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I asked my friend about the Phoenix complex and she did know where it is. She said it is huge and it is on Orange Beach. I asked her what her's was called but now I can't remember what she said! They had it rented so that's why they came back now. She said it helps pay the association fees to rent it out when they are not there.


It has been snowing off and on here all morning. Sometimes almost a blizzard then the sun peeks out. Crazy weather.


Last night was good, no dancing but lots of eating. He had made not only tacos with all the fixings but also Italian beef sandwiches with bakery rolls. It was very good. I took a veggie tray, another gal brought a carrot cake and another brought brownies and another brought a cheese and cracker tray. So lots and lots of food to eat.


Our instructor got called back for another interview this afternoon so its looking good for her to get the job. She is hoping to still be able to teach us if she gets the right schedule.


I bought 4 different vegetable plants at Loews today, they were 4 for $10. They are very small but a good price. I will have to keep them inside for a while with the weather though.



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Sharon, it was doing the very same thing downtown as well as around here and, it is still doing it. I also heard that we could expect the very same tomorrow.


I must say that you all get treated very well by the owner of that bar. Certainly last night was tops as far as all of the food that was brought.


I am going to get my nails done after work today. So I will not see Bill until around 10:30. I left for work around 10:45 this morning. So all depends on what they will be doing tonight.


I agree that with this crazy weather, it is best to keep those plants inside, until things turn around and we start to get better weather. Especially with the great deal that you got.




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More snow flurries today, luckily nothing is really sticking to the ground.


My sister got some bad news, seems the radiologist wanted her to have a mammogram which she did, however he still did not think the scar she had looked right so insisted she return to the cancer doctor to see what he thought. She did that yesterday, the dr thought it looked suspicious so did a biopsy. He called her last night and said it did not look good, that she will probably have to have a mastectomy. I told her I could not drive down there all the time and didn't even know if I would be able at this point to be a care giver. I know that is not very nice but I just can't do that again so soon. I don't know what she is going to do. She needs to be closer to the hospital and we are very very far away from it. She also needs a colonoscopy and and endoscopy done which will be another trip down there. She has been having trouble swallowing and eating lately. This just gets worse and worse.

So much to try and deal with!


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Sharon, you are just going to have to call the son's down in Florida and explain it to them that their mother is getting much worse and someone needs to either fly her back down there or come here right away. The longer this gets put off, the more stress there will be thrown right at you. Like you said, you cannot be dealing with this just now. Nor should you be put in this situation. You do not have to feel bad about this. They all should be sensitive to your feeling and what this is doing to you. I was afraid that the longer she stayed in April the worse she will be getting. Her own family needs to step up and get her down there ASAP.


It has been snowing here as well on and off all day long. It is supposed to get real cold tonight and they are also saying we could get 1-3" of snow. Thus far none of it has been sticking.


I hope and pray that something gets done over the weekend. You know that your sister is not going to be doing anything, as you have been very accommodating to her and she is very comfortable.




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Thanks for your kind words Kathy. I told my sister she should go to Florida and get what ever surgery she needs but she says there isn't any place that would fo a good job and up here her drs know her. She has told her sons about the new diagnoisis but none have steped up to help. I guess she will have to be here to get the surgery but I sure don't like it.


At least it was sunny here today even though it was cold.


I signed up for a bus trip on Monday. It is through the Van Galder Bus and Tour Company. They have a lunch or dinner trip a month.. I'm not sure what town or what restaurant but just wanted to get away for a day. Then Tuesday I have to go pick up the taxes with "the daughter". Sometimes I just want to be by myself and not have someone here every single minute of every day!


Did you get the results of your test back yet? Was it just for bone density or is there a test for RA too? My one friend has that, she is on about her 3rd different medicine. This one is a pill the one just before was a weekly shot she had to give herself. She is pretty heavy but still does some dancing.



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Sharon, no I have not gotten the results back yet. The test that I am waiting for is the bone density. So I would think that sometime this week I will get the results back.


