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Laurie, I agree, your picture is just beautiful. You all look so elegant and at the same time everyone looks so relaxed and happy. I especially like the color choice on your girls with those exquisite flowers. Your dress has a bit of Jane Austen to it that I really like. The photo has a balance that reflects the harmonious part of your SS.


Your newer choice has some of the elements that I like about your formals, with the draping along the torso and the smooth draped skirt. So pretty. That necklace you found is so stunning, and very you.


Anita, how is poor Toby kitty doing? Have you given further thought to your tunic idea? You know about my love/hate relationship with my Saturday Zumba teacher... well after class I told her I used to teach ballroom and asked if she'd like me to choreo a salsa or cha cha for her since she didn't do much latin in her class. She said yes, so now I have a fun project to work on!


Sally, I love your choice too. Column dresses are so classic, and the flutter in front must walk really pretty.

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I love seeing everyone's dresses! I wish I had the vocabulary to talk about them all...but admittedly, I don't. Margaret...great observation on the movement of Sally's dress. I bet that does have a lovely flutter movement when you walk. Laurie...I think it's wonderful that you picked such a great color for both your daughters...because you didn't know their colors at that time, did you?


So here's the deal with the necklace that you love...You know what that looks like to me? And I don't mean this in a negative way...but this is just a big collection of individual earrings, brooches, fancy buttons, and other similar notions all tied together in a very artful collage. I don't think it would be that hard to make. It would all depend on how you did it, of course, but I could imagine that you just have a soft form of some sort...like the foam that you use for flower arranging...except that it would be more like a velvet covered pin cushion...or some other soft fabric that would feel good against the skin. Then you just sew the button or attach the earring or the brooch to that pin cushion like form until the whole thin is all covered up in the most pleasing arrangement. Get that chain that they sell by the yard in whatever is most pleasing to you. Piece of cake.


It somewhat reminds me of this seashell collage that I made for Mom. Seriously. You should start collecting the things that you think would go great together...bring them to the Meet next year and we can whip that out. At least the pendant part...you could add the chain later. And I'm totally serious.


I remember going shopping with my Great Grandma Mary. She would finger the dresses, etc., in the girls department and almost ALWAYS say...she could whip that up in a jiffy. She was a great sewer. She sewed many of her own clothes. There was a time when that was cheaper to do than ready made. Not anymore. Not really. Except that you can get exactly what you want.


Anyway...I have this mindset. We can whip it up in a jiffy. And maybe it isn't a jiffy...but it's part of my style statement to approach anything and everything in this way. And generally, when I do, I can.


Somethings aren't worth it. I went shopping at the Goodwill today. I went looking specifically for DS. He needs some normal shorts and some dress shorts, because you can wear dress shorts in the MDR on Carnival. Anyway...I got him a part of black 100% silk Tommy Bahama dress shorts for $2.12 because they were the 50% off color of the day. I said to DH, I couldn't buy the zipper and the button for $2.12 let alone the SILK fabric. It's a raw silk fabric...lovely drape...feels great and looks great.


Point being...there are times when it just makes good sense to buy ready made clothing, jewelry, etc. But things like that necklace. Laurie, do you have any thrift shops around you? Or antique places? You could start a collection of things to make your own necklace...


I must admit that I like that idea...but not for a necklace for me. I think I'd like a hair piece. For when I have hair again. LOL! Or something to add to a band, which would work now... Hmmm. The necklace would be too much for me...but we all know how I have issues with the heavy necklaces. And jewelry in general.


Toby is not well. We have decided to stop the force feeding. I continue to give him subcutaneous fluids. I have the bag and needles from the vet. We came to the very hard decision that we were going to have happy days with Toby rather than his will v. our will kind of days that made everyone unhappy. If he eats on his own...well...but so far...not happening. I think we will be saying a final goodbye to Toby sometime this week. I'll let everyone know...I cry as I type this. He's been my furry big boy for 14 years...and I just love him so much. I can't believe this all. But...




School starts tomorrow. And I'm excited to finally finish unpacking and settling into the house. I have purposefully NOT done many, many things waiting for tomorrow. Waiting so that I could be alone and be able to concentrate on the job at hand without trying to redeem the summer for my 13 year old. It's hard to have moved 3 out of 5 summers...it feels like summer is somewhat stolen from you...


But we have the cruise on the horizon. And this is good...

