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LIVE FROM Oceana with video and photographs

Jo and Rob

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Here is a link to our first mini video clip.



Hello from the Oceana!

Embarkation was really easy. We arrived at the port at 11.30, dropped off the luggage with the porters and waved our car goodbye as it was driven off by the car park company. They take pictures of the car to record any bumps or scratches which is piece of mind for both parties. They issue you with a receipt for the car (don't lose it!) and just want the car key so remember to remove all other keys first.


We went straight to a check-in desk, through security and only had to wait about 15 minutes before we were on board and tucking into lunch at the buffet. It is so hot we had to move away from the window! Hot food is on the left and cold is on the right of the buffet.


Jo's tip number 1 - There is out door seating available (nice wooden tables and chairs) which we discovered afterwards which would be ideal for eating your lunch. Although people were struggling to find a table as we left the Plaza there was still ample seating outside.


We had a game of shuffle board and then headed down to our cabin where our cases were already waiting for us when we arrived. One case was missing but our steward knocked on the door to let us know it had arrived before I had even finished unpacking so there no need to worry.


Jo's tip number 2 - Don't panic when the suitcases don't fit under the bed just open them up and then they fit under no problem. I have three suitcases (sitting inside each other) under my bed and one large under the other.


Must dash it's time for muster!

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Hi Jo and Rob

Peased to hear you have embarked and settled in.We dis-embarked at 07:30 using self-disembarkation, really easy and we were visiting our daughter by 10:30.

We had a great time and loved Oceana. there are 300 children on your cruise (so i was informed) so your little ones will have plenty of company.

There is a sale on costume jewellry and just about everything else after a few days:-)

I hope you have a great time.




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This is great. We will also be looking out for your updates as we have just booked a trip on the Oceana and are curious to find out as much as we can before we get on her.

What are the children's facilities like?


Enjoy your cruise!

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Hello from Oceana!


Muster was well organised and inside which is always a good thing rather than on deck. We were in Muster station B so we got to admire the art at the same time! You need to take your life jackets with you put not put them on until the demonstration is over.


We then nipped back to return the life jackets before we headed up on deck for sail away.


Jo's tip number 3 - Best place to stand for sailaway. Deck 14 midship port side is a great place to stand so you can get a good view of the band who are playing on the dockside. Don't worry that you can only hear them first, as the ship pulls away you get a great view and they wave too which is very exciting!


Jo's tip number 4 - Cheap champagne for 1st sailaway only. Treat yourself to a glass of champagne on embarkation day for sailaway and only pay £3 rather than the normal £5.50. Bargain!


The captain gives a good commentary while sailing from Southampton of all the important landmarks which was appreciated and added to the excitement. We then headed into the buffet for a coffee and cake and noticed that Alison from This Morning and Big Brother is onboard although we don't know if it is for work or pleasure.


The children decided to have the children's buffet and then we headed off to the Kids' club talk in Starlights followed by their first kids' club session. First impressions of kids' club were that it is much more laid back for signing in and out than Costa or Royal Caribbean. No need for cruise cards just authorised signatures (you are allowed up to four per child). The children had a great time but I will give more details of the club as the cruise progresses.


Jo's tip number 5 - always check out the spa on embarkation day for freebies. We stopped at the spa where a lady was standing outside asking if we wanted any help. I asked if they did tasters and then got a free 20 minute back and shoulder massage there and then!



We went back to our cabin and enjoyed a glass of wine (wine glasses provided in the cabin and we brought a bottle on board) and got ready to go out after posting our sailaway entry. We arrived at the Freedom dining at 8pm to be faced with a very long queue.


Jo's tip number 6 - Don't forget to collect your Freedom dining cards which are in your cabin when you arrive (in an envelope) as this will take ages to sort out as we found as the people in front of us didn't have theirs!


Jo's tip number 7 - Go to freedom dining early on the first night. We were given a pager when we got to the front of the queue but it didn't go off until 9pm which was a whole hour after we arrived!


Nothing was going to upset me however, (I was just thankful that the children had eaten and were having a great time in club and not moaning about being hungry) so we went to the bar, perused the restaurant menu and enjoyed a pre-dinner drink. A glass of non-champagne fizz and a large coke for £5 which is very good value compared with Princess and Royal Caribbean and we were surprisingly fine with the wait (although there were some really grumpy faces about).


Jo's tip number 8 - Tell the waiter if you are tight for time. We were starting to worry about time as the club finished at 10.30pm so we told the waiter the situation and he let us order immediately without having to wait for anyone else on the table.


