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Cabin swap question...


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This thread was just tooooo easy to set up for this, and I just can't control myself with the lowhanging fruit! Yes, I know, this forum is for Serious discussions on smuggling booze, what we wear to dinner and how terrible our vacation was because some waiter didn't smooze all over us after 'knowing' us for 30sec.


I'll have to straighten up and quit thinking this is all about having fun on vacation and get back to the serious stuff.




Hey, I'm enjoying it! It's half-serious, but I do appreciate everyone's input, positive or negative. It's great to have a place to discuss this stuff, even if half of it is tongue-in-cheek.:)


Yes, I still think it's wrong to split the bookings and swap cabins (or spouses), but I'm still waiting for someone to either come along and say that they did it, Celebrity knew about it, and they had no problem, or that they tried it and got busted.


I'd call Celebrity and just ask them directly, but then the topic would become "the unreliability of Celebrity phone agents.";)

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Wow. I feel bad I started a moral debate on whether or not I should have listened to the TA. But I did...so at this point trying to figure out what I should do.


Perhaps I should simplify my question to....


What can we or anyone do about their room key if two people want to swap their cabins to stay with someone else?


1- Can we get them to re-code two of the cards so that the swap is official and we have access to the cabin we are staying in?


2- Do we leave the cards alone...but we are able to get a second "room key only" card?



And...if we can do something about this situation...where do we do it?


A- At the terminal

B- On ship only

C- Or can I even do something in advance by phone or on their website?




Thanks so much for your help! :)


Don't worry about it-- these things happen all the time. Sorry if I sort of hijacked your thread.


To summarize, and only from what I've heard here, you can get additional cards. Ask at Guest Services. So I believe the answer is 2B. This doesn't address the question about what they might have to say if you explain why you want extra cards, and no one is suggesting that this is actually an acceptable practice, only that it might possibly be. The consensus seems to be that it isn't.

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Wow. I feel bad I started a moral debate on whether or not I should have listened to the TA. But I did...so at this point trying to figure out what I should do.


Perhaps I should simplify my question to....


What can we or anyone do about their room key if two people want to swap their cabins to stay with someone else?


1- Can we get them to re-code two of the cards so that the swap is official and we have access to the cabin we are staying in?


2- Do we leave the cards alone...but we are able to get a second "room key only" card?



And...if we can do something about this situation...where do we do it?


A- At the terminal

B- On ship only

C- Or can I even do something in advance by phone or on their website?




Thanks so much for your help! :)


Definitely Option C. Just call Celebrity a few days before your cruise and explain to them that you have booked one of your party into a room with people from another state and visa versa so both parties can get a reduced rate, but that you want you and your spouse to both be given room keys to the same room. I am sure they will be happy to arrange it for you. :rolleyes:

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Definitely Option C. Just call Celebrity a few days before your cruise and explain to them that you have booked one of your party into a room with people from another state and visa versa so both parties can get a reduced rate, but that you want you and your spouse to both be given room keys to the same room. I am sure they will be happy to arrange it for you. :rolleyes:



I am not sure you really read the part about simplifying the question...


so...lets say I were to call them...and I WISELY DIDN'T mention my reasons for booking it that way in the first place. I just said...I would like to switch cabins with another person. Would they do it for me without an issue...or will it be a problem? If they have a problem with it...why would doing it on the ship be less of an issue?


(I really committed the cardinal sin here didn't I? Just gave too much information. All I wanted to know was...can I have my room assignment changed so that we all have the correct keys....if not can I get extra keys.)

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Hey Gonzo, do you have anything, anecdotal or otherwise, that confirms that Celebrity does actually forbid this? Sorry, I can't think of a way to word that without sounding snarky, and that's not my intention. I respect that your common-sense view of this is that it's cheating, and that's still currently my view, but other than that, how do either of us know? I would have called taking soda on board cheating, but found out through these boards that Celebrity has no problem with it whatsoever. Are we just assuming Celebrity wouldn't allow this?

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I am not sure you really read the part about simplifying the question...


so...lets say I were to call them...and I WISELY DIDN'T mention my reasons for booking it that way in the first place. I just said...I would like to switch cabins with another person. Would they do it for me without an issue...or will it be a problem? If they have a problem with it...why would doing it on the ship be less of an issue?


(I really committed the cardinal sin here didn't I? Just gave too much information. All I wanted to know was...can I have my room assignment changed so that we all have the correct keys....if not can I get extra keys.)


