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All things EARTH...

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Anita, my husband is using the laptop so I only have the tiny keyboard of my phone here...


Wow, your hair looks great! That is going to be so much fun to play with. Any earrings you wear are going to highlight it too.


I am long overdue for a cut but I am thinking of going a few inches shorter. It really needs something. I haven't had it cut since November!!


By the way, I looked at my purchases from Eddie Bauer at home. I kind of just left them in the bag last night. The skirt is a light sand despite the name if oyster. It is not gray at all. It's not really warm but it isn't cool either. Same with the knit cardigan. Honestly they look nothing like the pictures online but I will take my own photos. Love the skort!!!




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Your hair is just so pretty, Anita!!! Now I can see it as a big picture. Do you have eye shadow on too? You look so pretty.


I have to figure out eye shadow...once again, I will probably have my daughter play and give me ideas. I have dark circles under my eyes and I need to find something for them. Whenever I wear eye shadow, my eyes tend to look heavy. I did find a golden brown color that was a mid tone that wasn't bad. I'm open to suggestions. My eyes are hazel, they definitely lean towards green.


Margaret, I forgot to mention to you that I think that purse is going to look really nice with your dresses.

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Thanks for the complements Ladies!


One thing I have learned about getting a new haircut...especially going for shorter hair...it really helps to wear eye make up!


So yesterday, I did take the time to put on an "eye" for my day. I tried something new...Mom brought me some make up that she didn't want when she last visited. I was looking through that and discovered a palette with two different eye looks. The one I wore was actually called "natural" but the colors were much darker than I would have considered "natural" but you know what? I have to learn that my coloring can handle colors darker than I think I can handle. The colors were a kind of olive-army green tone and they were much darker on the palette than on me. I've always thought I was very fair skinned, and I think I still am, but I must have enough undertone to stand up to colors that are more saturated. The shading was really good, I thought...though the coloring in that photo is so bad, it's hard to tell.


Laurie...my eyes are greenish with a blue rim around the edges. When I was wearing these green colors...I felt like the blue actually stood out more. This was the palette that I used:




The bottom eye is the one that illustrates their recommendation for application:




Laurie...have you ever watched the Lisa Eldridge videos? Mom has been watching them and so I have been watching them and they are so very informative and educational. Here is her video that talks about dark circles under eyes:




I am very happy with my hair. I was washing my face last night before bed and it was so amazing to not have to fight my hair to wash my face! Little things...it'll be interesting to wash my hair (what little there is) for the first time!


And I think I'll be having more fun with earrings for sure...they will be really important to help everyone see that I'm a girl!


Last night after I took off my makeup...I told DH that I was feeling very GI Jane in a very positive way...I think I may finally be embracing myself and some things about myself...beginning with this fun new cut.

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OMG! Anita! How do you scream online?1?


You're Beautiful.




Oh, I think you're going to have such FUN with this style. But, I also think that you should expect a few changes: your earrings shape, size, and dramatic effect are going to be quite different (it's possible that your earrings are going to be a more important accessory than a necklace and you might not feel completely dressed without them).. and I think that you may find that necklines you didn't like in the past, you will like a lot more... (and maybe vice versa, as well)... and you might even find that column dressing will look a little different to you. The reason that I'm saying that is that I think short hair will elongate your figure more because of the attention that is riveted to the eye area with short hair. Maybe that's just an opinion that I have; it will be interesting to see if you feel that way about your earrings, neckline, etc. when you start playing with your closet.


Anyway, what a great way to start my day, with such a beautiful picture!

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I haven't visited that blog in a long time either...that is a good post. Also...today's post reminds me of the color of the blouse I'm wearing in my avatar photo. So EARTHy!


I have to decide what to do. I had ordered some sale items from Athleta...and for the first time ever...I got the wrong item in the mail...the sticker on the bag isn't what was in the bag...and the item I had ordered isn't available any longer. So meanwhile...I wanted green shorts and I got a wine colored skort. And now I have to decide...is this a happy accident?


