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All things EARTH...

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I think that work dress requirements greatly affect how you choose to dress outside of work...my "work" requirements are exercise clothes, since I teach fitness 4 days a week. It just makes sense for me to put on exercise clothes in the morning...sometimes, I don't change out of them if I am doing potentially sweaty work at home...which a lot of the unpacking, moving furniture around, etc. that dominates my current days is. When I have an excuse, then I too, like to have some fun with my clothing...but I tend to have the same fun over and over. LOL.


But exercise clothes (especially Zumba clothing) is way more fun than a business suit, for sure. :cool:


I like these challenges...


My perfect skirt is an A-line maxi skirt. I have a few now. Two are knits and truly maxi length...and depending on where I want to wear the waist...at my natural waist of a bit lower on the hips...they could completely cover my feet. The third isn't truly that long, but is very close. It is more of a slinky kind of material...it has the appearance of 3 tiers but there is only extra fabric in the long ruffle at the bottom...and not too much extra fabric.


So this is my ideal style, but I can tell you that I don't LOVE the knits for the warmer weather. I'm thinking that I would like to make myself a maxi skirt in a woven fabric. I made some great skirts for Mom in an ultra-lightweight woven cotton material...and I think that I would love to make myself a maxi or two in a similar fabric...and THAT skirt might be my ideal.


I do love the maxis that are popular right now that have the stripes that go in different directions? I have seen chevrons, multiple pieces in all different directions, a panel in the front with the stripes going in a different direction, etc. I enjoy that look a lot but I have never seen one in an EARTH colors...and I wonder if that would be as attractive without the white?


What I like about the maxi skirt is that it hides my calves. I have very large calves and I find that I am distracted by them in many other skirt lengths...and this is even worse when combined with certain shoes that are skirt appropriate. I love the lengthening effect of the long skirt...I especially love it with pretty toes peeking out from fun sandals under the skirt. And the proportion is really good for me, because I prefer sleeveless tops...so I love the fitted/semi-fitted top with the long skirt.


And IDK...there's just something fun about long skirts for me. Maybe I like the fabric swishing all around my legs...(I love fabric!)...I used to love those broomstick skirts...but they are so unflattering on me...adding way too much extra weight...the A-line is much better....

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Some fall eye candy:






For me the perfect skirt is a pencil skirt, but it has to have an edge or something quirky like this:





I wish this came in a brown tweed with a bronze colored zipper, or a teal wool. Then it would be perfect! Oh, a brick red would be nice too!

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Hey, Margaret, how about a chocolate brown skirt so both EARTH and FIRE could wear it? Because I really, really like it too! Love that zipper detail! I could deal with a bronze zipper and still cope. You find such spiffy items. Thanks for sharing.


Laurie, I bought a FIRE orange-red skirt this past week very similar to your green. I can tell already that it will get a lot of use. Love that skirt.


Anita, broomstick skirts. I remember what you said about styling mine with boots or a western vibe. I'm just waiting for the tiniest break in this humidity. 109 degree heat index yesterday. Yuck. Short skirts for me for the near future.


I like skirts of any shape or length, but I really like handkerchief hems or something with a pizzazz factor. My top half is my problem area, so skirts or pants are easy for me. --Debbie

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Sorry to dive in while we are in the middle of something else, but what do y'all (I picked that up from you Anita. As a New Yorker, I'm prone to say "you guys") think of this dress? I was trying to decide if the color is air or earth. It is definitely muted. It's on sale, additional percentage off, blah, blah, blah....




I'm wondering if I can pull this off? Style wise?

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Laurie, I think it has some of the elements that my navy anniversary dress had that were very flattering. The shape and the gathering detail are very appealing to me. I love the portrait neckline, and think how pretty that would be with one of your necklaces.


For myself and my auburn hair, I have to stay away from purples that stray too far from our EARTH purple because they bring out the purples in my hair dye and make my hair look purple too (esp. in fluorescent light). On someone with coloring like Anita's that wouldn't be an issue, maybe. So I would have to see it in person before I would make that choice for myself. It's hard to tell from the photo, because initially I thought it was brown.


Debbie, you are right about the chocolate brown. That is such a given for us that I didn't think to mention it. EVERYTHING would work in chocolate brown! :) I like long skirts, too, but I find that they sit in my closet and don't get worn. I think because I only like myself in them with heels, otherwise I look stumpy. The one exception is a red skirt with a large black and gold paisley pattern that I've had forever that is very narrow and stretchy and works well with boots or flats. It's kind of the skirt version of skinny jeans.

