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Glad you are back, was getting worried about you! I knew Bill was gong to be out of town that you didn't like to be home alone. sorry you have not been feeling well, but that explains it if your boss is back! At least the weekend is here so you can have a little break.


Enjoy the play, maybe Bill can get the hot tub up and working for you this weekend!


At WW I gained .8 but that's okay. Yesterday I went with another gal from WW on a bus trip to the White Fence farm in Romeoville. That restaurant is known for its chicken. It was good, along with the other side dishes was filling. Then I got home at 5:45, brushed my teeth , hit the bathroom and picked up one of the Wednesday night gals and went to the bunco party. I was pretty beat by the end of the night. Nothing going on tonight, staying home.



Yes I heard about the ticks, fleas and mosquitoes too. Sounds like fun doesn't it!

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Sharon, Bill has been trying to get back to where he should be. The trip and with all of the bad weather really delayed him. Last night we got home after midnight. We got a little delayed in leaving just after intermission. So then we went to get something to eat and I think that is why we got home so late.


Yes, I can see why you had such a complete day with going to the bunco party. How did you do and I am sure you had a real good time.


Around here as it is held on the first Saturday of May every year. It is called the Good Neighbor Day Parade. It starts at 2. Bill works it as crowd control. So he has to be there at 1:30 and works about 3 hours. Then tonight we will go for our last play. Hopefully we will get home much earlier tonight. Tomorrow I have the MS walk.


I do not think that Bill will get the hot tub working this weekend with us being so busy. But hopefully sometime this week he will be able to do that. It will not be too far off, but I see we leave for Saugatuck on 5/25, where has the time gone so fast.


As far as the Jerk goes, I have no idea why he is staying so long. He was only supposed to come in and see the new baby and stay a few days and return. He comes back for good on Memorial Day Weekend.





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Yes sounds like a busy weekend for you and Bill.

It was a pretty day today, but I didn't get anything done. There were two places I wanted to go, either one of them actually, but couldn't find anyone to go with me. They all have a husband or have other plans. So will just stay home, don't like going out by myself. disappointed though.


Well tomorrow church then nothing again. Maybe I will work outside tomorrow.


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Sharon, it turned out to be a real nice day today with no rain at all, like they said it would be. It was a perfect day for the MS walk. So I got home around 11:30. Now we will go an try to find a new grill for outside. Then maybe I will do some work outside as well.


Last night we got home around 10:30, as we went and got something to eat before the show rather than after the show. Good news is that today is the last day of the play and we will not be working there. Always the last performance when they break everything down. You have those who do all of the work and those who do not do their part or nothing at all. It is so unfair, so the best way to avoid this situation is just not show up at all and save the aggravation.


I am going to try to enjoy this day today, as tomorrow I am back to the bump and grind. Maybe I will get lucky and he will go back to Florida. After all he will be back for good Memorial Day weekend. It is early this year.


Did you see that cruise ship that had a broken water pipe and water was every where.



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I did see about the broken water main, glad I wasn't on that ship!

Yes it seems the same people/volunteers do all work all the time.

I went to church and as usual had the whole day ahead of me. Didn't feel like working outside so just went to the show. There was only me and another couple in the whole show.

Tonight DWTS on again, so will be something to watch on tv.

Did Zumba this morning, the gal from WW that I went on the bus trip came. She is very nice and has done Zumba before. We signed up for that Chicago restaurant trip on Thursday to Carnivale with VanGalder.

Too bad about your boss being here now and coming back again so soon.


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Sharon, agreed that we were not on that ship. From what I had seen with all of the water every where, they said they were offering full refunds. I know for me that would not even come close to to a proper compensation. Maybe a full year of cruising might come close.


So what show did you end up seeing? Wow, only you and another couple. I guess Sunday afternoon is not very popular for shows.


Is it this Thursday you are going on a downtown Chicago restaurant tour? How many places are you going to tour?


Fully agree about volunteering, as we did that for 5 out of the 6 shows. Since I was on the MS walk Bill went to get certain stuff all set up and then he left. There is no way we were going to get caught up in the breaking down of everything after the show. You have some who just leave and then there are others that do not do their shear of the work. Then someone else gets stuck with the burden.


So once I got home from the walk we went out to buy a brand new grill. Most were all put together as most people want that. But there is no way we could have gotten a all put together grill in the back of my vechel. Some had P/U trucks and that was easy. So the only way we could get 1 was in a box. As far as delivery, they were going to charge $79.00 and it would have been a 12 hour time line as they did not offer anything else. So I guess they were telling us you do not want delivery with that option. This new grill is all stainless steel, so it should last a very long time.