I wanted this:




but I got this:




I would not have ordered that skort color because it looks AIRy to me...and I still need to verify that it is actually an EARTH color. It'll be an easy decision if the color isn't right...KWIM? But if it's a good color...


I've been waiting for this shipment to make my final decisions regarding my cruise wardrobe. In other news...I've continued to play with my makeup. Mom and I have been talking and I have a hypothesis regarding my previous issues with makeup. I like a more natural look...and I equated natural colors with lighter colors...but I don't think lighter colors look very natural on me. I think that I actually need those darker colors...not that I expect to be wearing makeup and have people think I'm not...I just want what I'm wearing to not make me look TOO made up...you know...more NATURAL. LOL.

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See, words are kind of funny, in and of themselves. What is NATURAL isn't necessarily NEUTRAL. What really struck me was, on a visit with Anita, I got to see her nails painted in an awesome, very dark, marine blue. This color was so deep, and so intense... and looked completely NATURAL on her nail. I think that there's something to this idea of EARTH ladies being able to wear those deep, saturated color hues in eyeshadow and nail that we FIRE ladies just don't pull off well, at all. When I tried to use that Green Eyes Palette the colors of eyeshadow were just too saturated and muted (maybe?) for me. Not to say that I need shimmer and/or glitter, at all. But I do need a light, bright color that is on the less intense color saturation spectrum for the eyeshadow to appear NATURAL on me.


It's interesting. I think that there's something to the nature of the skin differences between FIRE and EARTH that gets translated into a different makeup choice as well.


Always learning... experimenting is part of that!

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Skorts are everywhere! That one is such a great color, if it's the right color.


I like what Pam said about Natural vs. Neutral. Great insight! I think for myself I'm not ready to look natural. :) I know at some point I'm going to have to lighten my hair a bit, and wear less makeup, but I'm not there yet. Not that I wear a lot of makeup, but it is clear that I'm wearing it. It's fine in the city, but when we're in the country it's a different Margaret! But I never go without my waterproof mascara....


I got this catalog today, NorthStyle, don't know anything about it, but it does have some nice colors and cute without being trendy clothes. Anyone know anything?


like this:




love this dress, though it looks ivory in the catalog and white on the website:




great shoes:




another dress:



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Just some random things here, while I have a few seconds...


Remember the posts I made of Eddie Bauer clothes? I found out why the colors didn't look right online. The Eddie Bauer in the mall is actually an outlet store. When I checked the tags, the color names were different than the website. Both the cardigan and skort are the right items, but the actual color is called putty. I'm going to call them neutrals, in that they don't have that grayish tone that we like to call oyster. They look lightly tea stained, if that makes sense? Either way, I think they both work really nice from a color perspective, and they fit great. They are keepers.


That being said...I really like that skort, Anita. On my screen at least, it looks warm to me. It has a purplish cast, but it feels like a warm purple. I can very much see that working for you, unless the picture or my monitor is off. It's interesting that you were aiming for the olive shorts, because the Eddie Bauer website has the skort I just got in olive, and I was thinking that I like it so much, I would have chosen that color first, as much as I do like the putty color. It can be really hard to find olive!!


I am going to check out that video on makeup. Also, a friend I work with mentioned a product she is using under her eyes that reduce puffiness and dark circles. She said it really works, and it does seem like her eyes are much brighter. I am very basic on makeup, but I would really like to polish that up. Remember the February cruise? I wore that rusty colored lipstick, and I thought it did so much to brighten up my face.


Pam, you make a good point about natural vs. neutral, and how colors are different on earth and fire people. I think my daughter, Stephanie, who is a fire, looks great in golden or beige shimmery colors. Those don't work the best for me, but I am drawn to them. I think that mid tones are ideal, but I get thrown off by my dark circles so I know it is time to address this.


Margaret, I love those items you posted. That website looks like it has a lot of great items. It's funny, and I am so drawn to ivory or tea stained lace, so that last dress really grabbed me. I have to be careful with stuff like that, because a whole dress needs something to break it up because it's not a deeper tone. That doesn't keep me from wanting it!