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Margaret, I love that skirt. I'm not sure I could wear that but I sure wish I could!! I have a lot of issues with skirts on general. I really think I need to try on some different things to figure it out. I would definitely love to wear that skirt in one of our colors, if it looked right on me.


You know, that dress is a raisin kind of color. It doesn't seem cool. But I'm not sure it is warm. The store nearby doesn't carry it. Since there was free shipping and 20% off, I decided to order it. I can bring it back if it doesn't work.



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My hair has a reddish cast to it, which I enhance when I color it. I may have the same issue. We will see! I'll post pictures when it comes in.


Debbie, I have always liked the longer skirts with boots. There are some really pretty lace type tops (check out Dressbarn) that would work great with a broomstick skirt and boots!


I'm so happy that fall is coming though, since our colors will be easier to find. I would really like to master purples and blues a little more.



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Fall is coming but it really does not make a difference in Florida fashion except I get to add my scarves and occasionally wear jeans . I just returned from five days in Pa. visiting my Mom and it was really interesting to see the subtle differences in North summer clothes as compared to Florida wear . My perfect skirt is also a maxi skirt . I have several in various prints . They are my go to outfit with a plain t and sandals of course . I haven't had a chance to work on my style statement . Between the trip to my Mom's and getting Gary ready for his total knee surgery next week I have been busy . We are going on a cruise in Jan. and maybe we can sneak in another adventure once his knee heals .

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Woohoo. I finally ordered the Style Statement book. Could only find it as an ebook so as soon as my nook charges, I am going to start reading it.


I struggle with style and color a lot. I had my consultation with Curt quite awhile back but still seem to have issues with finding the right colors. Though I look for earth colors, I still sometimes look corpse-like in them. Plus, I have an unhealthy obsession with black that I can't seem to break. And to be honest, I am not sure I want to lose my blacks. And, I think because I like black so much I tend to think it looks good on me. In other words, I need help. Lol.


Since I have lurked for years and posted very very sporadically, I thought maybe I should introduce myself. I am Barbara and live in a suburb of Phoenix. My husband and I have been together for 20 years and married for ten. I work crazy hours because I am a 911 dispatcher and find myself reading your posts a lot during my overnight shifts. Anyways, I feel a bit like I know you all and I thank you for letting me crash your party. :)

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First and foremost, I apologize to Margaret for my silly pity party about moving the DS back to school after all she's gone through this summer regarding her parents. In hindsight, though I do miss the DS terribly, what Margaret's gone through is much more important and it's something I will be facing very soon myself. My dad is 89 and mom is 85. Right now, they both live together in their apt. in Florida that my recently deceased, youngest DB had built onto his house for them years ago. Their health is slowly declining but they still get out and about although not for very long periods of time unless they are visiting my other DB at his home, and that's usually only on holidays. Dad still drives and that sometimes freaks me out as his knees are giving out on him. Lately, the young couple that we rented my brother's home to has been helping out by driving Dad to the store (he's always done the grocery shopping our whole lives). I spoke with them today and they are happy and being funny as usual. A couple of comedians those two. They will have been married for 68 years this coming Nov. 4th. Can you even imagine.???My DH and I have been together for 43 years as of June 11th of this year and will have been married for 29 of them on Dec. 21st of this year. The DS was born when I was almost 49. Yep...you read that right...long story! The DH is 6 years younger than me so yeah, I'm a Cougar! LOL!


Laurie: I too love jewelry and have quit a collection of new and vintage pieces. I never, ever leave the house without wearing jewelry. My everyday go to are made up of some of my silver pieces. which include three rings, a pair of hoop earrings, a silver cuff the DH bought me years ago in Mexico, and sometimes I'll add a necklace or a pin. This is what I wear every single day for the most part. One of my best friends says I could make quite a bundle if I every decided to sell my jewelry collection on Ebay...as if I ever would!! By the way, I have no real expensive jewelry but I do love what I have.



I love reading your posts as you have such a great sense of humor.



I'm really interested in reading a review of your Carnival cruise experience as you've never traveled on that line before. It's not for everyone but as I've mentioned, because of prices and itineraries, it's been our go-to cruise line for the last several cruises. We always have a good time so I'll be interested to see how your cruise goes and what you think of Carnival.


To all of you who have been so supportive of what I've been going through with the DS being back at school...Thank You All so much!


