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Cruise Panic


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Wow, I thought it was just me. I look so forward to vacation and then right before we go I think to myself and even tell my husband that I don't think I want to go. I worry about what will happen at home while we are away since we always leave at least one of our "teen aged - young adults" home. When we go on our cruise in four weeks we will be leaving all five of them home (Ages 17 to 24). I woke up this morning and immediately thought, maybe we should not go on this cruise. We have had this cruise booked for a year and it is to celebrate our 25th anniversary. I think I am just crazy!!!

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Wow, I thought it was just me. I look so forward to vacation and then right before we go I think to myself and even tell my husband that I don't think I want to go. I worry about what will happen at home while we are away since we always leave at least one of our "teen aged - young adults" home. When we go on our cruise in four weeks we will be leaving all five of them home (Ages 17 to 24). I woke up this morning and immediately thought, maybe we should not go on this cruise. We have had this cruise booked for a year and it is to celebrate our 25th anniversary. I think I am just crazy!!!


Happy anniversary, rjcards !

To the OP, instead of buying new underwear and socks, bring old ones and throw them away once you will no longer be using them Saves more room for souvies ! :D

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Don't worry.. I forgot my bathing suit one year and ended up buy a man bathing suit shorts from the Ships shop and borrowed a top from my roomie.. a little small but ok.. we make the best of it and enjoyed every minute...

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I'm beginning to think all the talk of economic hard times is garblygoop, while reading CC. monicajay not everyone has the funds to be able to replace items that they already have in their possession and afford a cruise for vacation as well. Very good advice if you are made of money, not so good if you've only allowed so much for your vacation with an emergency amount for the unforseen.


Sorry you misunderstood. I am not suggesting buying everything, what I am suggesting is not stressing about it. Very rare that a forgotten item can not be done without or re-purchased if necessary. Nobody who can afford a cruise, transport to get there, shore excursions, service charges, and a drink or two is going to convince me that they are suffering in these economic hard times.


My suggestion was regarding last minute laundry in order to complete the packing. A few new pair of underwear, socks or some new pj's won't break the bank and will often allow the suitcase to be closed up and the stress of packing to be gone.


NO, I am not made of money. I just don't like to sweat the small stuff.

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Sorry you misunderstood. I am not suggesting buying everything, what I am suggesting is not stressing about it. Very rare that a forgotten item can not be done without or re-purchased if necessary. Nobody who can afford a cruise, transport to get there, shore excursions, service charges, and a drink or two is going to convince me that they are suffering in these economic hard times.


My suggestion was regarding last minute laundry in order to complete the packing. A few new pair of underwear, socks or some new pj's won't break the bank and will often allow the suitcase to be closed up and the stress of packing to be gone.


NO, I am not made of money. I just don't like to sweat the small stuff.


You are right perhaps I did misunderstand when you wrote the 3 things you make sure you take and not worry about the rest. And yes people that don't have the extra to spend on something they already own are perhaps short on funds but have scrimped and saved in a vacation account to maybe have that one vacation that counts.


I do agree most people do not forget things they really need and most things that are forgotten do not make or break your vacation. I also won't disagree with not sweating the small stuff, but some people are worriers and all the "don't sweat" advice in the world is not going to change a lifetime of character. Glad you can be like that, I'm also glad in my many years in life I have learned to lean more in that direction as well, but it has taken many years to get there. Hence the reason I know that type of character so well, I used to be like that.

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I am heartened to hear that I am not alone in this predicament. Thanks for all your words of advise and encouragement. I think the one that will work best for me is to pack this coming weekend and not wear anything next week that we plan to take on the cruise.


We have downsized and our bedrooms are small so there is really no place to leave open suitcases with relatives sleeping on the guest bed.


Once we leave they will sleep in our king bed. I plan to strip the bed and throw the stuff in the wash and it is up to them to remake the bed.


One good thing...I will not have to worry if I turned off the coffee pot or shut the garage door.


Here's to 10 days to go and a very strong effort NOT TO STRESS!

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I can identify with this and I haven't even cruised yet. We go usually go on two vacations a year, and before everyone I get so stressed out about packing, getting the house clean (so I don't return to a dirty house) etc.


My husband doesn't get it at all, but I'm the one that cleans the house, packs for myself plus the two kids (hubby can take care of himself), makes sure all little critters have adequate food and water supplies before we leave, takes the dog to the kennel, plus it seems I always end up with a business trip the week before we go which adds to the stress. The last day or so before a trip is always super stressful for me.

