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trip insurance: yea or nay?

tiger belle

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I have never purchased trip insurance for a cruise but am considering it for my upcoming cruise


I am interested in any feedback or comments from fellow cruisers who have made the decision to purchase or not purchase trip insurance


specific questions I have:


do all types of trip insurance cover cancellation costs if circumstances force one to cancel a cruise as well as medical coverage if you get injured or become ill on a cruise? I read a thread about a passenger having to be taken off the ship by med vac because of an emergency, so it made me start thinking about trip insurance


do you purchase trip insurance from Carnival, or is it better to buy it through another source? do only travel agencies sell such insurance?


any feedback or advice will be appreciated

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I have never purchased trip insurance for a cruise but am considering it for my upcoming cruise


I am interested in any feedback or comments from fellow cruisers who have made the decision to purchase or not purchase trip insurance


specific questions I have:


do all types of trip insurance cover cancellation costs if circumstances force one to cancel a cruise as well as medical coverage if you get injured or become ill on a cruise? I read a thread about a passenger having to be taken off the ship by med vac because of an emergency, so it made me start thinking about trip insurance


do you purchase trip insurance from Carnival, or is it better to buy it through another source? do only travel agencies sell such insurance?


any feedback or advice will be appreciated


There are so many varieties of trip insurance available. Here's my story of why to get it: During one cruise where we had no insurance and were on a ship off the coast of Ireland, my son's heart stopped; thank God, he was alright and called us immediately and said not to come home.

My former husband and business partner died while we were in Bora Bora. We had to come home to comfort our children.

My husband had a heart attack on a ship; by some miracle, the ship's doctor was a cardio-thoracic surgeon. They dumped us off in Taiwan. The medical care was excellent there.

We were scheduled to leave on a cruise, when our daughter was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma.

The insurance never paid off on this one because the idiot doctor gave a date of diagnosis as one we never had. Way earlier than the diagnosis was made and this doctor never made the diagnosis.

Most insurance pays for cancellation for legitimate reasons, eg the child's cancer above (the doctor just screwed us out of payment, a long story).

They generally pay for the part of the cruise you didn't get to take.

They pay for medical expenses and repatriation of remains.

I will no longer sail without it.!!!

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We do not buy trip insurance.


In over 25 years of vacations & cruising I have never needed it. So at this point, if I have to miss a trip because of an emergency, I figure that I am still coming out ahead considering the thousands of dollars I did not spend on trip insurance.


If I was taking a $10,000+ trip, I would probably do it. But not for cruises that we usually spend under $2,000 on.

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I have never purchased trip insurance for a cruise but am considering it for my upcoming cruise


I am interested in any feedback or comments from fellow cruisers who have made the decision to purchase or not purchase trip insurance


specific questions I have:


do all types of trip insurance cover cancellation costs if circumstances force one to cancel a cruise as well as medical coverage if you get injured or become ill on a cruise? I read a thread about a passenger having to be taken off the ship by med vac because of an emergency, so it made me start thinking about trip insurance


do you purchase trip insurance from Carnival, or is it better to buy it through another source? do only travel agencies sell such insurance?


any feedback or advice will be appreciated

I had never bought insurance until 4 years ago for a cruise and guess what....I had a medical problem the day before leaving and got all my money back for the cruise canceling the AM of the cruise.....

Don't know why I did for that cruise but I got back $850 I would have lost without the $65 investment.....

Since then I always get it.....;)

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I always purchase the insurance. With 8 children, (all but 2 are married), 17 grandchildren and a great grandchild on the way the odds of something coming up are not in our favor. Praise God, we have never had to cancel. Although we did find out pulling into CA that our daughter-in-laws father had died in an accident, Had they called us and needed us back we would have left our cruise.

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You should really consider travel insurance. I'm not a US resident so my circumstances will not map to yours but here are some of the considerations.


Health Insurance and repatriation costs. I don't have private medical insurance so I will always get insurance when travelling but if you have private medical insurance you should query if it will cover your cruise including repatriation.


Loss of luggage, other valuables while travelling. But if you not bringing much valuable with you may not be a consideration.


If you get stranded in one of the ports insurance may cover this, best remedy though is to be back to the ship in time.


Cancellation or interruption costs. My currently booked cruise is working out at about $1400, 13 nights, with another $1800 or so spent on extending it and hitting vegas for a bit. 3 grand out of pocket for me would be a considerable amount of money to loose, particularly when the insurance, (which I hope), covers all the above only cost about $110. But you will have to weigh up the tradeoffs to see if it is worth it for yourself.