Okay, so my pity party is over and though I miss that kid so much...I'm back to normal (whatever that means in my case considering my Hippie name was "Space Mouse") LOL! I'll post more later as I have to run to the Post Office to mail a package of goodies to the DS.


Welcome to all the really nice, new and return posters to this thread. There's a great bunch of super supportive ladies who post here and it's always nice to get input from new cyber friends. :D

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The Style Statement book is really making me think. I'm only part way through the answering questions portion, and it's become strangely obvious that I love peace/calm, which I think I have always known but it was kind of bizarre to see it in black and white like that. I don't know whether that can/will be part of my style statement (haven't seen anything so far that uses words similar) but it's definitely a big part of my personality and is likely a reason why I find work so stressful.


I hope everyone is having a good/peaceful :) day and thank you for allowing me to join your group.

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Hi Barbara, welcome back. :) I really enjoyed doing the SS book, I hope you have some of those "aha!" moments. I've found it so helpful to have things I did by instinct made explicit. It doesn't have to be a "formula" that you must follow, but it certainly does help to guide me in some of the choices I make. I understand better why I love some of my home and really hate other parts of it! And why I've bought clothes that never leave the closet.


mousey, you needn't apologize for feeling blue about your DS going back to school. We all have our struggles and once you start measuring yours against others, it is easy to discount what are very real and powerful emotions. You are entitled to be sad. My goddaughter who is an only child went away to college for the first time this week, and her mother (a dear old friend) is really struggling. It is one of those life passages that deserves respect. :) I am glad for you that you already have plans in place to see each other soon.


I've been able to water ski every day this week, which makes me very happy. I also took a Zumba class on Monday, and I'll do another one on Friday. I don't go back to work until mid-September, so hopefully I'll have some time after vacation to go through my clothes and do my fall updates. I'm good on pants but I don't know what's going on with my shoes. I usually buy a good pair of brown shoes every fall. By spring when I start wearing lighter colors I've usually worn them out!


I didn't get my Vogue this month so I don't have any new pix to post. I did get to flip through the latest Chadwick's catalog and there are some lovely EARTH colors in there. Pam, I think they have your FIRE purple dress again, too, but I'm not as sure about that one. I really like this dress in Deep Sea Green:




I also like this, and what a great color name, "Luggage:"




This looks like the jacket I admired from last year, and how awesome is the scarf!:


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Hi Barbara! You will definitely see a pattern emerge with that book. If you don't, there is a chance that you aren't being true to yourself when you are answering the questions. When you are all done with the questions, you may find some of those key words in the back. If you don't, you use an online thesaurus. It will come to you. I used the word peace immensely, and I ended up with harmony or harmonious as one of my words. You may find that in terms of definitions, you end up choosing a different word that picks up on your sense of style. I found it quite liberating to go through the process, almost like it was okay to be who I am.


Margaret, it sounds like you are having a good time! I'm on the look for some new shoes for work, and I would like a "smart" pair and a dressier pair. Zappos has a few things, but not the selection I would like. Mind you, they have more than just about anyone.


Now, that dress arrived. I ordered a few things, knowing I would return what didn't work. The dress that I showed you the link to very much looked like a raisin color on my monitor, but it is very, very cool. It is perfect for an air. I tried it on to see how it fit, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was a bit loose in the hips and not tight anywhere. But the style...issues! First, with no shoes on, you could see my feet. It was actually a little short. I wondered if the wrinkly look would settle, since it wasn't line. You know, it was all scrunched like, but it wasn't rouching - those weren't sewn in. Then I didn't take a good look at the back when I ordered it. It had a big thingy in the back that looked like a shark fin! It was not a train, just weird.


Another dress is a very warm purple. Very warm. I am thinking it isn't muted enough, and that it would look better on my daughter who is a fire. Plus, it needs taking in at the hips if I decide it's a good color after all. It was on sale, but not as inexpensive as I would like. I will try it on for a picture to see what you all think.


Margaret, I used to buy a lot from Chadwicks, always liked them. Their jackets (blazers) are fantastic. I need to check out the website to see what else they have.


I got a magazine yesterday from a company called Venus. I have no idea why - I've never ordered from them but they send me their little catalogs frequently. It is not my style of clothing, but they had a few really nice colors for us.


Mousey, we all have things. As Margaret did such a good job of saying, don't compare. We all have things we go through, and we do our best. What I love about our group here is that we all lend an ear, and all offer encouragement. Hang in there!