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Hi everyone,


Sorry I'm missing out on so much. I'll go back and read every post when I'm able to sit for a longer period of time.


I hurt my back...stupid accident not even worth talking about. Let's just say that I'm a Super Klutz and leave it at that for now.


I've been sitting in my recliner in our bedroom for about 4 days now. It's great that I have this recliner as I can also sleep comfortably in it. So for now, I'm just chill'n 24/7. I'll be fine (I've been through this before too many times to count...I did say I was Ms. Super Klutz!


I'll get back with everyone soon.


Sorry Margaret about your mom and Anita about your cat. I will say a small prayer for both of them. Gotta go as my back is starting to hurt again.


I miss you guys!

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Oh, Mousey! You've got to get yourself set up with a laptop at your recliner where you can stay up to date and join in. Heck, the EARTH ladies here are good for a laugh or two to take your mind off of that aching back.


Hope you are up and feeling better soon! --Debbie

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Mousey, I hope your back feels better! I put my back out when I moved my daughter into her apartment in Albany in January. I was lucky that it was only a few days. It's no fun, that's for sure!


Margaret, I'm sorry that you've had these recent developments with your parents. It's a lot of stress to be dealing with. I hope they settle into their apartment well and that their house is taken care of soon for you.


Sailor Sally, I really like that dress. I love the styling of it. It seems really graceful.


Cruzisme, thank you. That is one of my favorite pictures. I loved how it felt so natural. It's funny that I picked a two tone dress. The dress itself was ivory, and then the overskirt part was a champagne color. I really, really wanted brown for the girls because when they were trying on dresses, it just looked right on them. Anita, you are correct, this is before I knew about our colors. We went dress shopping with a very open mind, so I think it helped a bit because I went by what looked good, not a pre-chosen color.


I know that it's possible to make the necklace. I find that when I look around for what I want to use, it can be pricey. I might have some luck at estate or garage sales. I think it is important to make sure I have a plan for the back because my skin is sensitive, and I also want to make sure it will last.


I used to sew for myself and my girls a lot. I stopped for a number of reason. As you stated, Anita, it isn't as cost effective anymore. Another reason is that with today's fabrics and styles, a serger is a better choice than a conventional machine. I think I would need a lot of time and practice, which I don't have that much of lately. Also, there isn't much in the way of fabric stores around here. There is one but it's not convenient, and the fabric focus is crafts. The last time I was there was so disappointing!

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Thank you Ladies...I definitely don't mean to be a downer. Life just happens...this is what is happening in mine. We said our final goodbye to our sweet Toby this evening. I'm at peace. Toby is at peace. And every now and then...I fall to pieces...then I run dry on the tears and I go on.


I so appreciate the empathy here. I met my Brit lady friends for coffee yesterday...I could cry...they gave me a big hug...and they too just shared in the grief that eventually happens with our furry family members. I love it when people just share in the emotion and let you feel it and don't try to "make it better" but just...IDK...be there for you.


I feel that here, too, so again, I say Thank You.


And I also say...please let's continue our conversation so that I have as much distraction as possible...


mousey...so sorry about your back. DH deals with back issues...Debbie does too, so she knows what she's talking about when she says get a laptop for your recliner! I hope that you recover quickly...back issues are no small thing.


Laurie...it will take some thought. Some research. And I totally agree with needing a good plan for the back. It needs to be comfortable and not itchy or pokey. I haven't looked into this idea at all, but I think it could be a fun one to research...


A lot of today's fabrics need a serger. Mom bought me a serger for a Christmas present 13 years ago. It's a great machine. Up to 5 threads. And I can actually thread the machine. It's a Husqvarna. I love it. I know that I haven't really learned it fully potential yet...but I feel a high percentage of confidence in saying that I might not move any time soon...and so I should have some opportunity to finally do some things that I have been wanting to do for a long time. Bettering my sewing skills is one thing.


I haven't even shared here. Mom has this Joseph Ribkoff outfit that she loves...gets compliments whenever she wears it...and honestly...it's just an amazing, fun, comfortable, FORMAL outfit. It's wonderful except for the fact that it's black. Well...she lost so much weight...I ended up with the outfit because she needed the hem to be shortened, because she was tripping on it. Anyway...I've had in mind for so long to try to recreate this thing in a good FIRE color for so long...and low and behold...I was in Goodwill the other week...and there was a skirt that was made entirely of this specialty crocheted lace like fabric that forms the bodice of the Joseph Ribkoff outfit.


