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Sharon, things are moving along very quickly. I don't blame you for not letting them come over. If you are not feeling very well people should understand and respect that.


Last night we were sitting outside and it was very windy. I was in the hot tub but the way the sky was looking I decided to get inside before things got worse. We just got very high winds and hardly any rain. They said the north got hit worse. How are you doing? Is everything OK in your area and are you feeling better today? It is still very windy and a threat of rain.




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I'm fine, I was just being stubborn, not letting them come in. Now today I had the carpenter come and got it all set up for him to start tomorrow or Friday depending on the weather and when I got home the RE guy called and said he had talked to the lawyer and maybe we should just say no to the carpentry work. I wish someone would tell me these things!!!!!! So I am going ahead with the work. Still no electrican but RE guy says not to worry it will get done, remember its his brothers elec company.


So sounds really nice sitting in the hot tub outside watching the sky, that is until the storm hit. We had lots of rain, probably an inch and some wind. We didn't get that really high winds they were talking about so no tree branches came down, didn't even lose the Direct TV signal, surprising, also got lots of lightening and thunder boomers.


Had Zumba today, only 2 of us and the instructor, don't know where everyone else is??? Good workout though. It has rained on and off all day long and still is. We were going to take Bill's sister to dinner and then there was supposed to be a band concert and ice cream social in the park at the next town. But with the weather we have altered our plans to go instead to the Walworth co fairgrounds for the pork chope dinner and see the finalists for the countr idol contest, its inside.

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Sharon, amazing at different ends of the state and variance in the weather. It has just been very windy here today and it has looked all day like it was going to rain, but has not yet. Since we have bocce tonight and our game is at 7:15 that is when it will rain.


Check out this link as Bill got in our local paper today about our club's 70 anniversary. http://www.nwitimes.com/sports/golf/amateur/article_7583242c-2338-5582-a923-396b3a5d39f5.html


Why did the lawyer not want you to do the carpenter work at the house? It sure sounds like everything is moving along. I hope it continues. Wow, the Zumba class sure has dropped off. For you I don't know if that is good or bad not having so many people around during the workout session.




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That was a very nice article about the club, and how very convenient it is for you and Bill. It has kept raining here off and on all evening just like it did all day. So I'm wondering if you got in your bocce ball game. It was Bill's sisters b-day yesterday, she is 87. She enjoyed the pork chop dinner and what a crowd they had. You got 2 boneless pork chops, a baked potato, coleslaw, applesauce, 2 slices of rye bread and a dixie cup of ice cream along with a pop, milk or water. She said she is almost a recluse as she only goes to the dr, dentist and grocery store. We then went into another building and the country idol tryouts were going on. We listened to about 10 different ones and then there was an intermission so we left. She said it was so nice to watch "live" people since she ususally only sees people on TV! She lives alone and only has Bill close, her daughter lives in Colorado. They are planning a trans atlantic cruise this fall on the Epic. We are going to have to include her in some more of our plans to get her out of the house a little more.


I don't know why the lawyer said not to get the carpentry work done that the buyers requested, after all I had already agreed to do it, don't think it would be good to say I've changed my mind at this point.

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Sharon, we did not get any rain at all last night. It was very windy but no rain. So everyone got their games in and our team lost. It sounded so nice that you got Bill's sister out. If you can get her out again that would be a great thing for her. I have my aunt driving in form WI., Oshkosh today. She will stay with us for a few days. She always comes a few times a year and stays with us. She is like 85 and very active, and lives all alone.


It is raining now and I heard it is supposed to rain all day. They had a piece on ABC news last night about the foods that put the weight on. I do not know if you saw it? Said carbohydrates that turn to sugar once absorbed into your system.




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Whew finally, I logged in 4 times before I got this screen to reply, whats that all about? It will be a nice visit for you and your aunt. Like her, Bill's sis is very "with it" and still drives. I don't think she would drive that far though, just around town is all she does. It has been raining here again off and on all day, really getting tired of this rain all the time, it should go to Arizona, Texas or Florida where they really need the rain, we don't! By the time I get back to mowing the yard will have to start all over again! Went over to the other house around 2 pm today, no one there working and both the electrician and carpenter were supposed to, I can understand the carpenter because of the rain, but where is the electrician?? The days are counting down and we are not ready for the closing.


