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All things EARTH...

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Anita, our nails must be alike, as my pedicure lasts great but manicure does not. Gel manicures are great, but so rough on the nails. Before my fall mini cruise, I had a gel manicure and it took a long time for my nails to grow back in healthy. AT this time of the year though, they are so awful. They are mostly short because they keep breaking.


When I went on my cruise last February, I ended up with acrylic nails. They looked nice, but I hate them! I had really babied my nails and took such good care of them, and then I broke two down to nothing the day I was to get my manicure done.


A friend of mine gets silk nails. She swears by them and they look much more natural than acrylic, but I noticed her polish chips pretty quickly. If my nails grow nice, I will probably opt for a gel manicure again. It wears like iron, and the shine is great, even after a week and a half or more. By two weeks, you can see the new growth enough where I want to take the polish off.


I really love the planning process. I think one of the reasons I love to plan my outfits is that is helps pass the time. It builds excitement, too. Mostly though, I love getting dressed each day whether it be for a port excursion or dinner, and feeling like I'm wearing just what I wanted to.


For that reason, I may get my stuff out from under the bed again. I feel pretty sure about the bottoms I am bringing. This is most all the bottoms:




The picture isn't the best. The skort on the far left is warmer and a bit darker than it looks here. The shorts next to it area a great, earthy, caramel color. Then there are my trusty brown shorts that I raised the hem on last year. The next shorts are warmer than they appear here, but barely. Then there is another skort I really like. Oops, I bypassed my coral skirt. Boy, I love that skirt. It's been on every cruise since I purchased it. I'm really missing my green skirt though, so I will probably get that out.

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mousey...I can picture the look that mean with the belted shirt over the skirt. I can see that being a nice look. I like the way the one shirt of my has the elastic smocking on the hem so that I can place in at a good point on my hips and hide my less then flat tummy...same idea.


I haven't used a nail pen, but I have enjoyed looking at decorated nails...some of them very fancy. I have attempted to do some with the polish I have in the past, but using a pen would probably be so much easier. I think nail art is a really fun way to have personalize a look.


Your outfit sounds like a lot of fun. Very well coordinated.


Just for conversation...and I don't want you to read any negative tone in these questions...I just wonder how long have you known about your best colors? That is, that EARTH colors are your best colors? And I wonder, do you plan to eventually have your wardrobe be EARTH colors only? I know that it can take a while to make that change...even if we desire that change. But some don't necessarily care if they always dress in their colors or not. They just enjoy the knowing for the times that they really care. I ask because your outfit is black...and that just set me to wondering because I don't wear black anymore.


For me, I've been working on this since March 2010. So 4 years now. I pretty much wear EARTH all the time...except for exercise clothing. And I do enjoy that outlet for wearing non-EARTH colors. My circumstances have been conducive to having an entire wardrobe change though with all the weight loss that I had and the move to a different climate. And also the fact that I don't have to have a work wardrobe, etc.


I have one more week until we leave! DH and I were talking last night about our cruise and plans for the cruise. I believe exercise is going to figure more prominently in this cruise and so I need to pack accordingly...I'm going to have to really take a look at the likelihood of how I'm going to be spending my days to plan. Should be a fun weekend! I'm hoping to get it all figured out this weekend.




I just found out about it here on this thread a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if I would only wear Earth colors right now because I don't know a whole lot about all this right now. I'll have to download a color chart and study it. If black, white, and gray are not the proper colors for me, I don't know then that I would always wear just Earth colors because I love these three neutrals and love wearing them. Red is also my favorite color so if that isn't one of my Earth colors...I don't know if I would give that color up either. I'd have to get into it seriously and think about it more before I made a final decision. I'm definitely interested in learning more about Earth colors. I do love wearing beige, coppers, tans, and coral is a great color for me. These are Earth colors right?