Has anyone else read the one thread that pointed to the one blog where the woman would repurpose and refashion thrift store clothing? Anyway...the skirt was CHOCOLATE BROWN!! This is the big find...the major obstacle for recreating this outfit. It's pretty exciting.


I'm slowly making my way around the house, getting things settled, unpacked and organized. And cleaned. It's hard to clean when things are such a mess...so I'm finally getting to that chore too. Anyway...the sewing studio will begin next week. By then, I should have enough done in other parts of the house that I can feel comfortable working on my sewing projects too.


I think I might have some company with sewing too. Funny how ladies are. One of my Brit friends was inspired by the idea that I was using one of the extra rooms in the house as MY room for doing my projects...and she decided that she could do that too in her house. And so she dragged this table that had been in her basement up two flights to the second floor and has been working on sewing some shades for her screened porch. She loves the ability to leave the mess out of sight and be able to work on it for just a bit when she has time. I can't wait for that for myself...


So, Kim, whenever you get back from Africa, and I hope that is soon, because I am SO looking forward to reading all about that...I'll be ready to tackle that lovely fabric very, very soon.

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Anita, so very sorry to hear about your beloved Toby.


Thanks to all for asking about my back and wishing me well. I'm happy to say that my back is much better today. I'm still in a funk though, thinking of moving my DS back to school a week from this Sat. We had such a nice dinner last night at a local restaurant down at the beach. He's such a comedian and dinner was a blast. My DH teases me that "the kid isn't dying, he's going back to school." But I'm still sad to know that once we move him into his frat house, we won't see him for at least a month and maybe even two:eek:. That just seems like forever to me right now. I do want him to be independent and grow, and make his own life...but I'm a mom and still want him close by. I'll miss his beautiful smile and his big hugs. I'm very happy that he wanted to come home for the summer as some of his friends didn't and stayed on to work in AZ. He's already reassured me that he'll be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas/Winter break. He's such a great kid.


I don't have much to say, hopefully I'll be back to my usual self soon. I think being laid up for almost a whole week has caught up with me. I need to get out and see some of my girlfriends. Thankfully, one of my BFF's is coming into town for a visit and she and I are having lunch on Friday. That should cheer me up. Geez, could I be feeling more sorry for myself.:eek: Thanks for letting me rant.

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Mousey, glad your back is feeling better .It is hard letting our chicks leave the nest . I had a rough time with the empty nest syndrome when my daughter went to college .I worried that something would happen . My son was seven years older than her so she was the baby . She's still my baby even though she is the mother of two boys and very successful in her career .

Anita , Sorry about your kitty

Laurie & Margaret , Thanks for the comments on my dress pick . If I get time next week(which is funny since I am retired but time slips away somehow) I may go try it on to see if it lives up to my dream . If it does it may be coming home with me .

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Check it out Laurie!




I would think that you could add one final step and that would be to add a lining to the underside of the plastic grid to make it nice against your skin. That lining could be like a quilted piece that would be sewn to the grid and would completely cover the grid...if you attached it with a blanket stitch all around the outer edge using a soft embroidery thread...that would be very comfortable, I think.

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Sailor Sally,


The DS is my only child and he was born when I was 48 after ten years of trying (a long, sad story with a miracle ending that I won't bore anyone here with). So, I must confess that I'm probably more upset than I should be given that this is his sophomore year and I should be over the empty nest thing by now. But he's been home all summer and we've had some really great times as we always have and I just dread him going off again. Plus, this year he'll be living in his fraternity house and I'm dreading that! Last year he lived in a brand new dorm for honor students only and he had a lot of privacy (even though he did have a roommate) and which had many amenities in order to do his studying. His grades at the end of his freshman year were awesome and he's on track to get into the highly competitive University of Arizona's Eller College of Management. He's a pre-business student and wants to get a second major in entrepreneurial studies. Okay, enough about my kid. LOL!



I love the site you directed Margaret to. I too make jewelry occasionally and I love the necklace that they showed how to make. I agree with your idea about the backing to make it more comfortable to wear. I have a collection of like a gazillion buttons so this idea appeals to me too. Thanks for sharing.


I just love this thread and enjoy you all so much! You gals have become my daily treat! I'm totally addicted to all your posts! I've learned so much from all of you. :)


Oh, by the way, I shopped at TJ Maxx tonight after dinner while the DH and DS went to the golf club to hit some balls. TJ's have a lot of new fall things...in our Earth colors! Check it out if you get a chance.

