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A little dissapointed with an incident on our first cruise


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[quote name='trainerdude']Read what the OP said. He did in fact tip those on board throughout the cruise and at the end of the cruise. He just asked for the prepaid tips back so he could control who got the tips.[/quote]

Awful to let the facts get in the way of a preconceived notion isnt it.[IMG]http://boards.cruisecritic.com/images/icons/icon7.gif[/IMG]
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[quote name='rtscruiser']Of course the OP should have done a few things differently. We all live differently in hindsight. But allow me to commit the mortal sin of criticizing Carnival in this case.

Not for the original mistake, whoever it belongs to, but for making it so much worse. If the OP is to be believed (let's go with that for a minute,) and reasonably escalated this issue over 3 days, Carnival could have offered them something other than a "sorry, nothing we can do." Unless Carnival felt like this customer was completely trying to rip them off, the stonewall just infuriates the customer. There are about a thousand things Carnival could have offered this customer to make them feel better without actually admitting "guilt" by either party, especially since Carnival was unable to document the transaction the way it said it would.

I'm a small businessperson who lives by the motto "delight the customer." Seems to me it would have been far more sensible in Carnival's case to say "there isn't anything we can do at this point about the original mistake and we apologize for the confusion, but please take [this] as a small token our our concern and to show you how much we appreciate your business." The customer feels better, Carnival steps up for a good customer and this post has a completely different story to tell.

In my business we bend over backwards to make the customer happy. Sometimes it isn't possible and we deal with those cases when needed, but if we own even 1% of the customer's dissatisfaction we do everything we can to make it right.

Just a different perspective. Do with it what you will.[/QUOTE]

This is absolutely the right way to handle a complaint of this type, and I am amazed that CCL doesn't have a similar policy. While you do not want to admit fault, it is very important that you acknowledge that the customer is legitimately upset and that you appreciate their concerns. You can acknowledge their issue and thank them for their understanding with a "gift".

This helps the customer feel that they are valued, does not admit fault, and allows CCL to keep the customer happy, which is far more valuable than $40 or even $400.

CCL probably spent more $ in time spent discussng the issue with the OP than settling for some form of $40 gift.

It's so much easier to simply take care of a customer than it is to "stand up for yourself" as a business. And the payoff is usually far better.
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[quote name='Jolimont']I wasn't precise enough, ATMs don't make mistakes distributing money as in they don't miscount. But they can still experience a hardware failure (power failure), but then it's easy to prove you're of good faith since there's a time stamp. I don't deposit cash in ATMs either, even checks, I'd rather go in the bank and talk to a human.[/QUOTE]

My thanks to the OP for this reminder that all receipts should be checked - whether on vacation or not.

And I did have an ATM short me. I withdraw $40 - it gave me $20. I thought the error was mine at first but the receipt said $40 and I was given one twenty dollar bill. I reported it to my credit union and they were able to confirm how much money was in the ATM versus how much money should have been in the ATM. The missing $20 was credited back to my account within a couple of days.
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[quote name='StillPooh']The two situations are nothing alike. In the OP's scenario, she or her husband signed a receipt acknowledging a $160 transaction. The cruisers are either careless, or lying, or both. There is NO proof the employee did anything wrong. End of story.[/quote]

How exactly are the two situations nothing alike? In my case, there was no proof that I stabbed the other kid, nor was there any proof that I didn't.
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[quote name='Dannzzigg']This is absolutely the right way to handle a complaint of this type, and I am amazed that CCL doesn't have a similar policy. While you do not want to admit fault, it is very important that you acknowledge that the customer is legitimately upset and that you appreciate their concerns. You can acknowledge their issue and thank them for their understanding with a "gift".

This helps the customer feel that they are valued, does not admit fault, and allows CCL to keep the customer happy, which is far more valuable than $40 or even $400.

CCL probably spent more $ in time spent discussng the issue with the OP than settling for some form of $40 gift.