I hope your weekend is productive and that you get your packing plan all sorted out. Isn't it fun to plan for vacation? I hope you and your DH have an awesome trip!:D




I love your various colored shorts and your choice of tops. I wish I could wear shorts and tank tops...but alas those days are over for me. I'm just not comfortable with the way my arms and legs look at this point in my life. It's funny though because I have no qualms about wearing a swimsuit and I'm comfortable in them. Go figure! LOL!:p

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I just found out about it here on this thread a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if I would only wear Earth colors right now because I don't know a whole lot about all this right now. I'll have to download a color chart and study it. If black, white, and gray are not the proper colors for me, I don't know then that I would always wear just Earth colors because I love these three neutrals and love wearing them. Red is also my favorite color so if that isn't one of my Earth colors...I don't know if I would give that color up either. I'd have to get into it seriously and think about it more before I made a final decision. I'm definitely interested in learning more about Earth colors. I do love wearing beige, coppers, tans, and coral is a great color for me. These are Earth colors right?


I hope your weekend is productive and that you get your packing plan all sorted out. Isn't it fun to plan for vacation? I hope you and your DH have an awesome trip!:D


I thought it was relatively new for you...but I wasn't sure about whether or not you had any previous exposure to the idea...like the Color Me Beautiful book from back in the day...


An EARTH color is ANY color that is warm (v. cool) and is muted (v. clear). The most obvious EARTH colors are like the ones you mentioned...beige, coppers, tans, and coral. However...sometimes, that beige and tan can have a more pink or gray undertone, instead of a more brown/yellow/orange undertone...and when it has that pink/gray undertone, it isn't as EARTHy...and could actually be AIR. Black and white is generally an ICE color. Some whites can be AIR or FIRE...and few are EARTH. EARTH black is dark chocolate brown. EARTH white is winter white or cream. Some grays can be EARTHy...but most gray is AIR. As for RED...red totally works...it just has to be a warm, muted red. That more muted tomato red kind of tone...not the bluish cherry red kind of tone...


The motivation for everyone to dress or not dress in their best colors is different. Many of us went through a rather extensive process with lots of pictures in order to figure out what our best colors were. So we got to see very clearly the effect of say, black and white v. chocolate brown and cream. Some things aren't quite as noticeable to the naked eye...you just kind of get used to the way you look in certain colors, KWIM? When you see the photos though...OMG...I think some of us have had the reaction that is along the lines of NEVER AGAIN do we want to look like THAT! LOL!! Especially when we see the contrast of how healthy and alive we look when we are in our best colors.


Some people find the idea of having best colors to be restrictive. It's all a viewpoint and can depend greatly on how attached people are to different colors and especially different clothing items that they already own. I think that those of us who have really embraced the idea have discovered more freedom than limits in the idea...it has made life easier on so many different levels and in so many different ways.


Hopefully you know my voice on this board well enough to know that I am just having conversation with you and not trying to convince you of any type of thinking or in how to live your life. LOL.


I know that we are going to have a great vacation. We have a great group going...DH, DS13, my Mom (Member123), my Dad, and myself. So looking forward to it!

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Laurie...you have a great selection of shorts/skirts! I think you're missing your green skirt partly because all your bottoms (except for the coral, of course) are non-color colors...those neutral go with everything kind of colors that are so handy to have...BUT...can feel a little boring. Or is that just me? I'm liking this idea of color block dressing...Mom has had a lot of fun with it...you just kind of decide that two colors go together...and go with it.

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Mousey, I would state first that you may wish to be absolutely certain that you are an earth. From what you've stated previously, it sounds like you may very well be.


Once you are certain, you can either order color cards from Curt, or use his site. I like the cards. Once you get the hang of it, you probably won't need them all the time but they are convenient to throw in your purse.


Sometimes, when I look at a color, I can't always tell if it really is an earth color. I start by asking myself if it is a warm color, and I use a thought process rather than rely on the standards taught with the color wheel in school. The reason is that there can be warm and cool shades of the same color. Think lemon yellow. That is actually cool. Then think of butter. (sorry, this isn't the best example, from a saturation standpoint) Anita's comment about reds is great. I look at anything red and ask myself if it has orange undertones to it or purple/blue. It can often be obvious when you think from that standpoint. Sometimes, it's hard to tell. You will see different levels of coolness and warmth. There are borderline colors.