Our bank was taken over by another bank and now they have bus trips scheduled each and every month. Since I am working I will not be able to take advantage of them. But perhaps I will take a day off and try one. I know what you mean about just getting away for awhile.


That does not seem fair at all that her family has just dropped the ball and dumped your sister right on you to be doing everything. Someone should be saying something to them about caring for their own mother. Once she starts everything, you will become the caregiver, and I do not see how you can avoid that unless you get her out of your house. The longer time goes on the more difficult it will be to get her out of there.


Yesterday was sunny around here as well. But very cold. Today is overcast and rain all day today. Bill went all afternoon today with his rehearsal. I went across the street to the club as today was the Spring Fling, where everyone signs up for the various leagues. We are the co-captains for the bocce league.


I have put on a few pounds so I have to get things back in order, as if I went now to weigh-in I would loose my lifetime status for free.




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I am glad you are back into bocce, seems like you both enjoy it and that's nice. Yes, you should get a schedule of the bank trips and pick out a couple to go on. Its a fun way to go places and you don't have to drive. My luncheon trip today was to Dubuque Iowa. We first stopped at the Mississippi River Museum. Then went to a restaurant called LMay right in downtown Dubuque. Bill and I had went to Dubuque a few years ago. I drove, and we stayed at the Hotel Julien. It was a beautiful old hotel.


I know, I have been very upset over wondering how this is going to go with my sister. I just can't seem to find any answers to how to get her out of here.


I have gained a few pounds back too, why do they come back so easy! I have signed up for 2 5K walks. One is on the 23 and the other is on the 30th of April. I seem to be trying to find ways to be out of the house.


Looks to be a good week, maybe I will cut the back yard. It always grows faster than the front.


My granddaughter in Texas just had an underground storm shelter built and had to use it yesterday. The "storm chasers" who go looking for storms and tornados were in their neighborhood.


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Sharon, since this is the last year for the club, and we do not want any drama, as there was some last year. So hopefully we should have a good last year of operation. The doors are supposed to close 12/31.


I was about 1 1/2 hours late today, as we took the morning train downtown to visit the eye Dr. I have to go back sometime to have a vision field test. Otherwise, all was OK with the both of us.


Bill is an Ambassador with CARA now. So I saw a few races where he will be a representative for CARA, and I am thinking of doing a few myself walking of course. I do not run. Yes, we have to find ways to shred these pounds off. Since I only have to weigh in once per month I still have time to get rid of these pounds so I do not loose my lifetime status.


Dubuque is a nice old town. We have gone and stayed on the other side of the river a place called Jummers Castle Lodge. The town name is Bettendorf, IA.


You know this as well as I do. As soon as your sister starts the chemo, she is going to become sick. The last thing you need is to be a caregiver. Someone in her family needs to step up right now and take her with them. You do not need this added stress. What is that telling you when they do not want her.




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Good you are both still going good and healthy! That is the best thing being healthy!


What is CARA, I haven't heard of it, must be something with the races right? I don't run either, just feel lucky to be able to still walk, so many of my friends have issues that prevent them from walking.


Got home from zumba and my sister was not here, just breathed a sigh of relief not to have to deal with her. I don't know it just gets harder every day. She tries to talk but her voice is so bad its even irritating to me and I know that is not fair she can't help it. Half the time I'm feeling guilty and half the time I'm thinking her sons should be the one feeling guilty. The one hasn't seen her since sometime in November and the other one since February. Oh they call her all the time and tell her how much they love her but never have stopped over to see her. I think they are afraid she will come back and live with them.


Just waiting to see what is next with this latest diagnosis, she wants to put her head in the sand and act like nothings wrong, won't even look it up on Google. She says she doesn't want to know. Not the smartest thing to do in my book.


Ok, going outside to cut the back yard, its sunny and I need to think of something else for a while before I have to meet "the daughter" and get the taxes.



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Sharon, isn't that the truth about being healthy. You can have all of the money in the world, but if you do not have your health, what kind of life would you really have. Of course a lot depends on how well you take care of your body.