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MJC - I love that knit dress but am more drawn to the raspberry color. It looks earthy to me (albeit I suck at this) because it doesn't look like it has a strong purple cast to it. I like the other one in luggage too, but not sure the cut will work for me. And the scarf rocks. I dramatically changed my hair color this summer and am still trying to figure out how to make it and earth colors work. Lol. I am a serious work in progress.

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While you women ooze over fall fashions I am trying to buy all I can on summer sales before the stores go to warmer clothes . Yes even in Florida the stores change clothes .Why I don't know because except for January & maybe February we wear the same things year round and because they are mostly cotton they get looking sad after several months . I do have what I refer to as up north clothes for when I travel up north .

Mousey , Missing our kids is tough . I still really miss my daughter even though she is 37 and married with two boys .She went to school in Boston . Met her husband & moved to upstate New York .

MSG , I am swimming three times a week & hopefully will be able to enjoy our pool until late October when I move to an indoor pool .I love the water .

Cholla chick , Welcome ! I was a nurse for forty years so I understand how busy your job is .

Laura , Hope you find the perfect dress ! Your dresses from Light in the box are fabulous .

Anita , Hope you are feeling better after your kitty trauma .

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Hello everyone. I just love to look at the posted pics and outfits. I am working my way through the Style book. I am finding it difficult but interesting. The outdoor pics my DD and I took helped me make some choices for packing-we are going on a cruise to Quebec from NYC on 9/14. My closet looks like a sea(sorry had to do it) of blue. DD and I realized I should donate the brighter blues and stick to the darker shades. It was also strongly suggested by my style maven(I am a fortunate woman) that I need to look for brick red and deeper greens as well as deeper teals. I agree but remain somewhat insecure on my own for choices! The pics were so scary-some of them- that I can't post them. I will take pictures on this cruise and hopefully some of the choices will be better than my past efforts! I do have an evergreen cocktail dress to wear for one of the formal nights. What shoe is better: bronze strappy sandal or nude pump?

Mousey, DD lives in the next town and I see her often. DS and grandchildren are 5 hours away and I miss them daily! It is hard no matter what age they are.

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Welcome to the group Barbara! That SS book is a piece of work...like Laurie said...you will end up finding a word that will encompass the peace and calm theme that keep repeating in responses. For me, sophisticated was not even on my radar...I had an incomplete definition of that word in my head...but my answers kept reflecting my love of learning, knowledge, research, and experience, especially when I can put all my newly developed thoughts and ideas into action and apply it...I'm a very practical person in that way...another word that kept popping up for me...and in the end all these words were defined within sophisticated...which shocked the heck out of me because I am not the urban, high style, modernist type person that I have always associated with the word "sophisticated" in the past...


Sally, I so relate to your shopping...it was the way I was, living in Houston for 6 years...and going to college in San Antonio. There really are only a couple of weeks there, where you need the layers...and rarely do you need anything that isn't cotton...like wool is a ridiculous thing to have in your wardrobe...and it always amazed me how the stores would still stock the most impractical clothing...but then, people do travel. And like you, I keep some things from living in Colorado and Kansas for if I ever traveled into a colder clime... But when I moved to Georgia, I only owned 2 pairs of pants...and my feet weren't acclimated to wearing closed toes OR covered heels...I wore sandals just about year round...such an adjustment...


Margaret, those dresses are nice on other people...I do like the knit aspect of them...they would be so comfortable...but that first A-line...OMG...people would ask me when the baby was due if I wore that...those lovely pleats would be pulling apart in the front...and the other dresses neckline is way too high...I guess the necklace helps break up all that fabric on the upper chest...but I have a shirt like that...I put it on, and immediately take it off...I keep it because I think that I will change the neckline, one of these days...


I have a corduroy blazer waiting for me in AZ. It was Dad's...it's that wonderful caramel color. When Dad learned he was ICE, I actually inherited several of his sport coats. The style will be more boxy than the photo...but otherwise the jacket reminds me of that one. It doesn't necessarily look like a corduroy jacket...but otherwise...the look would be similar.


smitty...most of us look best is what we could call more saturated color...the deeper, darker, more rich colors. It doesn't surprise me at all to read that your style maven is suggesting that you go for those. The thing about being EARTH is that we have what I could call "thick skin" and even if we have pale skin (I do), there is more COLOR in there than we give ourselves credit for. I have had the hardest time coming up with a "natural" make up look...every time I went for the lighter, neutral shades, I saw all that makeup and would get so frustrated. Well...one day...going for "fun" makeup, I put on a terracotta colored eye shadow all over my lid...thinking that this would be a fun statement...and BOOM...that was MY neutral...deep, rich terracotta, rust...it evened out my eyelid and almost disappeared. OMG. No wonder the pale tan that I tried to use looked so ridiculous.