I don't always get them right, but I try. I have a pair of black pants I wear from time to time, but I wear them with warm colors and have no plans to replace them. We earth ladies have our own neutrals, and I've learned to love them. Sometimes I choose prints that have some black or another cool tone, but I go with majority rules. If there is 3,4 or 5 colors and only one cool tone, that as long as it is a small amount, and the feel is predominately warm, then I'm okay with it. Think of my animal print bathing suit.


I'm not huge on tank tops, but my reasoning is a bit different. One side of my body is different than the other. it is very noticeable with a standard tank top. I'm actually wearing my shorts a little bit shorter than I used to, based on advice from Curt. The brown shorts, caramel shorts and coral skirt have all been shortened a little.


Anita, I will probably swap out the something for that beloved green skirt. I haven't taken pictures yet, but I picked up some scarves that have fantastic colors. I'm very excited about them, and how earthy they are. One is a mix of warm, dark brown, a mid tone brown and a very deep ivory. It is a bit of a watercolor type look to me. One has a bit of a chevron stripe to it, and I normally don't like those but the colors are great. The other is a bit brighter than the other two, but still nice and muted.


You are going to have so much fun on your cruise, Anita. Your son sounds like he is at a fun age to have on a cruise. I love that there is extended family. I wish my parents were alive still. I think my dad, in particular, would have enjoyed going on a cruise with us.


Mousey, I think I mentioned it before, but on my cruise it will be me, my husband and my wonderful daughters, ages 25 and 21. I've even gotten up the nerve to go ziplining. :eek:

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Anita and Laurie,


Thank you both so much for your "color" advice. This is very new to me and it's something I want to explore further. How do I get in touch with this "Curt" person (I'm not on Facebook). I'd like to get some of the color cards you've mentioned. Does he have a website I could go to? I love how helpful you both are and how generous you are with your advice. I truly appreciate it.:D


I'm so excited for both of you! I hope you both have a fabulous time with your families on your upcoming vacations. I love cruising with my DH and DS. We've created some amazing memories together.




Here's a funny story for you re ziplining.


My DH and DS wanted to go ziplining, but I was not into the idea. Then I met a woman on the first day of our cruise and her DS and mine took a shine to each other. While they went off to do their thing, this woman (who was about my size) said she had gone on a zipline with her DS and had a wonderful time. So I tell my DH and DS, okay I'll give this a try (figuring if this lady did it so could I). So off we go the next day to zipline. What can I say, it was strenuous to say the least. Anyway, I made it through to the end(this was in Belize and it wasn't like the more modern ones you go on now days...it was extremely rustic, old, and rickety!:eek:)). When I got back onto the ship I went looking for my new friend. I told about how exhausted I was but that I had had a great time and was proud of myself for getting through to the end of the zipline.


Get this! So she says, "You actually did the zipline...like you went on it?" "Yes" I said. So she says, "Are you crazy...I didn't mean to say that I went on it...my DS did and I went just to take pictures!" When my DH heard that he laughed so hard and then the DS tells me that he and the DH were a nervous wreck on the zipline because they never thought I'd make it!:eek: As a matter of fact...the lady that sold us the tickets at the zipline told them (out of my earshot)..."She'll never do it; she'll never finish." LOL! When we got back from the cruise it was Mother's Day and the DS got me a trophy that says, "I Survived The Zipline" and it has the date and place were we ziplined.:D


Lauire, I hope you have fun on the zipline, please let us know how it went when you get back.:D It really is fun!

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Such bad news to wake up to this morning.