Edited by mousey
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Thanks Margaret. Right back atcha...


Meanwhile...I can't believe how helpful it has been to have my style statement for settling into the house. We have had the privilege of buying some new (and new to us) things for the new house. These decisions have been so much easier. WOW.


It feels a bit like when you first go shopping after figuring out your colors...suddenly, you aren't as tempted by many things because the color isn't flattering...and then, later, you feel even more comfortable getting more and more picky...caring more about the fit, the fabric, and how appropriate it is for whatever you want it for... So this is how I feel shopping for the house...


Mom leaves in 2 weeks. We leave in less than 5!! It's all so exciting!


I think that I have figured out what we are doing in Nassau. I've read mixed reviews regarding this port. It's a true love/hate port, it seems. Recently, I've come to understand that DS is very interested in history and culture and learning more about the places that we live...and I will assume that this translates to the ports/countries. So, in Nassau, we are going for the history in a self guided walking tour. I will definitely need clothes/shoes appropriate for a lot of walking in warm weather. And help with the sun... We'll walk A LOT...


The beach day will be very easy... Half Moon Cay sounds fantastic. We are planning on rents kayaks there...so definitely need to think about that...again, because of the sun and the workout factor of kayaking...I don't like to just wear my swim suit alone...


Packing for HMC will also involve many, many extras so that we can maximize our fun at the beach all day...since we are driving to the port...we don't have to be too restrained in our packing. I want to be a bit minimalist in that I don't want to overpack...I don't want to deal with any more than is absolutely necessary...BUT...I want to pack everything I want to have a great vacation.


My hair is making me crazy...it's at such an awkward length...I really need to experiment with it to try to find something that makes me feel better about how it looks. I'm planning on just one more cut before the cruise...about one week out...so I have some time to play with it a bit before the cruise and so that some more length can be incorporated into whatever shaping can happen.


I'm working on repairing my nails again after all the moving...


I'll probably be playing with wardrobe ideas on and off...Mom leaves before I do, but she'll be gone for so long...I think I'll be the next one to report after Kim.

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Hello all! Mousey, it sounds like your back is getting better? I sure hope so. I've had tennis elbow going on for a week now. It's not the first time, but I think it's been a whole year since I last had the problem. I couldn't find that band thingy I wear when it happens so I had to get a new one. You know what the worst part of it is? No laughing now, but....I could only find a black one. OMG! It doesn't match! And it's black!!!


Anita, I know what you are saying about your style statement. In many different areas, I am finding it makes a difference. I think it is natural sometimes to fight who you really are, or to pick a trait and over emphasize it. Once you get through the style statement process, it is like you embrace it and feel comfortable with it. I see it in clothing style choices, furniture, everything. It's good to feel this way.


Is your mom going on a cruise, Anita? I think you have said she mostly sails Celebrity. I have thought about trying Celebrity a few times, but I'm having such a good time with Royal Caribbean that I just keep saying "some day!"


Kim is going to....Africa? I can't seem to remember. Your cruise is about a month away, right?


I have three months, and I am fighting the urge to get all my clothes ready. Honestly, I have had them all hanging out and so forth. Three out of four dinner outfits are set. The fourth is not. I have a lot of maybes chosen for day time, but I will finalize those later. It will be well before my cruise when I finalize those, because I will have all my heavy clothing out by mid October. It will be easier to leave out what I plan to bring and put the rest away. I can always get something out though if I change my mind.


I last got my hair cut in May. Boy, it needs to be cut. I color it myself, for now. My daughter loves to do it for me, which is really great. As a matter of fact, she mentioned earlier she will color it tonight. With my elbow bothering me, I really appreciate it.


I know I can probably make that necklace, and I might give it a try. But, I know it will be hard to find the things I want on it. I happen to have a huge button collection, but hardly nothing in it whatsoever appealed to me in it for a necklace, and I have hundreds. It's a long story, but growing up, all the girls in the family learned to sew. When something was no longer any good, my mom insisted on removing the buttons. If you lost a button on something, you were sure to find a new one in the button box. I guess I am sure I can make something similar, but not sure I can make what I want, if that makes sense. It would be fun to try though. Neutral colored felt glued to the back of the plastic canvas would work.