Point being...we have a lot of color in our skin...the deep colors look really good on us, in general.


The shoe dilemma is one that I couldn't answer without seeing the shoes and the dress...hint hint...


Laurie, I was thinking of you all yesterday as I was doing LAUNDRY!! Only 2 more clothes loads to go...and yes...it had been a long, long time...but I should be able to have some fun this weekend planning my cruise outfits.


And thank you for the thoughts regarding my Toby kitty...we got a sympathy card yesterday from the vet...it had to go through forwarding mail. We cried. Sometimes, it feels good to cry. But it was a nostalgic cry...not a heart breaking kind of cry. Overall...I am making the adjustment. I do miss that personality being with me during the day when DH and DS are gone. I used to talk to Toby and he would talk back actually...LOL...but I am doing much better than I was.


mousey...I second Margaret...everyone has their own upsets and trials...and the emotions that accompany these life events are very real.

Edited by Anita Latte
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Smitty, Have you stumbled onto this website, yet? Here you go: http://fireiceearthandair.wordpress.com/success-stories/


Now, before you click onto it, these are what you would call SCARY pictures! Here's what I want you to know, because so often I wonder if some of those before/after photos that you see are really real... or some trick of photography? What I can tell you is that the pictures of the before/after on this website are, indeed, real.


I think that you and I might be similar in age (forgive me if I've jumped to that conclusion), although you might be a decade younger! Whatever. I just want you to put those "scary" pictures that you took into perspective. The before/after pictures of me were taken within about two weeks of each other; I took the picture in the exact same location in my yard, with natural sunlight. I honestly (truthfully) did NOT wear any makeup on the AFTER picture. There are only two differences: I had colored my hair, and I was wearing our FIRE green. That wasn't even an "ideal" FIRE green, as there is a base of blue in there and it has a silver lining around the neckline. But, it's a basic, good FIRE green... just not an a.maz.ing FIRE green. Not to belabor the point.


It's just astonishing in both directions... how wonderful you look when wearing your ideal colors and how truly awful you can look when wearing those colors that are absolutely horrific for you. Anyway, my point is: those scary pictures are actually worth their weight in gold because they will definitely show you what NOT to do... in a good way.


I was telling Anita... when I recently got my hair done... OMG... so depressing. My stylist draped that horrible BLACK CAPE around my neck... and immediately I aged... I can't even describe to you how it affected my appearance... in fact, I want to erase that mental picture (if I only could!). After he finished with my color, cut & style, he whisked the BLACK CAPE off of me and... voila!... I emerged as the wonderful FIRE self that I am. It made me smile; I didn't tell him that 75% of the "magic" was just getting rid of that blasted BLACK drape!


How fun that you have your DD to help you! I have my A.MAZ.ING Anita to help me! So great! And, of course.... all the other ladies who chime in with their wonderful selves and assist.


Margaret! Thank you for the Chadwick's link. That magenta dress is fabulous and I hope it's still hanging around when I get back.


Mousey! Kindred spirit. Being a Mom is such a wonderful, heart break. Don't get me started on how much I miss Anita and.... there's no emoticon with tears...


Laurie! Love all your posts and your generous spirit in telling your stories and showing your pictures of outfits and family. I think that if I walked into your house and saw your kitchen, I'd have a feeling of deja vu (all over again).


ChollaChick! I think I remember our conversations from "once upon a time ago."


SailorSally! Looking forward to our conversations.


I always feel a bit nostalgic before one of my vacations. I think that, maybe, I'm feeling even more so with this one... as so much planning has gone into the effort on this one. AND, I was doing a few Style Statement questions. Am I the only one that finds this exercise a bit upsetting?!? <ugh> I'll explain more when I've finished (maybe)......


BON VOYAGE to me.! At least on the airplane portion of my trip... TOMORROW. YES, I should be getting my stuff ready for packing. Doesn't it make sense that I'm sitting in front of my computer instead?... :eek:

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Once again all you lovely ladies have been so kind. I'm doing way better now as the DS has been calling everyday and expressing how much he loves his fraternity and life in general at the University of Arizona but does miss us a whole lot.