We were joined by one other couple who were great company and the rest of the table was left unoccupied. The other couple told us they had only waited about 10 minutes and were nearly lynched by people around them whose pagers still hadn't gone off. The restaurant had lots of empty tables so I don't quite know why there was such a delay.


The food was all delicious. I had the lambs' kidneys, minestrone soup, sirloin steak (cooked to perfection) and the chocolate pot. Rob had the prawn cocktail, lamb and pearl barley soup, pork and pavlova to finish. We were back at kids' club at 10.15pm having not worried at all about time and even having time for coffee.


A great first day. Our beds had been turned down with chocolates on the pillows. There has been no mention of any engine trouble and the ship has not seemed at all noisy so if there was a problem it has obviously been fixed.


Video of Sailaway http://howarthfamily.smugmug.com/Other/P/16538295_am4iT#1246372760_moLUx-L-LB









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Sounds like you're already having a great time! Keep the updates coming (if possible).


The food sounds yummy. We're on Freedom dining when we go on Oceana in August, but I'm planning to get there around 7pm which I would imagine would be slightly less busy?


If you get a chance, can you have a look at the Teen facilities and activities, and if that age group seems to be having a good time?


Thanks again:)

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Thanks for doing this - so interesting to read! We are off on the Ventura in less than 2 weeks and I'm sure we will have very similar experiences.

Have a fantastic evening tonight - is it time to put your posh stuff on?:D

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Thank you so much for taking the time to provide these tips. It is the type of information that will be of use to many. Please though do not let it spoil your trip.


You look as though you are all having fun.


Regards Angela

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The beds were surprisingly comfortable and we all had an excellent first night sleep. We woke up as we were approaching Le Havre, right on time, just before 7am although it was still dark as we put the clocks forward last night.


Jo's tip 9 - How do you know when to change the time? Don't worry about time on board, any clock changes are in Horizon (name of the P&O info sheet delivered to your cabin) and our steward put a little sign on our bedside table (plus he also told us!) The ship time and local time are the same on P&O which is much easier.


We rang for room service (we don't normally fill in the sheet but ring when we are ready) but after 30 mins nothing came so I phoned again. The delay was due to a lack of water upstairs (hence no coffee /tea when it did arrive but we still got our juice and pastries)


Jo's tip 10 - Room service. If you want the same thing at the same time every morning tell room service chap on the first morning and he will make a note so you don't have to keep filling in the tag for your door or phoning up every morning. He suggested it and it seemed like a great idea to me!


After juice and a pastry we headed to the Adriatic restaurant for breakfast. No queues this morning and we had a table for four. The milk was UHT so the children didn't like the cereal unfortunately. They did enjoy having their fruit juice in large wine glasses and there was certainly enough on the menu for the milk not to be a problem. Oliver (8) had scrambled egg on toast and Emily (6 and allergic to egg) had sausage, bacon, mushrooms, saute potatoes and baked beans. Rob had a full fry up and I had the daily special which was scrambled egg with smoked salmon on toast. Coffee, tea and juice were all replenished upon request and there was loads of toast.


Jo's tip 11 - Take Horizon with you when you leave the ship. We caught the shuttle (free P&O bus) into town. We did wait about 15 mins for it to leave however and then we discovered that our driver didn't have a clue where he was going! The shuttle bus headed the wrong way and out of town!! I was sat right behind the driver and am fluent in French which proved extremely handy! As he left Le Havre and he admitted he was lost, had no idea where the official stops were and would need to turn round. I explained to him we needed to know where the official stops were so people knew how to catch the shuttle back! It was at this stage that a few Horizons were passed about the shuttle bus so everyone could make a note of the emergency contact number just in case, and the real location of the official stops!


Interestingly the Ventura Horizon (also in port and the bus had both lots of passengers on board) didn't state the bus stop locations but the Oceana one did. He stopped at random locations in Le Havre as there were calls from the back of the coach of "We've just gone past one!" (as they saw a P&O sign marked FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE STOP P&O on the other side of the road)


Jo's tip 12 - Keep smiling and relax. We were getting a free tour of Le Havre that we hadn't paid for! Things always seem better if you smile and laugh it off and at the end of the day we are on holiday.