Hate to be the bearer of such distressing information. I think that Margaret is sailing on Princess, but I don't know if I ever got the information on which ship. Does anyone know? I so hope that she is being taken care of and is having some enjoyment. It's just so unfortunate on so many levels. I am simply informing all you ladies so that we can do whatever we do best to send Margaret and the Bay of Galveston appropriate heartfelt thoughts.

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According to what I have been able to find...Margaret should be on board the ship, but they are stuck in Houston. If they are able to get out of port, their itinerary will definitely be affected...and it's questionable as to whether or not they will be able to get out of port.

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Gosh, that is awful! I hope they are able to make it out tomorrow. An altered itinerary is better than no itinerary.


Last year, we were almost not able to get to Florida to sail on Freedom because of a snow storm here in CNY. I remember how incredibly awful I felt. I am even embarrassed to say that I almost cried. We put a lot of effort, time and money into planning things. It was quite a blow to me, and it could be quite a blow to Margaret as well. My fingers are crossed for her!!!

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I've heard from Margaret. They won't be able to leave port today so they are definitely not going to get to Roatan. Today was supposed to be a Sea Day so she said she did Zumba earlier today, it's formal night and there are 2 shows tonight. So it sounds like she is able to enjoy the ship, but she is disappointed about Roatan. She also said that it is 62 degrees and windy...and she wishes she had a cozy sweater!

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I'm glad you heard from her. It sounds like she is making the best of it. Twice I've had these nice long posts only to hit a wrong button and delete it before I even get it posted. I wish I knew what button I was hitting, lol. I always do this with my laptop.


I plan to take a few pictures later. I want to show you my new scarves, but also show you what happens when there is an item you aren't using, but you don't get rid of it...it's surprising how you can suddenly be glad you kept it! ;)


I think the scarves are perfect. Two are 100% absolute earth scarves. One I think could be worn by my daughter, as well as me. My older daughter is a fire. It's muted, but still has some brightness to it.


I am returning the neon orange V-neck knit shirt to JC Penney. I thought for sure my order from them would have been here by now, but I'm still waiting. They had some clearance tops that I thought I'd give a try. These aren't just for a cruise, but for warmer weather in general. Once spring really gets here, they are nice to wear with a lightweight sweater or cardigan and a scarf. As it warms up, can wear them without any extra layers. They were iffy, but there was free shipping and they are very easy to return right up at the mega mall we have here.


My daughter also sent me a text from work and said that the Eddie Bauer Outlet had 40% off and there are a few tops that may work. She wants to pick them up and let me see what I think. I'm thinking I can look at them, and if my JCP order comes in tomorrow, I can decide based on the group. JCP had a few olive colored shirts, which I have been trying to find.

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What have I missed. What's up with Margaret...I'm out here in CA and haven't heard anything. Why are they stuck in Houston? Is it about weather? Dang, I feel very badly for her and all the other passengers. Hopefully she'll have a good time anyway...I'll pray for that.


Wow, well I kinda of feel guilty about talking about my purchases today knowing that Margaret is stuck in Houston but I think she'd want us to press on.


First off, I've got to get some of those color cards that someone mentioned to me that Curt has. Because I don't know if Navy is an Earth color or not. I went to Old Navy following up on a tip that someone posted about their nautical stuff being on sale...and it's true...they're practically giving the stuff away!


Anyway for at total of $50, I picked up two pairs of the nautical flip flops one is red/white stripes with a little gold anchor on it and the other is navy/white striped with a gold ship's wheel on it. They're so cute! I also picked up a a navy and white striped, lightweight, cotton knit sweatshirt, and the cutest, lightweight, cotton knit poncho. It has two big navy buttons on each side to make it a little more fitted. I also got a cross body, white with navy blue anchors on it... it's so cute. :D If I wear it with just a plain shirt and white capris I think it won't look too silly/childish. Anyway, I'm happy with my shopping spree today.


The DS left to go back to the U of A this morning :(, but he'll be back in about 6-7 weeks for the summer so I'm only mildly sad...hence the shopping spree. Not that I need an excuse for one...LOL!