And, we typically "remodeled" clothing. I recall this pink shirt that was a hand-me-down from my sister, that was out of date. We took the main part of the collar off, so it became a mandarin style. We put seems in the front to make it more fitted, and make it into a 3/4 sleeve with elastic! My mom knew how to stretch a dollar. I recall replacing all the buttons on shirts too, for a different look.


Mousey, I know how it is with college aged kids. I have a 26 year old that is a homebody, and I have trouble imagining her leaving home. She has trouble imagining it too. My younger daughter, however, is much more independent. She recently graduated, and is working as assistant manager at a local Dressbarn until she gets some interviews for her dream job...in the New York City area. That is hard, but I prepare myself for it all the time. I try to remind myself that this is what I raised her for. I love and enjoy spending time with her, but I raised her to be a young adult, and so I know she needs to venture out into the world. I'm proud of both of them.


My daughter was picking up something at the mall today, so I tagged along. I saw some great colors too, Mousey. Eddie Bauer had some tops in this fabulous earthy red, just a bit lighter than a brick red. NY & Company had a lot of warm ivory and beige basics too. We didn't really look a lot overall, since we were just stopping in.


Sailor Sally, I'm not sure if I have asked you this yet, but what line do you sail on? I'm always interested in learning about the cruise experience of others. Anita, I look forward to hearing your comparison of the different lines you've sailed on compared to Carnival when you get back.

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Laura , I have been sailing since 1986 . My first few cruises were on Costa lines . We then traveled with NCL for years after that we tried RCL & Celebrity and finally Carnival . Most of those lines are pretty similar .Our next cruise is in Jan with RCL because it is from Tampa . Roll out of bed and leisurely drive to the port .We usually cruise once a year & take a land vacation also. Our trip next year will probably also be on RCL from Quebec To New Jersey . We have done Alaska , New England , Panama Canal & numerous Caribbean trips . The Caribbean was my favorite when living in New Jersey but now we need to escape the beach & take other trips .

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My husband leans towards land trips, and I lean towards cruises. We are hoping to balance this out over the next few years. We were hoping for something this fall to maybe Toronto or something like that, but when I started adding everything up, a cruise was actually cheaper.


I definitely want to sail to Alaska. We were going to do that next year, but I decided to wait as I found it extremely expensive, especially with excursions.


This November, we are sailing on Enchantment out of Port Canaveral. It's a 4 day cruise, but we are going down to spend an extra day so we can go to Kennedy Space Center.


My 50th birthday cruise is currently scheduled for May of 2015 on Adventure out of San Juan. I have been thinking a lot about a different cruise, and I think it would be a good fit for my husband as well. It's a Pacific coast cruise out of San Diego. It's very different, but I think my husband would love seeing Vancouver, Victoria, BC, San Francisco...and so would I. He is letting me pick but I really think he will enjoy this more. Decisions, decisions....


I haven't really had the urge to try other lines just yet. I've thought about Celebrity and Princess. We will have to see what the future holds for us.


I've been to Bermuda twice, a Bahamas cruise twice (the November cruise is to the Bahamas as well), then an Eastern Caribbean and a Western Caribbean itinerary. I would say my favorites ports of call were Bermuda and Grand Cayman. I don't really like Nassau all that much, but we have gotten some great deals on Bahama cruises, and I love Cococay.

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Kim went to Africa and now is back.


Mom has sailed both Celebrity and Royal...she has a decent loyalty status on one...and this is somewhat reciprocated on the other. If you were to ever think about another cruise line, then I would think more about Celebrity than Princess simply because there is some sort of reciprocity between Royal and Celebrity since they are the same company.


Her latest vacation is sea and land. I probably should let her answer...but anyway...she is sailing the Oasis on a TA to Barcelona. Oasis is going into dry dock and because she is so big, she has to dry dock back where she was born and this is why she is doing the rare TA. Then they stay in Barcelona for a week or so and then Paris for a week or so and then fly from Paris to Atlanta (the cheapest fare from Europe to the US) where she will stay with me for about 5 days?


So she leaves August 28 but isn't back home until October 4.


We sail Sept 13 for a 5 nighter to Bahamas.


We are planning on Alaska in 2017. At least...I really hope we can swing that. It will be a celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary. I've already been looking into the different cruise lines. I don't think I would pick Carnival because I don't care for the itineraries. I know that I will want a balcony at the least for Alaska...and I'm leaning toward a southbound cruise because I want to spend time IN Alaska beforehand.