Without knowing, I would assume it would be a problem to ask to have a cabin assignment changed once you boarded. You certainly wouldn't want to change the booking before you sail, if that's even possible, because then there's no way the one couple would meet the residency requirements. As I understand, getting an extra card doesn't get the name changed on it, that's why you'd get an extra one, not a new one. Mr. A gets an extra card in his name and gives it to Mr. B, Mrs. B gets an extra card in her name and gives it to Mrs. A, so Mr. B can get into the room Mrs. A is booked in (along with Mrs. B), and verse vica. They all still would keep their original cards for the purpose of leaving the ship and charging drinks. I'll bet that could lead to some confusion.


Having said that, I still would not condone unofficially switching cabin mates unless I had some indication from Celebrity, and not your TA, that they're okay with this.

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Hey Gonzo, do you have anything, anecdotal or otherwise, that confirms that Celebrity does actually forbid this?


I have an idea; how about you give Captain's Club a call and ask them this very question and report back what they say. Might be an interesting endeavor. :)


I do not have any personal knowledge of this; just using common sense to assume Celebrity would view this as attempting to defraud them of money. Perhaps I am wrong, but I do not think so.


If they did openly permit this, imagine all the swapping that would occur on the Roll Call threads. People could swap their spouse into other people on their Roll Call's stateroom as fit to take advantage of Residency Rates, Senior Discounts, Military Discount, Elite Status etc.


I am certainly not saying that what the OP is proposing is never done (or even casting judgment on the OP), I am just saying that this is not something that would be condoned by the cruise line.

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i have an idea; how about you give captain's club a call and ask them this very question and report back what they say. Might be an interesting endeavor. :)


i'd call celebrity and just ask them directly, but then the topic would become "the unreliability of celebrity phone agents.";)


I take it the answer is no?

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Don't worry about it-- these things happen all the time. Sorry if I sort of hijacked your thread.


To summarize, and only from what I've heard here, you can get additional cards. Ask at Guest Services. So I believe the answer is 2B. This doesn't address the question about what they might have to say if you explain why you want extra cards, and no one is suggesting that this is actually an acceptable practice, only that it might possibly be. The consensus seems to be that it isn't.


Its OK. As long as in between I can actually get a few legit answers to how and where exactly I can get the rooms swapped with each person holding the right credit card/id/cabin key....and you know...not screw up the rate for our friends.


Seems to be more people focusing on the morality of why it was booked this way rather than helping each other getting what we need.


I am always surprised how the boards seem to be filled with the most honest, protect the cruise line people...yet when I cruise all I see is everyone out for themselves mentality.


I mean....shouldnt we be able to share tips for getting the best values and best experience out of our trips with each other? Now, if someone posts a thread asking...what's the best way to dispose of a dead body while at sea...I would understand the reaction.


But...sharing a drink card or room swapping to save a buck or how did you smuggle your booze on board? I just wish we would help each more instead of passing judgement.


Not that warning against doing something wrong shouldnt be mentioned...it should be. At least take a minute to say...but this is HOW you do it to give yourself the least likely chance of a problem...if you know how.

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I am not sure you really read the part about simplifying the question...



I did; I was being facetious. :D


I do not think you realize that you are in essence trying to "cheat" the system. Just because your travel agent advised you to do this does not mean you have approval to do this and/or that the cruise line is OK with this. To the contrary; it is extremely doubtful the cruise line would be OK with this and there may very well be some very negative consequences if they learn of your antics. As such, there is not an easy way to accomplish what you are setting out to do; and certainly no way to arrange it in advance.


Yes, I am sure what you are proposing has been done many times before, but there is some risk. I myself have tried to take advantage of perks I was not entitled to before - but I did so knowing what I was doing was wrong and carried some risk; you have to decide if the risk is worth it to you.

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I take it the answer is no?


Awww, c'mon give them a call. I have a feeling this would be one topic where you could call five times, talk to five people and receive the same answer all five times. Might set a new record. :D

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Without knowing, I would assume it would be a problem to ask to have a cabin assignment changed once you boarded. You certainly wouldn't want to change the booking before you sail, if that's even possible, because then there's no way the one couple would meet the residency requirements. As I understand, getting an extra card doesn't get the name changed on it, that's why you'd get an extra one, not a new one. Mr. A gets an extra card in his name and gives it to Mr. B, Mrs. B gets an extra card in her name and gives it to Mrs. A, so Mr. B can get into the room Mrs. A is booked in (along with Mrs. B), and verse vica. They all still would keep their original cards for the purpose of leaving the ship and charging drinks. I'll bet that could lead to some confusion.


Having said that, I still would not condone unofficially switching cabin mates unless I had some indication from Celebrity, and not your TA, that they're okay with this.


I can appreciate that.