Here are some links, if the board allows these kind of things



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I never travel outside of the US without it. There are too many things that could go wrong, from airline delays and cancellations to illness, injury, lost luggage, etc., for me to do without it. Maybe for a short few days off the coast of the US I'd consider it...but even then, I have a pre-existing health condition that almost demands that I buy it.


But to answer your specific questions: "do all types of trip insurance cover cancellation costs if circumstances force one to cancel a cruise as well as medical coverage if you get injured or become ill on a cruise?"


No, they don't. Like any other insurance you can add "riders", clauses, sections, that cover your specific circumstances. For example, not everyone is like me -- has a pre-existing health condition -- so you may not need coverage for that. If you drive to your port you may not need to include coverage for airfare and such. So you need to decide what you (and your traveling companions, and those you leave at home) need, and go from there.


"do you purchase trip insurance from Carnival, or is it better to buy it through another source? do only travel agencies sell such insurance?"


I find it almost never a good idea to buy directly from the cruise line (not just from Carnival!). They generally won't cover you if their cruise is "at fault", or if any of their arrangements for travel fail (which is why I never buy air fare through the cruise line, either!) Some travel agents do have arrangements with travel insurance where they get a commission -- and you get some price break -- to buy with them. Since this is new to you, it probably wouldn't hurt to at least talk with an agent about all the variables possible before you buy it. You could buy through them, or on your own -- others have given you good links to get you started.


I've been on 8 cruises so far. I've bought travel insurance for all of them, and have had to use it on the prior two -- and my claims were fully covered. I usually use either TravelGuard or TravelEx.

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Always!!! I do not purchase from Carnival but get it cheaper at insuremytrip.com. I have had to use it twice and both times have been very easy to use. I use it when I travel to the Gulf yearly for a land vacation as well. For 3 years in a row we were evacauated because of hurricanes. Once 2 times in a year from the Gulf!! It is an inexpensive "peace of mind".

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We ALWAYS puchase insurance, although not from Carnival.


As we have older people in our lives and my DH has spent the last few years in cancer treatment, I do get concerned about having to cancel, but that isn't the main reason. Any sort of emergency while at sea can be costly. We also almost missed the ship one time due to a problem on an excursion and the only thing that kept be from going bananas about it was knowing our insurance would help with the costs as well as with assistance either meeting up with the ship later or getting home.


Peace of mind. Besides, Murphy's Law says if I have insurance I won't need it, conversly, if I DON'T have it, I will surely need it:)


Bottom line, anything can happen. Things are easy to handle when you are on your own turf, but not so easy when you are far from home.


It's a very small price to purchase, less than what we pay to park at the port or for our petsitter. Just something I consider as one of the costs (small) when we cruise or vacation. I have seen people have all kinds of problems each time we cruise, not to mention what I have read on this board. I disagree that a low-priced cruise could go uninsured in the case of any kind of medical situation. A low price cruise has a very low insurance premium as opposed to a huge cost of covering a medical emergency.


I always purchase ours within 24 hours of depositing the cruise in order to cover anything pre-existing.

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We do not buy trip insurance.


In over 25 years of vacations & cruising I have never needed it. So at this point, if I have to miss a trip because of an emergency, I figure that I am still coming out ahead considering the thousands of dollars I did not spend on trip insurance.


If I was taking a $10,000+ trip, I would probably do it. But not for cruises that we usually spend under $2,000 on.




UNLESS you ever have to be evacued or something. That can cost you 25000 or MORE. it happens. Insurance is NOT just for "cancellation". To each his own, but I wouldn't dream of not having it.

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I have never purchased trip insurance for a cruise but am considering it for my upcoming cruise


I am interested in any feedback or comments from fellow cruisers who have made the decision to purchase or not purchase trip insurance


specific questions I have:


do all types of trip insurance cover cancellation costs if circumstances force one to cancel a cruise as well as medical coverage if you get injured or become ill on a cruise? I read a thread about a passenger having to be taken off the ship by med vac because of an emergency, so it made me start thinking about trip insurance


do you purchase trip insurance from Carnival, or is it better to buy it through another source? do only travel agencies sell such insurance?


any feedback or advice will be appreciated


obviously, it's a personal decision and a gamble. we used to always get it, and had to use it once after getting snowed in and missing our cruise.


We stopped until sailing with an elderly relative, and never needed it.


you just have to decide should health, luggage, or any trip delays occur, are you ready for it to be an out of your pocket expense, let "them" pay for it, or complain afterward that you had no insurance, and all these problems happened, and you want someone else to pay for it, as you took the gamble and lost.