I know you love DWTS, so enjoy watching it tonight. Once we got home I did nothing else except do our last cook out on the grill that we already have. At least the weather was much nicer than they said it would be.



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Yes this Thursday going to the restaurant Carnival, its a Latin restaurant so we will see what they serve.


I saw I feel pretty with Amy Schumer at the show Sunday. It was cute, the other choice was a scary one so picked this one instead.


Did Zumba today and not much else, going to a women's banquet tonight. A friend from Zumba called and said she had an extra ticket did I want to go with her. Otherwise I would not have went.


Yes watched DWTS, something to watch instead of series that I'm not into.


Beautiful day again today, yesterday I cut grass for 4hours, even though I was all covered up got lots of rashes on my arms and legs. Guess I will have to find a different material because it must be going through the flannel shirt that I am wearing. It will be gone in a couple of days but seems almost to be getting worse. I have no choice but to cut the grass.


It is always hard I think to put something together, never seems to go smoothly. Hope your grill is different and goes easy together.


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Sharon, well now that is Bill's job to put the grill together. He took it out of the box yesterday and laid out all of the parts. It turns out that the door for the grill underneath the burners is damaged and all bent up. So he called today to order a replacement. He can still put it together without the door and put it in once it arrives. Today was just too hot to do anything. Tomorrow storms. So we shall see when he starts the job.


So back to the grass cutting once again of another season. Four hours is a very long time. I hope you can get your skin protected much better, as you do not want to have any skin issues.


I am glad that you saw a good show on Sunday. It is also good that you were invited to go out tonight with a woman's gathering and best yet to have a few to go with and enjoy the evening.


Once I got home yesterday after running the GK's around after school and getting them something to eat. We went out ourselves to get something to eat.


So next Wednesday is the start of another season of Bocce. I had to think real hard of coming back that is another year of the place closing as this is the third year of saying that. So we are running it once again. Last year we finished 3rd and the year before we finished first. So who knows where we will end this year.


Tomorrow night we have our monthly meeting for the theater guild we belong to. It is election time and there a few trying to stab Bill in the back and push him out of his office. So we shall see how many friends he has and if he can muster the votes to stay in office.



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I think that is great you can see your grandchildren, mine are too far away.


Hope Bill gets the part he needs so he can finish putting together the grill.


Yes you always seem to have fun with bocce, too bad you have to lead it again, but then again maybe you like to do it.


Also too bad that some people would try to run Bill out of office, you have just gotten started in it and it seems to be quite a bit of fun and socialization for you both.


Did the ball room dance lesson again tonight, did some new turns for the waltz and salsa. Also a new step for the tango, you had to reach far back with your leg and my back hurts from doing it. But it is a fun class. Next week I will be back with the girls and celebrate two of our birthdays. So that means free dinner. Then the week after that will be the last night for ballroom. I will be able to be back with the girls every week.

Going to that restaurant in Chicago tomorrow called Carnival. Its another bus trip with VanGalder bus line.


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Sharon, Bill got voted out of office last night. This president is a first class jerk and they do not like Bill as he does not dance the same tune, by not going out drinking and smoking with them. Bill is relieved, but he would have preferred to go out on his terms and not theirs.


Bill can put together the grill without the new door, as it will take a few weeks to arrive. It is the left door and he can put every thing else together without the door.


So now my jerk is going back on Sunday so I have to put up with him until then. But then in a few weeks he will be back for good.


Bocce starts next Wednesday and Bill and I are running the event. It is a long summer and hopefully we will have good weather without rain outs.


I hope you have a real good time today coming into the city for your restaurant tour today. That sounds like you should have a good time today.



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Yes that is too bad he got voted out, well you will just have to see how it goes if you want to continue with the group or not.


Did you notice every Wed night it seems to rain lately. Hope that gets over with soon!


Good once he gets the grill together he can make you a nice dinner!

The day was nice and the lunch was good. The tour director always seems to get stuff mixed up. She said on the way down that we would have a choice of chicken, salmon or skirt steak, all with lots of side dishes and salads. So we kept waiting to place our order and come to find out we got big platters of all three. It was served family style. The restaurant was very colorful and the food was good. Then we went to a Mexican museum of art. Looked around for a while and headed back home.



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Sharon, the president of the guild stabbed Bill in the back and is a first class jerk. Many of the older group came up to Bill after the meeting and shacked his hand and told him what a great job he had done and not to focus on what happen that night, as it was not a reflection on what he had dome. We are going to gradually back on out of the guild and not to be so involved anymore. It will not be right away but gradually.


Well that sounded like a good day out touring. We prefer the family style as well. When we have our bocce banquet at the end of the season that is what we have as well.