It's so much easier to simply take care of a customer than it is to "stand up for yourself" as a business. And the payoff is usually far better.[/QUOTE]

While I do agree with you, it's often not worth offering even a gift, because the customer usually tells everyone who will listen to them what happened, then the Guest Services Desk is swamped by the same thing happening to others, who then demand a "gift" also.
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[quote name='Justsyd']While I do agree with you, it's often not worth offering even a gift, because the customer usually tells everyone who will listen to them what happened, then the Guest Services Desk is swamped by the same thing happening to others, who then demand a "gift" also.[/quote]

Maybe then a good solution would be to require the customer to agree to keep the "gift" confidential, and let them know that it can be revoked if they violate the confidentiality agreement.
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By the way, I think the OP learned her lesson, and continuing to lecture to her is pointless. That is a pet peeve of mine, when people continue to lecture. I think people should only post at this point if it's to offer sympathy, to share a similar situation (as I did), or to offer advice, but continuing to lecture and continuing with lines like "life isn't fair" or "suck it up and deal" doesn't help anyone. That is a pet peeve of mine. Yes, we all know life isn't fair, but that is not a reason for us to just be doormats and accept it.
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[SIZE=3]I would be pretty pissed and would have done more than just removing tips.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]But why would you take money from an ATM and than give it to the guest services? Very amature...[/SIZE]
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[quote name='matj2000'][SIZE=3]I would be pretty pissed and would have done more than just removing tips.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]But why would you take money from an ATM and than give it to the guest services? Very amature...[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

I had answered this before but not in my first post...it was because I had read different posts in which folks said they had issues when using a debit or credit card and to use cash.

I would have rather used our card it would have saved us the fees. I thought I was doing the smart thing per my previous research on cruisecritic.
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We prepay our Tips before we cruise. We Always pay Cash for our S&S Card as we know what our budget is,and since we dont gamble and I cant drink now that I have a medical condition doing it this way just works for us. Our friends had major problems with the holds and such on their Debit Cards and my sister with her Credit Card so We chose to put cash on it.. DH and I do not use Credit Cards so it works well for us..DH goes every night to guest services and gets a Balance so we know for the next day how much is left. Our Kids hang with us so we know how much is on our Son's so that doesnt present an issue and well My Husband Works with P&L and contracts and vendor's so its a habit of his to always looks at receipts to make sure it all adds up.. My only issue would be with the OP is to just look at all your receipts and make sure before you sign them..But im sure they know to look for now on :)
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I don't usually post much but I have to say I am amazed by many of the replies I have read. I was very excited to find cruise critic and the information I found here on the boards has been great but I am disgusted by the attacks on the person posting to seek help/advice. They are asking for constructive input and getting judgmental responses. I would think twice about asking for help on here. I have seen this on others threads and I don't understand it. I thought this was a community that helped each other. Please people think twice when you respond. Did this person really deserve the negative comments?

I too use cash as I read about the holds on debit/credit cards. I live pay check to pay check and can't afford to have hundreds of dollars on hold for days on top of the charges. If you don't have a credit card are you suppose to stay home? There is nothing wrong with using cash. I thank you for reminding me how important it is to check receipts. You did nothing wrong and were within your rights to remove the tips. I did read how you tipped more than the auto tip. My advice is to ignore the people who obviously did not read your post thoroughly and only wanted to bash you. Instead focus on the responses of those cruise critic members who truly want to help you out.

I am glad you had a great cruise and didn't let this incident ruin it for you. I do agree that you should write to CC and explain what happened. Thank you again!
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[quote name='600MX']I don't usually post much but I have to say I am amazed by many of the replies I have read. I was very excited to find cruise critic and the information I found here on the boards has been great but I am disgusted by the attacks on the person posting to seek help/advice. They are asking for constructive input and getting judgmental responses. I would think twice about asking for help on here. I have seen this on others threads and I don't understand it. I thought this was a community that helped each other. Please people think twice when you respond. Did this person really deserve the negative comments?[/quote]

Exactly what I said!
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[quote name='buddylover'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Not if an unscrupulous employee "pocketed" the money.....you are assuming the employee was honest and not at fault.........who knows????[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

No different than assuming the OP is honest and not at fault.....oh wait.......the OP [B][I]was[/I][/B] at fault for not verifying what they were signing......:rolleyes:
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[quote name='Silverman']I just cant believe so many people can throw away 40 dollars. Maybe you can send me the 40 dollars that you dont need and I can go on a cruise! It just amazes me how people come up with a solution and bash the OP for not doing things right. I was really happy when I found this board but Im starting to think it wasnt so good. All the cruise snobs on here are just a little to much. And I thought the RCL forum was bad. To the OP I hope something good happens for you. You know a kind word can go a long way.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is amazing that the OP can throw away $40 because they didn't want to take the 5 seconds it takes to verify what you're signing. I'm a tightwad (not just while cruising), I scrutinize everything. On my last cruise I put $25 on each of my kids SS cards so they could have a little play money (they weren't going to have access to my CC assigned to the account). I verified what I gave to guest services ($50), verified that she split it properly between the 2 accounts ($25x2), and signed and saved the receipt for the transaction. Anyone who does any less is throwing their finances to the wind and deserve whatever the wind throws back.
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I think it's time to put this thread to a rest!