For those of you that know what's going on with Margaret, please keep us posted and if there is anything I can do to help her out in any way...please let me know.

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mousey...the delay is not weather related. There was a collision between a barge and another vessel in Galveston Bay. An estimated 160,000 gallons of oil has spilled into the bay and the barge is partially sunken. The port of Houston has been closed since yesterday at 12:30 pm when the accident occurred. The type of oil that spilled is particularly bad and it is necessary to get the barge moved and the oil cleaned up. Two cruise ships that were destined to disembark in Galveston (Carnival and RCI) have been waiting outside the bay to be able to dock...I think they have finally been cleared to dock in Galveston...but the Princess is at the Port of Houston and she is still stuck at the dock.

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Thanks for the info about Margaret. Geez, I hope they can get out relatively soon. She was so excited for her cruise. I'll keep my fingers crossed.



On another subject...I went back an looked at the color chart (I have now saved it) that you sent me in one of our old posts and alas Navy is not an Earth color (as you probably know). Here's the thing...can you mix navy, white, and black...several of my favorite colors with other colors so that they won't look bad on you? Say if I wore my white blazer over a multi-colored, Earth-toned print and Earth-colored pant/skirt/dress...would that be okay or is it best to just avoid those colors for the most part? Also, since Navy isn't an Earth color...how does that work with jeans? I know there are tons of colored and print jeans these days but I don't want to give up my basic dark blue jeans. Does wearing Earth-colored tops and jackets, shoes, etc. change it up enough to make it okay to wear them? Also, I noticed that for accessories it says gold and bronze...but I love my silver jewelry and have a very extensive collection...what do I do about that?


Sorry to ask so many questions but I'm really interested in making a change to wearing Earth colors more than not now (even though I just went out and bought Navy/White stuff...duh...I should have looked at the chart before I went shopping.


As I've said...I have the exact same coloring as Jessica Alba and JLo (only my ancestors...great grandparents...are from Cuba) so I know I'm for positively sure an Earth person. I just don't know how to go about mixing it up with colors that aren't Earth...like the black, white, navy, and my silver jewelry (which I love). I'm really enjoying this color style of dressing. I went through my wardrobe and see that lots of my clothing are Earth colors and as I looked over the chart...with the exception of black, white, navy, and silver jewelry...Earth colors are the ones I like most and gravitate to. I just have to find a way to put it all together. For example, I have this blazer that is linen and it has little designs scattered across it that are black, dark brown, and rust, and in the middle of the designs are silver charms that are sewed on and not the kind that dangle. So that shows silver with Earth tones. So would, in fact my silver jewelry still be wearable and be in line with the change I want to make?


Appreciate your help with keeping us posted re Margaret and with any info re Earth Color coordinating that you might want to share.

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mousey...the delay is not weather related. There was a collision between a barge and another vessel in Galveston Bay. An estimated 160,000 gallons of oil has spilled into the bay and the barge is partially sunken. The port of Houston has been closed since yesterday at 12:30 pm when the accident occurred. The type of oil that spilled is particularly bad and it is necessary to get the barge moved and the oil cleaned up. Two cruise ships that were destined to disembark in Galveston (Carnival and RCI) have been waiting outside the bay to be able to dock...I think they have finally been cleared to dock in Galveston...but the Princess is at the Port of Houston and she is still stuck at the dock.


I'm going to have to take a look and see if there is anything about this crash on CNN. I hope no one was hurt in this accident. And what a bummer for the people in this area having to deal with another oil spill. :(

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Mousey, you ask good questions, and they are questions we have all asked at times.


To start with, I would say that if you are wearing a non-earth color, still to maybe pants or a skirt. Keep it away from your face. For that reason, I wouldn't wear silver jewelry unless it is something like your wedding ring. If it is earrings or a necklace, you are immediately putting something cool next to the most visible skin.


I mentioned I still have a pair of black pants that I wear once in a while. The shirt and all other accessories are earth tones.


