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Amsterdam-14 day Alaska cruise Review 7-8-11


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Day 7, Thursday, Sea Day: We slept in this morning and got up around 7:00am and went to breakfast there after in the lido, boy this is getting repetitious. Asked Wendy and Johno from Australia, who were walking around looking for a table to sit with us. We had shared a table at dinner one night during the week. We had a nice breakfast with them and learned they were spending the next several months traveling around western Canada and the USA. I went to the another Techspert class at 10:30am and Joyce went on a kitchen tour. She then joined me for the later half of the class. We stayed for the next class “Put your best Face Forward II” which teaches you how to edit your cruise photos. We then headed to lunch and decided to try the hamburgers on the lido deck at the Terrace Grill. We were very satisfied with the hamburgers (cheeseburgers in fact). The buns were made on board and were pretty good and the hamburger patties were not over cooked to the consistency of a hockey puck. It was a pretty good hamburger and they hit the spot.


Being such a lazy day we went back to the room and Joyce worked on backing up photos on our netbook but it gets frustrating for her when there is only 1 gig of Ram. This causes the photos to be very slow in opening…oh at least they get backed up. We have never had a problem with cards going bad but at one of the techspert classes a passenger came in with a card that his camera could not read with numerous days of photos on it. Well Frank took a look and confirmed it was corrupted but took the card and said he would try to recover the photos. Luckily the passenger had backed up all except one day of photos. Frank, after 4 hours, was able to recover 90% of the day’s photos. We did another Microsoft class later in the day.


The weather was cloudy and the seas had picked up a little, but it did not bother us except our walking pattern down hallways looked we had a few too many drinks as we walked in a S pattern. This is the first time we noticed those “bags” hanging from handrails near elevators but we did not see anyone use them, thank heavens.


After taking a nap in the afternoon we went to diner which was a formal night. We came back to the room since we did not go to the show with the singers and dancers who were doing Dancin’ Fool. I did some reading until the 11:00pm snack time. I think all I had was a small bowl of ice cream…could not fine the leather hole punch I was looking for the previous night.

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I have to laugh when you consider 7:00 a.m. to be sleeping in.


That's funny. I' trying to add a little humor in my review.

During the work week I get up a 5:45am it's relative.

In addition the sun came up around 4:00am, kind of hard to sleep in.

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During the work week I get up a 5:45am it's relative.


Yup, it is relative. We go to bed about 1:30 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. so 7:00 a.m. would hardly be sleeping in. For you, I see that it would be sleeping in.


Yes, it did provide some humor!! Great report!!!

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There are many times, especially this summer :rolleyes: , where AK can be quite a bit warmer than Seattle even... it completely boggles the mind :)







While I have seen some hot days in Seattle, I usually find the "Emerald City" to be a bit on the cool side. Your fair city is not nearly as warm as Chicago or Ft. Lauderdale would be during the summer.

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when you take the computer classes do you have to have use your own/bring your computer ??? or does the ship have computers you can use for the class??


Good question. HOpe this gets answered by tomorrow. I am currently leaning to leaving my computer at home, but this could change my mind if no computers are available.

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Good question. HOpe this gets answered by tomorrow. I am currently leaning to leaving my computer at home, but this could change my mind if no computers are available.


I just answered it above and was posting as you were writing. The ship supplies the laptops which stay in the Micorosoft rooms.

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I just answered it above and was posting as you were writing. The ship supplies the laptops which stay in the Micorosoft rooms.


Yes, I did see your answer. Thank you. I was just wondering if they ever run out and if so, would they allow you to use your own?

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Yes, I did see your answer. Thank you. I was just wondering if they ever run out and if so, would they allow you to use your own?


If you bring your own computer and if you haven't purchased time on the ship's internet you will not be able to access the internet. All the class computers are set up for the internet but you are not suppose to us them except for class related work. One of the classes treaches you how to sign up for Windows Live in order to upload pictures onto Skydrive. We were allowed to upload pictures then notify friends with a link to view those pictures.