But what about having the card you are issued re-coded rather than a second key? That would be my ideal solution. I would prefer that my ID only open the cabin I intend to stay in...and our friends card only open their cabin. That way..only have to carry one card...and there is no fuss.


Will they recode the card to the room assignment? Or are you saying that even asking for this to be done once we sail will effect their room rate? Or perhaps someone has knowledge that they will only give you extra room keys and they simply do not recode the cards.

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Definitely Option C. Just call Celebrity a few days before your cruise and explain to them that you have booked one of your party into a room with people from another state and visa versa so both parties can get a reduced rate, but that you want you and your spouse to both be given room keys to the same room. I am sure they will be happy to arrange it for you. :rolleyes:


IMO this would not be very good advice. Why not do option B on the ship?

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Here's an idea....after you get onboard, go to the front desk and tell them you'd all thought it would be fun to swap partners for the cruise but after spending a little time with your friend's husband on the flt, you've discovered he's a jerk and you want to swap back. Also tell them that you might want to do some more swapping if you meet a nice couple on the cruise so you might be back.


That way they don't think you were just cheating to get a cheaper fare and it will give then something to talk about!



LOL! Denny always comes up with the best explanations.


The facts, without any personal judgments one way or another, are that only one person in a cabin needs to qualify for the resident rate, senior rate, military rate, or whatever. At check-in they will give you the keys to the rooms you booked exactly the way you booked them. If they should ask for proof that you qualify for the discount, only one person needs to show the proof. It would only complicate matters and hold up the line to attempt to change anything around at check-in.


Once on board nobody (except possibly for Denny or your mother) will care who sleeps in which room. It is simple and easy to go to guest relations at your convenience after boarding to request room keys to each others rooms. People who travel together, especially family groups, often do it.


There are no complications involved as it does not mess up your account information or change your booking in any way. You use the extra room key only to open the door to the other room. You still keep your original key as well to use for getting on and off the ship and for charging to your account.


A person from each cabin needs to go together when you request the extra keys in order to verify that both parties agree to the arrangement. That is perfectly understandable, otherwise everyone would be requesting a key to the penthouse suite. :)

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I'm not sure if you mentioned what cabin class you planned on booking, but why don't you guys just get connecting cabins, and then don't worry about telling Celebrity any reasoning at all? That way, all four of you could get into at least one of the two cabins, and then leave the connector open to get to the other one? That is, of course, assuming that you and your friends are close enough to do that.


That might not solve the moral issue, but might cut down on the apparent suspicion that Celebrity might have about your mischief.:)

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I can appreciate that.


But what about having the card you are issued re-coded rather than a second key? That would be my ideal solution. I would prefer that my ID only open the cabin I intend to stay in...and our friends card only open their cabin. That way..only have to carry one card...and there is no fuss.


Will they recode the card to the room assignment? Or are you saying that even asking for this to be done once we sail will effect their room rate? Or perhaps someone has knowledge that they will only give you extra room keys and they simply do not recode the cards.


I seriously doubt they will issue a card coded for someone not on the manifest as being in that cabin. Or recode the card. But this is my guess. I have no knowledge, since I've never tried it. It might be more convenient for you, but I would think it would be too problematic for them to do it.

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Interesting discussion. I have booked four cabins for a family trip to Alaska with a certified vacation planner at Celebrity. I have since called back and spoken to different CVPs and checked it out with each of them. Celebrity apparently has no problem with my putting my 23 year old daughter in one cabin with my husband ... who is elite and can qualify for a cabin category upgrade ... a savings of forty dollars ... and I will be with our other daughter in the connecting cabin, also elite and getting the small discount. I was told when we boarded to just go to guest relations and get our keys redone. The credit card, etc. follows the person on the card and we switch the cabin assignments. Celebrity says it is done all the time and is no problem. If I had put our two daughters together, their cabin would cost eighty dollars more than it now costs. We figure it is worth the hassle to save eighty bucks.


Since we are a family, and are paying for the kids as well, maybe it is a different scenario. But not by much. Celebrity is still willing to lose eighty dollars to accommodate our family. This I have been told by numerous people.




The certified vacation planners advise their customers to defraud their own employer bcs. they want to sell cruises. I used to do check-in at Carnival and people would claim they were advised to do this "discount sharing room swap" scam all the time. Rememebr these people are working for commission. We would upcharge at the pier and switch them, which was time consuming and made them, and all the people behind them have to wait longer. As one poster stated--is it really worth your integrity?

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LOL! Denny always comes up with the best explanations.