Anita mentioned it to you too, but some people are more serious about how they stick with their color grouping than others. Few people can just go shopping and buy a whole new wardrobe including shoes, jewelry and accessories. I started by replacing the "worst offenders" one at a time, meaning black and gray. With white items, I was able to tea stain some. I then went on to other things. I still get a bit stuck sometimes. I will think something is an earth color, only to get it home in a different light and find it looks different. This will happen. I'm not afraid to return something that isn't right.


If you are on Curt's site (google Color Intervention - it will mention the seasons when you bring it up of earth, air, fire and ice) I think he also has a chart in the group that shows you that there is a red for each group, plus a green for each, etc.

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So, here are the scarves I've been talking about...




It's not the best picture, but it shows the colors a bit more accurately. With the middle scarf, I'm not excited to see the pink in there, but the rest of the colors are good ones. It's a borderline scarf. It was too muted for my spring daughter, but seemed a bit bright at first for me. What are your thoughts? The brown/ivory combo is my favorite. It's such a rich, warm brown and ivory.


Here is what I was referring to earlier, about not throwing something out or giving it away. I had these sandals I purchased at Marshalls on clearing about 3 years ago. I think I've worn them twice. I decided that I should give them to Good Will or the Rescue Mission. For whatever reason, I took them back out of bag and stuck them back in the closet. Now I am thinking about that matchy-matchy side I have, and how well these work:




Now my daughter brought home two shirts, and my first thought was that they were good earth colors. They looked different in my bedroom than they did downstairs, but as I am always saying, the lighting is different. Anita, I know you will tell me what you think. This looks very much like the blue in our color cards, but I haven't put them side by side yet. Here is an idea for an outfit (or two) that includes my new scarf. It would be great with those sandals too.




Here is a shirt that feels like the periwinkle in our cards. It's a lighter shade than I'm used to, I think it's good...maybe? Anita, your thoughts?? This is a hard one for me.



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Here is another picture of an up close with the shirt and scarf together.




Mousey, remember when Anita was talking about a tomato red? Here is one of my favorite summer shirts. I'm also showing a shirt I picked up about a month ago, that seemed kind of fire like, but that I decided to keep. It's close.




Anita, that green skirt that is tugging at my heartstrings? Here it is with a top that I have had for quite some time. I have not warn in a while. It has actually faded so that it feels muted, and the black looks brown! It got me thinking that I might be able to pull this outfit off.



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Remember this about EARTH colors...they are warm and muted. You can have EARTH blue...regular denim jeans are often EARTH. Think about those darker jeans with the golden stitching...I own a pair from Denizen which is a Levi's brand that Target carries...these are totally EARTH jeans:




I see that Laurie is posting as I'm writing this. I agree with what she said about avoiding wearing non-EARTH colors around your face. I think we've all experimented with this concept...like what can we do to this shirt so that it doesn't look quite as bad...and it seems that this is about as good as it can get with any non-EARTH clothing around the face...it can look not quite as bad...but never really good.


Things like all the silver jewelry you own is rough...because as you begin to wear more and more EARTH colors...you might not like that silver jewelry as much with your outfits. Things like this dilemma are very personal...I have a couple of silver items that DH gave to me...I don't wear them often but I keep them and will occasionally wear them.


I want to look at Laurie's pictures now!

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I love all your new scarves! I know what you mean about the pink, but I like it, and I don't think it detracts from the overall EARTH look to the scarf.


I think the blue is good. I think it's muted and I think it's leaning toward warm. I really like it a lot with the caramel colored shorts...which really leads me to believe that it's warm. I'm on the fence with that periwinkle color though...I think it's muted for sure...but I wonder if it's AIR. It's really hard for me to see when it is pictured alone like that. I would take a picture of it in a group with that red and orange shirt and see if it blends in with those colors or fights them.


I really like the shirt with the green skirt. A LOT!!


And that's a major score on the shoes...so perfect. I can see an outfit with that scarf and that orange shirt and any of your bottoms really...