Time in Alaska beforehand will be much more roughing it. Getting into it. And then hitting the luxury of the ship following that.

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Pam, if you check in here soon -bon voyage!! And also, check your cruise price. Even if you are paid in full, you can often get an upgrade or Onboard credit if the price drops. (I saw somewhere that the price of the transatlantic dropped a lot)



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All the excursions we did in Alaska I arranged privately so they really were not that expensive . I'm afraid of heights so no helicopters to the glaciers for me . We did go whale watching & did an all day excursion to the yukon. Both excursions were reasonably priced . I thought Alaska would be so expensive but it really wasn't .

I would love to do a transatlantic maybe next year . I have been to Europe a few times but they were land trips . I love Bermuda . It is my all time favorite Island .

We are getting a huge new mall in September so some of the stores in our old Mall are closing so I am on my way to see if I can nab any bargains .Living in Florida we have to stock up on summer clothes when they go on sale because except for a few weeks that is what we wear .

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Hi, Laurie,


Thank you so much for the well wishes. There is something about being excited for going on a cruise that makes me (compels me!) to check into this board even more often than I normally do! Especially with the finalizing of the vacation outfits, I tend to check in here and see what the ladies are discussing.


My vote for you would be to branch out to a Celebrity cruise. What is your loyalty status with Royal? What Anita is saying... and you may already know this... is that loyalty levels are reciprocated across Royal, Celebrity, and Azamara. Some people get confused by this... but, basically, it's just a reciprocity where you're treated like you've achieved the same level on both lines. Where the confusion comes in is that you earn loyalty points separately for each; for example, you would be a first-time cruiser on Celebrity as far as their loyalty program goes... but you would be TREATED like the status level that you've earned on Royal. Then, when you disembarked the Celebrity cruise, you would have earned zero points on your Crown & Anchor (Royal loyalty), but some points on your Captain's Club (Celebrity loyalty). I hope this makes sense.


We do love sailing on Celebrity... for some very specific reasons. We choose Royal... for some very specific reasons. We're interested in Anita's experience on Carnival to see how much of those rumors are true and how Carnival might fit into her vacation plans.


So, yes, as Anita said... we've a fabulous trip/travel/vacation itinerary on the horizon! We are sailing on Oasis of the Seas... for the first time!.... and taking her from Ft Lauderdale to Barcelona. So many people have told me that the sailing is going to be a "zoo," full of Diamond/Plus and Pinnacle members with their inflated egos. Even Diamond Plus people are telling me that they don't think they'll use the Diamond Lounge (or Concierge Lounge or whatever) because of all the inflated egos that will be onboard. It's like... what?!?... we'll be fine. I was only sent to my room sobbing by one Diamond Plus member... on all my many cruises... (true story)... so I know "they" can be brutal... but now I've got better ego-antenna installed so I should be fine.


The pricing for our Oasis cruise is what allowed us to stay in Paris longer! I'm serious! I don't know if you've ever added Cruise Air to your Royal booking, but when you do... it can be a problem for a price adjustment. Way back in March, I noticed a price drop on our stateroom and called for a price adjustment. I got a person who told me that she wasn't able to adjust my price... which I've been told before when I've put on Cruise Air so I was prepared for the problem. I was patient on the phone, but this individual was just not able to help me... and then she said the magic words... "would you like to speak to a Supervisor?"... so I accepted. The next thing I knew I was put into Resolutions, a department I'd never even heard of before that moment! Lovely lady! She did the most AMAZING thing! She gave me the price adjustment! She gave me a $300 price adjustment for loyalty status! She said, "oh... wait a minute... I can offer you a promo price for your second person!"... She gave me 50% off on the booking for the second person... and this was before a BOGOHO sale had even started! Long story, but I can't believe the pricing I have for this sailing! I'm sailing in a Central Park balcony stateroom, on a 12-night TA, for $859 for me and $579 for DH!.... isn't that unbelievable?!? I haven't seen any price adjustments that can beat that price... anytime... even now after final payment.


Anyway, we only have one port of call.. which is Malaga, Spain. We sail on 1st September and arrive in Barcelona on 13th September. We are staying in Barcelona for a week, leaving on 20th September for Paris. We stay in Paris for 10 days, leaving on 30th September. I have done so much planning! We'll see how all this planning pans out; I'll let you ladies know. I intend to do a better job of keeping a daily journal this time because I think that I might try to put together a travel book when I return... so maybe I'll have some interesting stories to share.

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