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Many folks only factor in the cost of the cruise when considering whether to buy insurance or not. Of course that means something, but the big issue is becoming sick or disabled in a foriegn country or needing medi-vac from the ship. I too passed on insurance for many years until a friend went with a group and one guy suffered a heart attack and needed to be medi-vac home. It cost 40k and fortunatly for them they had the insurance. You could always check with your personal health insurance and see what they cover. Summing it up, I can afford the insurance. I can't afford the kkk's it may take to get home if something bad happens.

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I have never purchased trip insurance for a cruise but am considering it for my upcoming cruise


I am interested in any feedback or comments from fellow cruisers who have made the decision to purchase or not purchase trip insurance


specific questions I have:


do all types of trip insurance cover cancellation costs if circumstances force one to cancel a cruise as well as medical coverage if you get injured or become ill on a cruise? I read a thread about a passenger having to be taken off the ship by med vac because of an emergency, so it made me start thinking about trip insurance


do you purchase trip insurance from Carnival, or is it better to buy it through another source? do only travel agencies sell such insurance?


any feedback or advice will be appreciated


I think you should take a look at TravelGuard's Gold pacakage. It is fairly inexpensive and covers what you are looking for. There are other providers with similar plans and all have similar costs. Some cover your children's costs for free.


Cruise line insurance will only cover your cruise costs. Trip insurance from real travel insurance providers will cover everything from luggage, to hotel, to excursion, to plane, to return.


If you have sick or elderly parents or other family members, it makes sense to get insurance. Same if you are at risk of job loss or other job demands. Same if you have a cruise in Europe or another destination outside of this continent. When I was younger, unmarried, flying in a day before, I never got travel insurance. Circumstances change. We regularly get it now. It's a couple hundred $ for the family of four and it's one less thing to worry about.

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I think it depends how much you paid for the cruise. It's not as important to insure a $399pp cruise than a $2000pp cruise. Depends on you health and age too and how far in advance you book.



I'm not sure that any of these reasons should play a factor in deciding whether or not to get trip insurance. Whether you paid $399 or $2000 doesn't make a darn bit of difference if you have an emergency like another poster said. We were on our 2nd cruise and a young person (about 19-years old) had an appendicitis (sp?) attack. He was airlifted by the U.S. Coast Guard, without his parents, to Guantanimo Bay (Cuba) to have emergency surgery. Two days later we docked back in Miami and THAT is when his parents were to fly to him so they could be with him. We were told that if the parents didn't have trip insurance, the Coast Guard bill would be in upwards of $20,000 ...


As for your health, age and when you book - also doesn't mean squat.


Insuremytrip dot com is a good site to use to compare the different insurances. I buy mine through there and get insurance that has no restrictions - covers anything. Read through the different plans and policies and call the companies to ask questions.

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I had a cruise booked. I was 48 years old and the only medical problem I ever had was having a gall bladder removed. One night, I woke up with tingling in my hand like if you were to fall asleep on it. Except it didnt go away. Suddenly it went up my arm, across my chest and up my face. I thought I was having a stroke. went to the er. No stroke. I had a brain tumor. The size of a flat orange. It had been growing for about 15 years is what my doc said. No symptoms until that night. I was scheduled for surgery within four days. Because it was now pressing on my brain. it was located on the meninges. The lining of your brain. My surgeon was booked out for a month, but he scheduled me right away and moved other surgeries. This shows the ermergent nature of this. Had I left on my cruise, I would have been in great trouble. Medically and financially as I did not have insurance. This could have cost me tens of thousands of dollars for the emergency evac. I had cruised 15 times, but due to my good health, and thinking of not worrying about the cruise price because I would have saved that much anyway by not purchasing insurance, I never purchased it. Now, I purchase it every single time. Dont know about you, but I dont have thousands of dollars to spend on emergency evac. Get the insurance and peace of mind.

I was fortunate though. I survived that surgeryand a second tumor surgery and bone infection surgery. so far,so good.

Also, Carnival, gave us back the 600 deposit , even though we were in penalty phase, to use towards a future cruise. This is not the norm.

Delta, also not the norm, gave us all of our money back on our flights, in the form of a credit to use towards future flights. No penalty assessed. 100% towards a new flight. This is also NOT THE NORM. Sometimes people do have hearts... just dont count on it.

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We always get insurance. I've only used it once, when due to a hurricane, our cruise was extended for 2 days (I know, poor baby, right?). We could only get a flight home from another airport and had to rent a car to get there. It reimbursed us for the whole shebang, including gas. It also reimbursed us for our extra cruising expenses-- no, not the bar bill, but the extra daily gratuities. :)


In addition to comparing policies at insuremytrip.com, you can also do it at squaremouth.com. That's where I ended up getting my most recent policy. I figure just getting reimbursed from a simple visit to the ship's doctor more than pays for the premium!