By the way, I've been thinking about the gold dress. I'm going with the bronze sandals, and have the perfect necklace and bracelet for it. I won a bronzy belt on Ebay super cheap, so I'll see how it all comes together when the belt comes in. The shoes and jewelry really made a difference so hopefully the belt will bring the outfit over to the "great" side!!


My daughter is going to come home this weekend, as the weather is looking good. I'm so excited to see her, she has had a super rough week with being sick and everything. However, I'm getting sick...again! I just had a cold last week, and I'm starting all over again. This is driving me nuts!

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The skort is going back. It seems like a warm tone...and it might be, but it doesn't go well with anything I own...except yellow. It looks pretty good with yellow...but it is awful with orange, coral, green, teal... I held it up to one of DH's blue work shirts and it seemed to go with that. So it could be Air, or I just don't have enough that coordinates to make it a good purchase.


For their part...since Athleta made a mistake, they sent me a 20% off code, good for 6 months at any of those sister stores and even in combination with any other promotions.


So there we have it. I'm bummed.


Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk 2

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Anita, I wasn't familiar with Athleta until the first time you made a post about them. Do they have any physical stores you could check? I hate it when you pick something out that you love, and then can't get it. Zappos has this thing where if they don't have the shoes you are looking at in stock, you can have them email you automatically as soon as they are re-stocked. Don't you wish everyone had that option?


I'm wondering if Eddie Bauer has anything like that. Although my daughters work there, I don't buy much there but the few things I got the other day were great. I remember seeing some walking shorts, but they weren't a good length for me. If the fit is good, something like that can be hemmed really easily but I didn't think of that. I was excited to have found the skort and cardigan at that point.


I think I may take a look around at that website you posted, Margaret. Just window shopping...I like to note websites that have good items, because I can go back to them at another time. If I like what I see, I can just add it to my favorites.


Too bad you don't have an ivory or beige toned shirt to wear with that skort. I find that I don't like the look of purples, reds, and oranges together, even in the proper season. I just struggle with that. That could be the case with that color.

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I received their catalog this week too and would also like to hear from someone with actual experience with NorthStyle. I realize more people take time to report negatives, but I could find nothing positive about this company when I searched. I hope this is not a correct assumption on my part. I saw several catalog items that looked promising.

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I just found this thread.


I have dark brown eyes, hair /w blond highlights, and my skin (thanks to my Cuban ancestors) looks like I have a perpetual tan. Would that make me an Earth person? I would say I have the same coloring as Jessica Alba. I don't look like her of course!

Edited by mousey
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I just found this thread.


I have dark brown eyes, hair /w blond highlights, and my skin (thanks to my Cuban ancestors) looks like I have a perpetual tan. Would that make me an Earth person? I would say I have the same coloring as Jessica Alba. I don't look like her of course!


mousey...generally brown eyes means that you AREN'T air...as to whether or not you are EARTH, FIRE, or ICE...that will depend on the reality of your coloring. This site is a very helpful resource for figuring out what colors are your best.




Everyone that posts here has worked with Curt...he is the definitive guru regarding colors and was, in fact, the one that dubbed the terminology that we tend to use here...Color Me Beautiful first popularized the idea of seasons...Curt has refined and redefined the idea into elements. If you search through his blog, you can find some helpful information. You can also contact him if you so desire. :)

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I hit Goodwill today.


I was in desperate need of a new hoodie. My yellow one that I took on the last cruise...well...it's just a bit tighter on me now than it was then...it's not as comfy as it was...and I'm not crazy about the idea of having my picture taken in it...and so I decided that I needed a different hoodie, or hoodie alternative. I hit the jackpot at my Goodwill. I found this Chico's Zenergy hoodie:




The color is a great kind of Sedona Red...a reddish rusty color instead of an orange rusty color. And amazingly enough, I also found the matching pants! Anyone who has shopped at a Goodwill can share in my enthusiasm for how incredible that is. I anticipate this being my throw on outfit to go get coffee in the morning! Yay!


And I also found this dress:




Which is really lovely. Like I said...I'd like a different dress for each evening and I've been debating a couple...some are easier than others to wear a bra with...this one is easy, and I love the fabric...so pretty much a no brainer. Seeing this item listed for $34.00...and the Chico's items...I had seen some sold listings on eBay for the photo...I wonder if I could start a little business like these people are?