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If you bring your own computer and if you haven't purchased time on the ship's internet you will not be able to access the internet. All the class computers are set up for the internet but you are not suppose to us them except for class related work. One of the classes treaches you how to sign up for Windows Live in order to upload pictures onto Skydrive. We were allowed to upload pictures then notify friends with a link to view those pictures.


Is this a class have you to sign up for to guarentee being able to use a ship computer?

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Day 8, Friday, Anchorage: Well I’m halfway thru my review and it’s been fun hearing all your comments. This is the first time I have posted a review. A link to our pictures is coming.


We set the alarm for 6:00am to watch the ship coming into Anchorage. Well here we go again, SUNSHINE and a clear sky, boy what boring weather???? I’m an Oregonian and I am starting to miss the rain. I can’t figure out what we are doing right to be rewarded with this type of weather? We got lucky as we pulled into port and saw Denali (Mt. McKinley) off in the distance. Also the Alaska mt. ranges were in view and pretty. We pulled into the industrial port complete with lots of security so there is nothing there to see. You must take the bus-shuttle or a taxi to get into town. We think they allowed people to disembark about 8:15 to 8:30AM. After a quick breakfast in the Lido we went out and took one of the shuttles to downtown around 9:00am. The buses are full commercial buses and were nice and clean and they dropped us off right downtown at the Eagan Civic Center across from the city park. It took about 10 mins. to get there.


We just walked around and did some shopping along with walking to the Captain Cook monument that overlooked the Cook Inlet. The downtown area started to fill up with ship passengers but we had to get back to the ship around 12:00 for lunch and then our excursion.


Our excursion stated at 1:30pm and was the Portage Cruise & Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. We started out driving out of town and up the Turnagan Arm while low tide was out. A lot of mud flats to see but it was sunny and the sights were great. Our guide-bus driver an ex-Air Force veteran who had a pile of info to give out while we drop to our first stop, the Wildlife center. We drove around in the bus the first two spots to view moose and musk ox. But we finally got a chance to get off to view the two grizzle bears that were waking around the compound. We drove around to other stops to view elk and finally to the gift shop were we got off for about 20 mins. We dashed back over to the moose and got some great shots. Ran back near the bus where two brown bears were wrestling in a pond. That was great to view. We then drove up to where we picked up a boat to tour the lake and see the Portage glacier. It was a pretty large boat with an upper open deck and lower enclosed deck. We headed up to the upper deck for good views for MORE pictures. Good narration and sites along with excellent views of the glacier. No calving though but it was pretty with deep blue colors. I just hoped Hubbard would calve more than this one. After about an hour viewing the glacier we caught the bus and headed back to Anchorage and the dock. Now the tide was coming in and we saw a little bit of the tidal surge coming into the Turnagan Arm. We got back to the ship about 7:00pm. We dashed up to our cabin and changed to go to diner in the main dining room. Good dinner again with new tablemates.


After dinner they had a movie in the Queens Lounge-Unknown with Liam Neeson and Aidan Quinn, which we did not got to. They also had the Filipino Crew show at 11:00PM but the late night snack had me roped into it. The thing that was strange was at 11:00pm the sun was still in the sky! Weird having the sun up that late, we have never experienced this before. Boy you don’t want to live in Alaska if you can’t sleep with light shining in your bedroom window. Over all Anchorage was a great stop with great sights and a neat city.

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We heard that you had a breaching whale, did you see it? We got lucky and saw the bear on the beach and Floyd got as close as he could for photos and for the two young boys on board to see. If I remember you went by the same spot the bear was at but did not see him, correct? We did see a sea otter which was neat. Wish it was not so foggy but it was still a good trip.



Unfortunately, we didn't see the bear (the only wildlife we didn't see this trip), but we saw the whales surface many times; no breaching though. We did see otters and many, many seagulls. Since you can't predict when or if the whales or bears will appear, we still enjoyed this trip.

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Is this a class have you to sign up for to guarentee being able to use a ship computer?