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This a very lousy picture, sorry. My shirts are upstairs and I am not, but since I had my cards handy, I took a picture. It seems the purple matches pretty good. I'm struggling with how it ties in with the other earth colors though. I am on the fence a bit. I think I'll take a picture tomorrow with a variety of other colors

and try to figure it out.



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Sorry I will repost tomorrow I have the CC app on my phone and it allows me to post a picture but then it asks for my twitter account. I chose to skip that. I think that might be the problem.



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I too love your green outfit. My favorite scarf is the one pictured with the sandals, which are very pretty. That's the kind of sandal I wear for casual nights in the MDR when we cruise. I love that red top and it's a color I love so thanks for sharing that that's a good shade for Earth.


Where did you get your color cards? I'm going to Google the site you mentioned...do they sell them there?


I've downloaded the chart Anita gave me many posts back and I've been looking at it for an hour now comparing it to some of my new things and I'm glad to say that I guess, with a few exceptions, that I instinctively gravitate towards those colors. For example, I'm wearing a cotton sweater that I bought before I knew about the color chart for Earth people. I bought it in two colors, I'm wearing the turquoise one now and the other one is a coral color. While I was looking at the chart I saw that those are both Earth colors. Yea!:D


I'm new at this and really appreciate all the help you and Anita are giving me. It's going to take a bit getting used to not wearing black and white as it's my favorite color combination of all time...navy and white also, especially with a pop of red. So this is something I will have to ease into.


I think the hardest thing for me is going to be my silver jewelry. I've collected so much of it and almost all of it is sterling...so not cheap to replace. One of my favorite pieces is a silver dragonfly (I love that motif) pin. I wear it often on jackets and sweaters and I'm always stopped and asked about it. It's the same with my silver butterfly rings. I don't think I could say goodbye to those two things.:o


Has anyone heard anymore from Margaret?

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mousey...here's the link, but unfortunately, Curt appears to not be selling the cards by themselves.




Curt's label are unique in identifying the color palettes...I can't say for certain who first identified colors in such a way...but I believe that the book Color Me Beautiful was the first one that popularized the idea. That book used seasonal names. Earth is comparable to Autumn in that identification system. If you google "autumn color swatches" then the image page is this:




I don't know if it would be helpful for you to just look through these. I would be wary of anything that starts to cross over...that is autumn/winter palettes, etc. Some other color people have further broken down the color palettes into palettes like "soft autumn" or "deep autumn" etc. I haven't researched all these other systems because I enjoy the simplicity of Curt's system. That is...we can wear just about every color out there...so long as we find a version of that color that is warm and muted. Curt never wanted us to be limited by the color cards...he wanted us to just have a control for being able to shop and see if colors we were looking at in the stores would "blend" with the colors on the cards.


I wouldn't change wearing things like pins. I wouldn't concern myself with that...I think you will find though that necklaces and earrings will be harder...however...I often think that EARTHy stones and jewels are set in non-EARTH metals. For example, turquoise as a stone is often a great EARTH stone...but it is traditionally set in silver...so annoying. One thing that is helpful is to take pictures of yourself so that you can see the effect...you may find that it isn't that big of deal to wear certain pieces when your clothing is definitely EARTH.


I think many of us EARTH ladies did find that the majority of the clothing that we have loved over the years was EARTH. It was almost like an ah-ha moment to uncover WHY we loved something so much and felt so good in it.


I haven't heard from Margaret again. I haven't txted her back. I have her cell number from when we met in December when she drove through Atlanta on her way to taking her parents to Florida. I'll probably text her tomorrow morning to see if I can get an update from her. I've been keeping tabs on the news stories and a few threads here where some passengers onboard are reporting and updating for the boards. I'm seriously wondering if they are going to be able to set sail. They don't want ships to go through the oil slick and then contaminate the sea waters because the ships have oil stuck to them. I have seen articles talking about the clean up taking days, if not weeks. Ugh.

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