We all now know not to sign anything before reading it. And to count cash....in all transactions.

OP really just sounds like he was annoyed with himself...and embarrassed that he let this happen. But, we're human. We all make mistakes...and we all think we're right....and we all shift the blame.

I doubt many people's budgets are affected by a $40 loss....but if so, the best remedy is to cut back on something else to make up the difference.

OP....just pretend you spent a little time in the casino. If you walked out "minus $40"....you'd be ahead of most.
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[quote name='allgood2010']I had answered this before but not in my first post...it was because I had read different posts in which folks said they had issues when using a debit or credit card and to use cash.

I would have rather used our card it would have saved us the fees. I thought I was doing the smart thing per my previous research on cruisecritic.[/quote]

[SIZE=3]I went back and read previous threads, but I still don't understand why you went to the ATM, got cash, then gave it to the Ship?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Did you not give them a credit card for your S&S? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]I have never heard of any fees attached to credit cards used as a deposit.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]If you were trying to save money the $6 per transaction fee is probably the worst way to blow cash...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Also, if you are still angry, call Carnival and keep on them. It could only help..[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Silverman']I just cant believe so many people can throw away 40 dollars. Maybe you can send me the 40 dollars that you dont need and I can go on a cruise! It just amazes me how people come up with a solution and bash the OP for not doing things right. I was really happy when I found this board but Im starting to think it wasnt so good. All the cruise snobs on here are just a little to much. And I thought the RCL forum was bad. To the OP I hope something good happens for you. You know a kind word can go a long way.[/quote]

I just can't believe how many people will beat a dead horse.

Carnival checked their video, didn't see the cashier pocket any money, the OP signed the receipt and the cashier's drawer was not off.

I don't think anyone would be happy about losing $40, what else are they supposed to do?!? :confused:
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OP said they were " A LITTLE DISAPPOINTED"...

of course this will be pummeled and gone over and over again here LOL

from what I see....the OP was new to cruises and Carnival and worried about "hold" on their debit card

yes they made a mistake...but who is to say that the desk worker did not pocket the money?? Carnival could have given them some sort of credit, especially IF they have the reciept that they did take the money out of the machine. As others said : the machine may have been "out" of money so maybe they ONLY got $160??

Many different scenarios. IF they had tipped extra....taking away $40 of the tip would not really "short" the staff anyhow....and it would give them their money back. So much concern for all the Carnival workers but some here think that fellow cruisers can just stand to lose $40 or should pretend they lost it gambling?? I don't get that. OP didn't make a huge fuss and didn't blast the whole line or whatever....they said they were a little disappointed:confused::confused::confused::confused:
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I had answered this before but not in my first post...it was because I had read different posts in which folks said they had issues when using a debit or credit card and to use cash.


I would have rather used our card it would have saved us the fees. I thought I was doing the smart thing per my previous research on cruisecritic.


Allgood...there are several posts here on CC about the use of Debit cards. Some have experienced issues with holds not being released in a timely manner and such and then others have had not issues using theirs. I know that when we use our Debit card, the day after we returned from our 3 day cruise, the total S&S amt was cleared from our bank account and we still had a hold for several amts, which totaled to our S&S account. We have done the cash deposit ever since. Don't let those who are being negative about this discourage you.


Thank you for sharing what happened to you.

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yes they made a mistake...but who is to say that the desk worker did not pocket the money??


and who is it to say they did? ever been accused of taking money when you didn't??


carnival doing anything is admitting guilt.

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I've had a similar situation at a resort one time and at the end of the day, it was my fault for not checking the receipt I was given at the time of the deposit.


Secondly, its only $40 - I wouldn't let $40 ruin my trip or make me worry so much. I understand the idea of being ripped off, but it wasn't like it was $400 missing. My mistake cost me $60, but after speaking to the manager and no way to prove otherwise, I let it go and enjoyed the rest of the my trip.


Even when you're on vacation you still have to double check everything to make sure your bills, receipts, etc. are all correct, otherwise, individuals will take advantage of you. Chalk up the $40 to a lesson learned.

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Reminds me of one time when leaving the airport parking lot, I gave the lady the parking ticket PLUS $50 bill. BAD IDEA! She slipped the $50 into the register and then processed the ticket. Then she turned to me for the money... what the... I already gave you $50!!! Issue got resolved after some period of arguing...


From this point on I always use debit/credit cards... less risk of money falling through the crack.

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