Sorry about that, CARA (Chicago Area Runners Association). So that is where some of the events interested me to join for walking.


It would seem that your sister's family has given up on her due to the way she runs her own life. By not living up to reality and really care for and to keep up with the things she needs to do, to really care for herself. So she has thrown everything at you and her family has abandoned her as well.


They started cutting our grass yesterday as well for the first time this season. It gets nice in the afternoon, but once the sun goes down it gets really cold at night.




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I pulled the mower out to wash it off and saw it had a flat tire in the back. So I called the guy who fixes them and he came this morning, put an inner tube in it right here at the house. Charged me $58 but at least it was quick and I can mow now again. I did get the other rider charged up and cut the back yesterday, so at least thats done.


The ride went pretty good with the daughter last night. We both got the taxes filed we needed to get done. I am getting a refund for our Fed so that is good. The tax guy was going to put the daughter as the trustee for Bill's WI state tax and I said those figures cover when he was alive so I should be the one to take care of it. There is a refund on that one too so he had to figure how much I have to give the trust out of the refund. So glad this will be the last year I have to deal with it.


Just heard my sister on the phone, she now has a dr appmnt next Tuesday to talk to the cancer dr about what he is going to do and the surgery is tentatively scheduled for the 27th. So the date we had agreed she was supposed to be gone by was the 20th of this month. Looks like now way is that happening. She has left the refrigerator door open two different times and it has ran all night trying to keep cold. She got out some crackers for lunch, buttered them on the counter and then didn't wipe up the crumbs or the butter on the counter. Then I noticed two crackers had fallen on the floor in front of her, and then she wonders why I am not happy with her here! This is just a couple of things lately that she has done, way too many to even list. The sad part is she doesn't even realize this is a problem.


Anyway, I worked on one of the flower beds today, its just still cold outside! I uncovered a couple of the big ground bees and since they were still groggy I was able to step on them. I have so many flower beds to work on its going to take all summer then I'll start over again. It does help me to clear my head though so that's good.


Didn't you have a friend last year that you walked with sometimes? I always enjoyed walking with Tinker, now I use my ipad and walk to music. It's nice to have company though. Our Get Moving Wisconsin is starting up again pretty soon and has posted some of the walks already. One will be leaving from Fontana and walking to Black Point, a historic home that hasn't changed much. I had volunteered there one summer and got to go all through it with the different tour groups. Its located high on a hill on Lake Geneva. When it first opened for tours the only way you could get there, because the neighbors didn't want lots of congestion and traffic, was by boat. However because it it so high on the hill there are around 100 steps to go up and most of the people coming to tour were elderly. Some once they got up to the house just wanted to sit on the porch and wait and not go on the tour. I think now they do allow buses to come.


We are going to see the girls tonight,


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Sharon, yes my friend who lost her husband a few years ago was the one who I was waling with. I have asked Bill to go walking with me but he has said no thus far.


That is not fair for your sister to be stringing you along. If something is not done you will for sure have her there all summer long. She has no motivation and is not going to move unless you push her out. You should not be a caregiver for her and you certainly do not need this stress that it will be causing you. She needs to go now. You may feel guilty, but no way should you. It was supposed to be temporary and she is turning it into long time. If her family cannot step up, then oh well, not your problem.


So how was going out last night with your friend at the dance place?


So you were able to get the mower fixed and then you were able to cut all of the grass as well. At least the guy fixed it right away and it did not delay you any for cutting it all.


Our taxes were done a few weeks ago and now we have already gotten our refund from the feds. Who knows how long it will take from a bankrupt state to get our state refund. But at least they are all done. So you are now finished and you will not have to be dealing with them anymore now.




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We had a talk again, I told her she could stay till she had her surgery but if there was follow up chemo or radiation she woukd have to get it done in Florida. The radiation dr had told her he could help coordinate it in Florida.