Jo's tip 13 - When organising private excursions build in lots of recovery time. The free shuttle should have been a 10-15 minute transfer (depending on whether you were reading the Horizon from Ventura or Oceana) but we were actually on the bus for about an hour. Fortunately I got the driver to drop us off at the bus station (well the railway station but he was close!) as we were catching a bus to Honfleur.


The bus to Honfleur was quick, easy and very cheap. It only cost us £15 each way for the four of us as opposed to over £100 for the P&O excursion. Honfleur was very picturesque and well worth a visit. As it was a Sunday there were a limited number of buses so check out the bus vert website if you want to do a similar trip. We caught the Prestobus ligne 39 going and the bus vert ligne 50 coming back but they are both part of the bus vert company. The trip was only 30 minutes on the bus and went across the famous Pont de Normandie which was very impressive.


After lunch sitting outside at the Horizon Grill we decided to go swimming as it was so hot. On deck 12 there are two pools midship the largest at sunbed level is really long for a ship pool and 7ft deep. The second smaller pool is up a few steps and is 4ft deep. The second pool also had organised games for children.


There are 3 table tennis tables and bats and balls are provided (although we brought our own) There are two tables port side which also is a place where smokers tend to congregate but it wasn't a problem.


The children did the children's tea then kids' club again. On the first night they had a disco and a bowling challenge and last night they had a magic show and fairground games. The disco and magic show were both at starlights so it makes it much more of an event for the children. You can sign them in and out at any time and if they leave the club to do something around the ship either someone will be in the room to tell you or there will be a note on the door.

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Your video clip is great - who would have thought the weather would be so perfect in early April! And what a nightmare on the bus - I would have been panicking, but as you say, best to see the funny side:cool:.


I thought your morning room service WAS your breakfast (not sure I could eat Danish pastries followed by a Full English;)).


Lovin your daily updates:):D.

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Thanks so much, we are on Oceana in June and can't wait:D

Am really enjoying watching your videos and reading your tips - I am sure they will be very useful to us.


i second that as we are also booked on the 11th of june sailing on oceana.

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Thanks Jo and Rob, we are off this Saturday on Oriana and if I needed it this has given me an even greater appetite for the cruise have a wonderful holiday keep posting when you can but don't let it spoil your break.

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Monday 11th April at Sea


We had a lovely meal in the Ligurian restaurant last night. For starters we had duck rillettes and devilled whitebait, then both had broccoli soup topped with toasted almonds, followed by sirloin steak with a peppercorn butter and a roasted gammon dish with a sauce (they forgot to serve mine without the peas pudding despite my request on ordering though), we both had chocolate brownies and ice-cream followed by cheese and biscuits to finish.


Jo's tip 14 - On the first night head for one of the speciality restaurants as they offer special deals. Our table mates did that and got 3 courses for the price of two at Marco Pierre White's Cafe Jardin.


The same people had a cabin above the Footlights theatre and on the first night, all they could hear was the boom boom boom of Oklahoma from below. They said the show sounded very good and they could sing along to every word but that was not what they wanted so late at night.


Jo's tip 15 - If you are not happy let Guest Services know (deck 5 in the Atrium). Our table mates did just that and were able to change cabins because of the noise. We also went to Guest Services to tell them about the shuttle bus fiasco yesterday and they said they were aware there was a problem and offered a complementary bottle of wine with our meal tonight. Now that is what I call customer service and satisfaction!


Ignore my top tip about room service, the standing order didn't work despite the fact it was the room service person who suggested it. Nothing arrived so I phoned. Then the chap came back for us to fill in the sheet (obviously lost the old one) and got some of the order wrong.


As today is Monday my favourite dish egg Benedict was the special on the menu. I suggest you order two eggs (I did) as one would have been a bit small on its own.


The children then went off to club, Emily announced she wanted to spend the whole day there but I pointed out that she would have to come out for lunch! Oliver loved the game of football in the funnel with Peter the "football guy" (how lucky was I packing his kit I had no idea they did football sessions!) and Emily meanwhile was doing Twinkling Treasure in club.


Jo's tip 16 - Pack a football kit for your children if they have one (don't panic if they don't) I only packed it as a back up fancy dress outfit. Phew!


I headed off to the Bilbao talk which was a little impersonal to say the least. Unlike on Costa there was no introduction or person talking to you, the lights just went down suddenly and someone (somewhere) read out a script (although it could have been a recording) about the trips with some photographs. I just felt that someone on stage saying "Hello everyone, welcome to our port talk about Bilbao…" etc would have been much more professional. After a two minutes on the place it was onto the excursions so I decided to leave as there were several things on that I also wanted to do at the same time.