Good you got in your game last night, even if you did lose, bet it is fun either way.

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Forgot to tell you, I did see that on the news last night about the carbs turning to sugar. So if you eat a piece of bread and it turns to sugar, you might as well just eat the candy that is going to do the same thing! Yup, potato chips also and quite a few other things that would make you fat if you ate them were listed. So whats new, everything good makes you fat, just have to eat in moderation, easier said than done!

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Sharon, there are some people who really get very upset when they loose. Us we just want to have fun, win or loose. My aunt is here and leaving tomorrow morning to meet some friends up north. We also got rain on and off all day yesterday. Today is much nicer.


Hopefully not too many more times for you mowing at the other house. The workers should also be moving along with the work that needs to be completed on time. With all that is going on are you still going out tonight dancing? We will most likely take my aunt to dinner at our club tonight.


The way they present the story about gaining weight from eating those things really makes you think about what is going into your mouth.




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This is really getting ridiculous now, no one came today to work either! I stopped at the house on the way back from Zumba and there was a car there, it was the septic/well inspector. He had came out 2 weeks ago and tested the water, but couldn't find the septic, well he finally came for the first time to test that today, the 24th already. Seems it needs some part, so I called a septic guy, only got an answering machine and no return call yet. When I got home there was a message from the carpenter saying he had gotten hung up and couldn't come until tomorrow. I know whats going to happen.....the electrican is going to come and shut off the elec to work and then the carpenter will come also and not be able to us his table saw. This is really getting to me, why can't people come when they say they are going to? We are quickly running out of time and I thought I had everything covered weeks ago. I'm not sure about tonight and tomorrow we will probably be tired from walking around all afternoon at the strawberry festival. When are you leaving Monday morning or over the weekend? It will be nice to go out to dinner with your aunt, I'm sure she will enjoy it.

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A very good Sunday morning. Yesterday was a very nice day then in the evening we started getting some rain. My aunt left around 11 am. Bill came home around noon and sleep for a few hours and then we went to the club for dinner and they had a mega raffle and we did not win.


How is the other house coming. Are the workers showing up to complete the work? We have an electrician this morning installing timers for our outside lights. I sure hope I do not fall off the weight while away next week, as I will be missing 2 weigh-ins while away. It is that eating out so much that does me in


Enjoy the day.




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Good Monday morning. Sharon, I hope all is OK with you at your end and that you have just been busy with all of the weekend activities and with getting the other house in order.


We are leaving this afternoon and I will try to check in at some point during our journey. So keep everything alive. I hope all is running smoothly with the other house.


Heavy rain forecast for today so I hope we do not get it in our travels. Good luck,




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Had a very frustrating day on Friday, but carpenter called and said he would be there early sat morning. Sat morning.....no carpenter all day. We needed a break so we went to that strawberry festival, took longer than we thought, a little over 2 hrs to get there. We did not buy anything but 2 bottles of strawberry wine and got home around 8pm. Sun we went to the Big Foot fly-in breakfast. Its held in the hangers of the airfield. They give you lots of food! Sunday afternoon I cut grass until 5pm then planted a couple flowers that I had bought. Today, the septic guy was there fixing the "baffle" on the septic, the elec was there installing the breaker panel and the carpenter was there...having to wait for the elec to be turned back on. But I found out there is still chlorine in the well, so am running it again 4 hrs today and 8 hrs tomorrow. Have already run it for 20 to 24 hrs and can't seem to get the chlorine out of it. That means the guy will have to come back again, and charge every time, to test it again. The buyers again asked to come and do yard work and put up some fencing. We said no again, too much liability and we haven't even closed on it yet. Have a great trip, forgot to ask how long you would be gone.

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Kathy, going to keep posting to keep us on the first page. This morning pet sitter called and wanted to know if I would like to go for a walk with her and her dog Lily. We went up to a nice place that quite a few people take their dogs, all off leash. I didn't take Tinker and good thing as we really moved! It was a 1 mile grassy track that you walked on and most all the people let their dogs run without the leash. We went around twice and it was getting pretty warm. I think I will take Tinker up there some day but not walk nearly so fast. Going to spend tme outside today working on the garden. Hope you are having fun.