The facts, without any personal judgments one way or another, are that only one person in a cabin needs to qualify for the resident rate, senior rate, military rate, or whatever. At check-in they will give you the keys to the rooms you booked exactly the way you booked them. If they should ask for proof that you qualify for the discount, only one person needs to show the proof. It would only complicate matters and hold up the line to attempt to change anything around at check-in.


Once on board nobody (except possibly for Denny or your mother) will care who sleeps in which room. It is simple and easy to go to guest relations at your convenience after boarding to request room keys to each others rooms. People who travel together, especially family groups, often do it.


There are no complications involved as it does not mess up your account information or change your booking in any way. You use the extra room key only to open the door to the other room. You still keep your original key as well to use for getting on and off the ship and for charging to your account.


A person from each cabin needs to go together when you request the extra keys in order to verify that both parties agree to the arrangement. That is perfectly understandable, otherwise everyone would be requesting a key to the penthouse suite. :)



Thank you for a direct answer...I appreciate it greatly! OK...so...it sounds like my only option is to do it ON ship after we are checked in.


The one thing I was still hoping to get more feedback on...is if we can have our ID card re-coded to the cabin we plan on staying in. I am asking because someone alluded to it earlier in the thread. That they thought it was possible to have them do this on ship.


Can anyone else share their knowledge on this subject?

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Awww, c'mon give them a call. I have a feeling this would be one topic where you could call five times, talk to five people and receive the same answer all five times. Might set a new record. :D


Well, I'm not about to call them five times, in case they have caller ID and are wondering why I'm calling to ask the same question five times. Against my better judgement, I called and asked, in that situation, if they have a problem with who actually ends up occupying what room.


Are you ready?


The agent I spoke with said there would be no problem in doing that, and suggested we go to Guest Services to request extra cards so we would have no problem getting into each others' rooms. It's done all the time, she said. I didn't think to ask about recoding the cards.


I make no claim that if you call and ask, you get a different answer than I got. But there's one that says it's allowed, anyway, believe it or not.

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:confused: Is it just me or is trying to get a discount to which you are not legally entitled defrauding the cruise line?


This is frustrating, everybody wants to moralize. They are entitled to this rate. Celebrity states that only one person in the cabin needs to be in the discount catagory i.e.resident, military, senior, ect.


The OP stated that they are complying with this policy. What they do once on board is their business.


Defrauding is a criminal offense, usually a felony. Are you seriously saying that what is being discussed here is a crime?

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Well, I'm not about to call them five times, in case they have caller ID and are wondering why I'm calling to ask the same question five times. Against my better judgement, I called and asked, in that situation, if they have a problem with who actually ends up occupying what room.


Are you ready?


The agent I spoke with said there would be no problem in doing that, and suggested we go to Guest Services to request extra cards so we would have no problem getting into each others' rooms. It's done all the time, she said. I didn't think to ask about recoding the cards.


I make no claim that if you call and ask, you get a different answer than I got. But there's one that says it's allowed, anyway, believe it or not.


Thanks for reporting back. Interesting response. Hopefully that is really how it works and then I can find someone on my Roll Calls to do a "wife swap" with me for my upcoming cruises so I can get Elite Bennies and a Senior Discount or what not. Might even keep the new wife depending on her attributes. :D

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Interesting discussion. I have booked four cabins for a family trip to Alaska with a certified vacation planner at Celebrity. I have since called back and spoken to different CVPs and checked it out with each of them. Celebrity apparently has no problem with my putting my 23 year old daughter in one cabin with my husband ... who is elite and can qualify for a cabin category upgrade ... a savings of forty dollars ... and I will be with our other daughter in the connecting cabin, also elite and getting the small discount. I was told when we boarded to just go to guest relations and get our keys redone. The credit card, etc. follows the person on the card and we switch the cabin assignments. Celebrity says it is done all the time and is no problem. If I had put our two daughters together, their cabin would cost eighty dollars more than it now costs. We figure it is worth the hassle to save eighty bucks.


Since we are a family, and are paying for the kids as well, maybe it is a different scenario. But not by much. Celebrity is still willing to lose eighty dollars to accommodate our family. This I have been told by numerous people.




Addendum. Somehow I overlooked this post earlier.


When I called Captain's Club, I was asked if both the cabins would be on the same credit card. Since I was asking in terms of us treating my in-laws, I obviously said yes, and the response was, "Well, then, there would be no problem." This, then, may have something to do with if they allow you to play Musical Cabins or not. OP may be out of luck if they're each paying for their cabins separately, as I would assume they are.


cruisinpaige was responding to this post, that's how I noticed it. Note that I was not attempting to book a cruise, just get general information, so the agent would have had no immediate reason to give me false information.

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