I finally told her last night not to put her feet with her shoes on, on my nice leather couch.I know she probably did that with her old couch and she let her 2 dogs sit on it too. Then today she was making herself a sandwich while I went out to get the mail. When I came back in she had taken it in her bedroom to eat. I found a piece of roast beef in front of the refrigerator and a potato chip in the middle of the floor. When she came out of the befroom I told you her about that too. I'm tired of cleaning up after her and not saying anything.


My sister goes with on Wed night, she always wants to go with me where ever I go. Of course she can't dance but watches us.


Too bad your Bill hasn't been walking with you. It would be good for him and woukd keep you company. Is he still swimming?


I didn't get much of the grass cut, only the small fenced in area in the back. I will have to work on the rest soon though. Today I did some more weeding. The backs of my legs are really stiff tonight after sitting for a while.


I won't have to worry about a state refund, I had to pay. But I do get a refund from Federal so that is good.


Tomorrow one of Bill's and mine dance friends is having a birthday. So me and my sister will go to the dance place for his party. The library in town is having a book sale so I will go up and find some books to read. I usually wait till the last day and then get the all you can put in a bag for a buck.



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Sharon, if you can stick to that plan for your sister then perhaps she will be gone before the end of this month. Yes, I know how she just does whatever she wants and it must be driving you nuts with here being such a slob.


With all of this nice weather we have been having and with no rain in the forecast, I would think that you will be able to finish the grass cutting. I know last year you had some problem with you skin and rashes from cutting the grass. This year with that virus from mosquitos you will have to be very careful.


With Bill not willing to go walking with me, means that I have not gone walking. He started swimming about 2 weeks ago.


Enjoy and have a good day today.




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I did get another couple of hours in on the mowing today. I also had a friend deliver 8 straw bales for my garden. I planted my vegetables in the straw last year and it turned out pretty good without any care. So will try it again this summer.


A bonus, when they brought my straw bales they noticed I had 2 old riding mowers. I told them I was going to call the junk man since neither one worked anymore. The guy with my friend said he would like them so I said fine you can have them. They went and got a trailer and c ame back and picked them up. So now I have more room in the pole barn. He said he might be interested in my truck too, hope I didn't scare him off when I told him the price I would like for it.


Going to that birthday party tonight at the dance place, looking forward to it. I bought a ticket to the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison and I think I will go tomorrow. Not taking my sister b ecause she can't walk very far and its just about all walking.


Bwautiful day today, tomorrow looks good too! I planted a few pansys in a hanging pot.


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Sharon, always best just to get him back to try it and look it over first. Once you get him interested then you drop the price on him. But at least you gave him the old one's. Maybe he thinks he can work on them and get them going once again.


How was the birthday party last night? It was a good move not taking your sister.It is best not to be taking her anyplace where there is walking involved. So today should be a good day for you as the temps should go into the 70's today.


Yes, I remember you doing those bails of hay last year. If they work then why not do it once again. With this weather everything should be popping up real fast. Although it does get real cold at night.


Enjoy the fair today and have a good weekend.




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Yes I thought he might think about the truck for a few days and then get back to me, we'll see.


I left this morning at 8am and got home at 8pm tonight. I got up there and it took 45 minutes to get through the pay gates and park. But also when I was leaving it took 1/2 hr to get out. So many people and so much traffic. I walked most of the day but did sit down in the Collesium to watch the different horse demonstrations. My legs are tired tonight.


It was a beautiful day and looks good for tomorrow also. Hope you get out yo enjoy it too.


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Sharon, so was it worth it to go to the show yesterday, and did you enjoy it not counting all of the traffic?


Yes, yesterday and today are going to be nice. Temps in the 70's. Bill put the filters in the pond yesterday and took out the heaters and aeration that is extra for winter. Also put in the UV lightning. Put the hoses as well. It seem like we went from winter right into summer. So who knows how long this will last. I see the Colorado it getting hit with lots of snow.


Enjoy the beautiful weather and the rest of the weekend.




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I did see about the snow in Colorado, better them than us. They are probably happy about it.