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O.K. everything but one item is done on the list and that is having the water rechecked for chlorine. We ran it 4 hrs on Monday, 10 hours on Tuesday and it has been running now since 9am. I am going over and cut the grass so will turn it off when I leave, should be another 7 or 8 hrs. I am holding my breath that the pump doesn't burn up!

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Another water sample was taken yesterday morning, me not knowing that ran the water for another 6 hrs yesterday, why can't they let you know when they are coming???? Anyway will hear if it passed this morning, then everything will be completed. RE guy told me of another couple who had to run their well water for 48 hrs, we only ran ours 44 hrs! Isn't that ridiculous, I think the well guy is using tooooooo much chlorine.


I'll be glad when you get back, or check in, but enjoy your time off looks like you've had great weather.

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Got the bad news about Wed water sample on Thursday afternoon, nope didn't pass again, now has a bacteria count of 1, yes only 1, but not good enough has to be 0. So ran the water another 8 hrs on Thrusday and another sample was taken on Friday morning. I am waiting this morning for the lab to call about the results. I don't know what we will do if it doesn't pass again, never thought this would be the one thing to cause us problems!

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Hi Sharon, we got back this afternoon. I was very busy with work there. I did not ever get a chance to get on and post. I am so glad that the well inspection finally passed. So are you all ready for the closing now?


The weather there was similar to what it was here. However when it did get hot, it was so hot when walking outside it was difficult to breath. Yesterday it rained so heavy that the fireworks and the afternoon air show was canceled along with the concert.


We saw the fireworks and the air show on Saturday and they were supposed to get the fireworks in tonight . The Mississippi was over flowing its banks and was probably about 8 to 10 feet above flood stage. They had the streets closed down by the water from Wednesday to July 5.


We went to the Arch on our 1st day there. It only took us 4 hours driving each way. We had lunch in Arcola, IL this morning and had some nice Amish cooking. It is good to be home and I am glad everything is moving in the right direction for you. Back to the grind tomorrow.




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Kathy glad you had a good time too bad you had to work so hard. We didn't have any rain and its getting kinda dry again. We saw fireworks last night so staying home tonight. Yes everything should be set for the closing on Friday, glad you got home safely.

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Sharon, I hope the closing goes with out a snap. So are you finished working over at the other house and cutting the grass? I was so very tired last night I was in bed at 9pm. I just could not stay up any longer.




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Yes, everything is out of the house and pole barn, we brought the 2 mowers home yesterday and every other little thing like bar of soap, kleenex etc. So talked to the lawyer this morning had to take him a copy of my husbands death cert and copies of a few other things that were done and paid for.


I was really disappointed today, my "friend" and I had made arrangements last week to go to the pool today since it is her last day off from work. I called her this morning and she made plans with someone else to do something. I was surprised but just said ...well ok and hung up. Then she called back and said she didn't want me to be mad. I told her I thought we had made plans last week to go swimming. She said yes we did but I had been so busy with the house and such she went ahead and made plans with someone else. I just told her I wasn't mad just very disappointed. She said well she would try and cancel with the other gal. I told her no I didn't want to go anymore and I was busy so I'd talk to her some other time. Don't think I will make anymore plans with her, that was not nice at all of her, last week was so crazy I was planning on going swimming and having a good time today. I know its always all about her but she hasn't done that to me before, other people yes, but not me. I think she may have lost one of her only friends by doing that to me.


Anyway its hot outside so I think I will run over to the mall and just walk around, don't really need anything just want to get my attitude adjusted to a little happier.

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Sharon, I would expect that from that lady. She is the one who has a hard time keeping men, correct? Well don't let the bad feeling get you down. Consider where it came from. After all both you and Bill are always including her in your plans because she is all alone. Remember, there is a reason she is all alone.


Yes it is hot today and full sunshine. Now after all the rain we had, we need a little now to keep the grass green. I'll bet you are relieved that you do not have to worry or work at the other house again after Friday.


Have a good day today walking. I need to do something as after having no weigh-ins for 2 weeks and all of the eating out, look out. :eek:




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