We just found out that we will be seeing him sooner and for longer than we thought as they moved up the new member induction into The National Society of Collegiate Scholars to 10/8 which was originally scheduled for the day in Sept. when we would be leaving for the DH's business meeting in Vegas. So yea!...Now we get to actually go to the induction ceremony and represent! I'm so excited! They moved it to a few days before the Family Weekend so now our Family Weekend trip will be two days longer. Yea!


That's my good news for the day.:D


Loving the pics Margaret.

Happy Sailing to Member 123

Good luck to all of you who are working on your Style Statements.


I'm going to take mine to FL (I just booked my airline ticket today for 9/20-9/30) to visit my parents. Can't wait as I haven't seen them since Christmas! That's more good news for today!

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Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!!


In the hopes that Mom got her nails done today/tonight...I painted my toes Channel Peridot, which is an amazing two tone color that either looks deep green or topaz-y bronze. My fingers are really short...and need some help...so I painted them very neutral, but a shimmery neutral so I don't have what Mom calls manikin hands...Ulta's Oh!.


Be prepared for many Anita postings! I get chatty and since Mom will not be available for chatting...I'll post! :o:D

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don't you forget that I have my extra special email address and that I have access to it on board the ship and at those hotels. Don't you forget that when your chatty self needs to find an outlet!.... just sayin'....


Sitting here with OPI Pompeii Pink on my toes and Deborah Lippmann's On the Beach on fingers. So pretty! :D Taking the On the Beach and OPI Purple with a Purpose with me. No worries.

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My nails are rather short still for polish. I beat them up so badly sometimes. When I get about a month away from a cruise, I find myself babying them a bit. Actually, I'm probably just doing what I should be doing all along, lol.


Do any of you find that there are certain things you just can't find in an earth color like you want to? For the longest time, it was bathing suits for me. However, I did get that animal print one which was mostly earth, and I recently found a wonderful chocolate brown suit. There is one other, with some nice earth tones but a white background.


As of late though, it's a matching suit. You may recall a story from almost two years ago where I desperately needed one and ended up buying navy. It was all I could find at the time that wasn't black. I have to buy the pieces separately, as there is a sizing difference on me for the two pieces. My daughter told me to check out a purple suit at dress barn, but she thought it might be more air than earth. She was right. However, I haven't been able to find anything so I picked it up. I really hate to do that, because I find that all I can wear with these things are beige or ivory. Then I have to wear brown shoes, more than likely. As it turns out (after I got home with the suit) Chadwicks has brown! That is the same place that Margaret was posting those wonderful pictures from.


I've ordered from them, but not in quite some time. They have nice quality clothes for a decent price. They have really geared up for fall this year with some great colors. I saw quite a bit that I liked. I love the items you posted, but they're not for me. I wish I could wear that dress that was in the microsuede type fabric! The high neckline is a definite no for me. The other dress - well, it wouldn't be a good choice for me because I'm pretty large in the chest. It looks fun and comfortable.


So, now I get to figure out if I take back the suit to Dressbarn. I don't know if the Chadwicks suit will fit right. The purple suit is a fantastic fit. It is so awkward that I had to get a 16 in the jacket and a 10 in the pants. Geesh.


Getting back to the original question though, I think that you, Anita, would say the hardest item to find in earth colors would be workout clothes?

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I only wear red nail polish . Kind of boring ! I love the fun colors on other people but not on me . I used to love to shop . I realize now that shopping was a stress reliever when I still worked . Now I mostly online shop though occasionally I will still go to the actual stores . This week I need to hit Beall's to hopefully buy a few pairs of cropped pants before they disappear and I never leave JJill without something .My wardrobe is still a mismash of various colors but I am working on that . I still have not done my style statement maybe this week . Life has been crazy lately . I sell on ebay and after a slow August it has really picked up so I needed to resupply my inventory . So between that and Gary ( MY long time SO ) health problems we have been busy .

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I haven't been able to adjust to the fun colors myself. Maybe it is due to the necessity of being conservative for work? I too love reds but since my nails do not always stay very long, I tend to opt for coral frost type colors. I was bold for the last cruise and one other, in the sense of using a golden frost color.


I often shop online simply because it can be hard to find what i am looking for in earth tones.


I was just online at saw a really pretty dress at Kohls for formal night. I am almost "colorblind" when it comes to red because I am so drawn to it. What do you guys think? Is it earthy? It sppears to be deeper, but I am not certain.



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