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Loved the packing tips and suggestions - I keep trying to bring less and less each cruise. NCL does make it easy with the Freestyle Cruising - hubby didn't really need long pants every night so I will cut back there next time for sure!!


I completely understand OP's anxiety - but hope the stress melts away once they're on board and have a fabulous trip !!

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I am heartened to hear that I am not alone in this predicament. Thanks for all your words of advise and encouragement. I think the one that will work best for me is to pack this coming weekend and not wear anything next week that we plan to take on the cruise.


We have downsized and our bedrooms are small so there is really no place to leave open suitcases with relatives sleeping on the guest bed.


Once we leave they will sleep in our king bed. I plan to strip the bed and throw the stuff in the wash and it is up to them to remake the bed.


One good thing...I will not have to worry if I turned off the coffee pot or shut the garage door.


Here's to 10 days to go and a very strong effort NOT TO STRESS!


Sounding much more positive..............seal up those suitcases and then forget about it. Vacations are supposed to be about fun not getting over-stressed. Hope you have a wonderful cruise!

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We went for such a long span before vacation that I made myself crazy time and time again going on cruises.


For our 25th wedding anniversary we decided to renew our vows on board. So that made for more clothes, organizing, etc. I was packing things a month before we left!! Since I get to pack for both of us (he'd just throw the stuff in there and squeeze the suitcase shut) I wound up leaving out a couple of pair of shorts I wanted to take.


Now, as others have suggested, I make sure that there is no "everyday" clothes that need to go into the suitcase. The last cruise I packed the day before we left. I did put out some clothing on my dining room table (only spare room at the moment). I then said to DH - no interruptions, no phone calls, nothing - we're packing right now. Together we went over everything we needed to take - no panic, just slowly did it. Best thing I EVER did, did not forget a thing.


I make sure we buy new deodorants, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc. and put them into carry-on as soon as I buy. As OP said have enough undergarments so you can have them put aside. Once the stress kicks in then you don't necessarily think clearly and you're packing more than you'll ever need. I cut down last year and we still had some clothing we didn't wear.


With NCL's relaxed dress code it really does allow you to pack less. We take golf shirts/pants, nice polo shirts and that's fine for the MDR and even the specialty restaurants. I brought a pair of capris and dockers for him in case we needed to wear them in the specialty restaurant. I took a pair of sandals that went with either the shorts or the capris, a pair of flip flops, and a pair of sneakers to wear off the ship to walk around ports (better foot support).


Just take a breath and do things 1 step at a time -- that's very hard for we multi-taskers but, believe me, if you just slow down just a bit and focus on one thing at a time it all falls in to place and you'll be ready to go before you know it!!!


It's like us before company, you make sure the house is spotless and then you've got 5 or 6 plus more people in and out of the house and you ask yourself why you made it spotless as you now have to clean it again!!


Take a deep breath and pace yourself



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I can identify with this and I haven't even cruised yet. We go usually go on two vacations a year, and before everyone I get so stressed out about packing, getting the house clean (so I don't return to a dirty house) etc.


My husband doesn't get it at all, but I'm the one that cleans the house, packs for myself plus the two kids (hubby can take care of himself), makes sure all little critters have adequate food and water supplies before we leave, takes the dog to the kennel, plus it seems I always end up with a business trip the week before we go which adds to the stress. The last day or so before a trip is always super stressful for me.



I LOVE this thread! I thought I was the only one who stresses before a cruise!


Deedeetoo - I'm like you....I do all the arrangements, from booking the cruise, doing the research on the ship/ports/hotels/flights, then booking any excursions, airfare, hotel, getting the cash together (like this last cruise, Euros), passports, making sure we have a sitter for the dog with enough food, picking up all the toiletries we will need, etc. etc.


All my husband has to do is pack his bag....then he has the "gall" to say, "I don't understand why you stress so much before a cruise?" LOL, geez I wonder why too??

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I've solved the issue of no self-serve laundry onboard. (Too cheap to send it out!) Just take a spray bottle of Fabreze along. Spray the closet and the clothes. Works wonders. Especially after walking through the smokey casino. Aids in light packing. :)

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I've solved the issue of no self-serve laundry onboard. (Too cheap to send it out!) Just take a spray bottle of Fabreze along. Spray the closet and the clothes. Works wonders. Especially after walking through the smokey casino. Aids in light packing. :)


Excellent idea.....we pack very light...maybe we can even pack lighter.


OP...panic is a physiological reaction to stress. I hate flying...but sometimes I have to. I've used "square breathing"....it works. Just sit down, close your eyes, and try it whenever you feel an attack coming on.



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All my husband has to do is pack his bag....then he has the "gall" to say, "I don't understand why you stress so much before a cruise?" LOL, geez I wonder why too??



