I was liking...I need to get back to my Style Statement exercises.


I did purchase what I am calling a "fancy" purse. I'm not a big purse person. Some ladies love their handbags...but I don't really carry a bunch with me...so I'm not a big purse person. I found this bag at the Goodwill:




In a bronze-y gold:



I'm not going to use the fanny pack option...:p I was attracted to the color...and especially that all the hardware on the purse was in gold as well. And it is small...here is a clue to the size:




I think this will be a great little purse to take when I want to be a little more dressed up...which I am hoping will happen over this holiday season at various times. Maybe some others as well...not sure if it would really be that great for a FORMAL occasion...like on a cruise...but otherwise...I'm happy to find this.


The thing I like about Goodwill is that it has one price for all items, no matter the brand name...I think this was an inexpensive purse to begin with...I bought it for $4.94.

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