Yes I did enjoy going to the Horse Fair. It was good also going by myself. I could look at what I wanted to and if I wanted to sit for a while, could do that too.


Today I worked for hours on a flower bed that had a couple of volunteer trees that had came up. Some of the branches were too big for the loper so I had to you a hand saw. It was hard, hot work but I got it done.


Decided I would go on Tuesday with my sister to the dr. I want to know what exactly he plans on doing or if he thinks there is some kind of follow up. My sister never seems to pay attention or else the dr doesn't tell her. Not sure which way it is.


Wish you could be off another day, looks like its going to be nice again. The one gal that just got back from Florida called on Saturday. She had gotten a coupon for 4 lunches so she invited me and the two others that go to zumba, to go to lunch tomorrow.



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Sharon, supposed to be in the 80's today. I worked outside yesterday as well. So a nice day to be going out for lunch. Enjoy


That is a good idea to be going with your sister tomorrow to see exactly what the Dr is saying. I am sure the Dr does tell her everything. She just chooses not to tell you everything.


So over the weekend we had decent weather and you were able to get out and enjoy everything all by yourself.


Sometime soon I want to get a bike and perhaps we can go riding together in the evening.


Enjoy this beautiful weather.




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Had a nice lunch with the girls today. Was going to work outside again when I got home but decided I was too full and it was too hot. It's supposed to be in the 60's the rest of the week so will get more done then.


I have several old bikes that squeek and squeel when I put the brakes on. I need to get a new one.I like to ride a bike sometimes.


I don't really think she doesn't want to tell me, I think she doesn't want to hear it so she just tunes the dr out.



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Sharon, this is a sharp contrast from what we had yesterday as far as the temps go today. With the wind it feels much colder this morning.


We went out last night for dinner to that place that gives you the % off the bill for what your age is. My birthday is Thursday. So now it is my turn to be grabbing the birthday discounts this week.


I agree with you about your sister. She does not want to listen to reality and certainly puts off things including her own health care.


Bill has this brand new bike in the garage. So the plan is to see how much they will give us on trade in and then use that to put down on a new one.




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So happy bithday week to you, get all the benefits you can! This week will be a little cooler but I like it. We had rain all afternoon today.


The dr set up a PET scan for my sister tomorrow and then had her set up an appmnt for an upper and lower GI. She got this appmnt for next Monday. He did not want to do the surgery until he finds out if the cancer has spread or not. The surgery is set for next Wed. He also said the only thing that will help her survival is chemo. I asked him if he could help her get that set up in Florida since she will be moving there as soon as she recovers from the surgery. He said he could help coordinate that. There is supposed to be a good cancer group down there called Moppet. I know if she does the chemo she will be very sick and I would like her sons to take responsibility for her.


I have an appmnt with the lawyer tomorrow again. Evidently he has gotten something from the "kids" lawyer.



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Sharon, it sounds like you are going to be very busy today with the lawyer and are you also taking your sister to that test today as well? So it will be interesting to hear about what the lawyer has for you.


I heard all of the reports about rain yesterday, but in our area there was no rain at all. Today and tomorrow they are calling for the rain in the evening. But you are right on how cold it is in the morning.


As far as your sister. She will have next week for the 2 tests and then the surgery. I would think that she will be sick after the surgery as well. Hopefully that Dr will be able to get something moving in FL to start and finish the chemo there. You are right about getting her own son's involved and not you at all. She needs to be there and not here.




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No I did not take her, it is a non invasive test so she went by herself. It was another almost 2 hr drive and I just did that yesterday with her. I will go when she has her surgery though.


I have so many things coming up in May that I have already paid for, thinking she would be gone by then. I hope I don't have to miss them. I told her when she moved in I was still trying to work on me and get my life back together.


I'm going to work outside for a while on the asparagus patch, till I have to go to the lawyers. It should start to come up pretty soon and there are so many weeds and old plants that I won't be able to see them.


I like it cooler like this, easier to work outside.



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