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Isn't Goodwill fun when you score??? I have never been lucky to find any FIRE colored really nice dresses though. I always look anyway.


Oh, you are so brave to sport such a new short 'do. You said you felt so free in it, I would feel naked I think. My hair has always been kind of a security blanket for me. I like it on you and you have the confidence to wear it. Looks pretty chic on you too :D are short styles hard to keep up in the fact that they need to be cut often to keep the style? Is it hard to let it grow out if you decide to do that? It will be fun to see what you do with it.

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I've never had very good luck with Good Will stores, but I have thought about wandering in here and there. I think it would be a good idea, seeing the finds that people post on these threads. Anita, I think you mentioned before that the location can mean a lot, depending on the neighborhood the clothing and items are donated from.


I'm pretty excited about my cruise. My daughter is home for the weekend from Albany, and she tried on her dress now that it has been hemmed. I should have grabbed a picture, but we were on our way out the door at the time to pick something up. Things like that get me very excited.


I won a bronze belt on Ebay. Wish me luck that it works with the gold/ivory dress! It will be in next week.

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My evening clutch from eBay arrived yesterday. I love it! The brown beads are faceted so they are a bit sparkly, very fun. I just need earrings to go with the short dress and then I'll be done with shopping.


I, too, don't have much luck at Goodwill. Here even the second-hand stores are stratified, so if you want the good stuff you have to go to the upscale charity stores, and there the things are very pricy.


Shopping this week was for underwear for me and shorts for DH. Not much fun, but feels good to check it off the list.


I have all my swimsuits, but Lands End finally has some pretty EARTH colors:












These colorways come in more options than I've shown, these are just the ones I could find photos of.

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Kim...one reason that I have avoided short styles for so long is the potential upkeep. My hair usually grows quickly...and every time in the past that I have tried to just go shorter...I haven't maintained it. Usually...I go for a new shorter style and then I almost immediately start growing it out...but I think I'm going to maintain this one through the summer at least. It is too easy...I love it too much because it is so easy. Normally, I don't spend this money on myself...but I think I will now.


As to growing it out...I don't know about hair this short. What I do know is that my hair stylist is really good. I've known her now for over a year...and I know she will help me out. Other hairstyles I've had haven't been awkward for growing out...the future will tell. Like I said...my hair grows rather quickly and so I have been thinking lately that I should take advantage and experiment...also...DH is very supportive. He loves me...no matter what...and he isn't attached to any one hair style on me...and that helps me to feel better about experimenting with my hair.


Margaret...your time is even shorter than ours! I keep watch on that Texas thread. Let me know if you have any last minute questions. My FIL/MIL are back in that area actually...so if you have any specifics...I could also ask them.


Laurie...when are you cruising again? I'll have to look that up. I hope that belt works out for you. My internet purchases have been mixed...some successes and some misses. I'm still debating the bright orange scarf...


Those are really nice swimsuits Margaret. I'm good for now though too...


I feel like I have great success at Goodwill...I'm seriously considering the idea of establishing my own Etsy type store. Their fees are very reasonable...it might be a fun hobby for me. IDK. I read an article talking about having a focus for your store...particular sizes, styles, etc...so I'm thinking about that idea. I had so many choices at the Goodwill store...there was one dress that I really liked...it was a sundress...with lovely earth colored flowers all over it...and the bodice area was full coverage...just amazing...and then I noticed the big orange flower RIGHT THERE...like a fig leaf...RIGHT THERE...and all the other flowers were lighter colored so that the orange one stood out...RIGHT THERE...like a fig leaf...and I couldn't do it. Mom had this experience once...


There was also this awesome color block dress...but it was a size too small and I decided that it wasn't worth it to buy something that I couldn't wear right away...even if it was awesome...


I had so many dresses I was trying on...


Seriously. I can't believe my luck...I found this dress:




But the orange is too bright, I think. I really do find cute things...Hmmmmm.

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