After a trip to the spa for a taster massage as advertised in Horizon (5 mins rather than 20 mins on embarkation day but hey it was free so I'm still happy!) I headed back to footlights to see if the Bilbao talk now had a human being. Alas no, more of the same so instead I went to the Yacht and Compass for a game of Scattergories. This was a great decision and such a laugh. The member of staff running it was really funny and everyone was enjoying themselves playing the game.


Jo's tip 16 - If you don't like an activity, leave and try something else as there is enough going on to suit and entertain everyone no matter what your interest may be.


From there we headed to the Starlights theatre for a lesson on how to waltz. I was amazed Rob agreed to go and we nearly lasted the whole hour although we admit that box turns were pretty tricky as they normally ended in a collision! Good fun and now I know how to waltz!


After lunch we had a great game of Shuffleboard and Oliver beat me despite being down minus 6 to my 20 at one stage. The shuffleboard is located on deck 7 port side and well worth a try. The equipment is always available so just help yourself. Watch out for joggers and walkers though as it is the promenade deck.


I then attended the spa raffle but no winning ticket but they gave loads of treatments away.


Jo's tip 17 - Make sure you attend the spa raffle as it is free and you could win a complementary treatment (about 10 people did!)


Today instead of afternoon tea there was "chocoholics" in the restaurant. People started queuing at 3pm although it didn't start until 3.30pm so needless to say quite a large queue formed very quickly. Chocoholics looked good but wasn't really for us. There were loads and loads and loads of chocolate cakes, chocolates pastries, as well as chocolate mousse, a chocolate fondue etc.


Jo's tip 18 - If you love chocolate look out for the "chocoholic" event on one of the sea days. (I had never heard of it on cruise critic before). Take your camera!


Captain's party.

As freedom diners we were invited to the 8,15pm party to dine afterwards. With Oliver and Emily that would have been too late so we went along to the 6pm one instead and there was absolutely no problem. Complementary wine and gin and tonics are given out as you arrive at the atrium. The drinks waiters were very attentive and kept offering to get the children orange juice and were happy when we requested water for the children instead.


Jo's tip 19 - Head for deck 5 rather than the other decks in the Atrium as this is where most photographers are and we were surprised how it didn't seem too crowded.


We arrived about 6.10pm and I didn't look at he time but guess it was about 6.30pm when the captain spoke. He stand between the glass lifts on deck 6 if you want to position yourself to see him (which is visible from all parts of the Atrium) although I chose to keep my place in the queue for photos which was behind the sweeping stairs but that was my choice.


No photographs are taken while the captain is speaking but we didn't have to wait long so fingers crossed we can get a nice picture of the whole family. There was a moving queue for the restaurant which moved very quickly (we were at the end of it as we left it for more photos on the stairs and then joined the back again) but there was no problem with seating or pagers tonight. We were lucky enough to get a table for four by the window (the maitre D greets us like old friends which we love - I think he remembers our smiles from the first night amongst the many grumpy faces!) At first he apologised for not having a table for four (we didn't expect one) and as we were heading off for our table for six another one must have come available as a second waiter came dashing through the restaurant to relocate us. Now that is what I call service!!


Jo's tip 20 - Follow the formal dress code. The gentleman in front of us in the queue had a smart purple shirt, waist coat and tie. The maitre D quietly (but I have good ears!) explained that all men had to wear jackets on formal night in the restaurant and that he could not come in. The chap said he had a sports jacket in the cabin so his wife was seated while he dashed back to get it.


Everyone looked wonderful including all the staff. The food was magnificent tonight and savoured by all four of us. We had oak smoked Scottish salmon / game terrine with a quince jelly tartlet to start, followed by wild mushroom soup with a white wine veloute (which the children both loved as did I) / consomme of chicken, beef and vegetable, then Rob and I had Maine lobster Newburg with a sabayon cheese gratin and marquise potatoes, Oliver had sirloin steak and Emily chose the minute steak off the kids menu (apart from this course for Emily the children ordered from the main menu all night but the kids menu had everything from fish fingers to pasta so little ones will be fine if they don't like adult food. For dessert Rob had champagne sorbet, I had the pear tarte tatin with vanilla pod ice-cream and the children had ice-cream. We all finished the meal with cheese and biscuits by which time the next wave of people were sitting down and onto their main courses. The meal was relaxed and unrushed, in fact the waiters said take your time, and we just loved the whole occasion.

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