Are we married to the same man????



LOL, I'm sure alot of wives are thinking the same thing!! :rolleyes:


Although, to be fair, I'm sure alot of husbands go through this, as well.....where they are the planners and their wives sit back and enjoy the ride on the coat tails of their spouses until it's time to pack.

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What kind of transportation situation are you stressing over?


There is another thread about passengers being left at the dock in St. George on Monday... there were too many passengers and couldn't fit on the ferry and it was the last ferry of the night....:eek: Prior to this, I had read that there was trouble with the transportation because the tourists take up too much space and the natives end up missing busses or ferries, so they get first dibs and so on... the Royal Gazette has many articles about this situation and so does the PORTS OF CALL board on CC.... it seems that things have gotten better lately but I get nervous about stuff like this...whether it be rational or not!!:o:o

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There is another thread about passengers being left at the dock in St. George on Monday... there were too many passengers and couldn't fit on the ferry and it was the last ferry of the night....:eek: Prior to this, I had read that there was trouble with the transportation because the tourists take up too much space and the natives end up missing busses or ferries, so they get first dibs and so on... the Royal Gazette has many articles about this situation and so does the PORTS OF CALL board on CC.... it seems that things have gotten better lately but I get nervous about stuff like this...whether it be rational or not!!:o:o


Yep, I worry alittle about things like that too, but I try and make sure we have a few hours of buffer time before the ship leaves....but yours should be an easy solution. I haven't been to Bermuda via a cruise YET, but it is on my bucket list and I have done a little research on Bermuda cruises. So from what I have seen ships usually dock overnight, so I would do St. George the first day, then the next day, spend the day in the port where your ship docks.


But either way, I would leave St. George, early afternoon, before all the locals get off work and have to use the ferries, as well.

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Definitely don't stress the transportation thing. The ferry ride in itself is beautiful. The island is beautiful. Just do what was in the post before mine - do the furthest point first. We've been to Bermuda several times and I still haven't had the chance to see St. George's. Our first trip was Bermuda only but other cruises have had the one day (or should I say 8 hours) stop so that leaves you with only planning one thing to do.


These issues are probably being driven by labor disputes. I can't see Bermuda being that stupid as to not resolve everything when they depend so much on tourists.


Have a great cruise and come back and tell us how much fun you had!

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When on a 14 night cruise I pack the same way as the poster with 5-7 tops but when I get to a port I buy a tee shirt for the next day in port and that saves one of the packed tops for the next week of dinners or sea days. I will usually buy 3 or 4 tees this way and then just roll them up and pack in corners of suitcase for trip home.:)

Near the end of the week the cruise ships usually offer good deals (2 for 1 or similar) on ship's tees.

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Well I seem to be at it again. Every vacation I look forward to it for months. Then shortly before it is time to leave I go into panic mode and my nerves go through the roof. I keep trying to rein it in but I can feel the panic arising as we leave in 12 days.


DS & DDIL law are coming to stay at our house so I need to have it clean, clean bed sheets, etc. Our house is really small and I usually use the guest bedroom to lay out our suitcases and pack, check list, pack, etc. Now I do not know where I can do this. There is always last minute laundry to do and get packed. We work right up until we leave so there is no downtime there either (can't be helped).


I am trying to take deep breaths, we have decided to scale down our packing this time (and I really hope to do it) but since we are driving to the port there is still a lot to get ready.


How do others handle this? By the time we are ready to leave I almost do not want to go I am so stressed out. Of course, once on the ship all the disappears and I am excited to be there. Just a worry wart I guess.


take a deep breath and calm down. I usually get the luggage out about a week ahead of time and just stick it, open, in the corner of the bedroom. Then I can put things in as I think of them. Our carry ons (make up, etc) stays on the bathroom counter and as for guests and the bedrooms. I can clean the guest bedroom including changing sheets in about 20 or 30 minutes. How dirty does it get when no one is using it?

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Adding onto my initial post, DH is leaving town for business tomorrow and will not be back until Monday afternoon. That means I will spend the weekend doing laundry, packing, etc. He's not allowed to take anything out of town which he will wear for the cruise except underwear, lol.


Next week at work will be a bear. It always is when I have to cram 2 weeks of work into one. I work with very tight deadlines which means I have to get everything done ahead of time. No, there is no one else to do it.


Had a dr's appt but just decided to cancel that till after the cruise instead of taking 1/2 day off work.


It will get done, it always does. I cannot wait till next Friday when we take off. Who knows what time that will - hhmm what time will DH get out of work?

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