The microsoft digital classes are first come first serve. The computes are to be used for the class work and not for personal e-mail use or web surfing. If you need internet access you can go up to the Explorations lounge and sign up there. There are computers there for everyones use. The internet on ship is very slow and slower if a bunch of people are on at the same time. The internet connection is by satellite.

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The microsoft digital classes are first come first serve. The computes are to be used for the class work and not for personal e-mail use or web surfing. If you need internet access you can go up to the Explorations lounge and sign up there. There are computers there for everyones use. The internet on ship is very slow and slower if a bunch of people are on at the same time. The internet connection is by satellite.


I understand that these computers are for the class only and not for internet surfing. I am just trying to figure out if they have enough computers for those wanting to take the class, or do they run out?

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I understand that these computers are for the class only and not for internet surfing. I am just trying to figure out if they have enough computers for those wanting to take the class, or do they run out?


No there are not always computers available. During the early days of the cruise there are more people than computers but he has two large scrreen TVs that display what he is covering during the class. Seats are available in the back of the class that you can sit and listen and view the the class. Just get there early to get a good seat.

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No there are not always computers available. During the early days of the cruise there are more people than computers but he has two large scrreen TVs that display what he is covering during the class. Seats are available in the back of the class that you can sit and listen and view the the class. Just get there early to get a good seat.


Thank you. One last question. I was debating bringing our netbook, but now I am thinking that I would need the software that was on the computers in the class, so it might not be worth it anyway. What do you think?

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Day 8, Friday, Anchorage: Well I’m halfway thru my review and it’s been fun hearing all your comments. This is the first time I have posted a review. A link to our pictures is coming.


We set the alarm for 6:00am to watch the ship coming into Anchorage. Well here we go again, SUNSHINE and a clear sky, boy what boring weather???? I’m an Oregonian and I am starting to miss the rain. I can’t figure out what we are doing right to be rewarded with this type of weather? We got lucky as we pulled into port and saw Denali (Mt. McKinley) off in the distance. Also the Alaska mt. ranges were in view and pretty. We pulled into the industrial port complete with lots of security so there is nothing there to see. You must take the bus-shuttle or a taxi to get into town. We think they allowed people to disembark about 8:15 to 8:30AM. After a quick breakfast in the Lido we went out and took one of the shuttles to downtown around 9:00am. The buses are full commercial buses and were nice and clean and they dropped us off right downtown at the Eagan Civic Center across from the city park. It took about 10 mins. to get there.


We just walked around and did some shopping along with walking to the Captain Cook monument that overlooked the Cook Inlet. The downtown area started to fill up with ship passengers but we had to get back to the ship around 12:00 for lunch and then our excursion.


Our excursion stated at 1:30pm and was the Portage Cruise & Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. We started out driving out of town and up the Turnagan Arm while low tide was out. A lot of mud flats to see but it was sunny and the sights were great. Our guide-bus driver an ex-Air Force veteran who had a pile of info to give out while we drop to our first stop, the Wildlife center. We drove around in the bus the first two spots to view moose and musk ox. But we finally got a chance to get off to view the two grizzle bears that were waking around the compound. We drove around to other stops to view elk and finally to the gift shop were we got off for about 20 mins. We dashed back over to the moose and got some great shots. Ran back near the bus where two brown bears were wrestling in a pond. That was great to view. We then drove up to where we picked up a boat to tour the lake and see the Portage glacier. It was a pretty large boat with an upper open deck and lower enclosed deck. We headed up to the upper deck for good views for MORE pictures. Good narration and sites along with excellent views of the glacier. No calving though but it was pretty with deep blue colors. I just hoped Hubbard would calve more than this one. After about an hour viewing the glacier we caught the bus and headed back to Anchorage and the dock. Now the tide was coming in and we saw a little bit of the tidal surge coming into the Turnagan Arm. We got back to the ship about 7:00pm. We dashed up to our cabin and changed to go to diner in the main dining room. Good dinner again with new tablemates.