Here's my favorite story about why to get insurance (although medical evacuation is a pretty compelling reason, too): a friend of mine was booked on her dream cruise. The day before, like many of us do, she went for a pedicure. She kept on those flimsy flip-flops they give you because she didn't want to spoil her polish while she walked to her car. She tripped in the parking lot, broke her ankle, and had to cancel her cruise!

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Maybe its different for Australians but i for one would never leave home without it for the following reasons.


Medical expenses. All you have to do is sleep and break a leg and it can cost you a fortune. Also as others have said a medical evacuation from the ship or to get you home.


Elderly parents. Both our parents are in their 80's and if we had to rush home we would get our money back.


Job Loss - If you lost your job and had to cancel that would be covered.


Lost luggage - Happened last time in the states. They lost our luggage for a week and insurance covered us getting some clothes and toiletries.


Delays with planes or the cruise.


For me the small amount is worth it.


We have a saying in Aus. If you cant afford travel insurance you cant afford to travel.



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When we went on our last cruise we book with a TA and she asked if we wanted insurance (sure we said) and in our documents and receipts we had a policy from travelguard. I will admit we were completely naive with what we purchased, or what was covered, and thankfully, we never needed it. Now as we're about to book again, this time directly with a PVP, I've been researching on my own. I'm on the website for the same company mention above and just about every option has an adendum beneath it that says.. "residents of new york state may not purchase the cancel for any reason upgrade", as well as "residents of new york state..."cancel for work reason upgrade...or may not purchase "medivac to your choice of hospital upgrade".

Now being a resident of NY state... um... hmmm... what gives??? :(

I'm even more confused now.

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I have never purchased trip insurance for a cruise but am considering it for my upcoming cruise


I am interested in any feedback or comments from fellow cruisers who have made the decision to purchase or not purchase trip insurance


specific questions I have:


do all types of trip insurance cover cancellation costs if circumstances force one to cancel a cruise as well as medical coverage if you get injured or become ill on a cruise? I read a thread about a passenger having to be taken off the ship by med vac because of an emergency, so it made me start thinking about trip insurance


do you purchase trip insurance from Carnival, or is it better to buy it through another source? do only travel agencies sell such insurance?


any feedback or advice will be appreciated

My Youngest brother passed away from a heart attack three days before we were due to go on a transatlantic from Rome.

Trip insurance gave use back everything except what it cost to purchase the insurance.

Thankfully we have never had to use it for us while traveling but it is very reassuring that we have it.


We never used to travel with insurance until one time we had to cancel a cruise because of DH's health. Though it was ahead of penalty period it was an eyeopener.


Another example, my FIL passed away 45 days before a cruise and MIL also got back everything except the policy cost.


We do not travel without it anymore.

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When we decide to select a cruise, we figure the total price this way:


Price of cruise per person x 2 (+) Gov't fees and tax (+) prepaid Gratuties (+) Trip Insurance = Total price of cruise. All other expenses from that point on, we consider extras such as excursions, Dinner in the Steakhouse, photos, etc... We do buy the Carnival Insurance because it is all rolled into one easy price. Perhaps we could save a few dollars elsewhere but we like the convenience of having one payment and Carnival has made it very easy to do one-stop-shopping. When we pay-off the cruise, we then start working on saving for our excursions and $$ for our S&S account for the extras on the ship. It's just a system that has worked very well for us.

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UNLESS you ever have to be evacued or something. That can cost you 25000 or MORE. it happens. Insurance is NOT just for "cancellation". To each his own, but I wouldn't dream of not having it.


This ER/Trauma RN absolutely agrees! We buy the insurance primarily because of the cost involved if either one of us needed to be air transported back to the U.S. The cost of travel insurance is small compared to the bills you'll be stuck with if you become seriously ill on a cruise. Those who are much younger than we say they won't get sick or injured. We, unfortunately, have been on two cruises where a passenger, under the age of 40, was in a life threat situation and had to be removed from the ship and flown back to America.

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We do not buy trip insurance.


In over 25 years of vacations & cruising I have never needed it. So at this point, if I have to miss a trip because of an emergency, I figure that I am still coming out ahead considering the thousands of dollars I did not spend on trip insurance.


In over 20 years of home ownership I have only had to make one claim on my homeowners' policy. So I've paid around $20K for insurance and gotten back about $2K in claims.


Should I cancel my homeowners policy? Obviously, the answer is no, because if my house burns down I will lose my biggest asset.


Similarly, when deciding whether to buy travel insurance, you shouldn't make the decision on whether you might lose the cost of your trip if you couldn't go, but on what the worst case would be -- having to pay for med evac and hospitalization without insurance. If you can safely say that you could absorb tens of thousands of dollars in that unlikely case, then sure -- skip the insurance.

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