Yes, you are right about the rain on Wednesday nights. Lets hope that trend does not continue much longer. It is raining once again just now.


Bill only has a few more weeks as the last day of school is June 6. Then he will be off for the summer. Some work for summer school, but not Bill.


We shall see how I feel tomorrow, as if it is OK I may start to plant flowers. Bill has the grill all put together as he finished last night. The only part he has left is the door assembly that will be delivered sometime next week. Otherwise it is all ready to go. It should last for awhile as it is 100% stainless steel.



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What a nasty day! It is cold and rainy and windy. Went to WW, down .4 still holding pretty steady.


Thought about going somewhere tonight but decided its better to just stay home. Went to the grocery store in another town and got some baked and deep fried fish for tonight. The baked was Pollock and the deep fried cod.


Got nothing planned for the weekend, think I told you a friend from Zumba asked me to come over, but it is her family so not going. Just going to the show. Not sure yet about tomorrow, seems everyone is doing something with their spouse or busy so no one to go with.

Hope some from your family come over to see you Sunday.


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Sharon, after church on Sunday Bill and I are going out to eat. All of the kids are doing things with their in-laws so just me and Bill and that suites me just fine. I like a little down time for a change. Now today I am supposed to watch GK's at baseball games, but with heavy thunderstorms that I woke up this morning with I do not think that there will be any games today.


So what show did you see yesterday? There are many shows out there to see and you do go to see many over a period of time.


Well you are down .4 and I am up .4 as I just went a short time ago.


So it looks like this weekend will be cool and damp. Next week it looks like temps in the 70's for most of the week. I do not think that Bill and I will be doing anything this weekend except going for dinner on Sunday. The jerk leaves tomorrow to go back to Florida and returns back on Memorial Day weekend.



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I am going to the show tomorrow. today I went back up to the car dealership, had forgotten to give them the back seat mats for the other car. Also wanted someone to help me get my message to come onto the radio if I get one while I am driving. I had tired but couldn't get it to do it. They did know how so now it is all set up. I also had a $10 coupon so went to Kohls and got another pair of sandals, like I really need another pair!


Still cold and nasty here today tool, not planning on doing anything tonight, seems no one wants to go anywhere lately.


Enjoy your day and dinner tomorrow.


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Sharon, happy mother's day to you today. I hope you will see a good show today. Maybe you will have the show to yourself once again.


We have 2 pm reservation for dinner today. The last time we went there for Easter we really had to wait a very long time to be seated. We have never had such a problem before. So who knows what today will be like.


Agreed that our weather has been not so nice. Very cold and damp yesterday. Today still cold be at least the sun is out. This week temps in the 70's most of the week.


I may go and find a place where I can buy flowers. I just might plant flowers today if I have the energy to do so afterwards.





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I went to the 12:10 show, Life of the party, funny movie. But it was packed, didn't know so many people would be there today.


Got home and didn't really feel like doing anything. Several of the snap dragons are dying, guess I over watered them and haven't got them planted yet. Maybe tomorrow, or might have to cut the grass again, will see how it goes.


Have a nice dinner, hope you don't have to wait too long


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Sharon, once again I have never seen the place so crowded. But the good news is we only had to wait 10 minutes. I did not think that was too bad at all.


I had thought about going and buying flowers, but on the way home I felt a bit tired . So once we got home I laid down for awhile. There will be time sometime this week to plant. It is too bad about your flowers. If I would had bought the flowers I would have done the very same thing as you and would not have planted them.


Wow, what a change from the last time you were at the show. I guess a day like today is very popular with movie goers. But at least you were able to get out early to see a good show.


So the jerk left today to fly back home. But in just a few weeks he will be back for good on Memorial Day weekend.



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Guess I forgot to post yesterday, went with a friend from WW to a Zumba class in town. It was crazy, not like any Zumba class either of us had ever been to. It was more just athletics, the same move 30 or more times each. Was so wet with sweat and tired when we were done, ugh. Will never go back Only were 5 people there, one of the ones was from WW that had told us about it. I told her about our classes but I don't think she will come. She really should so she knows what a Zumba class really is.


Good you didn't have to wait to long for dinner Sunday, always makes it nicer and a more pleasant evening to just go right in.


Got the grass cut again today. Tried some different pants to see f they would stop the grass from going thru. They were cotton lines nylon pants. I think they helped a little but still some must have gotten through. I am so sore not just from the bouncing on the mower but the class from last night.


Going to the Abby tomorrow morning to participate in a mock jury. Evidently new lawyers want to practice, at least that's what I think it is Tell you more tomorrow.


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Sharon, I will be interested to hear what kind of mock trial you will be having today? It does sound very interesting.