After dinner they had a movie in the Queens Lounge-Unknown with Liam Neeson and Aidan Quinn, which we did not got to. They also had the Filipino Crew show at 11:00PM but the late night snack had me roped into it. The thing that was strange was at 11:00pm the sun was still in the sky! Weird having the sun up that late, we have never experienced this before. Boy you don’t want to live in Alaska if you can’t sleep with light shining in your bedroom window. Over all Anchorage was a great stop with great sights and a neat city.


I had not realized wildlife center was a drive through. Do you recommend this tour? I am reconsidering our purchase and debating the zoo...

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We were on the 14 Day Alaska cruise from 06/24/11 through 07/08/11. We also did the excursion of the Portage Cruise & Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. Although it started off driving to the further reaches of the center to see the Musk Ox and some bears, we quickly returned to the main area (gift shop and food) and parked, giving us over 40 minutes to walk around and see the other animals (as well as get a drink and snack from the visitors center which was included in the tour). The Wildlife Conservation Center was very interesting as was the later part of the tour with the Portage Glacier Cruise. Unlike this reviewers cruise, it was cloudy and rainy 12 of the 14 days of the cruise, which we loved as we are from Las Vegas and seldom see rain.

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Thank you. One last question. I was debating bringing our netbook, but now I am thinking that I would need the software that was on the computers in the class, so it might not be worth it anyway. What do you think?


We were on this cruise in May and I attended a couple of the classes. The software that they use is the Windows Live package so you would need that software on your computer to do the exercises. It is a free download from Microsoft but I think it requires at least Windows Vista. If your netbook has Windows 7 you could download the programs at home and use your netbook for the class. However, you could not post pictures or email links without the internet connection. That is a minor part of the classes though. I had my own laptop with Windows 7 but didn't have the programs installed so it wasn't much use for me.


My DH and I both have cameras and took a total of about 4000 pictures on the cruise. With the laptop we could download pictures each day and review them. I seldom do any editing during the cruise though. There are just too many other things to keep me busy. :)


Rick, I am really enjoying your review and look forward to seeing your pictures. How many did the 2 of you wind up taking?

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Thank you. One last question. I was debating bringing our netbook, but now I am thinking that I would need the software that was on the computers in the class, so it might not be worth it anyway. What do you think?


We did bring our notebook along only because we used it to backup the photo chips and I did get on it in ports for free wifi. I did not use it in the class because I did not pay for internet access. Also, I took it since I did not have to worry about weight since we drove to the port.

I think if you take some of the classes on board you will enjoy Frank, he's very knowledgable.

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We were on this cruise in May and I attended a couple of the classes. The software that they use is the Windows Live package so you would need that software on your computer to do the exercises. It is a free download from Microsoft but I think it requires at least Windows Vista. If your netbook has Windows 7 you could download the programs at home and use your netbook for the class. However, you could not post pictures or email links without the internet connection. That is a minor part of the classes though. I had my own laptop with Windows 7 but didn't have the programs installed so it wasn't much use for me.


My DH and I both have cameras and took a total of about 4000 pictures on the cruise. With the laptop we could download pictures each day and review them. I seldom do any editing during the cruise though. There are just too many other things to keep me busy. :)


Rick, I am really enjoying your review and look forward to seeing your pictures. How many did the 2 of you wind up taking?


We took about 3,000+ pictures that we kept on the chips. That's after Joyce culled photos out every evening before backing them up. She'd shoot a lot of pics out the bus windows of which all of them did not turn out. We have learned after shooting over 3,500+ pics on our 2009 Panama cruise that it was easier to cull poor pictures out. Trying to handle that many pictures was becoming overwhelming.

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I had not realized wildlife center was a drive through. Do you recommend this tour? I am reconsidering our purchase and debating the zoo...


We did get the chance to get off the bus twice but it was not as long as another poster stated above. If we had 40 mins. we could have walked back to each spot ansd still had time to thru the gift shop. Portage glacier was pretty nice but then again we had great weather and clear skies. We thought the excursion was worth it.

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