There is no need to be having such a heavy workout at Zumba, that sounded like a workout that is just too crazy.


So tonight is the very first play for the season for bocce. We ended in third place last year and the year before we ended in first place. So who knows how we will do this season as it is supposed ot be the very last season. As the club is supposed to be closing at teh end of the year.


It gets cold at night, but it is supposed to be warmiong up today to be a fairly nice day today. I might have to wear a jacket tonight.


With this cold damp weatehr you should be cutting a lot of grass for awhile. All you can do is to do whatever you can to keep all of the dust and crap off of your skin.



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Hey a Wednesday night without rain, nice for a change. You should have been able to get your game in without any problem. I went to meet the girls and shared a birthday party with my friend that had a birthday on Sunday. She brought cake with berries and I brought pumpkin bars w/cream cheese frosting, cherry slices and oatmeal cranberry walnut cookies. They made tacos for us for dinner. Next week back to the ball room dancing for one last lesson.


The jury thing was very interesting. they do this every year and bring in lawyers and students from all over, some from Missouri, Michigan, Il and WI.

They want to have experience talking to people and trying out strategies for picking a jury. There were a lot of people there, we had 8 groups of 7 people per group participating. We went into different room and each room had about 7 or 8 students / lawyers. Not all questioned us, usually 3 or 4 they had a time limit to do it. There is a new law that says anyone convicted of a crime and issued a sentence that did not ever include parole could have their case revisited to decide if they could now or ever go before the parole board. One case involved a 16 yr old male that had a 13 yr old girlfriend. She was 3 days late, panicked and told him she was pregnant. He also panicked and ended up shooting and killing her. He was sentenced to life in prison w/o any chance of parole. He had already served 31 years. They were asking us what we thought was enough time, did anyone ever deserve a second chance, what things made up our opinion, age, seriousness of the crime, remorse. So very interesting to here others opinions, we all pretty much decided that he should have at least the chance to go before the parole board. Hopefully he gets that chance, we will have no way of knowing the outcome.

Going to bed, didn't sleep much last night, should not be a problem tonight.


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Sharon, we played the second place team and they are very good. But we actually won and won big. It was a perfect night as far as the weather goes. So only 1 more team that ended better than us. But we really have to watch all of the teams as a last place team could upset us if we are not careful.


Wow, that really sounded like a very interesting day with a mock trial. So was this a real case with this male killing his girlfriend or was it made up? Anyway it all sounded very interesting and I would think a very worth while experience.


So only 1 more time for the ball room dancing, but at least you are getting well taken care of with the food at the dance place with all of the birthday celebrations and all. So what are your thought with DWTS lately?


Can you believe that 1 week from tomorrow we will be leaving for Saugatuck. I hope the weather will be nice. I really need a break form this place.



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Congratulations on the big win, now just keep it up for the whole season, lol!


The case was real sad to say. Would be nice to know if they do get it so he will be able to at least talk to a parole board.


We had tacos last nighty but he did not have any tomatoes, or sour cream to go with. Just the meat, hard and soft tacos lettuce and cheese. We did have lots of desserts though.


I think the guy that dances with Sharna is really good, don't know if he has enough followers to win.


It will be nice for you to get away again for a little while, seems like you always have fun there.



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Sharon, I am planning on taking off once again next Friday so we can get a good jump on traffic or any other road construction if there is any at all.


Today temps in the 50's around here and we are expecting rain moving in at any time now. Bill may get wet sometime this afternoon while working.


So it is a mock trial but the persons really did commit the crime. It is too bad that there are no real guidelines for the people who did the crime.


I really do not watch DWTS, but I sure know that you do. I do see some of the dancers on the news once in awhile.


This weekend, Bill has an all day meeting tomorrow and I will be going out with my firends for the day as well. Nothing planned for Sunday.



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Yes it was just to give them practice with their delivery and to see what answers we would give as a jury. They were all working on cases but did not divulge any names or specific information on them.


Good Idea to leave early, you never know what you will run into.


It is my birthday today, so going to meet the church group for dinner and then go back to the Wed night place. There will be a band starting at 8pm.


One friend from the Friday night dance group called and asked if I was going to come and celebrate my birthday but I haven't talked to any of them for so long, they kinda lost contact with me and none have celebrated their birthday this year. So just going somewhere else instead.


Had lots of "friends" on facebook tell me happy birthday but none of them called or asked me to go anywhere or do anything. I do know that the one gal from Wed night has told me she wants to go tonight and one from Zumba said she was coming last Thursday. So there will be 2 people there that I know.


Feeling a little sorry for myself, easy to do sometimes like this.


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